
This miraculous photo, taken at 2:00 a.m., on 6-5-2018, shows the Eucharist moving in front of the door of the Emmaus Chapel. It proves the presence of God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Mother Mary.
From 1:00 to 3:00 a.m., from November 2011 to August 2015, this is one of Eucharistic photos taken by Lucia Phan with her cell phone in the Emmaus Chapel, St. Theresa Church, Sugar Land, Texas, USA.



Revealed by Blessed Mother to Lucia Phan in 2014, this practice is the most powerful way to return to God. Practicing the Six Kowtows helps us focus and zealously draw closer to God; with the inner-heart. 

To kowtow is to get down on one’s knees, forehead touching the ground, hands clasped above the head, the symbol as the flame lit in the Holy Spirit. Then offer a prayer to each Person with soul, body, and whole heart. In submission, surrender, adoration, honor, praise, thanksgiving, gratitude. Apologize and return to God. Beseech His intervention.

  1. The first Kowtow, I offer to God the Father.  
  2. The second Kowtow, I offer to God the Son, Jesus
  3. The third Kowtow, I offer to God the Holy Spirit
  4. The fourth Kowtow, I offer to the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus.  
  5. The fifth Kowtow, I offer to the Five Holy Signs of Jesus.  
  6. The sixth Kowtow, I offer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for Her Triumph.

* At the end of each kowtow offered, say Totus Tuus, a Latin phrase, to mean “[I] belong entirely to God/Mother”. This is an idiom of Saint Louis de Montfort and also the official motto of Pope Saint John Paul II.


(Left) In this photo you see an intimate moment when Lucia is surrendering herself to the Lord as she kowtows. The Lord’s presence is upon her.

Thanksgiving Day, Thursday Nov 25, 2021

St. Theresa Catholic Church


                         In South America, the faithful prostrate in prayer
“Those who call upon My Name, I will never refuse.”– Jesus, February 22, 2020



The key to solving disasters is the Six Kowtows. To save the world, mankind must repent and prostrate themselves before the Almighty. Especially with the adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.



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