I Want to Meet Each of You


June 3, 2013 – 1:05PM

Father:  My beloved L.,

Today I want to let you receive the message under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the words that I want to say, that I want to send to the world. There have been many messages similar to this one, and in all of them, I have stressed that the easiest way for mankind to be able to know Me, for mankind to be able to come to Me, in this period of time, is to come to My Divine Mercy.

My Divine Mercy is open wide to everyone, but to this day, there are people who still do not recognize and do not understand the important meaning of My invitation to My children, from all over the world, for them to come back to Me.

My Presence* is a blessing to people, for them to stand up in faith, for them to realize that they are living with coldness in their hearts, with indifference in their hearts, with hardened hearts, living according to the ways of the world, living according to their ego. For this reason, people need to stand up to recognize and to see the miracles that are happening, which are a reminder to them. Whether they will accept this truth or not, this is up to each person to decide.

I am always doing everything that I can for My children, no matter what, and I would like all of My children to recognize this truth, for them to be able to come closer to Me.

Recognize My Presence in the miracles, so that you will be able to meet Me, while you are still alive. You have been able to see the miracles that I have performed, which I give to this world. These miracles are for you to be strengthened in your faith and for you to come back to Me.

You have to believe.

There is nothing that people can do by themselves, if not by My grace.

Do not harden your hearts anymore. Do not live in stubbornness anymore. Do not be indifferent to the invitations that I am sending to you. The more hardened your hearts are, the more you will end up suffering. The more you refuse God, the more mistakes you will make.

Everything is coming to its conclusion, and you will recognize the tribulations that are happening, that have happened, and there will be many more unexpected events that will happen, that will take you by surprise. Everything will happen as predestined.

This period of time is the period where I bless the world with many graces, with My messages, through the revelations, through the Holy Eucharist. My Presence, in the tabernacle, in the Holy Eucharist, is to strengthen your faith, and for you to recognize the messages that I am sending to you.

Open wide your hearts to look back at your past, and to look at the present for you to recognize the blessings that I give to you, for you to understand. Do not think and reason with the ways of the world because the ways of the world are different from My ways, and the ways of the world are completely the opposite of the things that I want to give to you. Do not look with your human eyes, because your eyes are weak and limited.

Do not live without love, without righteousness, without doing the things that God wants you to do, and this includes even the people in the ranks of the priesthood, who have preached My word to the world.

Have you not yet recognized? Have you not yet recognized the truth? Have you not been able to clearly see Me, facing you? Have you not been able to recognize what you have received, throughout the ages?

With this era, you have been given much, through the works from Holy Eucharist, through the miraculous power of the Holy Eucharist, in which I am at work, at this place**. I am working and speaking to you through this message, for everyone in the world, for the chosen people, for the priests and for the hierarchy, to hear this truth.

Have you still not yet recognized the truth?

My beloved children,

There is not much time left.

Do not be too caught up in the daily matters of your lives.

There are many things needed for a life of service; and you need to receive these new things that I provide to you, that I want to send to you. There are new messages, and the messages are from Me, and I am truly coming to you through the Holy Eucharist, with the miracles that I allow you to clearly see, for you to know the signs of this era.

I bless you with abundant graces, and I give you more graces for you to evangelize the work for which you were chosen, for you to continue to work zealously with the teachings that I have given to you, for you to receive My blessings, for you to recognize My Presence, at this place, for all My children from all over the world to be able to recognize and to receive the graces that I give, through the Holy Eucharist, to everyone in this world.

My beloved children, I repeat this, from the educated to the less educated in societies, everyone can receive this message and can listen to this message. You are living in a century where you are the witnesses to the graces that I give to you through the Holy Eucharist, for you to see the miracles, the miracles that you cannot explain with your thinking, with your education, or from what you face.

You need to accept and to believe in this truth.

I am alive, I am present in the Holy Eucharist, I am giving you the graces for you to learn more about the miracles that I give to you, for you to be united together in one faith, for you to spread to the world My invitation to everyone.

