The Joyful Mysteries Meditations


    The Joyful Mysteries Meditations

February 28, 2022

This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit.


Lucia: O God, as I offer the Rosary, I remember You teach us to always pray for the Church. Moreover, Mother Mary wants us to constantly pray for the Church whenever we offer the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Mother gave us the gift of the Six Kowtows that became the prayer of offering to nourish us all these years. Today, in what we do, we want to glorify God, and we are grateful to Mother for helping us return to God with the prayer that helps us be profound. With the meditation Mother granted, we offer the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and the Six Kowtows, with focus, with the depth of our souls and hearts, and lift to God the most ardent words for God to have mercy on us, on the world, and our Church. 

We pray especially for our Pope. God, please grant Pope Francis Your Spirit, good health, and the wisdom to lead the Church, the shepherds, the flock, the sheep; particularly the lost sheep, the prodigal sheep, the wounded sheep, and the nations that still reject and do not know You, to return to You. We pray for our Pope to be wise, to bring the Word of God through the Gospel to reassure the world, to strengthen faith, for humanity to recognize what is good, what is evil, what is right, what is wrong, what is peace, what is to live in suffering, war, and evil. May we unite with Pope Francis, pray for Him to be strong and brave because his word will influence the world, and his word is the Word of God that will intervene for righteousness. 

I pray for Pope Benedict XVI. Though he does not say much, he quietly prays. At this time, we have two Popes. God, we thank You for preserving our Church and giving Your flock faith. With the words we pray and beseech, it is from these prayers and our unity for Your Church to bring us to hope in this age. God, please grant us peace, to no longer have days of war and suffering like today. God, please have mercy on us, accept our prayer, our repentance. God, please accept our return by the prostration and surrender through the gift Mother teaches, which is the offering we lift to You, for us to be a little worthy as we pray in a spirit of repentance and gratitude.  

1. The Annunciation

Mary said: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)

The First Joyful Mystery: The Angel declares to the Blessed Virgin Mary that She will conceive. Let us pray for the virtue of humility.  

I reverently offer the first decade to God the Father.

O God the Father, I thank You. You so loved our world that You sacrificed Your only begotten Son. You chose a gentle, humble Mother with Her exemplary prayer life for us to follow. Mother teaches us to lift to God all problems in the Church, our society, and pray for all the nations at war like today. The pandemic was not over yet; then the battle happened, coming to each person, the community, and all problems in the world. 

May we recognize the invitation of God through Mother’s teaching and the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. May we unite and return by an amended life, a repentant life, a prayer life, ask God to forgive, sanctify, to be worthy with the days God hears us, loves us, and intervenes for us. Let us return, soul and body, by the surrender, by the prostration, in repentance, for God to forgive and accept. Let us return to His Divine Mercy to be worthy of the intervention God grants and gives us today. 

2. The Visitation

Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. (Luke 1:39-40)

The Second Joyful Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary visits Saint Elizabeth. Let us pray to have love for our neighbor.

I reverently offer the second decade to Jesus.

O Jesus, our Savior, our Redeemer, You came and saved us in the darkness of sin, bringing hope to humanity. May we be attentive and meditate on the Second person of God through His death for us to come to life, relive the days that God granted us to find love and the truth of truth. God does not teach us anything too lofty and impossible. God teaches us to love Him above all things, with all our souls, our hearts, and love our neighbor.

In this second decade, we meditate on the Visitation. Mother Mary bore the Savior of the world. With the Lord in Her bosom, She immediately performed the duty of love in visiting Her cousin. Mother immediately set out to carry out Her mission of love through Her shining example in Her life. Today, we meditate on Blessed Mother visiting Saint Elizabeth. Let us pray for the love of neighbor.

Mother practiced love and performed the task God granted to Her. Mother is the shining example who quietly prays to help our world understand what humility is, what love is, by deed, by action, not by word, and not by theory. Today, there is too much theory but hardly any practice, which explains the contradiction to the truth. 

May we understand this to meditate and live fervently. When we offer the Rosary, let us focus on each mystery to help us improve, reform, and practice the teaching Mother gave us, which is essential to our spiritual lives, to recognize things God granted. Through Mother’s obedience, we are the people who practice. Through Mother’s intercession, let us live to be worthy of our Savior’s love and intervention, to live happily and peacefully as our hearts and the world yearn. 

