St. Michael the Archangel: In My Mission to Protect


September 29, 2014 – Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

L.:  O God, I just received the message inspired by the Holy Spirit for the feast of the archangels and I pray that You allow me to receive a message from one of these archangels. If God allows it, I pray for a message so that the archangels can teach us, help us in this world, a world where we encounter so many things surrounded by evil. I pray for the archangels to guide us, to deliver us from the snares of evil, because we do not know what to do to face all the evil that surrounds us, that is always prepared to ensnare us in this world. God, please allow the holy angels to help us, to teach us the things that we need to know and that we need to do in this world where we have the opportunity to receive a message from the archangels with Your permission. It is now 8:21 p.m. on Monday, September 29, 2014, in front of the Cross and the altar. L. waits for a message from the archangels.

St. Michael: Hello sister L., dear sister M., I am St. Michael, the archangel whom you desire and long to receive a message from.

Dear sister L.,

Our meeting today is not the first time; we have already met a few times with God’s permission. These meetings are not a coincidence but are arranged by God in our roles; I am a person who works for the heavenly kingdom and you are a person who is working for God, in the earthly world. Every role is very important so always be ready to listen and always be spiritually alert to receive the things that God gives in the moments that God wants to meet, such as in the urgent moments of your mission with messages to spread or I in my mission to protect those whom God wants me to protect.

Dear sister L.,

This meeting is also to help you know more about the remaining days. In all things, if they do not happen with the permission from God then nobody is able to know the works that come from angels, from humans, and the things that we receive from the miracles that God gives to humans as well as to angels, to saints in the heavenly kingdom. Recently I have come to the brothers and sisters in your group; this is the truth – I desire that you be the chosen people in this world, in a century that is concluding with all the works that God will give in the remaining days.

Dear brothers and sisters,

In my role, I am the person whom God has allowed to protect and to fight evil in a world where evil is ruling over the majority of people. Evil is spreading strongly because these are the remaining times; God gives mankind freedom and God gives freedom to evil as well. This is not something new; this has been foretold throughout previous centuries and reported in the Book of Revelation. You have known that the triumph and the things that belong to God still belong to God, but these are the days when people are subject to the snares, falling into sins and crimes.

God sees these weaknesses; this is a time period when evil forces are present, in this modern era, looking to snatch the souls of the young to the adults to the older people, in all classes of society, in all roles in their ministries. You can see the things that are happening everywhere, at the places where people live a consecrated life and at the places where people are serving, because people choose to be free, because people choose everything that belongs to their interests, everything that belongs to modernization, everything that does not belong to the teachings, everything that does not belong to the laws, and so this is the reason for you to encounter evil things in this time period.

There is jealousy and envy along with the freedom to choose the laws that do not come from God but from humans, to easily make decisions and to easily serve in the roles, but since people live in a life in which the laws were established by God, these laws are enduring and cannot be changed. In every era, in every situation, God is flexible; if things are done righteously they still follow the laws of God, which help people not to fall into sins, which help people not to fall into the situations that lead to the breaking of these laws of God. In this time period, the people who have duties and responsibilities have yielded to the demands of the world; people have made decisions to kill the unborn and even those who have duties and responsibilities have given their approvals, which can never happen with the laws of God, and there are many other matters against morality, in a world that concurs with actions that are against the teachings of God.

In the freedom of choice for the life of worship, people have completely acted against the teachings of God, and in every status in the world, evil is using all kind of tricks, hiding behind the polite, modern, sophisticated appearances, looking for ways to destroy life, and because you do not face your decisions, you have allowed the opening for evil to become the ruler of this world. In the events that are happening in this world, why are there Black Masses? Why? (1) As I have reminded you, as I have warned before, evil has many ways to lure the people of God, for those who have lived in the freedom of lust, of money, of the pleasures in life, the snares are obvious; evil has planned a program to rule over the immature souls and because people do not choose faith as their main focus in life, because people do not choose a life recognizing God, the majority has fallen into the present situation. You are able to know and to hear of only a small number of matters; you do not know of the matters that are silent and that are against God, through the families, through the individuals – these are even more frightening and repulsive.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today with God’s permission, I have the opportunity to speak to help the brothers and sisters in the world. In my role as an angel, I am a leader and a protector. In my role as a protector, I have the duty and the responsibility to eliminate everything that does not belong to the things that God wants to retain on earth and in heaven; and in my role as a leader, I conquer the evil spirits and take them to a place where they can be in their own domain. As for the things that belong to God, that belong to the heavenly kingdom, they are logical and clear, and the righteous people will be able to go there, and those who are guarded by God’s permission will be able to go there with our protection.

