

March 9, 2022


This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit.


Lucia: God, it is 2 p.m., Wednesday, March 9, 2022. We begin to pray the Six Kowtows as an offering to You. Please have mercy on us, forgive our mistakes and shortcomings and allow us to repent and return by heart, soul, and body. May we surrender for You to forgive us and save us like Nineveh. May we repent this Lent. Please have mercy, stop the war and the pandemic, and let everyone repent and return because only Your Mercy will give us the opportunity in the life of hope we desperately need now.


May God graciously accept our prayers, and before we lift the Six Kowtows, we offer today’s Readings. The saint the Church reminds us of today is Saint Francesca Romana (Saint Frances of Rome). We know every saint has a past and a life of sacrifice, and the life of becoming a saint certainly has many good deeds. We do not know Saint Francesca’s history, but today is her feast. Saint Francesca, please remember us who are still in this world, eager to learn from your experiences, virtue, faith, and a life of practice, but we certainly have not done it yet. Today, every day is a gift from God, so Saint Francesca, please pray to God for us to follow in your footsteps, testify to the truth, and one day returns to Him as saints. Saint Francesca Romana, please pray for us; you are buried in Rome and came from Rome as we hear from your name.


We pray for the city of Rome, with many events that happened, especially in our Church. We pray for Italy and Rome to become what God wills. We pray for God to protect the Pope and for the cardinals and bishops to follow God’s teaching, perform and intervene for justice and righteousness to prevail, for the kingdom of God to come, and for the will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We pray for everyone to know and believe in God’s teaching and return to Him. May those who do not know God know; those who do not believe in God believe, and those who have not returned to God return.  We pray for those who have not done their duties to fulfill them, spread the word of God, and bear witness to God in the truth.


First Reading: Gn 3, 1-10


Lucia: O God, You grant the people of Nineveh the opportunity to repent and return. I also yearn and wish for our world to learn from Nineveh. Especially in the Lenten season of 2022, with war breaking out, we do not know how it will turn out. Today, we face the threat of atomic bombs, and we pray for the bloodthirsty who do not belong to You to awaken, recognize, and return to You. We must pay attention to the three days that bring to mind Jesus’ three days of resurrection. In the Old Testament, the Father sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh; he entered the city, telling of the three days’ journeys to warn Nineveh. We know the forty days of Nineveh’s fasting are related to the forty days of Jesus going into the desert; this is a reference to the time before Jesus came into the world to atone for the sins of humanity.


We see numbers in the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and all have events related to each other. We do not pay attention to these numbers, but God is the omniscient Supreme Being with a program. We need to pay attention to the numbers involved; those are the days we see today that outline the three days, foretell of the resurrection of Jesus, and the three times He asked Saint Peter, “Peter, do you love me?” The most important thing is that people need to know, believe, and prostrate before the immutable Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Today, what we read from the First Reading is not a coincidence. It relates to the forty days. Why did Jesus not choose thirty days? Why did Jesus not choose another number but choose forty days? For a reason, for forty years, Moses led the people in the desert. All the numbers from the Old Testament to the New Testament are related; we see that the number planned and arranged by God has significant implications. We rejoice for the spiritual things given by the Holy Spirit. Theology belongs to the Holy Spirit, so the clergy was chosen to learn and experience the moments where they allow the Spirit to guide them to understand and unite with this world to take the appropriate path.


We are not the ones called to religious life, but God still lets us know about the significance of relations regarding numbers. Today, let us not ask why not two or three but six Kowtows. Let us not ask that question. Remember, there is nothing we can do well; what is false in the world will never last. It has been eleven years of serving in silence, but the Six Kowtows is a book that continues to carry out a program in which God reminds us through the Bible, the Old Testament to the New Testament. The practice we do is surrender, prostrate, and return to God to become an offering of penance that we need to offer Him. So let us not talk about numbers, let us not ask, and let us not argue in ways we do not understand because the Holy Spirit is the Supreme Being who grants and gives. Let us meditate with a humble heart to find the truth God will plan through each person.


Mother Mary quietly and gently teaches each one of us, so let us pray according to the way She teaches. No one can fake what is spiritual; spirituality will have the answer, and we will see what gives us hope. Let us not mind the things of the world and the judgment of the world; when people reject, they lose a great opportunity. Today, let our hearts spend a little time away from the outside world, looking to the Eucharistic Jesus. Pray with the heart, with the inner, and we will receive the answer from God because that belongs to God; we are the people who are sent and executed. When we believe in God, He will grant us, as He said, “Belief and you will find; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will open to you.” We have nothing left but this lowly sinful body to ask for forgiveness, with soul, body, mind, and heart, in prayer to help us improve each day, as Mother Mary taught us.


Today, the meaning through our meditation of the Reading helps us understand that God continues to grant us blessings. He gave to the prophet Jonah in the Old Testament, and today, He grants us the gift of the Six Kowtows given by Mother Mary to help us stand up in today’s turbulent times in a subtle way. We can choose to return to God with heart, soul, and inner, with prayer and the determination to improve our lives. We thank, praise, and glorify God. He said, “Return to Me with all your heart, for I am gracious and merciful.” God has made known to us His love; He tells us of His Divine Mercy. He gives and waits for us, loving us until this moment. God loved us and sacrificed His only Son for us. His only Son concluded the plan of salvation, but He continues to remain with us in the sacred spirituality.


Today, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ and continue with a great divine program in which the miracles of the Eucharist are revealed to humanity to strengthen our faith. That boundless and endless love is our Lord, so let us not compare with the world, and let us not allow the false gods to control us. Let us return to our Lord, for He alone is the Lord. Tomorrow we will read about Queen Esther, who, when in peril, cried out to the Lord and said that God alone would help her. We are God’s children, but do we not know our Father is powerful for us to ask? Our ignorance is one of our weaknesses in each generation.


Let us rise today. God does not force us with too many complications, rules, and worldly laws. God only wants our hearts to turn to Him. When we belong to Him, we see the great value of having God beside us and with us when we face trials. God wants us to be close to Him like a father in a family; He longs for that. Today, He is still quietly waiting for us through His Eucharist in the tabernacle, and it is an opportunity to ask Him to open the door of the tabernacle to accompany us amid this world. Before this happens, let us cleanse our souls by repentance to be worthy of the love granted us in these last and pressing days. God alone is the Supreme Being who delivers and saves our world.


GOSPEL: Lk 11:29-32


Lucia: Jesus is the Supreme Being who gives us hope. The Old Testament times passed; the time of Jesus is the New Testament. We live in the world, and there is a Supreme Being above all, for He is the Lord, saving us and giving us the opportunity. May all of us in our sinful condition know how to repent and return in time, while time permits. God is not too strict, so let us choose the righteous path because only righteousness is worthy of His reign, love, and support. His death becomes valuable for our souls that do not end in this world but enter into the eternity He will give us in the next life. Today, may all those who have ears hear, those who have eyes see and have the heart to feel to live and act in the way God specially granted us. Now, I lift the offering as I usually do after Mass.


We reverently offer the First Kowtow to God the Father.


Father, I adore You, praise, glorify, and honor You. Every Wednesday, You grant me and the brothers and sisters to gather. You choose Wednesday to be the day we come to You and lift prayers on behalf of all classes and roles, especially on behalf of the Church, society, and everyone affected by the war. In Vietnam, some brothers and sisters receive Your grace and testify to the truth but face stressful days. They are chased away, despised, and rejected. Here, we are not discouraged; we are happy whether the world criticizes or accepts us; we must complete our mission. We ask You, Father, to use us to atone for our past sins and weaknesses to become the witnesses today.


