Lucia: (This message inspired by God the Holy Spirit)
O God, it is 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, the hour of the Divine Mercy. God, instead of praying the Divine Mercy, please allow me and my brothers and sisters to offer the Six Kowtows to report everything that You want for the history book and things this world needs to know. At this moment, on behalf of the brothers and sisters who are praying the Divine Mercy chaplet and everyone else in this world, in unity, we offer the Six Kowtows on the first days of New Year that the Vietnamese and some Southeast Asia countries celebrate.
Instead of offering the Divine Mercy chaplet, we lift up to God the prayers through the Holy Spirit’s guidance with the offering to each Person. Today, I thank God for all of us attending Mass, which our Church reminds us as the Solemnity of the Conversion of Saint Paul. We heard from the Reading that he was on his way to Damascus when he encountered God, and changed his life to become the Apostle who preached to the Gentiles.
He was the Apostle who left many writings for the world through teachings from a life of faith to a life of service, which he practiced his entire life. We see him as a person firmly rooted in the law, and when he encountered God, he became a most ardent and zealous Apostle who achieved many things. We know about his history and writings from the Gospel; he wrote more than any other Apostles, and his messages are full of meanings from his experiences and teachings through the Spirit of God.
In particular, in today’s Gospel, we hear that Jesus told the eleven Apostles to go and preach the Good News. God chose them to proclaim the Good News. What is this telling us in the first days of the Vietnamese New Year and after twelve years of service? God chose the first Apostles to testify about what they witnessed and to proclaim the Good News. Today, though God does not come to us in the flesh as in the past, we receive extraordinary and marvelous things that come from the Eucharistic Jesus’ visit, spiritually and divinely, which God granted for us to continue to go out to testify to things we witness in this age. There is no difference in all of us who serve God.
We are walking in God’s direction to fulfill an extraordinary and marvelous plan from the Eucharistic Jesus through His visit and support, to talk about Him and share what we witness. His sublime wonders continue to pour over humanity to strengthen our faith, save us, and intervene for us in this urgent time. With this feeling, we remember the Supreme Lord who granted us His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who represents God the Father whom we worship in the Spirit that Mother teaches, as we lift humble words to the beloved Father who granted us everything. Today, thanks to Jesus Christ, we honor God the Father.
The First Kowtow is reverently offered to God the Father.
We offer the First Kowtow to God the Father. Father, I thank, praise, and glorify You. Everything we have comes from the mercy that You grant us through Your only-begotten Son. Because of the death of the Lord Jesus, because of His presence in the flesh in the world, we have that great treasure. Today, even though the world rejects and despises us, You are the Supreme Being who defends us. We are not afraid and are not fearful to continue on the path of witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ, Your only begotten Son, to testify to Your love in Him, with Him, and given to the world.
Everything happening on this day is not coincidental. It is time; we must be bold and courageous to profess our God because God alone can give us security, happiness, and peace, which people greatly need. God alone can bring to our world blessing and joy. God alone bestows to our lives so we cannot err for too long as those who do not know God, those who reject God and follow the customs and regulations of the world. We must overcome the mediocre human point of view that requires knowledge by facts. We must seek to find in the life of faith the depth, height, and breadth of the great grace that the Father bestowed upon us. Let us praise and glorify our Father and honor Him to make up for those who, for generations, are still people who neither know nor understand and do not believe.
We are believers. We offer, present, and bow in repentance to thank our loving, mighty Lord God, all-powerful and patient, who hears the prayers we lift up to Him. Thus, we have only one God we believe in and worship, so what else in this life do we have to fear? O God, our Lord, please let us know that what we are doing and experiencing is the best arranged for us and look into the wrongdoings to recognize the truth and testify, for You to continue to guide those blind brothers and sisters, to guide the people who have positions but follow the wrong ways. Please give them the opportunity.
God, please give them the opportunity because You saved us, the whole world, and You sacrificed Your Son Jesus. Today, You continue to grant us this opportunity. We lift up to You in the Holy Name of Jesus. In the Holy Name of Jesus, we present to You. In the Holy Name of Jesus, we lift up things that are happening and will continue to happen. Please have mercy and forgive us for us to realize that we must believe in Jesus, practice what You taught, and obey as Jesus did. May we lift up to You, humbly return to You, and be worthy of Your intervention. You gave us Your love through Jesus to come to us.
