NRTTE Las Nuevas Revelaciones a Través de la Eucaristía Mon, 13 Nov 2023 11:12:17 +0000 es hourly 1 Recent Miraculous Photos Wed, 01 Nov 2023 16:43:43 +0000

Miraculous Photos Taken Recently – Click at [Read more –>] to view several photos Mon, 16 Oct 2023 21:12:56 +0000

Photo taken in front of Emmaus Chapel, St. Theresa Catholic Church, Sugar Land, TX at 2:30 a.m., Jan 10, 2023.

This photo taken on Mar 17, 2023 in front of Emmaus Chapel

Photo taken in front of a private residence in Sugar Land, TX; at 3:30 a.m., Jan 11, 2023.

This miraculous photo taken in a private residence on Feb 27, 2023

This miraculous photo taken in front of St. Theresa Church at 12:30 a.m., Mar 9, 2023.

Eucharistic Jesus moving in a private residence, Sugar Land, TX at 10 p.m., Sep 29, 2023.

This miraculous photo taken in Emmaus Chapel at 2:57 a.m., Oct 3, 2023.

This miraculous photo taken in Emmaus Chapel at 12:05 a.m., Oct 7, 2023.

Cómo hacer las seis postraciones (Kowtows) Tue, 15 Nov 2022 16:25:33 +0000 Cómo hacer las seis postraciones (Kowtows)


PRÁCTICA DE LAS SEIS POSTRACIONES (Kowtows) Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:01:23 +0000  

This miraculous photo, taken at 2:00 a.m., on 6-5-2018, shows the Eucharist moving in front of the door of the Emmaus Chapel. It proves the presence of God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Mother Mary.

From 1:00 to 3:00 a.m., from November 2011 to August 2015, this is one of Eucharistic photos taken by Lucia Phan with her cell phone in the Emmaus Chapel, St. Theresa Church, Sugar Land, Texas, USA.


Revelada por la Santísima Madre a Lucia Phan en 2014, esta práctica es la forma más poderosa de volver a Dios. Practicando las seis postraciones, nos ayuda a enfocar y acercarnos fervientemente a Dios, con el corazón interior.

Para hacer la postración es a ponerse de rodillas, la frente tocando el suelo, las manos en oración sobre la cabeza, símbolo como la llama encendida en El Espíritu Santo. Luego ofrezca una oración a cada persona con alma, cuerpo y corazón. En sumisión, entrega, adoración, honor, alabanza, acción de gracias, gratitud. Disculpándonos y regresar a Dios. Suplicando su intervención.

    1. La Primera postración la ofrezco a Dios Padre.
    2. La Segunda postración la ofrezco a Dios Hijo, Jesús.
    3. La Tercera postración la ofrezco a Dios Espíritu Santo.
    4. La Cuarta postración la ofrezco al Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús.
    5. La Quinta postración la ofrezco a las Cinco Llagas de Jesús.
    6. La Sexta postración la ofrezco al Inmaculado Corazón de María y su Triunfo.

* Al final de cada postración ofrecida, diga Totus Tuus, una frase del latín que se traduce a “(Yo) pertenezco enteramente a Dios/Madre”. Es un modismo de San Luis de Montfort y también el lema oficial de Papa San Juan Pablo II.


En Sudamérica, la gente también oran a Dios mediante la postración.

«Aquellos que invocan Mi Nombre,nunca los rechazaré».– Jesús, 22 de febrero de 2020


La clave para resolver las catástrofes son las Seis Postraciones (Kowtows) para salvar el mundo. Eso requiere que la humanidad vuelva, se arrepienta y se postra ante Dios; la Santísima Trinidad. En particular, la adoración de Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento.Imagen

(Contraportada) Jesús sufriendo en su Pasión apareció dentro de la Eucaristía. Jesús sufrió, fue abusado y golpeado por nuestros pecados. Esta foto milagrosa fue revelada a Lucia Phan en la capilla de Emaús.


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Meditación de la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, el domingo de La Pascua Mon, 20 Dec 2021 04:21:47 +0000 4 de abril de 2021
Esta meditación fue inspirada por El Espíritu santo a Lucía Phan cuando estaba rezando la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia.
La Primera Década: Oh Corazón de Jesucristo, quien es el rey del amor, por favor gobierne nuestras almas y condúcenos en Tu salvación.
Lucía: Jesucristo es Él Rey del amor, Él Rey de la vida, Él Rey de nuestras almas, Él Salvador eterno. Tenemos al Señor, nuestro Salvador, a quien todavía tememos, ¿por qué todavía dudamos? Acudamos a Él para alabarlo, glorificarlo y honrarlo. Celebremos el día en el que resucitó El Señor, celebremos la Pascua, celebremos el día que El Señor triunfó, para traer la victoria devuelta a Sus hijos. Todo lo que se necesita es que todos se entreguen y someten. Con nuestro regreso, Dios nos guiará dentro la tierra prometida que Él está dispuesta regresar a nosotros. Para lograr esto se requiere unidad y cooperación. Oremos para que la gente cambie. Oremos para que la gente regrese a Dios. Solo Dios es el origen de la seguridad, y es la felicidad, la victoria, la paz que se necesita en todas las regiones y naciones.
La Segunda Década: Oh, Sagrado Corazón de Jesucristo, por favor trae a nosotros y a toda la humanidad al regreso a Tu amor.
Lucía: ¡Alegrarse! ¡Alegrarse! ¡El Señor ha resucitado! Todos los días nos quejamos, nos culpamos, nos afligíamos, nos sufríamos y nos lloramos. Guardemos este día para el Señor. El Señor verdaderamente vino a nosotros por Su resurrección. Alégrate, porque tenemos al Señor. Alégrate, El Señor ha vencido a la muerte. Alégrate, para que Él nos guía al amor a través de la Divina Misericordia, para que seamos purificados en el océano de Su amor infinito. ¡Regocíjense, pecadores! El propósito de Dios para venir era a salvarnos, a traernos afuera de la circunvalación de las tinieblas dentro en que nos tropezamos en nuestra debilidad. Dios nos ama y perdura sufrimientos extremos por nosotros. Hoy, que El Señor nos lleve en Sus brazos, nos levante y nos abracé contra Su Corazón.
¡Alégrate, hermanos y hermanas! Canten alabanzas para agradecer al Señor. Elevémonos a Él y recordemos Su Divina Misericordia infinita e ilimitada para que cambiemos nuestras vidas. Elevemos nuestros corazones al Señor con la Madre María, con los ángeles, con los santos, para alabar a Dios Padre, Él Dios de amor. Su Hijo resucitó para salvarnos de los sufrimientos del mundo. Triunfaremos con Él, viviremos en Él, para que nuestras vidas resuciten, con una nueva vista, una nueva esperanza y una nueva resurrección que Dios nos concede.
Tercera Década: Oh, Señor Jesucristo que Tu corazón gobierne sobre el mundo entero.
Lucía: verdaderamente triunfaste. Tú nos otorgaste la victoria contigo. Oh, Señor Jesucristo, gracias a tu victoria, gracias a tu resurrección, tenemos El Espíritu Santo. Oh, Espíritu Santo, por favor enséñame, enseña a la humanidad, enseña a tus pequeños discípulos conocer tu amor, para que podamos sumir y recibir Tus enseñanzas. En Tu iluminación y guía, que seamos valientes, seamos fuertes. Que podamos recibir la iluminación en una manera más poderosa de Tu gracia, a traer alegría a la Pascua, a traer alegría a la vida resucitada en Cristo, a traer alegría, felicidad y júbilo en Ti.
Oh, Espíritu Santo, el mundo está lleno de trampas, tinieblas, pecados; pero Tú eres la luz que ilumine a toda la gente y todas las naciones. Del amor del Señor Resucitado, de la salvación del Señor Jesucristo, desde el amor abundancia a través de la Divina misericordiosa de Dios Padre Tú cumpliste el plan con amor, con la pintura de un cielo otorgado por nosotros, entre los hombres.
Oh, Señor, Dios mío, por favor ilumine a mis hermanas, a mis hermanos y el mundo, en esta época extrema de tensión entre el bien y el mal, para escoger nosotros. Como realmente fuimos creados por el amor de Dios, el amor de Dios Uno y Trino es el triunfo en nuestros años de miseria y debilidad, dominados por las realidades de nuestras vidas. Dios siempre encuentra la manera para salvarnos, siempre encuentra un modo de separarnos de la oscuridad, para traernos dentro la luz. Que podamos vivir en la luz del Señor Resucitado, especialmente este año, para que estemos listos en la gracia del Espíritu Santo, tomar decisiones firmes, a pisar fuera de nuestras dependencias, a vivir para glorificar a Dios, adorar a Dios, confesar a Dios, darle gracias a Dios, entregarnos a Dios y disculparnos a Dios.
Esa es la condición humana. No necesitas hacer otra cosa. Desafortunadamente, aún no hemos entendido esa posición, retenemos la autoridad de Dios de que solo Él tiene el poder de planificar por nosotros. Usurpamos la autoridad de Dios para decidir por nuestras vidas, para juzgar todos los asuntos, para poner todos esos asuntos dentro las costumbres y leyes humanas. Entonces perdemos la relación directa con el Espíritu Santo.
No queremos hacer nada mal, ni queremos derrocar a ningún líder ni régimen, queremos alabar a Dios, adorar a Dios, confesar a Dios y cruzar la línea a reunirnos con nuestro Dios. Ahora nos unimos para levantar todos los problemas. Dios ve y Dios sabe. Dios nos necesita madurar. Dios nos necesita creer firmemente en Él. Dios nos necesita vivir en Su enseñanza. Solo necesitamos creer en Él, luego no se encuentra nada, ni límites ni sufrimiento como el que estamos enfrentando. Déjanos juntarnos en unidad. No nos separemos unos de otros. No dejemos dividir por nuestras formas de pensar y por nuestras inferencias debidas al egoísmo. Unámonos. Donde hay amor, está Dios. Donde hay caridad, Dios bendice. Donde haya unidad, prevaleceremos. Esto es lo que más necesitamos.
Gracias al impulso del Espíritu Santo, ayudando a mis hermanos y hermanas, especialmente durante estos días de Pascua, para que aprendamos más, a ser guiados por El Espíritu Santo, a tener el valor de salir mientras el tiempo todavía lo permite, para traer Dios a toda la gente, a postrarnos para orar por el mundo, porque la gente desesperadamente necesita oraciones. Somos los pioneros, así que tomemos la iniciativa y aceptemos el desafío de traer la victoria a los que nos siguen. Somos los últimos Discípulos para llevar esa responsabilidad a responder a la llamada que Dios eligió. Amén.
Cuarta Década: Oh, Santísima Corazón de Jesucristo, por favor perdona y transforma nosotros y toda la humanidad.
Lucía: Oh Corazón de Jesús, Tú eres amor, Tú eres vida, Tú eres la luz de la verdad. Por favor, perdónanos los pecadores. Por favor, Santifica y transforma nosotros por Tu Resurrección. Oh, Jesús, es a través de Ti, contigo, y en Ti, que tenemos el Señor quien, es presente con nosotros a través de los siglos. Ese es el Jesús Eucarístico. La espiritualidad sagrada está presente en cada uno de nosotros a través de generaciones. Jesús nació, también el mismo significado del Jesús Eucarístico. Jesús caminando por el Camino de la Cruz, también el mismo significado que Jesús Eucarístico. Jesús resucitó gloriosa y triunfalmente. Ese es el Jesús Eucarístico. Todos permanecen con nosotros como Él prometió.
La institución del Santísimo Sacramento en la Última Cena con las primeras personas que El Señor eligió para atestiguar el rito que Él instituyó, para traernos Su mandamiento: «Amaos los unos a los otros». Porque es solo con amor y unidad que podemos hacer las obras que Dios ha arreglado desde el principio. Déjanos venir juntos al Señor que permanece con nosotros, como dijo a los Apóstoles, a la Iglesia a través de los siglos, a los laicos de todas las regiones y naciones. «Amaos unos a otros, sea unidos unos a otros y obedéceme. Avanza en el camino del testimonio y trae Mi Buena Nueva al mundo».
Oh, Señor, hoy es Pascua, déjanos recordar lo que has hecho. Nos has concedido especialmente estos últimos días. Si no superamos los miedos, las dudas de la humanidad y las reglas de la humanidad, entonces, ¿cómo podemos tener estos sentimientos para elevarnos a Ti el martes, en la hora de la Divina Misericordia?
Oh, Señor, Tú nos amas y Tú te aflijas por lo que hiciste por la humanidad, pero todavía no hemos reconocido para que vayamos a Ti. Es Jesús, hace más de 2,000 años con una historia registrada, con la señal que el hizo. Él permanece con nosotros en la espiritualidad sagrada a través del Santísimo Sacramento, para recibirlo diariamente, para tenerlo – quedarse con nosotros, para tener Su amor, para tener el abrazo que Dios, El Señor supremo, nos concedió desde el principio.
¿Quién puede hacer eso por nosotros? Que el Señor nos permita guardar este día en nuestras vidas para renacer eternamente dentro El Señor Resucitado quien permanece con nosotros a través de la Eucaristía; para que estemos en contacto íntimo con Él, para escuchar Su voz, para continuar a escucharlo enseñar, para que sigamos recibiendo lo que Él permite, para continuar nosotros a recibir lo que Él permite, para continuar nosotros a vivir con Él en manera animada. Él quiere eso, Él espera eso, Él anhela eso con nosotros, los niños quiénes Él ama, para que seamos humildes, simples, normales, discípulos ordinarios, pero verdaderamente extraordinarios en Su gracia.
Oh, Señor Jesucristo, te doy gracias. Tu visitación, Tu estancia, Tu luz brillando en nuestros corazones, Para amar nosotros al Jesús Eucarístico. Amamos a Jesús Resucitado, amamos a Jesús, quien el Corazón sigue esperando, para traer la luz, para traer el amor, para restaurar la humanidad.
Quinta Década: Oh, Corazón del Padre, por favor trae la humanidad al regreso a Tu amor.
Lucía: O Padre, Los Cinco Signos del Señor Jesucristo. Te honro, te adoro y te doy gracias. Las Cinco Llagas del Señor Jesucristo han triunfado, trayendo vida y esperanza para salvar la humanidad. Con meditaciones especiales, hoy estamos celebrando La Pascua. La segunda persona de Dios ha triunfado verdaderamente para traernos de regreso al amor de Dios Padre que es un recordatorio en el trabajo de salvación que termino con Los Cinco Signos sagrados. Lo que Dios anhela y espera es a llevarnos al amor e infinita Divina Misericordia de Dios todopoderoso. Es El Señor supremo quien sacrificó Su único hijo para salvarnos porque Él amaba tanto a la humanidad y eso fue victoria completa.
Hoy, gracias a nuestro Señor Jesús, adoramos y honramos a Dios Padre y Su Divina Misericordia. Se nos permite vivir y sumergirnos en esa Misericordia Divina infinita e ilimitada, para alabar al Padre, glorificar al Padre, honrar al Padre, el símbolo del Primer Signo Santo.
Reverenciamos, adoramos y elevamos a Él cada día de nuestras vidas. Solo Él tiene poder para renovar todo el mundo. Déjanos venir a Él con un corazón agradecido, con un corazón reverente, confesando a través Del Señor Jesucristo, para que El Padre tenga Misericordia e interviene. Cualquier situación, regocijamos, celebremos, demos gracias al Padre, porque hoy Su Hijo, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo verdaderamente ha completado el plan de salvación.
La humanidad sigue dentro los límites de comprensión. Somos muy educados, pero somos más familiares con las costumbres y hábitos de la humanidad en lugar de lo que Dios ofrece y otorga a nosotros en una manera gentil y tierna. Hoy, volvemos a lo que hemos perdido. Estuvimos restringidos celebrar con El Señor Jesucristo Nuestro Salvador y Redentor. Ahorra, nos postramos reverentemente al Segundo Signo Sagrado con adoración y acción de gracias. Gracias a Él, con Él, que seamos dignos de elevar el ofrecimiento a Dios Padre.
Oh, Jesús El Señor resucitado, Tú trajiste el amor del Padre contigo a la victoria. Para que seamos resucitados, para ser renacidos, y para estar en el amor de Dios a través del Espíritu Santo. Eso es el Tercer Signo Sagrado. Adoramos y damos gracia. Que ese amor siempre ha estado con la humanidad por generaciones, una riqueza infinita y rebosante con lo más bello, lo mejor que Dios otorga a nosotros viniendo del amor de Dios, a través del Espíritu Santo.
Nosotros somos verdaderamente respetados y tenemos el derecho para ser decisiones. Pero dado a una fe débil y limitado, no nos acercamos a Él brioso y valientemente, para convertirnos en niños humildes bajo Su guía. Nos hemos vuelto muy dependientes sobre el mundo. Hoy nos conmocionamos fácilmente, fácilmente convencidos por una vida mundana. Nos hemos vuelto muy dependientes en el mundo. Pero El Espíritu Santo todavía está ahí para esperarnos, todavía enciende el fuego y espera que nuestros corazones sean iluminados, que nuestras mentes sean iluminadas, para que seamos iluminados en nuestras decisiones, para convertirnos a la gente, quien Dios ilumina en la bondad que la gente necesita tener, a distinguir claramente entre la verdad y la falsedad, entre el correcto e incorrecto, entre el bien y el mal, entre las cosas de Dios en un amor íntimo, y entre los confines y los límites de las leyes.
Las leyes de la humanidad son demasiadas, han aplastado todas las cosas dentro la naturaleza que Dios concede. Su petición es que seamos sencillos y humildes, que estemos con Él, que seamos guiados por Él, que demos un paso adelante con Él. Cuando nos pertenecemos a Él, no entendemos cuál es el pecado ni tenemos la oportunidad de pecar. Pero como hemos confiado en todas las realidades de la vida, hemos quedado atrapados en medio. Hoy sabemos que somos las víctimas. Demos nuestras manos al Espíritu Santo. Escuchemos sus palabras. Vivamos una vida humilde y simple, porque Jesús ha resucitado trayendo victoria. Ya no estamos vencidos. Volvemos a nuestro Señor. Venimos al significado de los Cinco Santos Signos como la Madre María nos ayuda al final de la historia. Déjenos no ahogar en lo que hay en el mundo con reglas reguladas creadas por el hombre. Tenemos que triunfar, porque Nuestro Señor nos trajo la victoria.
Tenemos el amor del Espíritu Santo. Tenemos Su guía. Tenemos la victoria del Señor Jesús. Confiamos en El Señor Jesús para regresar a nuestro Padre amoroso, quien es El Ser Supremo omnipotente, soberano sobre la humanidad. Tenemos a Jesús. Lo veneramos. Él nos nutre con Su Santo Cuerpo y Sangre. Eso es el Cuarto Signo Santo. Él nos mantiene a su lado, nos cubre con su amor. Él espera darnos la gracia para fortalecernos, así que, ¿qué otra cosa hay para que dudemos, ¿qué otra cosa hay para temer? ¿Cómo sabemos lo que toda vía nos queda? Madre quiere que entendamos esto claramente. ¿Para qué propósito murió Jesús? ¿Para qué propósito sufrió Él? Es para salvarnos y traernos a Él, para prepararnos un camino esperanzador, un camino seguro, un camino victorioso, un camino pacífico, y no días de sufrimiento extremo como hoy, no días de ser sometidos, como la gente normal, ordinario que están en peor estado que nosotros. ¿Por qué debemos ser vencidos?
Tenemos a Dios. Además, ¿quién es la persona para conquistar eso? Es la Madre María, el Quinto Signo Santo. Dios quiere que vengamos a Madre, a escuchar a Madre, a seguir el ejemplo que Madre pone ante nosotros. Madre es una persona completamente obediente, con todo lo mejor. Jesús vino dentro este mundo con un propósito. Estuvo en el vientre de Madre por nueve meses y diez días y nació como un ser humano. En su vida, lo que hizo en la tierra, fue en Su divinidad y humanidad.
Todo se cumplió en el plan de Dios Padre, pero esa divinidad permanece con la última palabra dicha a Madre María. Madre María es la representante para el mundo. Para que el mundo reciba las gracias otorgadas. En resumen, los Cinco Signos Sagrados tienen una abundancia de significados. La Madre María quiere que meditemos sobre esto, en general y en todo, para que encontremos a una familia celestial con las gracias dadas que es la evidencia del Calvario donde el Señor nos espera en la victoria. Lo que necesitamos, es a través de la Madre para que entendamos el significado de una fe íntimo y profundo de una vida. Por muchos años en nuestras vidas, celebramos la Resurrección, pero nuestros rostros todavía están desanimados. Continuamos día tras día, todavía en días de tristeza y miedo. ¿Qué tenemos para resucitar o es nada más rutina en la vida?
Tenemos a la Madre María. Hoy, la Madre quiere que celebremos al Señor Resucitado, con nuestras almas y cuerpos, con nuestra determinación, con verdadera victoria. Ella quiere que hagamos esto para que estemos preparados por esa fe, por esa confianza. La Madre nos lleva a la última clave, con las obras que hacemos diariamente, con los momentos que nos unimos para ofrecer a Dios la Divina Misericordia que Él nos concedió desde el principio, para que renazcamos en Él por medio de Jesucristo. Hoy, Madre nos recuerda a menudo: Dios viene a perdonar, a amar, a salvarnos. Todavía tenemos un sello, los Cinco Signos Sagrados, recordándonos que es un sello de amor, de perdón y de salvación. Volvamos, regresemos a Dios, superemos todas nuestras debilidades y pecados. Elevemos a Dios esos pecados y debilidades, para que se conviertan en las ofrendas diarias. Con la Madre y en la Madre, al final, seremos victoriosos con el Señor Jesucristo.
Con la resurrección de hoy, solo sabemos una cosa: nuestro deber. Adoramos a Dios, honramos a Dios, damos gracias a Dios, glorificamos a Dios, bendecimos a Dios, alabamos a Dios – es nuestro deber. Y aprendemos a vivir una vida como la Madre nos enseñó: volver, vivir una vida reformada. Madre, por favor ayúdanos a vivir según Tu ejemplo. Ser humildes, vivir una vida de oración, vivir una vida simple, para que la Madre nos saque fuera de los lugares ocultos que por tanto tiempo nos hemos atado fuertemente. Debido a la debilidad, el pecado nos ha vencido.
En este momento elevamos nuestras almas a un día significativo. Para alegrarnos primero con Madre, y alegrarnos con los ángeles, con los santos, para que, junto con El Señor Jesús, volvamos a Dios Padre. Nos inclinamos y adoramos en postración, para agradecer al Señor Todopoderoso, rico en Divina Misericordia, quien nos concedió el océano infinito de la Divina Misericordia, para renacer con Él por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Honramos a Dios, damos gracias a Dios, nos sometemos a los Cinco Signos Sagrados: la marca, el encuentro en la salvación. Cada uno de nosotros recibe el perdón y la devolución cuando en realidad escuchamos y entendemos claramente lo que la Madre nos dio a lo largo de los años con Sus enseñanzas, con las acciones y oraciones diarias a través de las Seis Postraciones (Kowtows).
Los Cinco Signos Sagrados nos ayudarán a crecer y confiar para superar los pensamientos y acciones miserables, para que pertenezcamos a Dios como los niños guiados por Madre al Dios del amor, El Dios de la Divina Misericordia. Dios comprende todas las debilidades, Dios resucitará y vivirá de nuevo cuando vengamos a Él, confiamos en Él. Cuando escuchamos las enseñanzas de la Madre María, somos verdaderamente perfectos en la familia celestial que la Madre nos dio a través de los Cinco Santos Signos.
La Sexta Década: Doy gracias a Dios Padre. Padre, permítanos ofrecer la Sexta Postración, con acción de gracias y gratitud, a Madre María.
Lucia: Madre, te damos gracias. Fuiste tú quien nos enseñó. Hoy, desde las últimas reticencias y debilidades, nos atrevemos valientemente hacer las obras imposibles que, todavía, son posibles en nosotros, del amor a Dios, de confianza. Hoy Dios nos da una vista optimista en la renovación para disiparlo inherentemente condicional en nosotros, en la negatividad de una sociedad contemporánea. Madre, ayúdanos buscar a Dios. Ayúdanos a tener el valor de escuchar Tus enseñanzas, a practicar verdaderamente con nuestras almas y corazones, con reverencia en un espíritu de penitencia y gratitud, en un estado de entrega y postración, de la manera en la que Tú nos enseñas a orar. Nadie puede enseñarnos esto. Nadie puede tener tanta compatibilidad y profundidad con el amor de Dios como Madre María. Madre nos enseñó personalmente porque somos verdaderamente inmaduros y tontos, a través de generaciones, a través edades.
Hay ciertas reglas que nos harán levantarnos a Dios, pero hay ciertas reglas que causarán limitaciones, nos harán sentir miedo de un Dios que parecía existir hace más de 2,000 años y no un Dios con quien vive con nosotros como hoy. Si sin Madre, entonces realmente no podemos superar la opinión pública, sintiéndonos oprimidos, asustados, juzgados y pisoteados. Hoy eso se ha convertido en la respuesta en la historia contemporánea. Lo que viene de Dios, Madre lo sabe claramente. Madre ordenó y madre permitió. Que seamos sencillos y humildes y hagamos lo que sea necesario para glorificar a Dios, para amar a Dios, para estar cerca a Dios y para sentir el amor de Dios a través de la Madre María. Ayúdanos por favor a superar todo para convertirnos en el discípulo que Dios escogió para hacer Su voluntad por el entrenamiento de la Madre María, de la guía del Espíritu Santo, y no de la voluntad humana ni según ciertas reglas que son correctas pero muy antiguas. La humanidad cayó dentro la situación de hoy, entonces, ¿quién es lo suficientemente valiente para defender a las ovejas de Dios? ¿Quién es lo suficientemente valiente y fuerte para defender la gente santa de Dios?
Dios necesita que apoyemos a las personas que dedican su vida a la verdad y que están solas y solitarios. No se levantan para hacer lo que es posible, aunque su corazón lo desea en sus roles. Recemos. Esa es la fuerza que quiere la Madre María. Esa es la fuerza para invocar el nombre de Dios y también para atraer la gracia del cielo a través de la ayuda de Madre. Que nuestra Iglesia sea victoriosa. Que encontrémonos un Jesús verdaderamente vivo en la Iglesia, Un Jesús quien defiende a su rebaño, una Madre amorosa que protege a sus ovejas y protege a los sacerdotes y obispos. La Madre los protegió y se quedó con ellos, los mismos pastores a quienes la Madre entrenó silenciosamente hace más de 2,000 años, para tener la Iglesia a través de los siglos.
Hoy en el mundo, la situación se ha sometido a las leyes de la humanidad. Así que, la Madre quiere restablecer lo que pertenece a Dios, en una manera íntima, simple, respetuosa, reverente, con una determinación firme en Su ley. ¿Qué es más maravilloso que la Madre María quien practicó toda una vida completa de oración silenciosa? A través de muchas posiciones, la gente practica muchas formas, pero carecen de oraciones, y a veces rezan de forma indiferente, irrespetuosa, sin aprecio. Llega a un punto en el que ya no hay profundidad, solo una regla externa. Entonces, cuando vienen los enemigos, el rebaño se dispersa completamente, porque no hay nadie que defienda a las ovejas, a la gente santa.
Ha llegado el momento de que la Madre María actúe. La Madre quiere que cada uno de nosotros, los laicos, juntos oremos para que la Iglesia esté unida, que la Iglesia vuelva, para que tengamos una Iglesia y con el rebaño santo de Dios, actuamos en la etapa final. Madre quiere vernos regresar a la tierra prometida. Es el Huerto del Edén, que será devuelto a nosotros cuando sea el momento adecuado, cuando la humanidad reconoce a Dios en la postración, regrese y con la Madre, regocijarnos en un año de eventos malos y desastrosos, porque también es un año de gracia, lleno de esperanza en El Señor Resucitado. Madre nos quiere en esa madurez.
Ahora juntos décimos a la Madre: Oh, Madre María, Madre de la Divina Misericordia, Madre del Corazón del Amor, Madre de la Eucaristía, Madre del Verbo Encarnado, Madre de la humanidad, Madre de cada pecador, cada preso, cada santo, cada víctima, cada penitente, cada testigo y cada paciente en todas las regiones y naciones; con alma y cuerpo, por favor ayúdanos a obedecerte, escucharte, hacer lo que Tu enseñas para pedirle a Dios que nos salve, que esa Resurrección de Jesús sea completo con sus deseos, con sus anhelos.
También estamos en necesidad. Necesitamos reconocer a Dios, a escuchar Su voz, a tener Su intervención. Necesitamos levantar nuestro estatus como víctimas. Que Dios tenga misericordia de nosotros. Que Dios nos libre. Con la Madre, déjanos actuar cada día, especialmente con la renovación de nuestras almas, de cada persona, de toda la humanidad. Con nuestra representación de pioneros con el don de las Seis postraciones (Kowtows), es verdaderamente maravilloso, tenemos toda una familia celestial que es el apoyo de Dios. El significado de esta Pascua nos trae añoranza. Déjanos pasar por estos días porque elegimos, aceptemos todas las dificultades del final y la etapa final, con el regalo de las Seis Postraciones (Kowtows), con la llave de las Seis Postraciones (Kowtows), con la Madre María en la batalla final que tenemos en esta generación de humanidad.
«Cree y recibirás; Busca y encontrarás; llama y se te abrirá». Madre nos recuerda esto cuando lo necesitamos. El Señor no requiere de nosotros, pero seamos ofrendas, aunque indignas. Déjanos arrepentirnos cada día, regresemos a Dios cada día. Arrepentirnos, mejorarnos, que seamos perfectos, seamos dignos de la salvación. La gloriosa resurrección de Jesús, otorgada a nosotros, y la enseñanza de la Madre, nos ayudan a prepararnos para la reverencia para celebrar la Resurrección que El Señor nos otorgó, en alma y cuerpo, en la victoria gloriosa. Él nos otorgó en los días anhelando por la paz, anhelando por la seguridad, anhelando por unidad. Ha habido una voz, y ha habido devoluciones.
Hoy, Dios ve y nos ayuda a continuar con la misión que la Madre nos confía, a rezar por la unidad del mundo, a celebrar la Resurrección de manera significativa que Dios otorga hoy y siempre en las vidas de la gente que lo siguen, quien lo escuchen. Mientras escuchamos las enseñanzas de la Madre María, convertiremos a ser perfectos según el camino que Dios nos concede especialmente, a través de la Madre, con la Madre, dentro la Madre y con toda la corte celestial, para celebrar el día que resucitó con nosotros.
Ofrezca una oración a San José, a los tres Arcángeles: San Miguel, San Gabriel, San Rafael y todos los arcángeles; los ángeles de la guarda, todos los demás ángeles y todos los santos; para pedir su intercesión. Amén.
Thông Điệp của Đức Chúa Cha Lễ Giáng Sinh Sun, 19 Dec 2021 17:46:58 +0000 Ngày 25-12-2020

