Receive the Gifts that God Gives July 24, 2013 – 10:25 a.m. In this message the Spirit of Jesus leads L. in her writing about the Charismatic Movement, the Divine Mercy movement, priests, and so on. Lucia.: O God, it is 10:25 on Wednesday morning. I am

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Every moment, I fight for you. July 16, 2013 Lucia, K., my two beloved children, K., you always seek and also want to listen to the words I desire to remind. You are a person who loves Me and God with all your heart. How many people

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The Love of God is Waiting for Every Single Person July 1, 2013 Blessed Mother: My beloved Lucia, This morning you were able to report the words that God gives to you through His Holy Spirit, the stories as well as the realities that you are living

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