The Rock of the Church’s Foundation


November 3, 2016

This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit through L.

L.: O God – it is 12:26 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, 2016, at the Vatican, before the altar, the Eucharist, in St Peter’s Basilica; we are kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament of God, asking to receive His words, especially for this trip. This is the first visit for me at this place and the first time for me to receive God’s words in St. Peter’s Basilica; before I start, I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me with what needs to be said, with what must be said, and to describe what I see with my ordinary eyes. Today, I see the face of Pope John Paul II, who was canonized a few years ago; I see his face and a white book through a window in St. Peter’s Basilica. And when I close my eyes, I see a circular phenomenon in green without any text – only a bright green circle. Next is a bright yellow circle, in my recognition, when I close my eyes; and now, next to me is a blue circle, the blue color of the ocean; then I see a black one. I do not know what the meaning of these three phenomena is, along with a smaller green circle, and a red circle, with flashes of yellow in it. This is what I see; I am reporting what occurs at St. Peter’s Basilica that God allowed me to receive, to see. (1) I come here to receive the Holy Spirit’s words – please remain with me and in me so that I may say what He wants me to say and allows me to bear witness to: what happened silently in the past months, which in silence, through the mystery of the Eucharist, Jesus manifested to today’s humanity; a warning of great importance that people need to hear, need to embrace, for the life of faith to be strengthened in every role, in every class. Today, that warning, accompanied by the mystery with the obvious and apparent miracle of the past silent months, appeared at the Vatican, in St. Peter’s Basilica.

O God – today, what we practice, we did not know anything in the past days, but I believe all these things are in God’s scheduled arrangement, right from the beginning, to give me the opportunity, for me and for the brothers and sisters selected in the ranks, to unite to serve with the divine grace that God reserves through the Eucharistic Jesus’ voice, along with the Presence of God’s light, manifested in general to today’s humanity and in particular to us, leading us everywhere. What is essential is that we need to practice with the heart – with the soul, with the prompting to today’s humanity, by the surrender, by the prostration, with a contrite heart along with a humble and a simple entrusting heart – to call upon God’s Name, in urgency for today’s humanity in general and in particular for each need and circumstance of each person in regard to the spiritual life, the life of faith, the unhealthy physical life. With everything else including politics, with the human life relying on the clever and sophisticated ways under the guise of civilization, people forget what is inherent in the doctrine, what is inherent in God’s law, what is inherent in the truth that they need in order to stand firm with perseverance and persistence in their perspective until the last moment of a Christian life. There are people who still do not know, people who still do not believe, people who are on the way back to the doctrine and the truth God reserved for mankind through countless generations, with everything that needs to be repeated and reminded through the contemporary Church.

No matter what happened to the previous generations, when God established and chose St. Peter as the first pillar of the Church, the first stone was placed as the foundation of the Church; he was given the key to heaven; the words He promised, once proclaimed, are forever. Today, in what happened, is happening, and will happen, there are many things people are experiencing and witnessing in this era; in terms of service, in terms of action, in terms of virtue, in terms of the world’s morality, especially for the contemporary Church, everything that exists in the divine realm yet is present is truth and righteousness; truth and righteousness will last and will forever receive protection and blessing. What is contrary to the doctrine, amending laws (2), and not belonging to God, then the day has come for that to be exposed to the light; nothing can be hidden from the truth and what belongs to God. So, in everything, with each matter and each fact, today the Church lets everyone recognize that God’s love seeks and helps each circumstance, each role; in the heart of each person, there is a clear decision, to recognize the good things that lead us back to God, to encounter God, to be close to God.

