Receive the Gifts that God Gives
July 24, 2013 – 10:25 a.m.
In this message the Spirit of Jesus leads L. in her writing about the Charismatic Movement, the Divine Mercy movement, priests, and so on.
Lucia.: O God, it is 10:25 on Wednesday morning. I am in front of the Holy Eucharist, in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel where I attend Mass daily. Today, this is something special that God had reserved for me, as He guided me here unexpectedly. I did not think that I would be able to receive a message from God, right here, in front of the Holy Eucharist. It is quiet today in the chapel. There is no one but me, facing the Holy Eucharist, and it is right at this moment that God gives me the opportunity and guides me here, to receive this message, for all the children of God, and for the priest whom I had anxiously prayed, to ask God to send him a message.
Our beloved Father, I know You can see the anxious hearts of each person, and the people that You are most concerned about are Your priests. You know and You understand their anxious feelings, in their apostolic lives, through the stages of the road they travel, in the past, in this present moment, and in the coming days. They are the people who bring Your words to everyone, when we have the opportunity to listen to their preaching, when we have the opportunity to go on the retreats to have the time for us to learn more about spirituality.
O God, Father X. is a priest whom I have heard about through the sharing from my sister in Christ, D. He is an excellent priest, filled with the Holy Spirit. He had served in the Charismatic Movement for over 35 years, in his life of service. He had traveled from the south to the north, and all over the world. At the places where he had preached, all of his preachings had the definitions and the understanding from the Bible, and he had attracted a large number of the laity. Through this, he had proved that the Spirit of God comes to all the sheep of God. Besides his preaching, the talent that God gave to him is a sense of humor, so wherever he goes, wherever he is conducting the retreats, he preaches in a way for all the people who attend these retreats to have a smile on their faces and for all to have a good time, spiritually, so that they are not bored when they have to sit for long hours in the retreats.
O God, I have not had the opportunity to attend this priest’s retreat or hear him preach yet. Besides, I do not understand English that well*, but through the sharing of my sister in Christ, K., I can recognize the things that I pray to You in this moment. He is a priest who is responsible. He is a priest who had spent the time in his whole life to seek the truth in the Gospel to preach, to witness for You, to guide everyone to come closer to the Holy Spirit, and to guide everyone to learn to receive the Holy Spirit in their lives, for everyone to be able to know the Holy Spirit. In the same way, we also have certain Vietnamese priests who are in the Charismatic Movement, who are in the Divine Mercy movement, priests who are excellent, who attract countless people in the world to come back to God.
O God, this is not a coincidence. This is something for us to take a look at, in this present period, about everything that God had mentioned in the Gospel. Things are happening, clearly, for everyone to see with their own eyes, and for everyone to seek to come back to God. This is a period of time when we have to look into our faith to know the truth, to know the things that are going on, to know the things that are harmful to the soul, to the spirit, and to the body, which are burdened by the things that we can see in the situations of the world today, the fame, the personal interest, the jealousies, the slander, and many more things hidden that we cannot see with our eyes. God knows everything. God sees all the things that are wrong, that are right, the things that are good or bad, the things that are evil, and the greed of people, who are taking advantage of their power to silence the truth, to falsely accuse the priests, to falsely accuse the leaders who are well-known in the whole world. These actions are clearly attempts to put an end to the talents through which the Holy Spirit wants to come closer to us. The Holy Spirit wants to come close for the talented priests to work in His life, entirely to serve.
This period of time is the period that God had made known to the whole world, from the beginning, and even from the Bible. It is in these last days that God will give to men and women the gift of prophecy, and for the old men to see in their dreams the things that God wants them to see.** The people who live in a remaining generation will also be persecuted, will be falsely accused, and even the evil people will struggle in this remaining period, to step into a new century, above the things that people are fighting for, looking for their own interests, looking for their own fame, without any concern for the common good and needs of the laity. The sheep of God in this era are in great need of the priests, they sorely need to hear about the things that the priests have learned their whole lives from the Gospel. Through the priests’ talents in their preaching, the priests can attract and they can easily guide the people, for the people to be able to come closer to the Holy Spirit.
O God, the Charismatic Movement is much-needed for the Church, through every era. This period of time is a period in which the Holy Spirit is working fervently, and where the grace of the Holy Spirit is there is a complete change. The new changes have allowed the people to be able to see the extraordinary signs, and so in the current events, there are certain things that cause the darkness to take advantage of the souls that are not firm in their faith, that do not know the things that come from God and the things that come from evil. The people are confused, and the way they live their lives, the way they pass judgments is not right, and so they end up with presentations that lack clarity, that have certain points mixed up with the extraordinary things, with eyes that cannot see the reality. Because of this, they had become obscured, and it seems that they did not receive much approval in their lives in the past months, and in this present moment. These are the things for people to have the reason to oppress, to destroy, and to harm the righteous priests, in the wise ways of the world, to falsely accuse these priests, who work zealously in the Charismatic Movement to allow the sheep of God to know more about the Third Person of the Trinity. As for the things that the priests had encountered in the days and in the months when they were preaching, they had the opportunities because the Holy Spirit is powerful, the Holy Spirit can heal people of all diseases, of all the things that people believe in, in their limitations. Some of the people live a life believing in fortune tellers, believing in the things that this world considers as a magical charm***, so when people realized this, they came to the Holy Spirit to be healed.
Everything happens as predestined by God. God has His own ways of working and human thinking cannot comprehend the works of God, especially the works of the Third Person of the Trinity. For this reason, we should look deeply into the positive things that we are able to have, with nothing happening that is negative as we are able to see in general in the situations of this world. Everything good that we receive is from the grace of God. In the things that are changed, in the practice of holy things, in the things that people can see, and to truly accept the truth that God is working, the number of people who can say this and who can recognize this is only a handful. God gives so many graces to those who attend, to those who take the time to attend a function of the Charismatic Movement. Of all the brothers and the sisters in Christ who attend, there are a great number who come to be able to receive the Holy Spirit. They change the way they live, they recognize the grace of God, they become new people in their behavior, in their manners, and even their family life has changed. If they encounter any troubles and sufferings, then these troubles and sufferings are the opportunities to allow them to look at the current situation and to see the presence of God.