May the brothers and sisters in Vietnam persevere in their mission. Vietnam has brothers, sisters, priests, nuns, and the laity who are united and testify to the truth through God’s gift of exorcism. As for us here, people living abroad, we have silently received messages from Mother Mary for eleven years. We give and share Mother’s gift of Six Kowtows for everyone to have and come to the Eucharistic Jesus. These are important messages to warn the world and to help people not be afraid because God will be the Supreme Being who intervenes. We practice the Six Kowtows to become an offering on behalf of the world through the Holy Spirit’s teaching and His guidance to reverently lift to the Father.


The voice still echoes in the world with prayers, and the intervention we ask from God is for our Church to have a new program, a new heart, and true solidarity of love because the doctrine of God is a doctrine of love, sustained and practiced by the heart. Jesus chose all the priests, bishops, and people in the Church, and we pray for them not to explain things in theory but to apply them in practice because God wants that. We have no right to criticize them but to witness and see the truth because we are the laity and need Jesus’ hand to choose the shepherds, the clergy, who represent Him. We trust the priests and look up to them because they are the people who understand the law, and the doctrine of God, to guide us and help us.


Today, it seems we hear a lot of theory more than the life of practice; we can see a number of those who are insensitive, theoretical, and the situation of the schism. We pray to God for those in the ranks of the Church who dedicated their entire lives to God. They must obey God’s command from the first to the last moment. To persevere till the last moment is the perfect answer, not days of knowledge and learning. No matter how successful the struggle is, if they stand before God with an indifferent and unfeeling heart and emotionless before others, that cannot be from the teaching the Lord Jesus Christ gave us.


These words may offend some people, but we lift them to God the Father. All of us are weak, from those with positions to the laity; we are weak and sinful. Father, please have mercy on us, forgive us, and give us the opportunity. We pray for our Church, society, and everyone to receive Mother’s gift, for us to practice and be reborn in a most pressing time, and return to You by the spirit, heart, soul, and body, in absolute humility and simplicity, for the Holy Spirit to teach. The Holy Spirit helps us walk in God’s way and prompts us to remove pride, haughtiness, and arrogance in our position and live in the love God calls. That is what God granted us.


God so loved the world He sacrificed His only-begotten Son, and whoever believes in His only-begotten Son will live; He loved us, who are sinners, and sacrificed Jesus for us. What did Jesus give us? He gave us the doctrine of love and forgiveness to lead us to righteousness, justice, and truth, but our world is still a question and a question mark. How about this generation? Do we know God? Do more people know God, or have more people abandoned Him? It is crucial for each of us, and those who hold positions, to look back and see. Let us not blame the world or society but look back at ourselves to see whether we live according to God’s call or personal rights.


It is crucial for our world to return, apologize, and thank God. May each person recognize one’s sins to return to God and repent. May we make reparations for our sins when we still have the opportunity to return to God according to the teaching through the doctrine from those with positions to us who are the laity, the sheep of God. We pray for the people who still do not know God, those who still do not believe in God, and those who have not yet returned to God. Let us be the people who practice God’s teaching through the Gospel. Today, I lift to God all the words the Holy Spirit taught before I began to pray the Six Kowtows.


God, You planned and arranged everything; I lift to You the problems in the world, starting with war. The prices of goods will go up, and the economy will end up with grave issues. Money and the daily life of ordinary people who are very poor will fall into misery, leading to problems of hunger. There will be many more difficulties. But, O Lord our God, as You let the prophet Jonah come to Nineveh to announce its destruction after forty days, then in today’s situation, we must see the impending doom with all the dominion of the devil. If we do not return to You as Mother taught us through prayer and repentance, then problems will come. We know evil will never prevail, but for what we choose in this sinful world, there is a price to pay. It is the law.


Today, God, may these moments be an opportunity. We do not know if we will have one more Lent or if this is the last Lent of our lives, the last of history, or the last of the world. May everyone use this Lent to return to God, be reconciled to God, repent, and remove all the familiar wicked thoughts, self-love, pride, and arrogance, because of positions and so much more. Even we, the laity, let us look back at each one of us; we have the right to come to our God and ask Him to forgive our sins. These are the days when we are still alive, still breathing; through the coming pandemic and war, may we still have more time to go on in this urgency.


God, please graciously accept our prayers, forgive us, and give us the determination to repent and return. From insignificant things to the most significant, please sanctify and transform us. By Your grace, let us be conscious so that when we leave this world or events happen, we will not be afraid because, on the other side of the world, You are still the Lord who loves, forgives, and allows us to take refuge in Your Divine Mercy. We believe, adore, thank and honor You. May we belong to You. May everyone meditate for a moment on Jonah’s message. Today is Wednesday. It is not a coincidence that God allows us to have this reading. Let us repent like Nineveh for God to have mercy and forgive. That is what we hope and long to offer to God the Father, the Almighty. He alone has the power to give and grant and the power to turn the world to ground zero.


Today, for the sake of the Divine Mercy and the Lord of love, in the Holy Name of Jesus, we pray to God the Father. We listen to Mother’s teaching, the Daughter of God, Mother of the Second Person of God, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and Mother of humanity. Mother teaches us, leads us to meditation, and to pray with the Six Kowtows, which anyone can pray. That is a beautiful offering for our lives when we understand the value that the Holy Spirit enlightens and guides us on our daily path with this prayer, from body and soul to lift to God. God, please accept our prayers, purify our lives daily to become witnesses to the truth, and carry on with everything You desire over us. May we be worthy to practice in Your Divine Mercy. May we belong to God the Father. Totus Tuus.


We reverently offer the Second Kowtow to Jesus.


O Jesus, our Saviour, our Redeemer, the Supreme Being who came to rescue humanity from sin and darkness, and came to bring the truth, change a world to have true love between man and man, and let the world understand the truth of love, lead us on the path of truth, with the doctrine and truth. He is the Lord who gives us hope, renews our vision, and changes us when we are in sin and darkness. He came to bring light to illuminate humanity, bring peace to everyone, and bring the best for us to live in peace, joy, and serenity.


But what is the world like today? Do we choose God? Is His doctrine practiced over us or do we live in inadequate days? In the end, what are we choosing in this world? We can see how we do not completely follow God’s way; our faith is still wandering, and we are divided, believing in false gods. And finally, which idol can defend truth and peace, cure the pandemic, and stop all unrighteousness? What god can rule the world except for the Lord God?


O Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Savior, You are the King. We honor You, King of the Universe, King of humanity, King of love, King of life, King of hope, King of glorious Resurrection. We need to meditate to see that because You so loved the world, You died for us so that we could live and enter this Lent. Let us look back at the past Lenten seasons. What do we understand about Lent, and how do we experience it? You died painfully for us to have this day. You keep Your promise to be with us to this day, and Your teaching continues to grant and forgive humanity. Let us rely on this to amend our lives and meditate while time permits.


Especially this year, war has started, and with the pandemic and threat to our lives, we do not have much time left to choose our path of freedom. Let us return to the Lord, the Almighty, who died for us to live. Let us live worthy of His love and salvation with the price of His Blood cleansing us, forgiving us. May each person, each class, each role, take a moment to reflect to be worthy of the prayer we offer, with the contemplation through the gift from Mother, to meditate on each person that we reverently lift.