Let us recognize the needs of life, the principles of behavior people keep that do not bring peace, joy, and hope. Everything that comes from God lasts forever, and goes on, and proceeds with what is peace, joy, happiness, meaning, with calmness and wisdom so that each role and each person bears responsibility in the position regarding the Church. There are many things that only the Holy Spirit makes the decision on – in the works, in every role, and in what is outstanding to bring people back to the love and the Divine Mercy, back to God’s laws and regulations that are appropriate in the human world, to have the basis and the sequence in each level or in the direction for people to be centered in one rule, for everyone to keep order in one’s own position. There are many more wonderful things; God wants the heart of each person to know that His love is reserved for us and delivers us in every circumstance, with enough grace to enlighten us to accomplish all that is noble and good in the Holy Spirit; for love and the Divine Mercy to nurture us, to lead us, to bring us back to holiness, in His love and in His reign, in the soul, in the spirituality, and in the belief.

O God, today, there are so many things; the Church relies on the Good News, on the divine realm yet with God in the midst of the human world. God dwells in the Eucharist, and the Holy Spirit is directing every role, every ministry, to gather His sheep and bring them back; to seek the lost sheep that do not know what the way back is; to seek the wounded sheep that need bandaging, that need the Divine Mercy and the love of Jesus Christ. He is the Supreme Being who is Present and hidden through the Eucharist; He sees all; He knows all; He arranges and He is the master of all – all that is needed is people’s faith. If what we see in holiness, in peace, but we do not provide to other people then that is oppression, that is killing, that is contrary to morality, or contrary to statute, or contrary to God’s commandment. There are many things practiced in every generation, but what God needs most today is for the heart of every person to recognize between right and wrong, between good and evil, concerning what is most essential for people to believe, with determination in practice, to have love, forgiveness, generosity and humility. In life, people need to learn to be together, to understand each other, to love each other, to guide each other, to recognize that God will have a way to bestow justice on each and every person, in their own role, in our own role, and in every class.

God sets no limit; for everyone, from the highest level to the lowest, in every circumstance, God bestows upon us enough for us to live in the world, in society, in accordance with each individual. His angels and His Holy Spirit always support those who believe, those who seek Him, those who understand, who meet Him with prayer, who meet Him with a reverent heart, taking the time to serve and to worship. There are many things that come along, very simple, very ordinary, and banal; if every person is aware of this then in the world there will be no chaos, no war, no dispute, no fight, no envy and no hatred. But unfortunately, people neglected and ignored the most ordinary and banal things; from those main points people took a path that today has become a path in which the individual’s right, self-gain, and position are considered as important matters, abused by unrighteousness and evil. Therefore, people already faced, are facing, and will face great tribulations and even greater ones; they look for every way to exterminate each other, kill each other; and in many matters, in each country, in each role, in each ministry, in each position, in each family, in each class, instead of choosing God’s laws to be the master, they choose politics.

Therefore, it is very important that today there should be words spoken for people to clearly understand from the little matters, ordinary and most simple, but are most important. It is a most solid foundation when the heart of each person is aware and realizes what God’s love is; then along with faith, in the illumination of the Holy Spirit, he or she will know what is best for oneself, for people, for society, for the community, for each class, for the Church and for all of humanity. Sadly and unfortunately, people have the freedom to choose so today they act only within the limits of their belief and faith, but no matter how people embrace, no matter how people practice, God still has a way to be able to lead and bring people back to the truth, back to the light of the Gospel, back to love, back to the salvation and back to the Divine Mercy.

Today, people must open their hearts and have the goodwill to recognize what comes from God in the divine realm that is present, to help them embrace the mystery and the miracle that still exist, for them to be touched, to be open to receive, to feel close, to be determined, to believe, in order to accomplish what is extraordinary and wonderful. Humans cannot do this, but God will and can realize extraordinary things; what cannot be possible for humans, for God all things are possible when He allows. So, we must believe – every class, every role – and understand that our God is a sovereign God, who sees and knows all the needs, in each generation, in each person, in each role, in each ministry, in each class. The Church is the community He wants to represent Him, to act on His behalf, a community in which He chooses the doctrine to live forever; so today there are things to be reminded.  The presence of Pope John Paul II, the saint of this current era; he appeared and probably had a lot of things to say and must say.

