The Six Kowtows at the Holy Rosary Church


January 11, 2023


This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit.

 Lucia: God, it is 3:54 p.m., Wednesday, January 11, 2023. I face the
sanctuary, the tabernacle, the Cross, the Jerusalem Cross, the holy statues of
Your Sacred Heart, Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, and the icon of Our Lady of
Guadalupe. Today, we read and reflect on the First Reading: the Letter to the

FIRST READING: Hebrews 2, 14-18
Lucia: Lord, today’s First Reading is for those who are put to the test. God
can help those who live in trials, and if we are tested, God helps us
understand what it means to be tested, because He is good and faithful, the
One who atoned for us. We have the opportunity to recognize His salvation
and be delivered. God did not come to save the angels, but He came to save
us, Abraham’s children and descendants. Jesus came to redeem us, for us to
overcome the death of destruction which the devil caused. Jesus comes to
help us live and become those who live inside of hope, even though the world
is going through many changes, turmoil, and bad things with sufferings, war,
and the pandemic. Inside the Lord Jesus Christ, with Him, the only Son that
the Father gave us, and through Him; we are made righteous, receive
salvation, and through His intercession we become upright and live in the
present hope.

Lord, in the Reading, You said: “Alleluia, Alleluia, My sheep hear My voice, I
know them, and they follow Me.” If we did not believe and did not know what
we were doing, we would not be able to keep track of what You specially
granted to us in these past twelve years. We know God and believe in Him,
so we see what He gives to our world. We are the lowly people God called to
represent the world to acknowledge His visit. God reveals His glory to
strengthen the faith and lead the people, so they can gather and return to
the Lord God who has the power to defend and forgive us. May we recognize
His Divine Mercy and return to Him.

The Lord said, “My sheep hear My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.”
Lord, may we follow You; please, do not let us fall into any situation, no
matter how sophisticated and skillful in this age. You alone are the One with
whom we take refuge. You are the just, the righteous, the true One, whom
we follow; we belong to You. We lift up to You, even though our world is still
in a state of persecution, with days of falling into the tension of an age in
which man seeks civilization, sophistication, and the culture of death. But
there are still people who are faithful and belong to You. God, please look
upon those people and give us the opportunity to know the truth, and return
in unity to worship, honor, and thank You.

Lord, we thank You. Today, in Mass, we heard in the Gospel from Saint Mark
that Jesus healed Saint Peter’s mother-in-law who was sick. He healed her,
and she got up to serve them. We see these miraculous things when Jesus
healed the sick. When Jesus was at the house of Saint Peter, many came to
ask for His healing. He healed many sick people and those who were
possessed. We can see there was no illness which Jesus did not heal, and
what do we finally learn? Early morning, Jesus arose from the house, went to
a lonely place, and prayed. The holy Apostles went looking for him and
eventually found Him; they went on to proclaim the Gospel.

We see four things: Jesus healed the sick; He cured those with diseases; He
healed people from all kinds of illness; His was a life of prayer. Jesus was a
model of prayer; He was a person who prayed. Jesus always prayed, listened
to what the Father wanted, and did His Father’s will. He did not forget, did
not give up despite the hardships, difficulties, and obstacles, and did not give
up on preaching the Gospel. Jesus gave these things to the world today
through our Church; we see Jesus choose priests to celebrate the rites He left
for us. That is the Blessed Sacrament.

He instituted the Blessed Sacrament from the first day as spiritual
nourishment for us. It is also a reminder of His presence over 2,000 years
ago, He is still with us today through His power. At the same time, we hear
His Gospel; throughout generations, the Gospel and the word of God are the
main point for our lives, the light that guides us through this life. We read
stories of trials; we do not fear them because God is the Lord who helps
those that are tested. He understands these tests will help us become people
who are faithful, patient, and who persevere with Him until the very end.
Jesus endured trials and extreme suffering on the Cross and fulfilled His
responsibility when He came into this world. Jesus had to suffer torture and
die, and in the end, He triumphed gloriously and brought life to humanity so
we could resurrect.

Today, we see His life as Saint Mark recorded in the Gospel; He came into the
world and granted us spiritual and physical healing. He was the example of a
life of prayer and the person who set out to proclaim the Gospel. Today, our
Church continues to proclaim the Gospel, and the Lord also grants to us, the
laity, the duty to continue to announce the Gospel. Before we proclaim the
Gospel, let us pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us what we need to
do, what we must do in God’s plan, to be people with a mission. Let us
understand the importance of joining the Church, keeping what belongs to us
given by God, to the Church, to our world, and to every Christian. Let us not
fall into a state of being tempted in the world and lose our inheritance which
God has specially reserved for us.

We reverently offer the First Kowtow to God the Father.

