We Offer the First Kowtow



June 9, 2016

This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit through L.

L.: O God, it is 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 9, 2016, in St. Theresa Church, in front of the altar, the Cross, the tabernacle, the picture of the Divine Mercy, and the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Today, we have the opportunity to come here to attend Mass, on Thursday morning; the Mass today continues with the First Reading, with the Old Testament, about the prophet Elijah and the work of the prophets whom God allowed in their time, who pleaded with God for rain after three years and six months of drought. Indeed, that was something miraculous we heard through the First Reading in today’s Mass; next, we listened as Jesus taught that we cannot be like the scribes and Pharisees (1); we must become the people whom God wants, reminding each one of us to not use our high positions, or our functions, or our knowledge – unintentionally, deliberately – in arrogance, for us to live above God’s law, or for us to despise what have been taught as the principles of life, of living with love for one another as God taught – we must honor the only Supreme God, while living in His law and His commandments.

Indeed, the two Readings today reminded us; in the First Reading, to have faith in the power of God. We are the children – when we truly believe and pray, there is nothing God does not bestow, according to His arrangement, according to His program, because He knows what we need, what to give us; things that can befall us, things in real life. I want to say this because of the reality of modern life; with the demands, with the comforts, with elements too affluent in life, we do not see the lack of material things, we feel these material things are too easy so we do not know to say thanks. We also do not understand that life does not just happen to be, because this is a life too civilized, too liberal, in an era so completely secularized; it only focuses on individual rights and short-term realities, which are matters in a life in the earthly days – as for what is sacred, noble, in the soul, it seems to be forgotten and has become routine with worldly matters, and what it is in the memory, in the soul, in the heart and conscience, seems to have been erased by the times.

O God, today the First Reading reminded us that despite difficulties in life, whether tribulations or hardships, with nothing to lean on, God challenges our faith, our pleas, our beliefs. When we truly recognize God, believe in God; when we recognize the all-powerful Supreme God, then we will see. The ancient prophets of the past – they are simply the same as us, with no difference at all; they were chosen because their life of faith was connected and totally belonged to God and they were sent by God as God bestowed. Therefore, we must believe that the mystery is inherent in ordinary and banal people, and when God chooses, then there is nothing impossible for God, but we must believe for that to be realized in the human world.

For example, today we heard in the First Reading how the prophet Elijah prayed and also did rituals; perhaps human understanding is nonsense and human vision is different, but there were several things God revealed and allowed the prophet who embraced that responsibility, so the actions that he did – why not bow seven times rather than once, to look at the clouds, to look at the surface of the sea? (2) Because there are realities that belong to God that we cannot comprehend. Today, we only know that there are prophets sent by God; they have performed the things of God to receive His answer. See, the sky is dry, but because of the pleading and what was done according to God’s will, rain poured down like a torrent; even the king at that time, Ahab, also bowed and knew who our God is, and our human race, too, must worship the all-powerful God whom no one can deny.

The years went by, up to this era; events that were and are going down in history will not fade in the course of life, nor with time; everything that belongs to God will be repeated over and over again. Today, in Mass, we listened to the First Reading, in the Old Testament, the time before Jesus came; then the Second Reading was during Jesus’ time, about the Word Incarnate, about everything in the doctrine He taught. We learn that God wants us to live with love: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (3). Jesus does not require anything of us, but that is what God desires because within us there is something very sacred, a certain meekness inherent in the heart; it was the hand of God the Father who placed that heart, in the soul of every human being, in the body and in the soul of each person. That was something profound, that is so perfect, so wonderful, but we do not pay attention to it, we do not experience the sense of the sacred in what God placed in us; we let the course of life and the era make us forget what remains in a wonderful way in our bodies and deep inside our souls. Speaking of this, we cannot forget the Holy Spirit; He will urge us and let us know between good and evil – all that is right and wrong. We are currently living a human life – we can see what is good for ourselves (4); what will harm us or bring us sufferings, what path we decide for ourselves when we follow greed, lust, desires, and crimes.

