The Final Key


 March 22, 2016 – Tuesday of Holy Week

L.: O God, it is March 22, 2016, at St. Theresa Church, at the holy statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the holy statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the holy statue of St. Theresa, of St. Juan Diego, where I just received the inspired message from the Holy Spirit and completed a message; this morning, I received a message concerning the Six Kowtows as well. There are many important things I see and feel every day, especially on Monday of Holy Week; all these words are given not just for us personally but they are also relevant to those who are with positions or who are in the ranks of the clergy. This is something common that we receive and listen to, which is also an instruction to guide the children around the world for them to return – to guide the lost sheep or the people who are living in sins, for them to also have the opportunity to understand and to be conscious of God’s presence, not just in the flesh in those days on earth but in the way that is known and heard through books.

The Presence of the Holy Eucharist is becoming much clearer each day with all the works from which we recognize the power of God, which God alone can decide and bestow upon the earthly world. So let us no longer have moments of fear or disbelief. We must know that only God can do and realize these works so that more and more each day we will be able to see that the duty and the responsibility is not just ours – who are the people who listen, who know – but pertains also to the people who have the duty to proclaim the Gospel to the faithful; for all classes to be urged in their hearts to return to God, to encounter God, and to understand the meaning of the redemption that Jesus brought to the human race in the first century, which is again lively in the most recent days when we begin to enter into the Holy Week with today as the second day.

What we received in the past months in our habits – let us not act as if we do not understand anything and as if it means nothing every year when we start Holy Week. Holy Week this year has a lot of spiritual significance that God has given in a special way with the messages inspired from the Holy Spirit: to urge all / that are not inherent in humans but manifested by God for humanity in general, for every individual and for every role in particular; for those who have the ears, to hear; the eyes, to see; and the heart to meet Jesus personally – each one of us – through the Holy Eucharist. Let us willingly pray and give ourselves the opportunity to recognize the teachings from Mother through the meanings of the Six Kowtows; we will see that that richness and divinity (1) will work in a special way over us and in us. We only need to come to God with heart, mind, soul and body, and we will be welcomed in a special way through the graces that God reserves for those who are His children; as for those who do not know, who do not believe, but who have these opportunities for them to practice, then they will also see the works God does and they will be touched by the abundance of the divine grace that God reserves and gives to humanity in general and to each individual in particular.

What I needed to say, I already did; what I needed to report, the Holy Spirit just inspired me (2); I also completed a message in which the Holy Spirit talked about the meanings, to urge us and to help us in the days entering Holy Week in the Year of Mercy, and also to remind us of the meanings of the Six Kowtows taught by Mother Mary. At this time I ask for God to come to me. I know these days are the days in which God recalls all that was accomplished 2,000 years ago; certainly that pain and that anxiety of God still remain in the human world. In the things retained, God can also see everything that God accomplished for us during the past centuries since the ending of the Passion. The doctrine still exists and God has poured down countless graces, but in the world today, how many people understand and embrace, how many people actually come back, how many people are able to receive the salvation, to recognize, to be conscious, in order to truly become the children of God and to become Christians? So that voice continues to resound; that reminder continues through the inspirations of the Holy Spirit (3), with the words allowed, which are something miraculous and are also the extraordinary and wondrous graces that come to this century.

Today I ask God to come to me as well as to my brothers and sisters who are listening, for us to know what we need to do and to know what is still lacking that we have not done; at the same time, in these fasting days, what does God want us to do to console Him, to comfort Him, to relieve His lonely Heart, to ease the anxiety and lessen the indifference in humanity? It is because of our betrayal as well as our stubbornness that the world today is still living in days of misery, in days with no peace, in days of unhappiness, and in days of suffering and death (4). At this moment, I would like to quiet my soul to hear the voice of God coming to me.