As you have served in the spiritual life, there are many miraculous works that God does through you so that you can bring all that is essential to the world, through His message, which is the miracle that God has given and for which God has chosen all of you; as for the things that you can see, that you can hear, that you can witness, they are the truth. All of you can see the things that God gives to this world in the remaining days, the miracles that are happening in the world, and those who have the eyes of faith, those who have been touched and who are able to recognize this truth – they will be able to know more, they will be able to see more clearly.

With the permission from God, we have come to the world, we have helped those who need to be protected; God wants to protect and assist the people who do not know, who are innocent people deceived by evil into following the ways of the world in this generation, especially the youth, who no longer live according to the teachings of those who have gone into history. The modern times allow for freedom in actions, enticing immature souls with the freedom coming from the ego, so that these souls commit crimes that they do not recognize as crimes, but instead they look at their actions as actions according to the ways of the modern times in order to deal with and practice in the ways humans are treating one another in this era.

Dear brothers and sisters,

If we do not have the opportunity to share with you about the works that God does then nobody would be able to know. We are from the heavenly kingdom but we are always present everywhere, and when people are forced, when people do not have the ability to defend themselves, then God orders us to come to protect them. There are a number of people who recognize this but there are also those who do not believe that the angels and the saints can come to intervene. To be able to understand this requires a life of faith, a life where only God can help the brothers and sisters on earth to open their eyes of faith, to widen their perspective in this generation where many miracles given by God are happening. I want you to know about this, because of all the events that are happening today; there are souls, there are people who are complaining about why they are living a life in which they are being persecuted, killed – they are lamenting, they are resenting all the things they are encountering in this world.

Dear brothers and sisters,

God is the Just One, there is nothing that He does not know and there is nothing that He is not concerned about, but people have chosen the freedom to receive the things that they have known. There are things that they need to do, things that they need to reject, things that they should have eliminated from the beginning but they did not, because of greed, because of selfishness, because of the deceiving that people do to one another – these things have become the things that nourish evil, so that evil rules in the roles and in the nations. People do not face the truth even when they know that it is harmful for others, because of their self-interests, because of the fear of losing their interests.

Today is the opportunity for people to open their eyes to see that the works of God are the works that they have to follow and that they have to cooperate with, not just for the appearances but from the heart so that evil will not have the opportunity to grow and to spread as is the case today. Evil is also present in the heart of each person, from the freedom of their ego, from selfishness, from greed, from all the things that belong to a sinful world – the same as it was in the first century – but in God’s providence salvation had come, and from there people have learned to differentiate between good and evil, and to recognize all the things that they can to help them be determined to walk the path, to embrace a religion that does not cause such a disastrous effect to the world as is the situation today.

If all things are judged according to the laws of God, the sinners and those who are being lured into sin will not have the opportunity to change, to return to God. God can see the present sins, God can see the righteous people, and God can also see the people who are falling into the forced situations, so God lets people be exposed to all the truth and recognize. The Love of God desires that the sinners return, desires to change all evil, to protect the righteous in a special way, just like we come to protect the righteous, to protect the people who are worthy to be protected. People have the freedom to choose in their lives, they know the things that are evil and the things that are good, they know the things that come from God, they know the things that come from their ego, they know the evil that comes from the demands of the flesh, so the things that come from the truth remain the truth while the things that come from the world will have to be repaid with the things that people choose.