Lucia: Lạy Chúa, 2 giờ 17 phút, ngày Thứ Sáu, tháng 12, ngày 25, năm 2020, tại thánh đường Thánh Têrêsa. Chúng con đang quỳ trước cung thánh, nhà tạm, Thập Tự Giá, linh ảnh Chúa Lòng Thương Xót và  thánh tượng Mẹ Áo Đức Bà như mỗi ngày chúng con thường đến đây. Đặc biệt hôm nay là Ngày Giáng Sinh, ngày Sinh Nhật của Chúa Giêsu; chúng con đang quỳ trước hang đá tại thánh đường Thánh Têrêsa như Chúa đã yêu cầu chúng con đến trước hang đá, Chúa đang lạnh lẽo với giá buốt của Mùa Đông. 

Mùa Đông trên 2000 năm trước Chúa chịu giá lạnh, nhưng 2000 năm sau Chúa không phải giá lạnh vì mùa Đông giá rét, mà Chúa giá lạnh bởi vì lòng người vô tâm. Xin cho chúng con cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất, thay thế mọi tầng lớp, mọi vai trò và những tội nhân như chúng con. Tất cả chúng con đều là những tội nhân và chúng con là một trong những tội nhân xin được đến với Chúa để dâng lời tạ tội, dâng lời cảm tạ. Xin Chúa cho chúng con được suy niệm ngày quan trọng này đối với chúng con hôm nay, xin cho chúng con như một cọng rơm bé nhỏ bù lắp lại với những ngày vô tâm trước kia. Dù ngày hôm nay bao nhiêu kẻ vẫn tiếp tục ơ thờ nhưng vẫn còn có chúng con, là những người mới bắt đầu cảm nghiệm được để xin trở thành những cọng rơm bé nhỏ để sưởi ấm cho Chúa trong năm 2020.

Trước hết, chúng con xin được kính dâng lên Sáu Lạy, một món quà mà Mẹ Maria đã dạy cho chúng con để dâng lên Thiên Chúa toàn năng, trong tâm tình tạ tội trước hang đá của Chúa Giêsu; đặc biệt trong những ngày căng thẳng mà cả thế giới đang hướng về, cũng là một năm đầy những ưu tư lo lắng với cơn dịch bệnh, với sự bế tắc, với những ngày bạo động, với tất cả đối diện và với những sự đau lòng. Nhất là Giáng Sinh năm nay những nhà thờ tại nhiều tiểu bang những người giáo dân không được đến để thờ lạy Chúa và họ không được đến để hiệp nhất tham dự thánh lễ như mọi năm. 


Lạy Chúa, cơn dịch bệnh đã làm thay đổi cả thế giới và cơn dịch bệnh đã làm cho mỗi một người chúng con trở thành những ngày dường như đã bắt đầu đi vào thói quen. Xin Chúa giúp chúng con. Chúng con cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất xin được dâng kính Chúa trong giây phút này. Xin Chúa cho phép chúng con thay thế cho tất cả mọi người anh chị em họ đang nằm trên giường bệnh, họ đang bị bệnh Covid-19, và còn nhiều người không đến thánh đường được. 


Giờ đây, chúng con xin dâng lên những lời này như một món quà mà Mẹ đã ban tặng chung cho thế giới và dành riêng cho chúng con mỗi người để được dâng kính Chúa trước hang đá Bêlem, hang đá Bêlem năm xưa và hang đá của mỗi một người chúng con hôm nay trong những giây phút cấp bách nhất, để chúng con cầu xin cho chính mình, cho thế giới, và cho tất cả những căng thẳng tại đất nước Hoa Kỳ. Xin Chúa thương đón nhận những lời chúng con cầu xin, chúng con xin dựa vào ngày hôm nay để xin dâng lên lời cảm tạ trong niềm hy vọng mà Thiên Chúa đã phán.


Bài Đọc I: Is 52: 7-10 Lạy Chúa, niềm hân hoan của ngày hôm nay, dù là những ngày bế tắc, những ngày cách ly, không tự nhiên và tự do để đến nhà thờ tham dự thánh lễ như mọi năm. Nhà thờ năm nay rất vắng lặng làm cho chúng con không thể nào không suy tư, không thể nào không cảm nghiệm những gì thuộc về chúng con những ngày trước kia.


Hôm nay sẽ có những người trong tâm tư hối tiếc, trong tâm tư hối hận, trong tâm tư với sự thống hối, để giúp chúng con hiểu rằng những điều Chúa ban cho chúng con thật phong phú nhưng lắm lúc chúng con thật không quý và cũng đã để cho thời gian trôi qua theo thế giới con người với sự tất bật; hôm nay tất cả mọi mặt đều nằm trong tình trạng sự bế tắc. Hôm nay chúng con mới có cơ hội được đến để tìm Chúa trong những giây phút thinh lặng nhất, cũng xin Chúa cho chúng con trở thành những máng cỏ để có một chút suy tư về Mầu Nhiệm Ngôi Hai Xuống Thế, Mầu Nhiệm của Đấng Cứu Độ, Đấng Cứu Chúa đã dành cho chúng con, vì yêu chúng con mà đến với chúng con.


Lạy Chúa, đất nước Hoa Kỳ của chúng con đang nằm trong tình trạng với những ngày căng thẳng, chúng con cũng được biết trong giây phút này không còn một nguời nào có thể cứu đất nước Hoa Kỳ, chỉ ngoài Chúa ra. Xin Chúa cứu thế giới của chúng con và cho chúng con thêm thời gian. Xin Chúa cứu đất nước Hoa Kỳ và xin Chúa cho thế giới cơ hội được nhận biết Chúa và sự quan trọng giá trị của sự tự do mà chúng con đã đánh mất.


Lạy Chúa, xin cho tất cả mọi người cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất mà sám hối ăn năn trở về. Giờ đây chúng con cũng không còn lời gì để nói hơn nữa, ngoài những tâm tình bé nhỏ trong sự tạ tội, để xin dâng kính Chúa Lạy Thứ Nhất mà Mẹ Maria đã luôn dành cho chúng con cơ hội để được dâng kính Ngài. Giờ đây chúng con xin kính dâng Lạy Thứ Nhất.


Lạy Đức Chúa Cha, con cảm tạ ơn Cha đã cho chúng con được đón nhận Con của Cha là Chúa Giêsu đến với chúng con để cứu chúng con, giải thoát chúng con trong cảnh u tối, tội lỗi lầm than. Lạy Cha, đã dành cho con người biết bao nhiêu ưu ái qua muôn thế hệ nhưng chúng con là những kẻ phản bội, những kẻ xúc phạm và những kẻ tội lỗi, qua muôn thế hệ vẫn ngoan cố cứng đầu. Ngày hôm nay đứng trước cảnh tượng này chúng con không còn con đường chọn lựa, chỉ có một điều duy nhất xin Chúa thương xót những người lắng nghe Chúa, thương xót những kẻ sám hối ăn năn trở về, thương xót người công chính.


Xin Chúa cho chúng con cơ hội được quay về với Chúa, để nói lên lòng tạ ơn, biết ơn và tri ân qua Lòng Thương Xót mà Chúa đã dành cho những những tội nhân như chúng con được trở thành những hối nhân, trở thành những dụng cụ và trở thành những chứng nhân âm thầm như ngày hôm nay. Xin Chúa xót thương và cho thế giới của chúng con được nhận biết những điều quyết định sai lầm của mình, đã đưa thế giới, đưa đất nước Hoa Kỳ và đưa từng mỗi một cá nhân đi vào một thế giới với quyền lực ngầm đang đủ mọi cách khống chế giữa thiện và ác, ánh sáng và bóng tối đang căng thẳng và đối diện với nhau trong tình trạng với những ngày nguy ngập nhất. 


Chúng con chỉ biết một điều duy nhất, chúng con thật sợ hãi một chế độ ngoại bang, một chế độ Cộng sản, một chế độ không tự do, đã cầm kẹp và hạn chế chúng con trong đời sống đức tin, đời sống với sự phụng thờ và phụng sự Chúa, và một đời sống tập thể hiệp nhất, tự do, bình an và hy vọng. Xin Chúa cho chúng con có cơ hội để được nhận ra sự quý trọng, quý giá mà chúng con đã đánh mất. Chúng con xin được trở về với Chúa bằng tâm tình sám hối, bằng một niềm tin kính dâng, bằng một sự thờ phượng vốn có. Dù đã quá muộn màng nhưng xin Chúa thương đón nhận chúng con; chỉ có những giây phút này chúng con mới nhìn lại được những gì mà chúng con đã đánh mất, nhưng Chúa vẫn là một Thiên Chúa của Lòng Thương Xót, Thiên Chúa với những ngày chờ đợi, Thiên Chúa Đấng Cứu Độ, Thiên Chúa đã dành cho chúng con niềm hy vọng duy nhất đang còn. 


Xin cho tất cả mọi người được tỉnh thức khi thời gian còn cho phép, để chúng con quay trở về với Chúa cho đúng lúc, khi thời gian mà Chúa còn cho chúng con được nhận và ý thức để chọn lựa con đường thiện, loại bỏ con đường ác và chọn con đường với sự cảm tạ tri ân, ngợi khen và chúc tụng, để xứng đáng với hồng ân được đổ xuống, xứng đáng với những ân sủng đang được đón nhận để dâng thay, tạ tội thay và cảm tạ thay cho tất cả mọi người chưa biết, chưa tin và chưa trở về. Xin Chúa thương đón nhận lời của chúng con và cảm tạ ơn Chúa đã thương đến chúng con.


Như Chúa đã nói Chúa đã quá yêu thương thế gian mà ban chính Con Một của Ngài để ai tin vào Con của Ngài sẽ được sống. Hôm nay xin Chúa cho chúng con được trưởng thành trong đức tin. Dù trôi qua 2000 năm, Đức Giêsu Con của Chúa đã đến, nhưng chúng con vẫn là những ngày khô khan, nguội lạnh, vô cảm, để hôm nay sự vô cảm đó đã trả lời cho chúng con những sự bế tắc của sự tự do và sẽ còn đi đến những ngày tháng căng thẳng với những bạo động mà chúng con đang nhìn thấy giữa hoạt cảnh của thế giới này.


Xin Chúa giúp chúng con đúng lúc, để chúng con được sớm trở về với Chúa, đến với Lòng Thương Xót qua cách thức nhỏ bé để chúng con dâng Chúa thay tiếng nói thay cho thế giới hôm nay, Mùa Giáng Sinh năm 2020, thay cho những điều bế tắc. Chúng con chỉ biết cậy trông vào Chúa, xin Chúa giải thoát chúng con; chỉ còn những ngày cuối cùng của cuối năm và bắt đầu một năm mới, chúng con xin dâng toàn bộ và tất cả đất nước Hoa Kỳ, mỗi một tầng lớp, mỗi một vai trò, đặc biệt là những người trong quốc gia, và chính phủ đang căng thẳng giữa đảng phái, giữa thiện và ác, và cả thế giới dâng lên Chúa Cha. 


Xin Cha thương xót đón nhận và xin cho Chúa Hài Đồng mà hôm nay Cha gởi đến, đó chính là Thiên Chúa Ngôi Hai, Đấng Cứu Chúa. Xin cho chúng con hãy đến với Ngài, tin vào Ngài, vì chỉ có Ngài mang hòa bình cho nhân loại. Ngài là Hoàng Tử hòa bình, là bình an và niềm hy vọng nơi Chúa, với Chúa và trong Chúa. Xin Chúa đón nhận Lạy Thứ Nhất mà chúng con xin được kính dâng. Xin cho chúng con thuộc về Thiên Chúa, là Chúa của chúng con, bây giờ cho đến mãi muôn đời. Amen.


Đức Chúa Cha (2:28:11 chiều):


Các con thương yêu của Ta, Ta là Thiên Chúa của Abraham, của Isaác, của Giacóp và của toàn nhân loại. Hôm nay Ta lắng nghe những lời của các con và Giêsu Con của Ta đã chờ đợi các con trên 2000 năm, với những ân huệ và những ân sủng được đổ xuống cho các con đặc biệt trong thời còn và cuối. Đây là những giây phút mà Ta dành cho các con, đóng dấu những ngày cuối thế kỷ. Những lời của các con xin, đúng, Ta dành cho các con thêm cơ hội nữa. Hãy tỉnh thức, hãy trở về, hãy sám hối để xứng đáng với những ngày tháng Ta ban thêm. Nhưng sẽ không bao nhiêu ngày vì bắt buộc phải đi vào sự thanh lọc đoạn cuối của lịch sử, thì lúc đó các con mới có một thế giới hòa bình thật sự.


Các con yêu thương của Ta, có nhiều điều trên thế giới không vững, không hiểu và không tin; đã đến lúc ta đổ tràn ân sủng với những người tin, những người trở về, những người thực hành và những người tận tâm, để có thể nhìn được những sự gần gũi Ta dành cho các con qua Con của Ta, Đấng Cứu Thế, để nhắc nhở cho mỗi một người ngày hôm nay, để các con có thể dựa vào những gì đang thấy; đó cũng là một sự nhắc nhở mà Ta phơi bày cho nhân loại những gì thuộc về Ta, những gì thuộc về công chính, những gì thuộc về tội ác, những sự chọn lựa mà các con toàn bộ đã rớt vào trong lưới bẫy ngày hôm nay.


Ta là Thiên Chúa, Ta luôn bênh vực sự công chính. Ta luôn che chở bảo vệ những người lắng nghe Ta, những người đi trong giáo lý và sống trong một đời sống mạnh dạn làm chứng cho sự thật. Hôm nay Ta ban bình an cho các con, hãy dựa vào lời này, dù là những khó khăn, dù là những căng thẳng nhưng các con sẽ được bảo vệ. Hãy tiếp tục làm trong bổn phận của mình, phục vụ trong sứ vụ của mình một cách trọn vẹn, tận tâm thì các con sẽ thấy những điều các con xin Ta sẽ ban nhiều hơn những gì các con muốn. Bình an của Ta đến với tất cả các con. Ta chúc bình an cho các con và Ta chúc lành cho các con. 


Đừng sợ! Đừng sợ! Đừng sợ! Ta sẽ che chở và ban lại cho các con niềm hy vọng, niềm vui; hòa bình thì tự các con chọn tùy thuộc nơi sự quyết định thì nơi đó mới thuộc về các con. Ta ban một cách tràn đầy nhưng các con có mở lòng để đón nhận hay không, có chấp nhận lắng nghe hay không và có chấp nhận thi hành, thì điều đó thuộc về các con; còn nếu tiếp tục từ chối thì các con sẽ thấy. Ta có chương trình của Ta để bênh vực người công chính; những kẻ công chính sẽ được bảo vệ, còn những kẻ theo tà thần thì tà thần sẽ chiếm lấy nó. 