Thus, this is the happiest thing we lift up and ask for You to hear these words that are not ours but from the Holy Spirit’s teaching for us to follow Your holy will. May Your will be done over this world. Father, please awaken the people who still do not know or those who still live in selfishness and blindness because they must receive Your teaching to awaken and be worthy of Your love and Divine Mercy as You await and long. With Your permission, I lift up to You and ask for You to hear us for us to have the opportunity to present or write down what You grant to awaken everyone in all classes and roles, especially those who have positions for them to walk in Your way. May Your will be done over things You desire.
May we belong to You now and forever. Till the last minute, may we continue to be Your instruments and the instruments that Jesus sent out to glorify You, especially in this time, to invite everyone to recognize and return with heart, soul, and humility. May we learn to pray, for that is the most crucial thing, better than theory or beautiful words or superficial things, as people are still blind and perform things dominated by worldly laws. Father, please have mercy and help us follow Your holy will, to do what You want through the Holy Spirit, for us to listen to Jesus’ words and practice the doctrine given to us. May we belong to You. Totus Tuus.
The Second Kowtow is reverently offered to Jesus Christ.
The Second Kowtow, we reverently lift up to Jesus, our Savior, a patient and loving Lord God who gave us everything when He came into the world and took on human nature. He achieved everything to save us, taught us the best ways, and gave us a sublime gift through His stay. Today, we have the Lord God with us. We profess the Lord Jesus Christ, believe in Him, entrust in Him, and continue to listen to His teaching through the Gospel as He grants us His lofty and spiritual presence. He reveals Himself to us, teaching us to help us awaken our brothers and sisters, for them to rise, for us to have the opportunity to be bold to testify for Him, to help the brothers and sisters who have eyes but are blind in faith because of their narrow-mindedness, jealousy, resentment, pettiness, which caused many things that gravely grieve God.
God, please forgive us and allow us to learn through this matter to understand charity and to love You and others as You taught, which is the foundation of our lives. O Jesus, I honor and thank You. You are the Supreme Lord who loves, the Master who teaches us to live to be worthy to enter the place that You prepared for us, waiting for each person with the chair of the banquet table. O God, may we realize and understand this sooner, for us to fight to remove the days of ordinariness and mediocrity of this world, to obtain and seek the chair that we must go to, to sit by Your side, to sit at the banquet table, to have the eternal chair that the Supreme Lord granted to us, to be forever happy. We will no longer face famine and suffering but forever be with God in an everlasting place.
O Jesus Christ, may everyone long for this, which is not that difficult. We are aware of the bitter things in the world and the numerous choices, but what is the spiritual peace and joy that You granted? God, may we choose what You allow us to practice for that to become the signs that we cannot be without because even with challenges, those challenges help us have the eternal chair by Your side. May we have this ideal joy to persevere, no matter how challenging. Please remain with us, and with Your strengthening, we will not be discouraged but continue despite trial, suffering, and pain as You endured through the Cross. Your suffering was the shining example for us because no other suffering can compare to Yours, and only on the path of suffering can we meet You.
God, please help us understand this to continue on the path, carrying our crosses with determination and joy because You walk with us with those crosses. God, please help us in these first days of the New Year to deal with challenges, even painful crosses, because they become the meaning of life, of service, reminding us to recognize Your holy will. Please help us be zealous to unite to carry our crosses to triumph with the Lord Jesus Christ, to bring the brothers and sisters in the world back on the path of returning to You by the Way of the Cross. We thank, praise, and glorify God. May we belong to our Lord Jesus Christ. Totus Tuus.
The Third Kowtow is reverently offered to God the Holy Spirit.
The Third Kowtow, we offer to the Holy Spirit. O Holy Spirit, You are love, light, and truth. O God, without You, I would not be able to say one word, let alone have an entire message, to end up with a book that reports everything we experience with the frustrations, the successes, the failures, and the stories that bring meaning to our life with our mission.
Spirit, sublime and wonderful Supreme Being, I honor and thank You because You are the love of God the Father who loved man from the beginning, and the triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Cross for us to have You. You allow us to know the depth, height, and width of faith, understand the great significance of human life, and have God, guided by God, receive, be touched, and awakened by love. The word love is so simple, but we cannot practice it yet and cannot do it yet; we cannot understand it yet, so we are still jealous, envious, and resentful, which prevents us from delving deeper and climbing another step to see the infinite greatness that God grants to us. If God does not help us remove this obstacle, then our lives are still bound to sin, but if we are sinful, we are forgiven by Jesus, though we do not know which way to take to receive forgiveness and what we must do to worthily come to that place of forgiveness. Thus, we must rely on You, O Holy Spirit. We always need you and long for You.
