Blessed Sacrament Day


Blessed Sacrament Day

June 13th, 2021


The Six Kowtows offered at the Thiên Tâm Benedictine Monastery, Kerens, Texas,  on the Blessed Sacrament Day celebration


This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit


Lucia: O God, it is exactly 4 a.m., Sunday, June 13, 2021, at the Thiên Tâm Benedictine Monastery, Kerens, Texas. In the days we attend the Blessed Sacrament Day celebration, we also reverently commemorate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, which is the name of our group. At this moment, we offer to God the First Kowtow.


The First Kowtow, we reverently offer to God the Father.


O God the Father, I thank You, bless, and praise You. Every time we have the opportunity to prostrate ourselves before the Eucharistic Jesus, we prostrate before Your love and Your infinite Divine Mercy. You gave Jesus to us. At this moment, as we bow down, may we remember our human condition as dust. It is from Your love that we still exist on this earth. Though there are many events in life, You still give us the opportunity to have this day.


O Father, in this celebration after the pandemic days, surely each one of us has become aware and alert and know that events happen unexpectedly and nothing can be permanent and last. Only Your love, only Your infinite Divine Mercy still wait for sinners like us, the little people like us. You are waiting to listen to the sincere hearts that come to You to talk to You. You alone are the Supreme Being who clearly understands and knows our human life.



O Father, thank You. The past months it was enough for us to recognize that we are truly sinners. It was the Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who saved our souls. Over the years those graces nourished our lives, enabling us to understand what needs to be done and what must be done. Although we still have many imperfections, You still preserve and protect us to continue to come here, see the people  that we once met, here in the monastery that You dedicated specially for us to come to adore the Eucharistic Jesus, to have a celebration, to be reminded of Your love through the Eucharistic Jesus and through the infinite Divine Mercy of an all-powerful God who still waits and still gives us the opportunity.


O Father, today’s world is battling a turmoil that has turned everything upside down. Where is the truth and where is love, apart from You? O Father, please forgive us. May the world know You and return to You. May we truly amend our lives.


O Father, the pandemic came like a reminder to each of our souls. O Father, money and fame cannot save us when we face the pandemic. All are vanity, but mankind is still spellbound and fascinated, still living in lust, in greed, and with many self-interests. May we recognize what is most important for us to return to You, because You are the Supreme Being who gave us everything. We need cooperation and unity for us to walk in the doctrine of love, in our lives to be cheerful, happy, to hope in You alone.


O Father, we spent so much time worldly, in greed, in selfishness, with money, fame, lust, and avarice. The world continues in this way thus causes us to fall into the deep abyss of grave sin. At this moment, no one but onlyYou can save us. Apart from You, no one can save the situation of the world, with the imminent days of war, of famine, of pandemic, besides the tense days in dishonesty.



O Father, there is nothing like an offering by a reverent heart. Father, please sanctify us, transform us and to return to You. May more people know, believe, open their eyes, open their hearts, to recognize what they need. God still loves and waiting This is the last opportunity for us to return, to surrender and submission. Father, we lift up Vietnam to You, the situation in the East China Sea, and the United States of America. We lift up everything to You. Our Church is in the period of tension. There are many things that causes us to be truly afraid and confused, but we believe that You are in control of everything. We just need to believe, pray, and entrust. Father, please preserve, protect, shield, and help our Church  to survive the current turbulent days. With unity, with faith, we continue to call upon Your name, the ever-living God whom everyone must believe, surrender, and submit to, because only in Your doctrine that can there be existence, joy, and peace. This is something most authentic that people must believe in.


O Father, no matter what the world is like, we still affirm. Father, please sanctify and transform us one by one. Each day, with humble and simple words, we lift up to You in prayer Mother Mary teaching. We honor You as the only God we worship, love, adore. We apologize to You. We praise You. May we belong to You. Amen.


The Second Kowtow, we reverently offer to Jesus.


O Jesus, the Savior, the Redeemer. You died for us to live and You redeemed us at the price of Your Blood. Today sinners like us still exist. What we do, whether right, or just, or wrong, God knows it all, God sees everything. God came with the purpose to save us and give us a doctrine to stay us in love, with the abundant graces and the best for our world.


O God, we are so weak, so wretched. Our understanding is limited, our faith is so immature that we easily stumble, easily lured by circumstances, easily fall into the abyss of snares and iniquities. Each one of us is stumbling.


