December 25, 2020
Message from God the Father
Christmas Meditation
O God, it is 2:17, Friday, December 25, 2020, at Saint Theresa Church. We are kneeling in front of the sanctuary, the tabernacle, the Cross, the icon of the Divine Mercy, and the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Each day, we usually come here. Especially today, on Christmas day, Jesus’ birthday, we are kneeling in front of the grotto in Saint Theresa Church. God told us to go to the grotto where He is cold in the biting cold of winter. In the biting cold of winter over 2,000 years ago, God was cold. 2,000 years later, God is cold, not from the biting cold season but cold because of the callous human heart. May we be together in unity to represent all classes, all roles, and sinners, like us. All of us are sinners and we are among the sinners, who come to God, to apologize, to give thanks, to ask God to allow us to meditate on this day, which is important to us, to pray to be like a little piece of straw, to make up for our previously callous days.
Though today there are still many who continue to be so, we are those who are beginning to feel, to ask to become the little pieces of straws, to warm God up once again in the year 2020. First of all, we reverently offer the Six Kowtows as the gift that Mother Mary taught us to offer to the Lord almighty, particularly in a spirit of penance, before the grotto of Jesus. Especially in the tense days the whole world is facing, and also a year full of worries and concerns about the pandemic, the deadlock, the days of violence, all the events, the heartbreaks. In particular at Christmas this year, there are many states and churches where the parishioners cannot come to worship God. They are not allowed to come to attend Mass in a unified way like every year.
O God, the pandemic changed the world and caused each person to start to live each day like a routine. God, please help us to be together, in unity, to reverently lift up to You our prayer. Covid patients and many people cannot come to church. At this moment, we lift up these prayers like the gift that Mother offered to the world in general and to each one of us in particular. We reverently lift up to God before the grotto of Bethlehem, and the grotto of each one of us, today, in the most critical moments, for us to pray for ourselves, for the world, for all the tensions of the United States of America.
May God graciously hears our prayers. We rely on this day to give thanks for the hope, as God said in the reading from the prophet Isaiah: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, “Your God is King! Hark! Your sentinels raise a cry, together they shout for joy, for they see directly, before their eyes, the LORD restoring Zion. Break out together in song, O ruins of Jerusalem! For the LORD comforts his people, he redeems Jerusalem. The LORD has bared his holy arm in the sight of all the nations; all the ends of the earth will behold the salvation of our God.”
– The Word of God.
– Thanks be to God.
O God, the joy of this day, even with days of deadlock, days of isolation, days we cannot be natural and free to go to church to attend Mass like every year. This year the church is very quiet, which makes us reflect, recall what was ours in the past. Today there are people who end up in a sentiment of regret, of remorse, of contrition, and understand that things God granted are truly valuable yet most of the times, we do not truly cherish and we let time passed according to the busy ways of the world. Today all aspects are in a state of deadlock. Today we have the opportunity to come to seek God in the quiet moments. We ask God to let us become the mangers, to be the little reflection on the mystery of the Incarnation, the mystery of the Savior, the mystery of the Redeemer, who granted us, who came to us, out of love for us.
O God, the United States of America, is in the midst of tense days. We also know that at this very moment there is no one who can save this country apart from You. God, please save our world and grant us more time, please save the United States of America, please give the world the opportunity to know You and recognize the significant value of the freedom that we have lost.
O God, may everyone come together in unity to repent and return. At this moment, we have no more words to say other than our humble sentiments in repentance.
O God the Father, I thank You for allowing us to have Your Son, Jesus, who came to us, to save us, and delivered us from the darkness, from sin, from misery.
O Father, You bestowed such affection to mankind through generations, but we are traitors, offenders, sinners, through the ages, still stubborn, stiff-necked, so that today, facing this situation, we no longer have the choice. There is only one thing, which is to ask for Your mercy. God, please have mercy on those who listen to You, on those who repent and return, on the righteous. We pray to God to give us the opportunity to return to Him, to express our gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation, through the Divine Mercy that He granted the sinners like us, for us to become penitents, to become instruments, to become quiet witnesses like today. God, please have mercy on our world, help us recognize our wrong decisions that lead the world, the United States of America, each person, into a world of darkness and iniquity, between good and evil. These are most perilous days, in the tension of the light and the darkness, facing each other.