O Jesus, I thank You. You have mercy on lowly people like us. If without Your love calling us, we are like many others, indifferent and cold, keeping religion as a habit, as a rule, as a trend, and living in iniquity, nourishing sin, fostering sin. You did not look at our sins, but You came to save us to have this day. So now, though we do not understand and know much, we lessen our sinful days, and today, we become witnesses to what we see and hear. You love sinners but hate sin. You love sinners infinitely. God the Father said, “I do not want the wicked to die, but I want him to repent.” Jesus, You came to save sinners, as You said: “I have not come to call the righteous, but I have come to call sinners.” It is what we are receiving from You.


O Jesus, please forgive the sins of our world. May everyone awaken, especially during this Lent. We may be able to get through the pandemic, but will we be able to get through the war in the days to come? God, please forgive our sins. May we repent to ask for an end to war, for our world to have peace, and give us more days, to know You, love You, and return to Your doctrine and practice it in our lives. May those who do not know You know You. May those who do not believe in You believe in You. May those without the freedom to know and believe in You have the freedom to know and believe in You.


We see countries where the citizens are bound and oppressed by atheist rulers and communists. We see the world using every means to lead us into the snares of sin. It hinders us by all means and uses its power to oppress the poor. May the Lord, the just God, defend us. The time God allowed to see the world return has been too long, and the path people choose is evil, and evil will end. Jesus is still the glorious Risen One, bringing life and light to humanity. Whoever has ears ought to hear; whoever has a heart ought to feel; and meditate, for all of us to have the opportunity to return to God by the restoration of soul and body, to honor, thank, praise, glorify, and commit to a life that belongs to Him. It is thanks to that love that our world has peace. May we belong to Jesus, the Second Person of God, our Savior. I believe in You, Lord; please have mercy on the world and hear our prayers. Totus Tuus.


We reverently offer the Third Kowtow to God the Holy Spirit.


O Holy Spirit, You are love, light, and truth. Without You, we would not understand and know. Ten years have passed; for us, it is a long time, but for Heaven, it is only a few minutes. Thanks to the teaching, more or less, we know what sin is, what weakness is, and the difference between good and evil. Thus, we continue to be patient, even though people mock us, slander us, and many restrictions and public opinions crush and despise us in every way. We continue to be happy because we are free from the days of weakness and sin that cause us to stumble. Today, Holy Spirit, I glorify You, thank You, and believe You are present in the heart of every person. You are present in our midst and teach us goodness, truth, and righteousness. You teach us to avoid wrongful deeds and evil acts and help us through things we stumble.


Holy Spirit, we are not people doing anything grand, we are not people with positions or voices to influence others, but we strive daily to learn. Our daily lives have weaknesses, but after we awaken, we know how to fear God. Because of that fear of God, God has specially granted us to become the people we are today, who narrate and live in unity with each other. Even though not perfect, we know to fear God and fulfill our duties and responsibilities. The people in this world do not want to do what God asks, and no one does, but we do it joyfully, happily, because it is joy and happiness, unconditional, selfless, and we continue to be happy because we have God.


O Holy Spirit, You are everything. You taught us to live nobly. You taught us all that we need to do for ourselves today. We must make up for our sins in the past, so today, we are happy to be used by God. To become His instrument is our happiness. God alone is the Supreme Being who knows, directs, and guides. We do not know what to say. We do not have any materials to rely on and are not talented. We cannot do the works if we do not belong to God in perseverance until this day.


O Holy Spirit, it is the Lenten season, so may we enter Lent; we see people suffer in the world; their countries are under attack; they have no homes and must flee to other countries to live as exiles. We know Ukraine was attacked by the hard-hearted and stubborn, who even boast of their nuclear arsenal. It is a terrible method only the devil uses to oppress others and lead people to death. We are the lowly people in this world, and we have not fully understood and conscious of God, so though God grants many wonders and joys, we have not received them yet; and though we meet many people, their instructions are not thorough, so we still do not understand what God grants.


Today, God allows us to rely on His Divine Mercy and to keep relying on that. Today, He opens the tabernacle’s door for us to witness the real presence of the Eucharistic Jesus. What we hear is not a legend; what we hear is not from a book of history that is opened and closed but from Jesus, truly present. Lord, You are so close to us; You love us, speak tenderly to us, and You always give us Your love. God, Your love changed our lives when You sent us into the world to testify to the truth of Your presence in the Eucharist. We are the silent disciples, and though we are lowly women, we are happy because we testify to the great glory of the Eucharistic Jesus.


We cannot be silent; we thank the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who helps us walk amid the world and bear witness to the truth. We have no right to force people to believe us, but we must speak the truth because we live by this truth to amend our lives. As God said, “Freely you have received; freely give,” we continue to testify to the truth; God will be our support and guide. We thank God for the unity of our brothers and sisters; even though trials, even though events happen, everything ends perfectly. God supports, chooses, and wants us to walk the path of challenges, to become bold witnesses.


Even when we deal with difficulty, pain, or even death, we are not afraid because God chose the holy Apostles who witnessed the truth, did their best, and were not afraid to die to return to God. Today, it is the same with us. May God give us the heart to complete our tasks, unafraid of anything happening, testifying to the truth, and not forcing anyone. Those who believe will be at peace, and things will come as God said; if people do not believe us, we will leave that place and shake what belongs to them. God does not allow us to argue or oppose. God only said to bring people what they need; if they believe, they are blessed, happy, and at peace, but if not, we go elsewhere. That is what we need to do.


Today, we do not mind how people judge us, but those who grieve us the most are those with functions. They are the ones who must seek the truth and perceive to know the truth, but they do not do it and do not inquire at all. They are not concerned about what belongs to God; they use ways to offend us, drive us away, doubt us, and even use their power to intimidate us according to the way they think is right. In the end, we see them as insensitive, uncaring people. They are people who do not do as God taught but follow human law, and cause us, the victims, throughout ages, to lose the opportunity to encounter God, know God, and be profound with His teaching.


Holy Spirit, help us because we must seek the truth and return to God with our hearts under Your guidance. We are the temple where You dwell, so let us live in righteousness and truth and repent to be worthy of Your dwelling. Let us unite in love, for God to intervene for the world to have peace, and for our lives to know how to love and support. We pray for an end to the pandemic and an end to hunger. The devil wants to sow rebellion and violence and turn the world upside down, to end up in chaos, but God teaches us to live with peace, love, justice, and righteousness. If people understood and practiced this, the world would not have war, suffering, and disease.


May through these pandemics and wars, people awaken, return to God, believe in Him, and accept the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let us reform with heart, pray daily, and follow Mother Mary’s teachings; we will have renewal in the plan God granted to the world in the days with events and pressing days like today. We are deeply grateful to the Holy Spirit, the light, and the truth. Holy Spirit, You are the Supreme Being who loves us and brings us back to You. That love will help us return to God, love God, love others, and practice love with faith, hope, and charity. Everything may be impossible, but when God changes people’s hearts, all things are possible.


Especially in this Lent, may we repent and return to represent the world by the voice, by prayers, to ask God to sanctify and transform the Church, society, and the world. With everything happening, may God graciously accept our prayers; may God’s holy will be done over the world. We pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for our lives to fulfill the role of proclaiming the Good News, living in the Good News, and practicing the teachings from God, to bear witness to the truth. God, You granted us and strengthened our faith in the world. We adore You, praise You, and glorify You. May we belong to the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of God. Totus Tuus.