O God, due to our weaknesses and wretchedness, we fail to see our condition, fail to understand the significant  value of dying for us, conquered death, brought glory, brought life, for us to exist until this day. O God, please increase our faith, grant us faith with depth, height, and breadth, for us to see what is important in our present physical life and the future days of our spiritual life.


O God, You come to give us hope and help us to understand the love You taught for us, to love You above all  things and love our brothers. Those are the only two main teachings that still  we have not practice through generations. There were those who love You and the saints presently in heaven. Indeed, it is very difficult to love one’s neighbor, in this real life, we still fail to practice love between man and man, and we continue to live without love for one another. We killed each other, put self-interest first in our lives, we offended God  by breaking the commandments that He taught. In particular, we completely live against the precepts, so through generations, the world is still in days of war, of suffering, of pandemic, of hunger and thirst, both spiritually and physically. Where  can we find peace in this world today? Where is  the truth, where is justice, apart from God’s doctrine? The recent pandemic reminded us that the freedom and the happiness that God bestowed were lost, because mankind lived against the doctrine, offended God, failed to do God’s teaching. Life is still lacking  of love, lacking unity, causing sorrow and misery to one another.


O Jesus, although we certainly know that it is late for us, in our quiet moments we confide to You. We are so weak, we keep falling. At this moment, kneeling before the Eucharist, kneeling before the Second Person of God, we prostrate and surrender ourselves, both soul and body, praying with our heart, with our soul’s true feeling, to apologize to You. Father, please forgive us. Father, please let us know that You love us and You need us to respond to Your love. We just need to give a lot of love in return, then we can overcome all of this world’s pitfalls.


O Father, our hearts are indifferent. We do things like a habit ever since and tilt this day we still do not recognize the love that You gave us through Your death. That glorious resurrection have renewed our lives and was the new doctrine to help us live a life with meaning.


O Jesus, I honor You, I thank You, and I praise You. I lift up all the problems of this world. We lift up all classes, all roles who live indifferent, offending You, gravely offending and challenging You at the same time. Father, please forgive us and allow us to believe in You, return to You with a repentant heart, to be reformed and restored. With what we pray today, please bless us, especially when we go to the celebration of Our Lady of La Vang,  to be able to understand what we learn and how we grow in the annual celebration.


Father, please open our hearts to be touched,  to be determined, be resolute, truly come to You, to pray from the hearts, the heart that honors You, with no hesitation, no fear, no shyness. There is only one Supreme God whom we believe, adore, glorify. May we walk in the doctrine through Your teaching, though it is too late, we will never lose the opportunity. You are the Supreme Being who always gives us the opportunity to return to You, to be sanctified and transformed, for us to have life so meaningful. Especially in this day and age, may we come to You with our souls, with our hearts, with our deeds, with all the best that You taught us, to love,  to be patient,  to be forgiving, be generous, live with sacrifice and charity. All these things are normal and trivial but it takes a heart to do it in Your grace. May we experience this love, reform daily, live with meaning when we offer the Second Kowtow to the Second Person of God. May we learn to love You and do what You want us to do. God, please help us truly amend our lives to represent all classes, all roles, for all brothers and sisters to return and recognize Your love.


O Jesus, as You said, “Believe and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and it will be open to you.” We lift up Vietnam to You. We surrender everything that is happening in the South China Sea to You. We lift up our Church. We lift up our society and the United States of America. In the past few days ago we fully presented all our problems to You. Father, You see very well and also know very well. Father, please give us the opportunity to pray. We, as members, as citizens in this country,  we also have responsibilities. Father, may the  people not live in ways that deny and offend Your law. May everyone know that Your law is the right one to help them step out of the days of iniquity, to live in justice, righteousness, and truth, for them to become righteous, practice days of righteousness, which is needed. It is neither too difficult nor too easy.


Father, please help us  to understand it individually, for us to become more mature, in love and prayer, for You to have mercy and intervene and help us on our way to truly return by deeds, to witness to the love You granted us, saving us among mankind. Even when facing an event, may everyone who has ears to hear, who has eyes  to see, and who has hearts to feel, to return to God.  He is the only Lord who saved us. It is for our sake He continues to be with us. We ask in the name of God, the Lord of love, now and forever and ever. May we belong to the Second Person of God, to the Second Holy Sign, to the Second Person. Amen.


The Third Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit.


O Holy Spirit, You are the love, the truth. O Holy Spirit, we greatly need You. Without You, we are like living in a dungeon, confined caused by iniquity, greed, selfishness, self-interest, jealousy, resentment, envy, which is present  in every person.