We only know one thing, we are truly afraid of the foreign regime, of the Communist regime, of the regime that allows no freedom, a regime that suppress to restrict us in the life of faith, in the life of worship and service to God, and a collective life of unity, of freedom, of peace, of hope. May God give us the opportunity to recognize the preciousness that we have lost, for us to return to Him with a spirit of repentance, with faith reverently offered, with the worship. Though it is too late, God, please have mercy and accept us. Only in these moments can we look back on what we have lost, but God is still the Lord of the Divine Mercy, the Lord of days awaiting. The Lord is the Savior. The Lord granted us the only hope and it remained.
May everyone awaken while time still permits, for us to return to God at the right time, when God still allows us to recognize and be conscious of choosing the holy path, forsake the evil path, choose the path of thanksgiving, of gratitude, of praise, to be worthy of the graces poured down, of the graces received, to offer, to apologize, to thank God on behalf of all people who still do not know, still do not believe, still have not returned. May God have mercy and hear our prayers. We thank God for having mercy on us. As God said, God so loved the world He gave us His only Son, and whoever believes in Him will live. Today, God, may we mature in faith, even though 2,000 years have passed, the Lord Jesus, Your Son, has come, but we are still in days of indifference, of heartlessness. Today that indifference has answered us, with the deadlock of freedom and will continue with tense days amid the violence we are seeing in the midst of this world’s situation.
May God help us in time, for us to return to You soon, to come to the Divine Mercy in a humble way, as we lift up to You, to represent the voice of the world today, on behalf of the Christmas season of the year 2020, of the deadlocks. We just rely on God. God, please deliver us. With the last days of the year and the beginning of a new year, we lift up everything, the entire United States of America, every class, every role, especially the people in the government, the tension between the parties, between good and evil, and the whole world. We lift up to the Father. Father, please have mercy, graciously hear us. We pray to the Child Jesus whom You send today, the Second Person of God, the Savior. May we come to Him, believe in Him, because He alone brings peace to mankind. He is the Prince of peace, of security, and hope from God, with God, and in God. God, please accept the First Kowtow that we reverently offer. May we belong to the Lord, our God, now and forever and ever. Amen.
God the Father:
My beloved children,
I am the God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob, and of all humanity. Today, I listen to your words. Jesus, My Son, has been waiting for you for over 2,000 years. The favors and graces are poured down over you, especially during this remaining time and the end. These are the moments that I grant to you, which is the seal of the last days of the century. The words you ask for, that is correct, I grant you more opportunity. Awaken, return, repent, be worthy of the days I further grant. However, it will not be that many days, because you must go through the purification of the end of history before you truly have peaceful world.
My beloved children,
There are many things in the world that are not secure, are not understood, are not believed. The time has come for Me to pour out abundant graces for the people who believe, who return, who practice, who are devoted, to see the closeness I grant to you through My Son, the Savior, for each one of you to be prompted today, to rely on what you see. It is also a reminder as I reveal to humanity what belongs to Me, what belongs to righteousness, what belongs to evil, what choice you made that caused you to wholly fall into snares. Today, I am God, I always defend righteousness. I always protect those who listen to Me, those who walk in the doctrine and live a life boldly bearing witness to the truth. Today I give you peace. Rely on this word. Though there are difficulties, though there are tensions, you will be protected. Continue to perform your duty, serve in your mission with full devotion, then you will see what you are ask for. I will grant you more than what you want. My peace be with all of you. I grant you peace, and I bless you.
Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. I will protect you and grant you hope, joy, and peace. It is up to you to choose, and depending on your decision, then that place belongs to you. I grant abundantly, but are your hearts open to receive? Do you accept to listen or not? When you accept and perform, what belongs to you, but if you continue to refuse, then you will see. I have My plan to defend the righteous, and the righteous will be protected. As for those who follow idol, then that idol will take over. Today I remind those for the whole world to hear and understand what I specially grant to the world in the days you are receiving.
