The Six Kowtows: The Correct Method and Why Heaven Has Revealed Them Now


The Six Kowtows:

The Correct Method and Why Heaven Has Revealed Them Now

Since God is merciful, it would seem that He would not mind if one does not practice The Six Kowtows in the prescribed manner; that it is acceptable to practice them as one chooses. This actually is true if one has legitimate physical limitations that make it impossible or extremely uncomfortable to kowtow. In such cases a person can do what he or she can do (bowing or a similar gesture) and prostrate one’s soul/heart as one proceeds with the other elements of The Six Kowtows.

However, if one can practice The Six Kowtows normally, then one must. It is not an optional or flexible part of it, any more than the gestures at Mass are optional, unimportant, or subject to personal interpretation. God specifically chose this posture for various reasons. Another element is laziness. It is not a natural position and it is penitential, so we often do not want to kowtow, and this can be a test of our fidelity over time. But God will reward the one who perseveres.

The fact is that devil does not want us to kowtow to God, so he will do all he can to tempt us to not start or to stop if we are practicing. He will lose many souls because of them. As the devil says, “I will not serve.” As Frank Sinatra famously sang, “I did it my way.” The devil hates The Six Kowtows. But God loves them and blesses those who practice them, especially those who are faithful practitioners. How many conversions, reversions, and miracles have followed in the wake of The Six Kowtows!

It is clearly time for humanity to repent and return to God. Humanity must worship God if it is to survive and be saved. So Blessed Mother taught us The Six Kowtows, a way to entrust ourselves to the mercy of God, in 2014. She described every step.

Although the basic kowtow position was first revealed at Fatima by the Angel in 1916, The Six Kowtows are a new prayer practice. As such, there is a need for a basic rule and orderliness until it is widely spread, since people often wrongly do things their own way, and this can spread by bad example. We need to get this right now to lay a good foundation.

We must kowtow the right way. The correct position is important. No variants like the classic, full-body prostration or simply kneeling. There is right way to kowtow and a wrong way. If it is done incorrectly it is a serious problem; bad example will be followed, especially because our nature, our pride recoil at the thought of kowtowing. Discipline, humility and mortification are required. If The Six Kowtows spreads incorrectly, we are to blame.

The following is a summation of how to practice The Six Kowtows correctly with commentary. First, kneel and bow your head. To encounter God through The Six Kowtows, we start with our hands. With hands together at the chest, one looks at the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance or the tabernacle, or at a crucifix, a Divine Mercy image, or an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. One of these should be within eyesight while practicing. Stretch your hands straight out; the meaning of this gesture is that we talk to God from our hearts; from my heart I want to return to God. The hands throughout The Six Kowtows represent the fire of the Holy Spirit (recalling His coming down as tongues of fire on Blessed Mother and the Apostles in the Upper Room). Ask the Holy Spirit to inflame us and all humanity and give us light. He will not refuse. He teaches us what to say.

Next, we lift our hands straight up to heaven, which means that we worship one God and nothing else. Say: “We beg God to forgive us and allow us to lift up this kowtow.” Then, bow down your head until your forehead touches the ground. Keeping your hands together, point your fingers heavenward and place them over your head. You are now in the kowtow position. Lift up spontaneous prayer. This is done six times, etc., as specified at the end of this article. When our head is on the floor and we are unable to see, we can concentrate. The Holy Spirit will lead us and teach us what to say as we pray from the heart. He is present to anyone who kowtows. Ask Him to be with us and to teach us as we repent. Also, present your petitions to ask God to save and intervene. God will hear the prayers of those who kowtow, especially those of the clergy.

Blessed Mother gave us The Six Kowtows because we – humanity – no longer cooperate with the Holy Spirit, we are fighting each other, etc. Therefore we have no peace and have the first pandemic (there are more terrible things to come, including persecution; humanity has a price to pay). But now we have time. Blessed Mother has asked God for more time for us and She has received it. Blessed Mother will teach us through The Six Kowtows.

Heaven wants us to kowtow every day. Pray with God. Man is of a lowly condition; we need God. We need to get out of habitual sin and return to God by heart, soul and body through The Six Kowtows. No more evil habits! We must repent.

In addition to these points, we point out that people must practice The Six Kowtows wearing modest clothing. The kowtow is a somewhat awkward position, and so the virtue of modesty is required, which is also a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. This is especially true for women, who should wear a wrap around their backside. A cardigan sweater is also highly recommended. Heaven wants us to practice The Six Kowtows publicly in church and other appropriate places to evangelize. The sight of someone kowtowing, so demonstrative of repentance, pleading, and surrender and submission to God, strikes a deep chord in people. Be not afraid. “Whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Mt. 23:12, Lk 14:11).

