Be Determined to Renounce the Sins October 21, 2014 L.: O God, it is 7:28 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, at the Church of St. Theresa, at the holy statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at the holy statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, at

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October 19, 2014 L.: O God, it is 9:03 p.m. on Sunday, October 19, 2014; we are kneeling at the altar, at the Cross. Today we came back here after dinner; usually we come here to pray and then we leave, but today God has led us

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October 7, 2014 – Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary L.:  O God, every time I receive a message inspired by the Holy Spirit, I also pray to You to allow me to receive a message from Mother since today is the day of Our Lady

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