Father: My beloved children,
Indeed, these days are the days getting close to the day I prepared to establish the first Supper 2,000 years ago (5); My Heart was truly wrung with pain, My soul was truly lonely and empty. All those around Me, from the first century and even today’s generation, still do not fully understand the meaning for which I came.  I came for you to receive My Love, My redemption; to give you the doctrine and the truth; to shelter; to protect; and to lead you away from being ensnared by the evil spirits that caused people to stumble into sin and death in the beginning. I desire and hope you do know that My Love is infinite; that all of My accomplishments have only one ending, which is to let you see the other side of sin, for you to shun and avoid everything that has passed which I accepted to take upon Myself on your behalf. I brought you a new change of heart between men; I also sacrificed My own life to be the sign, which was a complete sacrifice to bring you back from the darkness; that was the sign for that light to be diffused in the beautiful, the good, and the perfect things – the things that people have the right to choose and the right to practice.

My beloved children, what was unknown has been exposed; what is happening in today’s century is a response to you, and you have also received an answer between men. Everything that comes from My doctrine is an absolute love that will never change and is also an answer to you today. I already accomplished everything; I tried every way to save you from the encirclement of the darkness of sin; I also use all kinds of ways to meet you, to find you, and to bring you back.

There are a number of people who are the children in the ranks I choose, those who are with positions, who knew Me, who served Me, yet they still held onto their way. They love Me, they serve Me, they do all good things in life according to the doctrine but there is one thing they cannot do, which is to forgive their own brothers; they do not unite together in order to have a large group of people who act in unity and to be the first to lead in the world. That is the official religion for which I gave My Body and My Blood as a testimony for a God who is real, a God who is living, who lived; an all-powerful God to help the children become My own people, but today how many people understand this, how many people live in this, and how many people recognize this?

So I still continue to wait for you; I continue to be anxious. To Me, time is a period of time, everything lies in patience in order to wait and always awaiting; that is what I intend and I still remain with you through the Holy Eucharist.  Remember that the final decision comes from God the Father as God the Father already predestined and arranged from the beginning; His Love never ends regarding humanity, and in all of His works, each has a meaning and helps you completely. He is also a mighty God and a God who has the right to decide everything in the manner of a God who already knew what will come and what will need to be recovered to now, so you cannot deny everything that God the Father bestowed since everything comes from Him.

Today I am still present in the world because I do not want to leave you alone by yourselves; I do not want to see you with all the works that you cannot perform – it is from your reliance on My presence, on the intercessions of Mother Mary that the world still exists till this day. Everything is predestined in the law of God; you were able to know about the beginning and the ending, and in the concluding days, you have also seen the signs and the wonders that appeared and are appearing. Events happen and appear for you to know that never had these events happened before, but today, I allow you to see, to look, and to recognize, which is a warning of what will come in the remaining days that you cannot avoid.

That day is the day that God the Father already arranged and predestined for humanity; that is also the day of the Omega in which people are living in today, and the day of the Omega was extended by God for you to have the remaining time, with the miracles seen, reminded and allowed. Today, you already see the appearances of realities that came from evil as well as from the disobedience of mankind, but the blessings from heaven that come from God, which never happened before, are also poured down upon humanity today; things that are not visible to the human eye have also appeared and are revealed to mankind today. So what you are able to receive, in a century in which you can see the ending, when you absolutely do not live according to My doctrine, when you do not believe in Me but believe in idols or in a different religion, that is the answer you have today – a world with no harmony, with no peace. This is obvious so that you may know what comes from God or what does not belong to God, so that you are aware and recognize what does not belong to God, so that you know, so that you are conscious. You know that what does not belong to God cannot continue to exist, and that what belongs to God, what is returning and fully belongs to God will be protected and will be sheltered; you will end up in a place which is the new world that God the Father has arranged and yearned for from the beginning, for humanity to have the days and months of peace, of happiness; to have the presence of God with you.

My beloved children, these are words from the truth that I give to humanity on this day; rely on the Gospel, for what was already said in the past centuries is being reminded today and continues to move forward with messages allowed by God the Father, which you receive directly. That mystery, in the divinity, has come to the human world; it is a wondrous thing that reminds humanity to lean onto the Divine Mercy in order to move forward in the remaining days and for those who listen, who embrace, who practice, they will also be saved to enter into the new world. All of this is the truth that I desire and yearn, so do not let it become a human habit; as in past centuries, as with every Easter, as with every Holy Week, as with every Lent, it is also a time for you to recognize that it is My Divine Mercy that coincides and comes to the century, bringing extraordinary signs and sacred portents, along with My words; the words brought to the entire world with the final key that Mother Mary asked from God the Father in order to have it be realized in the human world today (6). These are clear evidences and continue to be brought by the messengers and the prophets into the world, to testify for the truth that is being permitted.

