The Power of Prayers through the Holy Eucharist


IMG 4989

June 2, 2014

L.: O God, it is 11:59 a.m. on Monday, June 2, 2014, in front of the tabernacle, in front of the holy statue of Mother Mary, the holy statue of St. Josemaria Escriva, the holy statue of St. Joseph, the picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, the picture of the Divine Mercy, at the church where we attend daily Mass, at the parish of St. Theresa. This morning I have received the message inspired by the Holy Spirit, and I have also received the message that God gave to each individual as well as to all of His children. Every single time I receive a message from God, I also pray to God to receive a message from Mother. I can see that when I pray, I can feel that Mother wants to meet me and there is a message that Mother wants to give to me, to the brothers and the sisters who are serving, to the children in the world. At this moment, I pray to God to allow me to meet Mother, so that I can lift up prayers to Mother, so that I can thank Mother.  I wait to receive the words of guidance and the teachings from Mother, for myself, for all the brothers and the sisters in the group, and for the people whom Mother wants to receive this message.

Blessed Mother: My beloved L.,

Today, I want to give you a message about the events that are happening, which you have heard of and about the joy when you are united, when you listen to the invitation.[i] It is important for you to see the value in the laws, in the teachings, and in the precepts. They truly come from God and God gives them to the world for you to observe in your lives, in all generations, as in the past centuries; to keep these laws from God, to keep the reverence, to keep the morals. The truth will forever triumph. The truth consists of the things that you can see with unity in the heart; with faith, with prayers, with entrustment to God, you will be able to overcome all the frightening events in this world.

My beloved L., there are many things that God guides – for individuals, for communities,and for every detail that He gives throughthe Holy Spiritto beperformed on you; throughthe Holy Eucharist, Jesus continues to give lively messages to meet the children in the entire world. Today I come to you, and through you, give this message, so that My children hear and recognize the personal prayers, the collective prayers in the past days. With spiritual solidarity, people can push away the things that are implemented with force, with the purpose to demolish the laws, to introduce the civilization of the age, the pleasures – but the Power of God will crush all things that are against morals and principles; everything is up to the hearts of the people. I wish for My children to have faith, to pray, and to plead with God; then God will intervene so that all matters become perfect in the ways given to people through the stages in their lives.

The offenses, the cooperation of people in darkness’ disruptions, are conquering young hearts, are conquering foolish people who live only for this life, whose eyes of faith have been dimmed, whose consciences have been concealed by the offenses committed against God in today’s world. You can see all the aspects; the world has reached a high level of violence, of treachery, of offenses committed against God, through His Holy Body. You have heard about a number of people, a small number of immature souls that the bribes of the devil in disguise[ii] have sought out with ways so that they practice those offenses. You can see the pain, the sufferings, the Love of Jesus through the tortures He endured, because in the world, there are those who are sinners, there are those who are benevolent, there are those who are righteous, there are those whom He loves but who have taken the wrong path that has led them to commit offenses against God.

When you offend God, if not because of His Love, if not because of His Death for humanity, if not because of the promise He made through Divine Mercy to bring you back, then today there would not be any triumphant signs for you to see that God is among you. He still defends you, He still lets you see that His intervention is due to the requests, the prayers, the unity, when you come to the Holy Eucharist, when you trust in Him; through the Holy Eucharist, you truly receive God – the Holy Eucharist is working, His Power is at work. Mankind cannot make things happen. Mankind has to rely on the Power of God to end all evil; to end the crimes; to end the actions of the foolish, immature people whom the devil in disguise has corrupted in their practices – who as agents of the devil, practice things in today’s world that are offenses against God.

My beloved children,

In general, many things have happened and continue to happen each day at certain places. You do not see but they have ways to do these things to irritate and to offend God. I am very grieved, I am very sorrowful to see these wrongdoings, due to the betrayals of the people, due to the sins that have worsened, due to the deceits in the things they receive, which they have looked for their whole life to reach their goals. They are the agents for the devil; they are the agents for the darkness and crimes.