O God, today, more and more, we clearly hear God’s voice reminding us; the Holy Spirit’s voice teaching us, every detail, delving deep into the words from the Gospel and the Good News (5); it does not stop at a point but continues today to evoke and designate, for us to see that in the course of history there have been similar stories, going back centuries, which today we have the opportunity to hear. It is the same thing today, because the God of the first day in history, the God of the bygone days in the course of history, and the God of the last days is still the One God; His power is a thousand times more but we do not yet have the opportunity to see. We listen to the stories; as human beings, we have limitations – our understanding requires facts for us to be touched. We want to hear a story line; things that must have reasonings according to the human way, but we forget that our God is very rich, that His grace is not limited to what was given in the course of history – what was written and what was not – with many stories that have not had the chance to be written. Today, we have elements recalled again, based on what God has done and what He is doing, through the Holy Spirit, written in our minds, written in His Spirit, for us to bear witness to what was in the supremacy God reserved and gave to the entire world.

O God, as we go deeper, the more we learn, the more we see that we are nothing. We are just a grain of sand in the multitude of other grains of sand, for us today to grow up complete, with all the organs, with eyes, with noses, with ears because God loved and cherished that grain of sand. All our body members belong to God, and more particularly, we are aware our hearts are formed from God’s love, that God has placed it in our bodies to be active in the world – with a soul, a body, a mind – to praise God, to honor, but we forget our condition, we follow the freedom that the first era fell into – sin and death. Today, with all that prompted us, we still seek and we keep on living according to things gone by and what was left since the day the light began to shine into the human world. The salvation was clear; the Savior came and brought us salvation; that was the salvation from God who gave His only Son, to be born into the world, to be in the flesh.

This (6) was repeated over and over, because salvation was to save people, for us to return to a life with the right to be the children of God, to have the freedom to choose between good and evil so that it can be the key to look back with everything that was, but at times was forgotten in the course of life, neglected out of habit. We consider the realities and the civilization of the times above all things that God bestows and gives in the human world; that is indeed a pity, but no matter what, in the human race, there still are people who are wise, enlightened, adept; there still are prophets and messengers that God uses in the human world. At the same time, let us not forget, we also have our Church, the Church Jesus chose, the Church Jesus proclaimed when He was still on earth, when God said to Peter: “you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church,” that nothing, not even the devil, can destroy the rock Jesus proclaimed right from the beginning, at a time when the Church was not yet officially established.

All those events have gone by in the course of history; today, we see that we have a Church, a contemporary Church, a Church that began to form after Jesus ascended to heaven. Mother remained, Mother was the quiet teacher who counseled the Church, right from the moment it was established; that work in silence has not been recalled but today there are so many realities we can look at for us to be strong, in regard to the works we can realize boldly – but if not from the permission of God, from the support of one Person, if God does not allow then there is no way for us to realize it in the human world. So all these blessings are a mystery, which has become real-life in a very obvious way in our lives; we make a demand, which is the main reason, clearly, for God to use this way for us to see God’s wisdom, to see God’s supremacy, using all kinds of ways to give us the opportunity to be touched, to clearly have an explanation, with the sequence according to the human world. Let us never forget that God is the God full of abundances, full of graces; the God who uses all kinds of ways for us to clearly understand the abundances in His grace.

Today, so many things have come and are coming, like an invitation for us to live in the love God reminded – for humanity to have less hatred, less jealousy, less envy, less adversity among each other. That is the crime that became a worldwide problem and caused the events that happened and are happening; it is the freedom that causes us to fail to follow the teachings and the truth, for us to act contrary to morality, contrary to the life that we have from God’s bestowing – we put aside all that is good so today we suffer the consequence of sin, the consequence of freedom when it does not follow the teachings. Today, we have a problem due to that freedom; we can see the lack of peace in humanity and among people who still have yet to understand the meaning of the practice of charity, the meaning of love as God reminded us through the First Reading. What do we do with today’s situation? What can we contribute to the world, to society, to the family, to the community when we do not really come to God with heart, when we do not really live a life in prayer to call upon the name of God? We cannot rely upon grace to ask God to give us the opportunity; we need to act, we need to practice, to become the people who are worthy to witness for God – by living as a Christian; by living as the people who know, who hear, by the grace God chose and gave in general to the world and in particular to each person.