Hôm nay Ta nhắc nhở đến điều này để cả thế giới được nghe, hiểu được điều gì Ta dành một cách đặc biệt cho trần thế trong những ngày mà các con đang đón nhận; những lời van xin suốt những năm tháng dài, hôm nay Ta dành thời gian này để qua Con của Ta ban đến cho tất cả các con niềm hy vọng. Các con hãy nhớ giữ lấy một chìa khóa mà Ái Nữ của Ta đã dành một cách đặc biệt cho các con, đặc biệt trong thời điểm đã định. 


Đúng, Giáng Sinh năm nay là một năm căng thẳng, là một năm các con phải chọn lựa, cũng là một năm sẽ thất bại, và cũng sẽ là một năm đứng dậy trở về thì từ thất bại sẽ là chiến thắng. Đối với thế gian thất bại nhưng các con tin và các con thật sự hết lòng quyết tâm trở về, quyết tâm sám hối, Ta sẽ dành cho các con sự chiến thắng vinh quang như Con của Ta đã mang lại cho thế giới niềm bình an và hy vọng. Chào tất cả các con! (2:33:12 chiều)


Lucia: Lạy Chúa, con xin cảm tạ ơn Chúa. Muôn vàn hồng ân được đổ xuống, thật là một sự rất bất ngờ chưa bao giờ trong tình trạng này, nhưng Chúa đã đến với chúng con như lời đã hứa. Chúa đã cho chúng con được biết rằng ngày hôm nay tất cả anh chị em chúng con đều đến hang đá, để thờ lạy Chúa, để nói lên với Chúa những lời mà chúng con dường như đã trở thành thói quen. Năm nay tất cả mọi sự đều thay đổi nhưng chính sự thay đổi này lòng của chúng con mới có thể đánh động, thúc đẩy để mạnh dạn đến với Chúa bằng con tim của mình, bằng những lời khẩn nguyện cầu xin, và bằng những ngày tháng quan tâm với đất nước mà chúng con đang cư ngụ, giữa thiện và ác còn rất là nhiều điều giữa cuộc sống. Hôm nay con người phải cần tỉnh thức để đón nhận sự hòa bình thật sự, chỉ có Chúa là Đấng ban đến, chỉ có Chúa là Đấng luôn luôn dành cho chúng con và bênh vực cho chúng con, là những kẻ biết chạy đến với Ngài, biết tin vào Ngài và biết phó thác, trông cậy nơi Ngài. Niềm hy vọng của chúng con chỉ có trong Ngài, với Ngài và mãi mãi thuộc về Ngài mới có bình an, mới có hy vọng, mới có hạnh phúc. Vì Thiên Chúa toàn năng đã phán thì nhất định Ngài sẽ không bao giờ từ chối chúng con qua những lời chúng con thưa và dâng trong hoàn cảnh hiện tại của hôm nay. 


Chúng con thật sự không có một điều gì để xứng đáng được Chúa ban cả, nhưng vì chính những tội nhân như chúng con tin vào Lòng Thương Xót của Chúa, tin vào tình thương vô biên của Chúa, để chúng con xin dâng kính những gì có thể nơi thân xác hằng ngày trong cuộc sống của chính mình, với những lời cầu nguyện thiết tha mà chính Mẹ Maria chỉ dạy, với sự hiện diện bảo vệ của Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể, với một sự suy ngắm trước Năm Dấu Thánh, với một sự cảm tạ, tri ân trước Trái Tim Vô Nhiễm Nguyên Tội của Mẹ, với sự giúp đỡ qua lời cầu bầu của Thánh Cả Giuse.


Chúng con cũng xin sự bảo vệ của các tổng lãnh thiên thần, sự chở che của các thiên thần bản mệnh và những lời cầu nguyện của các vị thánh, để chúng con cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất hướng về Ngôi Hai Thiên Chúa, Đấng Cứu Chuộc, Đấng Cứu Tinh, Đấng đem bình an, Đấng mang đến cho nhân loại niềm hy vọng và đưa con người từ bóng tối trở về. Chính Ngài là Đấng đã chết thay cho chúng con, và Ngài đã phục sinh để chúng con được sống lại với ngài, để chúng con được ra khỏi bóng tối của tội lỗi, để chúng con nhờ Đức Giêsu mà chúng con được gặp Đức Chúa Cha, để chúng con trở thành những đứa con chính thức được gọi Thiên Chúa Cha là Abba, lạy Cha.


Hồng ân đó không ngừng nghỉ và tuôn đổ mãi trên chúng con và cả thế giới. Hôm nay chúng con xin được đón nhận những lời của Cha trong ngày quan trọng đặc biệt này mà thế giới đang đi vào sự bế tắc, đi vào sự ngăn chận của cơn dịch bệnh và còn biết bao nhiêu điều chúng con không được hoạt động bình thường như bao nhiêu năm  khác; chỉ có những giây phút này chúng con mới thấy trân quý những ngày mà chúng con có nhưng chúng con đã đánh mất, chúng con đã quên đi những gì quan trọng nhất trong đời sống của con người dành cho Thiên Chúa, dành cho sự thiêng liêng của linh hồn. 


Ngày hôm nay qua những giây phút này mới có những khoảng trống của tâm hồn suy niệm, suy nghĩ vì sự mất tự do, vì tất cả không còn là những ngày chúng con không tự chính mình quyết định. Không có gì là tuyệt đối trên thế giới này, mà chỉ có tình yêu của Chúa, Đấng Cứu Chúa của chúng con, Đấng Cứu Thế đến mới có thể tuyệt đối cho cuộc đời của chúng con sự gởi thác trông cậy.


Và giờ đây chúng con xin vô cùng cảm tạ những lời của Chúa dành cho chúng con và dành cho thế giới. Chúng con xin ghi nhận để chúng con có thể chuyển tải tất cả những gì Chúa ban. Mọi việc trong thế giới này, với niềm tin và đức tin thì chúng con có thể thấy được chiều rộng, chiều sâu và chiều cao; tất cả trong niềm hy vọng mà chỉ có Chúa phán và Chúa ban. 


Hôm nay xin cho mọi người được mở đôi mắt của đức tin trong những ngày tuyệt vọng và thất vọng, để chúng con nhìn thấy ánh sáng được xuất hiện qua hang đá Bêlem của năm xưa, qua hang đá Bêlem của hôm nay, qua hang đá với những ngày bế tắc mà Thiên Chúa đến tìm con người để ban bình an cho con người, ban niềm hy vọng cho con người và ban sự sống cho con người bằng lời của Chúa, qua Đức Chúa Cha. Chính sự hiện diện trong niềm tin của Đức Giêsu và sự yêu thương gần gũi mà Chúa Thánh Thể đã ban đến một cách đặc biệt cho thế giới của nhân loại, cho nên con người của chúng ta không tin cũng phải tin, không thấy cũng phải thấy, và không cảm nhận cũng hãy cho mình cơ hội. 


Bởi vì đức tin là sự chọn lựa của chúng ta, như Chúa Giêsu đã nói, “Tin thì sẽ được, tìm thì  sẽ thấy, gõ sẽ được mở cho.” Xin Chúa cho chúng con đại diện tất cả anh chị em trong nhóm của chúng con. Chúa đã bắt đầu tiêu dẹp những kẻ thù, Chúa đã để cho tất cả những gì không đúng trong sự thật đã bắt đầu phơi bày trước ánh sáng của chân lý, ánh sáng của công lý mà Chúa đã dành một cách đặc biệt. Chúa đã bảo vệ người công chính, Chúa đã bảo vệ những kẻ thuộc về Ngài và Chúa đã bảo vệ những kẻ biết hết lòng sám hối ăn năn, và quay trở về với Thiên Chúa của tình yêu và Lòng Thương Xót, để chúng con cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất cảm tạ Ngôi Cha, Ngôi Con và Thánh Thần, bây giờ cho đến mãi mãi muôn đời.


Chúng con cảm tạ sự hiện diện của Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể, là của nuôi linh hồn. Sự hiện diện của Ngài là ánh sáng đến với thế gian, bao phủ trần thế, bóng tối sẽ biến mất khi Ngài xuất hiện đúng giờ và đúng lúc; cũng nhắc nhở chúng con niềm hy vọng mà chúng con đã lãng quên, thiếu bổn phận, thiếu trách nhiệm, thiếu tôn trọng trước Năm Dấu Thánh của Đức Giêsu Kitô, với dấu ấn mà Ngài đã dành một cách đặc biệt cho chúng con trong ơn tha thứ.


Chúa là một Đấng Thiên Chúa giàu Lòng Thương Xót, luôn dành cho chúng con lòng nhân từ, yêu thương và tha thứ. Xin cho tất cả mỗi một tội nhân như chúng con và cả thế giới quay bước trở về trong sự phủ phục, trong sự tạ tội, trong sự phạt tạ cần có trong cuộc sống hằng ngày để nhắc nhở chính mình và quyết tâm cải thiện, lìa xa những bóng tối tội lỗi đang là những ngày đeo mang trong cuộc sống yếu đuối thấp hèn của chúng con. Nhờ chính lời cầu nguyện, nhờ những lời thiết tha hằng ngày mà Mẹ Maria đã dạy dỗ; nhờ ơn Chúa chúng con bớt đi và mỗi một ngày được bỏ bớt tất cả những gì ở trong tánh hư nết xấu, trong những việc mà đời sống của con người luôn háo thắng và kiêu ngạo. 


Ngày hôm nay hãy loại bỏ sự kiêu ngạo, hãy trở về như một đứa trẻ trở về với Chúa, như một đứa con hoang đàng trở về với Cha mình và với một tâm tình đơn sơ hãy quỳ dưới chân Cha, hãy nói lên những lời với Cha bằng con tim của mình, và hãy  khao khát những gì mà chúng ta đã mất từ nơi Cha ban để xin Cha phục hồi, phục hưng, để chúng ta sống trong những ngày tự do, biết phụng sự Cha, biết thờ lạy Cha, biết yêu mến Cha, biết tạ tội mỗi ngày để chúng ta được luôn luôn canh giữ linh hồn chúng ta được luôn luôn tỉnh thức, để kẻ thù sẽ không tìm đủ mọi cách đánh phá và bẫy rập chúng ta.


Đặc biệt hôm nay chúng ta nhờ người Mẹ dấu yêu của chúng ta, một người Mẹ luôn tìm đủ mọi cách để dẫn chúng ta đến với Chúa, dẫn chúng ta gần gũi Chúa, dẫn chúng ta được gặp gỡ Chúa, để được Chúa can thiệp. Chúng ta phải lắng nghe Mẹ, hợp nhất với Mẹ để chúng ta được cứu trong lúc cấp bách nhất, trong lúc căng thẳng nhất, trong lúc kẻ thù đã vây tứ phía, muốn giành giật và lấy đi những gì của chúng ta do Chúa ban.


Chúng ta chỉ còn một điều duy nhất là chúng ta còn Mẹ. Chỉ Mẹ là người mở cánh cửa cho chúng ta vào, Mẹ là người đưa cái chìa khóa cuối cùng của mỗi một người chúng ta để được cứu, để được tha, để được xứng đáng, qua sự can thiệp của Chúa. Đó là món quà Sáu Lạy mà chúng ta được gặp một cách thiêng liêng trong niềm tin. Mỗi một ý nghĩa và mỗi một thánh lễ và đặc biệt Đại Lễ Giáng Sinh hôm nay, năm 2020, kết thúc sáu năm mà chính Mẹ đã dành một cách đặc biệt cho món quà này được đến với thế giới. 


Những người tiên phong đã làm trong âm thầm và hôm nay điều đó đã đến và ban một cách đặc biệt cho toàn thể thế giới trong cơn dịch bệnh, trong cơn căng thẳng với những ngày bạo động, với những người mà chúng ta đang đối diện, với kẻ ác, để xin mẹ là Đấng can thiệp cho chúng ta, dẫn chúng ta và đưa chúng ta về với Chúa. Và có sự can thiệp, qua lời cầu nguyện của Thánh Cả Giuse, qua sự hiện diện của gia đình Thánh gia hôm nay và qua ba tổng lãnh thiên thần, bốn phẩm thiên thần và triều thần thánh thiên quốc, cùng với tất cả các thánh và thiên thần bản mệnh của chúng con. Nhất định cuộc chiến này sẽ là một cuộc chiến chiến thắng trong Đức Giêsu Kitô, Đấng Cứu Thế, và ý nghĩa của sự Giáng Sinh, ý nghĩa với những điều khao khát mà chúng ta mong mỏi, đó là bình an cho mỗi một người chúng ta.


Chúa là vị Hoàng tử mang bình an đến cho thế giới, mang niềm hòa bình cho nhân loại, mang đến nụ cười trên khuôn mặt mỗi một người khi chúng ta héo hắt trong cơn dịch bệnh linh hồn lẫn thể xác, và cũng là một niềm hy vọng độc nhất duy nhất thế giới còn và đang căng thẳng giữa thiện và ác. Có Chúa, với Chúa và tin vào Chúa thì chiến thắng trong niềm vui và tình yêu để giúp chúng ta trở thành những con người biết thương, biết yêu, biết nắm chặt tay nhau, biết hiệp nhất bênh vực sự công chính, lẽ phải và sự thật, để chúng ta xứng đáng được sự Giá Lâm của Chúa sau 2000 năm, được sự hiện diện của ngày Giáng Sinh đặc biệt hôm nay. 


Chúng ta có một máng cỏ thật sự để mời Chúa vào trong lòng của chúng ta, để chính những cọng rơm mà chúng ta đã bỏ quên từ lâu trở thành những cọng rơm được đơm lại bằng những tội lỗi, bằng những thiếu sót, nhưng chúng ta không có quà gì để dâng Chúa Hài Đồng, chỉ ngoài thân phận tội lỗi yếu đuối nhưng biết tạ tội, nhưng biết sám hối, biết ăn năn, xin được dâng lên Chúa Hài Đồng, để bù lấp những tháng ngày vô cảm kia, những ngày khô khan nguội lạnh kia, những ngày trác táng của cuộc đời kia.


Hôm nay chúng ta không còn gì để dựa vào đời một cách tuyệt đối, chỉ có Thiên Chúa là tuyệt đối yêu chúng ta, tuyệt đối cứu chúng ta, tuyệt đối tha cho chúng ta và tuyệt đối chờ đợi chúng ta. Xin hãy trở về, tất cả mọi người trên thế giới, mọi tầng lớp, mọi vai trò, hãy cho mình một cơ hội trong sự suy niệm vì đây là những ngày tháng cuối cùng, để chúng ta có thể cảm nhận những điều chúng ta đã đánh mất, những điều chúng ta sẽ sắp mất và những điều chúng ta quyết định để rồi chúng ta còn hay sẽ mất và mất vĩnh viễn. Chỉ có Chúa mới có thể tồn tại và còn niềm tự do hạnh phúc và hòa bình, mất Chúa chúng ta mất tất cả; xin cho tất cả mọi người chúng ta hãy chọn lựa để chúng ta trở về với Chúa đúng ý nghĩa của Giáng Sinh 2020.


Chiến thắng hay thất bại là nơi chúng ta, xin cho tất cả mỗi một người chúng ta trong giây phút còn lại của cuối năm và bắt đầu năm 2021 xin cho tất cả mọi người hiệp nhất đồng lòng, để xin được Thiên Chúa làm chủ và can thiệp cho chúng ta trong sự cấp bách giữa thiện và ác, cho đất nước Hoa Kỳ, cho cả thế giới và cho từng mỗi một cá nhân như chúng ta, để trở thành những hối nhân thật sự, để trở thành những dụng cụ và trở thành những chứng nhân như hôm nay. Chúng ta cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất để cảm tạ ơn Chúa, chúc tụng Chúa và ngợi khen Chúa, trong danh thánh Đức Giêsu Kitô là Chúa của chúng con.


Chúng con vô cùng cảm ơn Mẹ. Nhờ Mẹ để chúng con có Đấng Cứu Độ, nhờ Mẹ đưa Chúa đến để chúng con có ngày hôm nay, nhờ Mẹ dẫn chúng con trong những lúc thất vọng thất bại. Chính Mẹ đã đưa Chúa đến để chúng con trở nên những ngày hy vọng và những ngày chiến thắng, vì có Chúa chiến thắng được thuộc về Chúa và chiến thắng trong sự trở lại của linh hồn, trong những ngày tháng đền tạ và phạt tạ. 


Xin Mẹ thương cho chúng con thêm cơ hội, xin cho nhiều người được nhận biết và quay bước trở về. Vì chỉ có sự trở về chúng con mới bình an hạnh phúc thật sự, còn nếu tiếp tục linh hồn của chúng con sẽ bị cầm buộc bởi quyền lực ngầm. Nó đã thống trị và dùng đủ mọi cách đánh phá chúng con, để cướp lấy chúng con trong tình yêu của Đấng Cứu Độ. Những điều Chúa đã nói:


Hai ngàn năm trước Chúa đến với con người 

Hai ngàn năm trước giá buốt mùa Đông

Hai ngàn năm sau giá băng lòng người 

Vì yêu Ta đến cứu người

Dù bao năm tháng đợi chờ 

Mong người quay bước thỏa lòng Ta mong 

Mong con quay bước kịp giờ 

Đến thời mãn hạn Ta đành rời xa

Xa con Ta rất đau lòng

Cứ chờ đợi mãi biết ngày nào đây? 

Lòng chai dạ đá hững hờ 

Ngày nào khôn lớn trưởng thành hả con? 

Tình Cha vẫn mãi trao ban 

Chờ ngày con lớn trở về bên Cha.


Lucia: Lạy Cha, Đấng nhân từ, Đấng từ ái luôn dành cho chúng con, xin cho chúng con được cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất thay thế mọi tầng lớp, mọi vai trò trong ngày đại lễ của chúng con, đặc biệt trong năm nay mới cảm thấy ý nghĩa, mới cảm thấy một sự đánh động trong tâm hồn, mới cảm thấy chúng con đang cần gì, đã mất gì và sẽ mất. Cho nên, hôm nay chỉ có một điều duy nhất là quay trở về với Cha, tạ tội với Cha, và xin dâng những lời thiết tha trước hang đá Bêlem.


Xin cho chúng con sưởi ấm lại những cọng rơm mà chúng con đã quên đi. Chúa mong muốn, Chúa muốn chúng con và Chúa nhìn thấy chúng con trở thành những sợi rơm đan vào nhau, để sưởi lại trái tim băng giá của Chúa, sự phản bội của con người hôm nay lại làm cho Chúa đau lòng hơn. Chúa vẫn là một Thiên Chúa của tình yêu nhưng mọi sự sẽ đến thời gian mãn hạn, chúng ta không thể mãi mãi được những ngày như đã được ban; tất cả mọi sự, Alpha và Omega, bắt đầu và kết thúc.


Hôm nay cũng vậy; chúng ta cũng sẽ có những ngày Bắt Đầu, và cũng sẽ có những ngày Kết Thúc, tùy thuộc vào mỗi một người chúng ta. Muốn chiến thắng, hòa bình, hạnh phúc hãy trở về với Thiên Chúa, hãy đầu phục Thiên Chúa, hãy thờ lạy Thiên Chúa, hãy nắm lấy chìa khóa của Đức Mẹ ban trao để chúng ta có cơ hội; nhờ chính những lời cầu xin đó chúng ta sẽ được sự giúp đỡ của các tổng lãnh và thiên đàng giúp chúng ta chiến thắng với những ngày rất gần và cạn kiệt như hôm nay. 


Xin cho con đại diện cùng với tất cả anh chị em để xin Chúa thương cho mọi người được biết, được nghe, để họ có thể tiếp tục trong những lúc cấp bách này. Chỉ có một điều duy nhất: tin sẽ được, tìm sẽ thấy, gõ sẽ được mở cho. Không điều gì từ nơi con người, chỉ có Thiên Chúa mới cho chúng ta bình an, mới cho chúng ta sự chiến thắng, mới cho chúng ta sự gần gũi, bình thường đơn sơ nhất như Ngài muốn nơi trái tim của mỗi một người chúng ta, để có thể gần gũi Chúa trong tâm tình mà Chúa đã dành cho chúng ta bằng trái tim, bằng lòng sám hối. 


Xin cho tất cả mọi người chúng ta cùng đồng lòng hiệp nhất, để dâng lên Chúa Hài Đồng với những lời mà Chúa đã ban, và cùng nhau trong sự hiệp nhất đó để trở về với Thiên Chúa, để chờ đợi những ngày quan trọng nhất mà chúng ta đang khao khát, mong muốn trong sự tự do, với những điều thuộc về chúng ta trong công lý và công chính, để mọi người đều cùng hiệp nhất. Chỉ có công lý và công chính thì thuộc về Thiên Chúa duy nhất mà thôi; nếu muốn hòa bình, hạnh phúc và công lý thì hãy trở về bằng những lời cầu xin thiết tha, bằng cõi lòng sám hối chúng ta mới xứng đáng được đón nhận Lòng Thương Xót và sự can thiệp của Thiên Chúa; trong danh thánh Đức Giêsu Kitô là Chúa của chúng con, bây giờ cho đến mãi muôn đời.


Lucia cùng với tất cả anh chị em xin được kết thúc đúng 2 giờ 51 phút, ngày Thứ Sáu, tháng 12, ngày 25, năm 2020 tại thánh đường Thánh Têrêsa, trước cung thánh, trước nhà tạm, trước Thập Tự Giá, trước linh ảnh Chúa Lòng Thương Xót, trước thánh tượng Mẹ Áo Đức Bà, và trước hang đá Giáng Sinh ngay trước bàn thờ Thiên Chúa. Chúng con hiệp cùng với các thiên thần một cách thiêng liêng cúi đầu thờ lạy Chúa Giêsu Hài Đồng – một vị Vua  mang hòa bình giải thoát cho nhân loại và mang niềm tin mới, ánh sáng mới, niềm vui và bình an cho tất cả mỗi một người khi họ đến viếng thăm Ngài, nhắc nhở cho chúng ta được biết rằng dù là những khó khăn, dù là những cấm đoán, dù là tất cả mọi người có quyền, có chức vụ và những người bất chính họ đã để cho những người dân trong những ngày tháng căng thẳng, lo âu và bế tắc.


