My Beloved Children,
What more Could I Do for You?
August 21, 2012
Message for Mankind – Adoration room
Lucia, it has been a few days now that I have wanted you to write these words that I want to send to mankind today.
Lucia, My beloved, I know you always know your duties, and you cherish the things that I have given to you. You also are a person with a sense of responsibility, who has a deep respect and a true love for all the things that I send to you, as well as all the messages that I want you to write down. Today is no exception; I would like to use the time to say these words to mankind.
My beloved children, I am speaking to you out of love. I have sent many messages to the people I have chosen, and to the world, and there have been a few among you who were touched by these messages. That was the purpose of the messages – to help people to know, and to give them the opportunity to understand what the truth is – for them to be on their way to come back to Me; and for them to find out more about this truth, which I have sent through these messengers whom I have chosen; and the words that I want to give to those who are listening.
My beloved children, do not be surprised, wondering whether these miracles could be true. They are true. I have used these mouthpieces, and through them, I have come with these messages to send to the world. When it comes to My works, and the works accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit, you cannot just use your human eyes to see and to know the truth, which can only be seen and known through your innermost souls. Children, do not treat My prophets with contempt and disdain, for they are the people that I am using to send My words to you.
Normally, people look at each other without eyes of faith, and since they do not have God in their lives, they simply look at each other with normal human eyes, the way human beings do. But with Me, Who am the Father Almighty, I assign and use these messengers to bring My words to whom I want, as well as to bring these messages to all of you today. So children, never look with just human eyes, but look with the eyes of faith, and you will be able to feel that these words came from Love; from the sincerity and the love that I am sending to you through these messengers.
The world today has gone way too far, and is heading deeper into the abyss of darkness. Only a small number of people – a very small number – understand and look for the truth, and what has been lost in today’s generation. My beloved children, you are My children, whom I have created, and I have spent 33 years on earth with you; I lived with you, sharing My life with you, to be able to understand man’s life; and I looked deep into the things of this world to comprehend what people are looking for, what they are thinking, and what they are concerned about.
I have known everything that God the Father has planned from the beginning; and in His plan, He has arranged for Me, Jesus Christ, to come to the world to atone for you, children, to purify you, and to redeem the sins you have committed, which caused the Heart of God the Father to be broken and to suffer.
But the love of God the Father is always infinite.
He is always looking for ways to give Me to humanity, to use My death and My Blood to wash away the sins of mankind.
Everything that happens must have its own process, and purpose, as well as its reason. God the Father has sent Me to the world to experience human life, to share the same rhythm of life with you, to understand and live close to the children in those days. What I have done and have left for humanity, through My death, is the redemption of all sins, and My Blood has washed away all the iniquities that humanity has committed, as well as all the violations of the laws and commandments of God.
My children, can you ever comprehend and understand the words, the thoughts, the feelings, and the profound love of God the Father for mankind through Me? God the Father has always loved mankind, and His love is boundless and infinite. He loves mankind forever.
My beloved children, these are the words that I am sending to the world today. People have been lured into this earthly life of money, fame, passion, disorder, competition, jealousy and disputes. Children, look at how you treat each other: you kill each other; you try to find ways to harm each other; you fight for your personal interests, and for what you perceive as your personal rights; and you treat each other with cruelty, wickedness and evil. You also do monstrous acts to kill your fellow men, and even to kill your own family members, as well as your brothers and sisters. The human race has sunk too deep into the abyss of darkness of sins.
I, Jesus Christ, am truly living in the midst of this world. I am staying in the tabernacles to fulfill My promise to the whole world, through the veil of the Holy Eucharist. I clearly see and know all the changes in the human world today, and I have been trying to find ways to speak to mankind through messages; through the prophets whom I have chosen to come to you. But mankind is too hardened, too stubborn, and too indifferent to any kind of things that are happening in the world today.
My beloved children, what more could I do for you? I have laid Myself on the Cross for you. Through the Cross, and through My five Holy Wounds, I have shed My Blood for you; to cleanse you of your sins, to wash away the wickedness of mankind, to bring you closer to God the Father. But why are you still so engrossed with worldly life, and the implications of the human ego? Do you not realize, do you not know, what I have done for you for over 2,000 years? I still keep waiting and waiting for you, children, to purify and sanctify you; for you to be able to go on the path that I have prepared for you, through My Cross, to God the Father.