O God – so many things God has done for the world, for humanity; so many things God has given us; so many things God has utilized us for, in every situation, in every role. Today, there is nothing to reject, so that we – with body, soul, mind, and heart – return and prostrate before God Almighty, the everlasting God we worship, the only God to whom we need to belong; soul, mind, body, and heart. Today, what can be done is not from our own doing but we know comes from the Holy Spirit’s teaching – to open the eyes of faith, for us to recognize what is inherent in the times that are based upon civilization, which will lead us into a world that is the death of the soul and body. What can we do to ask for help? Who can deliver us?  Who can help us in today’s situation? So let us not be complicated with our thinking and inferences but let our hearts become like children, become simple and humble – to seek God, to seek the help of the God whom we know loves; He is also the Savior – He has promised to those who come and meet Him, who walk in His doctrine and His truth, that He will not let us fall into death. This hope remains through Jesus Christ; so today, what we hear, what we know does not come from man but from the prompting of the Holy Spirit to help us boldly testify and bear witness to God’s love, by the prostration, in response to the love and the Divine Mercy we need in our human life.

At this time, we offer to God the First Kowtow, which is the kowtow we offer to God the Father. O God the Father – we worship God, we honor God, we thank God, we are grateful for everything God has done and God has given; graces and blessings continue to be poured upon the world – every hour, every day – yet we still do not see the length, the depth, and the width of grace brought to the world. We keep being shortsighted in the limitations of a human life, we continue to offend God by this way and by that way.

O God, what can we say to express gratitude? We have not done it yet so we already turn away; we still live with a shortsighted vision, in sin and death. Today, what reminds us? O God – so many things God has done, and throughout many generations God is still the God full of love; still the first God, the God throughout generations, the last God in history (7). Today, we would like to bow down to worship, to praise, to honor, on behalf of all the brothers and sisters around the world, on behalf of each individual, each family, each role, to ask God to help save us in today’s world – a world that has become a secularized society; has made us forget about the marks in the soul, in the heart; and the truth of life. We busy ourselves amid jobs, money, fame; amid all the commotion of a crowded society, but we also need to have certain moments of quietness and silence in order to identify what belongs to us; what belongs to God – what belongs to the world is obliged to give thanks, to appreciate the invisible Supreme (8) who gave us life in the human world.

O God, if each one of us has this experience, even though we do not yet know and do not yet believe, if we seek the truth, then this will definitely become more mature and will grow, and in the world there will be no commotion, no hustle, and no chaos, as in this present generation. Today is the answer because we have absolutely not recognized God, not understood the Creator who gave us what is best, most beautiful – we have let the fleeting matters of the world blur our conscience to satisfy lust; greed; selfishness; the attraction, the pleasure of a human life, which caused disorders in all morals and teachings. Today, we already see the answer; the world has no peace – besides, there are so many crimes with horrific cover-ups from the devil in human disguise (9), with the cruelest, the most horrible, the worst ways to treat people. O God, we cannot look at the current cruelty that exists between people; certain people look at children seven years of age, females at twelve years of age – to humiliate, to rape, to kill, and the children end up being cut, beheaded, killed, forced to satisfy the lust of those who consider it a religion – indeed, a scary religion that is spreading across the world, like the devil in human disguise that continues to abuse our brothers and sisters in the world.

Can this be something worthy to keep going? That is the answer for each person who is taking the wrong path, with the worship, seeking idols; today, the idols have answered the world and each individual with personality and ego. It is due to the freedom of rights that today we have the frightening and repulsive answer in life; from many years based on civilization, based on idols, with no power, with nothing good in the beauty created by God and given to us in His doctrine. Who is the Person who rules over us with love?  Who is a just King? There were no just kings in each era, there were no perfect kings; those were kings chosen but we can also see the signs of the weakness of sin – we do not delve deep into the issue for these kings were also chosen by God, but they were also in the flesh, imperfect, when they were kings who already knew the rules. So everything human is not entirely perfect; only one single king is our God, the God we have forgotten, the God we neglect by following the times of the era, but He will not chastise us by power or punish us even though He has the authority – He continues to wait, with immense goodness. We must prostrate, we must genuflect, we must worship, wholeheartedly; the entire world, all nations in this global universe must bow and worship the one and only God.

