We Truly Need the Guardian Angels


We Truly Need the Guardian Angels

October 2, 2019 – Memorial of the Guardian Angels

This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit through the messenger, Lucia Phan.

Lucia: O God, it is 3:34, Wednesday, October 2, 2019, at St. Michael Church. First of all, I thank God for letting me come here with my brothers and sisters. I am determined to ask God that I receive the words from my guardian angel as well as from all the guardian angels all over the world. Through each and every person, God has given to our human world, for us to receive their words, and God also told us to obey our guardian angels, to always respect them. In fact this world does not know about guardian angels, and rarely, and few people know that guardian angels are present with us. It is true in the divine realm, but since faith is very limited, hardly anyone knows that our guardian angels are always with us – even us.


It is only from the moment The Six Kowtows appeared that we understood the importance of the presence of archangels and angels. Since then we feel there is something and we become very close to them though we do not see with our eyes. We feel their very close presence and that they always protect us. So every time we offer The Six Kowtows, at the end, when we pray to the angels and archangels, I can feel that the angels in heaven are not just our guardian angels but all the angels to whom God allows us to pray to. They seem very close to us and they are always ready to help us. Whenever there are certain events or something necessary on our paths, in the family and even in our daily work, they always remind us regarding the spiritual works we are doing.


O God, today, personally may I say this? God, last night I came home so late; this morning I felt very tired and I wanted to rest because I have a meeting tomorrow night, but I treasure each day and hour You allow me to still exist in this world so I must complete my duty. I promise to God I will work until the last moment of my life even though my body is exhausted. As Jesus said, “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” O God, I ask for this opportunity, since it is from Your grace that I can do this, so I continue. O God, no matter how I am, please forgive me for the mistakes and imperfections in my life, from my birth until my adulthood, and until the day I meet You.


Today in my humanity I am definitely still weak, imperfect in my words, deeds, actions, thoughts. God, please allow me to sacrifice in this moment, to pray to not fall into the allurement of sin and also to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially our relatives, our benefactors, and especially for our mission, for all those still living to turn back. Besides, there are the brothers who follow me, the brothers and the sisters who are with me. God, please help me be wholehearted with them and to testify to the things that You do, to help them while I am alive in

this world. God, please accept our prayers. I pray and I believe there is nothing impossible for God.


So no matter how weak and sick, God is with me and God walks with me. Please help me achieve my work, because this world truly needs prayers, truly needs people who see the truth. Faith is truly needed to remove all weariness, difficulty, sickness in life. The spirit will triumph. The grace of God will help me do what God wants me to do. I know that there will be times according to the law of nature, but I certainly trust God to help me today, for God will have a way for me. There are so many unresolved matters in my household that I ask God to help me be complete this week. Tomorrow is our first meeting of the month; the day after is First Friday, and every month we remain with God on First Friday. God, please arrange for me next week regarding matters at home, for things to be properly arranged, for my daughter to be prepared for the tests next week. Recently I seem to let go of everything – I had no time to take care of my children (1), even when they have exams. I am truly tired, with so much work. God, please help me have the time for me to complete my duty toward my brothers and sisters in the group, regarding the work You assign to me. I also ask for my daughter to have time, for me to arrange things for my children. I lift up to God at this moment my heart, my soul, and all of me. God understands. God knows. Today with the brothers and sisters, we thank God. We thank God for everything that God gives to our world. We thank God for giving us our guardian angels.


Indeed, we are very happy to be children of God. God arranges everything. I live in God’s protection every second and every minute. Each one of us, even though bad, sinful, yet God always gives us a guardian angel to protect us. The guardian angels always adore God in heaven, so when we listen and we live in obedience, when we walk in justice and righteousness, they rejoice. They return to heaven to offer to God, present to God, report to God. In this world everyone has a guardian angel. Unfortunately, we do not know, we do not listen, and the times we commit sinful deeds, our guardian angels are very sad. Their faces are very sad, because they have nothing to present to God.