God, please pour Your Spirit abundantly over the world, grant the love of the Holy Spirit in each person for us to receive the seven gifts for His Spirit to work in our minds, hearts, and deeds to become righteous. Everyone longs for righteousness, but the truth is that we have been lured into a life of ego and personality by our sinful nature; we lack the strength to overcome temptations, but there are stories for us to learn and know. In the end, peace is what the world most yearns for, and we long for harmony and joy. God, please kindle our souls to give up the ego and personality in our lives, to give up our desire to follow our will, which causes us to fall into a situation where we lie in passions and errors.
These are things crushing us. May we be delivered from these tight chains for us to spend more time with God, to feel His love. Through the Gospel, there are many stories in reality and through the experiences in life that God granted, with the moments of failure, grief, worry, happiness, peace, and normalcy, we have meaning in life. O God, please help us, the chosen people, to open our eyes, ears, selfish hearts, and narrow-minded thinking and recognize things of the world that cause us days of worry and failure.
May we seek You and listen to You because You are the happiness because You are the treasure that enables us to move forward in the joy we have from faith. O God, today there is nothing that You do not solve for us, nothing You do not give when we ask what is reasonable and desire to return to the truth in the peace and the meaning of a righteous life. God, please help us understand this to remove what is wicked and imperfect that causes us to fall. Please grant us the wisdom to recognize what is right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, for us to know what belongs to You, to live in joy, in sacrifice, in peace, in charity, in forgiveness, to deserve to be the people who testify to love and be the apostles You chose.
O Holy Spirit, I thank You for Your patience. Each day in our life, each challenge, helps us to mature, to be wiser, and to choose what is proper on the path to witness the truth. O Holy Spirit, please help many of us recognize the importance of loving You and others, and remove everything that causes us to worry and fear because there is no other joy besides the joy of peace You grant when we practice things You teach. May we belong to You as we honor, thank, and praise You. May many know and return to You, recognize Your teaching in sharpness, and practice through our lives. May we belong to You. Totus Tuus.
The Fourth Kowtow is reverently offered to the Eucharistic Jesus.
The Fourth Kowtow, we offer to the Eucharistic Jesus who is love and is still with us to this day, always by our side, quietly following us, teaching us, close to us, guiding us. We must lift, present, and thank Him because He allows us to meet Him to recognize the closeness and the love. Let us not be bound by anything, and from our faith, may we humbly and sincerely receive what He grants. May our works be meaningful because of His teaching and closeness.
God wants it that way, but the world and our viewpoint are narrow-minded. People consider certain things impossible and think of God as a distant Lord, the Lord of over 2,000 years, in a book that is opened and closed; they do not believe in Him. However, God requires our faith not to be restricted by things we see but to trust that He is always by our side because the Holy Spirit, God’s love, dwells in our souls. Thus, we cannot recognize simple and ordinary things. God is by my side, and whether this world rejects me, puts me down, or tramples on me, God is the loving Supreme Being who supports me so I will never fail, become despondent, and never lose what He grants in His grace.
O Eucharistic Jesus, though we are imperfect, weak, and unworthy, the Lord still teaches us to become worthy and loves us, not because we are holy and meek but because of His infinite Divine Mercy that granted us this favor. Thus, we need to walk together, be conscious and understanding, and recognize the things we are practicing. The perfection God specially offered us is the treasure of the Eucharistic Jesus, with His presence, His support, His visit, and His stay, which help each person become a masterpiece to prepare for a program in the history of the ending, to bring everyone back to God, to enter the Kingdom God is preparing for each person to meet Him. It is a world in which we long for peace, joy, and happiness, a world without war, suffering, pandemic.
O Eucharistic Jesus, You are the source of comfort, the protection of our present life. Please increase our faith and help us see the deeds that are Your support, and these deeds are happening in this world. May we continue to go out to testify, to live in a mission that You chose, to unite and remove the bad habits, weaknesses, and sins that cause us to always fall in our personal lives and hurt one another. God, please help us be zealous in our works, continue to testify to the truth, and proclaim the Good News as we heard from today’s Gospel. Jesus said to the eleven Apostles to go out and proclaim the Good News, and that proclamation continues.
