May 2, 2014
L.: O God, it is exactly 3:29 p.m., today, Friday, at my home. Today I do not know the things that God is doing for me. God is prompting me to receive the words, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for me to complete this message, to remind people of the deeds that Jesus Christ had accomplished through His death and through His resurrection, to remind people about the works that God is doing through the Church, for each of us to rise up, from every aspect; for our souls and for our bodies to rise up, with the things that God reminds us of in a lively way. O God, today, there was also this prompting, for me and my sister K.*, to have the opportunity to pray the Divine Mercy together at exactly 3:10 p.m. on this Friday afternoon. This is the first Friday of the month, and this month is also the month dedicated to Blessed Mother. In this house, I feel at ease to speak up, to speak about the things that God wants to be practiced from the heart, about the longing that I want, for God to come in me today.
I am praying to ask God for the opportunity to meet Pope John XXIII. In the past days, Pope John XXIII was canonized**. I was longing, on the day he was canonized, for me and for the brothers and the sisters in Christ to be able to listen to his words, to be able to listen to his guidance, so that in our spiritual lives, in our present works, in the divine events, we are able to feel the closeness, and for us to fully trust in the works that God is guiding us. God is guiding each of us, on the path to witness for Jesus Christ, by His messages from the Holy Eucharist, by the witnessing of the saints, of the Pope who was canonized a saint, who had given us the messages for us to follow the signs in the life that they had lived while they were still on earth. They gave us messages for our spiritual life, in this present time, for us to witness for our God, for us to witness for God, for whom each of us has a mission to accomplish, to do all the things that God wants, to do all the things according to God’s Will, and to not be afraid, to not be worried by the present situations, so that we will be forceful in following in the footsteps of those who had served for the Good News their whole lives, who had served for the Church, who had served for the things that God had brought for the world.
Today is the opportunity, I do not know why I feel so hasty, wishing to receive the words of Pope John XXIII. To me, this is a very strange thing. I did not know anything about this Pope before, and it is the same now. I only know that he was canonized along with Pope John Paul II. As for Pope John Paul II, I am very close to him. After Pope John Paul II died, every day when I go to Mass, or when I have the opportunity at home, I pray and I greet Pope John Paul II. If I do not pray, I still greet him. This is something that I do in life every time I pray. Pope John XXIII is a person who is very new to me. I do not know absolutely anything about him, but there is something prompting me to pray to receive his message. This is the opportunity to pray to God for me to receive the words of this Pope, who is also a saint. The whole world of today is witnessing the canonizations of these two Popes, the day when something special is happening, both in heaven and on earth. These two Popes were present for the celebration of Divine Mercy, the day when God blesses the whole of humanity with graces and with a plenary indulgence, for anyone who follows the law of the Church, for anyone who follows the days according to the law of the Church, wishing for each person to pray the nine day novena. All of these things had received the blessings of God. With the presences of the two canonized Popes, these two Popes are interceding for humanity, interceding for the world, and especially for anyone who is in the spirit of bringing the Good News. In the mission that God is using us to be His instruments, in the mission that we need to accomplish the works that Jesus wishes for each of us, Jesus wants each of us to be zealous, to serve with spirit and with heart for the Good News, to bring the Good News to help our brothers and sisters in their misfortunes with sin in this generation. All of this is to bring benefits to the spiritual life, which Jesus wants all of us to recognize and to know that these signs come from heaven, that these signs are divine, and that they are possible only if they are permitted to be realized. Without the permission of God, there is nothing that we can do by ourselves. This is something that I know for sure, for me to pray in this moment to Pope John XXIII.
