The Love of Jesus Through the Cross


IMG_0532In this message the Holy Spirit leads L. in reporting about love and the Cross.

March 11, 2013

L.: O God, this morning You allowed me to receive a message about the Cross, You allowed me to receive it from the sanctuary at St. Theresa Church, You gave me the opportunity to look deeper into the Cross, the Cross with You nailed to it, which anyone visiting the church or coming to Mass can see. It becomes a habit for everyone, for both the clergy and the laity, to just look at the Cross daily, without any thought of looking deeper into the meanings of the Cross because their minds are busy thinking of the daily obligations in life. God does not force us to think about the Cross at all times, God knows that we always forget easily and that deep thoughts come to us only at certain moments in life.

There are certain moments when the soul is stirred, maybe with certain encounters, when people look into the past or at the present – when they are suffering, when they are quietly thinking, and especially when they are moved; when they feel that they need to come pray to God, they allow themselves to be closer to the pictures that they are able to see, in their worship, in their seeking, especially toward the Supreme Being whom they lift up their prayers to. Every person has feelings, concerns, considerations, emotions from their hearts, especially when it pertains to love, to a life where people encounter many tragedies, with situations where people experience strong emotions.

There are stories that can evoke and raise the main reasons for mankind to go deeper to return to the most essentials things that they have on earth. Indeed, Jesus had known and had seen all matters in human life ever since God the Father created mankind. In general, to look for the word “love” in the world seems very simple; anyone can say the word “love” or practice love, if they really want to; in all classes, in all ways of life, the meaning of love is there, if people can understand that love is indeed precious. God has used love in teaching mankind, God has used love coming to mankind, and God has used love leading mankind back to righteousness. The word “love” will forever triumph, from the beginning until the final day of the world, and to walk into love is the key that opens wide the souls of many, for many to be able to find what lies in the word “love.”

Jesus is the wisest Supreme Being, a Supreme Being who is a kind Father; in His Power, the blessings He gives to mankind come from love; He is using love to deal with mankind; He teaches love to the people on earth, especially His disciples, the people who seek Him, who embrace Him, and who live with Him. Love is the greatest thing; if practiced according to the way that God teaches then love is happiness, love is peace, and love is something extraordinary, which people can already have and experience on earth, let alone later when the soul meets God. God also wants to remind people about this present life, in the family with children and parents, in society, in the Church, wherever people practice love and live with love they bring benefits, good things, and triumph over evil, so when people think about the moment of their birth to adulthood, more or less, there has to be love in the life of each person, for life to go on till today. That is the life of a simple person, let alone God; His Love has been eternal, His Love has created mankind, His Love has created the universe, His Love has blessed mankind with abundance on earth, to enjoy all that God gives through love.

Alas, love is indeed wonderful, love brings life to mankind, love is the means to untie all sufferings, and love conquers all; if people truly return to their conscience, to reason, to love, then the world will not have chaos, conflict, dispute, evil and crimes. God has given love to mankind since the beginning but mankind did not know how to use love; mankind has been deceived by the devil, has changed love to evil, and evil has ruled since then till this day. For that reason, not only has God taught about love, but He Himself has expressed love, through practice, teaching the world the word “love” upon His own body.

Love has accomplished so many things for mankind if truly mankind can seek to go deeper and understand; love has saved mankind from the darkness so that mankind can return, love has allowed mankind to see the light to return to God. Because of love God had endured so many sufferings, so many trials, throughout the 33 years of living on earth – close to humans – to understand, to love, to feel, to share in the pain, the joy of an earthly life. He so loved mankind to the point of choosing death, the suffering of the Cross. Everything that He had to endure, to the last drops of Blood and Water, is because of love, to show His Love for mankind.