Dear brothers and sisters,

In every era, you have seen past events and you have also seen the interventions. In the last century I was a leader assigned (2) to defend the truth, to defend justice, to defend the people whom God allows us to protect because they serve in the missions, to protect those who live a simple life, with no knowledge of the situations in the world that cause them to act against the teachings of God but they are dominated by evil that uses circumstances to force people into the kind of debauched life as with the situation in today’s world (3). We are the ones who protect the things that have been planned in the program of the heavenly kingdom, and we are sent to protect all the divine things in this world. With God’s permission, those who have the eyes of faith will be able to see and will be able to know the things that we have done and that we are doing. We continue to protect the children when God permits and we know that those people are the people who need to be protected so that they continue their missions, so that they continue in their roles to help the brothers and sisters to return and to recognize God.

Dear sister L., sister M.,

Today, in this short period of time, I am sharing to you what I can about all the things that are detrimental to this world if people do not return as God invites them to. People definitely have to return and they have to pray to God as He has revealed through the brothers and sisters in this world; people have to prostrate (4) and they have to return to the one God, the one God who has truly appeared in this world. This is a period of grace for both the unrighteous and the righteous people to make their decisions; they have the right to choose, they have the right to return, and they have the right to recognize the responsibility that they will bear in regard to the matters that they are facing.

So in all things that God gives in this period, God does not look into condemning those who have done wrong and who have made mistakes; God just wants to invite the people who live in sin to return to Him, and God allows us, the angels, to come help them in the moments of danger, in the moments they fall into the snares of evil when they want to return. This is also a world where people long to see the miraculous intervention from God, for those who have followed and who have lived a life choosing God, to recognize the appearance of God and the appearance of the angels who have the responsibility to protect them. This is the opportunity in the remaining days – everything can happen in this century, so for the things that you see, that you hear, that you face, this is only the beginning; there are greater things to come, just as in the Gospel today, the things that God said are true: God said to Nathanael, “[…] you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending […].” It is not something normal for God to let the angels be present (5) in the places where you worship, where you meet, where you come to listen to the words through the Gospel, through the preaching of the clergy, as well as the words of God, indirectly or directly, through His Body and His Blood. This is a period of grace when through the Holy Eucharist God allows the world to see extraordinary things, that He allows the angels to work in this world and to be in the places where He is present.

These things are true; when you hear and you talk about the returning days, the angels, the saints will help the people who return to God, the people who face the evil forces in the times of tribulations. People cannot oppose evil when evil uses evil forces so we have the duty to come, from God’s order, giving us the opportunity to help the brothers and sisters in this world. There are many essential things that God has given so that you will be ready for the final battle in the remaining days of the end of the century; this is the law of the heavenly kingdom, with evil in the remaining days, but there are people who do not know, there are people who do not believe, there are people who do not see. The messages from God are the reminders to the brothers and sisters, through the Gospel, through the revelations in this world, to invite people to return, to remind people to walk in the way of God.

The brothers and sisters have to return in repentance, to meet God, at the places where God allows; these are the places where you can pray to be sanctified, to be transformed, and to be forgiven in the Divine Mercy given by God to this generation. We are present to protect the brothers and sisters when they come to the Holy Eucharist because God is Present there, and we are also present in the Church. We can see the freedom given to the righteous, to those who follow the teachings and the commandments of God and we will protect and we will take them to the places that God has arranged. For those who have chosen evil, this is the opportunity for them to look at those who are faithful to God, those who reject God, those who live a deceitful life, a life of greed, a life of sins, who have caused others to suffer when they live in greed, in the modern ways of this world. They reject the teachings of God, they reject the laws of God, they reject the commandments of God, so God allows everything to happen, for the truth to be known, for the things that are true and the things that are false to be seen in their true states.

There is only one thing for people to do: they have to return, they have to repent, and they have to return to righteousness, starting with the truth. God wants to reform all classes, all roles; God wants everyone to recognize that there is one and only one God for the world to worship, to revere, to prostrate to, to return to, with heart. As for those who act against the commandments, who act against the teachings, who do things that do not belong to God, they will receive the penalty that they choose to receive, outside of the morals, outside of the laws, outside of the Gospel, outside of the commandments that God gives to the world.

