

December 2018

When Christmas comes, people shop, give gifts and indulge. How many people think about the mystery of the Incarnation – the God who leaves His throne to share the human condition, to redeem the human race from being lost?


More than 2,000 years ago, the Jews waited for the Messiah to come, but when He came, they did not believe the child born in poverty to be the Savior. To this day, the Jews are still waiting for the Savior to come, because they think that Jesus Christ is not the Son of the Living God.


Are we different than the Jews? Do we truly live with the Infant Jesus on His birthday or are we lukewarm and indifferent to Him like the Jews?


To truly live in the Spirit of God is to act like the three Wise Men. They saw the star that fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel (Is 7:14), which means “God is with us.” When they learned that the new king was born, the three Wise Men set out. They traveled, they sought, they came, they met, they rejoiced, they experienced salvation, and they offered to God meaningful gifts.


Not many of us offer to the Infant Jesus meaningful gifts as gold, frankincense and myrrh. At the most, we attend Christmas Mass and then go home to celebrate and enjoy.


We need to spend time to meditate on the mystery of the Incarnation, because it is a marvel of God the Father: But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So through God you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an heir. (Galatians 4:4-7)


The Infant Jesus not only came as in the past but He comes every day. Jesus is still present among us miraculously through the consecrated bread and wine. After the priest reads the Eucharist Prayer, immediately the bread and wine became the Body and Blood of Christ, food and drink to nourish our souls.


Moreover, every day He remains in the tabernacle, continuing to be among us, like the Ark among the Jews in the past. But how many visit Him for just a few minutes every day? Soon, friends, you will see that it takes only a few minutes each day to visit God to enable you to save your souls.


At 12:30 a.m. on October 27, 2017:

The Face of Jesus Christ

in the Eucharist

Captured by Lucia

  at the Emmaus Chapel

St. Theresa Catholic Church

Sugar Land, Texas, USA



Below is a summary of a Six Kowtows message (December 21, 2018).


Introduction through the Holy Spirit

  • When Blessed Mother said, be it done to me according to your word, the Incarnate Word immediately entered Mother’s womb.
  • Blessed Mother visiting Elizabeth is symbolic of Mother bringing God to everyone.
  • We must express our gratitude and thanksgiving because God came into the world to redeem humanity.
  • We must repent as a gift to the Child Jesus.
  • The Six Kowtows were given to humanity through the grace of the Holy Spirit.


The First Kowtow: God the Father

  • We worship, praise, and glorify God the Father, and apologize for the unworthiness of humanity before Father.
  • The Solemnity of Christmas speaks of God’s infinite love for mankind.
  • God uses all kinds of ways to save humanity from sin and return to God.
  • Repent, for God to transform us from sinners into penitents, from witnesses to saints.
  • God rules with love so let us reconcile with God and with the people whom we come in contact with.


The Second Kowtow: Jesus

  • From the moment Blessed Mother accepted, the Word became flesh.
  • The Child Jesus accepted to be born in poverty to set an example for us.
  • From the moment of birth, the Savior was not welcomed.
  • Blessed Mother visiting Elizabeth also means Mother bringing God to everyone.
  • God does not reveal great things to the sages but to the lowly.


The Third Kowtow: The Holy Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit is love, light, truth… He helps us distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil…
  • The Holy Spirit is the love of the Father and the Son.
  • The Holy Spirit is the fire, the light, the spirit; goodness, truth, and perfection…


The Fourth Kowtow: The Eucharistic Jesus

  • The Eucharistic Jesus is the continuing love of Jesus after His death.
  • He has made Himself small under the appearance of bread in a divine way, and remain with the world till the end of the world.
  • God does not want us to be orphaned so the Blessed Sacrament is also the Child Jesus.
  • God makes us righteous.
  • If we offend the Eucharist, we offend the Body of Christ.
  • The Blessed Sacrament makes us righteous to become holy.
  • Jesus still sheds blood on the altar at every consecration.
  • The Eucharistic Jesus is the blindingly dazzling light that causes darkness to be destroyed.
  • Blessed Mother teaches us to honor the Eucharist.


The Fifth Kowtow: The Five Holy Wounds

  • The Holy Signs show God the Father’s love for mankind.
  • Jesus obeyed the Father in coming to the world and to die to free humanity.
  • The Cross is a covenant of salvation.
  • Worship the Blessed Sacrament to be blessed by God.


The Sixth Kowtow: Mother Mary

  • From the moment Blessed Mother received the Savior in Her womb, She has become the Mother of humanity.
  • So Mother often thanks God on behalf of humanity.
  • Mother teaches us to go out and distribute the compact discs with The Six Kowtows messages.
  • We are fortunate to call God as Father so let us apologize.
  • May Mother lead us back to God.
  • Blessed Mother helps us prepare for the coming of God.
  • “she shall crush your head.” Blessed Mother crushes the head of the serpent.
  • Repent to return to God


4 a.m., June 1, 2018:

A visit of heaven through the Eucharist

– this photo was

taken by the messenger Lucia Phan

in front of Emmaus Chapel,

St. Theresa Catholic Church

Sugar Land, Texas, USA.




To watch the extraordinary videos,

please go to the website of the group:

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.


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