O Father, I adore, thank, praise, glorify, and honor You. Today, You allow me,
through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to lift the problems that have
befallen our Church. The people You took back with You were Pope Emeritus
Benedict XVI, Cardinal George Pell, and a priest we knew very well for the
past six years, Father Dominic Nguyễn Đức Hạnh, at the Benedictine

Monastery of Thiên Tâm in Kerens, TX. He was the founder for this place
which became a venue for the annual Eucharistic Congress which we attend.
At the same time, I pray for all the deceased priests and bishops we do not
know of at this time; especially with the great mourning in the Church
because many people have passed away.

God, please have mercy on their souls and allow them to see Your Holy Face
through the Divine Mercy, which You grant to humanity in general and
especially to the priests. In our hearts we pray especially for them, and we
ask You to look at their lives with what they did in loyalty until the last
moment. Please have mercy and compensate Cardinal George Pell with the
injustice he endured for thirteen months. There were things in Cardinal Pell’s
life that no one stood up for, no one stood up to restore the justice due to
him; his reputation was ruined by the unrighteous, the unjust, and those in
the government. Because of this, we must continue to pray, for only God’s
teaching has justice and righteousness, but in life no matter what, people are
still not walking in God’s way and are prone to unrighteousness.

There are many things we cannot explain in words through politics that
discredit the righteous and trample their honor. Today, the Lord grants
especially for the righteous; He will protect, preserve, and intercede for
them; as for the unrighteous, they will receive what they choose. Here, we
see what is true or false, right or wrong, good or evil, very clearly. O God,
graciously grant the departed souls what they desire. Please protect these
souls and let them enjoy Your Divine Mercy in the eternal kingdom. I lift up
to You and ask You to forgive their sins, weaknesses, and imperfections of
their human condition.

God may the departed souls soon return to You and the place reserved for
those belonging to You. In their lives, they experienced days of weakness,
and You know that some fell into being unjustly accused, some had to bear
the responsibility and suffer much without any explanation. They do not need
to make excuses or justifications; You will be the Supreme Being who
defends justice and righteousness for each person. God, allow us to lift up to
You today, no matter how the world looks at us, but grant us to be able to
continue quietly and go out to serve, to bring the Good News to everyone for
them to recognize and return to You. We praise, worship, and honor You. May
we belong to You. Totus Tuus.

We reverently offer the Second Kowtow to Jesus.

Jesus, our Redeemer, our Savior. Today, the First Reading and the Gospel are
good. You came, took on human nature, atoned for our sins, and brought us
justice and righteousness. You defended those tested, understood those
challenged, and You have Your way. So, our lives with trials are not
meaningless days; You see, know, and will intervene for us. In this world, we
must go through trials to become righteous people. It is through these trials
we grow up in Your grace, because You test people like gold in the fire. In our
human life, we need to overcome challenges to see whether our loyalty and
perseverance belong to You. Today, You know when the appointed time is to
return to You, no one can hide anything before the judge.

Jesus, You came into this world. Your life was to heal people, bring the
Gospel to people, blessing them. Your life was prayer; You continued on the
path of evangelization and chose the holy Apostles to continue the program
through the present Church. Lord, our God, have mercy on the deceased
shepherds, the persecuted righteous ones, and the countries where people’s
life of faith are restricted and forbidden, where they face imprisonment.
Please have mercy on the disadvantaged citizens and the victims in this day
and age.

Jesus, with events surrounding us, how pitiful for the lowly and the victims
through the ages who did not have the opportunity to know You. God, have
mercy on them because they did not know You in their lives, and with the
pandemic, if they die, they will not have the opportunity to repent. Where
will their souls go at that time? We know that You are the just Supreme
Being who understands and sees the situation in each country, in each class,
especially in the world that we, the victims, reverently lift up and beseech to
You. Please have mercy and help us know You and return to You, especially
the Christians. We must know our duty and responsibility, our assignment
and in the required mission, listen and unite with the Church, to recognize
our role and ministry, as spiritual children.

In particular, in the Gospel, we read that we are prophets, priests, and kings.
We must fulfill the duty and responsibility God grants in a special way to each
person, and it is through the Church that we recognize and acknowledge
what is important. We live in our mission and calling, to proclaim the Gospel,
bear witness to the truth, glorify, adore, and confess our Savior as our Lord.
May everyone open their eyes and hearts, in their respective roles, to
assume the responsibility and duty to bear witness to the truth. May we
belong to the Second Person of God, the One whom we adore, honor, and
thank. May we belong to God. Totus Tuus.

We reverently offer the Third Kowtow to God the Holy Spirit.