We reverently offer the Fourth Kowtow to the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.


O Eucharistic Jesus, You gave us the opportunity through Your presence and visit, with the grace poured out daily on each person. No matter what events happen, no matter how many challenges, they are the tests to help us on the way to follow You. The way to follow You is the Way of the Cross, a winding road on which we meditate today during Lent. The way You still endure today, lonely, in the tabernacles all over the world, offended by some who have functions. As the priests celebrate Mass, are their souls, hearts, and hands worthy? And the parishioners? Today, most of us do not understand this sublime meaning and receive You unworthily, offend You severely. This world belittles and despises Your real presence. It is all too obvious in today’s society.


O Eucharistic Jesus, Great One, to whom we must bow down to adore, honor, and thank. Your shining light became a sky full of light in the night; You appeared in wonderfully great and sublime ways, with magnificent colors that only the Kingdom of Heaven has. These are spiritual things in this world, but we are inadequate, lack understanding, do not comprehend, do not know, and have no faith. How can we understand these great things? You still grant us, and You do not just appear, but Your Word helps us open our eyes, souls, and hearts, to become reformed people. You gave us Your incomparable Word, which is the truth we find.


O Eucharistic Jesus, because You so loved the world, You still patiently wait for us until today. All the controversy has not resolved any issue in reality, and our Church must have a plan. The Eucharistic Jesus is the most fundamental source of the Church today, and every parishioner must know Him. Apart from Mass, we learn through the doctrine and the Gospel, but we must spend the time to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. God is the Lord who stays with us to bless and teach us the life of the heart, with peace, with what we need to rest. The soul needs rest in the Eucharistic Jesus, the divine Supreme Being spiritually present, whom we must adore, surrender, and prostrate before Him. We must revere, honor, and fear the infinite glory that He granted us. He remains with us to protect and teach us and strongly urge our faith. Let us accept because we are children of God through baptism. Indeed, it is a truly wonderful thing! We are in a situation with days of confusion, anxiety, fear,  hopelessness, and despondence through the pandemic. We will continue to be anxious about what is to come in this world.


War has started, and there are many problems in society, from the economy and all aspects. We see the violence and many things that no longer have justice. What gives us peace? What will enable us to avoid what we face before our eyes? God wants us to calm down, be at peace, seek and return to Him. The sheep of God, those with duty and responsibility, those with positions, let our hearts be guided by God when we quietly come to the Eucharistic Jesus. Jesus promised us, in particular to the Church: “Go and proclaim the Good News; I am with you till the end of the age.” He also said: “Come to Me, you who are burdened, for My burden is light and gentle. Come to Me, all who are burdened and I will give you rest and bless you.”


All of us in this world need rest and blessing and recognize what belongs to us given by God. May we not lose what belongs to us, by the world in reality, when we allow competition, a greedy and selfish life, and enjoy a worldly life, with reasoning and weakness. Let us reflect on the greatness of the hereafter. Let us meditate on meaningful days in reality and peace of mind. Only the Eucharistic Jesus can give us this. He loved us, became an offering, and became food to nourish our bodies and souls. It is the Eucharistic Jesus. We touch the Eucharistic Jesus, but in the sacred spirituality, we must have reverence and respect.


The Lord came and instituted the Eucharist before He went to His death. It is an exceedingly sublime sacredness that is unexplainable in words. Only by faith through the Holy Spirit can we understand that Heaven is among us. It is the Eucharistic Jesus, the mighty Lord, the King of the universe, the Author of love, the Lord with the doctrine and truth. We cannot belittle, cannot despise, and consider that normality. From who do miracles come? From God! Only God can work miracles. We read in the Gospel of the miraculous deeds: the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dumb speak, and the dead come back to life. These are miracles and belong to God, but today, there are people still hardened and do not believe because their hearts are always based on reality, seeking all kinds of ways to deny, requiring proof.


But the Eucharistic Lord was the Lord Jesus over 2,000 years ago, and after 2,000 years, He carried out this program to strengthen the faith of humanity. He once said, “I do not reveal to the wise, but to the little ones.” Today, do not change history with something else; let us meditate and pray. The Eucharistic Jesus will answer because He has opened the door and strengthens and gives grace when we return to Him, in a spirit of repentance, in the humility of a child looking for his father. And when we are disappointed, sad, or sick, let us seek God; we will have a source of comfort with peace, which He never refuses to give to anyone.


Today, we have ears to hear, hearts to experience, and reason to choose for ourselves. May we unite to ask God to forgive us for the indifferent days and allow us to enter this Lent season, which could be the last Lent of our lives, the last Lent of the world. It is a Lenten season with events, the outbreak of war. Let us amend our lives, repent with the most humble sacrifices in our determination, receive God’s mercy, be forgiven, and make up for the indifferent days when we deny and forget Him. May we console God. God is waiting for us one by one. God has only love and forgiveness for us. Are we worthy or not? We need peace; when we ask for peace in goodness, God does not refuse.


Whether we are worthy or not is up to each person, in our willingness and experience, to return. The gift from Mother’s teaching is a way to help us pray, repent, seek and draw close to God. Through our spiritual life, we lift our bodies with days of impurity and sin and our unworthiness to become an offering, we have nothing left to offer but the soul, body, mind, and heart. May the Eucharistic Lord accept to intervene and give us new hope while we are still alive with a heartbeat and reason to choose. It is our opportunity to return to Him. We ask in the name of God, the Lord of love, now and forever. May everyone know, hear, and practice for our lives to mature while there is still the opportunity. May we belong to the Eucharistic Jesus. Totus Tuus.


We reverently offer the Fifth Kowtow to Five Holy Marks of Jesus Christ.


O God, today is the first day of Lent 2022; after the Coronavirus pandemic, we just started to return to normal, but then the war broke out. The world is restless; as long as the world is still at war, there is still death, disease, and crime; there will never be peace. You created the earth for us to live in harmony, peace, joy, and serenity, with the abundance You pour out to all nations and people who believe in You. Today, we see a world that places money first, evil plots, bribers, unrighteous deeds, and self-interest, even in the ranks of those with functions. Money made us live in unethical days, unrighteous days, days of disobedience, rebellion, lust, greed, and so much more. In the end, everything will come to light with justice.


Lord Jesus of the Five Holy Marks, it is for these very points that You must die on the Cross in an agonizing, painful, humiliating way. How many generations of people can look back on what You have done for humanity? We who are sinners deserved to die and be crucified on that Cross one by one for our sins, but God did not allow us to bear that extremely painful sentence but accepted to sacrifice His own Son. Jesus, You suffered and died out of love for us and still love us to this day. What do we experience from Your extreme sufferings during this Lent? Do we enter this Lent like a habit as through many Lents? Our lives seem to have become routine ever since, becoming dry and indifferent and have become days of insensitivity amid this world. It is the same for some people with positions, the elect, and most lay people. People who live a holy and virtuous life are very few; most are indifferent people who live according to rules, habits, and duties. Faith is weak in today’s generation. Few people have a heart that can be touched, moved, and live for You.


No matter what, there are still people who love and believe in God. Some people live in God’s teaching and still hear the voice of the doctrine and the Gospel, through Mass, through the presence of the Eucharistic Jesus. Today, Lord, we reverently lift to the Five Holy Marks to commemorate Your death. You died and sacrificed for us. Then what are the Five Holy Marks that God is asking each person? Even those who have positions, God chooses them to become the shepherds, the clergy, and people to represent Him in the Church, continue to proclaim the Gospel, lead the flock, defend the sheep, and forgive the sins of the lost sheep when they return.