3. The Nativity

And Mary gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger. (Luke 2: 6-7)

The Third Joyful Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus in a cave. Let us pray to have a spirit of poverty.

I reverently offer the third decade to the Holy Spirit.

O God, I thank You. You allowed us to meditate on the Third Mystery. O Holy Spirit, You are the Supreme Being who is always with us, teaching us, granting us the seven gifts to help us in our lives be God’s children, have faith in God, and belong to God. You enlighten us to accept everything in our lives in the days of exile on earth, discern sin, avoid sin, and lessen iniquity. You help us differentiate and choose what is good, give up evil, understand humility and love of neighbor, and accept trials learning from the shining example of Mother Mary and the Holy Family. 

When God came into the world, He was not born in a magnificent palace but in a stable with the stench of animal feed. He was lying in a manger with only a swaddling cloth. We see these hardships. He is the King of the Universe, came down from heaven to take on human nature to endure all that is most arduous, most poor, to be an example to us, for us to live abundant and happy days. Due to poverty, let us not become thieves, become those who overlook basic human morality, to continue with wrongful acts as our world is facing. 

O God, Lord of love, who was as poor as You? Who was as poor as the Holy Family? Who endured as the Holy Family? Who loved humanity to the point of accepting everything to be a shining example for the world? Today, let us think of these points for us to live with days worthy of the love that You grant, allowing us to meditate, experience, and live worthy of the love You gave us. Let us meditate on the mystery of the Incarnation, on the Joyful Mysteries, as we contemplate the mystery that Mother taught us through Her life.  

Mother continues to draw near to us and teach us. In Her Life, She experienced extreme trials but accepted everything for the Name of God to be glorified in the world, for everyone to believe and live in compassion with the grace that She gave us to this day. Let us overcome trials and challenges in our lives to become steadfast and faithful with God and be worthy of His love through the days we receive the graces bestowed. 

4. Offering Jesus in the Temple

When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (Luke 2: 22-23)

The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary offers Jesus in the Temple. Let us pray for the virtue of obedience.

I reverently offer the fourth decade to the Eucharistic Jesus.

O Eucharistic Jesus, we honor You, thank You, adore You. May we prostrate before You in a spirit of repentance because our faith in You has been weak for years. In our lives, whether unintentionally or deliberately, we live indifferently and coldheartedly toward You. At this moment, we can no longer live in those old familiar days. May we be renewed because the Eucharistic Jesus is present in this world. God is with us, granting us and strengthening our faith today. 


The visit and revelation of God with shining glory are for us to meditate on the mystery. God came into the world, and Blessed Mother offered Him to the Temple to belong to God the Father. Since becoming a human being, He received complete training and consecration. When He was in Mother’s arms, it was a mission for Him to transform the world and bring the light into it. Those who opposed Him belonged to the world and opposed the truth, but God is the Victor. 

Today, O God, please help us in this earthly life that lacks understanding, with worldly arguments and disputes. Everything in today’s meditation on each mystery brings us to obedience and helps us live in Mother Mary’s obedience. She was the first role model in accepting Her mission. Mother is the first person to be chosen to become a Queen, not a wealthy Queen in the world with worldly demands and requirements, but a Queen who endured on behalf of the world. Mother accepted all the extreme sufferings caused by iniquity; accompanied the Supreme Being whom She bore – the Second Person of God – to bring Him into the world legitimately, for people to believe, draw near, and embrace. 

We understand Her life of practice as a role model for humanity. In all situations, let us live in obedience to the holy will of God, His doctrine, for us to have the hope that heaven granted to us through the heavenly family that Mother Mary offered to humanity. The prayers and practices belong to God and His mercy. Even ordinary and simple prayers bring us to God when we pray and focus, with meaning, for our prayers to be lifted for Him to hear. May we understand each mystery, glorify and thank God, and remember everything that we receive comes from Mother, the first person to say Fiat for the world to benefit. Thanks to His intervention in our daily lives, we grow in our inner and prayer life, repent, mature, and understand the meaning of self while time still allows. 

May our hearts not be hardened as in the old days, living in days of trouble, worry, and fear. Today, we no longer worry because we have Mother and God. With trust, we entrust in God. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, with the plan and arrangement of Mother Mary, we honor, adore and make reparations for our imperfections and weaknesses through our daily prayer life. May the kingdom of God come, be revealed for everyone to recognize, and return in submission, surrender. Our sinful condition does not deserve for God to forgive, but with Mother’s zealous intercessions, God has mercy and intervenes for us and the world. 