O Holy Spirit, You are the love, the light, and the truth. We thank You, for
until this moment, the stories we see are ordinary, but in faith, we see Your
support and protection. You will cut beautiful flowers and pick fresh fruits to
be the offering on our behalf in today’s world. Especially for those who have
departed, who have ended their lives faithfully, and passed away
unexpectedly. There are many things for which the world must make amends
to them out of justice and righteousness, but many have already passed on.
God, You do not allow the righteous to suffer at the hands of the unrighteous,
have mercy on the passing of these souls. May their deaths awaken the
deceitful who, in their unrighteous lives, have caused the righteous to suffer
injustice. God will be the Supreme Being who upholds justice.

O Holy Spirit, the time has come; You granted the truth to humanity. Your
Spirit has enlightened those who recognize justice, righteousness, and truth.
You are the Supreme Being who illuminates people to know right, wrong,
true, false, goodness, and evil. May everyone return to holiness, remove evil
and prepare themselves before the throne of God; no one can escape from

this path, which is the only path at the end of our life, to either spend
eternity with God or enter a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth with a
fire that never goes out. Let us choose for ourselves; let it not be too late. I
lift up to You all that is coming to our Church today, which is a major
mourning for Christians, but things continue to happen. I do not know what
else to do, but to lift up to God.

God, please preserve Pope Francis. We pray for the Pope to have good health
to continue the programs that You gave him, with the crucial mission to help
our world, especially for the parishioners to conclude the synod and together
bear the responsibility to defend the mission that You gave to each person.
Let us protect our Church, what belongs to us, which You grant through the
truth, for us not to belong to a chaotic world, a world where man has lost
justice and righteousness. We know You alone give us security, happiness,
and peace; You do not let the unrighteous take what belongs to us, but we
must pray. Let us apologize, reverently lift up, and ask for improvement in
our lives, to be worthy of the love with which the Holy Spirit enlightens and
guides us. The power, the enlightenment, and the righteousness of the Holy
Spirit will help us understand what we need to do and what we must do.

First, let us surrender, prostrate, honor, worship, and thank. God, please
forgive, sanctify, and transform us to become new people, take on the
responsibility, the calling, and the mission, to practice in a role enlightened
and guided by the Holy Spirit. We lift up everything in the world we live in,
even ourselves – our daily irresponsibility’s, indifferences, and our coldness,
for us to become responsible people uniting with our Church to demonstrate
the life of Christians. Let us live in the Gospel, worthy for others to recognize
God and the Spirit of God to bring about the security, happiness, and peace
that everyone needs and desires. God alone is the Supreme Being who gives
us the hope the world needs to know to return.

God, accept the Third Kowtow in a spirit of thanksgiving, gratitude, trust, and
hope. Please enlighten us, guide us, and receive our repentance. May we
receive the sharpness in the grace You bestow, to become new and
responsible people to serve and minister in the calling with the synod. At the
same time, may it be successful and manifested soon, for everyone to live in
Your grace with duty and responsibility, to jointly care for our Church, for the
inheritance with what You grant. Let us hold onto faith, righteousness,
justice, and truth, because God waits for each Christian. We cannot do it by
our strength alone, but when we ask for reasonable and appropriate things,
the Holy Spirit will never refuse. Believe, and you will receive; seek, and you
will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

O Holy Spirit, lift us up to the Father, help us confess to Jesus, listen to Your
word, obey Your will, and through Your teaching, become children worthy of
the Divine Mercy, of the salvation, of the love You have shown and taught us.
We thank, praise, and glorify You. Please open our eyes, open our hearts to
soften, sweeten, perceive, practice quickly, and be receptive to continue
making sacrifices on the path of witnessing to the Gospel, to the truth from
God. May we live in a generous, forgiving, selfless way, united with the
brothers and sisters, and continue to bear witness to the truth You grant.

May everyone know and recognize Your visit and tender love to help us
become righteous. May we become simple and humble, obey and listen to
things of justice and righteousness that You grant, become witnesses for this
age, to invite all of our fellow brothers and sisters to return in prostration.
May we listen to the sharpness You teach to help us become righteous, which
we need in life to return, to be worthy of the Divine Mercy God grants
through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May we belong to You, who
are strength, love, and truth. May everyone listen to return to Your teaching
and instruction. May we belong to You. Totus Tuus.

We reverently offer the Fourth Kowtow to the Holy Body and Blood of
Jesus Christ.

O, Eucharistic Jesus, I thank You. Is there a god we pray to that is with us? O
Eucharistic Lord, You are by our side, present with us, visiting us with Your
glory and power to see with the eyes of faith the great sublimity that You
specially granted in Your intervention for the world. May we not be
indifferent, apathetic, cold, or persist in our habits with the lack of reverence
and respect, with days of neglect, offending You. May we compensate and
recognize Your visit and Your love because You still patiently wait for the
maturity of our faith and awareness to return to You.