This is the Holy Spirit’s inspiration for me to hear and complete in this moment. Starting with the words I ask to receive from God, what I hear I report clearly, narrated and recorded at the Vatican, in St. Peter’s Basilica, along with A., kneeling in front of the Eucharist, the altar, the Cross. This is a magnificent basilica that we visit for the first time; this is something great, for me personally, for the brothers and sisters in the group, and for all the people who have been sent, silently in the past days, but if without God, if without the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, there is no way this can be said, there is no way the extraordinary and wonderful work bestowed by God can be done; I only know to say what I hear and listen to what the Holy Spirit directs and guides in me and with me. Please [God], continue to help me according to His will, with what comes from Him and totally belonging to God’s will; so that what is humanly inherent in me cannot appear and cannot be realized in the Presence of the Eucharistic Jesus; so that I have the Spirit’s covering, to say what should be given to this generation, to remind all people of the need to gather, to come to the Eucharistic Jesus, to encounter the only sacred place in the diffusion of divine grace with the wonderful light shining for all people in the world; this is also a place where the angels, the saints, the entire heavenly kingdom is present, to help save today’s humanity.

So, if we want to meet what is divine, to come close to what is divine, to be close to God, let us feel God’s presence and be brave to recognize what God intends for us in this generation. Every class and every role have the right to come to honor, to visit, to worship, to praise, to fulfill the duties as His children; the duty of a person visiting one’s father; the duty of the people who realize what is necessary to practice in the life of faith, to practice what is holy. The doctrine and the truth that belong to Him and bestowed upon us intensely is the foundation for all God’s children, the foundation for every person, for each person – to find the truth, to come, to believe, to recognize God’s Presence, through thousands of years, in the Last Supper. That is the only sign in the divine realm we ask to encounter, which is extraordinary, realized over ordinary and commonplace people. Only with faith can we see what exceeds, far and wide, in the understanding, in the wisdom, in the decision to choose the path of belonging to God, the path of choosing God, the path of the doctrine of love, the path of truth that leads us into the light of perfection, suitable and reasonable in our lives, in all kinds of ways that are appropriate in the supremacy God reserves and bestows to humanity.

Today, may each one of us, each class, each person with position, hear, understand, experience and meditate, recalling what it is that the Spirit bestows, to help us rise, to help us be steadfast, to help us go on. The holy and virtuous people should continue; we must have the duty and responsibility to help our brothers, to bear witness to God’s grace and love, to continue to help the people who still do not know, who still do not believe, to live to prove that God is in us, through us, to lead the brothers on the way back; for them to also find the light in the faith and the love realized through our lives. So, when we recognize that our strength is weak and we are unable, God’s grace will help us realize it; God’s grace will help us become the people who honor God, the people who glorify God, the people who serve God, through a life of practice, through work, through each role. Let us not stop with what He has given but go deep down in order to ascend higher on the rungs of the ladder God bestows upon each one of us in belief and faith.

His grace is full and abundant; come to the Eucharistic Jesus, draw the special graces He reserves in particular for us in today’s generation, in today’s world, in order to save us in the days of being misled, in the days of not enough faith, in the days of not enough experience in the understanding of the doctrine, of the truth, and of His Good News. May each person recognize in our own self, that in our own weakness, we have nothing; only God can realize, only God can bestow and give, for us to see the greatness of being His children, of becoming the faithful and the Christians in the order of the Church. God, please forgive us and our shortcomings, our mistakes, our offenses, our violations; may He in His way say what He wants to say to us, to teach us, for us to experience what is needed most that He wishes to see in today’s humanity. Help us recognize the essential needs in the spiritual life, in the life of the soul, to practice, with the years, with the days when we see the urgent needs, to ask God to help save, to ask God to guide, to ask God to be the master, to ask God to intervene. Only with God can we live with peace, with joy, with happiness, with meaning, with all that is in sacrifice, in patience, in giving; in a life reformed, perfect, and holy, as invited by God’s Divine Mercy.