O God, You grant them Your power, and in this turbulent time, they are the ones who have a voice that influences the world. May they use Your righteous heart to defend the truth, speak out in mass, speak the voice of the truth, which You want over them. May they not allow the price of the Blood of Jesus Christ, through The Five Holy Marks, through the Church, to become meaningless. Today, the laity are the victims of war, citizens who suffer the most from politics in each country. It is necessary to meditate very clearly on what we reverently lift to the Five Holy Marks, which Mother Mary taught so thoroughly. Regarding all the extreme sufferings of Jesus, in the life of Christians, more or less, we will understand the work of salvation of Jesus. But how do we feel about Him?


He wants us to understand what that excruciating pain brings to us, our souls in the future, and the truth in the present. Today, we not only lament during Lent, we fast, but as the Gospel says, “Rend your hearts, not your garments.” But most people today seem to rend their garments more than their hearts because there is no love and solidarity; they perform in reality, in theory. There is no love, solidarity, thorough teaching, and support, but insensitivity to all problems, so they do not know God’s real grace and cannot even distinguish the false grace. They welcome what is untrue and reject what is real; in the end, the world becomes a place facing confused days in the domination of evil.


So let us not think that the days are accidental or innocent. No! We are the sinners, the ones who sin intentionally. We have the truth but do not seek to understand the truth and are satisfied with the old habit of following human laws. We overlook many graces God gives; graces are granted to remind people to return and be close to God. Today, every single thing that happens by the grace of God to His chosen ones, people think that comes from the devil. Even when those chosen people try their best to prove that what they do comes from God, others still doubt and judge them. Why do people think God’s work comes from the devil? Why is what comes from the power of God not proclaimed and accepted? Let us think again. Today, our prayers are not in vain, Mother Mary knows everything, and at the right time, She taught us. Most lay people are victims because, in any situation, the lay people die first; we are the victims of the times and wars.


God is very just. God gives us the right and the opportunity to ask, present, and meditate. Let us remind the world and all classes and roles, those sent with duty and responsibility, those who are chosen in their positions to be shepherds. God grants to people who have responsibilities, rulers of countries, everyone must use the law of their conscience and morals. Whether they live that way or not, or lead a greedy, selfish life, a bloodthirsty life with politics, a life that is contrary to God’s teaching, in the end, all of us are together on the same path. Atomic bombs can explode at any time through the anger of people who do not have God, and any resistance becomes death, mostly for civilians.


Today, God pours out His graces on the citizens who need to strengthen their faith because they are pawns in politics and are victims; God loves them. Their souls are valuable like everyone else in the world. People in high positions or those chosen to be shepherds; are all saved by God. Let us meditate on the Five Holy Marks to understand what the Holy Spirit wants to say, and His words must be like a book for each of us. Not a book to be opened and closed; it is a book that lives in our hearts, our faith. In the daily prayers we offer, let us remember to return by the heart, not by theory, and by practice rather than the insensitivity, indifference, and enjoyment like today.


Now is the time to honor, worship, and thank God for the Father in the First Holy Mark. Father, Your boundless love and mercy allow us to thank, confess, praise, and glorify You. Thanks to the Divine Mercy, the world is sanctified and transformed, for us to return in time, for sinners to have the chance to return and become penitents, witnesses, and saints. God’s infinite love is boundless, transcending space; He is the Lord of love. May we understand that because God loves us so much, He sacrificed His only Son, Jesus. Jesus came to set an example, deliver, save, and bring hope and peace to humanity.


The Second Holy Mark, we honor, thank, praise, and glorify God. We thank Jesus, our Savior, who came to bring us a doctrine, which He bore by His endurance through the Way of the Cross, through the horrible scourges, and through the Crown of Thorns because of our sins, thoughts, deeds, vices, and impurity through our actions and thoughts. The Cross was Jesus carrying us through generations. For our sins, He was crucified and died for humanity. He conquered death with glory and brought peace and resurrection for us to be reformed and restored and return to God. So let us believe in Jesus; as the Father said, if we do not believe in Jesus, we cannot have life, and we have no other path to take, whether it is the path in this world or the path to the next world.


If we do not believe in Jesus, our path will take us to a place with a fire that never goes out; if we choose the world, the world has nothing to promise us. God’s doctrine helps our spiritual life, so we must believe and practice His doctrine. God teaches us to love Him above all things and to love our brothers. We must believe in God, and we cannot serve two masters. Our world has not practiced this yet, so as long as we do not practice this, we have no unity, continue to quarrel with each other, argue with each other, are divided, and live with days of pandemics, ruled by evil spirits. We have been exploited and abused by a world we love, living days with war and domination.


O Lord Jesus, I lift to You, the Conqueror; please save us. We have been foolish through generations and still live in sinful days, nourishing sins, fostering sins, and with sins. We know You are the Supreme Being who saves us, so help us find You, believe in You, return to You, and ask for Your help through the love You have for us to be wise and discerning to understand what we need to do. May we belong to Jesus, the Second Person of God, the Savior we believe. May many people listen, return, repent, deserve to receive the truth, and accept the teaching that is not too difficult but not too easy; for it is through that teaching God granted us, love. The love of the Father and Jesus became the Holy Spirit, who worked, prompted, and gave us the wisdom to choose our path between good and evil, right and wrong, and truth and falsehood.


The Holy Spirit enlightens everything for us. We have neither books nor notebooks, but we say the words of truth. We do not know nor see, but He plans and arranges for us. We do not understand or know, but He still gives us wisdom and insight to choose our path. All this comes from the Holy Spirit; all is good and true when we obey, listen, and believe; the Holy Spirit will teach us all things in goodness and truth. He is the light and the truth, the strength to help us on our way to recognizing God. He alone is the Supreme Being who grants graces and gives. Let us not be afraid that we will lose, that the enemy surrounds us in every way; the Holy Spirit is strength. With His word and His work, when we obey and cooperate, we will win in every situation; but how popular is this, and who can practice it?


The saints certainly practiced that, received the guidance of the Holy Spirit, lived with steadfast, faithful faith, and finally are present in heaven. What we need most is to learn to be saints because the Holy Spirit is there to help us. In our lives, we stumble a lot. We face many trials, but God gives us the right to choose with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Today, the Holy Spirit grants us when we belong to Him in the prostration, surrender, listening, obedience, and the removal of personal will, impure thoughts and thinking, jealousy and envy. Let us live humbly; the Holy Spirit will give each person what is appropriate. God the Father created us, and from the sacrifice of Jesus, the world still exists, and we are still alive on this earth.


The Holy Spirit is everything; wisdom is in Him. He is the Supreme Being who enlightens and guides us to distinguish between true and false, right and wrong, and between God and the devil. Let us not look at others with judgment; let us not think that those who have God’s grace come from the devil. Let us not feel jealous when they are holier than we are, superior to us. Instead of looking for the truth to recognize what God does for us to cooperate with them, we create division, judge them, doubt them, and find all ways to despise them and slander them. That is a terrible world in chaos. Today, where is love? We have no cooperation, and without it, we will lose to the devil in this age because, from the beginning, the devil used all ways to separate us. We have fallen into his snare and his scheme.