I want all My children to come back to My Divine Mercy. Come to meet Me through Divine Mercy. Come to Me. For every trial that you have to face in your lives, come to Me.

Through Divine Mercy, I will purify you, with My own Blood and Water, through the rays of the light of The Divine Mercy, for you to be cleansed, for you to be sanctified, for you to receive the forgiveness and the salvation in these end times that I am giving to you.

I have come to invite you, while you can still make your own decisions. I have come to invite you, while you are still alive. You need to decide for yourselves, so that you can end up going to the home where you belong, where you were created in the first place.

Do not refuse Me any longer. Do not be hardened in your hearts. Do not be indifferent to the truth.

Only I have the power to make the changes to your lives. Only I have the power to give you eternal life.

You need to have faith, you need to come to Me, and through My teachings, through the latest revelations, you will recognize the events that are truly happening, at this moment, in the coming days, and in the future, when you do not know what might happen.

My invitation to you is to give you the opportunity to come back to Me, to give you the opportunity to feel the Love that I have for each of you, whom I have redeemed with the price of My Blood.

I do not want to see you fall into the abyss, because your own sins will burn you away. This is the reason for the messages to the world, especially the messages through the Holy Eucharist, for Me to meet each of you, if you truly recognize and believe in this truth. I am working through the Holy Eucharist, and I am giving My graces, through the Holy Eucharist, to the whole world. I want to meet each of you. Be stout-hearted and come to Me, to meet Me, to come back to Me, to receive what you are entitled to.

So open your ears to hear and open your eyes to see the miracles in front of you.

You need to recognize with your hearts for you to be able to come back to the right path, the unique path that you can take, for the salvation of your souls, of your minds, of your bodies, in this present moment, so that you will be able to receive the glory of the day when you will be able to come to Me in heaven.

This is My message to mankind, throughout the generations.

The latest revelations that I give for this generation, which were not mentioned in the Bible, in these end times, are the graces that I give to mankind, for everyone to clearly see the events that are happening, for everyone to come back to the truth.

I have come, and through My promise, My Love for mankind will never change. You do have the freedom to choose to come back to Me, but you have to truly come back to Me, for you to be able to be cleansed, from your souls to your bodies, so that you will be worthy to receive the rewards from your own decisions, for salvation to come to those who truly want to come back, who truly want to receive the graces, through the Holy Eucharist, in which I am waiting for each of you and inviting each of you.

You have to decide to come visit Me, through the Holy Eucharist. You have to believe in this truth, that I am present in the Holy Eucharist, to meet each soul.

I want to be united to everyone in the world. I want everyone in the world to recognize My Presence, in My Body and My Blood, in the celebration of the Mass, by the hands of the priests.

I am waiting for My children to come and to reconcile with Me.

Come to Me. I will help you. I will support you. I will strengthen you. I will give you the graces for you to open up your minds, for you to recognize My Love, through your repentance, through your preparations to be worthy to receive My Body and My Blood.

There are many teachings that I have left to the Church, so look to find what you need to learn for yourselves. Look to learn more for you to choose wisely the things that you need for your lives, in the present, for the future, and for the eternal life that I give to you.

This is My message, which I have allowed L. to receive, for all of you to hear. I hope that you will believe, that you will spread the good news to all the brothers, for them to be able to listen to the messages that I give to My children, through the revelations, in these end times.

This is My message to L. in particular, and to the whole world in general. May My peace be with you.

Goodbye My children.

I love you very much.

This is what I want to say to you for today. I will have other messages for you to listen to in the coming days. I am always by your side. I am always speaking to you through the messages.

I will meet you through the Holy Eucharist, for you to be able to recognize, when you open up your hearts to believe in this truth.

Goodbye My children.


* That is, the “Real Presence” of Christ in the Eucharist. The “miracles” referred to throughout this message are Eucharistic miracles, especially the many recorded as photos and videos by L.

** The Adoration chapel in which L. receives the vast majority of the messages and takes the miraculous photos and videos.

New Revelations through the Eucharist


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