Chỉ có Thiên Chúa là Đấng giải thoát, là nguồn an ủi duy nhất và niềm hy vọng mà chúng ta đang cầu xin cho tất cả mọi người hãy để cho tâm hồn của mình một chút suy tư, một chút suy niệm thì chúng ta sẽ cảm nghiệm được ý nghĩa của Chúa Giêsu Hài Đồng mang đến cho chúng ta cho kịp thời gian mà chúng ta đang đối diện và rất cần. Chúng ta suy niệm Gia Đình Thánh Gia, trong đó có Đức Mẹ, có Thánh Cả Giuse, vâng phục Thiên Chúa để thế giới mới có những ngày hòa bình từ trong gia đình cho đến xã hội, cho đến quốc gia và cho đến cả toàn thế giới, một nền tảng cần có để chỉnh đốn lại trong sự tôn trọng mà Thiên Chúa ban một cách đặc biệt cho chúng ta. Trong Danh Thánh của Đức Giêsu Kitô là Chúa của chúng con bây giờ cho đến mãi muôn đời. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Xin Chúa chúc lành một cách đặc biệt cho anh chị em chúng con, cho giáo xứ Thánh Têrêsa được hạnh phúc; dù là khó khăn có bao nhiêu tiểu bang khác nhưng chúng con vẫn có những thánh lễ có ý nghĩa của năm nay, bình thường và hạnh phúc bên Chúa, chúng con dành thời gian thay tiếng nói cho giáo xứ Thánh Têrêsa, nơi chúng con cư ngụ, cho những người trong chính quyền, cho tất cả các đất nước, các quốc gia, cho cả toàn thế giới, và với những ngày căng thẳng giữa thiện và ác, giữa phái tả và phái hữu, giữa người  công chính và những kẻ gian manh. Xin theo thánh ý Chúa định đoạt mọi sự trong sự quyết định của Chúa để thế giới được cứu, được giải thoát và có thêm những ngày tháng trở về với Chúa và đón nhận Lòng Thương Xót mà Chúa dành cho mỗi một tội nhân. 


Xin cho chúng con cầm lấy chìa khóa Mẹ trao để chúng con biết cách sử dụng nó khi có sự cấp bách và khi có biến cố. Xin cho tất cả mọi người mở lòng để có thể đón nhận và thực hành, để chúng con hiểu được ý nghĩa; những ngày mà Chúa muốn nhìn nơi trái tim, nhìn nơi sự thật lòng, nhìn nơi những điều bằng lời, bằng tâm hồn, bằng sự quyết tâm để chúng con xứng đáng được Chúa ban và can thiệp. Chúng con xin một lần nữa cảm tạ ơn Chúa, chúc tụng Chúa và ngợi khen Chúa; trong danh thánh Đức Giêsu Kitô là Chúa của chúng con. Amen.


Lucia Phan là một người Mỹ nhập cư từ Việt Nam. Chị sống đời cầu nguyện. Hằng ngày chị tập trung vào việc chầu Chúa qua Bí tích Thánh Thể, tham dự Thánh lễ Hy sinh Cứu độ của Chúa Giêsu và thực hành Sáu Lạy.

Chị Lucia nhận được thông điệp bằng cách phát biểu nội tâm (interior locutions) và có thể ghi nhận được những hình ảnh về Thánh Thể, cả dưới dạng hình và phim, qua điện thoại thông minh. Chị nhận được thông điệp từ Thiên Chúa, Đức Mẹ, các Thiên Thần và các Thánh từ năm 2011. 

Mời vào những trang nhà:

Những Mạc Khải Mới Qua Bí Tích Thánh Thể


Niềm tin vào sự Hiện diện Thực sự của Chúa Giêsu trong Bí tích Thánh Thể



Xin chia sẻ thông điệp và trang nhà này với những người bạn quen biết.


«Hãy chuẩn bị cho Cha tâm hồn của mình» Sun, 19 Dec 2021 17:39:25 +0000              Thông điệp Mùa Vọng của Chúa Giêsu qua Chị Lucia Phan.

Thông Điệp Ngày 2-12-2020

Chúa Giêsu (11:38:36 khuya):

