Not Much Time Left 


[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-file-audio-o” size=”2em”]  7-16-2012-Not Much Time Left

July 16, 2012 – 9:15 p.m.


Blessed MotherLucia, K., My beloved two children,

K., My child, you always look for, and always want to listen to the words that I want to give mankind.  You are a person who loves Me, your Mother, and God, with all your heart; but how many people in this world today will listen and pay attention to what happens to the world today, which has caused Me to shed tears of blood?  My tears of blood, pouring out for the world today, are not by chance; they are for a forthcoming upheaval.  My beloved children today listen attentively to My words.

Too many misdeeds are happening in the world – God can no longer hold back His hand to wait for mankind to return; but during this time, I wait for only a chance – even if a tiny one – to go to you, children, to warn you; and warn you also through supernatural signs.


I see that the time is very near, My children; sooner or later, a terrifying and frightful upheaval will happen.  Human strength, children, cannot withstand the tornadoes, the hurricanes and the storms, the scorching heat, and sometimes the freezing cold.  Children, you are humans; you cannot survive these tragic events.  I have seen and know all about what mankind cannot stand.


I have convinced God, I have begged Him, I have asked Him to hold back the Hand of His Justice, to forgive mankind, and wait for mankind to return.  I have been waiting for so long, My children … come back … and return to God, My children.  There is not much time left … there is not much time left… I am so worried for you, My children – the good as well as the bad – you are all under one fate.  I am so worried for you, My children… O mankind … return, return, My beloved children.  Return, return to God, My children!   Commit no more, commit no more sins!


Do not be too harsh with each other, do not hold grudges with each other, get rid of your own ego because there is not much time left; so why are you fighting with each other, why are you having conflict with each other, why are you hating each other, and plotting all kinds of evil against each other to harm each other? If you behave like this with each other, then how can God hold back His hand against you?

Because the time has been set, there could be no more compromising, especially for Vietnam. There are many good people in Vietnam, but on the other hand, the wicked people and the cruel people are so many, many more.  I have shed tears of blood to bring you, children, this message with these words: do not kill each other anymore; do not take and sell people anymore; do not kill unborn babies in such an inhumane way anymore.  These unborn babies have screamed loudly, and God can no longer endure the sound of their screams.

My children, do no more, do no more evil things!  Return to Me, Your Mother, and return to God!


I do not know what else I can do, apart from My tears, apart from My messages, apart from appearing at this place and then at another place to communicate with you, children; revealing through this person, and then revealing through the other person.  I am Your Mother, My children, and I am simply a woman Whose power rests completely in the hands of God.

I have pleaded with God, and God has suspended His punishment for how long, through how many centuries now? But these last days of this century – anything could happen. It is a blessing that you could receive this message today, from Me directly to L., to humanity.  People will never accept this and believe in it, but the truth is real, and God is truly working on something big. Children, be prepared spiritually.

My beloved children, those of My children who know how to listen to Me: speak, listen to God’s loving admonishments. Be prepared for yourselves, pray for your brothers and sisters, pray the Rosary in unison, do good deeds, do charitable works, share your food, share your clothes with others, and run to the Mercy of God constantly, every day.


Pray to God: pray constantly for your brothers and sisters; pray for the world; pray for the Church; pray for all your relatives; pray for your own brothers and sisters within the family; pray for those who are living in sin; for those who never listen to God’s calls; for those who are self-indulgent; for those who are living in debauchery; and for those who are looking for the way back but do not know where to go to find the truth, to return to the way that God has given you, children.

Please lead your brothers and sisters; search for the blind who do not know – go to them and share with them what you can, to bring them to God and Your Mother Who are waiting for you, My children.  I am always supporting you, children; I am always waiting; and I love you, children, every single day.


For the coming days, I can speak to you only about certain things, but as for God’s plan, I cannot reveal it, because there will be a tremendous upheaval in the world, and mankind will suffer and die.  Children, return to God and beg for His Mercy, for God to temper the just sentence of His wrath, for God to lessen the punishment.