Our lives is like a riddle with sin as a wall between Your love and light. May we receive Your teaching. May we accept and obey Your teachings deep in our hearts. Your presence from eternity remains. God the Father granted them the Holy Spirit through the Apostles, which was the first Church. Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, we officially receive the Holy Spirit, that remained forever from the Church, from the laity, those who belong to God. All are with the Holy Spirit, which is the truth, the holiness, the beauty that we have forgotten and failed to follow so our lives are still days of nourishing iniquity, fostering iniquity, with iniquity, and in iniquity. Today, with sin, how can we see the best, how can we see the truth, the holiness, and the beauty that people receive from the Holy Spirit? Sin causes us to err or change. Sin kept us away from God. Sin made us suffer and struggle in this life. Sin made us obstinate, stubborn, and hardened. May we hear God’ voice, may we recognize His teaching in our conscience, in our heart, with the sacred and divine truth that He granted to our souls.


O Holy Spirit, please enlighten and help us distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. Help us leave the allurements and passions of life, with the attraction of money, passion, lust, greed. Help us remove what causes sin in this life for us to truly experience the worthy days that You specially granted, which are the most beautiful and most independent days that we lost.


O Holy Spirit, in this moments, in those days, when we do not have God, then we neither understand nor known. Our life becomes a habit, though we are taught by our families and live a Christian life, but our hearts are truly dry and cold. We certainly do not understand and do not feel. When there are problems, we are worried, afraid, and most of the time we forget God, so we stumbled and we did wrong in our lives. When we are defeated, disappointed, suffering, then we seek God. Though it is too late God still  the Lord who opens wide his arms to embrace us, who always protects us and leads us back to the truth.


O Holy Spirit, You are our everything. Thanks to You, we come to the Father’s Divine Mercy. Thanks to You, we understand the Lord Jesus’ salvation. Thanks to You, we step away from the sins and weaknesses that causes us to stumble upon in our daily wretchedness.


O Holy Spirit, please help us and save the world for everyone to love one another in unity and see the meaning that You gave us through Your doctrine, for us to leave all the wretchedness and sin that  make us stumble daily in life. Let us live in righteousness and truth, because You are the Supreme Being who enlightens, guides, and teaches. May we obey You and receive at least seven sources of graces, and from those little things to help us behave daily, from the family, to the group, to the society, to the place where we live and work. Help us to deny ourselves, live a righteous life we are called. Even if we suffer some unfairness from our society, God dwells in us and that teaching will help us live more noble, more sympathetic, more giving, and more charitable. We thank God, praise God. God is the only Supreme Being who teaches us to understand the meaning of prayer, to be renewed daily by the Holy Spirit. We ask  this in the name of the Lord, the God of love, now and forever and ever. May we belong to the Holy Spirit.


Please enlighten our Church. Please protect our Church and give our Pope wisdom and insight, to be filled with the Spirit of God to lead the flock, steer the boat of the Church through the current storm. May the people in our society realize that if we continue to kill each other, causes resentment, hatred, or war, the end is tragedy and misery. May the world known peace. May the life between man and man recognizes what is most important so as not to cause injuries, sufferings, and pandemics like today. We ask in the name of the Holy Spirit. We believed in You. It is not possible in the world but You are the Supreme Being who can make it happen. It is impossible for the world but to You everything is possible. What we say, lift up, offer, beseech and implore, may all of us who are Christians, welcome You, listen to Your teaching, practice what You teach,  to make our life to become richer, happier, more secure and  have peaceful days, which everyone greatly needs in life. We thank You, glorify You. May we belong to You. Amen.


The Fourth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.


O Eucharistic Jesus, I thank You. Every year at this time, many people are here, but because of the past pandemic, a number of people have passed away. For the number of people who came, the days have became a habit very quickly in life. O Holy Spirit, no matter what changes, we will never change, because the Eucharistic Jesus is always with us, and You always visited us. The Eucharist is a Sacrament that today only 30% of the people  in the world believed in the presence of God, but we do believe 100%. Because the Eucharist is sacred presence of Jesus  that he instituted over 2,000 years ago. It is a sacred and divine Sacrament that is still present in the world. It is the love that Jesus granted to us in the world by nourishing and  to feed our soul in our journey, also  to grant us the closeness, and strengthen our life of faith.


O Eucharistic Jesus, it is truly an infinite great grace that You granted to humanity. May we offer the reverence, love, awe, and honor that is due  to the  Eucharistic Jesus.