The Holy Spirit works in the world, with the words that are given in a lively way to humanity, like a message to go along with the Gospel, with the Good News, which is being repeated and is being concluded with the current works that are realized in the divine realm yet are present through the Holy Eucharist. This is a general message sent to every class, especially to those children selected in the ranks of the Church. The people who are the bearers of the priestly vocations must recognize this as well, since everything coming near is the Holy Eucharist in which I am hidden through the hands of the priests, who daily practice and celebrate the Holy Mass, just like the first Holy Mass I instituted. Today is the second day of Holy Week, and then the evening of Thursday was the day I first established the Last Supper; that Supper was the last Supper – it was also the first Supper and it will be the Supper that each one of you has through the Church for you to be aware of My hiddenness, of My stay.

What else is there to urge: to give you shelter and protect you, to intervene for you, to remain with you when you face misfortunes with human weakness, in the days when you absolutely do not understand the meaning of the love I reserve for you – through the Holy Eucharist, through the encounter, which still remains with you for God the Father to hold back His wrath towards the human race? Everything has happened according to the time specified in His plan; this will not continue for much longer and cannot continue to let people go on according to the human way of reasoning. People continue to refuse Me; they continue to offend Me; they continue to challenge God, and they continue that challenge by the way of life in which the majority in humanity today is subject to the control of the devil. You do not recognize what comes from the truth given by an all-powerful God but you rely on worldly reality, on its sophistication, on the glamourous elements it brings for all classes and all roles to fall prey into its snares. This is the answer when people absolutely fail to live according to the doctrine, to live in faith, when they exclude everything that is inherent and close to the sacred yet is present in the midst of humanity, that which only faith can explain, and only with faith can you see the works that I do.

Today I want to continue to allow you the encounter by the lively words, by the initial ways I came; I do not use the scientific, technical way; I do not rely on the sophistication that led you astray; I just want a pure heart and a pure soul. I could give you everything much better than what you received in this world, but you closed yourselves up to allow the flesh and worldly reality to become the master in your lives; thus you do not see what belongs to Me, you do not see what is in the depth of faith, of the heart and of love, so you continue with a life in which you can see the price paid for it. I do not chastise you because there are so many aspects that are still immature, still foolish, and still very weak in the flesh; you have been deceived by the evil spirits that ensnared you up to this level. I just want to come to rescue you and to help you; you must remember and you must know that it was I who acted, I who sacrificed, and I who did what could be done; that was My Blood on Calvary – death, at the end, was still love, was still forgiveness.

Today, I am hidden in the Holy Eucharist in order to use every way in the divinity to meet you and to give you the opportunity to recognize the great graces when you are touched. There are still many extraordinary, marvelous things that you will be able to see or hear; when you open your hearts, then certainly you will be met with the divine blessings I reserve and give. So there is only one thing to do, which is for everyone to rise up in their roles in order to perceive that their souls are writhing, that they need to live a life returning to God. These people need your help, they need to have the just people to testify to this truth, and they need your help to bring them to meet Me and to return to Me.

There are many things that today you have heard and been told that are truths; My voice reminds the world of men, reminding them of their faith, and reminding them of the return. That day will not be much longer; everything as arranged according to God the Father’s plan has come to the human world; these are the most urgent days as you have known, as you have heard. In the moments you are experiencing sufferings, tribulations, and facing today’s situations, I also shower the world with My graces, and My Divine Mercy is also close to you to help you with the current circumstances. My Love continues to give you the opportunities but you must be determined to return, you must be united in love, you must recognize what the mutual assistance is that you need in order to return to Me, for the day I waited, which is a day that is a very close in today’s world. So everything that need to happen must happen for you to see the people who belong to God; the people who are still stubbornly hardened, the people who still continue to reject the divine blessings from God, the people who still continue to refuse salvation and still continue to refuse My Love – that is a personal decision of each individual.