May we not let time pass in vain, but may we be conscious of the time You
permit, to submit, surrender, honor, adore, and entrust, in respect, and in
love, with the stronghold we need in this life. May we lift up to You, O
Eucharistic Jesus, You are a sacred sacrament, a spiritual and great
sacrament. Especially for Christians, may we realize that Your institution is
still present to help us recognize an infinitely precious treasure that the world
desperately needs to draw upon through a life of obedience. You said, “Come
to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” We are
people in great need of rest, because we are living in the days dominated by
a civilized, sophisticated world with the culture of death; we have lost what
we need in our inner life, which is to pray to thank, honor, and grasp the
recognition of belonging to You.

In today’s Gospel, we read about Jesus praying and His exemplary prayer
life. A Christian’s life cannot be complete without prayer, but how do we pray
to become restored and improved through love and to encounter God? Let us
live with humility and obedience and pray to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. A
giving of thanks for His great mystery and institution, the basis for us to look
to, the great miracle to strengthen the faith in humanity, a sublime wonder
not found in the world. But this is also the Lord to whom we pray. He is with
us, listening to our prayers, loving and forgiving us.

May we awaken to return to righteousness, remove all the passions inside of
ego and personality, and return to God to be worthy of His love as He waits
for us and visits us. Today, our life is selfish, indifferent, cold, and insensitive
to each other, but God is the Supreme Being who gave us emotions of the
heart, this is the love He awaits. It is a lofty spirituality; we cannot refuse the

visit of Jesus Christ, the institution of the Eucharist, to stay with us, in the
dwelling of our hearts to comfort and intercede for us.
It is time; we must recognize, confess, thank, praise, and honor. No one but
God can give us a safe place to trust and entrust. May we belong to God in a
doctrine established; He remains with us to nourish our souls, The Lord who
stays with us, The mighty God. We have eyes to see and ears to hear; let us
not refuse the wonderful goodness that God gives to humanity for everyone
to know His power, in the submission, prostration and surrender, with a
contrite spirit, to be forgiven by Him, sanctified by Him, for the world to
become united in bearing witness to the truth.

May we be together in unity, reverently lifting up to make up for indifferent
days for those who are unworthy, imperfect, and those who forget. To make
up for our past, of the total disrespect for the Blessed Sacrament offending
Him many times one way or another. God, please forgive us. It is time; we
must return asking God for forgiveness, to wholeheartedly make up for the
past, and testify to the truth for our brothers and sisters to return. As
Christians, we need to know the reverence required before the Eucharistic
Jesus. We need to seek Him, rest in the spiritual life, and receive His
teaching, so our lives can become just and worthy of His love, worthy of Him
waiting for us.

God, have mercy on the souls whom we pray for, the deceased in the ranks
of the Church, those wronged; they were the departed priests we lifted up.
Please have mercy for their souls to return to You soon. You took back with
You the priest who founded the Benedictine Thiên Tâm Monastery; may the
successors who are commissioned, walk in Your way for the Monastery to
further expand, so Houston may attend the yearly Eucharistic Congress event
more solemnly, friendlier, for everyone to be aware of the Eucharistic Jesus,
of His works and His revelation to humanity. In the intervention, love, and
defense, may we have the opportunity to compensate, apologize, thank, and
be worthy of the love God grants. May we belong to the Eucharistic Jesus.
Totus Tuus.

We reverently offer the Fifth Kowtow to Five Holy Marks of Jesus

O Jesus Christ of the Five Holy Marks, I honor, adore, and thank the Five Holy
Marks of the Divine Mercy; the Five Holy Marks that patiently wait; and the
Five Holy Marks that we still value, perceive, and seek. The Five Holy Marks
waited and gave us favors to help us step out of negative and failed days.
O Jesus Christ of the Five Holy Marks, glorious resurrection! The First Holy
Mark, I lift up to God the Father in thanksgiving, I praise His infinite Divine
Mercy for humanity up to this century. Father, You so loved the world that
You sacrificed Jesus so those who believe in Him can have life, can survive,
understand, and have the opportunity to lift up to His love and Divine Mercy.
Father, please allow us to honor You, worship You, and make reparations.
Father, please forgive us. May we confess Jesus Christ, the Second Holy
Mark, the Savior the Father granted to us. Thanks to Jesus, with Jesus, and

His holy name we are saved, forgiven, and live in hope. Whatever the
circumstances with any century, no matter how many allurements of sin in
this century with tension, war, suffering, or pandemic, with the many things
happening between man and man in crime and violence, God is still the Lord
of justice, righteousness, and truth, and always grants.