Today, we are losing to the devil. Our faith is weak because we are not united and not listening, but the Holy Spirit is still at work; it is never too late for God. When we see our failures and our lives dominated by evil, let us return to God and truly repent. As the Father said, “I do not want the wicked to die; I want him to repent and live.” We are sinners; let us return to God, and the Holy Spirit will never refuse us. He is the Lord who patiently waited for us through generations and is still with us today. When we repent, God will forgive us, we will become His instruments, and we will win when we unite to belong to God and return to Him.


The Third Holy Mark, let us come to God first with our hearts. When we understand what God grants and gives, we share our experiences with our brothers and go on the mission God gives us. Today, nothing is accidental; it is all in God’s plan. As Jesus said, “Believe and you will receive, seek, and you will find, knock, and the door will open.” The world is in a state of tension, war, suffering, and crime, but holy people still appear, and there are still God-sent prophets. We still have God’s support, the Eucharistic Jesus, Mother Mary, and signs and wonders that help us get up. Today, our faith in God will be the path to peace and a life with hope. We will never despair, except when we reject God and live in sinful days, relying on knowledge and learning, and we end up with fleeting days on earth. Where do we go next?


Let us learn the meaning of the Five Holy Marks, which Jesus yearns to give us. The Third Holy Mark, I thank the Holy Spirit. Thanks to Your light and guidance, we understand better and have this opportunity to become the first pioneers spiritually and physically. Even though there are moments we need to sacrifice, we ask God for us to represent our brothers and sisters, those who do not know and those who do not believe. We pray for them to have the opportunity to know God, believe in God, and return with a contrite heart, soul, and body, to ask God to forgive, intervene, and accept their return before it is too late.


We lift to the Fourth Holy Mark, the Eucharistic Jesus. We are sinful people, offenders, sinners, but You visited and chose us. You allowed us to see the wonders of heaven. You grant us to taste Your sweet love, with teaching, with no difference from 2,000 years ago. We read about You in the Gospel, and 2,000 years later, You give us the opportunity through Your Eucharist. We only need to take one more step with faith and believe absolutely, and everything we do today is in Your plan, arrangement, and guidance.


You send us, preserve us, protect us, and allow us to pioneer for a world that is indifferent, stubborn, arrogant, conceited, proud, and haughty, lacking responsibility and duty. Today, we remind people through the life that You allow. You do not need people to find all ways to accomplish things while their hearts and souls do not have You. They only use theory to gain self-interest, but their hearts say one thing and do another. What we hear in theory is pervasive; there is no love, no compassion. The sheep of God are lost, sick, and have gone astray. Today, You allow us to return to You, to a profound love, with patient waiting. The Eucharistic Jesus is granting us and strengthening the faith of humanity.


Especially for Christians, especially for those in the ranks of our Church, that love is granted to those You choose to represent You, to bring Your heart, Your love, Your teachings, to lead humanity to return to You, trust in You, know You, be saved and forgiven. God gives, but we have not understood until this century. Today, He is lonely in the tabernacle; He shed tears for indifferent and cold humanity. He is heartbroken because of the chosen ones who are indifferent and gravely offend the Eucharist like today. It is time for everyone to grow up. These are words that do not come from us but from the Lord, who specially granted for us to know He is waiting for us and loves us.


Everything will come to an end. God said He stays with us until the end of the age. We see what is happening. Is this time the end? Are we entering the last days of history? He will not wait for us forever, so let us return in time. Now is the opportunity for us to speak and present to Him. May our faith be strengthened, our hearts become vibrant and moved, for us to experience His love that awaits us till this day. May we return at the right time, and let it not be too late and tardy. May we respond to His love with apologies and thanksgivings and make up for the days we were irresponsible and indifferent. Particularly, for those with functions, in the days they theorize and let the sheep go astray because these sheep are living days of agony, die unjustly, and become victims through the ages.


Eucharistic Jesus, I thank You. We are victims and sinners. Thanks to You, we become forgiven children, but we are sinners, unintentionally or intentionally. In the end, You are still the Lord of love who grants. Today, we see iniquity in our lives, but we are also victims through generations. Lord, please have mercy on us and forgive us. May we meditate through each of the Holy Marks to understand what You want to say to us, and give us a chance to return in a state of repentance to make up for everyone who still does not know, does not believe, and for those who lack duty and responsibility. We must pray for people who lack duty and responsibility, for their recovery, their restoration, for our Church to progress, for more people to know God, and for the world in times of trouble and war like today, in the pandemic of soul and body.


Eucharistic Jesus, I thank You. The Fifth Holy Mark, I reverently lift to Mother Mary, to Her Immaculate Heart and triumph. Mother, You are the One who taught us and lived an inner life while on earth. Today, all You do is a program from God, who still waits for us through the Eucharistic Jesus, but we are unaware and remain indifferent. You appeared in many places, including Lavang in Vietnam; Lourdes in France; Fatima in Portugal; and Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The number of people who know You is very modest, but You do not give up because You know that Jesus is still here and our world always has hope. The world is full of sinful days, so the devil rages with the wrongs that we have done. But in the end, there are things to discover; Jesus will not let the Blood He shed for us become meaningless, and You are the One to guide us back when we are still sinful.


Mother, You loved God and served Him wholeheartedly in His holy will. You lived in His holy will because He loved the world and died for the world. You lived a life close to Jesus for thirty-three years, and in the end, You were by His side, and He entrusted things to You. You remained on earth for another twenty years and helped establish the Church. Though You returned to heaven body and soul, You continued to replace us to stay with the Eucharistic Jesus on earth. Because no one serves and no one understands the divine sanctity that the Eucharistic Jesus awaits as You do. Today, humanity has gravely offended God, so You took action, and You came to lead Your children to the Eucharistic Jesus. You do not come like the other times, with saints who witnessed Your presence, but You come to us with Your words and teachings, leading and training us to become witnesses and encounter the Eucharistic Jesus.


It is time. Mother, You remain with us spiritually, by Your word, teaching, and arrangement; the Eucharistic Jesus appears to us by His lofty spirituality, by the light, by all the colors, by the presence that He established over 2,000 years ago before His death. We have evidence of all the wonders that appeared in the world. We recorded and took pictures of what was revealed and appeared for eleven years. We reverently lift as You ask us to meditate on the Five Holy Marks. Today, in a spirit of repentance and gratitude, we offer our prayers to God on behalf of all people and classes who are indifferent and disrespectful. Today, people need to be aware of and acknowledge the waiting of God. He has opened the door of the tabernacle to visit our world and strengthen faith for all classes and roles. It is a proclamation that everyone needs to know and hear.


Everyone must prostrate, surrender, adore, unite, and honor God on behalf of those who do not worship Him, deny Him, offend Him, or do not belong to Him. They use theory and function but live against the doctrine of God and disrupt our Church. Today, let us listen to the teachings of Mother. I thank You, Mother Mary because if You do not teach us, we cannot know and still have days of habits. It is Lent, so let us meditate on the Fourteen Stations of the Cross because we keep repeating, and we get used to it out of habit, and every year is the same. When Lent comes, we are like every other person, like a dummy that does the Stations; when it is time to do the Stations, we perform, and then we go back to our position with the enjoyment and iniquity inherent in every class and role.


Mother Mary, the time has come. We cannot continue living with indifferent days and continue in sin, with sin, and go on day after day, because death is near. The world controls our lives through drugs. We see people die unexpectedly. There are more than a million people affected by the pandemic. And now we face war and the threat of nuclear weapons. If a nuclear war happens, then even if we are still alive, can we still be healthy as God created us or end up with horrible deformities like those in  Hiroshima and Nagasaki years ago?


