Jesus Speaks on Abortion


Jesus Speaks on Abortion

October 5, 2012 – 4:36 p.m.


Father: My beloved Lucia, you should have prayed to Your Mother because She is here, and in Her arms are the unborn babies.

Your Mother is the one who is cuddling the unborn babies who are weeping and screaming, and Her Heart is breaking in sorrow for the actions of mankind today!

The excessive killings of the unborn babies are crimes committed by the people who do not recognize the precious human life that God Himself has created!

Since you have asked Me, then, today I will give you a message on the unborn babies.


My beloved children, in today’s world, a human life is no longer valuable because you live in sins. You do not follow any laws, you do not acknowledge sins, you have lived in the indulgence of your human ego; you have caused yourselves to sin, to satisfy your passions of the flesh; then you made disastrous decisions, without any thought about killing your very own children.


You are bogged down in the mire of sins!


You only know your lust and passions!


You do not care about the consequences that will impact you in this life and in your next life. Each day, I see, especially with the young people today, how they live in families without any guidance, and the movies in this world of technology have enticed mankind to lose himself in sins, and to commit sinful actions, which keep being committed.


Abortions are murders!


Abortion is to kill a human life that you feel is simply an inconvenience that you need to settle after you have satisfied your physical desires!


You continue with these killings, without any thought about your current life, without any thought about these evil actions.


You sell your consciences, the conscience and the reasoning of a human being.


How many teachings have I given to mankind!


I have given many messages, sent many people to intervene, to come to you to invite you to return to Me; to come to you to tell you the truth so that you understand that by killing the fetuses, you are killing your own children, who were created by you, and whom you should have been responsible for.


When you do something, if you do not have morality in your lives, you will have to face the disastrous consequences of your own actions when you try to resolve things.


Then you continue to walk in the darkness, and you keep making mistakes when you keep killing your own children, without any thought that you are committing sins.


The youth of this generation, and those who are living in lust … they go on, continuing to live that way. Generation after generation has gone by, but there has never been any generation like this generation in this century!


Children, you kill countless human beings!


Each day, around the world, you kill countless fetuses!


These fetuses have souls!


These fetuses have not yet grown into fully formed babies, but these fetuses have souls, and their souls scream out to Me!


I cannot ignore what is happening. But I am still giving mankind a path for him to choose, a path for him to return to their consciences and all that is ethical. But today, the world is hardly listening, while the sins committed are increasingly evil.


Do you know that for each unborn baby screaming before its death, the darkness is delighted to receive that unborn baby?*


Children, you do not allow your own babies to see the light, to see the truth.

When you kill these babies before their birth, it is your sins that these babies have to bear.


There are too many, too many abortions in the world today!


Children, you have committed so many crimes!


And besides the evil sin of abortion, you do other monstrous things as well. You use the fetuses to make drugs, and you use them for other recreational purposes!

Do you not realize that you have thus committed sins against the laws of nature, the law of God? I have given messages to mankind, and despite the teachings of the Church, and the messages on these abortions brought by people to intervene, the killing of these unborn babies has not stopped! The reason is due to the fact that your leaders in your societies no longer accept God; they no longer have respect for God the Almighty; they no longer consider God as the Father of all creation!


Because of all these killings, your societies are now full of crimes, full of mistakes, and humans continue to commit sins.


Children, you will have to suffer the consequences of what you do.


If you do not change, and come back to God, then you will receive what you deserve when you leave this world.


Everything will have to come to an end, according to the justice and the truth that I have given to mankind.


My beloved children, I just want to say these words to send to the world.


O children, those of you who have made mistakes, who are living in sins, recognize your sins; understand that you have committed sins!


Do not continue these killings!


Stop committing these sins!


No one knows by your appearance, but your souls and consciences will forever suffer because of your mistakes, your murders!


Killing these fetuses is killing your own children!


The people who are responsible for the abortions, and the people who are manufacturing as well as generalizing the instruments to be used in the killing of the unborn babies will have to pay for their actions according to My Justice!


These are the messages I am sending to you, children, those of you who have made mistakes, who live in sins, and who keep committing sins.


For money, for earthly things, you have forgotten your conscience and your reasoning, to commit all these heinous crimes in the world today.


One day you will have to face the consequences of your own actions according to My Justice.

Every person has the right to choose, and everyone will have to face the consequences of their own actions.


If you know you have committed a sin, return to the truth and repent, so as to be able to receive mercy and forgiveness for your salvation.


You do not realize the consequences of your actions today, at this moment, but you already have to pay a price in your spiritual life.  You will suffer emotionally, and you will have difficulties in your life when you do immoral works. Especially when you commit murders.

No one but Me – no one has the right to decide on the life of a human being, even if only a fetus!

You have denied the power of the Most High!


You have continued to do horrible things in this world; so then, children, you will have to bear the consequences of what you did before My Justice.


I would like to speak to My children who are living in sins, who have done evil things, and have continually done so, especially the youth of this generation.

Stop committing sins now!


Children, pay attention to the lives that you lead; learn to do the right thing, so that the young generation does not fall into sexual situations, and then have to bear the consequences of their actions; which will cause societies, and other people, to be accomplices to their sins of abortion.


I just wanted you to understand that for what you have done in the past, I can forgive, but you will have to answer to the Most High.


So now is the time for you to realize that you need to come back to God, Who is waiting with open arms to welcome those who want to come back.


Children, stop committing your sins and repent, to obtain the forgiveness of these last days.


My wish is that you will listen to these words that I am saying to you today.

Goodbye, My children.




*Our Lord here is saying only that evil delights in the death of unborn babies; He is not, of course, saying that any of them go to hell.


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