Meditations with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary’s Sorrowful Mysteries


Meditations with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary’s Sorrowful Mysteries

August 24, 2021
O God, I offer You the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Thank You for allowing me to lift up to You all my wishes that were so many in the past few days I cannot remember them all. I should make a list to present them to You before the Eucharist. God, please accept my prayers. You once gave  me  the opportunity to know what I must do to be bold. May I be filled with Your Spirit and the Holy Spirit’s teaching,  so that l can walk in Your way, in Your holy will, in our mission, with all the brothers and sisters collaborating, to carry out what You want us to do. We now offer to You the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
The First Chaplet: O Heart of Jesus Christ, the King of Love, please rule over our hearts and lead us back in Your salvation.
In the first chaplet, we reverently offer to God the Father thanksgiving, praise, honor, and glory. You gave us the opportunity today to kneel before t
 many matters in this world that You allow us to know, please help us in perseverance, in faithfulness, in patience, to continue to lift up to You with a contrite heart, with a mission that we must complete, to glorify You. Father, please sanctify and transform the world, for everyone to awaken and return to You, to receive the gift of the Six Kowtows, to unite with us to return to You in a life of prayer and repentance.
The Second Chaplet: ​​O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, please bring us and humanity back to Your love.
The second chaplet, we reverently offer to Jesus. O Jesus, I adore You, I bless You, I praise and glorify You. You died for us to live. Today, let us recognize the loss of our freedom.  What we committed in sin led us into days of extreme peril, which are the pandemic, the conflict, the evil in the riots that are appearing in this world. God, please allow us to recognize what You do for us but is lost, because of sin, because of weak faith, because of the days of arrogance, foolishness, and rejection of Your doctrine, for us today to end up with worries, sufferings, fears.
May we return and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ for us to carry out His doctrine in our lives. The most essentials are repentance, the reformation, the return to the Supreme Lord we profess. God, please have mercy, intervene, hear our prayers. We pray for everyone to know God, repent, return, be worthy of the love and the salvation God granted us, saving us from death. God resurrected gloriously to give us life, hope, peace, and freedom. Today, may we receive what God granted as He continues to wait to intervene through our return, our prayer, our faith.
The Third Chaplet: O Lord Jesus Christ, may Your Heart rule over the entire world.
The third chaplet, we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit. O Holy Spirit, You are the love, the light, the truth. Please light up our souls by a life in which we need to have faith, for us to believe in You, to know the great importance and value of our souls. O Holy Spirit, You are always by our side though we do not listen to the holy things You teach, we follow society in human structure and human laws for us to end up as troubled as today.
O Holy Spirit, we are sinners, victims, dependent on those with power. If they are unrighteous, then we are the citizens who must suffer in situations such as pandemics, famine. Today, we see the fall of Afghanistan, and the people there no longer have hope. God, please have mercy and comfort them. These are matters that man created for one another, in death, war, suffering; with wicked people ruling in this world, terror will spread everywhere. There will be more negative impacts in our world.
O Holy Spirit, You alone are the Supreme Being who enlightens us, guides us, helps us recognize righteousness for us to return to God by the truth. For everything that we did wrong, may we repent and ask God for forgiveness. May we be sharp to receive Your enlightenment for us to practice in the Spirit of God and in the seven graces as You taught us. From those seven graces, we ask for other essential graces, for strength and courage, to overcome days of trial, to live in righteousness, in perseverance, in faithfulness, to be worthy of the help, the intervention, the enlightenment of God. Today, please help us in the decision between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood, for us to awaken and return to the Third Person of God. Please enlighten us, for us to return to the Supreme Lord we profess, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
The Fourth Chaplet: ​​O Most Holy Heart of Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive, transform us, and all of humanity.
The fourth chaplet, we reverently offer to the Eucharistic Jesus. Eucharistic Jesus, I thank You. You gave us hope, You gave us the days by Your side, for us to be happy, to be less anxious, less afraid. You were present and visited us. You manifested by an extraordinary and marvelous light through the mystery of the Eucharistic miracle. Today, You give us the opportunity to lift up earnest words from our hearts, on behalf of the world, of all classes, of all roles. We lift up to You all essential needs.
O God, may we love You, worship You, adore You. May we listen to Your teaching for us to become righteous, worthy of the love and the waiting that You granted us in this century. I glorify You. I thank You. I praise You. May many people believe, worship, return, visit You, comfort You, apologize to You, be worthy of the love You grant, as You are intervening for us in hope.
The Fifth Chaplet: O ​​Heart of the Father, please bring humanity back to Your love.