We live in a world that repeats itself with a Third World War. We know in advance the consequences of the atomic bomb carried out by the devil on people who aspire and do not believe in God, to bring about days of wars, rule the world, and usurp God’s authority. Remember, this is a human plan, influenced by the devil, with a wicked scheme to offend God in the same arrogance and foolishness of the past. Unfortunately, our first parents stumbled, but today, we must know that Jesus is the powerful Supreme Being. He is loving, gentle, and quiet, but He is the Lord, who has the power to give and intervene with everything He has done to save us. In this final battle, if we do not come to Him and do not cooperate with Him, we cannot receive His intervention. How can He intervene if we do not ask Him to intervene?


God always respects us. He grants to save us but wants us to know that He came to save us and for us to cooperate with Him and return to Him and to heaven, which He gave us. If we do not live in His teaching and do not accept, then we will follow the path of a world threatened by atomic bombs, by clever subtleties of the times, by radicals, and will lose the morals and virtues required in the doctrine from the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we need to rely on Mother Mary because She understands our human weakness and knows we do not have the strength to resist. She understands Jesus, Her Son, waited for us until today out of love. She knows the Holy Spirit is very patient with us, but the Divine Mercy of the Father granted to us will come to an end. He gives boundlessly, but everything has a beginning and an end. We also have a day of birth and a day of death. All things, if not in the way of God, then God will destroy, and He will establish a new world.


These are things we must know. What Mother asks today is not too difficult. She reminds us to return to God because He is still with us. The endless support and love are still there because of His work of salvation for humanity, but the opportunity is there only when time is allowed, and if we are too late because we refuse, then we will know what happens in the future. Today, God grants and gives, but it is up to us whether we accept. Like the twelve disciples Jesus chose, He knew everything about them and loved them. We see Judas’s choice was the path of suicide and the place where he is now. As for sinners who run to God, they are happy with God in heaven with the saints that God allows us to meet.


These are the most authentic things that only God does and gives. Our faith must become absolute. When we believe in God, He never refuses the best for us. Let us not think as the world does that these are stories made up or from people’s way of thinking and inferring. Thinking and inferring are limited to a time and cannot last and continue from one age to the next. We allowed the world to dominate us with mere thoughts. Ultimately, we must become simple and humble, and God will help us know the truth, what belongs to Him and the world.


Let us not doubt what belongs to God but allow ourselves to know whether it is true or false. What comes from God is boundless, and what comes from the world will never last; only with goodness can there be fruits. What is on the inside will come to the outside. It is what we need to lift in surrender and submission. As for what is evil, we see worry, anxiety, and seeking all kinds of ways, but in the end, we are lonely, alone, afraid, worried, unhappy, and insecure. It is the most ordinary thing we need to think about carefully to know there is nothing we can do by chance, no matter how hard we try. God helps us not fear the world or scorn or ridicule and live in peace and joy with the Lord, whom Mother allows us to reflect on this Lenten season.


Let us return in an absolute way, repent, and be determined to remove all evil thoughts. May we return to the doctrine of love, support, forgive, be charitable, and prostrate before the Five Holy Marks to atone for our sins, for the sins of all classes and roles, for the world that is falling into the devil’s snare, and for those who still do not know and do not believe. It is God’s call, and Mother Mary taught us to pray for the souls of the departed, the orphaned souls, and the victims who died in the pandemics of 2020 and 2021 and the war of 2022. So here are affirmations for which we offer prostrations and prayers in the way Mother taught us with soul, mind, and heart as we lift to God with a contrite and grateful heart and ask His forgiveness.


That is the meaning when we turn to the Cross, lift to God, and ask for His Resurrection to grant us and the world a bold faith to return to Him. If we survive and go on living, God alone is the Supreme Being who advocates and intervenes for us. Apart from God, no one has the power to help us with the present war and unexpected events through the pandemic and dominations in this world. That is what we ask to lift to God through the Five Holy Marks. May God have mercy and hear us. We thank Mother for teaching us about the Five Holy Marks of God because only God is the glorious Risen One who brings us the serenity, joy, and peace we yearn for. May we belong to the Five Holy Marks. We profess God and thank God. May many people know, believe, and return to God. May we belong to God. Totus Tuus.


We reverently offer the Sixth Kowtow to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for Her triumph.


O God the Father, I thank You for giving us a Mother who lets us know what we need to do. We are not like the learned and knowledgeable, but we do what they do not do. We plead and ask God, by penance, gratitude, by the prayer Mother taught us, to reverently lift to each person, to understand a prayer life cannot be lukewarm as before, and not tepid according to our habits. Moreover, Mother’s teaching helps us understand that we need to focus on prayer to hear God’s voice, be strong and courageous, and be happy and enthusiastic when we pray. That is the prayer Mother teaches us through the Six Kowtows to become an offering in these pressing times. We lift our apology and gratitude on behalf of all classes and roles.


At this moment, Father, please allow me to offer the Sixth Kowtow to Mother Mary because She is our substitute, teaching us things for eleven years. We trust Mother. We are happy and peaceful with what we do, and any trials or challenges help us be strong. Mother showed us how to pray. That prayer is in the books we give away for many people to receive God’s grace through its practice.


O Mother Mary, You are the Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of all humanity; Mother of every sinner, prisoner, saint, victim, penitent, witness, soul in purgatory, sick person; Mother of the Church, Mother of the clergy. May we profess You; we know about Your names and titles, and today, we need to believe, be grateful, apologize, and ask for Your forgiveness. Mother, You visited the world many times, shed tears, even blood tears, to remind us to repent, return to God, seek God, and reform. Today, these are things the world needs to do because we have wasted so much time, and in the end, we face adversities with the pandemic. We are affected by iniquities, wars, the economy, and society.


Mother Mary, please accept our apology and gratitude. Please allow us to honor You, and thank You for all You do. Your teachings have become very important in the last days of our history. If we do not pray, will we have one more Lent? Will the world be serene and happy? Will the world have peace, or is another war about to explode? The atomic bombs threaten the world, but humanity is still indifferent to God’s teaching and lives in days of habits.


Mother Mary, we thank You. Through the pandemic, we see that even when we have money and fame, there is no way to save our lives. We see our fellow human beings use poisons to harm one another. The bloodthirsty nations want to control the world and usurp God’s authority to rule over our lives. Many people had to sacrifice; many passed away, and many were victims who might be lamenting in purgatory or somewhere in space. Some did not have the opportunity to know God and to believe in God. Some end up wailing in a place with a never-ending fire. We have heard their voice. Because of these points, we cannot help but believe. People must return because there is still time and there is still opportunity.


It is time. We can see the war that keeps going on; everything ends in a negative state. We hear that every year there is an epidemic, but our world can be under threat at any moment. Thus, with the events happening, it is like a design to remind humanity to return to God. In today’s situation, we see evil spreading everywhere, dominating and harming us, so God wants us to return for Him to save us. Mother is the caretaker of our souls. Today, She leads us and seeks to bring us back by all means. We need an inner life for our faith to grow and live with our hearts seeking a returning life. God has been waiting for us.