In the Jubilee Year of Mercy, how many people received the plenary indulgence? Let us not stop helping the people still living on earth; we need to help the people who do not yet know, who do not yet believe, who are still stubborn in regards to their belief in God; we need to help the people who are living in sin and unrighteousness while they are still breathing, and there are the people whom we must try to sacrifice more for, to pray for their souls to also receive the gift that today God bestows upon the world through Mother Mary, who helps, who teaches, who counsels, for us to belong to the protection, the shelter, to be His own people. With the depth, the width of the meaning of the Six Kowtows, we will understand the relationship and the association with the angels, with the saints in heaven, who prostrate before God’s Holy Face. There are many more wonderful things, not stopping with what is present in the divine realm but let us practice with what we are aware of in our condition, with what we were taught by Mother, in what we practice that is the surrender; we are under Mother’s protection, and with Mother’s intercession, we will have peace in all things. But before we receive that, we must remove pride, remove unrighteousness, remove arrogance, remove the ego and personality in the human freedom and ask God to be the master, for us to find deliverance, to find the path to peace, the path to a peaceful and a meaningful human life that God intends for us, in hope and with the Divine Mercy He reserves for us.

Today, what was received and reported was a message through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration in St. Peter’s Basilica, in Rome, before the Eucharist, the altar, the Cross.  This is a sacred place where every person comes to reverently worship, to silently pray, and to recall what needs to be learned, to be known. In these urgent times, practice with the urgent beseeching, asking God to have mercy and to accept, for the entire world to return to God and reserve for God what is most special that Mother wants, by action, by the heart, by the soul, by the mind – from the inside to the outside – for everyone to surrender and prostrate, to ask God to intervene, to support, to forgive, to give the world a new source of light. The lively Good News, the intervention from Jesus is still with the world, with the Holy Spirit’s help and support in the divine realm, through our plea to Him, to kindle the flame of truth, the flame of the doctrine, the flame of love, the flame of solidarity, the flame of unity, the flame of return, for us to receive God’s protection, through Mother Mary’s pure mantle.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her triumph are teaching and helping today’s humanity.  Let us listen to Mother; return to Mother, for Mother to lead us on the way to God, to be close to God, and be worthy to receive the Divine Mercy’s grace, forgiveness, and love, in the remaining days of the end of the century, the days with a new beginning, to enter into a new world. It depends on each person, on each person’s faith, and on our actions, to recognize what will come in the future, what we should decide. Only God can save us in the days we live concerning evil and good, days that seem to threaten all of us, with what people created themselves, to destroy according to the human way.  The devil and unrighteousness do not want what is best to keep going on, but he cannot win when people collaborate with faith in God. Moreover, we still have Mother Mary, who represents all mankind, who will not let unrighteousness dominate and encroach; who will not let unrighteousness destroy what is best and noblest that God reserves for us humans. We just need to have unity, collaboration, returning by action; we just need to recognize, to repent – then we will certainly receive the greatness that today from heaven God pours abundant graces and allows us to see His glory, in the power He intends for humanity in general and in particular for each individual; appearing from the Eucharist; from the Eucharist’s halo of light – each time, each day, each moment – to warn us of the great events, for us to receive the protection from the light of the Eucharistic Jesus.

These are the words said and should be said; in the Holy Spirit of God, L. concludes at this moment; it is exactly 1:02, on Thursday, November 3, 2016, in Rome, Italy, at the Vatican, in St. Peter’s Basilica. Today, L. receives this message at the Eucharist, facing the Eucharist, the altar, the Cross; this is also a place where people come in silence to pray – every class, every role, each child, each faithful of God; His own people. Today, I conclude what needs to be said and must be said through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and I thank God for allowing me to receive His words.  I lift up everything to Him; what He wants then please may it be realized in me, and what is not from Him please may it be taken away; each deed, each word spoken, each word reported, belong to Him, to glorify Him, through His reminder.