At this moment, I pray to God to allow me, as well as my sister K., for us to receive all the words from Pope John XXIII. In this moment, I lift up my soul, my body, and my spirit, to belong to the Spirit of God, for me to receive the message, for me to hear the message that God allows me to hear, from the Pope who had become a saint. With the present acceptance of the canonizations on earth, we have the saints, for us to pray to them. O Popes, please pray for us, please pray in a special way for the world, please pray for the Church, please pray in a special way for the people who are bringing the Good News, who are living in a life and in a role to be worthy to be the person who brings the Good News of God to all the brothers and sisters in this world. In any situation, in any class, we might be quiet but we still bring the Good News along with everything that we are able to hear, that we are able to know from the truth, from the Good News by the saints who have died but who still have messages for the world, who still have messages for all of us who are still living on earth, for us to rise in this era. This era is overflowing with graces, overflowing with love, overflowing with blessings to be received, for the purpose of bringing the people back, for the purpose of reminding the people to rise from the darkness of sin, to rise with absolute trust in the divinity of God, with absolute trust in the Power of God, with absolute trust in the miracles that God is bringing and giving to our world. It is 3:38 p.m. on May 12. This is also the month that speaks of Blessed Mother. Mother always protects the Popes. Today I have the opportunity to be in front of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, of the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of the statue of Saint Joseph, and there are even the pictures of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII. I pray to receive the words that Pope John XXIII would like to say to us, with the permission of God.
Pope John XXIII: Dear sister L., dear sister K.,
This is a very extraordinary thing. If we do not have faith to be able to know about the extraordinary things that God is working on you, then this cannot happen, between the divine world and the earthly world, to have the opportunity to share and to meet in this way.
Dear two sisters,
First of all, I just want to say these words to L. Thank you, for your longings and for your wishes to pray to God to meet me. I also have the same longings to meet the people on earth. Everything that God gives to us, from the people on earth, from their longings and from their wishes, it is only with the permission of God that we are able to truly speak to the human world.
Sister L.,
All the works that you are doing, all the meetings with the saints through the permission of God, all of this is the truth. In the same way with the other brothers and the sisters in Christ, I am reminding you of this. I know that you are a very responsible person. You are also a person whom God had chosen, in your humility and your simplicity, for you to be able to receive from the people that God allows you to meet. I can see that you still have fears, that you still have worries, that you still have all the things that in life, a person needs to remove, all the things that comes from fear. Come with confidence to God. Be forceful in the Spirit of God, who is working, who is in you, and who is helping you with the things that you are witnessing for the truth, that you are witnessing for the things that you hear, that you are witnessing for the things that you know are from God, to you, through the Holy Eucharist.
Sister L.,
Today I have these words to share with all the brothers and the sisters in Christ.
My dear two sisters,
I am a Pope whose history, more or less, you have heard of, of my life as a Pope. I am just a normal person as all the others, but every work that I did and every step that I took were completely as God had planned for me. God had guided me, and the day I accepted the role of a Pope was also completely in the Holy Will of God. I felt that whatever the situation in life, whatever role I was in, I was still human, with shortcomings, with weaknesses, with things that come from the human ego, so I chose to be in a religious life. I completely followed the ways that I recognized as enlightenments by God. Whichever path God guided me to, I would take, because I recognized that I was not like other people who had something special in order to conquer, to offer all of my abilities to accomplish the things that I wanted. I just wanted to listen. I just wanted to rest my soul to be able to listen to the teachings of those who are in higher positions. I just wanted to listen and to step into a religious life, to live a truly consecrated life. I was simply quiet, waiting for the guidance of the Spirit of God, because I wanted our space to have quietude, to have calmness, to listen to everything from God, to always have peace for the soul, in me, which I wished for very much. It seemed to be a constant longing in me, which is something that had grown in me, in the role that God had chosen for me.
I was also a normal person facing the challenges, during the months*** when I was a Pope. There were so many events happening in the world, during the time I was selected; indeed, there were many events at that time. I did not know how to make judgment, and I did not know how to face all the situations when I was the leader, with the Church on my shoulder. I was a normal person as all the other brothers, the only difference being the environment I grew up in, for me to one day become the Pope, and for that, God had guided me completely. The Spirit of God had guided me in every step. My life belonged to God. So for the things that I had recognized and that I had accomplished in the Holy Will of God, there was one thing that I had recognized in myself: which was for me to remove everything from the human world, for me to remove everything from my personal life, so that I could belong to God, with obedience, for me to follow in the footsteps of the brothers before me. That was the peace for the soul, which I always trusted in God to give me the responsibility. I just wanted my soul to listen in a special way when the Holy Spirit was guiding me and giving me all the opportunity for me to speak up, for me to be able to be a witness whom God had chosen, to stand up for the truth, and especially to bring love to the brothers.