Today, Mother teaches us prayer through soul and body, mind and heart, professing God, and living in the Holy Spirit’s teaching for each person. God’s doctrine is achieved by deed and not by theory, reminding us of the wrongs in human laws. The imperfections of the scribes and Pharisees of old still influence, oppress, and dominate in this generation. Today, we must wholeheartedly beseech God through Mother’s teaching to have a holy and united Church. May the laity unite with the Church to be on the boat for Mother Mary and the Eucharistic Jesus to bring us back to the shores of freedom, serenity, and peace.


We need to know and believe in God to overcome days of challenges, to trust, repent, return, and nourish our souls through prayer and penance. Let us remove wickedness and iniquity from a realistic world in the sophisticated civilization of the times we live. Let us remember that with God, nothing is impossible as long as we are determined to repent and return. Mother Mary will be the One to teach us, strengthen our faith, and help us triumph in the end. We face goodness and evil in this age, but to God, nothing is impossible; we must believe and practice through Mother’s teaching and the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. I thank You, Mother. May we unite, honor, listen, and be grateful. May we belong to Mother. Totus Tuus.


Mother Mary, You did not stop at one point. You taught and led us to Saint Joseph, whom God the Father chose to be the foster father of Jesus Christ while on earth. The Church chose Saint Joseph to be the patron saint, and he is also the patriarch of the Holy Family, a model for all families in the world. He is a person of integrity and righteousness, a person who fulfilled his duty and responsibility in the Holy Family, and a chaste person in the lives of religious people. Saint Joseph, please intercede for our Church, each family, and the problems in the world. Saint Joseph, please pray for men and women to be holy, for their lives to be chaste, to live a life with rules, with the truth, fulfilling their duty and responsibility with integrity and righteousness. May we reform and not be influenced by the civilization and sophistication that caused the world to become chaotic and decadent as it is today.


You lead us to Saint Joseph to ask for his intercession. At the same time, You also know our world cannot stand up to most people who follow a world of reality with evil, so You guide us to the three archangels. May God have mercy on us and allow the three archangels to help our Church and humanity in the current battle between good and evil. We ask the three archangels to dispel the devil’s snares that bind us with invisible chains we cannot remove in our condition. By God’s grace and the help of the archangels, we learn that we have twelve archangels who stand guard over the earth, the seas, and the air.


In this time, with the threat of nuclear weapons and scientific weapons, humanity has died, and we saw living things dead such as fish and birds, falling from the sky. Everything is subjected to destruction by the devil because he manipulates people to live in cooperation with him. Today, we know there are twelve archangels, and we ask for them to protect us, help us by blowing away the polluted air, help us not to fall into the pandemic, and help the world in these pressing days for us to repent and return to the Lord of the Divine Mercy.


We have archangels, so why do we not pray and ask them to help? They are ready to help us, but the world must believe and pray for them to help us. Mother Mary taught us that our world cannot stand against the devil because we follow a free life according to the life of reality and our faith is too immature and weak to defeat evil with today’s ingenuity. Mother teaches us to pray and ask for heaven’s help through the saints.


All saints were once human beings like us and lived through trials, but they were faithful to God and earned their places at the banquet table of heaven. They always support and pray for us; they pray for our Church to be perfect and holy, to triumph at the end of history. Today, we have a heavenly family; why do we not pray to ask for their help? Let us listen to Mother’s words to become reformed people, proclaim the Good News, and become pioneers in the prayer we need.


We also have guardian angels who are always ready to help and protect us. Please support us, remind us as we fall into days with tension, with sins and weaknesses that cause us to stumble. We must ask for God’s grace and ask for the archangels, angels, and saints to support and help us in the events of the end because we cannot stand against the devil that overwhelms most of us. May God help us because the immature people have sold their souls to the devil that has entered into people who rage on this earth, in all positions, even leaders. We see the righteous nations, bloodthirsty nations, and atheistic communist nations; all exist and appear in this century.


We see the works of the devil, but our Lord is the victorious and glorious One, still present with us today. That is the Eucharistic Jesus. When the light comes, the darkness will disappear. Before that happens, in the last hour of history, let us listen to Mother’s teaching. We ask for God to intervene; we ask for the help of the archangels, angels, and saints to protect and remind us at the end of history. Today, our part is to repent and return; for the rest, the archangels will help us when we belong to God. Today, we have the evidence through the offering Mother gave us to pray for God the Father to accept and intervene.


Let us unite to do this, for the world to receive and accept. In any situation, with any class, we must be humble in the last moments of history, in the urgency of the times with unexpected events. Today, let us unite because the events will happen sooner or later and prepare to strengthen our faith before any problems. Let us not be afraid and know that even if we die, we will return to God because we are ready to repent before everything happens to us. Then the world that remains will be the new world, and it depends on God to help us be strong to be ready, spiritually and physically, for the battle in this end.


We need to know, hear, and be steadfast in life, not waver and not allow a sophisticated and civilized world to control and monitor our lives. The world has killed many innocent people and continues its control. But our souls and lives belong to God. Our Lord Jesus Christ shed His Blood in exchange for our lives, and we have the right to lift and present to God everything that is happening in the current adversity. With faith, we pray to the Almighty for Him to plan and arrange as we repent and return, to become those who listen to the Holy Spirit’s teaching. God decides whether we end up in a new world or must leave this world. We ask to belong to God in body and soul.


God, please receive our prayers and protect our Church. Please grant Pope Francis wisdom and good health, filled with the Spirit, to guide the boat of the Church amid the storms of the times. May the voice of the Church through the Pope influence those who have ears to hear and eyes to see the voice of Jesus through Pope Francis. Today, God, I pray for You to restore justice to all those who fervently plead and turn to You in a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving. Please have mercy on our world and grant us more time. We pray for the war to end so that people may prepare now and in the final days of purification.


We lift to the Almighty thanksgiving and praise. We thank Blessed Mother. We pray for the departed souls to have the opportunity to benefit from God’s Divine Mercy. God, have mercy on the souls I represent and intercede for through the gift and offering of the Six Kowtows that Mother gave to us and the world. Together, Mercedes, Lucia, Kim Dung, Hanna, Maria Nhung, and Maria Titus conclude the Six Kowtows prayer on behalf of our group. We thank the guidance of the Holy Spirit for me to report with His words. We thank Mother for this gift that sustains us in life, and reminds us of our duty on behalf of the world and all classes, for a voice lifting prayers can be heard. May God intercede for the lowly and the victims, who are praying most urgently to the Almighty.


Please grant our Church and the clergy the heart of Jesus to shepherd the flock, the lost sheep, the sick sheep, and the dying sheep. May those in the ranks of the Church use the love and heart of Jesus to help us in life and guide us in peace and calmness, to prepare for all the battles amid the world with today’s pandemic affecting both soul and body. We thank, praise, and glorify God in the Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever. Lucia concludes at 3:41 p.m. Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at Holy Rosary Church, in front of the sanctuary, the altar, the tabernacle, the Cross, the holy statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mother Mary, of Saint Joseph, and the icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We conclude this afternoon. Amen, Amen, Amen.




Lucia Phan is an American immigrant from Vietnam who lives a life of prayer. Every day, she focuses on adoring God through the Blessed Sacrament, attending the Mass of the Redemptive Sacrifice of Jesus, and practicing the Six Kowtows.


Lucia receives messages by interior locutions and is able to capture images of the Eucharist, both in photo and video, via her smartphone. She receives messages from God, Blessed Mother, the angels, and the saints, since 2011.


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New Revelations Through the Eucharist


Belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament







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