Today, He comes to us through the Eucharist, and He also wants us to go out and proclaim the Good News, and it is from that proclamation of the Good News that we become a new person and truly worthy to be an apostle of the Eucharistic Jesus. Thus, today, things do not happen by coincidence but extraordinarily, marvelously, to those who are ordinary to do extraordinary deeds from His grace. Let us remember that God sent us and granted us sublime signs to help us understand that when we proclaim His words and the Good News by all the means He allows, He will give us many favors, like what we see and hear in the Gospel.
Today, those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will not be chastised. The sublime signs will follow us when we trust Him, and His holy name will chase away demons. His holy name will help us recognize the voice of God teaching us. He grants us not to be bitten by serpents even when we hold them, not to be affected by poisons, and we will have the opportunity to heal the sick and give them peace in the name of God. God granted all these things to the Apostles of old, and He gives to the apostles who continue in the role that He allows. We are not like the saints of old, but we are not that different from them because of what we see through the books that are appropriate in this age, through silent works, through daily prayers, with the Six Kowtows we reverently offer on behalf of everyone.
Let us persevere and remain faithful through challenges we face and continue to follow Him loyally. All these things are similar in the apostolic life God specially granted for us to unite to thank Him and to listen, support one another, love one another, help one another, and remove what is not good in us. Let us live in a pure and chaste way, to guide one another, and testify to the love of the Lord as He chose us through the Blessed Sacrament. O God, it is such a great loftiness that You grant, not just to us, but You chose us to testify for You in this world, for many to know You, believe in You, hear You, and return to You.
God, we honor and thank You. God, please open the eyes and the hearts of people today to revere the Eucharistic Jesus, to believe in the Eucharistic Jesus, because You are the source of life for our world, the source of security and hope. Only You. May we respect love, amend our lives, and listen, remove all the narrow-minded and weak thoughts for us to serve God and glorify Him. May we belong to the Eucharistic Jesus. Totus Tuus.
The Fifth Kowtow is reverently offered to the Five Holy Marks of Jesus Christ.
The Fifth Kowtow, we reverently lift to the Five Holy Marks. O Jesus Christ of the Five Holy Marks, we thank and glorify You because the Cross that we feel today is the Cross of glory, the Cross of victory, the Cross of magnificence, the Cross of love, saving humanity, the Cross of Divine Mercy, and the Cross of the triumphant Resurrection, to enter the new Kingdom. God, may we honor, adore, thank, praise, and glorify the Supreme Lord who came into the world, conquered death, and brought glory and love to humanity, whom we affirm. It is for love that He sacrificed everything for us to live. Today, let us not be foolish and stupid to die in sin but honor God the Father, the First Holy Mark, the Supreme Being rich in mercy, the great Lord, the mighty Lord, the Lord that the entire world worships, prostrates to, and bows to thank, praise, glorify, honor, and profess.
The Second Holy Mark, we reverently lift to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Supreme Being whom we trust, the Supreme Being who conquered death to bring hope to humanity through generations, the Supreme Being who gave us an eternal doctrine, the Supreme Being who allowed the dead to resurrect and live in Him. May we learn to live according to His teaching, practice it, and become a new person who repents, surrenders, and prostrates before the Lord God who brought life to us, for us to leave the darkness to return to the light through the Supreme Being we profess, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our God, our Savior.
We lift up to the Third Holy Mark. O Holy Spirit, we thank You because You granted us the opportunity to receive the abundant graces poured over humanity for generations, especially in this age. Today, without You, how do we know and understand the works God is doing? These deeds are not pages written in the course of history but will forever be abundant pages as the Holy Spirit is working on our brains and on the hearts of those who believe in God. In our Christian life of faith, we are especially working on a program.
In our Church, the Holy Spirit never gives up. He is patient, and no one can be as patient as He is. He is the victorious Supreme Being who triumphs because when we are exhausted, He will help us and listen to our cries, asking for help. He never forces us but wants us to seek Him. He will never refuse when we ask for what is reasonable. May we continue to triumph because the Holy Spirit will forever protect our Church, and we have Mother Mary’s caring for us. Our Church is the rock that Jesus established and will stand firm despite tribulations. There will be favorable changes that the Holy Spirit grants.
Thus, we profess the Third Holy Mark by an affirmed faith, by surrender and prostration, to ask for a good improvement in the Holy Spirit, in a remaining and final age, to guide humanity back with one direction in unity, love, and forgiveness, giving up all the wicked and sinful ways of what is below in the world, to step into a world of spirituality that God offers to humanity in an age in which He grants plentiful riches and what is most suitable to save humanity in this world.