The pleasure throughout the years, today I grant this time, so that through My Son, I grant all of you hope. Children, remember to hold on to the key that My Daughter gave to you in a special way, specifically in the appointed time. That is correct, the Christmas of this year is a tense year. It is a year in which you must choose. It is also a year you will fail, also a year in determination and return, from failure, then there will be victory. To the world, it is failure, but when you believe, when you truly are wholeheartedly determine to return, determine to repent, I will give you the victory in the glory like My Son brought to the world peace and hope. Good bye all children.
O God, I thank You for all the blessings you poured down. It is truly a great surprise. We have never been in this situation, but God came to us as promised. It was God who let us know that all of us need to come to the grotto, to adore Him, to lift up to Him the words that seem to become habits to us. However, this year, everything changes, but it is from this changes that our hearts are moved, motivated, for us to be bold and to come to God, with our hearts, with prayers and pleas, with the days of concern for the country where we reside. Today, in the midst of good and evil and many things in life, people must awaken to receive true peace. God alone is the Giver. God alone is the Supreme Being who always grants and defend us who run to Him, believe in Him, entrust in Him, and trust in Him. Our hope is only from Him. With Him and forever belonging to Him can we have peace, hope, and happiness, because the Lord almighty has proclaimed, then He will certainly never deny us, with the words we lift up and offer, in the current circumstances.
We truly do not have anything to deserve what God granted us. We are sinners who believe in His Divine Mercy, in His infinite love, for us to reverently offer what we can in the flesh, in our daily lives, in the fervent prayers that Mother Mary taught us, in the protective presence of the Eucharistic Jesus, with the contemplation before the Five Holy Signs, with gratitude and thanksgiving before the Immaculate Heart of Mother. With the help through the intercession of Saint Joseph, with the protection of the archangels, of the guardian angels, the prayers of the saints, may we be together in unity, turn toward the Second Person of God, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Supreme Being who brings peace, who gives mankind hope, who brings mankind back from the darkness. He is the Supreme Being who died for us. He is resurrected, for us to resurrect with Him, for us to leave the darkness of sin, for us to rely on the Lord Jesus, to meet God the Father, for us to become the children who may officially call God the Father: Abba.
O Father, may that grace do not stop and always be poured down over us and the whole world. Today we ask to receive Your words on this important day, on this special day, when the world is coming to a standstill, in the restrictions caused by the pandemic and many other things. We cannot be active as in past years, and only in these moments can we see the preciousness of the days that we had, that we have lost. We forgot that the most important in a human life is to be reserved for God, for the spirituality of the soul. Today it is in this moments that we have the time for our souls to be in meditation, in reflection, because of the loss of freedom. In everything, the days are no longer the days when we make our own decisions and there is nothing absolute in this world but only the love of God, our Savior, the Supreme Being who comes to save our lives, for our lives to absolutely entrust and trust.
And now, we thank You profusely for the words granted to us and to the world. We take note of us to convey everything that You granted. Regarding all matters, to this world, in terms of belief and faith, then we can see the breadth, the depth, and the height, for everything we hope that only God proclaims and grants. Today, may everyone open the eyes of faith, in the days of despair and hopelessness, to see the light that appeared through the grotto of Bethlehem years ago, through the grotto of Bethlehem today, through the grotto of deadlocked days, as God comes to seek mankind, to give mankind peace, hope, life, through God the Father. It is the presence in faith of the Lord Jesus and the love and closeness that the Eucharistic Lord granted in a special way to the world of men.
So those of us who do not believe must believe, who do not see must see, who do not feel then ought to give themselves the opportunity. Because faith is our choice. As Jesus said: believe and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. May God allow us to represent all of our brothers and sisters with these zealous days of prayer for the United States of America. God began to remove the enemies and allowed everything that is not true, that is not in the truth, to be exposed before the light of truth, before the light of justice. God granted in a special way as God protected the righteous, protected those who belong to Him, protected those who wholeheartedly repented and returned to the Lord of love and of the Divine Mercy, for us to be together in unity, to thank the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.
We thank the presence of the Eucharistic Jesus, for the nourishment of the soul. His presence is the light that came into the world, covered the world. The darkness will disappear when He appears at the right time and also reminds us the hope that we have forgotten, lacking duty, lacking responsibility, lacking respect, before the Five Holy Signs of the Lord Jesus Christ and the seal of forgiveness He specially granted to us. He is the Supreme God abounding in Divine Mercy and always grants us His benevolence, love, and forgiveness. May every sinner like us and the entire world return in prostration, in penance, in retribution, which we need in our daily life, to remind ourselves and be determined to improve, to stay away from the darkness of sin that we hold on, in our weakness and wretchedness.