My beloved children, in the things that God does, in the works that God realizes, and in the period of time that He allows, He waits for the children to come to Him with heart, with a deep belief in the heart, along with the conviction to choose to follow Him.  There are many people who choose a religious life, but there are many things in their lives that still remain in the control of a program that has been arranged; the bribe, the wickedness, the iniquity from the self and the ego, the mixture between good and evil that has raged in all the roles, at all times. The weeds and the wheat have grown together in this world; God allows them to be natural, to grow naturally. When things come to an end, when it is time to harvest, God will send the angels to harvest and to burn the weeds as written in the Gospel, which is read in the Holy Mass that you attend. If this is mentioned in the Gospel, then why do evil people continue to rage and to have such practices, when they hold certain functions on their shoulders? God is the One who knows everything, from the heart to the mind. He is a Just God, a God of Love, so even those who live in sin, those who are immoral, and those who are traitors are invited by God, through His Mercy. The first world had lost a Judas whom God had loved. In today’s world, in this generation, there are many Judases, with the subtle sophistications that mankind cannot see in the characters that have gone into history.  God is God; He understands all things. As God, He can take away all the things that people do in the world, all the things that people do in the dark.

Through the fearful, evil guise, people are able to discover the truth about the things that are happening in the world today; the “Mass” that you have heard of, called the “Black Mass,” and which they call a Mass. In these “Masses” there are all the cruel, fearful, hideous signs of evil, to provoke the Love of God; they have used the foolish[iii], immature people, they have used the people who have sold their souls to evil for this practice – how pitiful for these souls, how pitiful for their choices. Where are their souls going to end up when they face up to God?  These people offend God and they continue to live an unhappy life in depravity, in lust, in crimes, in acts that are fearful and hideous to normal eyes – let alone their souls, which are in an even more fearful state.

All of these things – when you are still living in your human bodies – if you can see that they are sins, that they are snares, that they come from the darkness, then in the deeds that God realizes, if God wants, He can change these things for you. The Love of God and the cooperation of people will transform those things to return to God, to submit to Him in a way that people cannot express with words or speech, but to simply believe in God, to know that everything is dependent upon the power and compassion of God. He does not use the ways of humans, He does not use the mediocre ways of the world, the evil ways that the devil always uses with humans to entice humans to do vile things, to look for ways to offend and to make other souls fall into their snares.

My beloved children, for this reason, I am even more grieved for the youth of today. With the violence, with the modernization, they lack the basis to understand and to deal with the circumstances, with the electronic devices, with the conveniences of a modern world. Inundated with all the things in accordance with the cleverly subtle snares of society, the youth of today have fallen into these snares. I am very grieved and painfully sad for those children. This is the reason why I continue to give messages to the people in the world, who are the righteous people, who are the people who know the laws of God, who are the people who have been given the graces by God, so that they seek, search, and continue to spread the teachings to bring the young souls and those children back to God while they are still minors. The youth, the young people, both male and female, have a lot going on in today’s generation because they have no ethical basis, no foundation of a happy and loving family. These youth have been lured into committing acts of violence, of crime, of sin, which have become a habit to them, and since they do not recognize these as sins, the habit keeps growing, and this is the chance for the world that is setting up snares for their souls. I can see that it all stems from the things that you do not agree to sacrifice, from the family, from being a father, from being a mother, to be in solidarity with all the teachings in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, in the spirit of the Gospel, to have the spiritual vigor and enthusiasm to attract the things that bring people to cooperate and to listen, to entice those children to step out of the darkness and to return to God.

My beloved children, these are the things that I see in today’s generation. I also let you see how Jesus through the Holy Eucharist was subject to torture by the people in this generation, by the way they offend Him, by His children who have betrayed Him, who have done the things controlled by the dark world. You have lost your self-control, you have become senseless, and you have become depraved in madness and in lust, with so many offenses against God. Children, remember this: this is an era in which God gives abundant graces, an era in which God gives the graces to all the children in the present. These are the things that have happened and are still happening, but these will no longer happen in the world when it is the time for God to start the chastisement. All of the offenses will be punished, because people do not know of the great supremacy, and they have deliberately implemented and practiced the ways of humans, spurred on by the incitement and the wickedness that are ingrained through the opportunity given by people so that evil can be at work.

The Justice of God is still held back in this generation because these are the times that God wants to give all the evil people the opportunity to return to His Divine Mercy. This is also the opportunity to return for those people who have been controlled by the evil that they had sought, in their thoughtless moments, in their mindless moments, in their foolish moments, which have caused their lives to sink deep in iniquity. Evil is controlling and is looking for ways to gather all the resources that are still in the flesh, to continue to practice crimes, to serve a doctrine that you can see in today’s generation, a doctrine that is opposed to all moral teachings. People say that they need to have the freedom to do as they wish, in a life in which things are contrary to morality to conform to the ways of the world, and so they end up doing things that lead them to live in sin. Do you think that the foolishness of this era will be able to last?