Blessed Mother is helping us profoundly through Her gift of The Six Kowtows – when we are lonely and enduring the pandemic, when we have no other way to return to God. Most have had to cope with insufficient social interaction, and many have not even been able to receive the sacraments. Spiritual communion is a gift, but it is not really an adequate substitute. Heaven has said clearly through Lucia Phan that closing churches is going too far. Just when people are so lonely, suffering the most, and want to come back to God, they are deprived the sacraments and formation. No one is ever to be judged, but heaven said the churches should have remained open. The general response of the Church has been a little exaggerated and left people at one point with nowhere to turn. What will happen if there is a more serious, second wave of the virus with a lot more deaths, which experts have warned is a very real possibility? How will the people come back to God if there is no church to receive them? No confession, no Eucharist, no last rites?

Heaven has thought of this already. This is one of the big reasons Blessed Mother obtained The Six Kowtows from God for us. As Mediatrix of All Graces, which is already official Catholic doctrine, Blessed Mother has lovingly obtained for Her little ones. The Six Kowtows is heaven’s answer for pandemic situations. How will people be saved with no sacraments? Those who convert can be saved without the sacraments, to be sure, but we must not underplay the unique efficacy of them either. The sacraments save souls. Without them, fewer are and will be saved. In reality, those who need to convert most are the most likely to despair of God’s mercy and could be lost without some extraordinary measure on heaven’s part. This is especially true when they are in isolation, without even the means to support themselves. For example, psychological depression: the suicide rates during the first wave of the coronavirus bear this out – they were at unheard-of levels. God is good and merciful, and He has a solution for those in unprecedented times. As the saying goes, desperate times require desperate measures.

The devil is no match for God or Blessed Mother. They have devised this solution to a coming predicament of not having sacraments when they are needed most. The Illumination of Consciences, also known as “the Warning” – revealed to St. Faustina, St. Edmund Campion, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, the Servant of God Maria Esperanza, and others – is near. When unheard-of numbers will be coming back to God, how will this happen when there are not nearly enough priests, if they are even available in a pandemic situation? This is a real problem that heaven has, not surprisingly, already worked out, because there will be no time when the sudden, terrible events of the end times occur. Even priests will die – to further exacerbate the problem. The vast majority do not even know they can baptize in emergencies. They will be sheep without shepherds.

The Six Kowtows are heaven’s answer, because, as the Church teaches, God is not limited even by His sacraments. Let us be clear: The Six Kowtows are not intended in any way as an ordinary substitute for the holy sacraments of the Church, but in the future the sacraments will not be as widely available as they need to be. The Six Kowtows are never to be considered an alternative to the sacraments; only the devil would inspire such nonsense. On the contrary, what private revelation in the history of the Church has ever promoted the Eucharist more than that given to Lucia Phan? The sacraments are everything, but what happens when they are unavailable?

It is not superstition to believe that The Six Kowtows can facilitate salvation for those who desire it when the ordinary means of salvation, the sacraments, are not widely available, which has already happened. It will happen again on a greater scale. Jesus old St. Faustina that there were [end times] events set in motion then – the 1930s – that could not be turned back because it was already too late; mitigation was not possible. That was almost a hundred years ago, and the messages through Lucia Phan make it clear that we are very much in the end times at this point.

In conclusion, we must teach people to kowtow … and to do so as heaven prescribes. It is no small matter. People today are in desperate need of conversion, and many are ready to come back to God but they don’t know how, and this situation has been exacerbated by inability to receive the sacraments, get instruction, or even go inside a church to pray in many cases. God allows us to see more clearly when we are in our last hours, but what can we do? Waiting will not be an option for many. Our spirit is not sick, but we need an alternative avenue to God if the sacraments become unavailable. If we use heaven’s extraordinary solution, we will come back to God easily. He has shown His infinite goodness, love and mercy in giving us The Six Kowtows. “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).



* For your convenience, here is a concise wording of how to practice The Six Kowtows correctly, as heaven intends:

  1. Kneel and bow your head, while placing your hands together in front of your heart and pray to God the Father (Posture 1, below).









2. Stretch out your arms (Posture 2, below).









3. Elevate your arms up to heaven in a prayer position with hands still together (Posture 3, below).









4. Lower your arms and place your elbows on the floor (Posture 4, below).

5. At the same time, sit on your feet with hands placed together in a praying position over your head. Lean down until your forehead touches the floor








  1. Say this prayer before each kowtow:
  • The First Kowtow I lift up to God the Father.
  • The Second Kowtow I lift up to God the Son.
  • The Third Kowtow I lift up to God the Holy Spirit.
  • The Fourth Kowtow I lift up to the Body and Blood of Jesus.
  • The Fifth Kowtow I lift up to the Five Holy Wounds of Jesus.
  • The Sixth Kowtow I lift up to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for Her triumph.

After each kowtow say, “Totus Tuus.” This is Latin for “[I am] all Yours.” It was a phrase of St. Louis de Montfort and was the official motto of St. John Paul II.

After the Sixth Kowtow, lift up shorter, similar prayers to: St. Joseph; St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael; the angels; the guardian angels; and the saints.


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