Các con thương yêu của Cha, hôm nay lời giải thích của Chúa Thánh Thần với tất cả những gì được nghe như những lời mà Cha muốn nói với các con. Điều cần nhất Cha muốn trở lại với các con, đặc biệt mùa Giáng Sinh của năm nay không giống như mùa Giáng Sinh của mọi năm, mà là mùa Giáng Sinh với sự thức tỉnh của con người, mùa Giáng Sinh với sự chọn lựa của con người, mùa Giáng Sinh với những con người biết nhận ra bên trong tâm hồn họ đang cần gì và khao khát gì.
Mùa Giáng Sinh năm nay Cha không muốn cô độc, Cha không muốn cô đơn lạnh lẽo như mọi năm, mà Cha muốn ngự trị giữa các con và Cha ban bình an cho các con và Cha đem lại niềm vui hân hoan cho các con. Mỗi một việc làm mà Cha an bài sắp đặt thì các con phải biết rằng khi Cha ban thì Cha ban cho các con trọn vẹn; khi thành công thì là một sự thành công rõ ràng, đầy cả ý nghĩa, để con người nhận thức. Và từ đó biết được rằng những gì thuộc về Ánh sáng và những điều công chính thì sẽ thành công và những điều thuộc về Bóng tối là những điều phải tan biến.
Cha có chương trình của Cha, Cha đã dành cho các con và đã dặn dò các con bao năm; hôm nay điều đó đã xảy ra. Cha lặp lại một lần nữa: «Điều gì cần xảy ra phải xảy ra». Những sự bất chính, những điều không đúng và những điều nuôi dưỡng bởi những kẻ tà ác, gian ác mà các con – là những con người non nớt và yếu ớt đức tin, các con là những con người tham lam và ích kỷ theo phương cách của một thế giới trần gian, thiếu tình thương, thiếu bác ái.
Nhưng đất nước này là một đất nước Cha ban tặng cho những người biết Cha, nhận ra Cha và những người thuộc về Cha; dù họ là những ngày đầu tiên.
Cho nên, ngày hôm nay Cha muốn cho tất cả mọi người, khi họ chọn lựa con đường mà họ cho đó sẽ là một con đường từ nơi con người có thể vẽ ra và khước quyền của Cha. Họ có thể thao túng tất cả những gì ở trong chính trị và trong một đời sống văn minh, tiền tài và danh vọng, họ có thể thay đổi tất cả để khước quyền Cha và định đoạt mạng sống của con người. Đó là sự tính toán của trần gian. Nhưng Cha có chương trình và kế hoạch của Cha đã dành cho các con, dành cho những người công chính, dành cho những người tin và dành cho Giáo Hội của Cha vẫn tiếp tục.
Các con thương yêu của Cha, ngày hôm nay cuộc sống đã trở thành thói quen. Những người có chức vụ họ đã không còn giữ lấy những điều ở trong luật và thi hành giáo lý cho đúng đắn, và cứ để cho một thế giới với những nhu cầu, nhu cần điều khiển.
Tất cả những gì họ chọn và cho đó sẽ được che giấu theo cách riêng tư của từng cá nhân, nhưng những điều không công chính, không bao giờ che giấu mãi mãi được, và phải được đưa ra công lý và đưa ra pháp luật cần có với thế gian này. Đối với thế gian có thể đổi đi tất cả những gì, không còn lương tâm và lương tri, nhưng chính sự công bằng, công lý, công chính và sự thật thì sẽ không bao giờ thay đổi được.
Cho nên ngày hôm nay các con đừng sợ. Đã đến lúc các con thấy được, chưa bao giờ có trên thế giới nhưng điều gì xuất hiện? Đó là những người đa số là những người dân, họ là những người không có quyền lực nhưng tiếng nói của họ rất mạnh. Lòng khao khát của họ, sự đứng dậy của họ, lòng can đảm bênh vực cho sự thật của họ sẽ là tiếng nói chiến thắng. Đây là một giai đoạn thử thách để các con biết rằng chính tình yêu của Cha, quyền năng của Cha và những cặp mắt bình thường để nhìn, và với những chức vụ mà các con đang thấy trong sự giả dối, trong sự ngược lại luân lý, trong những điều mà con người đã dùng đủ mọi cách dựa theo chức vụ của mình.
Nhưng đây, đã đến lúc Cha muốn vạch trần tất cả những gì từ nơi sự giả dối, vạch trần tất cả những gì ở trong tội ác, vạch trần tất cả những điều ở trong tối tăm thao túng cả thế giới qua bao năm tháng. Hôm nay Cha cần những dũng sĩ với một lòng tin tuyệt đối, Cha cần một niềm tin do chính người đảm trách có bổn phận trách nhiệm và sự trung thành, Cha cần những con người tin và thực hành thì họ sẽ chiến thắng trong đoạn cuối.
Các con đừng sợ! Hãy vui lên! Cha muốn nhìn khuôn mặt của các con. Hãy vui lên, vì tất cả những việc như các con đã biết trước. Đây là những giây phút còn và cuối, Cha sẽ thanh lọc toàn bộ. Những con người thuộc về Cha, những con người tin vào Cha, những con người trung thành và bền đỗ với Cha và những con người hy sinh cho giáo lý và công lý họ sẽ là người chiến thắng. Còn những kẻ gian ác dùng đủ mọi thủ đoạn để lấn lướt các con, nhưng giờ cuối cùng họ sẽ là những kẻ thất bại nặng nề và sẽ bị tiêu diệt tự họ, chính họ tự tiêu diệt.
Cho nên hôm nay các con đừng sợ, vì sẽ còn những điều mà các con thấy khủng khiếp đáng sợ sẽ bắt đầu lộ diện ra trên đất nước này – là một đất nước ảnh hưởng toàn thế giới, là một đất nước mà Cha dùng để thức tỉnh tất cả mọi người – sống trong sự hòa bình hay sống trong chiến tranh, sống trong tội ác hay sống trong một đời sống để nhắc nhở lương tâm và lương tri vào những ngày của đoạn cuối.
Các con đã hiểu và biết rất rõ những điều của Cha đã làm; điều mà các con trong sự đơn sơ bình thường nhưng nói lên sự thực tế nhất. Cho nên, ngày hôm nay chính những điều các con đang chọn, đó là con đường cầu nguyện, là một con đường hết lòng của mình trong những ngày tháng mà các con đã biết rằng Cha cần tiếng nói, tiếng nói của những con người bình thường đơn sơ, tiếng nói với một lòng tin triệt để, tiếng nói qua sự hướng dẫn Chúa Thánh Thần và tiếng nói của công lý và công chính.
Dù rằng thế giới ngày nay họ dùng chữ nghĩa, họ dùng kiến thức học thức, nhưng những điều chân thành sự thật thì mất dạng trong một thế giới hiện tại qua những người kiến thức học thức. Cha muốn sự bình đẳng cho tất cả mọi người, dù họ là những người không học thức kiến thức, nhưng trong tâm tình của sự thật, trong tâm tình mà Cha mong muốn với trái tim chân thành của họ. Cha mong muốn tiếng nói với sự đơn sơ khiêm nhường đó, Cha mong muốn để thay thế cho cả thế giới ngày hôm nay có biết bao nhiêu tầng lớp nhưng họ vẫn sống trong sự tranh đua, họ vẫn sống với những lý luận của con người, nhưng họ không sống bằng con tim, lương tâm, sự thật và lẽ phải.
Đã đến lúc các con phải biết rằng những việc của Cha an bài sắp đặt để mời gọi con người trở lại. Điều được đến với thế giới như Cha đã từng nói: «Ta không mạc khải cho những hiền triết khôn ngoan, nhưng Ta mạc khải cho những kẻ bé mọn.» Vì Cha dùng những kẻ bé mọn để đánh thức những kẻ học thức kiến thức, đánh thức những kẻ có quyền chức, đánh thức những con người cho mình là những người hiểu biết. Nhưng quên đi bổn phận trách nhiệm, quên đi một giáo lý cần thực hành bằng con tim, bằng trách nhiệm và bổn phận.
Cho nên ngày hôm nay các con đừng sợ, vì tất cả những việc đang xảy ra như Cha đã nói – Cha dành thời gian này để thức tỉnh con người, mọi tầng lớp, mọi vai trò. Cha chờ đợi sự trở lại của con người thì Cha sẽ sẵn sàng bênh vực và cho họ một thế giới thuộc về họ. Điều gì Cha đã ban thì Cha không lấy lại, nhưng điều gì mà con người đã không quý, không lấy và không đón nhận thì kẻ thù sẽ cướp mất.
Các con đã nhìn thấy điều gì các con làm và các con đã nhìn thấy đa số như thế nào ngày hôm nay thì đó là điều mà các con đã thấy chiến thắng trong tầm tay. Nhưng trước khi chiến thắng một cách trọn vẹn thì các con hãy để mà xem, vì Cha muốn tất cả những điều này không phải chỉ là sự đơn giản đang nhìn bề ngoài mà là một điều lớn lao duy nhất, có ảnh hưởng đến những người có chức vụ, cho nên, các con sẽ biết rằng đâu là thật đâu là giả, đâu là đúng đâu là sai, đâu là thiện và đâu là ác.
Các con sẽ chờ đợi những ngày sắp tới; những điều được dự định không phải từ ý các con muốn, không phải là sự dự định dứt khoát đó mà sẽ có một sự đổi mới mà chưa bao giờ có nhưng sẽ đổi mới ở trong luật lệ của một đất nước Hoa Kỳ này. Sự đổi mới này sẽ rất khó khăn, nhưng khi đổi mới được sự khó khăn này thì đó cũng chính là sự chiến thắng trọn vẹn. Còn nếu không và chưa thì đó là thời gian chờ đợi, không phải dễ dàng để đánh gục những gì mà Cha đã dành một cách đặc biệt cho người công chính và không phải để dàng để thâu tóm, để lượm lặt tất cả những gì trong sự chiến thắng với áp lực. Không có!
Các con hãy tin tưởng rằng chính các con đang dùng những vũ khí sắc bén nhất, những vũ khí đó các con không thấy nhưng sự hiện diện của thiêng liêng, thiên thần, các thánh sẽ không bao giờ bỏ qua những kẻ sát hại các con, những kẻ tìm cách để đập đổ và lấy đi những gì của người công chính do Cha ban. Hôm nay với cặp mắt của đức tin các con đã thấy, đang thấy và sẽ còn thấy những sự vinh quang lớn lao vĩ đại mà Cha sẽ dành cho thế hệ của con người hôm nay được mở mắt để nhìn thấy Cha, đón nhận Cha và trở về với Cha.
Bởi vì Lòng Thương Xót luôn dành cho các con nhưng thời hạn cũng đã đến lúc cuối cùng. Đây là những giây phút chưa bao giờ có nhưng sẽ xảy ra trong thế hệ của nhân loại ngày nay. Cha vẫn nhắc lại: «Ai tin thì sẽ được, tìm sẽ thấy, gõ sẽ mở cho.» Cha sẽ không để cho những người con cái của Cha tin vào Cha phải thất vọng và thất bại.
Cha có lịch trình của Cha, Cha có chương trình của Cha với sự nhẫn nại đó, các con hãy chờ mà xem – giờ cuối cùng các con sẽ thấy ai là người chiến thắng và ai tin thì họ sẽ được nhận ra sự bênh vực một cách rất rõ ràng. Cha muốn kéo dài thời gian để Cha sẽ lấy hết tất cả những gì khi Cha trao quyền lực lại cho người công chính thì phải hoàn toàn trọn vẹn để không còn của những ngày tháng hận thù, những ngày tháng mang lại chết chóc đau khổ hay mang lại với những bệnh tật đang có.
Các con hãy nhớ rằng cho dù rằng ngày hôm nay có những người hy sinh nhưng tiếng nói của họ nhận ra được sự gian ác của chính nó để các con thêm cương quyết, thêm mạnh mẽ và thêm quyết định cho đa số con người để chọn lựa những gì thuộc về mình. Đừng vì thất bại, đừng vì thất vọng, đừng vì những sự sợ sệt; nếu sợ sệt thì các con sẽ không chiến thắng với cuộc chiến này, chỉ có đối diện và can đảm mạnh mẽ thì các con sẽ chiến thắng.
Các con hãy yên tâm, Cha không để cho những người của Cha sẽ rớt vào tình trạng với những ngày mà các con đang sợ hãi. Vì tất cả mỗi một việc làm đều phải có sự hy sinh để nhắn gởi, để nhắc nhở cho sự thiện và ác một cách rất rõ ràng. Cha mong muốn các con hãy chuẩn bị vì Cha trở lại sau 2000 năm với mùa Giáng Sinh năm nay, Cha mong muốn trái tim của mỗi người, trái tim của mỗi đứa con mà Cha mong mỏi. Cha muốn đến để sưởi ấm lại tâm hồn các con, Cha muốn đến để ôm lấy các con với những ngày căng thẳng vừa qua.
Cha muốn các con hãy tin vào Cha. Hãy cùng hiệp nhất, hãy cùng nhau trong sự yêu thương nâng đỡ, hãy cùng nhau tiến bước và làm chứng cho sự thật. Vì Cha chờ đợi mỏi mòn những linh hồn thuộc về Cha và về với Cha. Vì chỉ có Cha mới có thể có hòa bình, chỉ có Cha mới mang lại cho họ niềm hy vọng, niềm vui, chỉ có Cha mới có thể ôm lấy họ để họ không bị đói khát, đau khổ giữa cuộc đời này, đầy cả những cạm bẫy mà họ chưa tỉnh thức để đứng dậy.
Cha dành cho những kẻ công chính và Cha cũng dành cho những kẻ có tội những giây phút cuối cùng, để họ cũng biết chọn lựa điều gì thuộc về mình và điều gì mà họ bênh vực, để họ có thể cùng với những người công chính để tiếp tục với một đất nước mà Cha mang đến và ban đến cho các con, để các con sống trong hòa bình thật sự. Không phải là tiếng nói với hòa bình trên môi miệng mà tiếng nói hòa bình từ tâm hồn, từ trái tim, để các con còn có những ngày chuẩn bị cho những ngày tương lai.
Vì mọi sự cũng như trong luật định đã ghi chép, cho nên thời gian Cha dành và cho phép sẽ còn ban đến cho các con. Nhưng hãy nhớ, trước khi trận chiến này kết thúc cũng sẽ đi đến một trận chiến căng thẳng cam go và gay go. Nhưng hãy bền đỗ và kiên trì thì các con sẽ thấy bàn tay của Cha sẽ quét sạch tất cả những gì ở trong tối tăm tội lỗi, để mang lại một niềm hy vọng và ánh sáng thật sự. Cha sẽ hạ thế trần gian. Năm 2020 là một lịch sử hiếm có và sẽ không bao giờ có lần thứ hai trong thế giới của loài người nhân loại (1).
Đây cũng là một cơ hội cho con người chọn lựa để trở về và đây cũng là giây phút để những kẻ có tội rớt vào vòng vây của cạm bẫy cũng đứng dậy và tỉnh thức. Còn nếu thế giới vẫn tiếp tục với sự u mê, tiếp tục với những ngày phản loạn, tiếp tục sự những ngày bênh vực sự gian ác thì giá họ phải trả. Các con hãy yên tâm, tất cả mọi việc Cha an bài, Cha sắp đặt. Các con càng biết thì càng phải sợ, vì đây là đoạn cuối với những ngày căng thẳng nhất để bước sang một thế giới không còn là những ngày sợ hãi hoặc còn những ngày căng thẳng.
Đây là một trận chiến khốc liệt cho đến giây phút cuối cùng. Chỉ có những người bền đỗ và trung thành, chỉ có những người tin tưởng tuyệt đối thì các con sẽ thấy được sự chiến thắng một cách mỹ mãn dành cho những người tin tưởng và luôn hy vọng, để sống một đời sống trọn vẹn trong bổn phận trách nhiệm với sự hy sinh của chính mình.
Bởi vì lòng nghi ngờ quá nhiều trong thế giới này, cho dù quá đông nhưng tìm một người có thể nhận ra và hiểu rõ những việc của Cha làm thì thật là một điều quá khó. Luật lệ giúp cho họ, giữ luật lệ là một điều tốt để bảo vệ nhưng chính vì những luật lệ đó mà họ không đi sâu và họ không nhìn thấy, chỉ giới hạn vào mỗi một thời đại và cuối cùng vẫn giữ lấy những điều cũ kỹ đó thì sẽ không nhìn được sự mới mẻ phong phú Cha ban.
Hãy nhớ rằng các con đang nhìn thấy và yêu thương những gì tốt đẹp nhất mà các con đang có. Huống gì Cha? – Là một Thiên Chúa, Cha yêu thương tất cả các con, Cha yêu thương những kẻ tội lỗi, vì chính họ sẽ không còn một nơi nào để gởi thác và không có một nơi nào giải thoát nếu họ không trở về với Cha. Cho nên đây là những giây phút cuối cùng, các con chịu đựng để thay thế cho họ qua sự phạt tạ, các con hãy chịu đựng để lắng nghe với sự cầu nguyện một cách trung thành.
Hãy tôn trọng, hãy hiệp nhất và hãy cầu nguyện để Chúa Thánh Thần soi sáng. Vì đây cũng là một thời điểm giữa thật và giả rất nhiều; đây cũng là thời điểm mà Cha đổ tràn những ân sủng để những hồng ân đó đến để cứu các con và giải thoát các con.
Các con thương yêu của Cha, ngày giờ cũng đã gần đến. Hãy vui mừng lên! Hãy chuẩn bị cho Cha tâm hồn của mình, hãy chuẩn bị cho những người anh em chung quanh và hãy chuẩn bị bằng tiếng nói qua đời sống phục vụ của các con. Hãy chuẩn bị thay tiếng nói để cầu xin cho họ và hãy chuẩn bị cho tiếng nói mà Chúa Thánh Thần hướng dẫn, để các con giúp cho những người anh chị em trên bước đường trở về và nắm được chìa khóa mà Mẹ Maria trao tặng (2), vì đó là lúc phải cần giúp cho sự căng thẳng với những giây phút đang diễn ra và còn diễn ra.
Các con yêu thương của Cha, Cha đã nghe quá nhiều và Cha cũng đã nói trước với các con: “Đến giờ thì Cha sẽ ra tay.” Hãy tiếp tục với bổn phận của mình, đừng để cho mình quá lưu tâm và đừng để cho mình quá nhiều với những việc khi các con đã biết điều đó sẽ thuộc về các con. Còn những việc khác quan trọng hơn và điều cẩn thận hơn nữa là mùa Giáng Sinh năm nay sẽ khác biệt mùa Giáng Sinh của mọi năm. Sẽ còn những việc xảy ra với những câu chuyện của thế giới này, những câu chuyện của một đất nước đang tranh giành. Sẽ có những biến loạn xảy ra bất ngờ, nhưng các con sẽ thấy nhờ chính những biến loạn đó để kết thúc một trận chiến giữa thiện và ác.
Hôm nay, Cha nói đến đây; hy vọng các con hiểu được điều này. Đừng lo sợ, đừng hoang mang, đừng tin vào tất cả những điều qua truyền thông mà hôm nay đã có biết bao nhiêu người sống trong sự giả dối bị mua chuộc, làm cho các con hoảng sợ và hoang mang. Cha mong muốn các con hãy tin tưởng những điều của Cha nói, hãy luôn lắng nghe và cầu nguyện thì các con sẽ không bao giờ sợ hãi. Hãy vững mạnh can đảm để giúp cho những người khi họ gặp gỡ các con. Hãy giữ vững, vì tất cả mọi việc sẽ kết thúc một cách chiến thắng rõ rệt trong công lý và công bằng. Bình an của Cha đến với tất cả các con. Thương các con thật nhiều. Chào tất cả các con.
Cha ngưng lúc 00:03:36 sáng giờ Texas, ngày 2-12-2020.
(1) Corona virus xuất phát từ Vũ Hán đã lan tràn ra khắp thế giới.
(2) Món quà Sáu Lạy mà Mẹ Maria ban cho loài người từ năm 2014 để xử dụng cho thời kỳ thanh lọc hiện đang xảy ra ngày càng khốc liệt.
Let Us Adore the Eucharistic Jesus Sun, 19 Dec 2021 16:47:46 +0000 The Six Kowtows offered at the Thiên Tâm Benedictine Monastery, Kerens, Texas, on the Blessed Sacrament Day celebration.
This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Lucia: O God, it is exactly 4 a.m., Sunday, June 13, 2021, at the Thiên Tâm Benedictine Monastery, Kerens, Texas. In the days we attend the Blessed Sacrament Day celebration, we also reverently commemorate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, which is the name of our group. At this moment, we offer to God the First Kowtow.
The First Kowtow,
we reverently offer to God the Father.
O God the Father, I thank You, bless, and praise You. Every time we have the opportunity to prostrate ourselves before the Eucharistic Jesus, we prostrate before Your love and Your infinite Divine Mercy. You gave Jesus to us. At this moment, as we bow down, may we remember our human condition as dust. It is from Your love that we still exist on this earth. Though there are many events in life, You still give us the opportunity to have this day.
O Father, in this celebration after the pandemic days, surely each one of us has become aware and alert and know that events happen unexpectedly and nothing can be permanent and last. Only Your love, only Your infinite Divine Mercy still wait for sinners like us, the little people like us. You are waiting to listen to the sincere hearts that come to You to talk to You. You alone are the Supreme Being who clearly understands and knows our human life.
O Father, thank You. The past months were enough for us to recognize that we are truly sinners. It is the Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who save our souls. Over the years those graces nourished our lives, enabling us to understand what needs to be done and what must be done. Although we still have many imperfections, You still preserve and protect, for us to continue to come here, see the people we once met, be here at the monastery that You dedicated specially for us to come to adore the Eucharistic Jesus, to have a celebration, to be reminded of Your love through the
Eucharistic Jesus and through the infinite Divine Mercy of an all-powerful God who still waits and still gives us the opportunity.
O Father, today’s world is battling a turmoil that has turned everything upside down. Where is the truth and where is love, apart from You? O Father, please forgive us. May the world know You and return to You. May we truly amend our lives.
O Father, the pandemic came like a reminder to each of our souls. O Father, money and fame cannot save us when we face the pandemic. All are vanity, but mankind is still spellbound and fascinated, still living in lust, in greed, and with many self-interests. May we recognize what is most important for us to return to You, because You are the Supreme Being who gave us
everything. We need cooperation and unity for us to walk in the doctrine of love, for our lives to be cheerful, happy, with hope in You alone.
O Father, we spent too much time for the world, in greed, in selfishness, with money, fame, lust, and avarice. The world continues in this way thus caused us to fall into the deep abyss of grave sin. At this moment, no one but You can save us. Apart from You, no one can save the situation of the world, with the imminent days of war, of famine, of pandemic, besides the tense days in dishonesty.
O Father, there is nothing like an offering by a reverent heart. Father, please sanctify us, transform us, for us to return to You. May more people know, believe, open their eyes, open their hearts, to recognize what they need. God still loves and waits. This is the last opportunity for us to return in the surrender and submission. Father, we lift up Vietnam to You, the situation in the East China Sea, and the United States of America. We lift up everything to You. Our Church is in a time of tension. There are many matters that cause us to be truly afraid and confused, but we believe that You are in control of everything. We just need to believe, pray, and entrust. Father, please preserve, protect, shield, help our Church survive the current turbulent days. With unity, with faith, we continue to call upon Your name, the ever-living God whom everyone must believe, surrender, and submit to, because only with Your doctrine can there be existence, joy, and peace. That is something most authentic that people must believe in.
O Father, no matter what the world is like, we still affirm. Father, please sanctify and transform us one by one. Each day, with humble and simple words, we lift up to You in the prayer that Mother Mary taught. We honor You as the only God we worship, love, adore. We apologize to You. We praise You. May we belong to You. Amen.
The Second Kowtow,
we reverently offer to Jesus.
O Jesus, the Savior, the Redeemer. You died for us to live and You redeemed us at the price of Your Blood. Today sinners like us still exist. What we do, whether right, or just, or wrong, God knows it all, God sees it all. God came with the purpose to save us and give us a doctrine to retain us in love, with the abundant graces and the best for our world.
O God, we are so weak, so wretched. Our understanding is limited, our faith is so immature that we easily stumble, easily lured by circumstances, easily fall into the abyss of snares and iniquities. Each one of us is stumbling.
O God, due to our weakness and wretchedness, we fail to see our condition, fail to understand the significance of the infinite value as You died for us, conquered death, brought glory, brought life, for us to exist till this day. O God, please increase our faith, grant us faith with depth, height, and breadth, for us to see what is important in our present physical life and the future days of our spiritual life.
O God, You come to give us hope and help us understand the love You taught for us to love You above all else and love our brothers. Those are the only two main teachings that still have not been practiced through generations. There were those who love You and are the saints presently in heaven. Indeed, it is very difficult to love one’s neighbor, so in this real life, we still fail to practice love between man and man, and we continue to live without love for one another. We killed each other, placed self-interest first in our lives, we offended God through the commandments that He taught.
In particular, we completely live against the precepts, so through generations, the world is still in days of war, of suffering, of pandemic, of hunger and thirst, both spiritually and physically. Where in today’s world can we find peace? Where is truth, where is justice, apart from God’s doctrine? The recent pandemic reminds us that the freedom and the happiness God bestowed were lost, because mankind lived against the doctrine, offended God, failed to do what God taught. Life is still days of lacking love, lacking unity, causing sorrow and misery to one another.
O Jesus, though we certainly know it is late for us, in our quiet moments, we confide to You. We are so weak, we keep falling. At this moment, kneeling before Your Eucharist, kneeling before the Second Person of God, we prostrate and surrender ourselves, both soul and body, praying with our heart, with our soul’s true feeling, to apologize to You. Father, please forgive us. Father, please let us know that You love us and You need us to respond to Your love. We just need to give a bit of love in return, then we can overcome all of this world’s pitfalls.
O Father, our hearts are indifferent. Our lives have become a habit. To this day, we still do not recognize the love that You gave us through Your death. That glorious resurrection renewed our lives and was the new doctrine to help us live life with meaning.
O Jesus, I honor You, I thank You, and I praise You. I lift up all the problems of this world. We lift up all classes, all roles who live in indifference, grieving You, gravely offending and challenging You at the same time. Father, please forgive us and allow us to believe in You, return to You with a repentant heart, to be reformed and restored. Father, please bless us when we go to the celebration, to understand what we learn and how we grow in the annual celebration.
Father, please open our hearts to be touched, be determined, be resolute, truly come to You, pray with our hearts, with a heart that honors You, with no hesitation, no fear, no shyness. There is only one Supreme God whom we believe, adore, glorify. May we walk in the doctrine through Your teaching, though it is too late, we will never lose the opportunity. You are the Supreme Being who always gives us the opportunity to return to You, to be sanctified and transformed, for life to be meaningful. Especially in this day and age, may we come to You with our souls, with our hearts, with our deeds, with all the best that You taught, for us to love, be patient, be forgiving, be generous, live with sacrifice and charity. All these things are normal and trivial but it takes a heart to achieve in Your grace. May we experience this love, reform daily, live with meaning when we offer the Second Kowtow to the Second Person of God. May we learn to love You and do what You want us to do. God, please help us truly amend our lives to represent all classes, all roles, for all brothers and sisters to return and recognize Your love.
O Jesus, as You said, «Believe and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.» We lift up Vietnam to You. We surrender everything that is happening in the South China Sea to You. We lift up our Church. We lift up our society and the United States of America. In the past few days, we fully presented all our problems to You. Father, You see very well and also know very well. Father, please give us the opportunity to pray. We, as members, as citizens in this country, also have responsibilities. Father, may people not live in ways that deny and offend Your law. May everyone know that Your law is the right one to help them step out of the days of iniquity to live in justice, righteousness, and truth, for them to become righteous, practice days of righteousness, which is needed and is neither too difficult nor too easy.
Father, please help us understand this individually. May we become more mature, from love and prayer, for You to have mercy, intervene, and help us on our way to return by deeds, to witness to the love You granted us, saving us among man. When facing an event, let everyone with ears then hear; with eyes then see; with hearts then feel, and return to God. He is the only Lord who saved us. It is for our sake He continues to be with us. We ask in the name of God, the Lord of love, now and forever. May we belong to the Second Person of God, to the Second Holy Sign, to the Second Person. Amen.
The Third Kowtow,
we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit.
O Holy Spirit, You are the love, the truth. O Holy Spirit, we greatly need You. Without You, we are like living in a dungeon, with the confinement caused by iniquity, greed, selfishness, self-interest, jealousy, resentment, envy, which is present within each person.
O Holy Spirit, our lives are riddled with sin like a wall between Your love and light. May we receive Your teaching. May we accept and obey Your teachings deep in our hearts. Your presence from eternity remains. God the Father granted the Holy Spirit through the Apostles, which was  the first Church. Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, we officially receive the Holy Spirit that remains forever with us. From the Church, from the laity, those who belong to God, all are in the Holy Spirit, which is the truth, the holiness, the beauty, which we have forgotten and failed to follow so our lives are still days of nourishing iniquity, fostering iniquity, with iniquity, and in iniquity. Today, with sin, how can we see the best, the truth, the holiness, and the beauty that people receive from the Holy Spirit? Sin caused us to err. Sin kept us away from God. Sin made us suffer and struggle in this life. Sin made us obstinate, stubborn, and hardened. May we hear God’ voice, may we recognize His teaching in our conscience, in our heart, with the sacred and divine truth that He granted to our souls.
O Holy Spirit, please enlighten and help us distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. Help us leave the allurements and passions of life, with the attraction of money, passion, lust, greed. Help us remove what is caused by sin in this life for us to truly experience the worthy days that You specially granted, which are the most beautiful and most independent days that we lost.
O Holy Spirit, in the moments and days we do not have God, then we neither understand nor know. Our life becomes a habit though we are taught by our families and live a Christian life, our hearts are dry and cold. We certainly do not understand and do not feel. When there are problems, we are worried, afraid, and often forget God, so we stumbled and make mistakes in our lives. When we are defeated, disappointed, suffering, then we seek God. Though it is too late, God is still the Lord who opens wide His arms to embrace us, who always protects us and leads us back to the truth.
O Holy Spirit, You are our everything. Thanks to You, we come to the Father’s Divine Mercy. Thanks to You, we understand the Lord Jesus’ salvation. Thanks to You, we step away from the sins and weaknesses that causes us to stumble upon in our daily wretchedness.
O Holy Spirit, please help us. Please save the world for everyone to love one another in unity and see the meaning You gave us through Your doctrine to leave all the wretchedness and sin that makes us stumble daily in life. Let us live in righteousness and truth because You are the Supreme Being who enlightens, guides, and teaches. May we obey You, at least, receive the seven sources of grace, and from those little things to help us be good daily, from the family to the group, to the society, to the place where we live and work. May we deny ourselves, live a righteous life as called. Even if we suffer some unfairness from society, God dwells in us, and His teaching helps us live nobler, more sympathetic, more giving, and more charitable. We thank God, praise God. God is the only Supreme Being who teaches us to understand the meaning of prayer for us to be renewed daily in the Holy Spirit. We ask in the name of the Lord, the God of love, now and forever and ever. May we belong to the Holy Spirit.
Please enlighten our Church, protect our Church. Grant our Pope wisdom and insight, to be filled with the Spirit of God to lead the flock, steer the boat of the Church through the current storm. May our society realize that if we continue to kill each other, cause resentment, hatred, or war, the end is tragedy and misery. May the world know peace. Let life between man and man recognize what is most important. Let us not cause injuries, sufferings, and pandemics as in today. We ask in the name of the Holy Spirit. We believe in You. It is not possible with the world, but You are the Supreme Being who can make it happen. It is impossible for the world, but to You, everything is possible. Let us lift, offer, plead, and implore. Let all of us who are Christians welcome God, listen to His teaching, practice what is taught, for life to become more meaningful, happier, with more secure and peaceful days, which everyone needs in life. We thank You, glorify You. May we belong to You. Amen.
The Fourth Kowtow, we reverently offer
to the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
O Eucharistic Jesus, I thank You. Every year, at this time, many people are here, but since the past pandemic, many people have passed away. For the number of people who come, the days have become a habit very quickly in life. O Holy Spirit, no matter what changes, we will never change because the Eucharistic Jesus is always with us and always visits us. The Eucharist is a Sacrament that today only thirty percents of Catholics believe in the real presence of Jesus, but we believe one hundred percents. The Eucharist is the sacred presence that Jesus instituted over 2,000 years ago and is a holy and divine Sacrament that is still present in the world. The Eucharist is the love Jesus granted to us in the world, is the nourishment that feeds our soul in our journey, is close to us, and strengthens our life of faith.
O Eucharistic Jesus, it is truly an infinitely great grace that You granted to humanity. May we offer the reverence, love, awe, and honor that is due toward the Eucharistic Jesus.
O God, why do You remain till this day? It is because You love us, and that love is to save humanity. No matter how tense the situation in the world is, no matter how much war and suffering man cause to each other, God is still the tender Supreme Lord who waits for man through the Eucharistic Jesus. He is all-powerful, full of glory, and manifests to the world for us to recognize the doctrine to lead us home. We must repent and acknowledge the best in the given teaching. Today we come together in unity to kneel before Your Eucharist to thank You. Throughout the years, what we do, the words we pray are not from our knowledge but from the Holy Spirit who teaches us to glorify the Eucharistic Jesus.
God is so lonely, forgotten, abandoned for generations. He is abandoned and neglected in all the tabernacles in this world. He is seeking the simple little children, seeking the trusting hearts to come and comfort Him. Today what we mention, lift, present, is not spontaneous, but it is God who specially grants when He visits us. Last year, when we could not go to church, there was so much stress. We could not go to church, we could not receive Holy Communion normally. Things just start to be back to normal, and when we cannot come to church then God comes to visit us. Faith will help us see many things closely that the Holy Eucharist has done for this world. May everyone respect and love God with reverence and gratitude, because we do not deserve the graces that are granted, the treasure that is granted to embrace humanity in the days with the events that we are facing.
O Eucharistic Jesus, You are the source of comfort, the light, the joy, the support for our faith life. May our Church continue to help the world and help all citizens in the state of today’s society, especially for those who are Christians to know about the Eucharistic Jesus, to be profound with the Eucharistic Jesus, be close to Him. May our Church have something new to bring to the Eucharistic Jesus, always think of the Eucharistic Jesus, remind us of Adoration for us to constantly adore God. Only the Eucharist of the Lord is the source of comfort when the storms of life are intense and when many events are happening, from the Church to society. God, please help us because that powerful presence is still here. It is that victory that bring us to life through the glorious resurrection, and today, help us and the world return. God is the victorious Supreme Being. God is the all-powerful Supreme Being, the King above all kings, a benevolent and gentle Father. Only God and His doctrine help the world become prosperous, happy, and peaceful.
O Eucharistic Jesus, the time has come. We lost a great opportunity due to our weak faith and a poor prayer life so we stumbled. Today, the devil controls the world. We are not defeated people but we have been indifferent, lacking in prayer. The Eucharistic Lord is the Supreme Being who protects. In every battle we can receive the protection, but we do not ask for help and we do not trust so we are heading for the present defeat. There are those in this world who, for generations, are so sinful. The world is full of sinners, but there are also those whom God loves. He chooses and forgives them for those sinners to recognize the love of God to witness to the truth. All of us rely on the love and the Divine Mercy, with the presence of the Eucharistic Lord, to have the special graces to bring to the world, to rekindle the faith and reverence that are needed in prayer.
We adore the Eucharistic Jesus. Indeed, it is a truly special grace. Please help us, for this Blessed Sacrament Day celebration to continue in the years to come, with abundant blessing. May more people come every year with sentiments of love for God, with a spirit of reformation in God’s grace, with a spirit of reverence, of adoration, of listening, practice the teachings, love the Eucharistic Jesus, glorify Him, and testify to the truth. We adore the Eucharistic Jesus, we glorify God, we thank God. May we receive God daily in this world with respect, with gratitude. Let us examine ourselves. Let us not receive God in a sinful state of mind for God to endure the stench of our sins.
May those in charge always cherish and remind us of what we need to know, which is the Eucharistic Jesus, the treasure that is opened for today’s humanity to draw close to Him and glorify Him to compensate for the days of indifference, the days we are offending the Eucharistic Jesus. May we learn to comfort Him. May we prostrate and surrender respectfully, reverently, confess to make up for those brothers and sisters who still do not understand and unintentionally or intentionally offend God. We ask in the name of the Lord, our God, please accept our apologies, our pleas for mercy. May God’s holy will be done over what we ask for. May the world recognize God and return to God. May we belong to the Eucharistic Jesus. Amen.
The Fifth Kowtow, we reverently offer
to the Five Holy Signs of Jesus Christ.