The Fourth Holy Mark, I reverently lift to the Eucharistic Jesus because His presence, permission, and visit have become a new program in history. In the present Church, God is the only Supreme Being who permits changes; God alone chose the Pope for him to receive God’s mandate to renew The Church with wonderful deeds that guide The Church and the laity to a new state through the Holy Spirit. Thus, the Eucharistic Jesus granted us the opportunity to have His visit and presence and the light shining through His great monstrance. Only those with a narrow-minded viewpoint, who are stubborn and hardened, disbelieve, but God is the Supreme Lord who forever will grant us wonders that we must believe. Let us trust to have life, believe to be saved, and be forgiven when we experience and return to God by a humble heart, by a sincere and contrite heart.
May we recognize the presence of God because matters most tragic and wicked have become the lessons in our lives, for what is most stale to become the newest, for defeats to become successes, and for the most painful events to become the most joyful and happy days God offers. Thus, to God, nothing is impossible; with enough faith, we will see the sublime works that God does as He calls us to a life of witness for Him. Today, let us bear this responsibility to profess and proclaim the truth. The Eucharistic Jesus will give to our world in the ending to know of His Kingdom as we prepare to enter it by a spirit of repentance, by a spirit of reformation, to be worthy to receive His intervention.
The Fifth Holy Mark, we do not just walk and understand by ourselves, but we have an exemplary Mother. From the beginning, when Mother gave Her Fiat to the archangel, Mother Mary became our Intercessor so that God would have mercy on us. The Savior came into the womb of Mother, and Jesus granted us special graces up to this century. We never lose these great and lofty graces.
We have Mother, the Fifth Holy Mark. The Holy Spirit wants Mother Mary to be our only model. She is a person who speaks little but performs. Mother Mary is a person who sacrifices, a perfect person before the Lord. She is the sublime favor and the treasure the Lord offers us, so any day we still have this treasure, we will never lose the opportunity; any day we still have this treasure, we still have hope in our beloved Mother. Mother dearly loves humanity, teaches us, always waits for us, and constantly seeks us. As we still have Mother, we have received the intervention of the Eucharistic Jesus, and we have received the glory of the Eucharistic Jesus. It is from Mother that we know the truth, and faith helps us when we recognize that today, though people know many things, they still do not understand and believe. However, we cannot deny the truth because of God’s glory, because of His presence, and because of His intervention. We will have days to choose the path that remains, the last one, to return to our Lord as Mother Mary did.
We cannot be without Mother in life. She is the Mother God granted us; when She said Fiat, the Savior dwelled in Her womb. Mother is the Being who guides humanity back to the path of holiness to belong to the Lord. We cannot be without Mother, so today, with the ending of history, let us listen to Her teaching, which is not too difficult but requires a humble heart, a simple heart, a heart that lives in the inner and practices. It is of utmost significance to not allow theory to be dominated by reasoning, knowledge, and learning by too many things in the earthly laws of what is below in the world, to lose the crucial basis in life.
Thus, return by the heart, pray daily, and lift up with soul and body by the surrender, the prostration. In the body that God created, let us lift up to Him with simple and humble words daily in life like an offering. May the Holy Spirit sanctify us. Mother teaches us this great way to pray because we pray to each Being, and we present and offer all things meaningful so God hears our prayers and the Holy Spirit is with us to teach us to pray. The Holy Spirit helps us reverently lift up to God the Father with the needed prayers, and we have Mother as an example to support and pray for us. She is the sublime and marvelous example God hears; He pours abundant graces to Her, and those graces are given to us from Mother for us to have this day.
Today, Mother teaches us that we will always have hope, salvation, and forgiveness. The Holy Spirit guides us but requires us to live by our hearts to understand the love with which God waits for us. Only love can break the stubborn, hardened human theory. It is because of love that God still waits and longs for our return and is by our side in great splendor; it is because of love that Mother’s tears keep flowing; it is because of love that Mother sheds blood tears to bring the children back; it is because of love that Her blood tears flow. Mother helps us without any harsh words for us. She is a quiet example, prays, and teaches us that prayer is a sublimity, so let us meditate on the Five Holy Marks, which have a clear meaning to help us and teach us to live a basic life to recognize the love of God. Let us unite to profess that Jesus died for us, to understand that that victory was to bring life to humanity.