This is a very clear confirmation; throughout many eras, many thousands of years, many centuries, yet in the end where is the truth, where is the justice, where is the righteousness? Only one God from of old till this day is still the God of love, the all-powerful God who saves and helps us in His doctrine and His truth; indeed, it is wonderful for us to be able to either explain or understand more the First Kowtow that in the first days, we look at as something ordinary and we ask “why?” We need to ask ourselves whether we are worthy to offer this kowtow to God or not because we are just a grain of sand, a speck of dust, but God has given us life in the soul and body.

So many years in sin, so many years relying on the life of worldly realities; in the shortsighted understanding of people and immature faith; we are simply sinners, who still continue, with no perfection, but it is because of that lack of perfection that God sent His doctrine and He personally sent His only Son to bring the doctrine to the entire world. The doctrine of God is not only for the lips, not only for the principle, not only for the preaching, but the doctrine of God is to be practiced by the heart, manifested to humanity by deed, by action, by patience, by acceptance, by obedience, by a life taking on the burdens of the entire world in sin, to enter into death with joy. In the end, His power and authority are manifested to us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is a doctrine by action, by heart, by deed, by everything inherent as a lesson to the human world. If we do not have the lesson that Jesus came in Person, as a Teacher and as “a sinner” (10) to represent humans in humanity, then how can we rise and learn, for 2,000 years, from the day He started to come into the world? But it has been more than 2,000 years and our hearts are still hardened, still stubborn, still with the limits in which we cannot see the truth – we believed in the human advice in the era of Jesus; we did not welcome Him when He came; we did not accept Him and all the power He worked – for the lame to walk, for the deaf to hear, for the dumb to speak, for the dead to be resurrected.

Where can this be found? Only one Supreme God can have and give, in meekness, in humility, in patience, in loneliness, to silently accept mankind’s rebellion, betrayal, change, with the little, narrow-minded and shortsighted things. He still silently accepts death, for us to see that it was a great act of forgiveness – we used all manners of sin to torture the God who was innocent; we used the most atrocious scourging, to whip straight into our bodies, our souls. We are sinners, not God, but we do not understand that our sins lie in a pool of mud – He came to bring the light, yet we do not understand Him; He is still waiting for our understanding, waiting for the opening of our mind, waiting for us to have the compassion inherent in the love and the heart that God the Father molded in us when we were created.

O God, we have seen many realities we overlooked in our lives throughout the past centuries, yet keep repeating, still today. The people who are living in the country where God chose to come, born in a cave in Bethlehem, that country itself, those people living there, that homeland … still awaits the Savior, who came over 2,000 years ago, but for various reasons such as selfishness, hatred, people always think they are absolutely right; they wait and they act differently from the thinking and the truth of the doctrine through the Old Testament, through the Good News, through the Gospel. Indeed, we truly act stupidly – in the past era, in this era, and probably in the coming era; this may be offensive to all who have gone into history or who are present, but this is the truth, because there is no time in these days to rely on words, flattering words, words that sound pretty but lack depth in real life as God wants. God wants people to be certain because these days are no longer days of relying on textbooks; as God says in the Gospel today, regarding the scribes and Pharisees: “I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter into the Kingdom of heaven.” The scribes and Pharisees still exist today with their stubbornness, their hardness; the country where God came into the world, born into the earthly world, to let people be touched, for them to see with their eyes, to hear with their ears, to be touched in their hearts – today, they are still hardened, still stubborn, waiting, and for what? The explanation is to wait for the Savior.

That is correct; certainly, we must wait for the Savior, but He already came; because we look with a vision that is shortsighted, stubborn, hardened, thinking that we are right so we follow the doctrine of God according to the way people see. Thus, today we are still divided around the world, with this religion, with that religion, and then in the end, what? Orthodoxy; Catholicism; Anglicanism; Judaism; Protestantism; all religions: we all belong to one Supreme God that today we have yet to find a reason or have yet to find an answer. Because we are stubborn, we do not believe in Jesus, we do not believe in His salvation; then how are we to open the common door to humanity that is rooted in Jesus, a door opened for all the brothers, for the entire world to gather and return? Because of Him – because only He can resurrect from death, only He can resurrect to bring the light, only He is worthy; His Blood cleanses the earthly world. Because of Him, God the Father continues to give us a chance. This does not stop with the death of Jesus but today, in the power of the Eucharist in which Jesus is hiding, He continues to come to the human world in Divinity. People cannot clearly understand all this, but the work through the Holy Spirit continues for the world to clearly see what God desires and waits for, as it is near the concluding day of the end of the century.

