Receive My Mercy


February 23, 2013

Jesus:  My beloved L.,

I was very touched by the words that you confided to Me.

L., your dreams are indeed very simple, very nice, and are the things that I have wanted to do for you, but My beloved L., just consider that as a promise. One of these days, I will show you the things that you have prayed for. I will give them to you, and I will allow you to experience these things. But for now, wait for Me, wait for the right time, and I will have a way to give you more than what you have been praying for at this moment.

My beloved L., the things that you are waiting for, the things that you are wishing for will be the best things, so continue to wait for them. I will definitely come to you with the things that you are wishing for. But today, regarding the things that you are doing, and the things that you are receiving from Me, regarding the things that are starting and will continue in the coming days, I would like to keep you with your heart focused, and with all the things that through the Holy Spirit I am revealing to you, for you to follow the signs and be ready to serve, for you to follow the signs and do the work that I want you to do for this world.

Let the two of us take this love, that you can feel yourself, that you wish to apply to your work, which I am also working on, of giving the brothers and sisters, giving the priests and My beloved friends, who are also My children on earth, the opportunity to receive, to be able to hear the things that I will confide to them, and for Me to invite them, for Me to lead them, so that they will be able to come back to the light. I am waiting for them every day on the Cross, and I am waiting for them every day through the Holy Eucharist.

My beloved L., all the things that you are feeling in your heart, do not grieve too much, and do not delve too deep, whether they are slightly right or wrong, whether they are unintentional or intentional. I understand and I know the lives of a human person. I know the weakness of the human body. I will never hold you guilty. I just want you to accept one thing that I am asking of you, which is that regarding all the things that are happening to you, at this moment, I would like you to feel the way you feel, so that you may realize and have the experience when you truly receive the truth from Me, and for the things that are presently in you, the things that are changing, and with these changes, the tears, the fears, the worries, the sins that each person does daily, whether they are venial or mortal sins, I still would like you to feel all this in your body. Although you are the person that I have chosen, and that through the Holy Spirit I can give you whatever it is that you are asking for, I still want you to experience the emotions in dealing with people, to experience the reality of things at the moment, and especially to feel the love that I have for you, the love that I have for mankind, and the feelings that you have for your venial sins or your mortal sins, facing God, facing the love of God, facing the things that God is giving to you. This does not apply only to you. I am also calling upon all the brothers and sisters, and among these brothers and sisters, there is a group of people that I am also letting them experience these emotions, for  them to have experiences that are real, for them to experience the life on this earth, for them to experience the life that they themselves have to live, in love, to know how to avoid the mistakes, and to be able to discern  between light and darkness, between sin and things that are evil and things that are holy and the graces.

The ways are clearly defined, to be practiced by the people that I have chosen, so that there are words said in truth and messages that you are sharing, such as this one today.

Through you, I would like and I hope that you will let Me say the things that I want to say to this generation. I would like to speak to this generation and I would like to send My messages in these end times. Through the Holy Eucharist, I truly have allowed you to see, to hear, to feel, and to receive the graces that I am giving to mankind. Only a few are able to discover the secrets that people could easily have had for themselves, because with the things that they are passionate for, the things that are important in the eyes of the world, they cannot see the graces, they cannot see the gifts that I have blessed them with, from the beginning.

Today, mankind is being reminded through these words, through these messages, and the discoveries, by the people who have experienced these things, to bring to this generation, for people to listen to.

The generations that you come into contact with, those who have faith, those who have their hearts open wide, they will see the happiness, the graces of My coming to this world. They will see the wonders and the simplest things that each person could do, for them to enjoy happiness on earth, in their bodies, in their minds, and added to everything that they have the peace that they can feel and receive through the decrees and commandments that God has given to them.

My beloved L., I would like you to continue with the days in this Lenten season. Continue to come here, and I will reveal to you the messages that I want to give to mankind. I have to speak to mankind because there is not much time left.

Do not take these words lightly!

The things that people have seen with their eyes, the things that are occurring now, after all these centuries, although rare, these things will come, and the people will recognize them in the coming days.

This is the reminder and the sign that accompany the power that God is revealing so that mankind can clearly see, as spoken by the prophets in the past, and reminded today by the prophets that God has chosen in this century, with you being one of them, a person whom I have closely revealed to, for this world to know.

These are the things that through each prophet, I have chosen to reveal to this world, all over the world. In the north, in the south, in the west, in the east, there are invitations and messages from Me to everyone. Whether they believe this is true or false depends on the enlightenment they receive from the Holy Spirit, so then they will be able to know which is coming from the truth, and which is coming from the false prophets, to shake their faith and their lives.

When they receive My words, they will recognize the truth, with the things that I am truly speaking to this world. Everyone can clearly see the things that I have exposed for the people to receive and hear, for them to change, for them to come back to Me in time, for them to receive My Mercy which I am ready to give to them in the coming days, for them to have when they will have to answer to the justice and the truth, facing Me. For each and everyone, I want the righteous people to receive My Mercy, the evil people to receive My Mercy, and even the people living in sins to receive My Mercy as well. I will not blame anyone for their sins. For this reason, I am coming to this world and I am speaking to mankind. I just want for each person, while they are still breathing and able to make decisions, lucidly, to choose which path they should go on, what they should do, and which direction they should take to come back to God, to come back to the light of the Gospel, to come back to the Catechism and the commandments that God gave to mankind. Everyone will then have the opportunity to be purified, no matter how sinful they are.

I still promise to save everyone, I still promise to purify everyone, in My Mercy, coming to this world, a world that does not have that many days left. This is the last grace that I am giving, through the latest revelations, for the people to receive and to listen to. Blessed are those who are open to receive, and who will listen to the revelations that I am giving to this world.

These are the words that I am saying to this world. If you are truly open to receive these words, then take a look at the things that you currently have in your lives and look for those things that you have never done in your lives, those things that you have never encountered, those things that you have never believed in, and choose a spiritual life for yourselves, in which you have the Most High, Who is the God of Love, Who I am, for you.

At this moment, it is not too late, but you do not have the time to wait and hesitate anymore. Make an effort to receive, to listen, to act, to come back with a contrite heart, and to accept the things that you are able to feel when you receive the messages that I have sent, through My Mercy, through the Holy Eucharist, through the Gospel. Feel with all of your heart when you are looking for the truth, then you will be able to recognize the things that I have blessed this world with, so that through those things, you can receive the graces in these end times.

Children, these are the words that I kept repeating over and over again, in the messages that I have sent to this world. I hope that you will receive and listen to these latest revelations for these end times.

All that I wanted to say, I have said. I hope that you will understand and take action, and be prepared for the next life, for the soul of each person on this earth.

Goodbye My children. I love you very much.

These are the words that I am explaining to L., the words that I have spoken through L., and the words that I have revealed through L., for anyone who is open to receive and listen to. This is the truth regarding My coming through the Holy Eucharist, for the power of the Holy Eucharist to come closer to mankind, and for the miracles to happen, for everyone to see this power. This is the truth regarding My coming to this world, in these end times.

O those who have faith and who believe in the truth, in the past days and in the days to come, may their lives be transformed through the Mercy of God, through the Holy Eucharist, to be worthy to receive My Love which I am giving to them at this present moment, for the mind, for the body and for the soul of each person on earth.

Goodbye My children.


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