As God, He is full of Power; He can take back lives and the lives of the ones you are facing at any time, but everything happens at the right time, time for people to repent – even time for the people who were lured into evil situations in their thoughtless moments. Jesus gives a message to this generation to give them the opportunity to return, because the value of the Blood of God is above all things, because the value of the Blood of God is of the greatest value, greater than all the things that people are doing and practicing, even with the offenses. When the time comes for God to conclude with the remaining days, you will clearly see that the actions that you obstinately pursue are sins and offenses to God. The decision is yours to make when you still have time, to choose to change, so that the grace of God helps you step out of the encirclement of those sins. God is the Almighty; He has a way to help people return, to help hearts repent, to help the people who come to the Divine Mercy with a beseeching heart, with a heart returning to God, because those sinners need help, because they need the grace of God so that they have the support to boldly return.

My beloved children, there is evil and there is good in all eras and at all times. There are ways for you to face evil. You can train, you can renounce, or you can be determined to not practice the evil deeds. There are also strong lures from the darkness, from the tendency to sin in humans, because evil is present in the gratifications, in the reasonings, and in the civilized and rational knowledge of the times.  Evil has many ways; it has ingrained and corroded the hearts and minds, to be hardened, to be obstinate, to not recognize what comes from the truth and from righteousness, to not pay attention to their own sins, to despise all “sins,” to not feel guilty, and to continue to live in a life with a soul completely frozen.

My beloved children, these are the people who have fallen in this world. These are the people whom you can see with their stubborn decisions and hardened hearts, who do not know about penance and repentance regarding the things they had done in the past. God is very just, God does not punish.[iv] These people have chosen their path, and in the end, this path leads them to a dark place, where they end up bound by chains, by heat, by the wailing and the gnashing of teeth, as mentioned in the Gospel. This is real and this is happening in this generation. All the important things that Jesus reminds are about the value of His Blood to the world; the value of His Blood has cleansed all of your sins but you need to have the spirit to decide to return to Him and to renounce all the sins that offend God, so that His Power can protect, so that His Power can bring you back to receive the Love with which – through the Divine Mercy – He saves the world, He saves the individual, He saves the community, He saves the children in spirit, even if they are bound by the control of evil working in them.

The Power of God is truly great; He is the Supreme Being who sees through and who can save all the children, but they have to return, they have to believe, they have to really seek Him, with the words that a person needs say to God to apologize and to ask for help. God will certainly have a way to bring them back and to lead the children who are lost to return to the love where He is waiting. These are also the times of the graces and the blessings before all that was foretold will happen to the world. Things will happen to this world, between good and evil, and frightful things that have never happened before will happen in this generation. There are certain things that God has given in the past months, past years, past centuries, and today the graces that were never given before are appearing in today’s generation. Through His divine graces, the purpose is to bring people back with the messages, in the abundant blessings given to the world today, and to separate the evil that is causing all of you to be sinful in this generation. You have to recognize the things that come from the truth, the things that come from God, and the things that come from the deceits of the devil; pride and arrogance have allowed those deceits to become the controls of the darkness. Nothing can be brought into the light if not by goodness, if not by God, if not by the Holy Spirit, and thus all things will be exposed in holiness and justice before God.

My beloved children, the things that you heard in the last few days are the things that God wants the world to know, so that the world sees the power of prayers through the Holy Eucharist. The encounter with the Holy Eucharist will spread each day so that when every heart, when every soul comes to pray, the Holy Eucharist will change the entire world, will change the entire era, and will change each heart, when people recognize and listen to the messages from God. All the things that are happening are in a program that is arranged. All things that are heard are the signs of an era, foretold to save the souls that return, to help the children who are lost to see the light and return to a life of faith lifted toward God, toward His teachings. These are all reminders – I do not want any of you to miss this opportunity; as you can see, God has intervened in everything you encounter in this generation.

Prayers proceeding from faith in the Holy Eucharist will be the healings for the wounds that mankind is suffering from in this century. Children, believe that all the things that God has done and is doing will bring people back to righteousness and will bring people back to the salvation that God gives through Divine Mercy to meet everyone. The power of the miracles is doing extraordinary things, the power of the miracles has healed many; in their souls, in their bodies, and even their spiritual lives are healed by God. If you believe, spend some time listening to the things that He bestows on all the children of God, who are the Christians, who are in the Church, who are the clergy; for anyone who loves God, who takes the time to meet Jesus through the Eucharist, will receive the grace to reform, will receive the grace of intervention from God when they encounter difficulties, and even though in life – accidentally or intentionally – they commit certain offenses, God will forgive them and allow them to see that the power of the Holy Eucharist will change everything.  Regarding all the things that do not come from the truth, God will definitely have a way to help you to return to righteousness, to return to the Love and Divine Mercy that He gives to the world.