God protects and gives things that are righteous. For this reason the number of people who follow God and who come back to God through the Charismatic Movement is quite high. So that is a sign that we have, for the chance to have the opportunity to have the meetings, to organize the movement. There were a number of people who have witnessed, and among this group, there were a small number of people who had many evil spirits in them, so a lot of things were done with them and some of them were healed, but there were also some who remained in the same way. The reason could be that these people still had not surrendered themselves to the Third Person of the Trinity, who is the Holy Spirit. So in the battles between good and evil, in certain things, people have not definitively given up their ego, they have not rejected sins, they have not rejected their self-interests, the fame, and conditions, especially their passions and their desire for money. They still live in sin, they still live in arrogance, they still live in hatred and unforgiveness, and they still live their life looking for things that are short-lived and fleeting. They do not practice righteousness, so their lives become even worse than before they received the grace from the Holy Spirit, because they do not pay attention for them to recognize and to be able to go deeper into their spiritual life, for there are ways to have a clear vision of the things that come from God.
The Spirit of God appeared after Jesus ascended into Heaven. It is the Holy Spirit of God who guides, who leads, and each Apostle had a different gift from the Holy Spirit. Since then, the Holy Spirit started to come to the world, to come to us. Everyone has the understanding and everyone has their own perception when they know and they come in faith and in prayer. The priests of God, if they participate fully in the plan of God, if they follow in the direction of God, if they follow His teachings in their words and in their deeds, then they are filled with the Holy Spirit and they live according to the blessings given to them by the Holy Spirit. This is something that has to be recognized, in the past and in this present time. This was also written in the Gospel, in the Bible. This has also happened to our generation, who are the descendants in this world, who really do not know much about the Bible, who do not know much about the Holy Spirit and His works, but we have the opportunity to attend functions of the Charismatic Movement through the priests, and we see the works that the Holy Spirit is doing on us, that are happening to us, are true. The Holy Spirit is present to help us, if we truly surrender to Him, if we surrender everything, when we know that we cannot do anything apart from God. Even with our daily, ongoing sins, if we have the Holy Spirit, we can reject our bad habits, we can reject our mistakes, for us to return, and for us to lift our hearts to God with the grace that He gives to us.
Our faith requires us to believe in what we ask, to have faith in the Almighty, to have faith in the Holy Spirit. Because of this, many people have been able to change their lives, from the Charismatic Movement, when they are able to understand that the Holy Spirit is in them, through their lives. Though we have lived through many years in sin, but in the minutes that we truly recognize and surrender to God, when we surrender to the Third Person of the Trinity, then we will be touched by Him, and we will have Him come to us, in our prayers, for Him to be in our lives through the practices, the gestures, and through the life that we reserve for Him. We will be able to experience His growth in us, and we will receive His support so that we will be able to change from our old self into a new person, to change spiritually, to change our perspective, to change our attitude, to change the way we think, to change our work, and even to change the way we treat family members as well as friends and the people whom we meet. This is how the Holy Spirit had worked in many generations, right from the beginning, until this century. The Holy Spirit is always active in His Church, for the priests to delve deeper, to seek, in order for things to truly be seen as coming from the priests. In the Church, there are currently some great people who are bringing God’s word to everyone in the world.
O God, the works that the Holy Spirit is doing through all the priests, through all the works of the people who are preaching the word of God, are put into practice and are flourishing with every passing day, but there are also attacks and sabotages from the brothers in Christ, from the people who are close to our hearts. In the way they live in this world, they carry the responsibility of priests, they carry things learned from the Church, but the most important thing is that in their lives, they do not truly recognize God, they do not truly know that God is the reason, that God is the truth, that God is the righteousness that people need to have in their lives.
For this reason, many things have happened. In this world, we do not look for a life of faith, so we end up in these situations that lack justice and truth, and we end up judging our own brothers in Christ, preventing the works that need to expand, the works that need to be spread, and the works that need to grow over the entire world.
O God, the things that are true, that we have seen, and that we have encountered through the priests are now being tied up, being confined. These priests are unfairly treated, slandered, they are caught in the present situations, which are the attacks from the evil spirits that are working in today’s generation, exposing and appearing, under human appearances****, to set things up in a way to ensnare, to slander the apostles who are working and who are spreading the graces that are most needed, the graces that God gives to them, for them to give to this world. God uses the priests to gather all the children who are lost in the world, who still have not found the way back, who do not recognize the truth, and who do not yet know that God is real in this world.
Let us look back at what the priests were doing through a typical movement such as the Charismatic Movement. Indeed there were priests who have brought many people in the world back, over a million people worldwide have found the way back, and the number could even be higher. Over 30 years, more or less, if they did not walk in the truth, if they did not walk in the truth and the righteousness which God blessed them with, then they would not have been able to continue for a number of years to live in a program that was increasingly widespread, that had attracted countless souls to return to the grace of God. This movement is for the soul’s life, even for the life of the body, and the spiritual life, which we are able to see, to hear, and to know. This is a sign that God gives to the human world but we do not accept it, we refuse it, and we seek to put away what the hearts of the laity are anxious for, of those who are in need, who are living in sin and who need some raindrops, who need the rain to cool their hearts, for them to know and to return to God, under the guidance of the priests, who have learned and who bring the most essential needs to the life of the soul, which the laypeople need to know about in this world, for them to return to God in the way that they have, when they have the chance to receive it.