Dear all brothers and sisters in Christ,
Every Pope had a different role that God had planned for each. Every Pope had a different way to fulfill the role that God wants, for each person to bring the Good News about Jesus Christ’s true presence among all of us. Our God is a God of love. Our God is a merciful God who brought us salvation. So for everything that God guides us to do, and whether we are able to do it or not, is the decision that God sees in every role for each person, that is suitable to each era, to each environment, to each situation.
You already know about everything that I was able to do at that time, to be able to speak of the changes regarding war, of the sufferings that people would suffer in the plans to annihilate one another, in an era of conquering. That was a frightening period in the history of the world. That was also a time for many people to realize that if they did not recognize the Love of God, that if they did not wake up in a period of time that was most critical, they would have brought war to their generation, they would have brought death and hatred to one another, with the sufferings of the days of war, which no one wanted to see. That was the era when I was living on earth. Those were the months that God gave me the opportunity and used me for me to speak up about love, for me to speak up about the Love of Jesus Christ, through His salvation. This is the truth, from the bottom of my heart, from the guidance of the Holy Spirit for me to speak up to influence the world, to speak up to influence the nations, which were looking for ways to destroy human lives, looking for ways to provoke war, to invade other nations. There was nothing else that could be done, and I also did not have any talent to be able to change the frightening situations.
Remember, we are simply the people whom God is using. We are simply the people who should be quiet for Him to use us in His Power. He can do all the things that He wants, but He needs our collaboration, with our hearts devoted to Him, with our hearts lifted up toward Him, for the Holy Spirit to work fervently. We are simply the people who follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Those were the things I had while I was in the chair leading the Church, for all of my brothers in Christ, for all the people who were living in my time to have a new direction in the Church. Those were clearly the things from the past days, and the proof was that the world had considered me to be the person who had brought the Love of God into the middle of a frightening situation. The possibility of a war was avoided, because of the Love of God to humanity, because of the Love of God in a special way to the Church, because of the Love of God to the whole world, because of the Love of God coming to meet each person. After all the functions and the works that I had accomplished, God had called me back to Him, through the disease that all of you have heard from the history of my life. That was regrettable because I had wanted and I had longed to be able to live a few more years so that I would be able to work and to do all the things that God wanted, but everything had been predestined by God, everything was in the plan of God. Let us remember that in every step that we take, in the thoughts that we have regarding all the works that we are doing, to bring the Good News, to bring great works, it is the Holy Spirit who is working on each person, it is the Holy Spirit who is working on us. Besides that, no one can do anything; no one has the ability to bring about victory or glory for the world, for any individual, for the family, or at the place where you are presently serving.
Dear sister L., sister K.,
I want to share all these things from my past. Today all of you are living in an era when God is pouring abundant blessings and graces. There are certain times when all of you have to be strong in the works that you are doing, in all the things that you have. All of the blessings that you are receiving, with the divine world that is communicating with you, with words, with a voice, this does not happen naturally but happens only with permission. This is a great grace that God grants to you in particular, and that God grants to humanity in general. Continue with your mission. Have faith in God. Live with more zeal, and work not on your own but with the collaboration of the other brothers and sisters. Listen well. Do the Will of God, and in every work that you do and that you will do, everything will be accomplished in the way that the Holy Spirit is working on you. Do not be afraid. Do not worry about all the things that are going on in the world. Remember to not create for yourselves worries and fears. If this does not come from the truth, from good things, then you would not be have been able to clearly hear the words that God had given the permission for the departed ones like us, to speak, through you, to give a message to share with you. That was the path that we had taken. You are the people who are chosen to walk on the same path.
No matter what situation, or what role, we are the children of God, we live only in His Love, we live only in His Good News, we do only the things that He wants us to do, and we want only to realize the things which the Holy Spirit is guiding us in. With faith, with entrustment of all things to Him, in a life of prayer, remove all the bad habits, all the things that come from the ego. Let the Holy Spirit work; in obedience, then everything will be done according to the Will of God. Whether the period of time was of my period, whether the time was in the last century or this century, the time is still God’s time. So never draw back from the difficulties, offer all to the Holy Spirit, have absolute trust. If you want to live that life, then train yourselves to remove everything that belongs to the world, and entrust fully in God. Learn to live a life in benevolence, in virtuousness, for you to be able to clearly listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the mission of bringing the Good News in these remaining days.