My children, come back to Me. Please, do not harden your hearts, do not compete, do not have conflict, do not envy, do not be jealous, and do not destroy the things that come from truth, righteousness and justice. The faithful have their own ways, the pastors have their own ways, the Church has her own way; I grieve to see all the confusion, the division, the taunting and destructive ways you have among yourselves. Children, you do not think about the things that pertain to the conscience, to the truth, and to justice – the teachings which I have left for you. As always, I wait for you, children, and I allow you the time to think and realize the righteousness and the truth that you should know; and the happiness and the peace that I had earned for you with My Blood and My death – for you to have this life.
Do you understand, and do you know, the purpose for this life, in this world, which you have – or not? You are constantly walking in the darkness of sins, and you are buried deep in the earthly desires of the human ego; so then, where will your lives and your souls end up later? Into which place will you go, children? I do not know what more to say to mankind. I have said much. I just want mankind to recognize the sound of My voice, the words that I want to send to you.
Come back to My Love, which has been waiting for you every day, every hour, in the Eucharist; and at the moment when I invite you to meet Me – in the celebration of Mass, at Communion, so that My Blood could continue to purify your bodies and souls; so that through the white Host, I could come into each of your hearts – to walk with you, to teach you the things that are just and righteous for you to know and to live; so that you could feel the happiness and the peace which I have given to you in this life.
The Cross of 2,000 years ago, and the Cross of 2,000 years later, is still present in each church. This is the symbol to remind you of the harmony between heaven and earth, and the redemption of your sins; so then, could you not stand up, recognize the truth and return to Me? Come back to Me, to your Father, the Almighty God, Who is waiting for you. Do not be immersed in the darkness of sins anymore; do not indulge in earthly passions by the ways of the world anymore. All of these things will pass; nothing will remain. Each person must answer for their own actions before My judgment court, after leaving your human body and your breathing has stopped. What are you going to say then? How are you going to face My Justice?
My Love is forever, and forever constant. The things that are true, just and righteous – you should know and apply these to your lives, so that you may be confronted with what God has bestowed upon you through this human life; so that you know and are aware of the things you should be looking for in this life, before this earthly life ends. While you still live in your human bodies, while you are still healthy, you do not think about anything else; you simply know what is physically present, and this is how the majority of mankind is.Today I just want to clearly point these things out to you; for you to understand what I want to say through My messages to you as well as to mankind.
I am truly living in the tabernacle, and I have chosen this chapel – which is the place to which you will come tomorrow, from the five continents, and you will seek to know and clearly see the miracles of Life that are truly present in this place; which is also the place for reconciliation, providence and shelter in the days of tribulations, to help mankind in the last moments of the century.
Children, listen clearly, and hear the truth from Me, Who am Jesus Christ, saying these words, through L., to mankind.
Do not be distrustful, and do not try to understand all the things that God is doing. I am The Almighty One; and I Am, Whom all things created belong to, and are in My hands. I can do all the things that I want, and I will bring you to the places where I want. But as I have said, I have created men in My image, and I have given you the freedom to choose, and the freedom to enjoy the things that I gave to you and to the world.
Freedom forever belongs to mankind. I respect your choices, children, and I would like you to choose what belongs to the truth, the truth in which I have lived and which I have brought to you through My words and My life on earth; living among you, traveling with you, and leaving you with the reality that by My Love through the Cross, I have connected heaven and earth – to allow you to gently step on the path to the place of the eternal happiness that God the Father has granted to each of His children.
My beloved children, these are the words that I am sending to you, to mankind, today. Come back to Me, and leave all those things that humans prefer and desire. The more deeply you allow yourselves to be enslaved to those things, the deeper you will fall into this abyss of darkness, and no one would be able to save you but Me. Do you know where that abyss will lead you to? And how will you fare, with what you will have to face, with your departures to the other side of this world?
My beloved children, you can still make a choice when you are alive and breathing, when you still have your souls in your bodies. You also have the right to choose and to decide – to either walk in truth and justice, or walk in sin. This life has so many temptations, and especially when today’s generation has rejected all the things that come from God. You refuse to do what you need to do and should do in this life – for society and for your brothers. You think that your way of thinking is right; you think that what you need to do for the world is to follow the way of the world. Children, you live in lethargy and the confusion of darkness; you do not know where it will lead you to, and you do not know which way is the way to the happiness that you deserve to have, and should have.