We argue with each other on all aspects, we argue in this aspect and that aspect, we argue but the conclusion is simply the arrogance in each person, which is inherent in the ego and the personality. A person who has talent does not want another to be more talented; then no one listens to anyone else – there is no unity. So we end up in today’s situation; because we are not united, the devil knows we are vulnerable, and there is no easier way to destroy, no easier way to divide. He is no stranger; he was the most popular angel, the wisest, most skillful in heaven, punished by the sin of pride toward God; so today, he knows every aspect, he uses all kinds of ways to divide us. We are very foolish indeed; we follow what is tangible in life and require human reasoning but we do not believe in the power of God, we do not believe in the abundance of God’s grace, so we fall into today’s situation – still impassioned, still not calm to understand what God reserved and gave us. Today, we have seen very clearly as to why God continues to let us recognize; it is because God still loves us. His promises are the twelve apostles since the day Jesus came into the world, though out of those twelve, one was lost; the lack of completeness is a reality in a sinful life and cannot be as what God reserved and gave, because of the disobedience right from the beginning, we must bear the consequence and that sin till this day.

For God, there is nothing impossible if we cooperate with Him, if we listen to Him, if we know God has the power to do everything; the only thing needed is for us to look and see that there is only one Supreme God to worship; let us look and focus on the God who has come, because He alone can be the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Why do we not worship God but worship the people who do not belong to God? Those are idols that are the cause of many evils and throughout many centuries there is still dispute, killing, coercion, domination, from human power instead of great, divine blessings God reserved and gave us.

Today, the First Kowtow has nothing more to explain; for each one of us it is like the opening of the Gospel that continues to come to the world in the last days; what is liveliness has come to the world and given us the opportunity to be able to understand what we need to know and must know so that we do not ask why we offer the First Kowtow. We offer the kowtows that must be offered; we continue to look, though God has manifested and bestowed – we do not believe, we keep looking, relying on words that are refined with elaborate wordings, with beautiful ideas, but really do not instill our hearts. God simply wants us to live truly with the heart, to become little, to become simple, like children, because they are the ones to enter the kingdom of heaven.

As Jesus said, too much intelligence, too much knowledge, too many ways of argument in life – that is the nature of pride, of arrogance; and from there, no one accepts anyone; everyone wants to be the big brother, to be right. Finally, people end up separated from one another and they lack the force – a force that is powerful, a force that belongs to unity, a force to protect and to keep the foundation God reserved for humanity. Today, indeed, we are still infantile, we are not open to what has gone by in the era, we continue to cover up realities that are inherent, which is the stubbornness that prevents us from moving forward on the path God revealed for humanity to recognize that what God desires is love in humanity: “Love one another; even as I have loved you”. We worship the only Supreme God. What is wrong when we prostrate? What is different? Why do we question so much and we do not accept? It is because we do not accept that we cannot be united.

Today, God continues to give the messages to help us clearly understand what unity is – to understand the God to whom we must prostrate and worship; to be united in life to become one, great Church, to mutually support each other. The enemy cannot attack and invade, even countries or other religions cannot destroy the everlasting Church of God, as God said to Peter; all of these things come from a history that keeps going and continues till this day, but we still do not understand, we still do not see, we still do not accept the truth. The truth is something we must practice, something we must be determined about, something that requires us to be wholehearted, to remove the personal idea of each individual, to lift up to God with a truly devoted heart, for us to connect and unite together. God has come through the Holy Eucharist, to give the messages, to manifest to us through His power; that is the God who has the power to bestow and to give to today’s humanity.

O God – I thank God’s grace, helping us to clearly understand, to clearly know, to increasingly see the prostration we need to offer to God Almighty, to continue with the other brothers and sisters, with a reverent heart, with what we need in life, which is to belong to God – soul, body, mind, and heart. May God sanctify us, transform us, allow us to become worthy to be God’s children, to be Christians, to understand the meaning, for us to be charitable, to sacrifice, to love, to help, to continue to move forward on the path, to accept the phases of the path in each person’s life, with the phases of the cross that we cannot avoid. Certainly, God walks with us and when we firmly believe in God, we will have a happier life; a more peaceful, more mature, more meaningful life.