O God, why do You stay till this day? The reasons is because You love  humanity and  through that love  to save humanity. No matter how tense the situation in the world , no matter how much war and suffering mankind causes to each other, God is still the tender Supreme Lord who waits for mankind through the Eucharistic Jesus. He was powerful, full of glory, and manifested into the world of men, for us to recognize the doctrine  that  lead us home. We must repent, we must recognize the best in the given doctrine. Today we come together in unity to kneel before  the Eucharist and to thank You. Throughout the years, what we do, the words we pray and lift up are not from our  own knowledge but from the Holy Spirit who teaches us, to glorify the Eucharistic Jesus.


God is so lonely. He has been forgotten, abandoned for many generations. Abandoned and forgotten in all the tabernacles in this world, He is seeking the simple little children, seeking the trusting hearts to come and comfort Him. Today what we mention, lift up,  and to present, is not spontaneous, but it is God who specially grants when He visits us. Last year when we could not go to church, there was so much stress. When we could not go to church, we could not receive Holy Communion normally. Things just started to be back to normal, and when we cannot come to church then God comes to visit us. Faith will help us see many things closely and through the Holy Eucharist has done in this world. May everyone respect and love God with reverence and gratitude, because we do not deserve the graces that is granted to us,  the treasure that is given to us to embrace humanity in the days with the events that we are facing.


O Eucharistic Jesus, You are the source of comfort, the light, the joy, the support for our faith in life. May our Church continue to help the world and help all citizens in our society, especially those who are Christians to know about the Eucharistic Jesus, to be profound with the Eucharistic Jesus, to be close to Him. May our Church have something new to bring us to the Eucharistic Jesus, always think of the Eucharistic Jesus, remind us of Adoration for us to constantly adore God. Only the Eucharist of the Lord is the source of comfort when the storms of life are intense and when there are many events happening, from the Church to society. God, please help us because  your powerful presence is still here. It is that victory that bring us to life through the glorious resurrection, and today, help us and the world  treturn. God is the victorious Supreme Being. God is the all-powerful Supreme Being, the King above all kings, a benevolent and gentle Father. Only God and His doctrine help the world become prosperous, happy, and peaceful.


O Eucharistic Jesus, the time has come. We lost a great opportunity due to our weak faith and a poor prayer life so we stumbled. Today, the devil controls the world. We are not defeated people but we have been indifferent, lacking in prayer. The Eucharistic Lord is the Supreme Being who protects. In every battle we can receive the protection, but we do not ask for help and we do not trust so we are heading for the present defeat. There are those in this world who, for generations, are so sinful. The world is full of sinners, but there are also those whom God loves. He chooses and forgives those sinners  who recognize the love of God  and to witness to the truth. All of us relied on the love and the Divine Mercy, with the presence of the Eucharistic Lord, to have the special graces to bring to the world, to rekindle the faith and reverence that are needed in prayer.


We adore the Eucharistic Jesus. Indeed, it is a truly special grace. Please help us, for this Blessed Sacrament Day celebration to continue in the years to come, with abundant blessing. May more people come every year with sentiments of love for God, with a spirit of reformation in God’s grace, with a spirit of reverence, of adoration, of listening, practice the teachings, love the Eucharistic Jesus, glorify Him, and testify to the truth. We adore the Eucharistic Jesus, we glorify God, we thank God. May we receive God daily in this world with respect, with gratitude. Let us examine ourselves. Let us not receive God in a sinful state of mind for God to endure the stench of our sins.


May those in charge always cherish and remind us of what we need to know, about the Eucharistic Jesus, the treasure that is opened for humanity  today, to draw close to Him and glorify Him to compensate for the days of indifference, the days we are offending the Eucharistic Jesus. May we learn to comfort Him. May we prostrate and surrender respectfully, reverently,  to confess or to repent to make up for those brothers and sisters who still do not understand unintentionally or intentionally offending God. We ask in the name of the Lord, our God, please accept our apology, our plead for mercy. May God’s holy will be done over what we ask for. May the world recognize God and return to God. May we belong to the Eucharistic Jesus. Amen.


The Fifth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Five Holy Signs of Jesus Christ.


The Five Holy Signs of love, of grace, of mercy, of hope, and of the Risen Lord.