Whoever believes in God and asks for things that are in righteousness, God
will not refuse, but it depends on His appointed time. Today, we must
urgently proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. God, please deliver us,
and allow us to lift up everything from our past in sin and weakness. Let us
be determined to return to You in righteousness, be worthy of the
proclamation, and rely on Your doctrine to leave the wrong path and make
amends. May we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, whom we
proclaim. Please accept our gratitude, praise, and exaltation. The Third Holy
Mark, I offer to the Holy Spirit. Without You, there is no one who can
enlighten and guide us to be aware of a treasure that still exists, because we
have long been selfish, cold, indifferent, and have intentionally or
unintentionally offended with lack of reverence when we receive God into our
hearts. Today, may we lift up to You and ask You to teach us, help us
understand the precious value of the spiritual life.

We forever have the price of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and the
infinite love and Divine Mercy of the Father. O Holy Spirit, may we return to
listen to Your teaching, be sharp in Your guidance, and ask for Your Spirit to
guide us to open our eyes, our souls, and our hearts, to live a humble life,
listen and return with a repentant and contrite heart, in a spirit of gratitude
and acceptance. Through Mother’s teaching, may we acknowledge each
Person we lift up to, profess, and rejoice when we offer our prayers. May our
souls and hearts be touched and realize the best things in the past which we
have unintentionally or intentionally lost and the importance of prayers for

O Holy Spirit, thank You for the rich thoughts and experiences You have
granted. May God help us live more deeply in prayer to understand what God
gives, for us to become repentant, and to offer all prayers on behalf of all
classes and roles. We reverently lift up to You, speak with You, present to
You, report to You, and ask for Your mercy and intervention.
O Holy Spirit, it is such a richness. We cannot lose what is inherent in Your
sweet love; may we live our lives with the mission and the calling You
granted to each Christian, zealously bear our responsibility, and understand
our responsibility and duty, to proclaim and glorify God. I offer the Fourth
Holy Mark to honor the Eucharistic Jesus, not to stay silent, nor let people
indulge in the way of life in the present world. We must realize that God
remains with us to intervene for us. He brings us hope when we are
discouraged and defeated.

O Eucharistic Jesus, You are the mighty Lord. You are coming to prompt the
lowly children; the wretched sinners like us. You created us from Your
infinite, boundless love and Divine Mercy; You do not abandon us. You always
use all the means to support, save and give us a chance. O Eucharistic Jesus,

may we believe in You, in Your presence. May we visit, listen to Your
teaching, and witness to the truth. Each of us has a duty and responsibility
through the mission and calling from the Church, to unite and bear witness to
our Lord Jesus Christ, especially for us to testify about the Eucharistic Jesus.
His sweet love is still waiting for us. We are looking forward to our maturity,
to believe and welcome Him.

Your visit strengthens our lives to recognize Your teaching, to practice in our
lives, and become alive with the days in the privilege You granted. Let us not
lose senselessly and in vain what You gave, when our lives depended on the
earthly world in the ingenious sophistication and the allurement of a civilized,
sophisticated age, which is the culture of death. Help us rise to realize what
is ours, listen to Your guidance and presence, and visit, to strengthen our
faith. Thank You for giving us more understanding, wisdom, and courage to
return to You.

The Fifth Holy Mark, we cannot know and understand by ourselves; we
cannot understand each Person. It was Mother Mary, the person who was
silent all Her life, quiet amid this world, who meditated and prayed without
saying much, but when She spoke, it was an instruction for us to know God,
return to God, and embrace His grace. Today, let us not reject what She
teaches, which is to become pioneers who reverently lift up to God, with a
sincere and contrite heart, through a spirit of penance and gratitude, with
words spoken and offered, in humility, obedience, and practice. Let us start a
prayer life, because the present world needs to know the prayer required to
be sanctified and transformed. Let us remind ourselves and ask for
forgiveness. Let us learn to praise, through deed, through action, through a
life called to serve, repent, and be grateful, be worthy of what Mother Mary
taught us. Let us be aware and volunteer to testify to love and truth.

Our human condition has nothing to offer, but we lift up to God through
thanksgiving and gratitude. Mother, continue to teach us, because You are
the One who understands our weakness, our lack of prayer, and our lack of
living a life close to God. We end up stumbling and easily falling into
situations with allurement and we are drawn into the world of iniquity. Due to
these very points, You teach us to unite and bow in adoration, praise, and
exaltation with the Five Holy Marks of Jesus Christ, our Savior. The heavenly
family dwelled in the spiritual and in meditation, this we need to know.
Together, we unite and offer to You all that is happening in the world along
with the people in the Church who have passed away. God, defend, protect,
and guard the sheep and the flock. We cannot lose the great opportunity to
care for what belongs to us, given from God.