O children, please hurry up, please hurry up, I do not have much time; every second, every minute, I fight for you, children.  Hurry up, hurry up, My beloved children!  And those of My children who listen to Me, and who live in My plan, try to focus, pray a lot and try to find a way to spread the word of God to everyone. 


The messages that God wants to reveal, through L., to the world, children – keep working on these messages, work fast to spread them out, including His images, arranged in the order that He wants you to do – spread them as soon as you can, to save any soul that can be saved.  Try to do all the things that God wants; do it as soon as you can, so that you can all have a shelter at each place, where God wants to save those people that He has set His seal on.

My children, listen to the words I am speaking to you, you will be notified at the time of the upheaval. I will let you know; and those with revelations will have a way to inform the people, for them to be prepared for these tragic days of great calamities.  Children, pray to God to appease His wrath!


Pray, do not care about your physical bodies, pray for your spirituality and for your soul; and when things happen, I will have a way to communicate to you, for you to prepare for the days of waiting; and prepare for the days, in which you will gather together, in waiting for the purification from God, if you can survive the upcoming terrifying and frightful upheaval.

I cannot say how much more time, but I can only let you know that there is not much time left, so treasure every second, every minute, to work on helping your brothers and sisters, and tell all those who are living in sin to return to God and beg for His Mercy. This is the last opportunity that God is giving to mankind today, so be prepared.

As for the Church, the Church is in such a state that makes My Heart bleed, and God’s Heart to suffer in agony, with these betrayals against Christianity, with all those plots which have caused much pain and suffering for the Church, with an aging leader, who is in a state of extreme exhaustion and distress due to all the problems caused by His own brothers.

God sees first, and I see, and God the Father sees everything in all His Fairness; but nonetheless, in the last hours of the last days, things will have to happen so that it is clear for all to know what is right, what is wrong, what is true and what is false.  That day will be the day of the end of the world, the day of the purging for those who have survived, who are the people of a new world, whom God has protected, for them to have a new life.  But it will be extremely difficult to survive such a terrifying and frightful trial.

My beloved children, My beloved children, help your brothers and sisters, tell the world, and in particular all those you know, to return to God and repent.  This time is unlike other times, when God is simply speaking; this time, God is truly carrying it out – because the time set has expired, and the hours of great trials is at hand.  The moment has to arrive to complete what can no longer be mended, and God will recreate all things in the new days of a bright dawn of Jesus Christ and God, closer to mankind.

My beloved children, you will go through painful trials in all aspects: hunger, rain, storm, earthquake, disaster. All these events will happen in turn, unexpectedly, and disasters can happen to any country, if you do not get together to truly pray for the world, and pray for your brothers and sisters.


Without the hand of God to provide support, everything will explode one day between humans and humans; let alone how God is to mankind on earth.  You have gone overboard and gone too far, with no other way to come back, so the Mercy of God is the only, final ship to lead you back, children.  Please cling to the Mercy of God; step aboard this final ship of Love that God is giving to mankind.

Please remember My advice well: go out to tell all your brothers and sisters, and all those who you know – whoever has ears to hear and eyes to see and hearts to lift toward God – to truly return to God, trusting, in the days of the frightful upheaval in the world.


Children, if you do not believe in God’s power, then I can do no more to save you, children; only My tears, streams of tears pouring down, the tears of blood spreading everywhere to save mankind.  Children, wake up, wake up, be awake and return to God in His final Mercy, and pray the Rosary to help your brothers and sisters, to save those who can still be saved.

Use the rest of your time diligently – every hour, every moment – to help and persuade your brothers and sisters to return to Jesus.  My beloved children, I can only say to you these following words: children, please try, try, try harder; strive for virtue with yourselves, with your daily life, with your family and those around you; and search for people who are living in sin – to bring them back to God in these final days of this world.

Goodbye, My beloved children; I wish that you live in the peace with which I always bless the children that listen to My voice, that listen to the word of God, and are serving God, and working for their brothers and sisters in the world today.

Goodbye My children, L., K. Children, I love you very much.


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