This does not end here, there are more, because when I pray, I pray for God to allow me to be able to recognize in this moment, for me to be able to see clearly, for me to comprehend the aspects of the events that are happening, with the signs in them. Today this is a thought that I had, to pray to God for me to be able to have a message for Father X. I have never met him, I have never heard him preach, I have never known anything from him, but through the prayer, at this moment, the Holy Spirit allows me to be able to recognize these things for me to pray to God, to reveal the feelings of the priests who want to explain, who want to shout, who want to speak up about the truth. They did not stumble, they did not commit sins, but it is the brothers in Christ, the people around them who are the people who have fallen into the trap of the world of darkness, into the trap of the devil, so these people had either listened, had accepted or had followed, for them to judge the priests who have the ability to work for God, who have the ability to attract millions of people to return to the grace that the Holy Spirit is working on, in the world today.
To be a human being, a person must have a conscience, must have the eyes to see, must have the ability to discern, must be able to see the things that are good and evil, and must not allow the devil to take advantage, must not allow the snares of the devil to cloud the eyes, must not look at the brothers with a different eye, must not look at the little, flawed aspects of others to accuse another of a crime and sentence another to death for the crime. It is not a sentence to death by the sword, by stabbing, or by a sentence as in the past, in the way Jesus was beaten and was killed, but they are judging the brothers in Christ in today’s ways of the world, and within the power that they have they forbid the great works that God had chosen for the priests to do in today’s world. They lock these priests up, they restrict these priests unjustly, they hear only one side, they slander the talents of these priests who have been trained by the Spirit of God, they bind the graces, they do not allow the priests the opportunity to expand their works, and they do not give the priests the opportunity to meet the sheep of God. In today’s world, the sheep greatly need priests who are humble, priests who have a heart truly devoted to the consecrated life, for the priests to do noble works, with the intention of helping the children of God to be able to know Him, to be near Him, and to return to Him. These are the things that I have heard, that I have seen with the eyes, during the time I prayed. This is the recognition I feel in the spirit, for a humble person in this remaining society to speak up about justice with those who have authority, to speak up about justice with the priests who are living in the present.
Let us be supportive. Let us speak up for the truth, although we know in life that there are laws that cannot be overruled. In the remaining era of today, the essential needs are the souls of all the laity, the souls of the people who need help in their spiritual life, in the life where they need to come closer to God through the learning, through the understanding of the priests, who are bringing them closer to God, in the style of each person. Once again we are disappointed with the events that are happening in the inside, in a quiet way, in a natural way, and we end up not being allowed to have the things that we had in the past days. This is regarding a priest whom I know about, let alone the many priests in today’s world, who live a consecrated life, who offer their dedication to reap the laity and the sheep of God, for them to surrender to God and to return. Many people are quietly being locked up, being arrested, and being falsely accused. They are tied up, they are in prison, and they are even killed without anyone knowing. There are so many cases, so many in today’s world.
O God, there is also a priest whose preaching I have been able to listen to, though not all of his preaching, but I have seen him in a video, through the works that he did with God’s blessings. He is a person who worked in our country [Vietnam], and today there are certain things that did not happen by chance, but that were providential right from the beginning (when God chose and gave me the opportunity to receive His messages through the Holy Eucharist: God had reminded us of His Divine Mercy, then afterward, it was His Presence through the Holy Eucharist). Then I saw the video [in which he spoke of Divine Mercy and the Eucharist], which I did not know about beforehand. This is the truth. This is truly going on in today’s world, which I am able to hear about, though I cannot pick up all the words, but I know and I have the eyes to see. If the Spirit of God prompts us to look at the priests, then truly, they have been able to spread the Divine Mercy of God. God had used them to go all over the world today, from their homeland to other countries, and from all the corners of the world, people are aware and are returning to the Divine Mercy of God. God had healed mankind, and for the millions of people around the world, God had healed them from sickness, from disability – from the soul to the body – and even the young children who, though they are still too young to have deep thinking, they are able to recognize the touch of the Divine Mercy of God in the consecrated life, in the hearts that are united.
In the past, so many people have united together with the strength that they have in their faith in God, in their faith in the Divine Mercy, to continue doing their works, silently, for the whole world to recognize the holiness that God gives to them, through their help for the poor, for the sick, for the hungry, reaching out to the people who are in the jungles, for them to learn about God, for them to feel God, for them to be touched by God. God loves us very much. God loves everyone in this world, even if they are country people, even if they are poor, and even if they do not know anything in the jungles, they are still human, they are still the creatures whom God had in mind right from the beginning. God sent the priests, gave the priests the grace to understand and to feel, to bring the graces and the Love of God in them, for them to go find the sick, the poor, the people who are suffering, to perform works of charity, and moreover, to also comfort the souls of the people, to let them know about God, for them to recognize God.
O God, all the things that You do are perfect and good. The multitude of people in the world, and especially in my homeland, Vietnam, are living under a regime that does not allow people to exercise their freedom, but the Mercy of God still has pity on them, still looks for them, still gives them the opportunity through the priest. I have seen a video of a priest: while he was preaching, the poor parishioners who are not learned, even the old women who are blind and who have a hard time walking – they still walk slowly – come to listen to him, and though they cannot see the priest who is preaching inside, by the thousands they stand outside on the street, until the hour of Divine Mercy, and they wholeheartedly dedicate their hearts and their souls to God, to pray for Divine Mercy. So when we see that, we have to be touched, and we have to weep, not because of the priest’s talent, not because of what people do, but because we look at the Love of God, of His Love that comes close to us, which He shows to us, for us to see that God’s Divine Mercy embraces all of humanity, for us to see that God’s Divine Mercy embraces all of us, in all walks of life. The Divine Mercy of God comes close to all of us, wishing for us to open up our hearts and our ego, for us to find a moment to see the truth with our eyes, for us to be healed in our faith, for us to be healed in our bodies from diseases, for us to be healed in our souls. These are the great blessings that God gives to our world today.