Each guardian angel keeps following the person God assigns them to watch over. The guardian angel waits for each person to awaken, something he yearns for, but he does not have the right to interfere in the decision of each person in the world. That is the law as I know it, as I feel today after nine years. In fact, our guardian angels do a lot of things for us – they always want us to be holy, to be virtuous, and they always present to God, which is the work that God assigns them in their heavenly duty. God, may this world know, improve, receive the lofty spirituality You grant, receive what comes from heaven spiritually, through each one of us. May we learn to live holily, learn to live righteously, learn to live in the truth, because each one of us cannot stray from God’s way, even though our bodies are frail and sick, but our souls still live, our souls still make decisions. The soul still has the reasoning to either continue or stop, to either execute or follow the world in the weakness of the flesh.


O God, I lift up to You with earnest words from myself, from my own personal life, from the days I experience. Now God allows me to say this, to have a message when I still have the opportunity to ask, to lift up, to offer, and to present. If one of these days I no longer have the opportunity then this is the message blessed by God to awaken all the brothers and sisters, everyone in this world. In fact, mankind has a truly intimate, lofty spirituality, which is the soul God grants, and each soul has a guardian angel to protect it. That is the lofty spirituality God created in mankind and He allowed mankind to receive that spirituality, but when God gives mankind a human body then that is a reality.


In the doctrine, that spirituality cannot be described. There is always something spiritual God has granted for us to know, which comes from holiness, from a determined effort, from overcoming challenges and trials. Ultimately, we still receive the protection, which God has granted through the guardian angels. In the old days I never knew that. Once when something happened in my life, I prayed – I was sad, because there were so many unresolved things around me, especially my family life and my marriage as well as my failing business. I had nowhere else to turn. I came to the chapel to be with God. I prostrated. I wanted to speak, to present, but I could not do it.


I only looked at God and I bowed my head crying, sobbing, crying so hard, crying nonstop, crying for over half an hour. After crying, my heart was relieved and I was able to kneel and say my prayers. I did not know how to pray, but in my sadness I only knew to lift up what I was able to say and pray in general. In the old days, I only prayed one Our Father, three Hail Marys, one Glory Be, the Act of Contrition. With the Hail Holy Queen I even stumbled. I did not know any other prayers, but after facing failures, I did learn a few more prayers. So it is from saying those prayers that once in the evening, when I was praying, I saw a very tall angel. When he spread his wings, his wings were very large, but when he closed them, he looked like an eagle that usually we see perched on a podium, with its wings down, no longer flying. He was just standing there. So then I looked and asked: Sir, who are you?


Why like this? He did not answer, but he was mournful and sad. I heard a voice in my soul: “That is the guardian angel”. So when mankind does good works and walks in God’s way, then the guardian angel is very happy, with his wings spread out – he always flies to God to inform and tell God about the person he watches over. When we do things that are wrong and we do not know, when we do not do anything good and always commit wrongs and sins, then his wings are drooping and he is very sad, but he remains behind us. The guardian angel remains behind us, he does not say a word, his face is very sad. He has nothing to present to God when he follows a person – he protects that person, but that person does not obey, lives in iniquity, and is unaware of his presence.


This is a story present in my subconscious, but I did not understand it. I do not know but certainly God granted me that before I received the grace. For a long time in my life I had never heard nor understood the meaning of the guardian angel, though familiar with the name of guardian angel. However, I never prayed to him and never knew who he was, except for one thing: I saw his wings drooping because I did not live in the teaching of God’s way. From the time I received the grace from God (2) to the time I received the gift from Mother of The Six Kowtows, and then after offering the Sixth Kowtow, I have prayed to the saints and to the guardian angels so I understand the meaning each day more and more, and from there that has become my habit to pray like that.


So today I feel the lofty spirituality enveloping me. The guardian angels are working, and with my own eyes I can see every time a storm comes, every time the fog comes down, every time there is rain and storm; I see of multitude of angels, flying down to do their works – I do not know how it is in the divine realm, but God allowed me to see. What I know is that the guardian angels always support and help us and there are many other guardian angels, with many works that they are doing in the divine realm. So today I thank God – please take away the weariness, the pain in me – and I ask God to give me an enlightened mind to receive the Holy Spirit’s teaching, word by word, to offer to God my gratitude, my thanksgiving for everything God has given and granted. And to the angels and saints, my thanks and gratitude and apology to them.