I and A. conclude at midday today, through the words from the Holy Spirit.  Please continue to enlighten the people in the order of the Church. May those who have functions and those who have duties in the divine mission listen, be humble and be willing to seek what comes from the truth God reserved and bestowed in grace to this generation, through the miraculous mystery of the Eucharist, along with extraordinary miracles. Only God can bestow and manifest to remind today’s humanity of the truth from heaven; and only with what comes from God can extraordinary things be accomplished as He bestows and gives. May everyone know and may all of His children return; especially the people who visit the basilica today as well as in the past days, and not just out of curiosity. May the Divine Mercy of God sanctify and transform each person so that they may change, so that they may be touched,  because here is the place God chose, the cornerstone, the rock of the Church’s foundation, for the Good News, the Gospel, the doctrine, and the truth, to continue to exist – everywhere, anywhere – and for the ends of the earth to know His Name, to recognize Him and to belong to Him.

In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I worship God, I praise God, I honor God, I thank God and I am grateful to God. Please forgive the hardened and stubborn hearts; please forgive the arrogance and the self-reliance of each role today in the ministry, to replace in them a humble heart, a simple heart, so that they really are the people God wants to look at. God longs to see the heart, the soul, the people whom He Himself created – the masterpieces whom He loves and cherishes. It is because of these masterpieces that God is still waiting until this day; by the extraordinary, wonderful works that people need to believe in; through the Holy Spirit’s activity and implementation, each person needs to look and recognize in oneself what belongs to God, to belong to Him forever, to be sheltered, to be protected, to not be attacked, encroached by evil in today’s times. Help us to return soon, to be resolute with the great deeds God reserved for our souls and for our current lives.  There still are opportunities for us to receive God’s mercy and forgiveness, to be worthy for Him to love, for Him to give us the water of rebirth, to be sanctified, to be transformed, worthy to be the children for whom God reserved Divine Mercy, in the last, remaining moments of each person and the final moment of each life belonging to God. Amen.

L. thanks God. A. is writing what is heard through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. L. concludes at exactly 1:08 p.m., on Thursday, November 3, 2016, in St. Peter’s Basilica, where L. and A. complete the message inspired from the Holy Spirit. I thank God, praise, and glorify our God. Amen. I thank God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit; I thank Mother; after this, God, please allow me to receive the words from God so that I may continue in the days God gives us the opportunity to be at the places God allows me to receive, at the Eucharist. At this place, it may be only this once; this is the last day – we will leave St. Peter’s Basilica and we do not know when we will have the chance to be back here. God, please make use of what belongs to You in me, for me to do what You want, to listen to what You say, to report what is according to Your will. I thank God, praise God, and glorify God, the God whom we worship, the only God to whom we prostrate; we surrender, in repentance, to ask Him to forgive and to immerse us in His blessing, in His grace, in His Divine Mercy. Amen. Amen. Amen.
The anonymous messenger, L., is an American immigrant from Vietnam. L. leads an intense prayer life that focuses on attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and adoration of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. L. receives the messages by way of interior locutions and is able to capture miraculous images of the Eucharist on her cell phone’s camera. When Jesus gives L. messages, it is as a loving Father to His children (for more on this please see the homepage of   


  1. L. is not a visionary; she does not see apparitions of God, Mary, or other persons. She receives the messages via interior locutions, and the miraculous images she captures on her phone’s camera are not seen with her bodily eyes; they show up on that screen and the resulting image files. So visions such as in this message, seen by the eye and in these mental visions, are very rare.
  2. These are laws, such as in the Church, that are not changeable, as opposed to some laws that are can be changed; an example of a changeable ecclesiastical law would be when Pope St. Pius X lowered of the age at which one can receive Communion to be the Age of Reason (generally at the age of 7).

New Revelations Through the Eucharist

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