The fifth chaplet, we reverently offer to the Five Holy Signs of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please accept our apology. May we repent and lift up to God like an offering. God, please forgive us for the days of ignorance, of unbelief, of indifference, of apathy, of coldness. So then today what we must face are the challenges, with a terrible battle between good and evil.
Father, You are the Lord who granted us everything. The nail mark of Jesus’ crucifixion was a sign of love given to humanity. God the Father offered us and the world His infinite Divine Mercy to help us in times of danger and always welcome us when we awaken and return. With the First Holy Sign, we lift to You thanksgiving, honor, adoration, and respect.
The Second Holy Sign, may we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and perform what He teaches. Let us believe to continue with a life in which we need to practice the doctrine He teaches. Let us live a worthy life and avoid all wicked matters that cause us to stumble. Let us return to the Supreme Lord who died for us to live a fruitful, happy, and peaceful life. Let us not allow our lives be dominated and threatened by death, by the pandemic caused by sin. May God have mercy on us, for us to return in a spirit of repentance, with reverence for the Second Holy Sign. May everyone believe, know, and return to God.
The Third Holy Sign, we are ignorant if without the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit did not grant us love and urged us, we are very indifferent, and we live in iniquity, with iniquity, fostering iniquity. Today, God, please enlighten us to avoid sin, eliminate sin, lessen sins. May we recognize good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood, for us to return to the doctrine of truth that God granted to us and humanity.
The Fourth Holy Sign, we thank, honor, adore. The Supreme Lord nourished us by His Body and Blood. By His presence, by His visitation, He is present among us, for us to not feel abandoned. When we have sufferings and worries, we have God. May everyone seek God, recognize God. May we receive the graces granted to the world through the opened door of tabernacle for us to awaken and return. It is a place of consolation, hope, peace, of happiness, which man needs to find to return to God. May God forgive us our sins, sanctify us, for us to become new people who belong to God in knowledge, and for faith to be deepened, with love, reverence, adoration, proclamation.
The Fifth Holy Sign, we offer to Mother Mary. Without Mother Mary, we do not have the opportunity to have this day. Without Mother teaching us, how can we understand the divine sacredness of the Blessed Sacrament? How can we hear God’s voice? How can we witness the great glory that God manifested to remind us and bring us into His light?
O Mother Mary, we deeply respect and thank Your Immaculate Heart and Your triumph. Please hear from sinners, penitents, witnesses, victims, like us, and from the saints in heaven as we lift thanksgiving to You, honor You, and ask for You to have mercy and intercede. Please help us in the days of the end to belong to God, return to God while time still allows. We honor You, thank You, apologize to You. Mother, please forgive us because we still have not done what You taught us. We still have many imperfections. Mother, please forgive us. We now turn to the Eucharist of Christ, like a heavenly family that is listening to our prayers, for us to continue to practice what Mother teaches us.
The Sixth Prayer, we reverently offer to Mother Mary:
We lift gratitude and thanksgiving to Mother. Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of the Church, Mother of the clergy, Mother of the whole world, Mother of every sinner, every saint, every prisoner, every witness, every penitent, every patient, every soul in purgatory, and every apostle around the world. Your title, Your name, Mother, we honor You.
We thank You, Mother. You guide us to Saint Joseph, the archangels in heaven, the guardian angels, the saints. You always lead us and help us ask for their help. You are the door that opens for us to walk, in the most challenging moments, in the most wearied moments, in the most wounded moments. Mother, please help us. May we lift thanksgiving to You. May everyone obey You, return to God with a life of penance, by daily prayer in life, by the Rosary, by the Divine Mercy Chaplet, by the Rosary of the Six Kowtows, by visiting the Eucharistic Jesus, by a life of prayer with the offering of the Six Kowtows. May we reverently offer on behalf of all classes, all roles. In the early morning, after a deep sleep, let us have the moments with God, with Mother, to ask God the Father to intervene for us and our world.
We pray for the orphaned souls, the unborn souls, the souls that died in the recent Covid pandemic in the East China Sea. We pray for the souls that died in Southeast Asia. We pray for the souls of the soldiers who died centuries ago, all the souls dying in Southeast Asia, and the souls dying in their sickbeds. Father, please have mercy on them, allow them to know You, return to You, and through Your Divine Mercy, save them. I pray for the souls of grandparents, parents, relatives of brothers and sisters in our group, and those who left the group. I pray for their loved ones, our loved ones, and all souls in need of prayers.
Father, please have mercy on souls and grant them Your Divine Mercy, for them to return with us today, to kneel before Your Blessed Sacrament, to offer the words that they cannot say, which I say on their behalf. I pray for the desires they are longing for. Father, please have mercy and welcome them, especially the souls who died in the current Covid Delta variant, in the United States of America, in China, in Vietnam, in Southeast Asia. Father, please have mercy on the departed souls, for them to be sheltered in Your Divine Mercy, and return to You in heaven. Amen. Now, we reverently offer the Rosary.