We apologize to God, apologize to the angels and saints, because there are so many people in this world like us, who share the same destiny and who are brothers and sisters in the ranks of Christians: Christians who do not know their guardian angels, who are distant with their guardian angels, and at times very indifferent to them. So today, please look at us and give us the opportunity to lift up words on behalf of the world, of all classes, all roles, on behalf of those who hold functions, and also on behalf of all the sheep of God, to thank the guardian angels.


Today the Church reminds us to remember the guardian angels and thank them. We thank them for teaching us, so that along with them, we praise God, the powerful, mighty One who has granted in a special way to mankind. He loves us and He created us with love, with tender care. The omniscient God protects our souls, but also respects us and expects us to make choices so that we may see the lofty spirituality. Happiness is the love that God gives for us to grow and understand this, to have this, even though today is too late, but to God it is a blessing to sinners like us, to those, though late, for whom God still waits – for the heart, for the soul, to know. That is the greatest happiness that God has for us in particular and for the whole world, for all classes of Christians who are His children, for all roles and ministries to have the opportunity to understand this.


So we truly need the guardian angels. May I receive a message today for everyone in this world to know of the divine presence from heaven. God gives us in a special way the support through the guardian angels for us to not be afraid, because they will help us and there will be times when we cannot keep up, or in certain things they always support and pray for us. We must respect them, love them, and obey their teaching, because when we believe and we experience then they will support and help us greatly. When we have urgent matters that we cannot do, they will help us and act on our behalf with things most necessary in the spiritual gifts that God has granted them to help.


For example, we have children who live far away – we are busy here, in our service and many things in life that every family has. So our children live in some places, facing something very critical – we have no chance to be there to help them. How can parents not worry about their children? When something goes wrong, we cannot make it in time; we pray for the guardian angels to come first to help our children at all costs in the divine realm – there is a certain urging, through a certain person, through someone, to provide the help in the most urgent time, when we cannot be present there.


The guardian angels always do these things, and even when we pray for the souls in purgatory, we ask the guardian angels to help us when we sprinkle holy water – when we pray to lift up to God the souls, surely the guardian angels always help us spiritually. If we are acutely aware of this then our lives are truly meaningful, because we have the archangels, the angels, protecting us in the divine realm. We must try to cooperate with them for this life to be joyful and peaceful, for nothing to lure us apart from God’s way. Unfortunately mankind does not see and the eyes of faith are so immature; we still doubt, judge, fear, and many times we think that our success is simply luck and many times we believe in idols. So this is a wrongful act toward the guardian angels and a wrongful act that is committed by many in the world and in the current society.


Today it is a world in which people only believe in reality. The more they do not understand, the more they do not believe, and the more they live in need and necessity, but they do not think of spirituality. We remain in anxiety and sorrow, in doubt and fear, at times in deceit. When we do not walk in righteousness then the devil will have the opportunity to take control of us, the chance to influence us by giving us different thoughts and things that we think are within the limits of a worldly life. We think the world itself has nothing spiritual, and from there those thoughts lead us to the sins that we have committed in our daily life. So we just need to understand the lofty spirituality that we have for us to live avoiding sin, lessening sin, and be determined not to sin.


The only thing is that we must believe. We need help and we need to pray constantly – then certainly we will never fall into the lures of sin or be governed by any situations when we have the help of the archangels and the guardian angels. The angels and the choir of angels always support us when we ask and pray, for God is the One who allows us to know and God allows us to have the archangels, the angels, the guardian angels, and the choir of angels to help us. Even when the human world asks for help, they do not refuse, because they are those whom God has chosen to become the archangels to govern over many other angels, and the angels serve in each function, each order. Every rank has a hierarchy in heaven and every choir of angels has a certain work to do. They are serving in heaven and when needed, God also allows them to serve with lofty, spiritual things for the human world, to preserve and protect. So these are things we truly do not know, but through the words of the Holy Spirit, at every Memorial of the Guardian Angels, God gives me this opportunity to learn more, to pray to be close to the divine realm, to pray to encounter things that are impossible today for the world. God grants and bestows so that we may receive what God gives, for us to live a reformed, improved life, to live a righteous life such as God calls, and that is the truth. Over many generations, this generation is a generation full of iniquities, because people are weak and remain in a sinful state, in the state of a victim. God has mercy so He has poured down graces in a very close way to teach us. That is the gift of The Six Kowtows. Mother Mary wants us to understand this gift.


