Blessed Mother Speaks on Abortion


Blessed Mother’s Message on Abortion

October 5, 2012


Blessed Mother: My beloved Lucia,

Do you remember that you wrote a message on the unborn babies? That was the day that all of you gathered to pray for the unborn babies, and you have lifted your hearts up and prayed to Me, and I have given you a message, but as of today, it is not completed yet.

Lucia, read the message and finish writing the message that you asked Me about a year ago.

You have never written about unborn babies and I want you to write about the countless unborn babies killed in the world today with the support of governments, which have become the accomplices of those who violate the laws that God has given to mankind.

My beloved Lucia, God has spoken to you and this is to continue His message.

I am a mother and I am also a woman. The preciousness when we are pregnant and when our babies started moving inside our wombs is the most beautiful experience given by God, which no one can fully understand and know besides pregnant women. I have experienced it. Unfortunately, this world does not treasure the precious gifts that God has given to mankind. How could people kill the unborn babies in their wombs, even if these babies are not fully formed, waiting to be born?

In today’s societies, there are so many people living in sins. Even in the families, the parents are lacking the basic morality to teach their children, and out in societies, there are too many people who have no basic morals, who are not looking for the truth, who do not know that what they are doing is by the evil design of demons, so they keep on committing sins. They do not know how to stop; they do not understand the seriousness of their acts of murder, and they keep doing evil things to the point of making God indignant!

My beloved children, societies keep committing these crimes, although God has spoken many times!

God had also spoken to all the leaders as well as to the people – for them to be aware and prevent such actions, and the Church has also spoken up and has looked for ways to help, to reduce these crimes of killing the unborn babies, but then how many people, how many unborn babies were saved?

The number of unborn babies killed keeps increasing, the number of babies saved too little, and after a while, things go back to the way they were. For that reason, people continue to do the same thing, and where there should have been some ways to help, no one is responsible, and no one is persevering in helping people who have made mistakes, who do not know how to solve their problems and end up killing their own children.

The young people are senseless but the adults are as well, and even the families are breaking up because of the immoral issues in families today. There are too many women who do not commit to their vows in their families and end up living their sexual passions outside of their marriages. Then when they end up pregnant, they try to conceal the evidence, seeking to destroy the unborn babies to cover up their mistakes from everyone.

Can they hide from the eyes of God? Can they hide from their consciences? No, they cannot, but they still continue to do it, and they continue to go down that road, let alone the young people. The reason things are happening this way is also due to the teaching and the lack of concern in every family in today’s societies, and there are so many parents who are too irresponsible to teach their children, to guide their children on the right paths to take, to clearly define married life, and the open and straightforward ways to build a real family life.

The young generation today has fallen into sins because they have been exposed to too many immoral situations, with the freedom in sexuality, with the exposition to things they do not need to know about. Societies are bombarded with all the sexual freedom in the film industry, in which the devil has sophisticatedly designed in a way to cover up the eyes of human beings, causing humans to fall into its net. Then the result is the countless young people, as well as the people in families, falling into the situation of committing sins.

There are too many abortions in society today!

I do not know what to do with this society; I do not know what to say to describe the horror of it, but I cry every day when I listen to the babies’ screams before they must be pulled out from the wombs of their mothers.

There are mothers who lost their lives because of these actions, and there are situations when the babies grew up in families living in addictions, living in sins, living immorally, and they end up being killed in a senseless way.

This world today has so many of these crimes – too many!

Children, you are My children. Children, you are the ones who know and understand this truth; arrange to let your brothers and sisters know, and speak up and pray.

Pray for the people who are in this situation!

Pray for this world!

Pray for the parents to supervise their children, to teach their children to be on the right path to allow God to help them, to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them so that they will not fall into this tragic situation!

Such a tragedy, a tragedy that cannot be forgiven!

Children, if you do not come back to the Mercy of God, you will not be forgiven!

For this world, the last opportunity for mankind is to come back to the Mercy of God!

It does not matter how tragic a situation you are in is or how much you have sinned – come to the Mercy of God and ask Him to cleanse you, and repent; then change your ways and become a good person, so that you will be able to receive the forgiveness from His Mercy.

Children, you do not have that many more days left in this world!

Stop your killings!

Stop committing these abominable sins!