Meditations of the Rosary’s
Sorrowful Mysteries
O Father, starting the Rosary, I offer the Our Father as Jesus taught us, through the holy Apostles as well as the Church. Today, we offer the Our Father to pray specially for Pope Francis, for our Church, for cardinals, for the clergy. May they live in solidarity, in unity, in holiness, to bring God’s word to the world. Especially in times of tensions like this, faith must be strong, to glorify God, to lead the flock that needs the clergy. Father, please grant Pope Francis good health, wisdom, insight, to lead the flock and lead the boat of the Church in the midst of turbulences in life. Please accept our beseeching for the three virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Father, please help each one of us live in faith, trust in You, believe, and see the works that You do. May we believe for us to know the grace You bestow, for us to love and worship You, for us to return to You with a repentant heart.
Meditations of the Rosary’s Sorrowful Mysteries
O Father, starting the Rosary, I offer the Our Father as Jesus taught us, through the holy Apostles as well as the Church. Today, we offer the Our Father to pray especially for Pope Francis, for our Church, for cardinals, for the clergy. May they live in solidarity, in unity, in holiness, to bring God’s word to the world. Especially in times of tensions like this, faith must be firm to glorify God, to lead the flock that needs the clergy. Father, please grant Pope Francis good health, wisdom to lead the faithful and lead the boat of the Church amid turbulences in life. Please accept our beseeching for the three virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Please help each one of us live in faith, trust, believe, and see the works that You do. May we trust for us to know the grace You bestow, for us to love and worship You, for us to return to You with a repentant heart.
We ask for the virtue of faith to lift to You all the problems in our lives. We ask for faith, for us to entrust in You, to learn from Mother Mary’s example. Mother always entrusted Herself to You, and She was without any stain of sin. Today, Mother teaches us to pray to God. Let us ask for the three essential graces, which are faith, hope, and charity. We greatly lack the virtue of charity. We know, but we cannot practice it yet. Father, please have mercy and help us live in charity, for us to be in harmony and love one another, connect, help each other overcome the battles from the enemy’s persecutions. Father, please have mercy and accept our prayers for the three virtues we need to have in our lives. Now, I reverently lift to God to ask for our prayers to be heard. Starting the Rosary, we say the Hail Mary. We offer the Hail Mary to Mother Mary. Mother, please pray to God for every word we pray, for the glory of God the Father, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit. We offer the Glory Be.
First: God is anguished, His sweat flows like drops of Blood falling to the ground.
The First Mystery: The Lord Jesus prays in anguish and sweats blood. Let us repent of our sins.
We reverently offer to God the Father the first mystery. Thank You, Father, for sacrificing Your only Son, for us to have Jesus who shed His Blood for our sins. May we remember what He did for us to repent and return to the infinite love and Divine Mercy that You granted through the salvation of Jesus.
Second: The scourging of Jesus. Pilate’s next move was to take Jesus and have Him scourged.
The Second Mystery: The Lord Jesus is scourged. Let us offer penance.
The second mystery, we reverently offer to Jesus. O Jesus, for our sins, You suffered scourges, You agonized, You accepted humiliation and torture. May we be mortified and be contented in life, in days of trial, in days when we must quiet our souls to endure and overcome the tensions and difficulties that we cause because of our sins. May we accept with all the righteous as well as the sinners. May we look at Your scourges for us to endure. May we offer You a repentant heart and prayers for us to do penance and accept. May we wait for Your love and intervention through Your death and glorious resurrection. May we believe in You, entrust in You, trust in You. May we practice as You teach for us to be steadfast and be faithful to You until the last moment of our lives.
Third: The Crowning of Thorns. Weaving a crown out of thorns they fixed it on His head.
The Third Mystery: The Lord Jesus wears the Crown of Thorns. Let us willingly accept all insults.
O Jesus, the third mystery, we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit, in gratitude for His enlightenment for us to understand why Jesus did not wear the crown of a Great Prince but wore a crown of thorns. It was in exchange for our sins, for our evil and selfish thoughts, in a life of lust, of greed, of ambition. All things come from within us through our thinking. May God help us remove our way of thinking, inference, trouble, to live a pure life, chaste in thought. Jesus bled for us because the crown of thorns that He wore pricked the brain, pierced the skull to grant us purity, righteousness, justice, which we need to practice in life. May God help us dispel all temptations from the devil for us to return to a life of acceptance. Even in humiliation, we bear witness to the truth and repent. May we recognize sin and wickedness, eliminate them, for us to deserve to understand the crown of thorns that Jesus endured for man. If we truly understand the meaning,  we will avoid war, suffering, pandemic, grudge, jealousy, envy, resentment. God, please help us from the most venial sins to the most grave, the evildoings, because of the pain You endured for us in the crown of thorns. God, please forgive us our sins, for us to accept the humiliation of this life, to live days of witnessing and glorifying You.