God, please grant us wisdom and understanding to recognize our Savior.
Through the Cross, He died for us to live, so we cannot lose the value of our
lives under any circumstances. Together, we glorify, adore, thank, praise, and
exalt. May we belong to Jesus Christ of the Five Holy Marks. Mother, what
You taught and did is an example for us today; may we continue through
Your intercession, teaching, and arrangement to grow up. May we continue
on the path of silently witnessing to Your gift, for everyone to recognize the

inner life in prayer and penance, to reverently lift up to God and ask Him to
intervene and grant to us and to our world.
Please hear our prayer and defend righteousness. May the unrighteous
repent and return while time permits, for us to honor and adore the Five Holy
Marks of Jesus Christ, in a spirit of penance and gratitude, to praise and
glorify the Supreme Being who alone conquers death, brings the glorious
resurrection to humanity, so we may be His children, and belong to a life in
the practice of His teaching. We cannot lose during the days of being seduced
by the world, by evil, selfishness, and greed. Let us return to justice and
righteousness through the Gospel. The Holy Spirit grants to us and the
presence of the Eucharistic Jesus helps our faith overcome challenges, to
belong to God in loyalty and perseverance. May we belong to Jesus Christ of
the Five Holy Marks. We thank You, Mother. Totus Tuus.

We reverently offer the Sixth Kowtow to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary and for Her triumph.

O Father, please allow us to reverently offer the Sixth Kowtow to Mother as
the Holy Spirit instructed us.

O Father, I thank You for choosing Mother for us, because Mother taught us
to stand up in our current stressful situation, to help us know the duty and
responsibility of Christians, of the mission and the calling, which we need to
know. Thanks to the Church and through the Church, we unite with the
Church in the duty and responsibility to proclaim the Gospel in life, to defend
the kingdom God granted us, defend fairness, justice, and the peace we
need. We cannot allow the oppression of a civilized world; we cannot let evil
rage with the righteous being marginalized and perishing in the way that has

O Lord, all things happen because of weakness, lack of decisions, and unity,
so we stumble and cannot overcome evil and temptations. The serpent that
deceived our first parent Eve in the past now uses all kinds of cunning tricks
to deceive our human race today. But we still have Mother, the Eucharistic
Jesus, and things will never continue to rage according to evil. We stumble
because of our weakness, but God helped us and gave us Mother, who took
action, who tried to save us, taught us, showed us how to live with the heart
reverently offering to God the Six Kowtows, for us to remember a life of
prayer and penance.

We ask for the grace of the Holy Spirit to protect us. We confess Jesus Christ
to be restored and reformed when God allows the time through Mother’s
intercession, for us to have this day, to know that we must practice a life of
prayer, which is the weapon to protect ourselves, to be more mature in God’s
grace. Let us not forget what we offer and profess to God.
O Mary, Mother of Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the
Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of
all humanity. Mother of every sinner, every saint, every prisoner, every
victim, every witness, every penitent, every patient, every soul in purgatory,

Mother of the Church, Mother of the clergy, Mother of every witness, and
Mother of every victim for whom we are praying. Mother, Your title and
name, people will not forget and refuse. We honor and thank You. Thanks to
Your teaching, we have the gift today, though simple, it is very profound, to
help us meditate and recognize our sinful and weak condition. If we do not
practice, there is nothing to lift up to God and ask for, with an intervention.
We are the lowly, the weak, victims, and sinners, and we have this day
thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ’s salvation. Today, Mother continues to help
us understand our role and the role that the blood of Jesus saved. We cannot
become meaningless and cannot become minions for the things this earthly
world is practicing and forgetting in the lofty spirituality that God wants us to
feel, hear, see, and contemplate. He wants us to return to Him in faith and
become witnesses to the Gospel during these times in which He has revealed
to us in this world. We do not automatically know all these things; Mother
has taught us.

Mother, may we listen to Your words, for these days to be days of witnessing,
spending time praying, going everywhere reminding people of our weak,
sinful, wretched condition. We have nothing left except to repent, to be
grateful with soul and body, mind and heart, reverently lifting up to God.
Mother, You prayed and practiced for us in Your earthly days to help us have
an inheritance like today. Today, this is the inheritance You left to us, because
with our own strength, we cannot overcome this world. For generations, we
have continued to live in days of weakness, and we stumble, bound by all the
earthly reasoning, forgetting our sinful condition. We need to return with
penance and gratitude, ask for reformation and strength to become worthy
children, because Jesus Christ paid for the redemption of humanity at the
price of His blood, and the love of Divine Mercy still awaits our maturity of

Everything we do today, Mother has done for us first. At the same time, She
leads us back to the Lord who is still with us in this world, but we remain
indifferent. We need to understand better so we can have His intervention.
We reverently lift up to God so our souls can rest in peace when we come to
the Eucharistic Jesus. Where the Eucharistic Jesus is, there also is Mary.
God’s presence is a reminder, for people to have a bold and courageous faith,
to believe and see the lofty mystery of God’s visitation, His protection,
support, and consolation which He grants to humanity, reminding us to live in
the Gospel, in the doctrine, being perseverant and faithful.