Love is life, love is the light, and love brings happiness, peace, all wondrous things. Mankind needs to seek and return to the Love of God; the Love of God has invited people since the beginning – throughout many generations – and through the phases in life, love has met every individual in the world; love invites and continues to invite till the end. God always hopes; in His thirst till this day, till this last century, He hopes that mankind will recognize love, will know love, will embrace the value of love, will see the great graces through the love that He reserves for mankind. This is the treasure through love, through the Cross, through tears, joy, pain, through the love that He wants mankind to see and feel through the Cross; to feel the love and sufferings and the Cross; to feel through each phase and work that people encounter in life, so that through the love of the Cross, people can rise, can be strengthened, can testify to the truth – that through the love they feel in each phase of life, they have Jesus by their sides, Jesus always travelling with

Whether in suffering, in triumph, or in defeat, love is present; Jesus is always there, with the word “love,” coming to help us, to guide us, hoping to see us return to the path of righteousness through the love, the justice of God. There are so many things that God teaches mankind through the word “love,” but till these remaining days, mankind still has not learned and still has not understood the mystery and the sign of love, so God uses different ways; He comes to each person, one way or another, coming to the highly educated, to the faithful priests, to the priests who understand the ways of righteousness, through theology, and also to the simple people, who do not know much in the society which they live in. God brings love to people, He wants to remind them, to speak of love; He uses one way or another to invite the entire world, to invite humanity to return with love, to unite together, to lend a hand in love, to be together in love, for each nation to have peace. In everything, He invites each class, each nation, each era, each person, to live with love, to return with love, to unite with love, and to practice love to have good and holy things, to have peace in this world.

Mankind needs to unite, to embrace the merciful Father (1), the Creator of the universe; it is He who has created mankind, for mankind to procreate and live till this day. As God, He can make anything happen for He has the Power; He can realize anything that He wants, but because of love, He cannot strike His hand, despite the betrayals, the evil deeds committed by mankind. Love is indeed something valuable; love is something that cannot be touched, something that we do not truly understand if we do not use our hearts. If we do not act with love then we cannot understand love and when there is no love, there is no righteousness. Because God gives love to mankind, He has to look at love for Him not to strike His hand at the betrayal of mankind and He also reminds mankind to look at love for us to not go too far, for us to not lose our souls.

When love still invites and still waits, there is still forgiveness, there is still understanding, there is still concern, and there is still sacrifice; love has been taught and is the greatest sign that has lasted through many generations and will last till the last day; love is the opportunity for mankind to return to God. Because of love, God gives mankind more time; for the people who seek and who recognize the light of love, God invites in these remaining days, He allows mankind to witness the frightening events, and in the final moments, there will more frightening and more horrible events than those that have recently happened. If there is no faith, if people rely solely on their own strength, they cannot deal with the present difficulties, let alone the natural disasters and the frightening tribulations, so if God does not intervene, there will be no one left alive in this world.

Because God created with love right in the beginning, in the final days, He also has to use love to save His children, the people who live in sins, the just people, the people who are seeking to return to the truth, who are also the arrogant and the stubborn ones in life, who cannot find the love and the truth that Jesus gives to mankind, the messages He gives through the Holy Eucharist. If their hearts are still hardened, if they still cannot understand, where will their souls end up, and if they do not live with love how can they encounter love in their lives? So the decision is made when people are still alive, when people truly receive love, practice love, and know how to live with love in order to be worthy to come to the place assigned, with a life where they are able to recognize the love from God, the love from the brothers, the love that they need to return to, for them to truly comprehend the mysteries of love that God gives to humanity.

God keeps reiterating about love; He invites all classes in society, He invites all classes in the Church, and He invites each person in the world with love, to learn to live with love, with righteousness, to recognize love and the signs of love. There are books and stories left about love, especially for mankind to understand from the Supreme Being who is the King of the universe, who practiced love, who accepted death through the Cross to show the love between humanity and God, to show evil and goodness from the Cross (2), to show a life doing good and avoiding evil from the Cross, and to show all things in righteousness and truth on the Cross.

Everything is centered in love; God decides to have the seal of love to save humanity from their sins, to practice love in exchange for the human life, soul and body through love (3). Love will be the conclusion in the life of each person (4) when they truly recognize love, and the sooner the better, in order for them to recognize the graces in this life, in the deeds and in the situations that they encounter in life. Love and the Cross are shared, are carried by God; He travels with mankind in all paths of life, in all challenges, in all triumphs and defeats; He travels with us on the Cross, to speak of love in all situations, to comfort, to console, to mentally support, to overcome the circumstances – even death ending with love is a gift to mankind. If people live with love, if they know love, if they believe in love, if they live in absolute trust in God, they will be saved – from their souls to their bodies – while they are still living on earth.