The Love of God has come to the world, the Love of God is shown in the days the world receives the given graces; this is the period when you have many opportunities to return quickly, through love and salvation in the days that God blesses in a special way, with us to protect all the special things when the brothers and the sisters return to God and recognize the mission that God arranges and assigns to each person. In the matters that you currently face, there is truth, there is falsehood; when you recognize the things that come from God, recognize from your hearts and return in the way that God gives you the opportunity, to receive support in a life united with the brothers and sisters and to live a life truly having God, through His messages.

Evil is advancing in this generation from the decisions in these remaining days and this will have to come to an end because, though evil has raged as God allows, it will also end in the final day. These are the remaining moments for the people who are invited, so that they return to God, including the people who are evil, the people who live in sin. This is the opportunity for everyone to rise, to recognize that there is only one God that they have to worship, prostrate to, return to – with all their hearts – and serve; and practice according to His Divine Will: to support one another, to love one another, to guide one another on the path of righteousness, to renounce all the acts in which people are competing daily in their personal interests, in greed, in selfishness, causing division, causing many things that do not belong to God.

So in this world, things happen according to people’s reasoning; they worry for the lack of food, they worry for the days of tribulations, for the days when the souls are withered – they need to return to give themselves some moments of calmness as God has invited and to understand that the invitation today is for them to repent, to come and to meet God at the places where God wants. The Holy Eucharist appears and the Holy Eucharist is active, blessing people with peace in the soul, strengthening faith through the graces, through the Cross, through the graces of Divine Mercy, to save and to help humanity; and Mother Mary appears through the Rosary to save and to help the remaining people in the last days of the century; this summarizes all the important things that have been heard and proclaimed in the revelations given to the world (6).

Practice, return, invite the brothers and sisters, invite one another to return to God; anyone who believes will see the miracle that God gives to this world. For those who do not believe, for those who continue to do evil, they will have to pay the price, because this is the conclusion of the remaining days. We come to uphold the truth, to protect the people who belong to God, the people who return to God; we do not support the people who are ruled by evil and who stubbornly persevere in the things that are controlled by the evil forces in this world. The people who hear, the people who return – they need to try harder, they need to be more zealous to collaborate, to unite, to pray for the other brothers – to pray, asking God to help the brothers and sisters to return.

In this world, the number of people returning is indeed too small while the number of people falling into the snares is countless; this is what you are currently facing, which is quite dreadful. Things that are evil do not end at this point but will continue to spread because of the brothers and sisters who have heard yet do not return, who have heard yet do not repent, who have heard yet still live in their stubbornness, so they are repaid with the price of living in a world that is controlled by evil, a world that is entering into its most tragic and chaotic days, as you are encountering. God loves humanity; He gives everything to the world; He definitely is the Supreme Being who will win the final battle. He wants souls to return to Him by the heart; to be determined to walk on the path of righteousness. For the souls who are weak, who cannot face evil, then we are the ones who help those souls, who help them return to God, who guide them with our protection.

For those who are stubborn and persist in sin, for those who persevere in doing evil, who persevere in committing crimes, they will pay a price in the remaining days, as you have seen and encountered; the events will continue to be more frightening, and there will be more extraordinary things that you will face in this century. God allows me certain things in my role; as for you, you have one and only one permission from God: that is to return to His Divine Mercy; return to meet God, so that faith is strengthened. Prostrate before Him with all your hearts, so that we – the angels who are sent to support and to help the brothers and sisters, the people who have received the seals (7) from God – will protect you and guide you to the place where you will have the protection from God.

These are the essential things that I remind you so that you can prepare for yourselves; this is the first step in the things that you have seen. Things are entering into the remaining and last century, with a fierce battle. In the end God will triumph, but whether people can persevere till the last moments or not depends on each person’s ability to triumph over evil and to be faithful to the graces that they recognize as coming from God. With the reminder in the remaining days, when you prostrate, when you return, you will receive the seals that God gives to you in a special way. This is a story that on earth you cannot believe, and probably there are people who consider this a fairy tale, who cannot believe this can happen, but this story is true, a miracle that is happening in this world.