O Jesus of the Five Holy Signs, You died for us so that we will live. Your longing through generations is for us to know that You redeemed us at the price of your Blood. The love through the infinite Divine Mercy of God the Father, the salvation of the Lord Jesus, the presence of the Holy Spirit, for generations, that love is still waiting for us. The sacredness that is present with us is His Eucharist, which is the tender loving guide and reminding us to follow the greatest example to help us to return. Jesus endured extreme sufferings till death, which is the covenant that goes on as we contemplate the Five Holy Signs. The Five Holy Signs reminded us that Jesus redeemed us by the seal of love and forgiveness. All of us still exist because of love. As God still waits for us through the Five Holy Signs, let us look at what we have, not to be foolish, not give up, not live in despair and hopelessness. No matter which circumstances, we must find and hold onto hope from the Five Holy Signs.


It is clearly the Five Holy Signs that God is yearning for,  is the love through the Divine Mercy that God the Father granted for generations. He is still the Lord abounding in love. As He once said: “I do not want the wicked to die. I want him to repent and live.” It is from this verse that we know the First Holy Sign we believe and honor through the Lord Jesus was given to us, redeemed us, and brought us back to God the Father’s love and Divine Mercy. The Second Holy Sign, Jesus came to save us, He died for us and has gloriously risen, so no matter how sinful we are, return with hope in Jesus. God came to save and forgive, then let us return with a repentant heart, to be resurrected, to be restored, through His love, through the Savior, as He granted us through the Second Holy Sign.


The Third Holy Sign is the Holy Spirit’s guidance and illumination, for us to know what is  the most important, what God granted and gave, what is currently restored and received by all generations. May we discover the beauty of truth, holiness, perfection, and recognize the love that God has for mankind, to be guided and enlightened in what is good, evil, right, wrong, true, and false. People must choose to decide for themselves. The Holy Spirit teaches us the depth of faith and all good things. He is waiting to bring us back to God the Father. If we believe in the Lord Jesus then our lives will become meaningful. When we realize that we are the children of God, then we  can practice through the Holy Spirit’s teaching. Let us not be ashamed with our hearts and not be at fault with the justice required.


O Holy Spirit, what You teach to us and to the world is truly valuable. We desperately need Your light to help us become righteous. Deliver us and guide us from the snares of sin that causes us to stumble for too long in our lives throughout generations. Today with everything that happens to us in the present age, people think it is normal, but it is not. The time has come for everyone to surrender, to submit, to return to God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God alone saves and guides us in this life and the next.


O Holy Spirit, help us have the wisdom to choose, to do what needs to be done,  continue to bear witness to the truth that You granted to us through Your grace with the gift of the Six Kowtows. The Fourth Kowtow: when we pray, is there any God who is besides us and who gives us a sense of peace with the meaning of happiness? Is there any God who patiently waits for us? Today, we recognize the divine and sacred things that are appearing through the Blessed Sacrament, which is the small fragile host that enters each person’s heart. When we receive Him, especially those who are Christians, it is a host with light, love, and grace, to bring us out of difficult and painful days. That is truly love. How can it be explained?


Only faith and feeling can  we recognize the sacred presence of what  we worship, to know the signs and traces of over 2,000 years ago. It is out of love for mankind that God stayed with us until today, though we are unworthy sinners, He continued to wait and love us. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus was in the flesh, but 2,000 years later, we meet Him through faith. It is the Eucharistic Jesus today  that we unite to profess, worship, glorify, make up for the days when we did not know and did not have enough faith. We were apathetic, indifferent, and offended God, either deliberately or unintentionally.


O Eucharistic Jesus, please forgive us, forgive mankind, forgive all classes and positions so that they can appreciate, respect, and love You more from the heart, to recognize what the Eucharistic Jesus desires in them and in each one of us. Let our hearts not be so dry, so cold,  and  have no feeling. God is so close. He loves and He is very close. It is an indescribable love that He has for us today. It is the Fourth Holy Sign that we honor. It takes what is known and must be known for life to become meaningful days with depth, as we honor, adore, and we are determined to return with the inner life to pray for God to hear. With the growth of the spiritual life and a deeper faith as we experience and perform the sign of prayer  from the heart, we do not fear anything  in this world or the public opinion, but we feel the peace and happiness that God granted to us. Despite our shortcomings and weaknesses, let us remember each day for us to step out of the days of nurturing iniquity and the days of living in iniquity, unintentionally or deliberately.


