New Revelations through the Eucharist

Our Savior is in the Host

Our Savior is in the Host

The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ 

June 12, 2012 – 3:58 p.m.



Father, today is the celebration of the Love, that through the Holy Eucharist, You left for humanity, for Your children. 

You left us Your Body and Blood so that, through that Love, we can have the salvation for our souls, as well as for our bodies, with our weaknesses and our sins. 

We depend on Your Body and Blood to nourish our spirits. 

While we are still living in this world, there still are many sufferings, many alluring traps, many passions from the world, and the human ego that just wants to please the flesh. 

God the Father, Your Love has overflowed on us, by leaving us the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. 

What can be compared to, and expressed for, the great plan from God the Father, Who, out of Love for mankind, has sacrificed His only Son, and took the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse the sins of mankind? 

The deep affection is from God for the world. 

The deep feeling of gratitude is for each person, if they know and they recognize this deep love, in their own special ways. 

Centuries have gone by, with so many written documents about the history of the Holy Eucharist. 

The precious gift from the Last Supper that Jesus has left for mankind is His Body and Blood, for Him to be close to us, to nourish us, and to comfort us. 

After accomplishing the mission that God the Father had entrusted to Him, Jesus had to return to the Father. His compassion and His tender Love for the disciples at that time, as well as His passion that He had to suffer to redeem mankind: that Love has endured, throughout generations, and will last forever. 

The Holy Eucharist has a most important role in the basic foundation of Catholics and for each person. 

The Holy Eucharist represents Jesus on this earth, Who is present with us through the celebration of the Mass, and Who is present in every soul and in every heart. 

When we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, though invisible but omnipresent, if we believe and we are able to recognize this in the holiness that God has given to us, then we can speak to Him, and we can confide in Him, through many of our own ways.  

To attend Mass and to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus is the most important thing that brings us the closest to Jesus.  

Communion is essential to nourish our souls and our bodies as well.  

We are blessed with peace when we receive Him in us. 

It is also holy for us to receive His Body and Blood, asking Him to forgive us for our weaknesses and unworthiness, asking Him to sanctify us, and to travel with us, to guide us in this life, through every grueling and challenging situation.  

Everyone has to encounter many phases in life.  

If we do not meet God, then where will our lives lead us to?  

How long will it take for us to find the light and the salvation that He has given to us, waiting for each of us?  

His Love is always waiting to receive us.  

No matter how sinful we are, no matter how diseased our souls and bodies are, He still forgives us and receives us, when we know to ask, when we repent, to come back to the truth, to come back to the infinite Love that He always has for us.  

He is hiding Himself in the Holy Eucharist.  

He is present in there.  

If we truly come to Him to pray, to confide in Him, to meet the God of Love, the God of protection, the God Who gives graces to whomever is coming back to the truth, we have to believe in this truth and we have to trust in an absolute way. Then we will be able to see the true light of the Holy Eucharist, radiating in our hearts, for our souls to have peace whenever we face the Holy Eucharist.  

There are more extraordinary and wondrous things, when we are able to truly meet our Savior in the Host. 2,000 years ago, and still unchanged today, with the same deep affection, the same sacrificial Love for mankind, waiting until mankind can recognize and can change, to come back to God the Father, and to come back to Jesus. 



Completed writing 6:20 p.m.

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