Today, we are depraved in a wicked and sinful life. We have fallen too deep into the life of the ego and personality, and ultimately, we face failure, but this failure is the first step for us to decide with the remaining days. Today, Mother teaches us this to train us to lessen all that belongs to the world that we pursue because we do not know what is crucial. God is waiting for our hearts and our decisions. What we most need is the determination to return to Him, to remove things that surround us by our reasonings and arguments. In the end, prayers help us be wise; the Holy Spirit will support us to distinguish between right, wrong, true, false, holy, and evil for us to live according to the way Mother practiced on our behalf. We need to collaborate with Mother and listen to Her for us to have victory over the battle in which the devil always tempts us and challenges us.
We must choose, so let us give up our ego and bad habits and let us learn to pray to lessen the complications in a life of iniquity, weakness, and wretchedness for us to be worthy with the days we reverently lift up the offering to God through the Six Kowtows, with the Fifth Kowtow to the Five Holy Marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. God died for us. Let us listen and practice through Mother’s teaching to triumph in the remaining and last battle. Each person must choose for our souls to be worthy of the price of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Mary is helping us understand this value, so let us not foster what belongs to the world, which lures us in all things logical to lose spirituality. We must give up everything to become people who live by a humble and simple prayer that is meaningful for us to be reborn according to the way the Holy Spirit grants.
Mother Mary, I thank You because this gift is meaningful to our present lives. It is from this gift that we find the treasure to teach each of us because this gift helps us be reborn to become those to whom You specially granted in this world. May we belong to the Five Holy Marks; may everyone surrender and prostrate before the Five Holy Marks. May everyone repent before the Five Holy Marks because God redeemed us by the price of His blood. In the meditation of the Five Holy Marks is a meaning for each Person, which we receive through love and Divine Mercy, for us to be determined to leave sin. May we have forgiveness through the price of the blood of Jesus Christ, to reform and improve in a spirit of repentance by deed, by action, and a life of witnessing and testifying to become those forgiven by the Divine Mercy. May we belong to the Five Holy Marks. Totus Tuus.
The Sixth Kowtow is reverently offered to Immaculate Heart of Mary and for her triumph.
The Sixth Kowtow, O Father, I thank You for giving us and choosing for us a Mother who silently practiced and followed Your holy will, a Mother who taught us the basics of virtue, a Mother who was an example to guide us on the path of return. Her life was in absolute humility, a life in silence and meditation, in obedience to God’s holy will, a life that was a great model for humanity. Today, we have the opportunity to listen to Her teaching, to practice in the days that are neither too short nor too long for us, like a new program to guide us to each Person, which we need to understand through the riches the Holy Spirit grants. Starting from the prayer that Mother taught, for us to understand the meaning of a profound way to pray, a focused way to pray, a way that does not allow distractions, and a way to pray in a spirit of penance.
These are things most simple, ordinary, and meaningful, which Mother practiced in the days while still on earth, for Her to leave this inheritance to us and the world. The world is in a state of tense days. We are the unrighteous, unfaithful, indifferent, immature in faith, who yield to the way of a world in knowledge and learning, a world in dispute and argument, a world in reasoning according to what is the worldly law, which has become a shameful method whereas people treat each other with constraint. As for those who are perfect in a life God calls and awaits, there are very few. For these reasons, Mother is reminding all classes and roles of the most basic and practical way to pray by heart and soul, pray in a spirit of penance, and pray with both soul and body as we reverently lift up to the Lord. With this way of praying, we meet God and focus on what we need to pray for all our issues because those issues are the most realistic in life for God to help us solve them and understand that God hears, listens, intervenes, and forgives.
It is important because, from these humble steps, we have become those who deeply understand the meaning of prayer for each of us today to have this experience and know that Mother is the person who teaches this way to help prepare us to enter into the new Kingdom. The world faces threats, fears, pandemics, wars, and rampant crimes, but Mother’s teaching helps us be calm, stand firm in our viewpoint, and not be afraid to go on each day when we reverently lift up to God. God will not forsake us when we come to Him, trust in Him, and though our lives have crosses, He will journey with us.
O God, I thank You for what You grant us because the words we say are from the Holy Spirit. He teaches us to lift up to Mother. Father, please allow us to offer Mother the Sixth Kowtow. We reverently lift up to Mother Mary’s Immaculate Heart and for Her triumph. O Mother, You are the Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Word Incarnate, Mother of the Savior, Mother of humanity, Mother of every sinner, criminal, saint, witness, victim, patient, repentant, every soul in purgatory, Mother of the clergy, Mother of The Church, and Mother of every present witness and victim.