O Eucharistic Jesus, there is so much You have given us, so much You gave us. May we rise with heart, determination, reverence, and adoration. The Fifth Holy Sign, Mother Mary taught us thoroughly. She was the person who obeyed God and spent Her whole life besides the Eucharistic Jesus until the moment He left this world. He continues to remains in our world. For more than twenty years, officially through the Church, all the miracles and all the teachings of virtues and thru God’s holy will, Mother is the person who clearly understands. Today, Mother knows the world will encounter days of events like this. There will be days in the world when we will totally lose everything  that God granted  to us. When we live in  sin or iniquity, with iniquity, we despise what is in the life of faith. The most insignificant and humble deeds, people do not even perform, then how can they perform great deeds?


We try to seek literature, knowledge, ornate words and thinking, but our hearts are extremely dry and cold. We nourish sin, foster sin, to the point of not knowing what sin is. These are matters we must be aware of, because we must pay a price when we choose wrong and we take the path that is contrary to God’s teaching. So Mother taught us what it means when we pray, when we come to God, when we come to the Eucharistic Jesus. Through the Six Kowtows,  with full of meaning, Mother helped us lift our hearts to God, step out of the pitfalls that we fell into for generations, have a life of faith with depth, height, and breadth, help us overcome the events, trust, and accept, for us to listen to God’s teaching. May we continue with the mission to bear witness to the truth, to help all our brothers and sisters receive the gift Mother taught, for each one of us to lift up to God when there are events.


The recent coronavirus pandemic reminded us, when we relied on all matters practical in life. When the pandemic came, there were no opportunities and  have no circumstances for us to  receive the last Sacrament of our lives. So the gift of the Six Kowtows will help us in all places, at all times, and especially in all circumstances, for us to confess, lift up soul and body. Even if we are physically ill, we still have our minds until the very end. Before we leave this world, there are moments of awareness, for us to pray and ask God for forgiveness, to be forgiven from the love of the Divine Mercy.


God wants us to understand these matters in order for us to be saved, forgiven, and understand the meaning of the covenant through the Five Holy Signs that He granted to mankind. Today we represent all classes and all roles to offer thanksgiving, praise, honor, and consolation to Jesus on the Cross through the Five Holy Signs, and  when we  received the seal of forgiveness that God granted us through generations. When we repent and return, God forgives. God still forgives and God still loves us as in the first day. May we believe these things  and  to leave the days of sin and return to God worthily before the Five Holy Signs. We adore God, we bless God, and we praise God. May we belong to God. Amen.



The Sixth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary and for Her triumph.


O God the Father, we thank You. You knew we were too weak and inadequate. None of us deserve to stand before You. You chose for us a Mother who completely lived according to Your holy will, in Your arrangement. It was a program that You dedicated to save the world through our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother is the person who accepted with the “Fiat” for Your holy will to be done with the great work to save humanity, to allow sinners like us to exist. Mother changed us, to be perfect before God. Those great blessings and graces that God the Father gave to Mother, She gave them to us. Today, sinners like us, sinful and wretched, still have the opportunity to speak to You, Father. It is not something spontaneous for us to have, because we are never worthy to beseech and speak to You.


However, we still have Mother who taught us and brought us to Your infinite love and Divine Mercy. Mother brought us to Jesus, Her Son, the only Savior. Through Mother’s intercession and through the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mediator, we were allowed to call You: Abba. The Abba of humanity. Through our Lord Jesus Christ and through Mother’s perfect life, we were led to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Today, what we do, what we say, what we practice, in proclamation, with prayer, Father, we thank You profusely. Father, please allow us to offer the Sixth Kowtow to Mother Mary as the Holy Spirit taught us.


O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of  humanity, and Mother of the Risen Lord. Thanks to You, today we understand how to pray, how to confess, how to prostrate, how to surrender, how to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. For years, He endured the offenses, the coldness, the indifference. Today we continue to offend Him gravely. Today we must accept what we are practicing and choosing. We do not understand that a great treasure is in our midst, which is the love that forever belongs to us. Jesus instituted the Eucharist so that no matter what the situation is when our hearts believe, we turn to him worthy, we must lift up, because it is only in the moments of prayer can the soul and the heart reveal everything that comes from the bottom of our heart of those like us, though we are imperfect.


O Mother Mary, we do not know what words to use to thank You. We honor You, thank You,  I apologize to You. There are many things You taught, but we still have not done and still have not understood. In the past months, more or less, during the past ten years, no matter how many events, changes, public opinions, rejections, we are still happy with the gift of the Six Kowtows. This gift helped us and lifted our faith step by step. We feel our days are still days of deficiency, but we are just in time to make amends, to step out of snares and the wretchedness and weakness of our lives. Indeed, it is an ordinary and banal gift but extremely valuable to our souls, leading us to God, and helping us experience things that we have today from Mother’s teaching.