God had come not to see the sins of mankind for He already knew; He had saved mankind through the Cross, and because of the sins of humanity He had endured the scourgings of the 14 Stations of the Cross (5). He had spoken of the things He had endured for the world; He had taken upon Himself the sins of humanity because of love – He just wants to remind people of the debauched things people have done in the months and the years that they did not know about. God has reminded through these words; He wants to remind people to return to love, to reject all evil, to reject all things that belong to the world, the demands of the world, the things that surround people, the snares of darkness, of sin – from the devil – with their sophisticated lures that keep people from escaping the daily demands in life. Everyone has fallen into the snares that the devil sets, which are modernization, comforts, money, fame, which include all evil acts, all kinds of sins, not recognizing love; God sees the people who are walking toward death, deceived by the devil, ignorant, and not knowing the way to return to love, to the Cross.

So God silently sheds bitter tears when He looks through the doors of the tabernacle, at all the devious acts enticed by the sophisticated lures of the devil. People have been misled, they have fallen into the present situation, they have not recognized the evil acts, they have been blinded by the world, and so, acting without the conscience of a person whom God has created, they have committed murder, from the murder of the unborn babies to the murder of people through technology, starting with the things people need in their daily lives such as food (6), to slowly kill people, which is truly too horrendous … the evil intentions that are ruled by the devil. People do not see, they consider technology as the knowledge, the education, the modernization of the era, and gradually, from the young children to the seniors, they start to fall into the lures of technology and into the things that they use in this modern world.

They do not recognize the remaining days of the century, they do not see where their souls will end up, with the situations that they consider as necessary for them to deal with in this life, and they do not look for the things that God has reminded through the Gospel.
God has warned about the events that will happen to humanity, if people act against the teachings, the morals, they have chosen death, they have chosen the path of darkness, with no way out. Jesus has seen people in the circumstances of life, who have done things in the remaining days, with the technologies, with the ways that they prefer; each person in this world is living a deteriorated life, blinded in the way they treat one another, using their reasoning in the acts that they are doing, which affect others, surrounded by the evil intentions that ensnare their souls, their feelings, their own wills. They continue to harm the brothers, the loved ones, and from there the entire world, with the selfishness, with the dictatorship, and with the evil intentions.

Every day in life, people will see the changes, and from their consciences, each person will be able to recognize the things that are unjust, that are against morals and justice on earth. These are the things that human eyes can see, let alone the truth and the decrees of God; people have committed offenses and challenged the wrath of God the Father. The frightening thing is that people live in sin but they are unaware, so they continue to sink deeper and deeper into the darkness, with no way out, and they continue to commit crimes – upon others, upon the righteous people who end up being persecuted because of
the sinners.

People can reason with the wisdom of the world and do the things that can be done on earth; they do not think that, if not because of love, if Jesus had not endured because of love, the Power of God would have caused the world to change according to the ways that He desires, with the things that He creates for mankind. God still loves, still has the respect and the trust as He has given to people, He gives people the freedom to make decisions, and for that reason He allows people the freedom to receive the happiness, the love, the graces. He allows people the freedom to choose the things that are right, the things that are wrong, the sins, the things that belong to the darkness that people can see and recognize; in all situations, He allows people the freedom to choose, and the freedom to receive the things that each person is able to see.

His love still waits. He wants people to make their own decision to either come to Him or to choose sins. People have to resign themselves to accept the things that they choose when they are still alive, when they have the freedom to choose, but the decision will be clear according to the life they choose; if they choose evil then they will end up in the place they choose; if they choose good and holy things, if they live with love then love will protect them, love will embrace them and love will bring them to heaven, which God had given to humanity through the death of Jesus on the Cross.

The gift that Jesus had given to humanity is that Jesus had accepted to die for humanity; His Blood had cleansed all the sins of the world for people to make the final decision, for each person to return to God and to live in His Truth, to live according to holy things, to live according to the teachings that He has clearly spoken of, to worship God above all things, to accept Him as the merciful Father of humanity, as the merciful Father of each individual, to practice love with the brothers, to share and treat one another with goodness, with love, with patience and understanding, so that the world has days of happiness, has days of peace. This is the gift that Jesus has left through each era, till these last days of the century; He reminds and invites people through His words, through the messages that He reveals to those who have been assigned to speak of love, to remind about love, about the 14 Stations of the Cross, about the sins that He had taken upon Himself because of love. He had endured all sufferings upon His body; He just wants people to return and live to be worthy of the salvation He had given to each soul in the world.