Stop collaborating with the darkness to kill innocent lives!

You will have to answer to God’s Justice for all that He has entrusted you with! Children, you need to look for the truth and live with your consciences! God has given you a conscience and intelligence so that you are able to think and choose, so you need to put an end to your mistakes, to your evil deeds, especially the sins committed against His laws!

To kill a human life is extremely grave!

To end a human life is extremely grave!

Do not take this action lightly. You keep doing it, and slowly you allow the darkness to take advantage and induce you to commit horrible sins in the world, and this will influence the younger generation, and all ranks of society will also fall into this tragedy, without anyone even noticing it.

Come back to your consciences; come back to the justice and truth that God has bestowed upon each person!

Allow your soul to awaken to the truth of the difference between good and evil – before your last breath!

Children, I just want to say these words to you.

I am inviting you to help with this tragedy – to intervene, to understand what needs to be done, to speak up against abortion!

Pray a lot for the people who are committing sins; each day more and more evil. If this trend of killing countless human lives continues, then where are you going to end up and what are you going to do with all these evil deeds?

I just want to remind you with this message, and I want L. to give this message to the world. This is My message to those who have made mistakes and are living in guilt, and cannot even forgive themselves.

Listen to Me and come to the Mercy of God!

Repent now, while you are still living; and in all that you do, you need to pray to God, and you need to do holy things to make up for the wrongdoing you have done either purposely or unknowingly in your lives … especially the sins against the laws that God has given to mankind.

Only God has the right to end a life or create a life!

Whoever has committed the sin of abortion – deliberately or not – in the past or in the present, and is considering doing it, think about the consequences of the sins you have committed. You do not know how to deal with the difficult situations toward your own children now, but for everything that is done according to God’s will, He will definitely have His way of helping, of saving those who are staying away from sin, who are avoiding committing the sin of murder.

There is nothing that God cannot do!

Children, you need to have absolute faith!

If you happen to have a newborn that you cannot take care of, then give him or her to the organizations, to the people who can take care of him or her, and pray to God for yourselves. God will have a way to help you.

Do not commit these cruel sins!

Do not commit sins against the laws of God!

You will have to answer to God’s Justice!

My beloved children, I want to remind those who are in this situation and who are feeling remorseful that God will always forgive the sins of each person, but you have to repent and truly come back to God to be able to forgive yourselves and to receive forgiveness from God. If you do not look for the truth right now and come to the Mercy of God, no one can help you to resolve things or forgive your souls and bodies for the things you have done in your lives.

Although people cannot see what you have done, your consciences know and see all that you have done so far. So come to the Mercy of God, especially now that God is coming through the Holy Eucharist. Come to reconcile with God, and come to ask God to guide you, to sanctify you – so that you know what you need to do in this life to make up for all the mortal sins you did not know you have committed throughout the years.*

Today, this is all I am saying to you.

I wish for My messages to be heard by those who have ears to hear, and for those who are committing these sins, and those who are going to commit these sins to refrain from doing so.

I am speaking up for the unborn babies who have been aborted, although their bodies are torn up, they have souls; they know how to cry, how to ask, how to call.

So children, you can see all this as I know and see it; so whoever is praying for their unborn babies, and praying for the unborn babies, I will definitely pray to God and save these unborn babies for them to return to the light of God.

I wish that you will listen to My message and put into practice all that I want you to do. I wish that you always have peace in your heart so that you are able to think about how your actions will affect your souls, and how you will have to answer to God for all that you have done, as well as all the immoral sins you know you have committed.

Children, you are the children who receive My messages and bring them to the world; work with your brothers and sisters to help those who are in these situations.

I thank you very much. May you always live in peace and especially in the coming days, so that you can live together in a world that you desire, so that you can receive what you desire from God and Me.

Good bye My children.



*Blessed Mother here is teaching that abortion and all other grave acts always have the objective capability of being mortal sins, but, as this sentence goes on to say, it is possible to commit grave acts without an individual fully knowing that they are mortal sins. The Church teaches that, besides having this “grave matter,” two other conditions must be present in order for an act to be a mortal sin: the individual must do the act with full knowledge of its gravity and with complete consent (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 1857-1860). So Blessed Mother is perfectly fulfilling one of the essential roles of all catechists: giving this full knowledge to Her listeners.

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