O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of every sinner, every saint, every victim, every patient, every penitent, every witness, every soul in purgatory, Mother of the apostles all over the world, Mother of each person, and Mother of the whole world. Today, we have You, with You, and through Your intercession, we become more mature, more conscious, for us to step out of the snares that we are falling into.


O Mother Mary, Your title and Your honorable name cannot be denied. What God grants us is not limited to books recorded in bygone times, but God generously leads people to Him in a lively way through Mother’s teaching,  thru  our life of faith and heart to have depth. When we understand the meaning of prayer, we understand the meaning when we come to God and we understand things God teaches us, which are the most ordinary and banal things, yet are so extraordinary and marvelous. Our lives are thus close to the meaning that we cannot be without.


O Mother Mary, please continue to walk with us and teach us, and to remove the routine in life, with the apathy, the lack of duty and responsibility in life with our mission. We also pray for those in the ranks of our Church to always have a heart devoted toward the Eucharistic Jesus, for the life that they teach us  to pray with practice, with determination, with sacrifice, with retribution, and to have faith, depth, height, and breadth. We are aware of what we have done, to remind the world to recognize the worship, the reverence, with a sincere return that the world needs today. Only lifting up soul and body can be a sacrifice offered to beseech or implore God to accept, intervene, and forgive our world, to return to God in the current events, with issues that we are still facing.


O Mother Mary, You foresee this. The world will enter days of battle, spiritual as well as physical, and extreme days in turmoil we are facing and encountering. There are pandemics of both soul and body so You teach these things to help us step out of days of weakness and negativity, and to return with a repentant and contrite heart, in faith and trust. Surely God will intervene and lead us to a world that belongs to us, which is a new world. No matter what happens, let us not be discouraged or lose faith. Trust and hope, because God is the Supreme Being who loves us more than our sins. Through Mother, through Her intercession, may the world repent, be sanctified, be transformed, be in grace, through  Mother’s teaching, in the urgency of the times. We need this unity. The gift of the Six Kowtows taught us and brought us to each Person and properly guided us with deeper, more focused prayer, to live our lives more zealously. We practice Mother’s teaching for us to understand the meaning of life. As we lift up to God, we pray for the necessary graces and we earnestly beseech or implore His intervention for today’s world.


Thank You, Mother, for giving us the gift. You know that the world cannot withstand the myriad of evil spirits that cause us to stumble. The law was also changed and everything became very tense days. From both our spiritual and physical lives, we did not know what was true, what was right, what was wrong. All matters are in a state of days in which we are confused and worried about the spiritual life through the Church, as well as all the realities of life that we are facing. There is still the tension of war and the pandemic. Mother, please have mercy and help us. May we focus and wholeheartedly beseech God for help. May we trust and hope. May we keep praying. The weapon of prayer will help us through the trials and tribulations. Let us accept the challenging path, in the end, God will intervene and save us. We offer to Mother the Sixth Kowtow. May we believe in these prayers and to always live in the  only hope in God. May we belong to Mother. Amen.


Mother brought us to Saint Joseph. Through Saint Joseph’s shining example and intercession, we ask him to pray for those in the ranks of our Church, to live a chaste life as Saint Joseph once lived, as a person with responsibilities, obligations, also a person who follows God’s holy will. We lift up our Church today to Saint Joseph to intercede with God to help our Church get through the days of crisis and tension, and many matters in the midst of today’s life. We are lay people. Regarding the situation that the priests, the religious, the bishops, the cardinals, face, we do not know what is right and what is wrong, we just lift up to God. We lift up our Church to Saint Joseph for him to help our Church through the ordeals and challenges. This is also a test and a purification that God gives to the shepherds who belong to Him, to lead the lost sheep and lead the flock to follow God’s right path through Saint Joseph’s intercession.


Mother also guides us thru the three archangels,  to ask for their help. Our world is deeply sinking into the snares with days in which we are infatuated and fascinated with all the technology and science of a civilized age. We have forgotten everything that is in God’s law. As we are in that situation, today we ask the three archangels to help us, to dispel the traps of the devil, to save us from the snares that cause us to stumble due to our foolishness and weak faith. We also pray to the angels, the saints in heaven, especially our guardian angels. From time immemorial we seem to have forgotten our guardian angels, but they always teach us and protect us. We ask for their help through the prayers, for us to become righteous, to listen, to pray, to avoid all the snares we tend to stumble upon daily.


