Do You Accept All that I Am Doing for You? June 23, 2011 – 1:05 a.m.   Lucia: Father, today, may I ask Mother to let me write about Mother? If Mother wants, either I or my sibling can testify at the church during the retreat this weekend.

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June 20, 2011 – 12:00 p.m. Adoration room   Lucia:  Father, as with every Monday, I come to visit You, and I wait for the words that You want to speak to me through the thoughts that come to my mind, the words for me to write

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Prepare Your Soul, the Day of My Coming Is Near June 2, 2011 Lucia: What do You want me to write, Father? Today, I am prepared, with this pen and this paper. Once You speak into my mind, I will write down everything You say to me

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