This is the greatest opportunity for you to be rescued in this period; only a divine miracle can save your souls in this world, and if you continue to follow the earthly world, to deal with everything according to the reasoning of the world, then you will remain in one place. The things that are happening in reality for you to encounter are to help you return so that you are able to recognize; if you do not follow the guidance of God in the new revelations given to you then where is the place of refuge, where is the place for you to receive the seals from God, where is the place that God assigns for you to prostrate to worship, to return with a repentant heart in the shortest time, in a time of chaos when many roles are falling into the abyss of the snares, and what is the truth, what is falsehood, what are the things that you can believe in? Only from the Holy Spirit of God, only from the divine things will come the warning for the hearts to recognize which place will have the protection of the angels, as we are sent to guide the people in the remaining moments, between evil and good, to be led to the place that God reserves for the righteous people, for the people who return, for the people who prostrate before God, asking Him to help them in the remaining moments in the days of tribulations.

This is all I want to say today. I thank sister L. for the words that you pray to God so that I have the opportunity to share the things that need to be shared, along with all the things that you have heard and spread. Be bold so that we can help you, so that we can help the brothers and sisters in the world when they return and when they recognize the voice of God, so that they will not fall into the present snares but will live life as God invites, which requires that from within themselves, they have to reject all things that belong to greed, selfishness, evil, sins. Everything on the path of return that receives the sanctification from God will be perfected through the Divine Mercy, through the love of the Cross that God reminds to people and through the Holy Eucharist that people have to seek to prostrate to and worship, to ask for God’s forgiveness, to ask for the seals that God gives to each person to have protection in the remaining days of the end of the century.

This is what I want to share today; I hope that this will remind everyone that you are living in a world filled with the graces that God gives, which is a period that will not last long so return soon and practice the things that God invites, as we share with you and warn you, in our duties and responsibilities. There are many more wondrous things that God gives to this world in various ways for you to see the holy angels who come to protect and help the children in the remaining days. You will not be able to fight back in your weaknesses, so believe and practice – God will give you the seals and we will come to help and guide those of you who have the seals to the place assigned, and we will protect you in a special way since you are the ones who rightfully choose God. Trust, entrust, and God will plan and arrange for the angels, for the saints to come protect you and help you in this world.

May God give all of you peace; may you recognize and choose the path that leads you away from the snares of sin, away from the pleasures of the world so that you will not fall into the sophisticated ways that prevent you from recognizing the divine blessings from God. Be wise so as to recognize the things that lure you into sins, be wise so as to recognize the path that leads you into the modern ways when you do not practice the teachings that God gives, because the modern ways allow evil to rule over you and to spread in this world. Return and continue to listen to the messages that God gives through the graces in the remaining days – to know the path, to return to righteousness, to make the right choices so that you can have the protection because you will not be able to overcome the days of tribulations that will happen unexpectedly in this world.

Today I also speak on behalf of the archangels, to remind all the brothers and sisters that this is a remaining world where God gives many graces so that you can hear and receive this message from us, for we hardly have the opportunity to come and give a message to the brothers and the sisters on earth. In these remaining days I greatly desire to see you come to the heavenly kingdom, to see you receive our protection. Since there are not that many days left in this world, if you are not bold enough for this world to soon return to God, then you will fall into the snares of evil and evil will totally triumph, because these are the last days for evil to rage and then it will end up in an everlasting place, to no longer rage on earth.

This is a fierce and final battle between the forces of evil and the angels in the heavenly kingdom; you are in the middle, on earth, so the choice is yours to make. You have the right to choose and the right to recognize God, through His seal; the seal will help you in this world and will help you in the remaining days of the end of the century. Make your own choices and recognize the invitation from God so that you will not fall into the snares and the things that surround you to lure your souls and your bodies; only God is the all-triumphant Supreme Being who will bring you to the place of peace. The brothers and sisters who survive on earth will receive the joy and the blessings from God, and when all things will be accomplished, the world will no longer battle evil (8), but who knows how many people will be able to enter this world.