It is through prayer, through the daily earnest words that Mother Mary taught us, and by the grace of God, for us to commit less sin each day, to remove everything in our vices, our bad habits, in matters that is in our life, people are always eager to win, and are arrogant. Today, let us remove pride, return as a child to God, like the prodigal son returning to his father. In a spirit of simplicity, let us kneel at His feet, lift up words to Him from the heart, long for what we have lost from Him, to ask Him to restore. Restore, for us to live in the days of freedom, learn to serve Him, adore Him, love Him, and apologize each day. May we always guard our souls, be always alert so that the enemy will not find all kinds of ways to attack and ensnare us. Especially today, let us ask our beloved Mother, a Mother who always finds ways to lead us to God, to be close to God, encounter God, receive God’s intervention. We must listen to Mother, unite with Mother, for us to be saved in the most critical moments, most tense moments, because the enemy has surrounded us on all sides and wants to seize and takes away what is given to us by God.
We only have one thing left. We still have Mother. Only Mother is the person who opens the door for us to enter. Mother is the person who gives each one of us the final key, to be saved, to be forgiven, to be worthy through God’s intervention. It is the gift of the Six Kowtows, which enables us to meet spiritually, in faith. Every meaning, every Mass, and especially Christmas today, in 2020, conclude the end of the six years since Mother specially gave this gift to the world. The pioneers worked in silence and today this gift has come and is given to the whole world in a special way during the pandemic, in the midst of the tension of the days of violence, those wicked people whom we are facing. We ask Mother who is the Mediatrix, to intervene for us, guide us, bring us back to God. We also have the intercession, through the prayer of Saint Joseph, the presence of the Holy Family, the three archangels, the four choir of angels, the heavenly court, along with all the saints, our guardian angels, then surely this battle will be a victorious one with our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior. The meaning of Christmas, the meaning of the longings that we wait for, it is the peace for each one of us.
God is the Prince who brings peace to the world, brings harmony to mankind, brings a smile to everyone’s face when we languish in the pandemic of both soul and body. He is also the world’s only hope. In the tension between good and evil, having God, with God, believing in God, then it is victory with joy. Love helps us become people who love, hold each other’s hands, unite, stand up for justice, righteousness, and the truth, for us to be worthy of the coming of the Lord, after 2,000 years, to have this special Christmas day today. Do we have a real manger to invite God into our hearts? May the pieces of straws that we have long forgotten become the pieces of straws that are gathered by our sins, by our imperfections, because we have no gift to offer to the Child, except our sinful and weak condition. May we apologize, repent, to offer to the Child, to make up for those callous days, indifferent days, debauched days of our life, and for us today to have nothing left to absolutely rely on the world.
God alone loved us unconditionally, definitely saved us, utterly forgave us, absolutely waiting for us. May everyone in the world in all classes, all roles, return. Let us give ourselves the opportunity to meditate, because these are the last days, for us to reflect over things we have lost, things we are about to lose, things we decide, for us to still have or will lose and forever lose. Only with God can we exist and have freedom, happiness, and peace. When we lose God then we lost everything. May everyone choose to return to God in the true meaning of Christmas 2020. Whether victory or defeat is our choice. May each one of us in the remaining moments of the end of the year 2020 and the beginning of the year 2021, unite, to ask God to rule and intervene for us in the urgent situation between good and evil, for the United States of America, for the whole world, for each person, like us, to truly become penitents, to become instruments, and become witnesses as we are today.
Let us be together, in unity, to thank God, praise God, and glorify God, in the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. We thank Mother profusely. We thank Mother for us to have the Savior. We thank Mother for bringing God to us, for us to have this day. We thank Mother for guiding us in the moments of despair and failure. It is Mother who brought us to God who gives us to have days of victory, when we have God. Victory is belong to God. Victory in the return of souls, in the days of apology and penance. Mother, please have mercy, give us more opportunities, and more people recognize and return. Only with the return can we truly be secure and happy. If we continue in our ways, our souls will be held captive by darkness and iniquity that dominate us and separate us from the Savior’s love.