You are able to see, so continue with the righteous people, continue with those who love the Holy Eucharist, continue with the miracles that God has given through the Holy Eucharist; with sincerity, continue to pray for the brothers, to pray for the world, to pray for the Church, to pray for the clergy in these times, for there are so many circumstances that have caused the clergy to fall into the snares of today’s society. I grieve for the missions that My children should have accomplished but because they were attracted by money, by fame, by lust, they have lost their consciences; they have followed the ways of the civilized world in the present times, causing them to end up with a wrongful attitude toward the works of God that is against the laws of God. The voice from the Holy Eucharist[v] brings them back and helps them to be righteous, so that they renounce pride, arrogance, and the ego in their lives. God still forgives, God still waits, and God gives them the opportunity to meet with Him, through Divine Mercy. With a heart longing to return, with a contrite heart, God will definitely transform them to become children who can come close to God, to receive the forgiveness that He gives to the soul; these people will receive from God, they will receive the healing and the forgiveness that God gives to them.

Boldly return – do not be afraid to return or to meet God with your sins; if you do not dare, then leave all the matters that you are facing, return in prostration and ask for God’s Mercy and forgiveness. Return in repentance and I will have a way to help you, I will have a way to let you recognize the Love of God, because only God’s Love can lead you to happiness, to peace, and to the meaning of life in the chosen role, as well as letting you live the days so that you repent before the events that were foretold will happen to this world as predestined. People will face upheavals, calamities, challenges, hurricanes, wars, and the chaos of a remaining world; if you do not return, if you do not trust, and if you are not steadfast in the days when you are able to receive the graces, then you will no longer have the opportunity to return and to ask to meet God for the things that you need in this generation.

Listen to My words: there is not much time left; repent, return to the Divine Mercy of God in righteousness and ask God to support and strengthen you, so that you can be steadfast when you encounter the upheavals in life, when you encounter sufferings, and when you encounter the unexpected events. Believe so that God has a way to save you and give you the blessings so that you persevere until the last moment with the challenges that will come to mankind, in the days that were foretold in the Book of Revelation; everything will be carried out – these challenges are not that far away, so rejoice with all the events in which God allows you to see His intervention. The triumph that people can attain comes from the cooperation and prayer of every heart in peace and unity.

You also see fear for the present threats of the days of upheaval, due to the evil deeds, due to the hysteria present everywhere. These things have caused the youth, have caused the people who have been corrupted by evil – by greed, by the physical benefits and gratification – to bring violent and repulsive things to society and to the world. I continue to let you see the number of people who have yielded to their greedy, selfish interests and to idolatries in this civilized era; the rejections, the things committed in a life of sin and crime, which have been quite numerous in this generation.

The number of people who return is quite good too; they hear the message sent by God, they believe in the power, they believe in the miracles, they believe in Divine Mercy, and they believe in the works through which God is intervening – through the Church, through the Pope – to bring the brothers back to unity, so that they recognize Jesus through the Pope, to recognize Jesus through the Holy Eucharist. Jesus is alive in the Christians, in the people who practice the teachings, who practice the precepts of God, who help bring many brothers around the world back to God in the present times; there are more children who are on their way back.

All the children who are selected to bring the Gospel, who are in the mission in which you receive the messages through the revelations from God, through the revelations from the Holy Eucharist, and My messages: continue to spread to the world, continue to bring these messages to the children so that they hear.  You also need to continue to pray for those brothers, to pray for the events that are happening in the world, and to pray especially for the people who are falling in this generation, because the obligations they carry on their shoulders are the duties and the responsibilities to bring the sheep back. You need to pray for every deed, practice in life. In love, spend the time to unite and trust in the Divine Mercy of God, come to the Holy Eucharist and constantly pray for a change in the world in the remaining days. When Jesus sees the return of people, then there will be a change in the world and the world will have happy days that the Lord will manifest for people to recognize the graces and peace that He gives to humanity, which I remind you of in this message.