Let us unite to lift words of thanksgiving and gratitude, learn to be humble and compassionate; accept trials, and obey, for the Father’s holy will to be realized in our lives through the Holy Family, Jesus, Mother Mary. In this world, what is there for us to choose? Let us choose to return to have peace and serenity, to be worthy through the intervention of the Lord of love and Divine Mercy.  

5. Finding Jesus in the Temple

After three days, they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions (Luke 2:46)

The Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Blessed Virgin Mary finds Jesus in the Temple. Let us pray to be faithful to God.

I reverently offer the fifth decade to the Five Holy Signs. 

O Jesus Christ, through the Five Holy Signs, I adore, praise, glorify, honor You. The First Holy Sign is the love and Divine Mercy of God the Father who granted the world His only begotten Son for His death to bring us hope. Let us meditate and understand the infinite love and Divine Mercy that the Father gave us, sinners. Throughout generations, God is the Lord of love, so in any situation, at any stage, He is still the Lord of love who gives for humanity to recognize and meditate on the lofty wonder that He grants. May we repent and return to be worthy of the Divine Mercy God grants.

The Second Holy Sign is the confirmation to help us believe for us to have life. God the Father so loved the world that He sacrificed His only begotten Son, and whoever believes in Him will have life. Those words continue to resonate in the world for us, sinners, to have the opportunity and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person of God. He granted, especially, through the glorious resurrection, gave us life, and taught us with His doctrine that was neither too difficult nor too easy, which we lack the determination to practice. 

May we mature in faith by deed, determination, meditation, through our prayer life, to give up everything in iniquity, which we have held onto our entire lives. Let us live true with our hearts by words that we lift like a child to one’s father, speaking to him, confessing one’s weakness to ask for forgiveness. May we meditate in-depth, in a most natural way, and focus when we turn toward the Cross, pray the Rosary, meditate on the beautiful mysteries that God granted us through the Church. 

Regarding the Third Holy Sign, we cannot comprehend it even though we are knowledgeable and learned. Let us remove pride and arrogance, for us to live listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, become simple, humble; then we will understand the meaning of our lives. Even in high positions of power, remember that only when we follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance can we have justice and righteousness. In any situation, if we do not have the Holy Spirit, then from the human summit, we become liars, self-seeking, living a worldly life as demanding, greedy, selfish, lustful people with many problems in life.   

Today, even rich people are unsatisfied because they cannot find the truth. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to be the master of the earth, of each soul. When we meditate on the Third Holy Sign, Jesus gives us the meditation that we need. No matter our function, position, whoever stands before God, is equal with the love and the salvation He grants us.  

We have the presence of the Holy Spirit granted from love for us to have in this world, so let us experience and meditate on that love. May we honor, listen, obey, and practice through the Holy Spirit’s teaching, in the truth, discern what is right, what is the truth, and not live contrary to our conscience, morality, and ethics. May we live humbly, meekly, obediently. His seven gifts teach us to be sharp in His grace, lessen sin, avoid sin, and give up sin, which all classes need to know and understand. May the Holy Spirit help us live with the essential days of meditation because when we pray the Rosary, we always allow our minds to wander off. May we not waste the days with what we need to know from the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment for us to live profoundly and intimately with God in our faith life. 

O Holy Spirit, we are weak people who cannot understand without Your enlightenment. When God does not grant grace, when we cannot embrace His grace, then we cannot perform. As of today, there have been countless failures and disappointments. We cannot see certain things, but God, the Lord, sees and grants us what is best. May we learn and perform for us to live worthy with the teaching through the Third Holy Sign. Jesus wants to remind humanity, offering us His love and the love of the Father through the Holy Spirit; only love can help us live with justice and righteousness, for us to not sin, nourish sin, foster sin, as we did and still do.  

May we open our eyes and hearts through the battle from the pandemic, the war, of the days without peace. We face chaos, riots, and all the deceptions of a world that people consider subtle and sophisticated. Through the media, we have succumbed and violated issues of justice, morality, and ethics. May the Holy Spirit enlighten and guide us to return to righteousness as God teaches through Jesus. May we become people who live righteous lives, for the doctrine of God and His grace, to remain with justice from His decision. He is the Lord we adore and honor, and we thank the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We prostrate before God, worship Him, honor Him, apologize, and pray for Him to sanctify and transform the world.  