The Five Holy Signs of love, of grace, of mercy, of hope, and of the Risen Lord.
O Jesus of the Five Holy Signs, You died for us to live. Your longing through generations is for us to know that You redeemed us at the price of Blood. The love through the infinite Divine Mercy of God the Father, the salvation of the Lord Jesus, the presence of the Holy Spirit, for generations, that love is still waiting for us. The sacredness that is present with us is His Eucharist, which is the tender love guiding and reminding us to follow the greatest example to help us return. Jesus endured extreme sufferings till death, which is the covenant that goes on as we contemplate the Five Holy Signs. The Five Holy Signs remind us that Jesus redeemed us by the seal of love and forgiveness. All of us still exist because of love. As God still waits for us through the Five Holy Signs, let us look at what we have, not be foolish, not give up, not live in despair and hopelessness. No matter which circumstances, we must find and hold onto hope from
the Five Holy Signs.
Those are the Five Holy Signs that God is yearning for, the love through the Divine Mercy that God the Father granted for generations. He is still the Lord abounding in love. As He once said: «I do not want the wicked to die. I want him to repent and live.» From this verse, we have the First Holy Sign. We believe and honor through the Lord Jesus. He granted and redeemed and brought us back to God the Father’s love and Divine Mercy. In the Second Holy Sign, Jesus came to save us. He died for us and has gloriously risen, so let us, no matter how sinful, return with hope in Jesus. God came to save and forgive, then let us return with a repentant heart, to be resurrected, to be restored, through His love, through the Savior, as He granted us through the Second Holy Sign.
The Third Holy Sign is the Holy Spirit’s guidance and illumination, for us to know what is most important, what God granted and gave, what is currently restored and received by all generations. As we discover the beauty of the truth, holiness, perfection, we know the love that God has for us. May we be guided to discern between good, evil, right, wrong, truth, and falsehood. People must choose to decide for themselves. The Holy Spirit teaches us the depth of faith and all good things. He is waiting to bring us back to God the Father. If we believe in the Lord Jesus, then our lives will become meaningful. When we realize that we can be the children of God, then we must practice through the Holy Spirit’s teaching. Let us not be ashamed with our hearts and not be at fault with the justice required.
O Holy Spirit, what You teach to us and the world is valuable. We desperately need Your light to help us become righteous. Deliver us and guide us from the snares of sin that caused us to stumble for too long in our lives throughout generations. Today with everything that happens to us in the present age, people think it is normal, but it is not. The time has come for everyone to surrender, submit, return to God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God alone saves and guides us in this life and the next.
O Holy Spirit, help us have the wisdom to choose, for us to do what we need to do, and continue to bear witness to the truth that You granted us through Your grace with the gift of the Six Kowtows. The Fourth Kowtow: when we pray, is there any God beside us who gives us a sense of peace with the meaning of happiness? Is there any God who patiently waits for us? Today, we recognize the divine and sacred things appearing through the Blessed Sacrament, the little fragile host that enters each person’s heart. When we receive Him, especially Catholics, it is a host with light, love, grace, which brings us out of difficult and painful days. That is true love. How can it be explained?
Only faith and feeling can recognize the sacred presence that we worship, to know the signs and traces of over 2,000 years ago. It is out of love that God stayed with us until today. Though we are unworthy sinners, He continues to wait and love us. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus was in the flesh, but 2,000 years later, we encounter Him through faith. Today, we unite to profess, worship, glorify the Eucharistic Jesus, and make up for the days when we did not know and did not have enough faith. We were apathetic, indifferent, and offended God, either deliberately or unintentionally.
O Eucharistic Jesus, please forgive us, forgive mankind, forgive all classes and positions so that they can appreciate, respect, and love You more with heart, to recognize what the Eucharistic Jesus desires in them and in each one of us. Let our hearts not be so dry, so cold, and have no feeling. God is so close. He loves and He is very close. It is an indescribable love that He has for us today. It is the Fourth Holy Sign that we honor. It takes what is known and must be known for life to become meaningful days with depth, as we honor, adore, and we are determined to return with the inner life to pray for God to hear. With the growth of the spiritual life and deeper faith as we experience and perform the sign of prayer with heart, we do not fear anything of the world or the public opinion, but we feel the peace and happiness that God granted to us. Despite our shortcomings and weaknesses, let us remember each day for us to step out of the day of nurturing iniquity and the days of living in iniquity, unintentionally or deliberately.
O, Eucharistic Jesus, there is so much You granted us, so much You gave us. May we rise with heart, determination, reverence, and adoration. The Fifth Holy Sign, Mother Mary taught us thoroughly. She was the person who obeyed God and spent Her whole life besides the Eucharistic Jesus until the moment He left this world. He continues to remain with our world. For more than twenty years, officially through the Church, all the miracles and all teachings in virtue and in God’s holy will, Mother is the person who clearly understands. Today, Mother teaches us because She knows the world will encounter days of events like this. There will be days in the world when we will totally lose everything God granted. When we live in iniquity, with iniquity, we despise what is in the life of faith. The most insignificant and humble deeds, people do not even perform, then how can they perform great deeds?
We tend to seek literature, knowledge, ornate words, and thoughts, but our hearts are extremely dry and cold. We nourish sin, foster sin, to the point of not knowing what sin is. These are matters we must be most aware of because we must pay a price when we choose wrong and we take the path that is contrary to God’s teaching. So Mother taught us what it means when we pray when we come to God when we come to the Eucharistic Jesus. Through the Six Kowtows, full of meaning, Mother helped us lift our hearts to God, step out of the pitfalls that we fell into for generations, have a life of faith with depth, height, and breadth, help us overcome the events, trust, and accept, for us to listen to God’s teaching. May we continue with the mission to bear witness to the truth, to help all our brothers and sisters receive the gift Mother taught, for each one of us to lift up to God when there are events.
The recent coronavirus pandemic reminded us, because we relied on all matters practical in life. When the pandemic came, there were no opportunities and no circumstances for us to receive the last Sacrament of our lives. So the gift of the Six Kowtows will help us in all places, at all times, and especially in all circumstances, for us to confess, lift up soul and body. Even if we are physically ill, we still have our minds until the very end. Before we leave this world, there are moments of awareness, for us to pray and ask God for forgiveness, for us to be forgiven from the love of the Divine Mercy.
God wants us to understand these matters, be saved, forgiven, and understand the meaning of the covenant through the Five Holy Signs He granted to man. Today, we represent all classes and all roles. We offer thanksgiving, praise, honor, and consolation to Jesus on the Cross through the Five Holy Signs. We also receive the seal with the forgiveness that God granted us through generations. When we repent and return, God forgives. God still forgives and loves us as on the first day. May we believe these things for us to leave the days of sin and return to God worthily before the Five Holy Signs. We adore God, we bless God, and we praise God. May we belong to God. Amen.
The Sixth Kowtow,
we reverently offer to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary and for Her Triumph.
O God the Father, we thank You. You knew we were too weak and inadequate. None of us deserve to stand before You. You chose for us a Mother who completely lived according to Your holy will, in Your arrangement. It was a program that You dedicated to saving the world through our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother is the person who accepted with the «Fiat» for Your holy will to be done with the great work to save humanity, to allow sinners like us to exist. Mother replaced us to be perfect before God. Those great blessings and graces that God the Father gave to Mother, She brought to us. Today, sinners like us, sinful and wretched, still have the opportunity to speak to You, Father. It is not something spontaneous for us to have because we are never worthy to beseech and pray to You.
However, we still have Mother who taught us and brought us to Your infinite love and Divine Mercy. Mother brought us to Jesus, Her Son, the only Savior. Through Mother’s intercession and through the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mediator, we were allowed to call You: Abba. The Abba of humanity. Through our Lord Jesus Christ and through Mother’s perfect life, we were led to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Today, what we do, what we say, what we practice, in proclamation, with prayer, Father, we thank You profusely. Father, please allow us to offer the Sixth Kowtow to Mother Mary as the Holy Spirit taught us.
O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of humanity, and Mother of the Risen Lord. We thank  Mother, today we understand how to pray, how to confess, how to prostrate, how to surrender, how to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. For years, He endured the offenses, the coldness, the indifference. Today we continue to offend Him gravely. Today we must accept what we are practicing and choosing. We do not understand that a great treasure is in our midst, which is the love that forever belongs to us. Jesus instituted the Eucharist so that no matter what situation we are in, we have a Mediator who continues to sustain us and guide us in the days with painful events when our hearts believe, turn to Him, and call on His name. If without Mother, how can we know this? O God, though utterly unworthy, we must pray because it is only in the moments of prayer can the soul and the heart reveal everything that comes from the bottom of the heart, in those like us, even though imperfect.
O Mother Mary, we do not know what words to use to thank You. We honor You, thank You, apologize to You. There are many things You taught, but we still have not done and still have not understood. In the past months, more or less, during the past ten years, no matter how many events, changes, public opinions, rejections, we are still happy with the gift of the Six Kowtows. This gift helped us and lifted our faith step by step. We feel our days are still days of deficiency, but we are just in time to make amends, to step out of snares and the wretchedness and weakness of our lives. Indeed, it is an ordinary and banal gift but extremely valuable to our souls, leading us to God, and helping us experience things that we have today from Mother’s teaching.
O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of every sinner, every saint, every victim, every patient, every penitent, every witness, every soul in purgatory, Mother of the apostles all over the world, Mother of each person, and Mother of the whole world. Today, we have You, with You, and through Your intercession, we become more mature, more conscious, for us to step out of the snares that we are falling into.
O Mother Mary, Your title and glorious name are undeniable. What God grants us is not limited to books recorded in ancient times, but God generously leads people to Him in a lively way through Your teaching for our life of faith and heart to have depth. When we understand the meaning of prayer, we understand the meaning when we come to God and we understand things God teaches us, which are the most ordinary and banal things, yet are so extraordinary and marvelous. Our lives are thus close to the meaning that we cannot be without.
Whenever the unclean spirits saw Him, they prostrate before Him and shout, “You are the Son of God!”
St. Mark 3:11
O Mother Mary, please continue to walk with us and teach us to remove the routine with indifference, the lack of duty and responsibility in life with our mission. We also pray for those in the ranks of our Church to always have a heart devoted toward the Eucharistic Jesus, for the life they teach us is to pray with practice, with determination, with sacrifice, with retribution, and to have faith, depth, height, and breadth. We are aware of what we did and remind the world to recognize the worship, the reverence, the sincere return that the world needs today. Only lifting soul and body can be like a sacrifice offered to ask for God to accept, intervene, and forgive our world, for us to return to God in the current events, with issues that we are still facing.
O Mother Mary, You knew this. The world will enter days of battle, spiritual and physical, extreme days in the turmoil we face with the pandemics of both soul and body.  Mother, You teach us these things to help us step out of days of weakness and skepticism, to return with a repentant and contrite heart, in faith and trust. Surely God will intervene and lead us to a world that belongs to us – the new world. No matter what happens, let us not be discouraged or lose faith. Trust and hope because God is the Supreme Being who loves us more than our sins. Through Mother, through Her intercession, may the world repent, be sanctified, be transformed, be in grace, through Mother’s teaching, in the urgency of the times. We need this unity. The gift of the Six Kowtows taught us and brought us to each Person and guided us with a more profound, more focused way to pray, to live our lives more zealously. We practice Mother’s teaching for us to understand the meaning of life. As we lift to God, we pray for the necessary graces and earnestly beseech His intervention for today’s world.
Thank You, Mother, for giving us the gift. You know that the world cannot withstand the myriad of evil spirits that cause us to stumble. As the law changed, days became very tense in our spiritual and physical life. We did not know what was true, right, and wrong. We are confused and worried about the spiritual life through the Church and all the realities we face. There is still the tension of war and the pandemic. Mother, please have mercy and help us. May we focus and wholeheartedly beseech God for help. May we trust and hope. May we keep praying. The weapon of prayer will help us through the trials and tribulations. Let us accept the challenging path. In the end, God will intervene and save us. We offer Mother the Sixth Kowtow. May we believe in these prayers for us to always live in the hope that is only in God. May we belong to Mother. Amen.
Mother brought us to Saint Joseph. Through Saint Joseph’s shining example and intercession, we ask for him to pray for those in the ranks of our Church to live a chaste life as Saint Joseph once lived, as a person with responsibilities, obligations, also a person who follows God’s holy will. We lift our Church today to Saint Joseph to intercede with God to help our Church get through the days of crisis and tension and many matters amid today’s life. We are laypeople. We do not know what is right and wrong with the priests, the religious, the bishops, the cardinals’ situation. We only lift to God. We entrust our Church to Saint Joseph for him to help our Church through the ordeals and challenges. It is a test and a purification that God gives to the shepherds who belong to Him, to lead the lost sheep and lead the flock to follow God’s right path through Saint Joseph’s intercession.
Mother Mary also guides us to the three archangels. We ask them to help our world that is falling into snares from our infatuation and fascination with the technology and science of a civilized age. We have forgotten everything that is in God’s law. With this situation, we ask for the three archangels’ help to dispel the devil’s traps and save us from the snares that cause us to stumble due to our foolishness and weak faith. We also pray to the angels, the saints in heaven, especially the guardian angels. From time immemorial, we seem to have forgotten our guardian angels, but they always teach us and protect us. With prayers, we ask for them to help us become righteous, listen, avoid all the snares we tend to stumble upon daily.
We also ask Mother to lead us to the saints. They are models for ages. They are present in heaven, sitting at the holy banquet table in the heavenly kingdom. It should not be too difficult for us to learn from the saints who were people who believed, who achieved, who went to heaven. Today we yearn, but we still cannot follow them. We ask for help through the saints’ intercessions and from their shining examples to help us every step of the way to be witnesses to the truth and trust in God. Today through our works, we glorify God, comfort God, pray to God. We lift all problems to God, and we ask for heaven’s help through the current events, through the urgent days that the world is facing. In the days of the pandemic and the state of war, please save us, help us through these ordeals and challenges, for everything to become good as we wait for the new world that God offers to humanity.
I thank Mother. It is from Your teaching that we are aware of what will happen in the future. Though the days are tense, we still trust because God is the Supreme Being who is always in control. God is the Sovereign. God has the power to plan and arrange. God wants us to recognize all the events that happen since we chose the path of freedom and separation, which leads us away from God, against the doctrine. What happens today is from our choices, so let us pray, repent, return; God will save, God will forgive, and God will give us the opportunity. Today, Mother teaches us to keep praying, come to God, fervently plead, lift everything, from the most ordinary, insignificant matters, with one’s heart, with the prompting given by the Holy Spirit, not using ornate words or thoughts according to the human way, but to live true to our hearts. Let us lift everything we see, hear, know. Let us lift to God to ask Him to plan according to His holy will.
Mother will intercede to God for us, help us practice, fulfill our duties and responsibilities, avoid and lessen sins, avoid all the passions in life that we easily stumble on. May our prayers be worthy for God to accept and grant more abundantly. We now complete the Six Kowtows as an offering to God in this Blessed Sacrament Day celebration. Although I arrived at this place later than the brothers and sisters, God gave me enough strength to lift, by pleas and prayers, through the Holy Spirit, to help us offer a worthy sacrifice in this Blessed Sacrament Day celebration. I continue to pray for this Benedictine Monastery to expand because the Eucharistic Lord is greatly needed in this world for everyone to honor, worship, and adore.
God’s divine presence remains with us throughout generations. The glory of the Eucharistic Jesus is revealed to man as God once visited and granted us light. When the light appears, then the darkness will disappear. We need to lift and present this. O Eucharistic Jesus, please accept this small sacrifice to ask for You to forgive our sins, for the world to recognize and return to You, by action, by deed, by determination, by heart, by humility, to receive the teaching and walk in the right direction. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, may we be restored and resurrected in a spirit of repentance? We ask in the name of the Lord, the God of love, now and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Lucia, Maria T., Maria N., Theresa K., Anna H., Ignatio Q., and all the brothers and sisters on this trip. May God bless us after the Blessed Sacrament Day celebration so that when we return, we may bring something, a depth of love, to revere and adore the Eucharistic Jesus, to love Him more. Please sanctify us daily to be worthy for God to hear our prayers and for the world to be renewed and delivered from days of imminent war, especially in Vietnam. May God grant our world days of renewal in His love and preserve our Church to overcome ordeals and challenges. Ultimately, may our Church be in unity for us to entrust. Only because we have the Church can we have the Eucharistic Jesus, receive God into our hearts, be close to God, receive God’s visit, and be before the monstrance with the Eucharistic Jesus. We adore God, praise God, and glorify God. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we worship God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lucia and the brothers and sisters conclude at 4:58 a.m. on Sunday, June 13, 2021, at the Thiên Tâm Benedictine Monastery, on the Blessed Sacrament Day celebration. Once again, we thank Mother. It is also the 13th, the day we remember Mother. Mother remains with us, teaches us, and this gift has been practiced for the past seven years, from Mother’s teaching. Mother, please help us continue with the days of witnessing in silence and fulfilling our duties to glorify God. Though silently, but one of these days, all our brothers, sisters, and fellow human beings, will accept and practice, with the proclamation that Mother taught to the world as well as to us. Amen. Amen. Amen.
«Prepare Your Soul for Me» Sun, 19 Dec 2021 16:45:11 +0000 Jesus (11:38 p.m.):
My beloved children, today you heard the explanation and all the words from the Holy Spirit. They are the words I want to say to you. What matters the most is that I want to return to you, especially this Christmas season is different every other year. It is a season of man’s awakening, a Christmas season of man’s choice, a Christmas season for those who know in their souls what they need and yearn.
This Christmas season, I do not want to be alone. I do not want to be lonely every other year. I want to reign among you, giving you peace, and bring you joy and be cheerful. In every work, I plan it and arrange it. You must know that when I grant, I grant it to you wholeheartedly. When it is successful, it is a definite success, full of meaning for people to recognize, and  to know what belongs to the light. What is righteous will triumph, and what belongs to the darkness must disappear.
I have My plan. I granted  it to you and advised you for many years. Today what happened,  I repeat one more time: «What needs to happen must happen.» There are unrighteous deeds, wrongdoings, things nurtured by cruel and wicked people. You are naive, weak in faith, greedy, selfish. You live according to the ways of the world, lacking in  love, lacking  in charity.
Today, I want  the world to know that what belongs to me that I bestowed will not be taken away. Today I see all those who choose a path that they consider to be from their  own design, who usurp My authority, who manipulate everything in politics and a civilized life with money and fame, who change everything to usurp My authority, to make decisions regarding people’s lives. That is the world’s plan, but I have My program and My plan, which I granted to you, to the righteous, to the believers, and for My Church to carry on.
My beloved children, today, life has become a habit. The people who have functions no longer uphold the law and carry out the doctrine properly. They let the world needs and necessities govern them. Everything they choose, they try to hide according to each person’s ways. However, they cannot hide their unrighteous deeds forever. All deeds must answer to the justice and the law that is necessary with this world. The world may change everything,  there is no longer conscience and morality, but fairness, justice, righteousness, and truth, can never be amended.
Today, do not be afraid. It is time for you to see what never before in the world will happened. You see people,  who are mainly citizens without power and influence, but their voices are utterly powerful. From their longing, their rising, their courage, they defend the truth,  that will be the voice of victory. This is a challenging period for you to know My love, My power. Watch with your ordinary eyes and see people in positions doing dishonesty, immorality, and with  matters where people used all kinds of ways relying on their functions.
However, the time has come. I want to expose everything from dishonesty to evildoing, expose all unrighteousness from the darkness that manipulated the world for many years. Today, I need valiant people with absolute faith. I need to see faith from the person who is in charge,  doing their duty, responsible, loyal. I need people who believe and practice then they will win in the end.
Children, do not be afraid! Cheer up! I want to see your faces. Cheer because you know al things in advance. This  is the remaining and last moments. I will purify the whole world. Those who belong to Me, who believe in Me, who are faithful and persevere, who sacrifice for the doctrine and justice, will be the winner.  As for the wicked who use all kinds of tricks to overwhelm you, in the end, they will fall miserably, and they will be destroyed on their own, self-destroying themselves.
Today, do not be afraid. There will be terrifying things that will appear in this country. It is a country that influences the whole world. It is a country that I will employ to awaken everyone, to choose to live in peace or war,  to live in wickedness, or to live in life to recall conscience and morality, at the end of the days.
You clearly understood and knew the deeds I have done. What you do, in ordinary and simplicity, expresses what is most realistic. So today, what you are choosing is the path of prayer, with all your heart, in the days you know that I desire a voice, a voice of ordinary and simple people, a voice with absolute trust, a voice through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and a voice of justice and righteousness.
In this world, people use words and meanings, knowledge, and learning.  However, sincere and truthful matters are missing in the present world from the learned and knowledgeable people. I want equality for everyone. Even though there are people without education and knowledge, they have the spirit of truth, in a way that I desire, and with sincere hearts, I want a voice,  that is simple  and humble who live in competition, with human reasoning. They do not live by their heart, by  their conscience, by the  truth, and by their  righteousness.
The time has come. You must know the works I plan and arrange to invite people to return. I grant to the world as I once said: “I do not reveal to the learned, but I reveal to the little ones.”
Rest assured. I will not let My people fall into a situation with the days that you fear. Every deed must have a sacrifice to recall what is good and evil very clearly. I desire for you to be ready because I will return after 2,000 years. With this Christmas season, I yearn for each person’s heart, the heart of each child. I desire and I want to come to warm your souls again. I want to come to embrace you after the past stressful days.
Father stopped at 00:03:36 am.
Repent, because God Loves and Forgives Unconditionally Sun, 19 Dec 2021 16:43:34 +0000 We unite to thank the Holy Spirit who gives us this message like a reminder in Advent. Let us prepare for all classes, all roles, to receive it. No one can do it, no one can say it, no one can meditate the way we do. The Holy Spirit alone is the Supreme Being who helps us with the most ordinary, simple, yet most insightful words. He also opens the door for us to understand the meaning of this year’s Advent and Christmas to do what we need to do.
 Today, God is looking at us who are the lost sheep. He is holding us. Let us return to a place that we can rely on, which is safe, for us to have life, both in this world and in the next. Let us give up and remove all things of the past. Let us return to God, be born again in the Child Jesus, to change starting from this year’s Christmas. May we have a peaceful heart, an untroubled heart, a life with meaning and truth, which God granted to us, each sinner, for us to become penitents, witnesses, and saints who are present in heaven. Through the example of the saints, let us ask the heavenly court, the angels, and the saints, to pray for us.
God, there are still two weeks left for us to prepare for the Solemnity of Christmas. Today, You give me and the brothers and sisters the opportunity, like a reminder, to meditate on the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew, about the hundred sheep and the lost sheep that You carried on Your shoulders. It is Advent. May we experience and meditate on what each one of us experiences this Christmas season to offer God. What can we offer to God that He is waiting for and like the most? For God to accept the gift, we will offer our souls with hearts in a meaningful way this year. We still have the opportunity to celebrate this year’s Christmas. We still have the chance to celebrate Christmas with our loved ones. Suppose something happens this year? Will we still have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas next year and have the same feelings as today with God?
May we cherish each day and each minute while we still have the opportunity. May we offer our lives to God and ask Him to plan for us to have the chance to reform our souls to return to Him soon. Only God can give us peace, set us free, grant us hope and warmth in our life for us to entrust both soul and body. Let us remove the wretchedness and the weakness that keep binding us, for our lives to lose the best God granted in His grace. Let us meditate, for us to understand what we need to decide in this Christmas season, what we need to do for God, for ourselves, for our spiritual lives, for our souls, for our brothers and sisters, for our loved ones, for those who may be enemies, who may not get along with us. Let us look at God because we are sinners. When we act like those people, then all of us will never receive forgiveness.
God is the Lord. The whole world is grieving God, disappointing God, but He does do not respond the human way. He uses love to help us convert. He uses love and convinces us with love, which is the most concrete doctrine and is the truth. Only God and what we have is His power, to grant us the eyes of faith to see, to hear, to feel, to believe. That splendor is granted to us today, especially with what we have and witness. God is also visiting us individually. May our souls be in deep prayer, be quiet to listen to His word to us through the Gospel. Surely we also experience it in our minds, because we ask for things of truth, we seek God, we repent to belong to Him, we ask for Him to accept, then He will never refuse.
Believe, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Let us not be discouraged, never say: «I do not hear.» Certainly, because we have many things in life, there are many things we do not believe in, many things we think we do not hear. However, God will use all kinds of ways to speak to us, through the Gospel, through the brothers and sisters, through the people we meet, through the sermons of the priests, through the retreats, or in any situation. We can also hear the voice of the soul, through God’s message to us.
Let us return to God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, with a contrite heart, to prepare for the gift of the Six Kowtows that Mother Mary gave us, for each of our souls and each one of us. Those who are alone, give yourselves some moments of detachment from the world to come to the Eucharistic Jesus. Definitely, what we need to know, what we need to hear, and what we need to prove, God will never refuse our prayers. Let us pray with a simple, humble, contrite heart, and we will know what God is granting us. God is pouring His graces upon us. He listens as we lift to Him, by our heart, soul, mind, body, in the prostration. Amen.
Meditation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet The Solemnity of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Sun, 19 Dec 2021 16:37:02 +0000 Lucia: O God, it is 2:06, September 14, 2021, at the Emmaus Chapel, Saint Theresa Catholic Church. We face the Eucharistic Jesus. These early hours are our adoration hours. Outside there is a storm. The electricity is out. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit reminded me to bring a lamp to light up the monstrance. Tonight, we stay here with God. Outside is heavy rain, the wind is blowing very strongly, the storm is coming. We are sure the people who signed up for the next adoration hours will not come, so we prepared this afternoon and brought blankets and mats to stay with God until morning. At this moment, we give thanks to God. We begin the hours of adoration, and we sing before we pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet at 3 a.m. Today is also the day the Church reminds us of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
O Lord Jesus Christ, speaking of the exaltation of the Holy Cross, we can never forget Your salvation. Today, we bow and revere the Holy Cross of God, the Supreme Being who died for humanity and gave our world hope. God died for us to live. Today, sinners like us still have the chance thanks to His Holy Cross. We thank the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross for us to know that the Supreme Lord is bounteous in mercy. He died for humanity. We are saved and forgiven when we repent and return to God. In this spirit, I represent my family, the brothers and sisters in my group, either in deep sleep or working hard. I pray for God to have mercy on us as I pray on their behalf for our families, Saint Theresa Parish, all the clergy, deacons, and those who are still sleeping.
I represent them to comfort God in this evening that certainly is very special. Never before has this happened and today, September 14, 2021, there is great tension in every country, with the pandemic raging, with the threat of war, with many concerns in the world. If without God then we cannot help but worry, fear, be troubled. At this moment, we lift everything to God because we know that God always provides for our world. He always grants love, forgiveness, and intervention.
Tonight, we entrust everything to God. We stay here without any light because there is a storm and the power is out. With a flashlight and candles, we offer our prayers to God. We pray for God to have mercy on our world, for everyone to repent and return soon, surrender and submit, with a reformed heart, worthy of receiving the love that God granted to us, which is His testimony through today’s Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. May the storm quickly pass for us to attend Latin Mass in the afternoon. We offer to God this moment and we invite the Holy Spirit to come for us to receive His teaching.
O God, in unity, we think of the words written by priests as well as by deacons. In our hearts, there are many things we think about. I only know one thing: tonight You brought us here, on the day the Church reminds us of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Every year, You visit us and give us Your words in this chapel and we receive Your messages. Now, may we be complete in this hour of adoration to continue with the moments You allow for us to offer thanksgiving on behalf of everyone. May we receive what You want from us, especially in the early hours of this Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Moreover, it is a very special day, because a storm has come. After ten years, this is a special year, because there never was a coincidence in the early hours of the celebration for a storm to come. Everything seems to be shutting down, the world is coming to a standstill.
These are things that happened and are happening. God is the Light, He brings us hope. The complete salvation over 2,000 years ago still awaits. As we face His Cross and His Eucharist, let us reflect on the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Do Christians and children of God in all regions and nations understand what the sufferings of Christ exchanged for us? The world is going into days of stalemate. We face the pandemic, days of tension, dealing with social conflict, family dispute, individual struggle. Our faith life has been too weak, and reality controls us in a civilized, sophisticated, and radical structure.