Fourth: The carrying of the Cross. He went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha.
The Fourth Mystery: The Lord Jesus carries the Cross. May we carry our crosses and follow Him.
The fourth mystery, we reverently offer to the Eucharistic Jesus. O God, You carried the Cross for us, and You are waiting for us at the Blessed Sacrament. May we repent and return to You, come to visit You, recognize the Cross that You carried for us. May we also carry our crosses through trials, for us to grow in You, be faithful to You, love You, learn in a life of return to You. By a life of repentance, may we be forgiven, recognize our sins, make up for what was in our sinful lives that causes us to separate from You and be indifferent. Today, may we experience Your extreme suffering when You carried the Cross for us. May we return with a contrite heart, with perseverance, with faithfulness, to be worthy as Your children and bear witness to this truth.
The fourth mystery, we reverently offer to the Eucharistic Jesus. O God, You carried the Cross for us, and You are waiting for us at the Blessed Sacrament. May we repent and return to You, come to visit You, recognize the Cross that You carried for us. Let us take up our crosses through ordeals for us to grow in You, be faithful to You, love You, learn in a life of return to You. By a life of repentance, may we be forgiven, recognize our sins, make up for what was in the sinful lives that separate us from You, and become indifferent. Today, may we experience Your extreme suffering when You carried the Cross for us. May we return with a contrite heart, with perseverance, with faithfulness, to be worthy as Your children and bear witness to this truth.
Fifth: Jesus died. Jesus said: It is finished, then after He said this, He expired.
The Fifth Mystery: The Lord Jesus dies on the Cross. May we also be nailed to the Cross of the Lord.
O God, You completed the plan of salvation. You died for humanity. You became the seal in the love of the Five Holy Signs. Today, we bow to make reparations and ask You to forgive us. God, please allow us to return to You. May we meditate on the crucifixion of the flesh, for us to learn to be humble, to sacrifice, to forgive, to learn everything You teach in life. May we become children worthy of Your forgiveness. May we honor the Five Holy Signs. May we honor, adore, thank, and be grateful. God, please forgive us our sins and allow us to return to the love of the Divine Mercy, return to the Savior, return to the Holy Spirit, the Supreme Being who guides and supports. May we return to the Body and Blood of Christ, nourishing the soul. May we return to the beloved Mother who teaches and helps us understand the meaning of the days when You carried the Cross. Mother walked with You to Calvary, to bring life and hope to humanity.
May we thank You, praise You, surrender before the Five Holy Signs, return to You and the Divine Mercy. God, please have mercy and forgive us. Let us pray and return while time still allows. Let us not be too late and too tardy. I lift prayers and thanksgiving to Mother’s Immaculate Heart and for Her triumph. O Mother Mary, we have no words to express our gratitude to You. You loved us and helped us get to where we are today. May we honor and thank You on behalf of the world, all classes, all roles. We thank You for the love granted us and for Your teaching to help us grow in a life of faith, to know the duty and responsibility of a prayer life that we so desperately need.
At this time, Mother, please help us do what is in Your holy will to please God and comfort the Eucharistic Jesus. You are the Mediatrix who leads us back to God. You lead us to meet the archangels, to ask for their help. You also lead us to the infinite Divine Mercy of God the Father. You lead us to the Savior, who died for us to live. You lead us to the Holy Spirit, to receive His guidance. You lead us to a great treasure that is here in our midst as God waits for us to mature in faith. You also allow us to hide under Your virgin mantle.
You lead us to Saint Joseph, to the three archangels, to the twelve archangels, to each choir of the angels in heaven, along with all the guardian angels. Through their help, we receive heaven’s intervention and support. Mother, please guide us and allow us to see the heavenly family so close to us. The intercession of the saints and their examples help us on the path. We live, bear witness, learn to practice a life of virtue with the saints. We also improve from their courage and sacrifice for us to witness to God in this life.
Mother, I thank You. It is You who give us the opportunity. Mother, please protect our homeland Vietnam to not fall to a foreign invasion. Mother, please help the sick today. I lift to You and ask for You to intercede for our prayers to be according to God’s holy will, to be in Your arrangement and the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. We thank, praise, and honor You. Mother, please accept our apology, help us fulfill our duty and responsibility to do what You teach, for us to help the world with fervent prayers and plead God to have mercy and intervene for us. We are very grateful to You, Mother.
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