There are people in this life who have lived many years close to God; then in today’s world – with the competition for power, the lack of humility, the pride, the self-conceit – they end up oppressing fellow brothers, oppressing what is righteous, and oppressing the truth that everyone in the world is able to recognize and to see; all the things that God is giving to humanity. But these people have been blinded, and they fight for their own interests, and their egos have started this rebellion between brothers.
I am heartbroken to see how you treat each other, children. If you, who call yourselves Christians, who claim to understand what justice is, and what the truth is, and you live like this; then how will your brothers who are non-Christians, as well as the world, be able to live with goodness in their hearts, and understand the things that are righteous?
I am grieving over the world today, with the divisions in the ranks of society, the divisions in the ranks of the Church, and the divisions in the ranks of the clergy, which I have chosen to serve and to lead the faithful in the world today. Although only a small part, each one of you will have a big impact. In these times, people have too much freedom; besides, the human ego and the material attractions will lead people onto the wrong paths, and people defend and cover up what they believe is true and right; but the light of truth will see and know everything.
I still have so much to say to mankind today, but everything needs to be done in steps; there must be a right time for you to clearly see and understand. I just wanted to say all these things to you, and to call you to come back to My Love. I came to you with Love, and I will end with the Love and the Mercy I have brought to the world. My Heart is truly present, and the Blood bleeding in My Heart continues to purify you, children, and continues to invite you – to bring you back to truth and justice, to save you from the darkness of sins.
Come to My Divine Mercy – to be purified, to be sanctified, to be truly redeemed. My Divine Mercy and My bleeding Heart is waiting in the Eucharist – to sanctify, to transform, and to forgive you; so that you could return and walk on the path that the Father has bestowed upon you from all eternity; so that you would be worthy to step on the path that I have prepared for you.
Purify and cleanse yourselves with repentance, to return to the Light of Love that is sheltering you and ready to forgive you, and leading each one of you to see this truth, to come to Me through My Divine Mercy. Come to the Holy Eucharist; I am present in It, waiting for you, to listen to what you have to say to Me. Open wide your hearts so that I could give you My love, to sanctify and transform you; to prepare you for the final battle between the heavens and the earth, between the human world and the eternal world that you will have to come to one day.
My beloved children, what I want to say to you I have said.
I will continue to send messages that I want the world to clearly know about, so that you could choose for yourself, and your souls will be able to feel and decide whether to walk the path of light or the path of darkness; and that is up to each person to choose for your next life. I wish you will always know truth and righteousness in the midst of this life. You should respect and appreciate the joyful things that God the Father gave you; and you should practice the things that God the Father wants you to do, which is to love one another. Live your lives as I have taught you, and do those things that are meaningful for your lives, now and in the future.
Children, you know that at this point in time, each person has been through life with a past – with some happiness, with some sadness, with some painful sufferings; but take time to be calm and quiet for a moment, and allow your souls to see, to know and to choose the path of goodness and truth, the path which is worthy for you to pursue for your life today and for the future. Forget your past sadness, and live in the present; live in the hope of today and of the future. Have faith, and walk in faith, and the blessings of God will pour upon the righteous ones and those who truly know and follow the words which I have taught you.
Live and worship God the Father, Who is the Creator of all things, and practice those things that God the Father wants: to love one another, to walk on the path of justice and truth, to be able to grow spiritually and understand what is right and what is true; for you to find the peace and the happiness that have been given to you in this life. May you always live in peace, and may you know, as well as understand, the words that I am sending to you today.
My beloved children: goodbye My dear children. I, Jesus Christ, am sending these words to mankind today. I am living and waiting for you in the Eucharist, in every tabernacle. Come to Me, and say what you need to say to the Almighty; the problems in your lives, as well as what is troubling you in this life.
Come to Me. I am living in all the tabernacles in this world; and through the Eucharist, I will purify, cleanse, and transform you so that you can come back to Me, and walk on the path of righteousness that God the Father wants, the path that will bring you back to Him; the path that will enable you to come to Him, to His love that has been waiting for you and loving you.
Goodbye My children,