O God, may we fulfill today’s prayers to complete these hours of adoration with You. I am sure that the brothers and sisters who signed up for the next adoration hours will not come because of the fierce storm outside. Moreover, with the power outage, it must be difficult for them to get here. May I and the brothers and sisters stay with You and comfort You on their behalf. God, please allow me to receive Your words tonight. It will be a night to remember. We certainly do not know if there is another chance in our lives to stay with You. Please allow us to speak on behalf of all classes, all roles, especially at this moment. First, I am grateful for this great Sacrament for which You are present with us and await us with gentleness and tenderness. It is out of love that You remain with humanity through the Blessed Sacrament, to be close to us, meet us, strengthen us, bless us, and open a treasure that is vital for the spiritual life that everyone desperately needs in this world.

Second, I make reparation for the offenses inflicted upon You by the enemy in this Sacrament. Our world’s reverence for the Blessed Sacrament today seems to be something very few people grasp and delve into deeply to understand the meaning of the Blessed Sacrament. I heard from priests that only about thirty percent of Catholics believe in the Eucharistic Jesus. We are surprised to hear that because with what we see and hear, we believe that God is present one hundred percent. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus was with His disciples. We know this through the Gospel. Over 2,000 years later, it is the same. He desires and waits for His children, especially the chosen shepherds, to be close to Him and hear Him. He is the Lord who stays close to His chosen ones, who loves and waits for them. Today, we do not know what happens, and we do not understand the source of the affirmed number of thirty percent.
O God, everything that comes from human nature is within the limits of understanding, no matter how educated we are. However, to those with the eyes of faith, God will allow them to know and see what He grants at the right time. That is something to ponder. For the past ten years, there have been many things God wondrously revealed with His Presence. We even saw angels fly up and down. We have all this evidence, but people do not believe it. The truth is that God is very close to us. His words, His intervention, His love, are granted to sinners like us to have the chance to come to Him.
This moment is not a coincidence. When it rains or when things happen, some people cannot come to adoration. In the past, God chose the disciples, and where He went, His disciples went with Him. God took the disciples to the garden of Gethsemane, wherever He went to preach the Gospel. That time was not as civilized as this time, but the holy Apostles walked with Him joyfully and happily because they had their Lord and Master. Today it is the same though we do not see God with our eyes. God was in the flesh when He walked in Jerusalem. He was born and was present in the world. Now, we believe that the Eucharistic Jesus is here with us at all times in our hearts and our homes. Wherever we are, God visits us with His Eucharistic light.
We must testify to these things. Whether people reject or accept, God wants to manifest to strengthen their life of faith and for them to recognize the Lord God who is very close. He desires for us to believe, come, and return to Him. Especially at this time, with the tension in the world, people lost their faith. Chaos took over and ruled people’s lives with their hearts. Money, fame, lust, greed, all these things have become a great control with evil aspirations. Today, man faces trials from the pandemic, the threats of war, the chaos, the upheaval of conscience, and a life contrary to ethics and morality.
Today, O God, if You do not allow us to hear Your voice reminding us, we are also the same as those who are weak in faith. For ten years, we witnessed that sublime presence for us to return to Your love. Although we are still imperfect, we believe in Your real presence in the Eucharist. You made us aware for us to return to Your Divine Mercy. Today we speak on behalf of all classes, all roles, with the voice of truth that the Holy Spirit grants. We affirm the opportunity You give to the world, to the parish and parishioners of Saint Theresa, to the people who know about Your visitation, Your choice, Your real presence in the Eucharist to help those in the world be aware and return. With our witnessing, we affirm that You are present in the Eucharist – one hundred percent. The Eucharistic Jesus is the divine and holy Sacrament present amid this world.
I heard from the clergy who spoke on September 6 during the Eucharistic Congress. Some priests affirmed the real presence of the Eucharistic Jesus. As long as the Eucharist is with us, the Church exists. If without the Eucharist, then the Church does not exist. The Eucharistic Jesus is the source and summit of the Church and is Jesus. Over 2,000 years ago, He instituted the Eucharist. He continues to grant to the world through the Church and feed the souls of the faithful through a celebration that allows us to attend the holy banquet table. Through each Mass, the Eucharistic Jesus is alive in the Eucharist. With His voice, He loves, embraces, intervenes. He grants and intervenes in a time of tension and turmoil as we experience today. God is the Lord who loves, forgives, teaches us the doctrine to help us live away from the darkness that binds us by the subtle and sophisticated snares of the times. May we take this moment to speak to God. May we come to God in a spirit of repentance, seeking the hope we need today.
Our world lies in despair and hopelessness. In days of freedom, we face our limitations. Without faith, we are worried and scared of all problems. Let us seek God and have faith. Though not equal to anyone else, our faith taught us to fear God, seek God, return to God, visit God. Let us kneel before the Blessed Sacrament of the Lord in a state of gratitude and thanksgiving and offer prayers tonight, in the early hours of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, while the storm rages outside. Many people prepare for this storm, not knowing what will happen. First of all, we lost power, which complicated matters. If the situation persists, it will be hard for us. O Lord, God of love, we lift to You everything. Whether we deal with convenience or inconvenience, let us trust and entrust.
God, please decide and arrange for us according to Your holy will. We believe You will not let us be overburdened, but we must endure because we must experience everything in life. God granted us freedom and happiness, but we lost that due to the sins we committed along with our indifference. God has been waiting for over 2,000 years. Today, let us come to God in a spirit of repentance, of gratitude and lift everything to Him. May God’s holy will be done over matters in our world because only in God can there be peace, happiness, harmony, meaning, and the hope that we need in life.
I worship God in places where He is less revered, on behalf of those who have forgotten and offended Him. God is neglected and abandoned in all the tabernacles and churches. God is wounded because people forget Him. Even if people come, they just come out of habit in the life of a Christian. May we awaken with a heart that sincerely seeks God to feel His love. He waits and grants us fortification through His visit, through the luminous Eucharist, which is the light that shines to lead His children out of the darkness to return to the light, to the affection and love as He still waits for us today.
O Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I grieve because I offended Your infinite kindness many times. There are still days of weakness, imperfection, unworthiness. God, please forgive us. Today, I promise never to offend You in the future. Even though we are pitiful and unworthy, I offer myself, my family, all brothers and sisters in my group, and people who always ask for our prayers. In particular, we lift souls. God, please have mercy and grant us a life with goodwill. May all my wishes, feelings, longings, everything that is mine, from now on, be used according to Your will.
God, please use me, please use us. Let us become Your instruments for us to respond to Your love for choosing and allowing us to encounter You in our lives. Today, more or less, we have changed and are different than in the past. Today, we have the moments in which we lift to You in a spirit of awareness, with a sincerely contrite heart. On our path seeking You, You allowed us to meet You. What we do today is not from ourselves, but You work in us to help us express our feelings on behalf of all classes and roles, all brothers and sisters. We lift to You to receive the comfort that You give with the hope we need in this life.
God, all I ask and long for is Your love. Let us love You deeply, faithfully, honestly. May we express our love for You in words, deeds, actions, daily life. May we learn how to love You and recognize love. May we not disappoint You. May we persevere till the end and perfectly fulfill Your holy will. I lift to You the souls in purgatory, all those who died from Covid-19, soldiers who defended their homeland and died in a tragic, unexpected way. I also lift to You all the unborns, the orphaned souls, and souls that passed away in the pandemics of this age.
God, please have mercy on those souls and give them a chance. Through our prayers on their behalf, please be merciful, bring them back, especially the souls that revere the Most Holy Blessed Sacrament. Mother Mary taught and led us to You. Through Mother Mary, we come to the Eucharistic Jesus. We learn to prostrate ourselves, adore Him, come to Him. We encountered Him for our lives to be renewed by Him. I also lift to You all the poor sinners from all over the world, those who still do not know, still do not believe, still have not yet returned to You, for them to know, trust, and return to the Divine Mercy. Today, people greatly need to belong to You, come to You to ask for You to forgive and sanctify.
O Savior, I want to unite all my feelings with Your infinitely loving Heart. Through that union, I lift all my sentiments to God the Father and ask Him to preserve me in the name of Jesus Christ. It is the love of God and the love of Mother Mary that guide us to God. Accept us for us to belong to God each day and each hour in our lives. God, please rule over our lives and help us live worthy as the people You choose, love, those You specially granted and trained to become the evangelists of the Good News, to proclaim the truth and the Eucharistic Jesus. He is one hundred percent the Jesus over 2,000 years ago. Over 2,000 years later, He is the Lord who is present, though invisible yet visible in the eyes of man. If we look with eyes of faith, then we recognize the truth that God is near us, with us, and always protects us. God is always beside us to love and remind us.
God, we thank You. We bless You, praise You because You loved us and died for us. You victoriously and gloriously resurrected. You returned to heaven, yet You remain with us in the host to be with us and be present with us spiritually. We encounter You through faith, and we become righteous and receive Your intervention and teaching. It is through the Holy Spirit’s love that we become the people who deserve to know, hear, see, and do what You want for the world and us in the present world. You are rescuing us and separating us from a world of snares and temptations. You allow us to come to You and be taught by You for us to become humble witnesses. You grant us the chance to repent and make reparations for ourselves, our families, and everyone in this world.
God, please have mercy and accept our prayers through this evening’s prayer. I also pray for my brothers and sisters because we are sick. God, please be merciful and heal us. Let us overcome these sufferings, understand the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, understand the excruciating pain You suffered for us and humanity. Today, we lift the sacrifices and all those illnesses to You. We ask You to heal, have mercy on us, save souls and those who ask for our prayers.
We cannot withstand a little suffering, a little sickness, the challenge of a pandemic, let alone God who carried the Cross, walked long distances, and suffered till death, with the nail marks and painful bleeding wounds. God, please allow us to think about this and entrust all our sufferings to You. May we earn rewards and do penance because of past weaknesses and imperfections. God, please forgive us, help us trust, and lift everything to You. May Your holy will be done over what You want from us. Amen.
We now offer the Chaplet of Divine Mercy to pray for the world that lies in a state of spiritual and physical illness. We also pray for the United States of America. We need twenty-one days in a row to pray for the United States of America, for this pandemic, for the world to end wars, and the creation of deadly atomic bombs that wreak havoc on the earth and in the world. People like us are the victims in a world ruled by politics, greed, selfishness, and the devil’s wickedness that has turned the world upside down and sacrificed innocent victims like us. We have no other place to turn to apart from God. We lift to God and run Him in a spirit of repentance. We apologize to God because we are weak in faith and do not live according to His teachings. We do not recognize His love for us to come to Him and return to Him sooner.
Today, it is too late, but God always opens His arms to embrace us and give us a chance. Now, thanks to His Divine Mercy, let us be sanctified and transformed. Let the world return to God through the sanctification for us to prepare for the day when God grants us a new world, in love, without hatred, anger, jealousy, envy. It will be a world where we love God and live in peace and unity. We are waiting and longing for that day. However, before that day comes, God will destroy all wickedness. God will destroy all evil with those who are disobedient, rebellious. Only those who return, believe, repent, rely on God’s Divine Mercy to improve, will be living in the new world that God grants. These are the words that we lift and offer to God, in the hour of adoration. Now, let us unite and begin the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
A) The First Decade: ​​O Heart of Jesus Christ, King of Love, please rule over my heart and lead us back to Your Salvation.
Lucia: The first decade, we reverently offer to God the Father.
O merciful Father, I thank You for giving us another day, especially on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The Church reminds us to remember this day in honor of the work of the Lord Jesus, Your Son, who endured great sufferings along the Way of the Cross. In the end, He died on the Cross. Today, we reflect on the exaltation of the Holy Cross. Thanks to Jesus’ death and His glorious resurrection, today we have life, existence, and hope. No matter what happens in the world, God is still the Lord we take refuge in and rely on.
With hope, we honor, worship, adore, prostrate, and surrender to You before Your Holy Cross, kneeling before Your Eucharist in the monstrance. On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we pray and lift Saint Theresa Church, the clergy, the deacons, the brothers and sisters in our group, our families, and everyone in the world. Let us revere, adore, thank, and apologize. God, please accept our prayers offered to Jesus. We ask for His intercession for our world to recognize God the Father, return to Him, kowtow to Him, confess Him, apologize to Him. Father, please forgive us our sins. May we belong to You.
B) The Second Decade: ​​O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, please bring us and humanity back to Your love.
Lucia: The second decade, we reverently offer to Jesus.
O Lord Jesus, I thank You, I bless, praise, and glorify You. You are our Savior, have mercy on us and forgive us our sins. I lift to You on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross to reverently commemorate Your salvation. Today in our condition as sinners, after thousands of years, we understand and know how significant the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is. It is a history that You grant for each sinner to be redeemed, forgiven, and lifted to forever live with You. Each of us is supported, and whether we return to You or not depends on our current choice.
Now, God continues to open His heart and extend His arms to embrace humanity. God still grants everything to help us on the way back to Him. Let us open our hearts, and with repentance, return to Him. It is stormy outside. Today is a day when all the lights are off. Let us recognize that God is the light of love. Without light, we live in darkness, fear, and anxiety.
At this moment, O God, let us understand that a life in the darkness will never merge with the light. God, please help us avoid sin, remove sin, commit less evil, for our repentant life to be realized by deed, action, confession. God, please forgive us. Let us meditate and understand the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Let us recognize the purpose for God to choose the Cross to redeem humanity.
Together in unity, let us apologize and thank God, be the voice to represent all classes, all roles, and speak to God. May God have mercy on us for us to awaken and return to Him. At this time, there is no other place besides God for us to have the peace and happiness that God grants to us, for sinners like us to return, become penitents, witnesses, saints who are present in heaven, and victims who understand and run to God, return to God, and lift to God.
C) The Third Decade: ​​O Lord Jesus Christ, may Your Heart rule over the entire world.
Lucia: The third decade, we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit.
O Holy Spirit, who is the love, the light, the truth, You are the Lord who enlightens and guides us to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. You are the Lord who taught us the seven sources of grace to help us learn a vital doctrine, live in Your teaching. The reminder of God and also the proof of the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ brings happiness to us, gives us hope, lives life to become righteous children to whom God grants, and lets us know of His doctrine.
O Holy Spirit, You taught us the seven graces, but we did not practice and have not yet practiced what You grant, and if we did, it was only a little, so our lives are always governed by reality, with all the needs in a situation, with everything in real life. We lost the faith that should be strong, steadfast, for us to be sharp in the Holy Spirit’s guidance, to know what we need to do and must do. Today we see the answer for the majority in the world. Our faith is weak and shallow, so the world controls us in its logic. Today, our faith life is still immature, which explains the unbelievable statement we heard from the priest that only thirty percent of Catholics believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
We are the same as many people who disbelieve if God does not enlighten us. We hear from leaders, knowledgeable people so if we do not wholly believe in the truth, our lives are always dominated by knowledge, learning, thinking, human reasoning. Due to our limited understanding, we do not recognize what the Holy Spirit did and granted. God granted us a simple, little, humble life, to learn what is in the soul, by the heart, by the most basic teachings, by the most ordinary yet most extraordinary things, which is what God wants from most of us. God granted us everything, we need to listen and practice. When we rely on ourselves, we live in arrogant days and fail because of our pride. Everything is failure and limitation with the current control.
Holy Spirit, please save and help us; purify, cleanse, and heal us. Help us mature, understand what Jesus left behind to help us each day be more worthy in life, by deed, by thought, by experience, by choice, by a determined mind, to recognize God’s teaching and doctrine as the most solid, most essential through our practice life. Holy Spirit, please help us live righteously, return to God in repentance, be renewed in You. Please give us the wisdom to know what we need to do and must do. May we avoid everything weak and sinful in our familiar wicked way.
Holy Spirit, please kindle the flame of faith for humanity. Holy Spirit, please help our Church receive Your Spirit, maintain the best through the doctrine left by Jesus, for us to attend the holy banquet table each day, hear the word of God, live in the practice of God’s word to help us in our life to be strengthened in faith and become righteous in the truth. We thank You.
Today, many things are happening in the world. In a prosperous country, hardly anything ever happens, and every issue is quickly solved. However, today things are not as we wish. The days have become days without justice and righteousness. Violence and all events reflect what is written in books about human life because we see ambitions, individual rights, events that show how we lost justice today. God, please help us. You alone are the Supreme Being who gives us the doctrine to help us be peaceful, calm, live worthy as human beings. Unfortunately, today, man is in control, so we constantly live in anxiety, in days of worry, of fear, with sorrows, tensions, and frustrations, in our lives.
Now, I lift to God and ask for God to have mercy and sanctify the world. Let everyone rise, return, submit, listen, and keep His commands, His law. Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, let us renew our lives. Let us find serenity, regain freedom, find the peace that is the foundation of our lives for us to know love, forgiveness, patience, generosity, for our lives to have more meaning as Jesus taught. May the Holy Spirit help us understand this, and may we maintain what we have, being here with God in this evening.

D) The 4th Decade: O Most Holy Heart of Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive, transform us, and all of humanity.


Lucia: The third decade, we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit.
O Eucharistic Jesus, You are the love and the existence. You are present with us, though invisible, present in faith, to those of us who come to You, who seek You. O God, You are the light. You visited us with Your Eucharist, and that holy presence helped us be bold and trust in the liveliness as You dwell among us.

O Lord, God of love, You love us and have been waiting for us for over 2,000 years. You are quiet and lonely in the tabernacle, in the monstrance, and  You come as a small host into our souls and our hearts when we receive You. You used all means to be close to us, live with us, love us, protect us, but we live with You in an indifferent, cold way. Many times, we are offending You one way and another. We receive You in a state of mortal sin when we unintentionally or intentionally ignore the meaning of the Eucharistic Jesus. We do not understand this great Sacrament. Today it is time for people to mature and understand the Blessed Sacrament You instituted. You humbled Yourself to remain with us, though spiritually yet present among us.

Today let us unite to visit You, come to worship You, honor You, thank You for the graces given. You stay to love us and grant us everything, even Your life. Today, You even give us Your divine presence. When will we awaken? When will we recognize Your love? How long for us to understand that Your loneliness and wait till this century is over 2,000 years? May everyone awaken to return to You, not be cold and hardened, not refusing everything. We must rise to seek the truth that You granted us through the Eucharistic Jesus.

O Eucharistic Jesus, Your light has shone in our hearts of sinners in the darkness. Today, we still are not yet mature, still not perfect, but at least we recognize Your real presence. Your closeness and Your word helped us awaken to acknowledge the past wrongs of our lives. Today, we are present here though everyone is sleeping a peaceful sleep early in the morning. The storm is raging, and it seems to be foreshadowing something. People are concerned about food, they remain in their houses, but we are happy here. We know that no one will come, but we are here. We come to console You because we know You are real. You love us very much, and You are waiting for us.

May we act on behalf of our brothers, of the world, to console You, to rejoice to be near You. May everyone recognize You, return to You by their hearts, by things they need in life. You alone can heal the wounds of our hearts. You alone are the Supreme Being who heals us, both spiritually and physically. You alone are the true Supreme Being as we rely on You, the only place of peace and happiness. The safest place is the Eucharistic Jesus. Let everyone respect, treasure, worship, and adore because He granted us the encounter by the light. The light shines upon humanity, the light shines in the darkness, and it will disappear. God, please help us leave the dark, return to Your love, become reformed, improved, be reconciled to the Lord God who loves, waits, supports, and give us life, for us to realize that only Yout love can grant us harmony, peace, and the happiness when we need it most.

In this century, we see the true face on this earth, the true face of those in positions of authority who live the same life as us and represent us in their functions in the government. Today, we see lies, bleak results, actions that bring about a pandemic that rages everywhere. We see corruption, ambition, profit, lust, greed. We see the true face in politics in a life of knowledge, pride, arrogance, and nothing that comes from the truth. Today, God does not come to the learned but the little ones, the sinners. We witness, contemplate, and admire. God, please have mercy, sanctify us, give us the chance to testify for You. God, please reform the world for everyone to know and return to You because only You are the Supreme Being who loves and forgives. May we come to You, receive Your Divine Mercy, be sanctified and transformed, be worthy of Your love that awaits us until this century. We adore You, bless You, praise You, and glorify You.

E) The 5th Decade: O Heart of Father, please bring humanity back to Your love.

Lucia: The fifth decade, we reverently offer to the Five Holy Signs of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We reverently offer the fifth decade to the Five Holy Signs of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is also the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. We remember the Five Holy Signs as God suffered excruciatingly with the nail marks. He suffered for our sins. Those nail marks are attached to the Holy Cross as a reminder that He endured the nail marks to imprint the love He gives to each of our souls. The infinite love of God the Father is the First Holy Sign. Jesus, the Second Person of God, the Savior, died on the Cross. He has risen in glory and triumph, the Second Holy Sign.