This movement has continued to grow for many years in the world. When we look at the situation of life in Vietnam, from the south to the north, at the other countries, Australia, the United States, or anywhere else in the world, Divine Mercy is heard. Today, the priest is being locked up, and he is not allowed to continue the mission where God is with him. People, confused by something, or by the trap of the earthly world, have slandered, have falsely accused him of things that he did not do. In their positions as priests, they have to quietly accept the accusations because they cannot easily clarify or speak up about what they did not do. In their lives, they have to obey the Church, which is the way that it has been throughout history. There are certain things that the priests have to quietly accept and obey, no matter what. If people make judgment in righteousness, in the justice that Jesus had left through the 14 Stations of the Cross to remind the people who are in power, from society to the Church and to those in high positions, for them to have the eyes to see the truth in order to defend the truth, then that is the right thing to do. However, there are those who abuse of their authority with their jealous hearts, with their own interests, with their hatred, with their envy for the things that are not like the others, so they accept the false accusation of others, and in their judgments, they forbid and they tie down the priests who are bringing countless people back to God. We are the laypeople who are waiting, who are withered in our wait, waiting each day for God to give us the drops of rain through those priests, for them to irrigate our souls and our bodies in these days while we still are living on earth.
O God, Your Justice is always here. You bring Justice to all humanity, and Your Justice includes Love and kindness, always allowing us to come back, because that is what God sees, the mistakes that we make, the sins that we commit, our downfalls. He is still waiting, He knows that His children are walking in the truth and they have been persecuted because of righteousness. This had been proclaimed through the Gospel. He is still waiting and He is also longing for the children who are wrong in their own ways, for them to find the truth, for them to find righteousness so that they can return from the things that they realize as their wrongdoings. This is the period of time when God is giving us the opportunity. This is the period of time when God gives to everyone, for us to recognize the truth from the messages, for us to recognize the truth from prayers, from the subconsciouses that are given to us from the divine, or from our situations, for us to ask for justice for the priests. These priests are locked up, they are tied down, they are suffering under the oppression that people can see with their eyes, and they are not allowed to practice the things that God gives to the world today.
O God, this does not end here. There are priests in the Divine Mercy movement, in the Charismatic Movement, who are excellent, but they are still human, and whoever stands before God, no matter how righteous or good, cannot be completely perfect. Everyone has their shortcomings and imperfections, and no one is worthy before God. If He does not give us Love, for us to meet Him, if He does not give us the right to see Him as a Father, for us to come close, then indeed, none of us is worthy before God.
This is something that God had given. God had given, through His only Son. He had sent the Second Person of the Trinity into the world, who was Jesus Christ. Jesus came into the human world, He lived among the people, He brought the truth of heaven to mankind, He brought His Love to mankind. He chose the priests, He chose the people to proclaim the truth for the first generation when He came to earth, for us to have the Church, for us to have the priests. This has continued to today’s generation. Nobody can deny that, but we cannot entirely report all the details, and in our limitations, we only know certain aspects.
There are certain things that the Spirit of God is working on and He is coming to the priests who are excellent, who are very virtuous, who truly live a righteous life, who live for the truth. However, as in every era, there are evil people, there are people who take advantage of others, there are people who abuse their authority and who lack righteousness and justice. There are such people in every era, even though they belong to the clergy. This is the truth in every era, the imperfection that humanity has, and which we always have, facing God, but out of Love, God still allows the good people and the wicked people to live, like the wheat and the weeds growing in the sunshine, permeated with the Love of God, for all of us to see that God is Love. God is judging us, but He is also giving us the things for us to have the opportunity to change. He came to invite not only the righteous, but He came to invite the sinners, because we are human beings with imperfections and with shortcomings. We have committed offenses that we do not consider as sins, and we move forward with our rights, in our positions, in our passions, with our ego and with our unfair judgment in the events that we are able to see only with our eyes.
O God, in this world today, right from the beginning, You had been unfairly judged by those in power. Though knowing deep down that certain things did not happen, that Jesus Christ did not commit those things, Pilate, who had a compassionate heart, had tried to deliberately defend Jesus three times, but ultimately his ego was stronger, and concerned about his power, about fame and money, he had come to the decision of condemning Jesus to die. That was the first sign in a world that had just started, let alone today’s generation. After many thousands of generations, this remaining generation is flooded with evil over a hundred times greater, over a thousand times greater. So, because of that reason, we cannot deny our imperfections before God. Our only hope is for us to look up to God’s Love. Through His death, we now have the Mercy of God. Through the death on the Cross, He had returned in triumphant glory, to bring us to the place of hope, to bring us to the eternal place, to bring us to the everlasting, eternal place that God had reserved for mankind.
Through the past thousands of years, God wishes for the whole humanity to look at the Passion of God, to look at what God is doing, for the world and for everyone to truly return to God, for everyone to recognize the Love that He has for mankind. He bore the sins of mankind to give us life, but in our foolish ignorance, in our narrow point of view, and in our limited vision, we turn to learned things, we turn to knowledge and to the current realities as the evidence in life. Of course, there are things that people must handle according to the ways of the world and its rules, but in the spiritual life, according to God, we only have one thing, which is for us to trust in Him in our daily lives, to live according to what He taught – justice, truth – then our lives will be as if we are living in a miracle, and in all the miracles that God gives to us, in this world where we still live in our bodies.
There is nothing that He does not give to us, there is nothing that He cannot do, because He is God, He is a Person full of power. He had risen from death. So in our own lives, even if we encounter certain tragic circumstances, sickness, sin or anything else, if through the power of God and if we believe in Him, then the things that we desire and pray for will become true. God had also taught us regarding our lives right from the beginning, but because we had offended Him with our disobedience, this sin had lasted until today. We have to live in reality, with the words that God had proclaimed to mankind from the beginning, “In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread […].” We even have to treat the diseases that we have. These are the realities that people need to live with and to deal with every day. As for the daily issues of family life, the encounters in life, our abilities, our works, in the hardships and the difficulties of each person in the world, God sees and knows clearly the feelings of each. The indispensability of the human needs, He knows very well. In the realities of life there are laws. God had arranged for us to have the sky and the earth, with wild animals as well as tame animals, with animals that can be raised in a family, for us to love these animals, and for these animals to return the affection given to them according to what they can understand, though they cannot speak or practice the way humans do. This is given by God.