We offer the Fourth Holy Sign, the Eucharistic Jesus. How can we understand faith and learn how to strengthen faith? How can we know the truth without the glorious miracle as God is the mighty Supreme Being who reveals it? The light that shines in the dark is the light that radiates in all those sinful people who live in disobedience, rebellion, and unrighteousness. The light comes to remind us to amend our lives. His love helped us recognize the loftiness in the soul. Each person must reform, improve, and be worthy of the best given by God in His visitation, His waiting, and His love, as He grants us the days for us to be alive and breathing.

May everyone surrender and submit to the Lord all-powerful, who conquered death. God grants us the encounter in the Eucharistic Jesus, in the monstrance, in all the tabernacles around the world. May our hearts not become hardened and indifferent. Let us not end up with worldly arguments to ignore the love of God, who instituted the Eucharist for us, intervenes for us, and defends us when we face trials as the world is facing. Let us rise to overcome all the viewpoints with worldly arguments and come to the Lord of love, recognizing His intervention. He is the Supreme Being who brings us hope in the days we need in this world. 

Let us not fear and be confused. God always defends, supports, protects us, and always grants us hope to help us be determined to step out of the iniquity that weighs upon us. Let us entrust, rise, and be bold to overcome all adversities we face. We have the Lord who defends, supports, and protects us. His presence helps our faith be firm and strengthened, for us to not be lonely on the path, which is not something vague but is the truth from God who bestows. He is the wondrous and mighty Lord who grants us through miracles, which is not something strange but to confirm the authority He gives to the faith we have.  

We thank Mother Mary, the Fifth Holy Sign, the person who accepted God’s holy will, starting from the moment Jesus came into the world to the moment He entered His Passion. If Mother Mary refused to accompany Him, who is the person who can teach us to understand the profound things when we meditate on those things that are ordinary? The rich graces come to us abundantly through the Holy Spirit, and if Mother is not the mediatrix, how can we have those great graces? Without Mother’s teaching, we face detriment and suffering because of the oppression from the evil spreading everywhere. Evil rules over the world, humanity, and even our lives with the subtlety and rationale of the age. 

God came into the world, endured everything for us, and Mother taught us to not depend on everything that belongs to the world, subtle but not in the truth, for we must seek to return to truthfulness. God is the Healer and grants us to meet the righteous, so He allows us to meet people we can trust, and we see their good deeds. As for those who live in evildoing, whom we see before our eyes, we cannot allow ourselves to be blind and mistakenly believe. The control of the world is oppressing humanity. The world is advanced and intelligent, but why does it not recognize this?

Let us return, surrender, and submit as Mother taught. It is time for God to intervene for us. God assigns to those who have positions of power but they lack duty and responsibility, and the world is lured into sin. Thus, God must look for the lost sheep and gather them to become a flock united with the shepherds and those in the ranks of the Church, to become a force to rise in the battle of the remaining days. Let us perform in the truth of truth, whose Master is the Lord. 

Faith is so important today when we listen to Mother’s teaching to prostrate, adore, and honor according to the way Mother teaches. Let us repent and return according to the way Mother teaches with the gift of the Six Kowtows, for us to be strengthened with steadfast faith to belong to God. It is also a gift to reverently offer to God the Father to ask for Him to intervene and have mercy on us in this current situation. We still have the Eucharistic Jesus. He will not remain silent; He will be the Savior at this end of history and teach us on the path with days of patience and sacrifice to help us and confirm the Gospel that He gave to humanity.  

May we unite to listen to Mother Mary’s teaching and understand the fifth meaning and the Five Holy Signs of Jesus. The Fifth Mystery is the Fifth Holy Sign. Mother Mary is the person who taught us and guided us on the Way of the Cross that Jesus walked. Mother always helps and supports us in the circumstances of today’s world; the prospect of society lies in war, suffering, and disease, but we have Mother. With Mother, we pray for us to endure and overcome these trials and tribulations as we wait for days of peace and prosperity.  

Mother Mary waits for the reformation of humanity, the return of man. The Eucharistic Jesus will be the Supreme Being who acts. When the light appears, the darkness will disappear. It is the opportunity for us to strengthen our faith to return to God through the meditation with each mystery through the Joyful Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries, and the Glorious Mysteries, which we receive throughout generations. Who among us focuses and seeks the truth when we meditate? Mother is the only person to help us.  