These are the words that I remind and share with the brothers and sisters whose roles are to protect. I want to protect and I am ready to protect the people when they call out to me, to ask for my help. After every Mass, I want the brothers and sisters to continue to say the prayer that the Church guides you to say, so that when we hear your prayers asking for our help, we will come at once to help you in the moments of danger, to help you when you encounter the attacks in your lives because only we can deal with the evil spirits that are controlling all situations in order to rule over all of you. Lift up the prayers that God gives to you so that we have the opportunity to come help you in time, just like the words that you pray to God so that God will allow us to come to help rescue you from the snares of evil in this world.

This is the message that I reveal so that the brothers and sisters could also hear about the request that after Mass, everyone, together, in this church, the righteous ones as well as the people who have not yet returned, pray to St. Michael. Also, the Chaplet of St. Michael helps the brothers and sisters in the world, so spread this to the entire world. Every time you say that prayer, every time you offer that chaplet, praying to the nine choirs of angels, all the holy angels in the heavenly kingdom, we will have the opportunity to help, with the permission from God, but you have to pray fervently for this to happen. We want to help but you need to ask, all of you have to be part of the program allowed by God and with the prayers coming from the people, it will be easier for us to come help you. I want all the brothers and the sisters in this world to pray the chaplet that was given to the world, the prayers to the nine choirs of angels. Those words are the words that God allows to be prayed in the chaplet, so that through the permission from God, we will come to help the brothers and sisters in the times of tribulations, the people who ask for help, and the people who believe in the revelations that I give to the world today.

May God bless all of you in this time period with peace, you who are the people who have duties and responsibilities, who are the people chosen to proclaim the Good News. Be more zealous, think of the other brothers and sisters – their souls are very important and they greatly need your help through the works that you are doing. Think of the other brothers and sisters; this is the opportunity to testify for God, the opportunity to work for God, to bring the brothers and sisters back. Think of all the most essential things for the life of the souls for whom you have been chosen in this world to do these works directly with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Do not let the opportunity pass; lend a hand in this most important work which Jesus greatly needs your help with. Jesus waits for the brothers and sisters to hear and practice the things that I share in this message, so that the brothers and sisters have the opportunity to receive the help from the angels, from the saints in the heavenly kingdom, through the permission from God, through the prayers that you pray. I thank sister L., sister M., for having listened and for having prayed to God so that I can share these things. I am very happy and honored to share this message to the brothers and sisters who have the duty and the responsibility to spread the things that are needed to help others and to help this century in the remaining days.

God will come and His Justice will chastise the people who hear but do not return; God will come to bring back His children who listen, for these children to come to the place of refuge, through the help from the angels and saints for those who have received the seals from God. Return – these are the final moments of the century – listen and practice, do not let the opportunity pass; otherwise you will bear the responsibility when all things will be accomplished. One more time, may God bless you with peace in the world; you are the brothers and sisters who choose and discern the things that you have been able to hear from the saints who are departed and who have encouraged in this century. This is something for your faith to rise; practice and believe in the things that God wants – we are waiting and ready to help the souls that believe, that return, that need our help; with God’s permission, we will protect the souls and bodies of the brothers and sisters when they ask for our help through the prayers. Goodbye sister, sister L., goodbye sister, sister M.

L.: O God, I thank You for giving me the opportunity to receive a message from St. Michael. I remember that last year St. Michael taught us many ways to avoid the snares of the world that surround us, and this year St. Michael gives us this message to help us see the appearances of the saints, of the angels who have come to us in the places of worship, in the places that God allows, and their readiness to help us when we say the prayers as revealed to us. It is God who allows the holy angels to help us, whether we know it or not; in their divine mission, with God’s permission, they help the children who are caught in the snares of evil, in the snares that lead our souls and our bodies toward the evil forces that are looking to rule over us and control us. God, please have mercy on the people who are weak, the people who do not have the ability to fight against all the present situations in order to make the decisions.