There is nothing that is not arranged by God. We are human, we must surrender to God, and we must believe in Him, especially in this remaining world today, where there are so many changes because of our sins, where we can see the extreme misery caused by our sins to the brothers. There are countries oppressing other countries, making demands for their own personal interests, in wickedness, in greed, in sin, in reputation, to suppress the truth, to continue raging with the violence that was planted by the devil in their mind. People live in ruthlessness and cruelty, in power, looking for ways to kill each other, looking to compete, looking for fame and wealth for themselves. So in the life of every soul, and from what each person naturally has in this world, do they have peace or not? Do they have joy or not? In the moments of rest when they need to be in the deeper realms of the soul, their hearts have asked themselves many times about what life brings for the people who always seize and pursue, the things that they already have, with the power they have in their hands. They continue to live a life of greed. They continue to live a life struggling to understand the purpose, and in their minds, they cannot stop struggling to understand the purpose. They forget that all of us will have to return to dust, that the human body will decay when we are no longer breathing. They forget that we all have to come to a world where we will meet the Most High, who is the One who has the right to decide for the life of our souls, the One who has the right to decide for the life that we may physically experience, and to comprehend the things that people recognize.
O God, there were too many, and there are many more if we look deeper. There are reasons for the people to always see the worst evil in every age, in every country, in all classes and in all circumstances. There is no justice, there is no truth, and because of that, there are narrow points of view from our ways of thinking, as we do not look at what is more important for the people to have in the world today, for us to be able to forgive our brothers once, for us to be able to forgive the things that our brothers have done in error, because everyone is guilty, because everyone makes mistakes, because everyone falls. Let us take a look at the repentances, at the changes; it is because of such that we are able to still exist in this generation today, and if we make judgments with the wickedness of man, then no one can exist according to God.*****
This is a clear symbol that we are looking at today, at Jesus Christ through the Cross, which is the Cross that we go to church to contemplate. When we look at the Cross and we feel the Cross, He is in the midst of waiting for something and looking for something, to remind us of the life of our souls. Because the human world had condemned Jesus Christ, because the sins of mankind had led Him to His death, and because of the injustice and the evil that mankind had committed, He had to endure the Passion, and through each stage of the Cross, He had shown to the world the sins that mankind had hidden during many thousands of years, not to mention going into the details of the sins. The message that is sent to the human world and to mankind today is the Way of the Cross made more visible, for mankind to understand the meaning of sin, for which God had humbled Himself to go into the details of each one, to show and to teach to people. The purpose is to bring people back to God. The purpose is for people to see the compassion that God has for each individual in the human race. God also had reminded His apostles, those who were selected as priests, and those who were the first to be anointed****** when Jesus had established His Church. He had chosen Peter to be the first Pope, as the first in the world of men to take care of His Church, which had been founded and had lasted through many centuries, until today. There are divine signs that had appeared, and the answer as well as the voice of those who have been in their graves for 2,000 years have returned, via a voice prompt to humanity, to the brothers in Christ, to the people in the hierarchy of the Church, to the clergy, to be able to hear His reminder, besides all the things that Jesus reminds to people, for them to clearly see the things that God gives to a world that He is inviting. The end will come, the day we need to return to God. Facing all the things that are coming to this world today, through the disasters, through the tribulations, things that had been arranged and set up in all the ranks, we had seen in the past days, and we will see in the coming days. The wrongdoings, frightening and grim, cannot come from the people who have a thorough grasp and who are living a life in which God had planned for the world to clearly see, through the prophets and through the messengers who had foretold the events that will come and will surround the world today.
God came, for man not to fear. God came for all of us to be able to listen to His teachings. The only message that He sends to those who are His children is to come to God through the Divine Mercy, to return to having faith in the Most High, who is a merciful and loving Father. He had waited for us for thousands of years. Everything will be coming to a final day, which will also be the preparation for the coming of God, so let us not fall into the situations of today’s society and today’s world, in our thoughts; in our intentions; in the things from our personality and our ego; with our offenses, in accidental or intentional ways, which none of us can avoid from committing from the actions that we do in life.
God does not look at the things and the points that show our unworthiness. He just wanted to remind all of us about the things that have gone by in our lives and are now part of the past. God always reminds us, always invites us to come to Him, when we truly can recognize the message that He is sending for today’s generation. He wants us to change, He wants us to walk away from the mistakes, and He wants us to return to His Love. He does not condemn. He does not conclude, either, that we are the ones who have to go to a certain place when we stumble. As we are the people who are living in sin, He only wants to support us for us to return to His Love, which is the promise that God had given to us. God had offered His Blood as the atonement and purification for the world.
Today, we live in a world full of grace. We can receive the last graces. He brought His messages to us, in this generation, a generation that does not have that many more days left for us to prepare for our spiritual life. So let us listen to what God calls us to in this century, let us give up our ego, and let us return, in love and in justice. We should practice the things that come from the heart, we should treat one another in brotherly love, in forgiveness, in sympathy. We should continue to unite, to bring love to one another, to have love in Jesus Christ, to have a pure love for each other, to have a love that is not mistaken, that is not exploited by the darkness of sin or by any unlawful scheme that people use superficially.
Jesus wants to come to us. He wants to come into our souls. He wants to meet with our hearts, one by one. He keeps reminding us that this period of time is a period when we need to look at the current realities. So many events have happened in this period of time that had never happened over thousands of generations. From the natural disasters, from the earthquakes, from the trials that people cause to each other, from the divine signs, from the apparitions, from the evil that is rampant everywhere, and from the good that comes from God, from the miracles that He gave for mankind to see and to recognize, the prophets had also appeared through His guidance, and the messengers also did as well.