We also ask Mother to lead us to the saints. They are the models through ages. They became saints who are present in heaven, sitting at the holy banquet table in the heavenly kingdom so it should not be too difficult for us, because there are people who believed, who achieved, who went to heaven. Today we greatly yearn but we still cannot achieve. We ask for help through the saints’ intercessions. Their shining examples will help us every step of the way to be witnesses to the truth and to trust in God. Through what we are doing today, we glorify God, comfort God, beseech God, lift up all problems to God, to ask for heaven’s help through the current events, through the urgent days that the world is facing. In the days of the pandemic and the state of war, please save us, help us through these ordeals and challenges, for everything to become good as we wait for the new world that God offers to humanity.


I thank Mother. It is from Your teaching that we are certain of what will happen in the future. Though the days are tense, we still trusting, because God is the Supreme Being who is always in control. God is the Sovereign. God has the power to plan and arrange. All the events that happen, God also wants us to recognize them, because we choose the path of freedom, the path of separation, the path that leads us away from God, the path that is against the doctrine. What happens today is from what we choose, so let us pray, repent, return, God will definitely save us, God will forgive, and God will give us the opportunity. Today, Mother teaches us to keep praying, come to God, fervently plead, lift up everything, from the most ordinary, insignificant matters, with one’s heart, with the prompting given by the Holy Spirit, not using ornate words or thoughts according to the human way, but to live  according to our hearts. Let us lift up everything we see,  to hear,  to know. Let us lift up to God to ask Him to plan according to His holy will.


Mother will intercede to God for us, help us practice, fulfill our duties and responsibilities, to avoid and lessen sins, avoid all the passions in life that we easily stumble. May our prayers be worthy to God to accept and grant more abundantly. We now complete the Six Kowtows as an offering to God in this Blessed Sacrament Day celebration.  Although I arrived at this place later than the brothers and sisters, God gave me enough strength for me to lift up, to pleas and  to prayer, through the Holy Spirit, help us offer a worthy sacrifice in this Blessed Sacrament Day celebration. I continue to pray for this Thiên Tom Benedictine Monastery to keep on expanding, because the Eucharistic Lord is greatly needed in this world, for everyone to honor, worship, and adore.


God’s divine presence remains with us throughout generations. Let the glory of the Eucharistic Jesus be manifested and revealed to mankind as God once visited and granted us light. When the light comes, the darkness will be extinguished. This is what we need to lift up and  to present. Eucharistic Jesus, please accept this small sacrifice that is offered, to beseech You to forgive our sins, for the world to recognize and return to You, by action, by deed, by determination, by heart, by humility, to receive the teaching and walk in the right direction. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, may we be restored and resurrect in a spirit of repentance. We ask in the name of the Lord, the God of love, now and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Lucia, Maria Titus, Maria Nhung, Paul Thanh, Theresa Ky, Joseph Huong, Theresa Tao, Anna Hanh, Ignatio Quang, along with all the brothers and sisters on this trip. May God bless us after the Blessed Sacrament Day celebration so that when we return, we may bring something, a depth of love, to revere and adore the Eucharistic Jesus, to love Him more. Please sanctify us daily, to be worthy for God to hear our prayers and for the world to be renewed and delivered from the days of war, especially in Vietnam. As for the days of renewal in the love that God grants to our world, God, please grant in a special way and preserve our Church to overcome these ordeals and challenges. Ultimately, may our Church be in unity for us to still have a place to rely on. It is only because we have the Church can we have the Eucharistic Jesus, can we receive God into our hearts, can we be close to God, can we receive God’s visit, and can we be before the monstrance with the Eucharistic Jesus. We adore God, praise God, and glorify God. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we worship God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Lucia and the brothers and sisters conclude at 4:58 a.m. on Sunday, June 13, 2021, at the Thiên Tâm Benedictine Monastery, on the Blessed Sacrament Day celebration. Once again, we thank Mother. It is also the 13th, the day we remember Mother. Mother remains with us, teaches us, and this gift has been practiced for the past seven years, from Mother’s teaching. Mother, please help us continue with the days of witnessing in silence and fulfilling our duties to glorify God. Though silently, but one of these days, all our brothers, sisters, and fellow human beings, will accept and practice, with the proclamation that Mother taught to the world as well as to us. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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