God to Mankind: the Cross


God to Mankind: the Cross

 August 24, 2012 – 1:09 p.m

Adoration room


Lucia: Father, today, You want me to write the words that are coming to my mind from You. I will write them immediately. I am waiting for You.

Father: I want you to write about the Cross.

More than 2000 years ago, the cross was used to kill criminals. When speaking of the Holy Cross, one can visualize death, and the use of the cross for death at that time. By the time I arrived, it was still death with the Cross, but it had earned another meaning.

Looking at the simple piece of the wooden Cross standing or hanging in the churches and on the altar brings to mind its infinite meaning, since I had chosen it as My companion to lead Me on the path to death, in exchange for life and freedom for mankind. The history of the Cross has lasted through generations, and has been recalled throughout this world to this day.

 Children, I want to talk about the Cross with regard to Me. I had carried the Cross through so many painful ordeals with tears, with sweat, soaked in blood; fearful, sad, lonely, among the rocks of Calvary, the Cross leading Me on the way to death.

On My way to death – suffering through so much bitterness, so much pain; beaten; tortured; dragged; with a weight beyond My imagination – I tried My best, I tried the best I could, but the tortures, the cruel scourging tearing My flesh had left Me writhing in pain. I was so utterly exhausted that I no longer had the strength to stand up to continue all the way to the end. I stumbled and fell to the ground several times.

Every time I struggled to stand up; it was as if My whole Body and My insides were torn apart. At times, I felt as if I had died when I fell down, but a powerful urge forced Me to continue on the path that My Father had planned for the redemption of mankind. Love filled My bloodied Heart, which mankind gave to Me. I tried My best to go all the way to the end, and then on to the last moment on the Cross, with My arms extended for the nails to be driven into My flesh. I suffered indescribable pain in My tendons and muscles, and My legs were brutally nailed into the wood.

O My children, there was no agony on earth that was like Mine! When the Cross was raised up, they still would not leave My Body intact; they had to pierce My side.

 The agony was beyond words!

 While I suffered My final agony, I was insulted by the thief. I felt so lonely among mankind. I prayed to My Father, asking Him to forgive mankind. My Mother and My disciples, the people who loved Me, had followed Me to the end of the way of the Cross. I felt great anguish at this pitiful sight before I breathed My last on the Cross.

Why did I call it the Cross? The reason is that, to Me, the Cross was the way that, with each of the stages of this way, I had to endure sufferings till My last breath to save and redeem the world. The mission that My Father had entrusted to Me: I had completed it, according to His will.

 My Father’s boundless love for mankind cannot be described! And it is the same with Me; My infinite Love in My Heart will never change, though years have gone by, though it has been mistreated by mankind. I still love, and I will keep on loving mankind as long as mankind exists on earth.

 Today, I want to talk about the Cross, throughout the years, generations after generations, which history was recorded and known throughout the ages. You cannot deny the things that happened in My redemption of mankind. The history has perpetuated to this century, and at this time, it is still referred to and known. Christians are still here, My Church is still here, and so the history of the Cross will be recognized hereafter.

 I want to talk about the meaning of the Cross. Together, with the Cross, I accomplished the mission of redemption for mankind.

 How much I have sacrificed!

 All the love that I had bestowed and offered to humanity!

 It was all for love; dying for love and living with love for My children!

The way of the Cross occurred 2,000 years ago. With every detail regarding what had happened (and its deep meaning), you can probably recognize and understand the purpose of it.

 I just want you to look at the Cross, and how I have transformed the sufferings into a precious gift that God gave to mankind. The profound recognition and the understanding of the meaning depend on the way you look at it, with the eyes of faith that I have given to each one of you. The people for whom I have opened the eyes of faith, who have witnessed everything with every one of the brothers, and the miraculous things happening right before their eyes: they cannot not believe, and they cannot be silent.


Who is able to know everything
To know the time of death of mankind
Curing the sick with the use of the hand
Inviting the brothers with the use of the mouth
Spending time and effort to serve
With no self-interest, only a desire to help
Going here and there
Helping the poor and the destitute

Meeting together each week
Praying together

I see everything clearly
I am sending many blessings upon each one of you

Writing all day, this person does
Sitting in the chapel to help others
Praying for blessings
Brothers and sisters, hold hands
Be quick in preparing yourselves
For the work of God is getting close
In unity, contribute your efforts
Work on witnessing, bringing My words to everyone in this world

Children, I would like to go back to the story of the Cross. The Cross had given Me the most sufferings, and with it I had completed the mission that My Father had entrusted to Me. Through the Cross, I had conquered death, I had triumphantly returned in glory, and I had obtained the victory and the triumph of having successfully redeemed mankind, in order to give mankind happiness and hope. Through this redemption, you have become the true children of God. The doors of heaven opened up to wait for mankind. Through the death and the purifying Blood of Jesus Christ, you have obtained the right to the eternal life in heaven.

Come back, with repentance! The kingdom of God is always wide open and God forgives the sins of every person.

If you look at the Cross through the eyes of faith, you will be able to overcome all the trials that happen to you in this life: sufferings; diseases; separations; sadness; unfortunate matters between each other, between parents, between siblings, between spouses, between friends; woes that you have to endure; and unfairness, frustrations, as well as hatred, anger, jealousy, resentment, pride, haughtiness, and all other unpleasant things that you encounter.

Whether these trials are big or small, occurring often or not – at any time, at any stage – you can turn them into crosses in this life. Whether you have to deal with them or not, dealing with yourselves and with what happens, use the word “love” and think the way I have taught you through the previous messages.

You have to be able to see things with love and to apply love to these things that are coming and happening to you.

If you think of My Cross and you look at My Cross, with My sufferings and painful ordeals, and, added to that, you have love, then you will be able to deal with anything that happens to you. Even if you have to face trials such as death, you will still be able to be calm, and so be able to clearly understand all the issues, in order to find a solution in the most beneficial way by the method that I have taught you.

Do not just simply look at the Cross, but look at the Cross through the eyes of faith, and understand the concept that nothing in this life happens outside of the will of God.

When you are able to recognize the trials that are happening to you as the Cross of grace – a Cross that has transformed death into life and has triumphed in all things – you will find the treasure and the precious pearl, hidden in the potential of the Cross.

If you can feel that as long as you carry the cross on your shoulders, whether light or heavy, that this cross will attain things for God or for the world, this will bring meaning to what God is sending to you for your spiritual life.

Transforming sufferings into smiles, through the Cross, you will find happiness, joy and peace in this life, and you will benefit from these accomplishments in your next life.



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