The world today has a lot of people who are confused by the false prophets, by the false messengers controlled by the devil, who also takes the words of God to send a message to the people. We have to look deeply into it to see its weak points, when it cannot hide the truth, because it does not come from the Heart that Jesus gives to people, because we recognize that what we are supposed to receive is the truth. The truth that we see in the true prophets, that we see in the true messengers, the messages that show how anguished God is, how He only wishes and begs for love and for the return of mankind, for the children to come back to Him, because His Blood had been shed to purify every soul in the world. Because we are blind with the eyes of faith, because we are blind with our human eyes, because we are blind with the eyes of our consciences, because we are blind in our spirit, we cannot see the works that God is doing. God is working through the miraculous power of the Holy Eucharist, He is coming to all of His children who are wholeheartedly waiting, who are anxiously waiting. He is shedding tears continuously, when He sees our folly; when He sees our foolishness living passionately in the mire of sins, living in the errors and the mistakes, from our ego, from our evil hearts that are poisoned; when He sees His children surrounded by the snares of the devil.
The priests whom He had loved, whom He had given the right to Holy Orders, He wants these priests to be the ones for whom He had to redeem with the price of His Blood, these priests whom He had encountered every day through the celebration of Mass, for them to live a life truly coming to God, for them to live a life seeking to meet Him in their hearts. To recognize God’s Love will change us, will change a person’s greed, will change the unjust deeds of a person, will change the iniquities of a person, will change the things that we consider as knowledge, which is a knowledge in arrogance, when we belittle others, when we accidentally or deliberately do things from the way we think, when we do not recognize the beauty of the things that God gives and teaches to His children, which are humility, gentleness, wisdom from the Spirit of God, and also to be gentle as the doves which God had used in the symbols to teach us through the Gospel, when we are in a position to make a verdict and to pass judgment as well as to decide right from wrong in order to walk in the truth, in order to walk in the righteousness that God had left, not in the way of the people from whom Jesus was a victim right from the beginning, the people who had denounced Him, who had wrongfully condemned Him, who had used “the sword” to kill Him.
This is the grief of God, looking at today’s humanity, through many generations, for we cannot see through to the heart, and we cannot clearly define all the things that God had done for us and had given to us. In this last century, He continues to be with us. He continues to fertilize the rose garden of the Church to have more colorful roses. He continues to bring His grace through the laity, through the things that people have the eyes to see, that by the millions, by the tens of thousands, people had returned to God, people had surrendered to Him through the Divine Mercy. He had also appeared to give His children the healing from the Love that He gives to their souls, to their bodies, to their spirits. Everyone shares in one Love. He Loves everyone in this world, and He wants to bring all His children to the eternal place that He had prepared for us, but we had refused Him through our wickedness, we had rejected Him through the works that we did. We only desire this earthly world, through the mistakes that we keep heading for, and we continue to look unjustly at all the brothers that we meet in the present, instead of helping them, instead of contributing, instead of lending a hand to uplift their spirit, instead of helping the people who have responsibilities, for them to have the opportunity to do great works with a spirit of trust in God, to help all of His children from all over the world to receive Him, even the priests, to bring the Third Person of the Trinity to change and transform the world, all of humanity. Why do we not see those things, the great things that God had given through His grace? They are miracles. Truly God had come near us. Our eyes can see and we can touch, but we refuse, we look for the ways of the human world, we look for the knowledge of the realities, to trample the truth, to suppress the truth, to prevent the miracles to rise up from the darkness of this world covered by sins, covered by the shadows, covered by the veils that have clouded our views, and the hypocrisy of those whom we cannot see, to not be able to see the things that are right, the things that are wrong, to walk blindly in sin, to live blindly in sin, to blindly deal with things from our point of view.
In the spirit with which God is reminding all mankind, reminding the entire world, He had appeared with His face, to face us, to face the truth and justice, to help His children, to help those living in the truth to stand up. We, who are being reminded, in this generation, instead of doing penance, we had reached a point where we can no longer put an end to our sins. We no longer had faith, and we had pulled away from everything that we had received in the world and today’s society. Instead of having to pay a price for the sins that we are committing, through the sophisticated, the ingenious ways of the world, we are reaching the point where we no longer need, no longer receive anything from the divine or from God, we just accept the facts of the present time, for us to recognize, and we forget the signs that God had given to mankind.
God, with His power, with what He can see in the persecution of His children in the world today, He can deal with us in the way that we had seen, if we stubbornly continue, if we continue to disobey, and if we continue in error to do harm to the righteous people. We had seen in the story of Moses, how God had led His own people out of the land of Egypt. We had seen in the Red Sea, how the strong and powerful army of this world had drowned under the power and the authority of the Almighty. God has the right to do that to humanity. We do not live in the generation of thousands of years ago. We are living in this generation, which for us is the modern, new things with the circumstances of the world today, with nothing left from the past thousand years, but for God, in His sight, we still are the first humans and we also are the last ones.
We have been able to see that under the rule of God, over all of humanity, God still gives us the freedom to choose, the freedom as He had given it to us, right from the beginning. God uses Love and the Second Person of the Trinity, who is the only Son of God. He had sent His only Son into the world. The deeds done by the Second Person of the Trinity are the permanent accomplishments that God gives to us, through the Second Person of the Trinity, for us to have life in these days, for us to have the opportunity to change and to choose our path, for us to recognize the words that God had spoken. His faithfulness is there through all ages, for us who are in errors to have the opportunity to find the way back, in the mistakes that we had made in our lives, in rebellion, in greed, in pleasure, in fame, in lust. We are the evil ones but we do not see that, nor do we know that we have committed sin. Therefore if God comes and we do not have the opportunity to change and to prepare, then we need to ask each other, which one of us can stand before God and which one of us is worthy to step into the place that He had prepared for us? Because the price of the Blood of Jesus is of supreme importance, because of the deeds that He had accomplished, because of what He had given, because of what was promised to mankind, the Love will never be withdrawn and will forever be faithful. Only God is the Father. Only God is the King of the universe, full of power. He can make decisions regarding human life, in birth and in death. He has the right to make decisions to forgive us, and also the right to make decisions for us to be able to enter the place that we have the right to choose.
O God, Your Mercy remains forever. That is why today we still have the graces of the remaining days, when You select and give the world a Pope. In an era for which many people had waited, we have also heard about all the terrible warnings, about the Church, or about the places where things are going to happen, instead of the love that we have always had from God. For all the things that mankind should be rebuked for and should be punished for, when the time comes to face the Justice of God, then the merciful God had pity on mankind again, for us to have moments like today, to have this message, which is a reminder for mankind to know that God had chosen the reigning Pope, who is guiding the whole Church.
This is the Love and the grace that God gives to us in this generation.
We are the children for whom God had given and had arranged the paths for us to take, in our spiritual life, through the guidance of the Pope. He is the person who guides us, to bring us to unity. He came to bring peace. He is also the person who is changing everything from the past months, from the past years, from the past periods, from greed, from corruption, from self-interest and fame, from all the things that people hold in their knowledge for the benefit of the things that they are doing, even though they are the people who are not allowed to do those things, because they had learned about justice and righteousness, and because they had consecrated their lives.
Naturally, every environment has its imperfections and there are certain requirements that we have to follow to be on the right path that God had planned. The lies, the deceits, and the darkness will not be able to last forever because God is the Powerful Father. He has power over all creations. He has power over all the deeds that people are doing. There is nothing that cannot return to God, if God allows it. Since the children whom God loves are the children who are living in sin, who are living in error, who are living against the teachings that God had commanded, the Mercy of God always gives these children a place for them to return. For the children who live in righteousness, who live in holiness, He has to protect these children and to guide them, with the protection that He will give to them in His own way. On the other hand, God loves even more the people who had made mistakes and who are still living in mistakes.
God must be bleeding and weeping, through the Holy Eucharist, when He looks with grief at His children who live in a life that they had made promises to, but who are still greedy for fame, who still have selfish interests, who have clouded consciences, who are surrounded by materials, by fame, by ego, by personal demands, that are blurring everything else that a child of God needs to put into practice. Through thousands of years, with grief, He had seen how His children and how His apostles could not even see the beauty that God wanted all of us to see, for us to return in righteousness to the supreme good in the Truth, in the Divine.
This period of time is also the period about which the prophecies were mentioned in the Bible. The end of time is near. We need to come back. The good people or the wicked people will have to face all of the events that will occur in the remaining days. Each one of us has only one reminder from God, through the events that are occurring in today’s generation, through the new revelations, through the encounter of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, through the message sent to all mankind from the Divine Mercy, through the message sent to us to pray the Rosary to ask for Mother’s help, to pray to Mother, to continue to pray for the human world. As for the great things that we have seen, in the miracles where God came to man, through the healings of the diseases, through the healings of the soul, of the spirit, of even the body, we were healed by our trust, in coming to Him. These are the things that God wants to reveal clearly to all of us, for us to come closer to Him.
The words of the people who absolutely cannot speak the words that they understand themselves, the extraordinary things that God is doing, these are for all of us to see clearly that God had truly sent the messengers, that God had truly sent the prophets, who are real in this last era, to bring us back to God, and, through our views and through our choices, for all of us, from the sinners to the holy, to receive the blessings, if we truly recognize the Love of God, if we truly recognize the invitation of the remaining days.
We are living in this present period, and these are also the remaining days for each individual, for us to be prepared for our life of faith, for our spiritual life, from our souls to our bodies, for us to meet Jesus Christ, for us to see the things that we need most in life. We need to have the peace, the calmness, to look at the world today, with faith in Jesus, with entrustment in our individual prayers, to seek Him, to meet Him, to be reconciled with Him in our hearts.
We also have the promise of God, through His Divine Mercy, to give us forgiveness, to transform us according to His Love for each person. God sanctifies us so that we are worthy to receive the forgiveness of the remaining days. We also have the eyes to see that if we persist in our errors, this will affect other brothers, this will affect the things that we are called for, and we will have to pay the price with our decisions, when we are indeed wrong but we still remain stubborn, and we still remain hardened in sin. This is the path that we had chosen to walk on, in body, mind and soul, in the decisions that had been made with the facts that we are facing, clearly defined, for this generation and for the world today to recognize the message of God for all humanity, for us to reject what is evil, for us to reject the things that come from our selfishness, for us to reject our mistakes in the way we look at things, that are preventing the things that come from the graces that God gives to the world.
Let us all believe in one thing: that, if we live in evil and sin, then we will not be able to last, and we will have to pay for the evil and sin while we are still alive, but if we live in the joy given from God from faith, and we choose Him, then in our lives we will truly have peace, from our souls to our bodies, for each day and for each hour that we recognize the Love that God has for us, that a Father has for His children in this world. Let us go on searching for the things that come from the truth and that come from the righteousness that God gives to us.
O Jesus Christ, today You have allowed me to report a long message that took nearly two hours to complete, with the things that I did not know, with the things that I did not plan in advance to say in front of the Holy Eucharist. You brought me here, to be in front of the Holy Eucharist, to have the words spoken through my mouth. I confirm one thing that comes from the Holy Spirit of God, this great message, to be sent to all of humanity. With justice and righteousness, God reminds us to seek to return to God, to return to the messages that He reminds us of. God comes to mankind through the Holy Eucharist. Every day, we must realize and we must believe in this truth, so that we know how to follow the guidance and the instructions of the Spirit of God.
Please help me, today and in the days ahead, in the grace that God is leading me with every day, so that my ears do not hear the criticism of the human world, so that my ears do not hear the wrong judgment from the brothers who have a mistaken point of view. The graces that God gives to mankind through the Holy Eucharist are for the whole world to be able to receive the gifts that God gives to all, with the messages to the people on earth, for us to come to the Divine Mercy of God, for us to come face to face with the Holy Eucharist. The message is sent with the reconciliation that God is waiting for, wishing for us to come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and wishing for us to reject everything that has made us fall into sin.
God is also calling His priests to always use their time to get in touch with the criminals; to take care of the children who come for the Sacrament of Reconciliation – to use their hearts and the Heart of Jesus Christ to give to the children the forgiveness; to guide the souls of the children, in the love and in the heart that Jesus reminds us of, through each priest in this generation today. Look for the returning sinners, let them receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, support them, and guide them to the Body and Blood of God, for them to be worthy to receive the graces, the graces that God has given to the world, through the divine touch from the sacred place where God comes to souls. God transforms the wrongdoings when the souls actually come back, yearning for the graces. God also gives more things to the whole of mankind, to those who do not know God, who never accepted God, who are living in sin, but God still gives them the opportunity to meet Him through the Divine Mercy. When people actually come to Him and seek Him, He will answer through Divine Mercy for them to realize His Love for them, His Love for each individual, His Love for the world, His Love for every person in the human race, and for all the people through all the eras.
His Love is forever, and forever never changes. In the final hour, all His children, whether the apostles, or the laity, or those who never in their life had recognized, will be able to see and to feel, will be able to know of the miracles through Divine Mercy with which Jesus is working in the world today, and the Love that He wants His children to recognize and to see, so that we can come back to Him. He had also worked through the Holy Eucharist, to give each of us the opportunity to have our own private retreat, to be calm, to have peace for our souls, to rest in those moments when we come to Him in faith, for us to be able to perceive all the things that God gives to each person individually.
We are all God’s children, with the same love which He loves us with. Whether we belong in the high class or the low class in the world, in God’s Mercy, we are only one. The Love of God is very just toward each person in humanity. Therefore, we have the right to come and to ask for the Father’s Divine Mercy, we have the right to boldly embrace our Father, to ask our Father to allow us to lean on His Divine Mercy, to open our hearts, to pray for our Father to shed the light of Love upon us, to shed the light with which He wants to enlighten us to give us faith, to give us the life that we need for our spiritual life, which is necessary for the life of the soul, necessary for the remaining days in our earthly bodies, for us to boldly stand up, strong to witness for the truth that God gives to every person in this world.
Let us treat one another in love, let us support one another in love, and let us bring one another back. Let us invite all the brothers and the sisters in Christ to jointly receive the Mercy of God; to reject all lies; to reject all sins; to reject the things that people always have in our bodies*******; to reject the things that come from evil, caused by the darkness and sins. Let us be prostrate before God. Let us surrender before God, so that we become the sons of God by His grace coming to us. Our faith will be strengthened for us to truly become a new person, to become a person worthy to receive the forgiveness, worthy to receive the salvation that Jesus Christ, through the Eucharist, is recalling for the whole humanity, the children of this earthly life. Through the sufferings in life, through the sicknesses, through the events that everyone has to face in society today, come to God with confidence, never get discouraged, never give up praying, never refuse God, and never give up.
Come to God so that we will have God as our companion on our journey. Come to God so that we are the people who will always have God in our hearts. Come to God so that we are the people whom God will always defend with Justice, with the truth that we practice, for us to have the Love of God, who always chooses the best for us. Even though we encounter difficulties and challenges, let us trust in God, and we will be able to walk through the same journey that the Second Person of the Trinity had taken in the world, which was also by the Cross. We are His children. We are the chosen people; as His disciples, we must also go through the Way of the Cross in life, so that at the end of the Way of the Cross, we will be able to receive the welcome from the open arms of God, embracing us, taking us to the eternal place where He had already prepared a banquet, where He is waiting for His children, one by one, to come enjoy the glory of heaven, which He gives to those in this world.
This is the message for these remaining days, which Jesus has allowed L. to report this morning under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. L. has completed reporting at exactly 12:07 p.m., facing the Eucharist, in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel where L. comes to attend Mass. This is the message in which L. has reported everything that is happening, from the Lord’s guidance for L. to receive, directly through the tabernacle which L. is facing, to report this message.
O God, I thank You. These are the graces from You, to give this message to us and to all the people in this period, to speak of justice when You see them suffering with injustices, when You see the bindings that do not come from the truth. This is also a coincidence that God had given through the Holy Eucharist, through the revelations in the messages that were given, right from the beginning, until today. Clearly, this is an apparent coincidence of God’s Divine Mercy, which is the invitation reserved for this generation in this century. All of these things are happening for all of us to be able to come back to God, through the grace of the Holy Spirit. For this reason, today God has given me this message.
O God, please guide me, for me to know what to do with this message. I have to give this message in the way that You want, to all the brothers in Christ in the world, for everyone to receive and to hear. On their behalf, I offer words of thanksgiving and of praise to You, who were concerned for us, giving us the opportunities according to the message and the wisdom of God the Holy Spirit, giving us a path for us to see God, for us to see everything.
God gives us the opportunity, with this message to all of His children, for us to open our hearts, for us to listen and to believe in the truth that God is intervening, that God is coming to this world, for all of us to be able to return to the truth that God gives to today’s generation.
In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I thank God, I praise God, and I glorify God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
* L. is an American citizen who emigrated from Vietnam. The messages given to L. are translated from Vietnamese into English.
** See Joel 2:28-29 and Acts 2:16-18.
*** This seems to refer to the New Age/occult practices so popular today.
**** That is, the evil spirits are working through humans.
***** See Matthew 7:1-2 and Luke 6:37.
****** Both priests and bishops are anointed, so this may refer to the 11 Apostles, who, on the night of the Last Supper, were anointed as the first priests and bishops of the Church.
******* This refers simply to our hearts and our minds.
New Revelations through the Eucharist