Do not get discouraged, do not give up. God is the Lord who always listens to
those who repent, who seek the truth and justice, those who listen and obey,
and those who are humble. The graces they desire, He never refuses, and He
grants special favors to save us and the world. Today, who shows us this
path? Who told us to practice? It is Mother Mary. Mother, we thank You,
honor You, and apologize for the moments of weakness, immaturity,
foolishness, ignorance, and lack of practice. Today, thanks for this practice,
the inner prayer life, the daily offering through the gift that has become a
great oblation to the world, to all classes and roles, reminding us to pause
and meditate.

Our lives need to be joined in solidarity, prayer with the inner heart, asking
for Mother’s intercession, for the world to soon have peace, for everyone to
be united, loving each other, and forgiving each other. May we be united and
come together in prostration and surrender, because every knee must bow
and prostrate before the Lord; then He will come, and His Kingdom will be
close. We must practice now, to return to His Kingdom later and seek a
kingdom in our present lives with adoration and worship. We are princes and
princesses, but we do not know our status. We are prophets, priests, and
kings; those are the things recorded in the Gospel, but we do not understand
how to practice our roles, so today, due to our dependence on sin and with
this world, we face division and are scattered everywhere.

Unintentional or intentional things brought us suffering. We are affected by
war, trial, and pandemic, and ruled by the hands of the devil. God, please
help us, save us, deliver us. May Mary help us practice humility, obedience,
and help us listen to Her example, for our lives to be worthy of the
intervention of God’s Divine Mercy. We glorify and adore the Father. We
profess and revere Jesus, our Savior. We listen to the guidance of the Holy
Spirit. We honor and worship the Five Holy Marks, the glorious Savior and the
Supreme Being who has gloriously resurrected to give us life and hope. We
bow and thank, adore, and glorify the Eucharistic Jesus. May we listen and
return to You through the Five Holy Marks to which we prostrate and
surrender, to deepen our meditation and see what belongs to us granted
through the Five Holy Marks.

May we listen to Mother’s teaching through a life of practice, of faith,
reverently lifting up through penance, to present, and record events. We ask
God to forgive our sins and accept our repentance through the surrender in
the prostration, with the heart asking to return, to learn from Mother and
receive Her teaching. Mother, we lift up to You and ask for Your intercession
so that our world, especially our Church, may be united. May our Church
have peace in God’s blessing for the word of God and His Gospel to be spread
everywhere, in each country.

We rely on the word of God to save our souls and heal our bodies, for us to
become the people who proclaim the Gospel, living our mission and calling in
these days that desperately need unity. Through the Pope, the Church is
giving us the synod. May we not follow the world’s logic but be alive,
enthusiastic, and continue to bear witness to love and truth. May we become
reformed in the Divine Mercy God granted to give to each other. We pray for
God’s Kingdom to come and for His holy will from heaven and on earth to
belong to Him in glory, adoration, thanksgiving, and confession.
O Mother Mary, we thank You for your Immaculate Heart and Your triumph.
With Your perfect virtues, all Your perfections, help us win this final battle.
Only You can teach us to win this battle; otherwise, we will live lonely,
hardened, insensitive, and divided. Mother, you see the state of our society
and the world today; we do not know what to rely on; we lift everything to
You: our Church, society, all countries, all the laity, all classes, and roles.

Please teach us to pray, be humble and simple, to reverently lift up to the
Father, and ask Him to have mercy on our world through His intercession.
We pray for God’s holy will according to what He wants for us. We thank
Jesus Christ, the Supreme Being who strengthens our faith, visits, protects,
guards, and helps us show respect and venerate this sublime and mysterious
Sacrament. May we unite in confessing and glorifying the Eucharistic Jesus
for everyone to know of His stay and intervention for the world today. Thanks
to the prayers through Mother’s intercession, for the help of heaven, to
intercede for us in a world facing war, crisis, and pandemic. Please save us.
All that we ask, please accept our apology and gratitude on behalf of all
classes and roles. Blessed Mother, intercede and answer our prayers. May we
belong to Mother. Totus Tuus.