Soon you will encounter many difficulties in your life of witnessing because this generation is unlike any other past generations. This generation is the last generation, filled with graces, with extraordinary events, but there will be difficulties you will face, because this is a world dominated by evil that is raging all over the world, looking for ways to destroy all the things that come from the light of God. Since all the works have not yet reached their ending, you will still have many challenges. Remember to always be united, to always love as God wants, and fully entrust in obedience, for the Holy Spirit to work in you. Everything that is happening is from God, guiding all of you and helping all of you on the path of witnessing for Him. I can only see and share with you what God allows me to, to speak to you today, to help you to rise in your life of faith, for you to understand the meaning of the messages that God gives through the Holy Eucharist, which is a great sign for this remaining century, to be able to listen and to be reminded of His Good News. That is the greatest joy for you to have in the life of bringing the Good News to the world. Do not think that your roles are simply the roles of the normal laity, of the simple people, of the normal people. It is the works that you do, they are the simplest works, but they are the most extraordinary works, which God is using you for in this world, to act upon all the classes, to act upon all the roles for all the brothers and the sisters in Christ to be able to listen, for them to be able to be touched.
When the brothers and the sisters in Christ believe then everything will happen in an intense way. Their consciences will be touched, calling them to come back to God, in this remaining era, when the Divine Mercy of God has come, and the Holy Eucharist of God has truly spoken, through the messages through you, for the messages to be the proofs for the world. This is a world where you have the opportunity to serve God, to serve Jesus Christ, through the Holy Eucharist, to witness for the truth, to witness for the Good News that the Church is continually witnessing. You are also the laity who have the responsibilities to continue to bring to humanity and to the brothers and sisters in Christ in this troubled era, for all to be able to come back to the Love of God, for all to be able to come back to the Divine Mercy of God, for all to be able to meet Him through the Holy Eucharist.
These are the words that God allows me to share with you today. I thank you, sister L., for having longed and for having prayed to God, to ask to meet me today. These are the words that I can share with you. If you want, then continue to pray to God, we are ready to help you anytime you need us to help. I simply know to pray for our Church in this moment, to pray for my brothers who are in the ranks of the Church. Please pray in a special way for my brother who is the presiding Pope, Francis. He is living in a world with many events. His life had been planned by God, in these remaining days, in the most normal ways, in the simplest ways, for everyone to be able to come to him, and to meet Jesus Christ through him, but it is exactly because of that simple life that there are many challenges in the Church today and that there are many protests. All of you are the people who are bringing the Good News and the people who are witnessing for the truth that God is working in this world today, so continue to be zealous, continue to pray for him, continue to support him by quietly doing the works that you have done, and that you are doing.
That is my wish for all of you: to lend a hand for the Good News, to lend a hand with the works that you are able to do under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Though the Church has not yet approved the works that you are doing, continue to do the works as guided by the Spirit of God. Continue to do the works as guided by the Holy Spirit. Everything that comes from God will eventually be accepted by people, because that is the truth, because they are chosen by God. One day, things will come and at the right time, all works will be brought into the light, as you wish and long for, for the Good News of God to continue to be spread all over the world. The miracles and the proofs, from God, through you, through the miraculous and extraordinary events, and through the meetings that you are serving at the invitation of God, help bring the people back and help people to rise up with faith. I pray for God to bless you with peace and to give you more strength, more faith, for the mission that you are serving for Him, quietly helping the brothers and sisters in Christ, to guide them close to the Divine Mercy, to guide them to meet Jesus through the Holy Eucharist, to continue to witness to the miracles, that are happening in this world, in a century when you have the opportunity to serve Jesus Christ through the Holy Eucharist. This is what I want to share with you, and let you know my point of view about you in this present world. I continue to pray for you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray for God to shower you with abundant graces and to bless each of your souls with peace, for you to be able to recognize the mission to which God invites you, to a life of witnessing, to bring the Good News, to bring the truth through the Holy Eucharist to everyone in the generation that you are serving. Goodbye sister L. Goodbye sister K.