Mother wants us to practice this gift. Mother wants us to know that from this gift, we will receive a spiritual book of the end of history that God the Father gives to humanity so that from there, we are close to heaven, we receive heaven’s help, and that is the closest and most critical contact, which heaven never refuses. We all surrender, submit to God. One thing we need: we need to belong to the Supreme Being whom we worship, the Supreme Being whom we trust, the Supreme Being whom we fear, the Supreme Being to whom we prostrate and surrender, the only Supreme Being whom we adore, the Supreme Being whom we proclaim, the Supreme Being from whom the Divine Mercy’s love transforms the world. This is the most urgent time. Humanity must know, must understand, and understand the order of heaven that God grants to help us in our life to learn how to make contact with our guardian angels in an intimate way.


Thanks to their intercession, from there we have the help of the archangels, and many saints continue to help us. This is the most wonderful thing God has granted us through each kowtow that we respectfully offer and every earnest prayer we lift up. The most urgent things God gives to the world at the end – to those who know, believe, practice, profess, and every day pray in the way that Mother has taught us; both soul and body, mind and heart, to unite everything that comes from the God who created, to return to the one God we worship, thank, praise, to ask for forgiveness.  From there we meet the heaven that God has given us and the Father who always grants to His children all the inheritance.


So today is the greatest enrichment that we receive. Daily through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, His arrangement for us to receive the abundant teachings in the book of the end of the history of the age, which God has given us from heaven, for those who practice Mother’s teaching. That is the gift of The Six Kowtows that we have received in the past few years, today, and in upcoming days. We know that thanks to these Six Kowtows we mature. We even overcome our illnesses we thought we could not, yet we do, thanks to The Six Kowtows; we become courageous and we go on. We serve God, worship God, the powerful One, the almighty One, the One who does all things – there is nothing that God does not do when we truly belong to Him. We pray to completely belong to the Lord, for Him to use us according to His will and to become His instruments. We pray for this.


God has brought us back from the weak and the lowly to become mandarins, to become princesses and princes, to become people He loves, to become the messengers and the prophets for the human world. For humans it is impossible, but for God, because of the heart, the listening, the obedience, nothing is impossible for God. Whether illnesses, all incurable diseases, God is filled with Divine Mercy – to those who believe and who pray, He never refuses, He understands the situation, He understands each one of us, both soul and body. O God, please do not let this world control us – by money, by selfishness, by thinking, by calculating, by all aspects of life. Though there are many things about the life of needs and necessities, what is spiritual is that God wants us to take one more step to consecrate fully to Him, to take one more step to offer everything to Him, to take one more step to serve Him and in everything He arranges.


As God said, “Serve Me first then I will take care of you later” [see Matthew 6:33]. God takes care of us more than we do, but the truth is no one truly dares do this, no one truly dares to  absolutely believe this. So our life still holds on to worries and fears, our life is still in an uncertain state. God said if we absolutely believe in Him then our life belongs to Him then He never lets us suffer, be hungry or be depressed. So the only thing is that we ask God for this gift to discover a new history in which God offers to humanity the opportunity to be restored and to return in an abundant way, from the spiritual life to the material life.


We offer countless thanks and praises to God for us to experience heaven, for a faith that today includes the archangels and the angels and the heavenly court. We pray to see the family of a great kingdom as we are the children of the King of the universe, the Father of humanity, the Father who forever gives love and mercy to the whole world and to each of His children. We pray in the Name of God who is the Lord of love. Now and for ever and ever, we worship God, praise God, honor God, thank God along with the entire heavenly court, along with our guardian angels. Daily, we prostrate to and profess God. O God – we thank God for giving us the opportunity to say these words in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This my heart longs for and is a true presentation of my heart, as my heart greatly desires.