At this moment, I hope you will understand and recognize My message in the most recent days, which is the revelation given through the Holy Eucharist so that My children understand more. There is clear proof to show that the world today has received graces from your prayers that have touched the Divine Mercy of God; His liveliness through the Holy Eucharist is so that you see the appearance and the intervention when you cooperate and return to Him.

My peace be with all of you. I am always by your side to continue to pray for you, to pray for the world, to pray for My children who are called to bring the Good News to this generation, and to pray especially for My Church. Please continue to pray for the clergy, to support them in their spiritual life when you recognize them; always pray, asking God to help them. I am by your side, and I continue to support the graces to be given to the pastors, to the priests who have authority, who hold important functions, so that they continue to bring the sheep back, to bring the children back to the Gospel in a righteous life, in the truth that God had left to the world, so that it be realized in today’s century.

L., all the matters this morning did not happen by coincidence; God has arranged for a place for you to receive His message. In the past days, there were things that have caused you to be afraid, to be scared, and to be anxious, so you were not able to understand the works that God is doing. Be natural, do not be afraid, always pray and always entrust the things that you encounter in life when you practice the things that God wants you to do; entrust everything and trust – then it will be done in you through the Holy Spirit. Do not let the worries or inferences prevent you from noticing the increasingly stronger recognition in the Holy Spirit; through you, God will do many more things to remind the world today. My peace be with you. I love you very much. Goodbye, L.

L.: I thank the grace of Mother. The message that You gave me and allowing me to meet You this morning was really a surprise. I believe that the things that happen to me come from the arrangement of God and from Your guidance, so that I forever belong to the works I want to serve for God. I just want to follow Your teachings so that I will not stray from the path God is guiding me on. I cannot do anything by myself, because I do not know anything when I receive the messages from God and from You. I offer my soul, my mind, my body, my speech and my actions, to belong to You, so that You will forever be My guide every time I serve God, in the opportunity that God gives me to be His instrument.

Please help and protect all the works that I do, so that everything Ireceive from God is carriedoutin accordance withthe Willof GodandYour guidance. I do notknowwhat else to say, on behalf of all the brothers and the sisters around the world, on behalf of all the children who in gratitude receive the message sent by God and the guidance of Mother. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I thankGod, I praise God, and I glorify God. I thank the grace of Mother for Your message, for the concern and attention for meas well as for the brothers and the sisters in the group, so that we carry out the message received from the guidance of God and Your arrangement, in the Holy Will of God and Your plan. At this time as well as in the days to come, we will always receive the help, the guidance,and the arrangement from Mother, for me and for the brothers and sisters who are serving. Though we serve quietly, wecontinueto followthe holy Willof Godunderthe guidance ofthe Holy Spiritand with the helpofMother.

One more time, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I thank God, I praise God and I glorify God. I thank the grace of Mother. I praise Mother. L. completed this message at 12:45 p.m. at the holy statue of Mother, at the altar where L. attends daily Mass at this church, in the parish of St. Theresa, where L. completed the message that God gave this morning, inspired by the Holy Spirit. The message from Mother is also completed. One more time, I thank God, I thank Mother, I thank the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.


[i] This and some of what follows refer to the Black Mass that was planned to take place on May 12 on the campus of Harvard University. There were outcry, protests and extensive prayers from the Catholic Church and other Christians, and it was moved off-campus and then cancelled.


[ii] “Devil in disguise” does not mean that the devil is literally masquerading as a human, but that he acts and tempts through men, in whom he dwells in varying degrees.


[iii] Here we see the profound truth that all who are evil, no matter how culpable they are, are fools – from Satan on down. No matter how much they think they know what they are doing, they ultimately do not, and in the end, if they don’t repent and go to hell, in spite of their hatred for God, in truth their greatest pain is remorse…


[iv] In these messages, heaven is powerfully emphasizing the infinite Mercy of God, who is not looking to judge or punish any of His children. He does not coldly judge us or punish us from a distance. Rather, in His infinite Goodness, Mercy, etc., God, in this Era of Mercy in which we are still living, is still looking to extend Mercy rather than exact Justice if we but turn to His Divine Mercy. It is we who judge ourselves by not choosing to follow Him, even though His laws are written on our hearts; in the end, we both judge ourselves in the truth, and choose our destination according to the free will decisions we made during our earthly lives – and God does not force His Divine Mercy on anyone.


[v] That is, the messages heaven is giving mankind through L. The majority of these are received before the Eucharist.


 New Revelations through the Eucharist

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