Mother, we thank You for leading us to Saint Joseph, a model for our world,
especially for every family in the world, through integrity and righteousness.
May Saint Joseph, as the patriarch of the Holy Family in the past, be the
patriarch of our Church today, the head of every family, for us to return in
obedience. Through Saint Joseph’s intercession, may we live in unity and
mutual support, with God’s teaching, with the doctrine, and may truth be
granted to us in this world. We thank God and thank Mother for bringing us
to the three archangels. Our world cannot resist the devil, the evildoing, the
unrighteousness, and the injustices in this world. We ask for the help of the
three archangels to please come to our defense, because you keep the
balance of justice. Help us, heal us, strengthen our faith, so we may be
united to listen to your intercession.

We pray to the twelve archangels who guard the borders, countries,
mountains, oceans, and even the air we breathe. The air we breathe is
polluted, and we are falling into a state of domination by evil people. May
God have mercy and allow the twelve archangels to come to our aid, return
the air to purity, and return the air to its genuine form in nature which we
have lost due to the hands of the wicked. Save us and help us, for we can do
nothing except pray and plead, asking for your help, your intervention, and
defense. We thank God for giving us the angels; we see and appreciate their
visit, support, and reminders. We recognize the example of the saints who
have passed through the course of history and helped our life of faith to be
as solid as theirs.

We have not been able to do it yet, but we owe it to their example, through
their intercession, for us to become people who proclaim the Gospel,
steadfast in the life of faith, to bear witness to love and truth. We thank all
the saints; please hear our prayers. Their intercessions allow us to continue
our silent mission and bear witness to the truth through Mother’s gift, which
is the offering we reverently lift. Mother, we thank You for helping us realize
we have guardian angels. They always remind, teach, and help us learn to
serve and minister, for our lives to become as children belonging to God, to
pray on behalf of the world, of all classes and roles, and especially the
victims in the world. God, have mercy and hear us.

The guardian angels help us, protect us, and remind us. Please help us not
err, not to live in iniquity with the days of the past but to become a new
person worthy of receiving our mission and calling, to join with the Church
bearing witness to the truth. We lift up everything we do to God through His
holy will. God, sanctify us to be worthy of the mission You give and grant us.
May we always learn to be humble and simple, may we listen, and practice
for everything we do to be offered to God in His holy will.

I thank Mother for especially teaching us. Our prayers are from the Holy
Spirit’s teaching. Mother teaches us everything, and thanks to the gift from
Mother, we have this day. We thank praise, glorify, and honor God. Please
accept the offering of the Six Kowtows, especially on the Wednesday of each
week, as we reverently lift up before the sanctuary in Holy Rosary Church.
God, I offer to You thanksgivings, blessings, praises, and prayers for those
who have passed away in the ranks of the Church, especially the recently
deceased Cardinal George Pell, Father Nguyễn Đức Hạnh at the Benedictine
Thiên Tâm Monastery, and other priests we do not know, please receive their
souls. As for all the deceased religious men and women, the innocent
citizens, please have mercy on these souls and intercede for them to benefit
from Your Divine Mercy.

We must fulfill our duty and responsibility, to continue on the path of service,
to serve silently, and especially to talk and testify about the Eucharistic Jesus
who has come, visited, and interceded for us. Let us prepare for the Kingdom
God will have, ready for each person. We ask in the name of God, our Lord,
now and forever. May we belong to Jesus, in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, our God. We thank God for the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mother,
all the angels, and all the saints. In particular, we thank the Eucharistic Jesus
for motivating us, visiting us, so we may continue faithfully doing what You
want and what You allow us to do. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our
God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

May God accept and listen to our prayers, forgive our weaknesses and
shortcomings in our duties and responsibilities, and give us more strength
and courage to continue to testify to the truth with what we see and hear
through the Eucharistic Jesus and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.
Mother gave us the gift to be practiced on every level, in each role, to pay
homage to the Eucharistic Jesus and strengthen our faith, for which the
Eucharistic Jesus has for us and the human world. We profess the Lord with
reverence, adoration, thanksgiving, gratitude, and penance. Lucia and all
brothers and sisters conclude at 4:47 p.m., Wednesday, January 11, 2023, in
front of the sanctuary of the Holy Rosary Church. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Lucia Phan is an American immigrant from Vietnam who lives a life of prayer.
Every day, she focuses on adoring God through the Blessed Sacrament,
attending the Mass of the Redemptive Sacrifice of Jesus, and practicing the
Six Kowtows.

Lucia receives messages by interior locutions and is able to capture images of
the Eucharist, both in photo and video, via her smartphone. She receives
messages from God, Blessed Mother, the angels, and the saints, since 2011.

Please share messages and these home pages with those you know.
New Revelations Through the Eucharist
Belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament




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