L.: O God, I thank You for having allowed me to meet the Pope whom I never could imagine being able to meet, I never knew anything about Him. This is a moment that I have longed to receive a message from the Popes. Every Pope has a title. Indeed God had blessed the earth. I pray for all of us to have the eyes of faith, to be able to see how the Popes had lived, in the way that God had chosen, for all of us to recognize the Love of God, for all of us to recognize that every Pope had a mission, with a meaning, to bring to the world, to bring the teaching to us, for us to live a pious life, for us to live a life of faith, trusting in God, through every work that God had planned for each Pope. This is something wondrous, something that cannot be described, something that we do not have the knowledge to be able to say anything else but to bow our heads in gratefulness, to bow our heads and obey, to only know to worship and honor the Most High, because His Love is infinite, because His Love is so close to His Church, so close to His children. Just like the promises that God had made to Saint Peter, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My Church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.”
It is truly the Church of Jesus Christ, a Church of love, Church bringing graces, a Church for everyone to be able to return to a God who had brought salvation to all. Besides God, there is no one capable of renewing and changing the world, for the world to know repentance, for the world to reject everything that is evil, in order to return to our God, through the Church that God had established – for the Pope to bring love, for the Pope to bring the Divine Mercy, for the Pope to bring the Good News, for the Pope to bring poverty in spirit, as proclaimed in the Gospel, in the lives of the saints, which had been reported and that are becoming clearer with each passing day.
There are people who demand proofs, who demand reasonings conforming to the world, and who demand facts that could be seen, that could be heard, and that could be recognized. The proof, clearly from the divine realm, God had established for all of us to be able to see in each Pope, to give us in this generation the ability to recognize the things that come from the miracles, the things that come from the divine realm, and the things that come from the Power of God, who is working and who is coming close to humanity, to strengthen us in our life of faith, for us to firmly return to God, for us to walk on God’s way, and for us to listen to the teachings of God. O Popes, please continue to pray for us. Please continue to support us. Please pray to God to help us open our minds, to help us open our hearts, and to help us to recognize the responsibility of the mission that was entrusted to us, in quietness, but bringing many accomplishments, to achieve the purpose of helping the brothers and sisters in Christ to be able to listen to the voice of Jesus, through the Holy Eucharist, to receive His reminders through the Holy Eucharist, to receive the guidance and the sharing of the saints.
In the Holy Name of Jesus, I and my sister K. thank God, and on behalf of all the brothers and sisters in the group, we receive the words that Pope John XXIII sent to all of us to remind us, which is an experience for us to know that we are walking and that we will walk on this path for the remainder of this life.
One more time, in the Holy Name of Jesus, I thank God. If something does not come from God, then there is no way we could have received or we could have known about the things that God permits. But if God permits, then every work will be able to be realized, every work will brighten up, every work will grow in the Love that God gives in a special way to the people who are serving, and to all of His children, through the messages from the saints who had lived on earth and who had departed, the saints who had shared these words with us. Amen. Amen. Amen.
L. completed this message from Pope John XXIII at exactly 4:05 p.m. This is the proof that everything was completed in this afternoon, through the message of Pope John XXIII, to all the brothers and sisters in Christ who are serving, and to all the other brothers and sisters in Christ, that if they have the opportunity to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit, they will be able to hear and will be able to know this truth. I bow my head to thank God, to praise God, and to glorify God, in the Holy Name of Jesus, who is our God. Amen. Amen. Amen. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Thanks be to God. One more time, I thank Pope John XXIII, for the words he had reminded us for this present time, which is also the time when we are sometimes afraid and worried on certain days. Please**** continue to pray for us, for us to be more confident, for us to be more worthy to receive the responsibility of the mission that God has entrusted to us in this generation. Amen. Amen. Amen.
* K. is a helper of L.
** Pope Francis canonized Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27, 2014.
*** This note explains several things, so as not to have too many notes. John XXIII was only Pope for about four-and-a-half years, from 1958 – 1963. He grew up in a poor, rural, devout family. He wrote only two encyclicals, one of which was “Peace on Earth.” He died of peritonitis caused by a perforated stomach.
**** This sentence is addressed to either to John XXIII, or to both Popes, as in three paragraphs earlier.
New Revelations Through the Eucharist
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