What I desire is that since I came for you, to die for you, to bring the light to you, to bring the Gospel and to bring hope to you, I do not want for so many people at the final hour to still be living in sins, to still be living in immorality, to still be living with the matters that they have burdened themselves with from the normal and ordinary human ways, and losing all that is sublime and noble. The time has come to invite everyone to give up all that is immoral and sinful in thought, in deed, and in action. Come back by the heart, come back by the prostration, come back by the help from Mother Mary. The divine graces will pour down; you will be able to recognize and to experience through Divine Mercy, through the transformation and the sanctification that God reserves for those who believe in Him, for those who practice the kowtows taught by Mother, for those who receive, who listen. Those of you who live in the truth, bring what is known, what is heard, to testify to all those brothers and sisters who still are on a path that is undecided, a path on which they live between the snares of sin and the realities of life.

Today is also the second day of the Holy Week; I thank all of you (7) for your time spent with Me; you comforted Me through the works that you do while people are sleeping. You stay with Me to hear My words and the words inspired from the Holy Spirit to help this Jubilee Year, to help with My words that continue to testify to a history that still remains in the midst of the human world, but the day has come to enter into the ending of the final page of the history of the Holy Eucharist and the lively words I send to humanity (8).

This is all I want to say today; I hope My children listen, understand, practice, and accept, in order for them to do their duties. I also desire and hope for you to learn the truth, to listen to the truth. Do not stop in your own selfishness but proclaim, testify, and continue to look for the brothers to give them a chance to hear; look for the people you know, who practice; look for those who live in righteousness for them to live a life sacrificing more; look for those people who do not yet know, who are living in sins, for them to have the opportunity to return. The sinners also have the opportunity to hear, the opportunity to return to be immersed in My Divine Mercy, with the messages, the most recent revelations, to teach them on the path where they welcome and return to Me; to give up everything in life they are accustomed to, in days of continual sufferings in the world because they are enslaved by the evil spirits. You are enslaved by the evil spirits and you have no way to escape from the burdens that you are being subjected to due to money, fame, self-interest, lust, ambition and many more things that remain in sin and death; so let your souls recognize and be conscious of more noble and beautiful things.

There are many more things you need to have for your hearts to understand what the sacrifices are, what the acceptances are, what the ways of God are, what the teachings and the truths are that you need to let the soul, the heart to boldly move forward on the path you heard and knew, and to testify to the truth with the divine blessings that I give to help you, through God’s graces, so that you may be sanctified and be transformed with the deeds that God’s graces help you with. When you believe, then you will be able to do it all; when any of you is conscious and comes back to the perfection that I reserve and give to the human race today – in order to prepare yourself, to strengthen your life in faith for you to face the tribulations, for you to be steadfast in endurance and faithfulness in waiting for the last moment – then that person will be able to enter into the new world, and that person will be selected in a world that God the Father certainly has arranged and predestined for each of you.

This is all I want to say at this time; I hope you understand and know the words I send to you, which is also a general message for the children everywhere, in all roles, in this generation. This is for all to know that in this Jubilee Year and also in the second day of Holy Week I send these lively words for all humanity, for all roles and all classes, to share with one another so that you may bear witness to the things heard, the things learned, in order for you to choose a path for yourselves. Choose a path with a heart determined to perform good deeds, to be dedicated to live a life of faith in which you listen, you act and return, in order for you to receive the divine blessings that God reserves in the special graces for the children who practice with the meanings of the Six Kowtows from Mother Mary’s teachings. Open your mouth to say what you should say (9); embrace a life strong in faith, and with a sincere heart, pray to God the Father and ask to return; that will be become the mystery that God will grant in a special way for you to become His own people. Give up everything that lies in sin and God’s graces will help you. My Divine Mercy will sanctify mankind – those who practice; those who have ears to hear, eyes to see, hearts to feel; those who have the determination to walk in holiness.

Today I send this message to you; My Love will never change; the price of that Blood is still valid when you understand the words that you lift up to God, that you lift up to each Person, with the Holy Spirit’s help for you to lift up to God. In the condition of a human being, in the love God the Father gave to every soul, to every heart, to each of you while you are still breathing, do what must be done. Do not lose the opportunity; do not deduce according to human ways; there are so many blessings and graces that God intends specifically for you in the final days, in the urgent days, for you to receive so that you can understand the meaning that God has planned and has arranged. They are given for you to be strengthened as well as to give you a place to entrust yourselves which no one else can give you apart from God, because there is no other place for you to entrust based on faith; when you practice then you will be able to see the protection, the shelter that God reserves and gives in the divine realm. My peace be with all of you. I love you very much. Goodbye children.