Thus, what God said 2,000 years ago, as God came to us:
“2,000 years ago, it was the biting cold of winter
2,000 years later, it is the biting cold of men’s hearts
Out of love I come to save you
Though waiting for many years
I hope for your return to appease My longing heart
I hope you return in time
At the appointed time, I must leave
I am truly heartbroken to leave you
But I keep on waiting, then when is the day?
Your hearts are hardened, indifferent
When will you grow up and mature, children?
My love is forever granted
I wait for the day you mature to return to Me”
O Father, the merciful Supreme Being, the benevolent Supreme Being, who always grants us, may we be together, in unity, and represent all classes and roles in this Solemnity. Especially in this year do I sense the meaning, sense the touch in my soul, sense what we need, what we have lost, and will lose. Today there is only one thing, which is for us to return to God, apologize to God, offer earnest words in front of the grotto of Bethlehem, for us to warm again the pieces of straws that we forgot. God desires and wants to see us become the woven straws, to up warm His freezing heart. Today, the betrayal of mankind causes Him more heartbroken. God is still the Lord of love, but all things will come to the appointed time.
We cannot forever have the days as was given. All things, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, today as well. We will have days of beginnings and days of endings, depending on each one of us. We want victory in peace and happiness, then let us return to God, surrender to God, worship God. Let us take hold of the key given by Blessed Mother, for us to have the opportunity. It is through those prayers that we will receive help from the archangels. Heaven helps us in the victory of truly imminent days as today.
May I represent, along with all the brothers and sisters, to ask for God’s mercy and for everyone to know, to hear, for them to continue in these critical times. There is only one thing: believe and you will have, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. There is nothing that comes from mankind. God alone gives us the security, the victory, the intimacy, ordinary, simple, as He wants in the heart of each one of us, for us to be close to Him, in the spirit that He granted us. By the heart, by the repentance, may all of us unite to offer to the Child the words that God granted, and together in that unity, return to God, to wait for the most important days we are yearning for, in the freedom, and things that belong to us, in justice and righteousness, with everyone in unity. Only justice and righteousness belong to God alone. If we want peace, happiness, and justice, then let us return with fervent prayers, with a repentant heart, for us to be worthy to receive His Divine Mercy and His intervention.
In the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God, now and forever and ever. Lucia and all the brothers and sisters in the group conclude at 2:51 on Friday, December 25, 2020, at Saint Theresa Church, in front of the sanctuary, the tabernacle, the Cross, the icon of the Divine Mercy, the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the Nativity grotto, the altar of God, to spiritually unite with the angels, to bow and adore the Child Jesus, the King who brings peace to deliver mankind, and brings a new faith, a new light, peace, joy, and security, to everyone and to each person, as they come to visit Him. We are reminded that though we face difficulties and prohibitions, though all those who have positions, those unrighteous people, have caused the citizens to end up in days of tension, of anxiety, and of deadlock,
God alone is our deliverer, the only source of comfort and hope that we need. May everyone allow their hearts to have a little reflection, a little meditation, then we will experience the meaning of the Child Jesus, which was given to us in the time that we are living in, for what we are facing and greatly need. May we meditate on the Holy Family, with Blessed Mother, with Saint Joseph, which is the obedience to God, for the world to have days of peace, from the family to the society to the nation and to the whole world. It is a foundation that is needed and rectified in the respect that God granted us in a special way. In the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God, now and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
May God bless us in a special way, for Saint Theresa parish to be happy. Though it is difficult for many other states, but we still have normal Masses and we are happy by God’s side, with this year’s meaning. Let us spend time to represent the voice for Saint Theresa parish, the region where we live, the people in the government, all countries, all nations, the whole world, for the days of tension between good and evil, between the left party and the right party, between the righteous and the wicked. May it be done according to God’s holy will. May all decisions be in God, for the world to be saved, delivered, and for us to have more days to return to God and receive the Divine Mercy that God granted to each sinner.
May we hold on to the key that Mother gave us, for us to know the way and use it when there is an emergency, when there is an event. May everyone open their hearts to receive and practice, for us to understand the meaning of the days when God want us to be worthy of God’s blessing and intervention. Once again, we thank God, praise God, and glorify God. In the holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ.