The Six Kowtows Prayer Groups

Worldwide Six Kowtows Prayer Groups

Argentina: 30 people
Australia: 1 person
Canada: 7 people

Cambodia:  6 people
Chile: 37 people
Colombia: 49 people
Costa Rica: 7 people
Ecuador: 8 people
Spain: 31 people
France: 5 people
Guatemala: 8 people
Italy: 10 people
Mexico: 34 people
Panama: 22 people
Paraguay: 3 people
Peru: 21 people
Portugal: 6 people
Singapore: 1 person
United States: +200 people
Uruguay: 3 characters
Puerto Rico: 2 people
Aruba: 3 people
Nicaragua: 13 people
Trinidad and Tobago: 1 person
United Kingdom: 6 people
Bolivia: 4 people
Netherlands Antilles: 1 person
Dominican Republic: 4 people
Saudia Arabia: 1 person
Qatar: 2 people
El Salvador: 2 people
Saint Martin: 1 person
Venezuela: +12,000 people

In Venezuela and 27 other countries, there are presently 11 groups of prayer through the application “WhatsApp”, with more than 12,000 people practicing the Six Kowtows every day at 7:00 p.m.

Eucharistic adoration with The Six Kowtows June 18, 2020, at 7:30 am, in the Cristo Rey parish, in Las Lomas, San Cristóbal, Venezuela.




1. Chapel of the Hogar San Pablo, Avenida España, 3:00 pm.

2. Santa Rosalía de Palermo Parish, Borota, Táchira state, 3:00 pm.

3. Santa Bárbara del Zulia Parish, Zulia state, 5:00 pm, Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

4. Chapel of the population of Veracruz, Córdoba municipality, Táchira state, 6:00 pm.

5. San Antonio de Padua Church, Prebo, Valencia, Carabobo state, 6:30 pm.

6. Santa Ana Parish, in Santa Ana, Córdoba municipality, Táchira state, 7:00 pm.



1. Chapel of Santa Rita, Michelena, 10:00 am.

2. San Juan Bautista Parish, La Ermita, San Cristóbal, 4:00 pm.

3. San Juan Bautista Parish, Colón, Táchira state, 4:30 pm.

4. Jesús Obrero Parish, January 23, San Cristóbal, Táchira state, 4:30 pm.

5. Brother Rodolfo Escalante’s prayer group, Michelena, Táchira state, 6:30 pm.


1. Corpus Christi Church, España Avenue, San Cristóbal, 3:00 pm.

2. Don Bosco Church, Guaparo vial, Valencia, Carabobo state, 2:30 pm.

3. The Lord of Miracles Parish, Cuesta del Trapiche, San Cristóbal, 5:00 pm.

4. Santa Ana Parish, in Santa Ana, Pampán municipality, Trujillo state, 5:00 pm.


1. Cristo Rey Parish, Las Lomas, San Cristóbal, at the end of the 7:30 am Mass.

2. Parish Santísima Trinidad, Pirineos II, San Cristóbal, 1:00 pm.

3. San Isidro Labrador Parish, Orope, Táchira state, 3:00 pm.

4. La Inmaculada Concepción Parish, Barquisimeto, Lara state, 3:30 pm.

5. Santo Cristo de La Grita Basilica, Táchira state, 4:00 pm.

6. Iglesia San José, downtown, San Cristóbal, 3:00 pm.

7. Santa Bárbara del Zulia Parish, Zulia state, 5:00 pm.

8. La Ascensión del Señor Parish, Sabana Grande, Jáuregui municipality, Táchira state, 5:00 pm.

9. Our Lady of Carmen Parish, Las Mesas, Táchira state, at 4:00 pm.

10. San Pedro Church, Carabobo Avenue, San Cristóbal, Táchira state, 5:00 pm.

11. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, El Santuario, San Cristóbal, Táchira state, 5:30 pm.

12. Chapel of La Llanada, Lobatera municipality, Táchira state, 5:00 pm.

13. House of prayer “San José”, El Valle, Táchira state, 6:30 pm.


1. San Martín de Porres Parish, El Moralito, Zulia state, 4:00 pm.

2. Coromoto Church, San Cristóbal, 3:00 pm.

3. Santa María Madre de Dios Parish, in Manzanares, Baruta, Caracas, at 5:00 pm.

4. In the Siervas del Santísimo chapel, in the Cenacle of prayer of the group “Los Santos Arcángeles”, Valencia, Carabobo state, at 6:00 pm.


1. With the catechesis group, Borota church, Táchira state, 9:00 am.

2. Chapel of Santa Rita, Michelena, 10:00 am.

3. San Juan Nepomuceno Parish, Michelena, Táchira state, 4:00 pm.

4. In the Cenacle of the prayer group La Sagrada Familia, Parroquia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, La Castra, San Cristóbal, 3:00 pm.

5. San Judas Tadeo Church, Carabobo Avenue, San Cristóbal, Táchira state, 5:00 pm.


1. El Santuario Church, San Cristóbal, at the end of the 10:00 am mass.

2. San Pedro Church, Carabobo Avenue, San Cristóbal, 10:00 am.

3. San Juan Nepomuceno Parish, Michelena, Táchira state, 4:00 pm.

4. At the end of the 5:00 pm mass, in the Nuestra Señora del Rosario church, San Cristóbal, Táchira state.


1. In La Jalapa village, Michelena municipality, Táchira state, 5:00 pm, each day in a different house.

2. From Monday to Friday: in the Cristo Rey parish, Las Lomas, 5:00 pm.



1. In the parish of San Juan Bosco, Táriba, the first Saturday of each month, at 2:00 pm.

2. In the parish of Santa Rosa de Lima and San Martín de Porres, San Cristóbal, on the third Thursday of each month, at 4:00 pm.

3. Chapel of the Father Lizardo old age, the second Thursday of each month, at 5:00 pm.

4. Our Lady of El Carmen Parish, Barinas, Barinas state, first Thursday of each month, at 5:00 pm.

5. El Buen Pastor Parish, Puente Real, second Thursday of each month, 4:00 pm.

6. Santa Lucía Parish, Maracaibo, the first Thursday of each month, 5:00 pm.

If you want to join a prayer group or start a new prayer group, please contact us at:

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