L.: O God – I thank the grace God reserved for us as well as for all the brothers and sisters present on this evening to welcome God’s words. I thought that from now until Friday of this Holy Week, I would not be able to meet with God, so I continue to listen to the words inspired by the Holy Spirit, but today, at the last moment, as we wait, God came to meet us and to give us the opportunity to hear God’s voice, to hear God’s teaching; a message to bring to countless classes and countless people in their roles, to understand the significance of God’s Mercy for mankind. God reminds mankind and God remains with mankind; the love of the Holy Eucharist of Jesus never refuses each of us in humanity. God, please help us to open our hearts, to open our souls to receive God’s Divine Mercy, to receive the message sent by God, to understand the meaning of the Passion in which God died on the Cross.

Holy Week reminds us as well that God redeemed us at the price of Blood; God redeemed us by the wounds; and God endured the scourging for me to have life today; may we look at this for us to feel sorrow, to repent and to make the decision to return to the righteousness that God awaits in us. At this time I do not know what else to say on behalf of all the brothers and sisters around the world, in every role, in every class, but to thank, to praise, to glorify, to lift up our gratitude to our God and ask for repentance. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our God, L. completes this message – Jesus’ message on this evening – at 11: 25 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22, 2016, at St. Theresa Church, at the holy statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the holy statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the holy Statue of St. Theresa, of St. Juan Diego, where L. had the opportunity to receive God’s message tonight. I thank God’s grace; I praise God and glorify God. I thank the Holy Spirit and thank Mother. Amen. Amen. Amen.

*The anonymous messenger, L., is an American immigrant from Vietnam. L. leads a very intense prayer life that centers on attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and adoration of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. L. receives messages by way of interior locutions and sees visions of Eucharistic miracles that can be recorded via cell phone. When Jesus gives L. messages it is as a loving Father to His children (for more on this please see the homepage of  


  1. Even if a message on the Six Kowtows come from God the Father or Jesus, or is an “Inspired Message” from the Holy Spirit, Blessed Mother’s presence is in the message since the Six Kowtows were revealed through Her and, by God’s design, are Hers. “richness and divinity” refers to the Six Kowtows.
  2. In all parts of these messages where it says “:” that part is an “Inspired Message” (the Holy Spirit speaking through L.) – whether the whole message is an Inspired Message, or if God, Blessed Mother, a saint or an angel speak in between such sections.
  3. This sentence seems to speak more generally; that the interior locutions that comprise this private revelation are thanks to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
  4. “Death” here refers to spiritual death or murder, not death as a consequence of original sin, which came about through Adam and Eve’s sin.
  5. That is, the Supper now known as “The Last Supper” – Jesus is speaking of this first Supper, when the Eucharist first appeared on the earth in His own hands
  6. The Six Kowtows are the final key to the door of God’s mercy. They are the final key because after the Doors of Mercy shut November 20th, with the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, people will still need extraordinary access to Divine Mercy, given the evil times in which we are living. After this Year of Mercy, there will two more keys remaining for humanity. The first will be the universal “Illumination of Conscience,” revealed to St. Faustina, Edmund Campion, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi and others, which will be the climax of the Era of Mercy, when God will simultaneously and privately reveal to each person on earth the state of his or her soul and where they would go if they died then. There will be mass conversions after this event such that there will not be enough priests to handle all the confessions, not to mention the masses who will convert from their past who are not Catholic. So this final key of the Six Kowtows serves not as a substitute for the Sacrament of Confession, but as a future necessity. People should start to use this key though now (in addition to Confession if they are Catholic) because it is given for both initial conversion and ongoing, daily conversion. It is clear, then, that the reach of the Six Kowtows is to the world, not just to practicing Catholics.
  7. and a couple companions
  8. Soon this private revelation, which has focused in a primary way on the Eucharist, will be completed. At least one book will be coming out soon, with messages on the Eucharist.
  9. This refers to the personal prayers one says while doing each of the Six Kowtows. The objective here is to pour out one’s heart to God, and Blessed Mother.

New Revelations through the Eucharist

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