O God – today, through the First Kowtow, we thank God for allowing us to have more explanation, like an additional teaching for us so that we understand the meaning of the prostration, of the worship; the meaning God is teaching and leaving to the world today and for the future to come. Please help our children and grandchildren, our loved ones, the people who knew and know, the people who are seeking the truth, for them to recognize the messages addressed to the whole world, with things we are seeking to understand, through the rationale, through the First Kowtow we offer to God. That was offered to thank, to praise – also to apologize, asking God to forgive us in our lives, as we missed so many opportunities because we did not believe, we rejected, with many failings that still go on; despite how the world is, the truth is still the truth, because God allows for this to come to the human world. We represent all the brothers and sisters around the world, all the people who do not yet know, who do not yet believe, every sinner; God, please forgive, open their hearts, forgive them and help them recognize that God is calling and waiting for them. This is also a year of grace, through the Divine Mercy, for us to return in time, for us to come in time to the door of the Divine Mercy that is open to welcome His children all over the world.

Every sinner has the opportunity, the right to return to God, within the period of knowing the truth revealed and manifested to today’s humanity through the Holy Eucharist, of hearing the voice resounding through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. We simply know to serve what God bestows and allows; as for whether people accept or not, embrace or not, practice or not, we lift them up to God; regarding all that God bestows, we only know to witness, we only know to testify, we only know to pioneer in order to realize all the works God wants and allows, for us to lift up to God, for the brothers and sisters to know soon, to hear soon, to practice soon, to unite soon in solidarity, so that these graces help them to be on the way back, to prepare for the days we cannot escape from – the days of tribulations when each one of us must face the truth, in justice and righteousness, before our God.

In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, we offer the First Kowtow, with the words inspired and allowed through the Holy Spirit. We stop here to continue in the next moment with the other kowtows, each with the meaning God reserved and gave to us. L., with K., conclude the First Kowtow at exactly 10:13 a.m., on Thursday, June 9, 2016, at St. Theresa Church, in front of the altar, the Cross, the tabernacle, the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the picture of the Divine Mercy, where we had the opportunity to offer to God the First Kowtow this morning. Amen. Amen. Amen.

*The anonymous messenger, L., is an American immigrant from Vietnam. She leads a very intense prayer life that centers on attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and adoration of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. She receives messages by way of interior locutions and is able to capture visions of Eucharistic miracles on her cell phone. When Jesus gives her messages, it is as a loving Father to His children (for more on this please see the homepage of www.nrtte.net). 



  1. The Readings for this day were 1 Kings 18:41-46 and Matthew 5:20-26.
  2. Though being led by the Holy Spirit, L., in her simplicity and probably with the Six Kowtows (see the message of August 19, 2014) in the back of her mind, wonders why Elijah did not bow more than once.
  3. John 15:12 (compare John 13:34)
  4. Each person sufficiently (not counting children and some with mental disabilities) knows the difference between right and wrong (Romans 2:14-15); this “natural law” is written on our hearts, but we greatly need the Holy Spirit to help us grow in this area and achieve virtue (the Catechism of the Catholic Church discusses this in sections 37 and 38).
  5. This seeming dichotomy has come up in recent messages; it seems Gospel may refer to the Gospel of Jesus Christ while the Good News may refer to the Good News of salvation, which extended back to the Old Testament (for example in Isaiah 40:9, 41:27, 61:1).
  6. The cycle of creation, of man falling, and of man being saved (if he chooses salvation of course)
  7. This is a way of saying that God alone is God: the first God, the “present” God, and the last God.
  8. This unique title follows the definition St. Anselm gave for God: “that than which nothing greater can be conceived.”
  9. It is not clear what this means. It may simply mean the devil acting through humans.
  10. This is to be understood in one sense and one sense only: “We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:20-21). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, did not inherit original sin nor did He ever commit the slightest sin. He took upon Himself the full weight of our sin; that is, the Divine Justice that had to be appeased in order for us to be redeemed.

New Revelations through the Eucharist




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