May the angels, the saints and the graces of God be with us to help us be wise in choosing the path to take, to be determined to be faithful, to persevere, to entrust, and to trust. I pray that God comes to us and heals us through the help of the angels who rescue us from the snares of evil, so that we are worthy to receive the graces and love from God in the remaining days. The angels continue to be present at this place; when they move around, we can see the streaks of light with our eyes, especially at the places where God wants to be present to manifest the miracle for all the brothers and sisters in the world to recognize, so that their faith is strengthened with the things heard and seen.

The presence of the angels helps us to recognize, to believe, to return, to pray to be saved, to prostrate to God, praying to receive the seals from God; from our hearts we prostrate, repentant, praying for God to come to us, to rescue us in the moments of danger, in the moments we encounter wars, in the cruel ways people kill one another, in crimes, in the sins that lead us into the snares of this world. I pray to God on behalf of the brothers and sisters who are too weak, who do not know, who do not recognize; please, God, help them recognize this wondrous miracle for them to be bolder, to trust more, to be determined to return to God so that we will be able to have the angels help us, to have the archangels protect us in this world. Please, God, rescue us, protect us, guide us, and bring us back through the help of the angels so that we can overcome the snares of the evil spirits who want to control us. Please rescue us, guide us, have the holy angels help us. God, please bless us with peace; have the angels protect us at the places we serve, at the places we worship, at the places we work in the mission in the remaining days, so that we have the opportunity to proclaim the Good News and to bring the messages of God to the world, to bring the brothers and sisters back to God, to recognize the blessings from the angels, from the saints who help us in this world – in all classes, in all roles, in this century. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ who is our God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

L. completed receiving the message from St. Michael at 9:14 p.m. on Monday, September 29, 2014, at St. Theresa church, in front of the altar with the Cross. On behalf of all the brothers and the sisters, L. received the message from St. Michael, to help remind us in this world. One more time, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I thank God, I praise God and I glorify God. I thank the Holy Spirit for helping me receive the message from St. Michael. I also thank Mother; Mother is always by my side to intercede to God for me, to plan for me. Mother, please continue to guide me so that I will always have the opportunity to serve God, to become the instrument that God gives me the opportunity to be. Mother, please guide me to always accomplish God’s Divine Will and to comfort God in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel; to not disappoint You with the works that we have the opportunity to serve; to have the opportunity to repay the love and graces that God reserves for me as well as for all the brothers and sisters who are chosen, with our gratitude to You for Your guidance that has helped and taught us throughout the past months. This is the opportunity for me to thank God, to thank the angels, to thank the Holy Spirit, to thank the love that Mother has for us, and to thank the saints who intercede to God for us. One more time, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I thank God, I thank the Holy Spirit, I thank Mother, and I thank the angels and the saints. Amen. Amen. Amen.

(1) The timing of this message is especially meaningful for Catholics in the United States. In May their prayer and activity brought about the calling-off of a much-publicized Black Mass at Harvard University. Then, one took place on public property in Oklahoma City, but protesters far outnumbered the participants. This partial victory may be due to Archbishop Coakley there calling for the faithful to say the Prayer to St. Michael after all Masses for about two months.
(2) After a disturbing vision, Pope Leo XIII mandated in 1886 that a new devotional prayer, the “Prayer to St. Michael,” would be said after Masses by the congregation in the pews with the priest still in the sanctuary. With the Novus Ordo Mass that started in 1969, the Vatican, for various reasons, decided to take this extra prayer out. But, as in some churches in which the Rosary is prayed before Mass, there is no reason the faithful cannot say the devotional “Prayer to St. Michael” after the priest has left. This is the practice at the Masses on the global TV network EWTN. Recently, Cardinal Collins of Toronto has said that he planned to promote this practice in his archdiocese. Hence, it is perfectly licit for the faithful to say this prayer after the Novus Ordo Mass, as an entire congregation or as individuals, after the priest has processed out.
(3) This might refer, for example, to human trafficking.
(4) That is, people have to kowtow; see “The Six Kowtows” message of August 19, 2014, on .
(5) That is, present in an extraordinary way
(6) The revelations given to the world through L.
(7) See the “Receive the Seal from God” message of November 1, 2013, on .
(8) See Revelation 20:2-3.


New Revelations through the Eucharist

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