These are the words from Jesus regarding love, for all classes to look back in the remaining days, to be reminded of Jesus’ invitation of love, to come to His Divine Mercy to receive the salvation that He gives to mankind, to be worthy of the love that He reserves for mankind in the remaining days. These are the words that Jesus invites from the Cross today with love, received in the two consecutive messages for everyone to hear, in the hope that every person, when they read this, will be able to feel the things that Jesus reminds, and praying that the Holy Spirit will enlighten the readers and those who listen, in order to see the signs that Jesus leaves to the world, for them to choose the path to take, the path that has to lead them to receive the light, the true love through the Cross, which is the gift from God, the gift that Jesus has given to each person in the world, when they recognize the Love of Jesus through the Cross, to meet them in the remaining months and years, with no distinction regarding status, title, and whether the clergy, the Church, or the laity.

God invites humanity to look at the Cross, to look at the love through the Cross, to look at the last words of invitation in the remaining days in order to return to love, to return to righteousness, to return to the truth to receive salvation and forgiveness, for those who live in sins, those who do not know about sins, in all the classes in the world; as for the righteous ones who have lived in the grace of God, continue to support the brothers, continue to speak of love, to testify to love, to live in faith with love, to have faith facing God, with the brothers and those around, in order to walk on the same path – to return, to receive the light, through the Cross of love that God reserves for each person, when we have to face the Justice of God, in the remaining days of our lives.

This is a message that L. completed at exactly 11:40 a.m. on March 11, 2013, at the holy statue of the Sacred Heart of God, the holy statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the holy statue of Saint Theresa, where every day L. comes to receive a message from God.

O Father, I thank You, I cannot imagine that in a few hours I have been able to report the two messages that You want as plus this inspired message from the Holy Spirit; these are the invitations of the remaining days, with the meaning that comes from love, which God wants me to report. God invites us in the love that He allows us to feel, from the two messages this morning. I hope that people will listen. This is the greatest gift, the gift of love, the special gift that God sends us in this Lent season of 2013, in the hope that people will listen to the invitation to return to God, not only for a few but for all, if they embrace the invitation of Jesus on the Cross, the message that Jesus allows L. to receive through the Holy Eucharist, the new revelations that God gives in the remaining days, for people to clearly see that He still loves and waits for people to return.

On behalf of all the brothers and sisters in the world, on behalf of all the things that God allows me to report, the teachings that God gives to us, I hope that the soul of each person has been touched, that everyone understands the meaning of the words from God, that they can see the love from God, with the reminders regarding the things that they need to change, that they need to do to return to God – to live each day in sacrifice, in prayer, in entrustment, in faith, in believing in the Love of God for humanity; that He is the Father (7) of humanity, that He had died for our sins, for us to have these present days, when God reminds us through His words, for us to receive the forgiveness and the last graces He gives to us through His Divine Mercy. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I thank God, I praise God, and I glorify God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
(1) God the Father
(2) “to show evil and goodness” from the event of the Crucifixion
(3) The “seal” refers to Revelation 7:3; people can receive this seal by sincerely practicing the Six Kowtows (see “The Six Kowtows” message of August 19, 2014). The last part of this sentence refers to Matthew 10:39 and 16:25, as well as Luke 9:24.
(4) St. John of the Cross, a Doctor of the Church, teaches, “At the evening of life, you will be examined in love. Learn to love as God desires to be loved and abandon your own ways of acting.”
(5) Jesus revealed this to the great mystic, St. Bridget of Sweden: “I received 5,480 blows on My Body” during the Passion.
(6) Herbicides, pesticides and genetically modified foods, to cite a few examples, all appear to all be poisoning the food supply. Thus “the culture of death” extends beyond just abortion and euthanasia.
(7) This refers to Jesus as a “Father,” not to God the Father.

New Revelations through the Eucharist

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