Jesus’ Eucharistic Heart and Divine Mercy


Jesus’ Eucharistic Heart and Divine Mercy

October 14, 2011 – 3:10 p.m.

Adoration room


Lucia: Beloved Father, I would like to report the miracle that happened last night. Father, You wanted me to witness, and clearly see with my own eyes, and record the miracles that You did, to testify to Your Presence in this place!


Your miracle is immutable! No one can refute the things that truly happened here! It is a very strange and wonderful thing for God to have chosen this place, this tabernacle, this area, this parish, to be the place to fully receive the power of His miracles. It is such an extreme blessing for the leaders, as well as the parishioners, and this tabernacle, to be the place where God comes to us every day.


I do not know how to describe or say correctly what I have seen here, and at the same time, to express my gratitude to God, and praise the power of the Most High, Jesus Christ, Who has done and is doing this miracle in the world, to show us His Love and His True Presence, to strengthen our faith and our trust in His forgiveness, redeeming all the people, who upon hearing about this, shall come to Him.


This special privilege is the utmost blessing He has reserved for this last century. Please come back from your mistakes! Step away from the evil passion of sins! Renounce the bad habits and vices!


The dark addictions of mankind! Leave the darkness of this depraved world! He is waiting for us, at every moment of our lives! Let us repent and return to Him, to His bleeding Heart, burning up with Love! The flame of Love that is the salvation for each of us, and all of humanity! Take the opportunity to hold on to this special grace, and return to God, in these remaining days of this century!


God gives us plenty of opportunities, but there is not much time left, and nobody can prove and know; we can only see things with our eyes; and hear, and touch. These extraordinary things, and these miracles, have never happened before, in any other century.


There is no talk or mention of these miracles in any books*; only this reminder, at this moment, through these miracles, are the words that God has revealed to me, as well as my witnessing, and recording of all the daily miracles.


I have been allowed by God to see the daily transformations in the Eucharist, and what He wants to reveal through me. I have written the notes, and have recorded on the tapes, as well as taken the pictures, to prove everything that God wants to give to all of humanity to clearly see, and to know, of His lively Existence through the Eucharist each day, in the Host.


Today is the 46th day that the Holy Eucharist has been moving! And the rays of light emanating from the Holy Eucharist, with lines going up and down, and back and forth, clearly this cannot be refuted and doubted, because His Light is white and this white color, I have never seen such dazzling color in this world! As for His Heart, His Heart has been appearing through the Eucharist for 18 days, beating strongly, and breathing!


The Blood covering the Heart, and the fire of Love burning intensely, is His call of Love to humanity, and He is waiting for humanity to come to Him through the Eucharist! His calling, and His desire, to meet each of us in particular, and all of humanity in general, is through the Eucharist, with His Mercy and His Heart present in there!


The blessings we get through Mass are indispensable, and highly beneficial for the salvation of our souls, for those who have faith and believe in eternal life, in the salvation of the soul in this life, as well as the next life. Having faith, and trusting in His Love, will convert and sanctify all things! If we believe and trust in Him with an absolute, unwavering faith, our faith will save us. Believe and we shall have, knock and the door will open, seek and we shall find! Justice and truth will come to those who seek, and believe, in Jesus Christ our Lord!


Through His redemption, no matter how many sins we are living in; refusing His Love and alienating ourselves from Him over time; buried deep in our passions; in the pleasures of the earth; indifferent and cold; turning our backs, with no sympathy, to our loving Father, Who has sacrificed Himself, Who has suffered, and Who has died on the cross to save His children, a Father, lonely, and agonizing in the shame of being abandoned by His children; but it is not for this reason that He is leaving us, His children.


He loves us no matter what!
He even loves our coldness, our hard-heartedness, and our betrayal! **
He loves, and loves each of us!
Who could love us with this extreme Love as His!
His Love is unconditional!
His Love is not calculating like human love!
He keeps offering us His Love!
His Love transforms us!
His Love welcomes those who are suffering; those who are disappointed and lost, who want to come back!
His Love covers all the sins committed by mankind!
His Love lasts forever and ever!
O mankind, can you not comprehend
What keeps you from coming back
Come back to your Holy Father
Come repent to His kind and boundless Mercy
Kneel by His Holy Eucharist
Ask for the pardon of sins
Why still be attached to the worries of this world
Look to My Holy Eucharist, longing for you
My Love is forever present with you
My bleeding Heart existing in the world
My Love came to erase the sins of the world
To save you from this life of misery
Hurry and come to this Love
The salvation for mankind from sins
Time is running out now
This is My last favor before the end
Mankind, hurry, come, and worship
The Divine Heart of our Master Jesus
He is existing in this world
Blessed is he who comes looking for My Holy Eucharist
My blessings shall overflow
Heaven is waiting for you
Hope to see you gather and return soon
From south to north, with heart, praying
Asking for your salvation
For mankind to return to the Father’s side
Heaven is near and far
I am longing, our Father in heaven is waiting
Even with sin as red as blood
The Father’s Love overflows
Hurry, come back My child
Give Me your hand, I shall take you to heaven
Why still be attached to worldly things
Time will not wait forever
Justice and truth are clear
The day I come down to earth
The good will enjoy honor
The wicked will end up in the fire with no way out
Time has been decided
For My coming to purify the earth

These are the words I want to remind you, children. My Heart of Love is living and waiting, longing for you to return, in response to My call of Love! The Merciful Savior is waiting for you, children, always!





Writing finished


* This is not saying that Eucharistic miracles have not been written about, but that these ones have not.


** Jesus is not saying here that He loves these things in themselves but that He loves us in spite of them.

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