Prepare Your Soul, the Day of My Coming Is Near


Prepare Your Soul, the Day of My Coming Is Near

June 2, 2011

Lucia: What do You want me to write, Father? Today, I am prepared, with this pen and this paper. Once You speak into my mind, I will write down everything You say to me or teach me, or what You want to say to others. I will do as You wish, Father. Please remember to give me Your signal, Father, for I am timid and very slow.

Father: The morning light shines with all colors… Let us walk together to a very remote and beautiful place… Here, there are the most magnificent and splendid buildings in the world… Now, there is nothing left… I shed tears of pity and regret for the human life… Due to the disobedience of mankind, they end up with these consequences… I feel such pity for My children… But everything is done and over now… When I look back at the memories, My Heart is broken, with such suffering!

This time, I do not want the same event to happen again: people scattered, families separated, houses collapsing, water from the ocean rising, chaos everywhere, widespread hunger, people in misery, the sea of fires, people in pandemonium… The time and the day have been set; it is now the appointed time; announce to the faithful who are listening to come home quickly. At My command, quickly pack up, My child; prepare your soul; be steadfast in your faith.

On the day of My coming, quickly announce to all: “Prepare your soul; the day of My coming is near.” Always be prepared, My child. Announce to your brothers and sisters to be ready and wait. It will be more terrifying and frightful than a thousand years ago. My heart is broken… how long I have waited… where are My children?… shadows in the distance… the widespread depravation…everywhere… how can things be prevented?… the last resort… the cleansing of the earth… the just will be saved… the wicked will go into the fire… no specific date… be prepared children.

Inform N. for her to be prepared. Inform the people for them to repent. Pray a lot. Repent and hurry to come back. This is the only secret for you to know. As for the rest, I will let you know later.  Do not be afraid, do not worry; be calm, My child. I have arranged everything with open arms to welcome back those who repent. Loudly proclaim it; help as many as you can to lessen the pain in My Heart.

Hurry up to proclaim the message before it is too late!  I have been waiting endlessly! Woe to those who have lost their way!  Come back fast, to make it in time!  I waited 2,000 years ago… 2,000 years later… I am still waiting… Mankind is still hardened, with only a few returning. That is why the time has now run out. God the Father has decided to re-create the earth, for mankind to be reborn.

The good people stay; the just people leave; the bad people end up with their self-destruction. Each person will know where to go. Praise to God the Almighty! “Justice, fairness, righteousness!” The just people will be recognized, clearly; the just ones will be taken to Heaven. The good people stay, waiting for the day of purification.  The people who have to go into the fire, stay in there forever, and will never get out. Everyone, near and far, quickly repent and return to Me!  Heaven is waiting for those who realize their mistakes!  Wake up quickly to be near Me!

This is what I ask you to write. This is not written by you.  Do not be afraid; hold the pen to write all that I want. Do not be timid, do not presume or exaggerate, be honest in writing, be obedient in listening, do not write any wrong word, do not ask questions back and forth. Then you will deserve to be the writer for Master Jesus.

You are a child of simple humility, with a childlike character. When I ask you to write like that, you are very afraid, yes? Afraid of responsibility, afraid of many things. For this reason, I want you to write; learn to be firm, and to be a mature adult.

I wish you to be good, My child, and write well next time.


I love you.


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