Now is the most critical time. Let us not waste time with habits, but let us meditate to experience the great graces bestowed with the gift of the Six Kowtows that became the offering for God the Father to have mercy, intervene, sanctify, and transform us. May the Father help the world return to Him, help us boldly stand up in unity, in love, in solidarity, in sacrifice, live a life of penance, to deserve for Him to act and intervene for those of us who belong to Him in a spirit of repentance.


Mother, we thank and honor You; please accept our prayers for Your intercession for an end to war, for everyone to recognize what is essential in life. The pandemic helped us rise and understand that our world is helpless if we have no faith in God. War will cause suffering and diseases in the world. May everyone recognize this to defend justice and righteousness and avoid war because humanity will suffer and deal with extreme pain with the plague of both soul and body. We believe God is the glorious Risen Lord and the Victor. We have a Mother who intercedes, protects, and teaches us. We have the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. We trust in the Divine Mercy of God the Father. We trust in the presence of the Eucharistic Jesus, the nourishment of our souls, to strengthen our faith. 

We honor, adore, prostrate, and submit before the Five Holy Signs in a spirit of repentance. We have Mother Mary and Her Immaculate Heart; Her triumph will teach us to reform and return. We have help with the shining example of Saint Joseph; we ask for his intercession. We ask for support from the three archangels, the beings who hold the balance of justice and will help our world through their intercessions. We have the spiritual world through the saints, the angels, our guardian angels, who will never refuse our pleas asking for help. Through the prayer and intervention of heaven, we will have meaningful days with the Hail Marys we offer through the Rosary. It will be a victory, with pleas from each heart in the world pleading to God in the last and urgent days with the tribulations. 

God, please have mercy and hear our prayers. May everyone recognize, proclaim everywhere, and in unity pray more fervently, by the inner, by a repentant heart, with the prostration and submission, both soul and body, like an offering, a gift, to reverently offer God. God, please help and intervene for us in these most troubling times. We have no other place to rely on apart from You, the Lord we trust, return to, and repent for You to forgive. May our hearts burn with love, unite, learn to fear You, avoid sin, embrace holiness, give up evil, choose what is good, remove wrongdoing, have a humble heart, and be worthy of what You bestow and give. 

God said: “I do not reveal to the learned and wise, but I reveal to the little ones.” Let us listen to these words for our lives to have the opportunity, with faith, to practice what God teaches. Let us not keep it to ourselves but pray for the community, society, the Church, and problems. May we be in unity, pray for our fellow human beings to mature and return to God as we did, and for the world to have harmony, happiness, and peace, which Mother wishes, for Her to no longer shed tears, blood tears. Mother reminded us, and Her life and meditation helped us understand the urgency that we no longer have the chance, and only by returning can we live in the hope that we need in this time. 

May we unite to pray for our Church, for our Pope to be wise, to be the person to help the sheep of God. May the cardinals, bishops, and priests, unite with Pope Francis, listen in unity to triumph in the battle of the remaining days. Children of God everywhere face great persecution;  they face oppression and bully. In certain countries, priests face arrests, and people who perform duty in their charity lives face imprisonment. Today, we must pray, ask God to reclaim justice for those who sacrifice, for God to chastise the liars and evildoers who caused wounds to the righteous. We read that sheep and goats will be separated by the Lord. Sheep return to their shepherds, and goats must go to the place where they belong. Whoever has ears ought to hear; have eyes ought to see, and a heart to experience and choose for oneself. Let it not be too late to prepare for the upcoming Lent.  

The Sixth Prayer, we reverently offer to Mother Mary. 

O Mother Mary, we reverently offer the sixth prayer to You. Thank Mother for loving us; You always seek ways to bring us back, teaching us the essentials in these critical times. Mother, please help us meditate to experience God’s love and encounter the all-powerful Lord who loves and waits for us. The Lord is the Eucharistic Jesus whom You granted to strengthen our faith. In each of Your visits, You reveal Yourself for the people to see and witness, to become the witnesses. 