O Mother Mary, we must honor and accept Your title and name in this world because what we know and do is from the silent way of prayer taught by You to guide us to God, to meet Him, to receive the splendid light that shines upon humanity, with the remaining and last days. Though tribulations happen everywhere, our faith cannot waver because we still have You and God to support us through the Blessed Sacrament. It is truly sublime and marvelous, which cannot be explained but only requires faith to practice. O Mother, I lift up this world to You, all the events that happen in the world: war, pandemic, all diseases, crimes, tribulations, The Church and society, and everything that threatens us.
In the reality of this evil state, we lift up to You. Mother, please continue to teach what we must do to return to God, to ask for His mercy and forgiveness, to become reformed and improved. O Mother, I thank You because we must pray and lift up to God everything, present, speak, and report in our mission, for God to know and see hearts that are returning, hearts that are longing. We do not have any other place of refuge apart from the Lord. Now is a time we cannot refuse the teaching from You for us to become humble and to receive the grace and intervention You granted us. With the days taught by You, the Eucharistic Lord visits us, silently illuminating us by His monstrance, supporting us, strengthening our faith, and intervening for us.
The glorious Supreme Being, the powerful Supreme Being, has acted. Let us become improved, reformed, and worthy through Mother’s teaching. How can we repay the great graces? We can only thank Mother on behalf of all classes and roles. Thanks to this gift, we become reformed; thanks to this gift that is the source of our comfort; thanks to this gift that has become the offering we reverently lift up to God for Him to accept our intentions. O Mother, we cannot describe all the graces, and there are no words to thank You; we lift up our grateful hearts and thank and honor You. Mother, please continue to teach us and pray for us.
Mother, please help us continue to meditate daily with the Rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet. You offered to the world the Rosary of the Six Kowtows to pray for The Church. You taught us with the gift of the Six Kowtows that has become the offering that we reverently lift up to the Lord to help us deeply understand faith and solve all issues when we have no other way to resolve them in this world. Thanks to this gift, we are reassured because this way of praying helps us be more at peace, mature in faith, stand firm, persevere, and be faithful, to have God’s intervention, to not be afraid in all situations but be faithful to continue in prayer and lift up our offering.
You are the person who intercedes with God to save humanity in this ending of the present tense days. O Mother, I thank You and lift up to You in the first days of the New Year the matters I presented to God. At this moment, You hear us clearly, and You know that I lift up our Church to You, our society to You, all the nations in the world to You, Ukraine at war to You, Russia, and all issues in the world. I also lift up to You the brothers and sisters in the group, my parish, St. Theresa, Holy Rosary Church, St. Loren church, The Word Incarnate church, St.Tustin church, St. Thomas More church, and all the churches, around one thousand, at the places we have visited in the past years.
I lift up to You everything. Mother, please protect us. We pray for our fellow brothers to accept Your gift of the Six Kowtows, for them to silently pray as we pray, for God to have mercy and intervene for our world in this moment, to strengthen faith, for everyone to have love for one another, unite to serve God, proclaim the Good News, listen to Mother’s teaching in silence and prayer, for the world to have the support from the Divine Mercy and intervention from the Eucharistic Jesus, in the miraculous power that He granted to our world. In this spirit, I offer this new year to You; please help us to learn from the word of God through St. Mark: “Go out and proclaim the Good News.”
Mother, it is the mission, the duty, the life we choose to go out and proclaim the Good News, with the teachings from You, to prompt people to repent and return by the prayer we are practicing. The gift of the Six Kowtows You offered has become the rich offering of this age. Today, this practice helps us understand, repent, and return, in a contrite heart, to be worthy of the love of the Divine Mercy granted to humanity, to save us from the snares with the chains that have bound us for too long in sin. Please help us because there is nothing that the Lord cannot do; we need to believe and practice as You taught, for the world be reborn in the Lord Jesus Christ, by our return, in surrender, in prostration, in repentance, and be worthy of the love that God granted us with the visit and the strengthening of faith through the Blessed Sacrament.
O Mother Mary, I lift up these prayers and other matters in this new year; please protect St. Theresa church for this parish to be aware of God’s visit, to know more about their parish that God chose for the miracle, for everyone to recognize and strengthen their faith, to know that Mother gave the gift of the Six Kowtows here. May people welcome Mother’s gift to unite to glorify God through the mission to proclaim the Good News like we heard today in the Gospel. The story of St. Paul and his conversion is the example God is reminding this parish and the world. As for us, let us rise and return to be reborn in the Lord Jesus Christ.