So today we prostrate to God. Before I do anything I rely on the First Reading and the Gospel. Today God speaks through the words left to the prophets and messengers as well as the saints, which are recorded in the Gospel. Every day with Holy Mass we are reminded and taught. That is the doctrine of God and the Good News of God. Now I read so that I may know the love God grants us through the guardian angels and also to know the works that they do and to receive God’s teaching about the guardian angels. Now I read and ask God to help me understand the teachings of the Holy Spirit through the words we read, so that we may continue with a life of practicing everything that God gives. This is also a narration needed for this world.


First Reading – Exodus 23:20-23


Thus says the LORD:
“See, I am sending an angel before you,
to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared.
Be attentive to him and heed his voice.
Do not rebel against him, for he will not forgive your sin.
My authority resides in him.
If you heed his voice and carry out all I tell you,
I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes.

“My angel will go before you and bring you to the
Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites,
Canaanites, Hivites, and Jebusites;
and I will wipe them out.”


Gospel – Matthew 18.1-5, 10


The disciples approached Jesus and said,
“Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?”
He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said,
“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child
is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.
And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones,
for I say to you that their angels in heaven
always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”


O God – I thank God; the things God bestows and gives have been in history from the beginning and this is also the First Reading from the Book of Exodus. It was very clear that God has spoken and has bestowed upon each one of us a guardian angel. They have protected, and they always wanted us and helped us on the path of righteousness. They are also the ones who choose and help us regarding certain places that seem to have a protection God has given each one of us.


God Himself taught us. We must be cautious in front of the guardian angels, careful in front of our guardian angel. We must listen and not do contemptuous things, when we do not understand or offend or choose the wrong way, then surely, as God said: the guardian angel will not forgive when you make mistakes. Because he bears My Name in him, if you obey his words and keep all that I command, then I will be an enemy of your enemies and I will punish those who threaten you – My angels will go before you, leading you to the places recorded in the Book of Exodus, the same as today, just as God is giving each one of us a guardian angel and in every work when we are the ones who choose and have chosen to be instruments for God to use; this is a true testimony in the life of the past nine years, from the day we left the place where we live to start going around to spread the gift of The Six Kowtows. Certainly, whether we know or not, the guardian angels have protected us, guarded us, and led us through difficulties, accidents, and things around us, with the enemies, with those who try to harm us, forbid us, reject us. The guardian angels have protected us.


This is something true – we can see with our eyes to experience, but in fact, every deed must have evidence. Let us each day step deeper – because of  faith, we affirm; because of faith, we receive this; because of faith, we truly have. So then today, relying on the Gospel as well as the Good News, God has granted us in a special way to talk about the guardian angels, and the Church also reminds with a memorial for the guardian angels.


So this is true and mankind must learn and live with a life that God Himself has offered, and He Himself has given us the opportunity to receive the support from the guardian angels. So today let us not stop there; to know things God has said, we must have respect, listen and act carefully, to not commit sin, to not make mistakes and continue living in iniquity, in lust, in greed, or many other things that God Himself has mentioned in today’s reading. If we follow that way, we truly do not see, do not know, and we can get to the point of contempt, and the problem of contempt, as God said, is that we have sinned, we have been deliberate, and we do not recognize the presence of the guardian angel. Especially when we enter into a life of unrighteousness, a life of crime, of sensuality, and many more things in deceitful thinking, which are things that are contrary and also an indirect or direct disobedience to the guardian angel. Because we do not know, so we do not understand anything, but when we understand then this is a great value that we receive spiritually. But we must also see that if we are those who continue in such a life, knowing but still doing bad things, knowing but not avoiding sin – then we have sinned against our guardian angels. Today we have not felt yet, cannot face what we have committed, but let us remember that the guardian angels are the ones who care for our souls. So the day we stand before the court of judgment of God, surely every good thing we did was recorded by the guardian angel as well as bad and evil things. That is the time we must answer to justice before God.


  1. Her children are grown.
  2. The gift of locutions started in roughly 2011.



The messenger, Lucia Phan, is an American immigrant from Vietnam. She leads an intense prayer life that focuses on attending Mass and adoration of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. She receives the messages by way of interior locutions and is able to capture miraculous images of the Eucharist on her cell phone’s camera. When Jesus gives her messages, it is as a Father in the family, as the Master/the Teacher (for more on this please see the homepage of www.nrtte.net).



New Revelations Through the Eucharist


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