Today, You guide us to the Eucharistic Jesus. You came to us by Your voice for the Eucharistic Jesus to meet us. That miracle became the truth in this world in these days of the ending. We must bear the responsibility to proclaim the Good News and testify to the truth to guide everyone for all to surrender and submit before the Eucharistic Jesus. We only have this one last refuge; no matter what happens in the world, the Eucharistic Jesus is the secure, peaceful, happy place. Today, all chapels seem to be dependent on old rules, but the Lord Himself has opened the door of the tabernacle. He came out of the tabernacle to visit us one by one.

Mother Mary guides us to the grace that Jesus grants in the ending period of the world because everyone must strengthen their faith through the power that God revealed to humanity, for people to recognize the arrangement right from the beginning and the conclusion of the Supreme Being who protects and supports us. May we not lose the opportunity out of indifference because we dare not take one more step to believe in the mysterious miracles of the Eucharist. To have faith, one must believe in miracles and trust in the mighty Lord who has the right to bestow and grant extraordinary wonders. May we not allow the world, in its rational and logical way, to cause us to lose the opportunity to receive the graces bestowed.

Today, may everyone not let it all become a habit when there are things to be received through miracles, manifested and granted through God’s power. No one can impersonate God; no one can automatically know because humanity lacks the capability. God helps us in all classes, all roles, and all ages, for us to recognize His love and what is essential that we cannot refute. Children, whether they are three years old or five years old, let them come to the Eucharistic Jesus. Let them come to the tabernacle where God waits, come to the love that keeps on giving, for us to live in the hope that we need and must have in a time of chaos, war, pandemic, and many more things in the conclusion of the ending. What we have today comes from Mother. We thank Mother, listen to Her, prostrate to adore God. It was Mother who prostrated on our behalf. It is time for us to perform in determination, practice faith, and be worthy of everything bestowed with Mother’s intervention. 

So whoever has ears ought to hear; has eyes ought to see, and a heart ought to experience. Every time we offer the Rosary, the Divine Mercy chaplet, and pray, let us quiet our souls to encounter God in quietness and silence. Let us come to that quiet setting for us to focus and listen more intensely to the intervention from God and the word from Mother. May our lives center on meditations when we lift prayers, spiritually, respectfully, reverently, with our submission, honor God, adore God, and thank the love He grants. We hope for Mother to be present for us to receive the intervention through Her intercession to help us be more mature and be worthy of what we have today. At the end of history, God will act and intervene for us, support us, and bring us hope. In many situations that happen to us, from individuals to the community, society, to the Church, we have Mother so let us not worry. Mother is the guiding star, the bridge that leads us through a shortcut to return to God. Mother Mary brings us to God. 

Only having Mother are we worthy for God to forgive and intervene, so let us listen for our lives to become joyful and hopeful, which we need in this desperate and disappointing time. Lucia and Maria Nhung conclude on behalf of the brothers and sisters in the group, the Rosary meditation. Mother grants for us to have in the remaining and ending days through the miracle of the Eucharist. Mother helped us, in training, by prayer, prostration, submission, with contrite and repentant hearts, to return to God. Through the gift of the Six Kowtows that we reverently offer, we thank, praise, and glorify God. May everyone know, believe, practice the sooner, the better; for us to receive a source of comfort and be purified because we are bound in the iniquity and weakness of the flesh. The negative thoughts in a life of reality have controlled us, and we cannot easily remove worldly laws. 

Let us be humble to receive the riches of heaven granted through Mother Mary. She teaches us to return to the Eucharistic Jesus, the all-powerful Supreme Being who manifests His power, grants, and strengthens faith for all classes and roles to know, submit, revere, and adore. Let us come to Him, each person with repentance and the prayer through the gift Mother teaches to be an offering. Through the way Mother taught us specially, let us surpass and go deeper into the last book that the Holy Spirit grants abundantly to the world. When we meditate, contemplate, and pray for all problems, we ask for the profound spirituality that God gave us through the Holy Spirit. We now conclude the Rosary that we offer daily to God and Mother Mary. Mother, please intercede for us and the world. May the work of the Holy Spirit be sharp in us and over us by our practice and acknowledgment.

Lucia Phan is an American immigrant from Vietnam who lives a life of prayer. Every day, she focuses on adoring God through the Eucharist, attending the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, and practicing the Six Kowtows.

Lucia received messages by interior locutions and was able to capture images of the Eucharist, both in photo and video, via her smartphone. She received messages from God, Blessed Mother, the angels, and the saints, since 2011.

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