St. Paul, please intercede with God for us because You had experiences in life. May the people who are pious and holy not stop at holiness but do the works that God wants in their lives by a life of witness, by a life of unity and trust, by a life of service to God, and by a loving heart. That is the law God loves, which taught us to love God and love others, for us not to be jealous and envious, petty and selfish, which are the traps that cause us to fall. These are the prayers I ask. Mother, please have mercy and accept them. May we belong to Mother. Totus Tuus.
O Mother Mary, I thank You for always helping us. We still have the saints, especially St. Joseph, whom God the Father chose. St. Joseph was a model of integrity and righteousness, the head of the holy family, and a responsible person who quietly lived a life of obedience. He was the person who obeyed the Lord, and his silent works all had merit that we need to learn from. He was a chaste person. God, please have mercy on us as we lift up everything that ensnares the world through wicked examples. The world does not know the meaning of integrity and righteousness, does not recognize the responsibility of a family, the duty of being a father and mother, and does not acknowledge the life of purity in those consecrated to the Lord.
I lift up to you, St. Joseph, and ask for your intercession for our Church to recognize how you were perfect in a life of virtue and purity for our Church to continue to be a shining example to those consecrated to the Lord. I thank you, St. Joseph. Please support my family, the family of the brothers and sisters in the group, the parishes of Holy Rosary, St. Theresa, St. Laurence, and the parishes we usually visit and pray. I also pray to the three archangels: St.Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. Please help us in this world, in a battle between holiness and wickedness, in a state of tension between good and evil. St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael, please help us have victory over this battle and for people to return in unity by a life of amendment to be worthy of the Lord’s intervention and help.
I pray to the twelve archangels. Please guard our borders, the air, and everything we have that is getting contaminated. There are many evil things in the world because our enemy is the devil and causes pandemics and diseases. Please help us and dispel everything in the evil that the devil ensnares us, and help us to triumph in this ending for us to pray for God to intervene and forgive us. May we be delivered from all extreme suffering, illness, and war. We lift up and reverently offer our thanksgiving to the archangels. We thank the intercession of the saints for us who are Christians because you are the witnesses in faith by deed, so this world is called to become like you, to be the children whom God called and taught by Mother. Through Her gift of the Six Kowtows, may the world unite to return to the Supreme Lord, whom we profess and worship according to the examples of the saints who testified to the love, the truth, and the Good News Jesus granted to the world.
We thank Mother for leading us to the guardian angels who help remind each of us to avoid conflicts, jealousies, egos, personalities, and dependencies that we have become too familiar with for us to become mature people in repentance, surrender, prostration, with the meaning of penance, with the Good News that Jesus granted and taught us by deed. We thank the heavenly family for helping us. With these prayers, we always have hope because when we ask for things that are appropriate and reasonable, God never refuses. God, please have mercy and awaken the soul of each person for us to return and become mature people who are responsible for our mission, to witness to the truth that You granted in holiness.
I pray for souls in purgatory; one day, they will return to God. God, please have mercy on souls that pray for us to be strong and brave. We lift up on behalf of souls for them to soon leave that place of burning fire to return to You in Heaven. Once they are back with You, they will unite with us, pray for us, support us with prayers to be stronger, continue to complete the program that You assigned to us in this world, proclaim the Good News to invite everyone to return to the Supreme Lord who visits us and is among us – the Eucharistic Jesus. That great splendor will strengthen the faith of humanity. We adore, honor, and thank the Supreme Lord. We worship the Holy Name forever till the end of the world. May everyone surrender, submit, worship, honor, thank, and praise God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever.
I thank God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Eucharistic Jesus, the Five Holy Marks, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Joseph, the heavenly court, and all the archangels. I thank and ask for blessings for our Vietnamese New Year, for the Asians, and for the people we meet here and at the parishes we visit. May they be reborn in the new year and recognize the commandment of God to continue to witness and proclaim the Good News. I thank, praise, and glorify God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God.
Those of us who are present here today are Lucia, Mercedes, Maria Nhung, and all the brothers and sisters over the phone, Anna, Paul Hoa, and Anne. I represent them in the new year, the Vietnamese people, and the country of Vietnam, and I would like to lift a most beloved sister in the group, Ky, who is present. United, we conclude this offering to God at 4:30 on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at Holy Rosary church. On behalf of my children, I lift and ask for God’s blessing for my relatives and the loved ones of the brothers and sisters present today. We conclude this message in front of the Tabernacle, the Cross of Jerusalem, the holy statues of the Sacred Heart, of Mother Mary, of St. Joseph, and the icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Amen. Amen. Amen.[:]