The Third Holy Sign, we honor and thank the presence of God’s love through the Holy Spirit to help us understand the depth, the vibrant doctrine over each one of us, each faith, each situation, each class. We affirm Your love, our hope in You, and the understanding from the Holy Spirit who alone gives us a great doctrine to lift us from the ground. From ordinary and commonplace people, we become those who receive mercy from God as He leads us back to Him in the heavenly kingdom to become saints present in heaven. We become witnesses in the world, sinners who pray and realize what we have in the present day in a spirit of penance and gratitude.
O God, You give all these riches for us to meditate on the Five Holy Signs and understand the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. You are the Supreme Being who died, conquered death, and brought the glorious resurrection for humanity to continue to exist. The immeasurable Divine Mercy and the Five Holy Signs granted us life and hope. From the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we know You loved us and died for us to live and come to You in a spirit of repentance. We lift to the Five Holy Signs, nourished by the holy and divine Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, present among us. Today, in the encounter with our Lord, we cannot deny the sacredness that has become a great miracle to strengthen the life of faith and urge us with days that are too indifferent, to return to God with a reverent heart, to worship and profess Him, which we need to do in life.
We thank God. What we know and hear do not come from human understanding, but from Mother Mary, the loving Mother who stood beside God until the last moment – the moment God breathed His last after He said the last seven words. Mother Mary fulfilled that task for us to have the Church today. There are many things that Mother continues to teach us to help us understand, such as the meaning of the Five Holy Signs, of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, of the Fourteen Stations of the Cross, of the Cross that God chose to save humanity. In the Five Holy Signs is the great family of the heavenly kingdom, with the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the presence that we receive, revere, and adore, as we turn towards the monstrance and the Eucharistic Jesus.
Today, Mother teaches us how to come to Him, how to make up for our brothers and sisters who have forgotten God, rejected Him, offended Him. God, please give us the chance to come to You and repent to be worthy when we turn to You and receive You into our hearts. We thank You, Mother Mary. Your Immaculate Heart triumphed with Your wholeness. Today, You teach and lead us back because You alone are the role model that helps us understand what we must seek to learn, what we must be close to, what we must confess. We contemplate the Eucharistic Jesus each day, but we are shallow and ignorant, so we live in a very ordinary and contemptuous way.
Today, it is time for us to understand the Five Holy Signs, the meaning of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Jesus is the King of kings. He is the King who gave us salvation, life, and hope. We bow to and honor the King who did not choose to wear a royal garment but the Cross and wore the crown of thorns in place of the one of glory. He wore the crown of thorns for our sins because He desired to change the human brain with stubbornness, obstinacy, and indifference. He accepted to die on the Cross with the five painful wounds, but those five painful wounds bring the remembrance of the love that God the Father gave to humanity. Let us meditate to see who teaches us this. It is Mother Mary. Today, what do we have to offer to God but our wretched and sinful condition, all things that our hearts are still unworthy of because of our imperfections. Let us kneel before the Lord’s Eucharist, to apologize to Him and thank Him for still giving us the chance to hear Mother’s words.
It was Mother who taught us to return to Him. Mother gave us the opportunity. Mother interceded with God for us to continue to be the instruments. Today, we speak the voice of truth, witness to the truth. Jesus is very close to us, and His Mother is leading the world back to Him. Mother leads people to encounter the Eucharistic Jesus, teaches us how to serve and adore the Eucharistic Jesus. Today, from the Eucharistic Jesus, we see heaven, on earth, near us, in our midst. Let us not be afraid and anxious. Whatever the situation, let us be confident, trusting, faithful. Let us live in hope with God’s intervention through the Five Holy Signs for us to receive forgiveness today.  We adore, praise, glorify, and honor God.

F) We reverently offer to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary and for Her triumph.

O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of all our humanity, Mother of each every sinner, every penitent, every patient, every prisoner, every witness, every saint, every soul in purgatory. We thank Mother Mary for leading us to the Eucharistic Jesus, for guiding us when we do not understand, do not know, and do not believe enough. Today, we hear, see, and witness the lively Eucharistic Jesus. Mother taught us how to come reverently and adore the Lord who waits for man, and who is the treasure granted at the end of historyto humanity who lack the understanding to have more wisdom, more awareness, and to recognize righteousness and return to receive God’s mercy and support.

Mother Mary is the person who understands that we have many weaknesses and are inadequate if without Mother’s intercession and example. Mother lived Her entire life in obedience to God because Mother loved God and Her life wholly belonged to God. Today, Mother is the perfect person whom God the Father wants us to listen to and learn. Mother teaches us the best things: to come to Jesus, visit Him, draw the treasure given to every sinner. We thank the price of the Blood of Jesus, His existence, His presence to promote our life of faith. Unfortunately, the number of people who know and believe is small, so Mother continues to search, to lead the children back to God.

Today, although we are not yet fully mature, we know that God and Mother are present here. When we are not present in the chapels, when people are home sleeping, when they ignore or forget God, Mother is always beside the Eucharistic Jesus. Where there is the Eucharistic Jesus, there is Mother Mary. The children who listen to Mother, taught by Mother, always live a different life. These children respect, honor, and love the Eucharistic Jesus. From that love, He always gives people a treasure to know what they need through necessities, to be fearless with this life. There are many challenges and confrontations between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, good and evil, in the ingenious ways of this age. However, God and Mother will not let us stumble or feel overburdened when we cannot carry the cross that each one of us needs to carry in our lives.

Mother Mary, I thank You. We honor You. Please accept our gratitude, our thanksgiving, and our apology. Please intercede with God to forgive us and the souls of our deceased brothers and sisters who have not received the grace of the Six Kowtows that You granted to the world. Today, in the remaining moments, we call on God’s name. Let us overcome all the trials and challenges to be at God’s side, to contemplate and recognize the support He granted. Mother helps us have this because Mother is the Mediatrix who brings us to God to encounter Him and awaken our lives to live in faith by deeds, actions, and determination. Please help us continue to bear witness to the truth, endure patiently to overcome the days of trials, bear witness to the truth to strengthen the faith life for all people in the world.

May we listen to Mother, repent and return, body and soul, to reverently offer with simplicity to ask for God’s forgiveness. May God accept and intervene for us, for everyone to open their eyes and hearts to believe and return while time permits. We thank Mother. Mother, please pray for many people in the world to return to God because the only way we have is back to God. If people do not return to God and continue in their actions, they continue to face sufferings through the pandemic. There is the threat of war and more troubles because people oppose God. This world lacks freedom, peace, doctrine, morality, and justice. It is a terrible world in which man and man kill each other in all ways, challenging each other. Jealousy and envy rule and man can no longer find the truth.

Mother Mary, we need You. Please have mercy on us and forgive us. We are not worthy to speak to You, but at this time we do not know where to turn. We have nowhere to be safe, except for You to intercede with God and guide us back to God, draw close to God, so that despite trials, we still have peace of mind, courageously accept, trust, be faithful until the last moment in the life of faith Jesus brought us. May we believe and practice as You teach for us to be fearless of anything controlling us, but to fear God above all things. Let us give up the bad habits of life: greed, selfishness, and lust. They are habits that make us fall. Mother, please help us awaken and pray as You teach, for our lives to not fall into today’s subtle and clever snares that lure our brothers and sisters and the majority in the world.
At this moment, we conclude and pray for the saints to intercede with God for us. Their examples will help us mature, be faithful to God, understand the faith we practice. May God have mercy on us and grant us the strength to overcome these trials and tensions to continue in a mission that God assigns to us. God, please bless the books to be done according to Your holy will. God, please enlighten us for every written word and sentence to belong to You because You grant us everything good to help everyone know and accept the gift of the Six Kowtows. I pray to God for the sisters and brothers to complete the valuable messages we receive through the meditations before the Eucharist and when we pray with the Six Kowtows. May we now begin to reverently offer the Rosary to Mother and with Mother, to venerate the Cross, especially today, with a meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries, to meditate on God’s salvation, and to meaningfully reflect on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Amen.
The Six Kowtows for Vietnam and India Sat, 06 Nov 2021 02:54:38 +0000 The Six Kowtows for Vietnam and India
April 30, 2021

This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit

O God, it is 7:35 p.m., Friday, April 30, 2021. We are turned towards the altar, the tabernacle, the Cross, the Divine Mercy icon, and the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Today, we attended Latin Mass on the last Friday of the month. In particular, April 30 reminds us of our homeland Vietnam. Forty-six years ago, on this day, South Vietnam fell to the communists forces and was no longer called the Republic of Vietnam. Indeed, when speaking about this, to the Vietnamese people, to the generals, to the soldiers, we truly lost a country. We lost the sovereignty as the Vietnamese people in the period before the year 1975, which people refer to as the Republican period.

Forty-six years have passed. The country of Vietnam is still there, but the rulers are communists. The Vietnamese people who fled and resettled in developed countries include us and a number of people who fled immediately when the communists arrived. My family came to this country over thirty years ago. We fled by sea and we remember the many trials our Vietnamese people had to endure. We think more than half a million people died at sea. They encountered great bitterness, were robbed, raped, killed, murdered, beaten. Then in the refugee camps set up in the neighboring Southeast Asia countries, over the course of decades, a number of people died before they were able to be resettled in a third country, where they truly hoped to be. There are many truly tragic, pitiful, and poignant stories about the Vietnamese people.

Today, especially for the former soldiers and generals, who now are older people, what was in the past will never be forgotten. There were heroic days on the battlefield, days in an autonomous country, called the Republic of Vietnam. There were those who were imprisoned and died. In the ranks of the Church, we heard the story of Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận who was a bishop at the time, and was imprisoned after South Vietnam fell to the communist forces. There were truly sad stories. The generals also had a lot to tell about Vietnam during the Republican period.

O God, after forty-six years, everything has become the past. Now are only the echoes of the people who remember what they lost and the heroic days of the past. There were days of bitterness and suffering in the re-education camps. There was death, misery, abuse, and hunger. It was a tragic event for South Vietnam. It has been forty-six years since the Republican period ended.

O God, today I only think about one thing. Once a year, on this date, how many people remember to pray for the souls? Those were the days in 1975 when many soldiers lost their lives. They died at sea, they died on land, they had encounters and fierce battles when the communist forces took over South Vietnam. Countless people died. Were they people who knew God or not? Do their relatives still remember them today? They were the souls that if they knew God, then surely God’s Divine Mercy was granted to them, because they died for the country, for the homeland. How unfortunate for the souls that did not know God, where did these souls go? Do their family members know how to pray for them? Are they still in a place that no longer belongs to the living and no one remembers and knows while they desperately need prayers?

Today, O God, I only know one thing that You grant to me. When my homeland fell to the communist forces, I was very young. Actually, I did not know much. I just knew that the days I started to understand then life was truly hard and strenuous. There were years of hunger, we were no longer able to go to school as we did in the old days, and even though we were very young, we had to carry bundles of vegetables to sell, to do what was necessary at home, to farm, to work in the fields, and many things in life when we truly no longer had days of freedom. The patriarchs of certain families, who were in the army, who were generals, in all ranks, yet never knew such days of great misery and hardship.

When South Vietnam fell to the communists, we did not know what was happening, we were very young. When the communists came, we lost our home, we had to stay somewhere else, we ended up with days of great misery. But everything has passed and became the past. Today, I am reminded of what God grants to me as well as to all the brothers and sisters, especially for Vietnam. In particular, today, the Vietnamese people commemorate. Every year, all the soldiers in the former army, though are now living in their new countries, continue to remember and display the Republic of South Vietnam flags. The brothers in the former army gather to commemorate the day Vietnam fell to the communist forces, the month which people often call Black April. Whether people remember or not, that has become the past.

Today I thank God, because no matter what happens, God still protects the Vietnamese people and allows the Vietnamese people to officially resettle all over the world. Many became very prominent, very successful in their careers. The young generation born in this country are educated, they have hope, a good future, with good things of a society, with positions such as doctors or engineers or pharmacists. They receive a fundamental education and from there they become wealthy. However, the one thing that bothers me the most is that, O God, speaking in general, it is also due to this self-sufficiency, this success, that certain people began to forget You. People no longer care to truly understand to live religiously, to know the doctrine that God granted to the world in general, to Vietnam in particular, to the Vietnamese people, to people like us who end up living in new countries as today.

Today, people are organizing, looking for all the brothers in the military who served forty-five years ago in the Republic of Vietnam. They have great ceremonies, live music, they do many things in commemoration. As for us, we come here to speak to God, lift up to God, thank God. No matter what happens, God still loves us and allows us to be present here in this country till this day. Most of the Vietnamese people all over the world are successful. Today, in the world, there are problems, diseases, sufferings, and many events happen in all countries, especially in the United States of America. Today in this country, certain things are happening with the change in the government. The Vietnamese people are also facing many problems. Regarding the commercial life, the business people, the people who are employees, the current pandemic seems to be reminding everyone, all over the world, especially the Vietnamese people who are residing here.

Today, we see that we still have the blessing that God bestows in a special way, to Vietnam, to the Vietnamese people. This is the time we see India, a country with a very large population, facing a daily crisis with the high number of deaths from the pandemic. It is so painful for India, in particular, for the citizens who are greatly suffering and are lamenting. We know that between man and man we must unite to pray to God. The majority of Indians practice Hinduism and they do not know God so probably when this pandemic came, they did not know to prepare for their souls. Not knowing who God is, truly affects this nation. To the nations that do not know God, it is truly a tremendous loss for the life of faith of the citizens, which is so pitiful. We know that it is time for God to allow everyone to see what is going on. No matter how talented people are, no matter how much money they have, they cannot save their own lives. There is one thing in common that people need to acknowledge: the Creator, because the Creator is God.

If people truly understand that the Creator has a merciful heart and that He sent His only Son to come and save the world, then they will certainly be saved. Indeed, because of these points, though people did not know for generations, the time has come, they must know, they must recognize, they must understand who God is. We have the duty and responsibility to pray in a special way for our homeland on April 30, an unforgettable historic day that every year the Vietnamese people commemorate – the day South Vietnam fell to the communist forces. It is the month of Black April that the generals as well as all the soldiers in the former army forever commemorate. When South Vietnam fell, they lost their freedom, and were imprisoned. Today, coincidentally, in India, people are asking for help. India is a country with a high population, with a record number of daily deaths, because of the terrible pandemic, which is spreading everywhere, and there will be many more bad days ahead. People in India are pleading the world to help. This is the biggest crisis of the 21st century. At the same time, recently, the United States of America also faces certain crisis, China also faces certain crisis, and all other countries as well.

Now we see certain countries starting to fall into a crisis with the pandemic, which causes everyone to be heartbroken when witnessing that. We know that when we are heartbroken, God is even more heartbroken. There is only one thing: who remembers to pray for the victims of the pandemic? Who is willing to pray if God does not let them know or if God does not allow? The country that has no faith, then do we let that country resolve by itself? We are aware of God’s Divine Mercy and His infinite love. Though there are people who do not know God, God created this earth, God created the world, God created those people. Human beings have been greatly dependent for so many generations, because when the people who have the authority, who have positions of power, but do not recognize God, then they take the wrong path and the citizens will be the victims.

Today, indeed, what Mother Mary teaches is valuable. All of us know this time is the time to turn back, repent, worship God, confess Him, prostrate, and beseech Him for His holy will to be done. God knows what we pray for in our needs. May we in our human condition, listen as God teaches, “Love God above all things, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your heart, and love your brothers.” Though the others speak different languages, they are human beings, they have families, they have a life like us. We lift up them up to God in this moment. May God save us, because in this pandemic, no one can save. It is a very deadly pandemic that happened unexpectedly, attacking the respiratory tract. Without our breath, we cannot live. When it comes to breathing, we must remember that the air belongs to God. Everything comes from God. When people do not have air, they cannot breathe. When they suffocate, then they will die. God granted us a vast sky full of precious air, with everything that is the best, but mankind destroyed one another. Those are the aspects we see.

No matter how talented people are, no matter how ingenious and sophisticated science is in society, whether people have many proficiencies, but if people do not walk in righteousness, do not live in God’s way, do not follow God’s doctrine, then those people are the wicked ones. First, regarding self-interest, money, if people do not use their conscience to recognize the Supreme God who granted them a doctrine with justice, then they are always self-interested and use tricks to achieve goals. Like the people here in the United States of America, we see certain extremely rich and learned people who do deceitful and very ruthless deeds. Today, we know this is a time of purification. All of us, regardless of who the people are, whether they know God or not, this is an opportunity to see what we can do to help them. They must recognize the Supreme Being whom they must beseech, whom they must trust, whom they must return to, with a repentant and contrite heart. Speaking of this, may I offer to God the First Kowtow.

The First Kowtow, we reverently offer to God the Father.

O God the Father, I adore You. I thank, bless, praise, and glorify You. Everything that happens, every hour, every minute, on this earth, in every country in this world, You know very well, and You also allow people to know You and Your doctrine, through Jesus, the Supreme Being whom You sent into this world. You sacrificed Your only-begotten Son, for Him to come into the world, to bring the Good News, to bring the doctrine, to bring love and salvation through the death that He accepted. He suffered excruciatingly. He conquered death, resurrected, and brought life to mankind. That doctrine was proclaimed all over, in all regions and in all countries. People have the right to either choose, accept, believe, or reject, because God does not force. However, the world must know the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, for us to exist until this day. For generations, people still live uncertain days, still seeking everything in life that is rational, or things they can explain.

The majority in the world are people who do not believe in God but they believe in idols so then today, let them pray to the idols to come and heal them, to see whether the idols can help with what is happening or not. We know one thing, for those of us who are Catholics, no matter what happens, we still have hope, because no one can kill our souls. There is only one Supreme God who grants for us to understand. He saves us when we know Him. Today, we see the sufferings in the world, especially in India. We do not want to go deep into the problem, we only know one thing: O God, I thank You for protecting the Vietnamese people, and Vietnam. Today it is no longer the Republic of Vietnam, it is now officially under a communist government. Though there are trials and sufferings, but today, there is also a level of progress, of regard, unlike the early years of poverty and cruelty when South Vietnam fell.

O God, You love the innocent citizens, the victims. Today, April 30, I pray and it reminds me that as we are the offspring of Vietnamese people, we are Vietnamese. Today, we lift up to God Vietnam, because what is most painful and sad is that in Vietnam, the number of people who believe in God is still less than 10%. It is a loss, a detriment to the life of faith, which is a life people must have. People must believe, for their souls to be saved, for them to live in hope, no matter what the circumstances. Yet, though less than 10%, there still are good people, because they sacrifice in silence, they have done many things to glorify God, they continue to quietly do selfless work to show others that they believe in God. God, with a loving and benevolent heart, grants to those who believe in Him, for them to practice a life of charity, to exercise justice and righteousness in their lives, even in silence, from priests to citizens.

A typical situation is that of the unborn babies. It seems that daily all the hospitals and abortion centers abort the fetuses and throw them away like many normal things people throw away, because they do not believe that human beings have souls. The unborn babies, whether one month, two months, three months, five months, even those who are near birth, are also aborted. There are priests, nuns, and citizens, who come to ask for those fetuses to bury them, and they prayed for these fetuses. There are many cemeteries in Vietnam for these aborted fetuses, and they bury these fetuses, out of charity and faith, because every unborn child is a soul. There are many more things, we know that at this time, there are people who travel to remote areas to find the poor and the needy to help them, one way or another. There is financial help from people abroad, like us, who live in this country and have the opportunity to know about the Vietnamese people who are so indigent and poor. There are certain people who greatly help, and there are also charities that continue to help the poor in Vietnam. These are the years Vietnam is more open to foreigners.

Thank God. All things, no matter how stressful, yet as time goes by, You also grant certain special ways for people in the world. The people who believe in You and plead Your help, then surely You also have a special way to help in the life that You granted. Today, we truly do not know much about India. We only know that their population is very large, not that different from China. China ranks first in world population, then India ranks second. The number of people is very large, but the majority only believes in Hinduism. There were stories of people who believe in Catholicism, who suffered for their belief. Nonetheless, God is still the Supreme Lord full of love, so even if people do not know or only one or two persons know God, God still grants in a special way when they recognize Him and pray to Him.

Today in India, the number of people who died from the pandemic is indeed a large number. The people there seem to be powerless regarding all problems. When people die, they must be buried, but there is no place, and there is also a shortage of firewood needed for the funeral pyres. All these things seem to be at a complete standstill, because the daily death toll is so terrible. What is this saying to the world? Surely, we must understand that it is not natural. Everything happens at the right period and the right time, as God said, «All things will come to the purification.» Everything that does not belong to God, people who no longer have faith, who do not understand prayer, who do not recognize God, then they will encounter the heavy yoke when they do not believe in God and do not know God. The majority of people in the generation that we know, a number of them are victims, a number of them are sinners yet are also victims, because they must be subject to the government with very difficult laws that prohibit the citizens the freedom to practice their faith, when they found the truth.

People are used to the religions they have, such as Hinduism, or Islam, which have very strict rules. It is not easy for the citizens to change to another religion, and if they do, they must sometimes pay a price, truly tragic and pitiful. It is because of those strict matters that it is difficult for the people of India to know God. This is also a disastrous matter for certain leaders who are too difficult, strict, and forceful to the citizens. Even today, with certain governments, we can also see that no matter how the citizens are, the law must be enforced, and if the citizens do not follow the law, they will be arrested, fined, or imprisoned. There is no longer a choice.

O God, I simply know that You are a God abounding in love. You are the supreme Lord. You grant all things to people, but certainly, people must bear the consequences of their choices. You granted people so much time. For over 2,000 years since Jesus came into the world, His doctrine remains very clear. Today, His doctrine continues, and through the Good News, God grants people a concrete spirituality. Only to those who believe, who seek, who recognize, can they see that what God grants in the world is truly meaningful. As for those who never read nor know, never appreciate what they have, are hardly aware, then they will be the people who easily get lost in the midst of the world, because there are many pitfalls, many regulations in each country. There are many things so people must have the heart to seek the truth. If people continue to be controlled by those in the government, the family, the society, and many other aspects, then they truly do not know God.

Today, it is a mourning for the country of India. At this moment, we lift up to God thanksgiving and gratitude, for us to be urged to pray for our brothers and sisters in India. Even though they are people with different languages, but in compassion for one another, in brotherly love, we lift them up to God. We pray for God to have mercy on them and give them the opportunity to find some medicine, for them to be cured in this pandemic. This pandemic is not a natural disaster. It is a pandemic between man and man in politics, to destroy each other, to compete for interests, positions, affairs of this world, in the evildoing that people often cause to each other. God sent His only Son to the world. Jesus came into the world to die for mankind, to teach mankind the doctrine of life, of harmony, and of peace. However, people denied, rejected, and seek idols to worship, then in the end they will encounter difficult days. There is no longer love between man and man. People are seeking ways to destroy each other, achieving their goals through politics, with selfishness, with greed, so these tragic stories happen. Who is the person who can help and heal?

We know that God sees everything, knows everything. We simply lift up to God, to pray for God to have mercy on the innocent citizens, on the victims, on the people who through ages do not have the opportunity to choose, because they live according to the laws of those in power and those who have positions. This is a time for us to see the people who have positions of power, if they have morality, if they know God, then we greatly rejoice, because it is that morality that helps people realize what is true and what is false, what is good and what is evil, where God is and where the devil is. Unfortunately, certain people who have positions of power are evil, they do not believe in God, they are also obsessed, greedy, selfish, self-interested, and they bribe, so the citizens will end up dejected and miserable. We have only one thing left, which is to pray for God to have mercy, to look at the citizens who are victims in each country, who are controlled by governments that do not belong to God, that are selfish governments, authoritarian and dictatorial governments. There are so many cries, so many pleas, so many people writhing in death in those countries, because those countries are too strict with their laws.

O God, these are the points that each country must look back at their ruling, because the leaders use their positions to be elected by the citizens, but in the end do they serve their citizens by their hearts? Did they truly live a life of justice and righteousness? Did they live in accordance to conscience or morality? Or is it that all countries are greedy, selfish, placing politics and social affairs first? Human compassion is very limited. So there are wars, plagues, sufferings. People need to look back. Our God is the King above all kings, the Lord above all lords. He created the heavens, the earth, all things, and us. He sacrificed His only Son to atone for our sins, to take our place, to be an example to help us live according to a doctrine of love, a doctrine of peace, a doctrine of happiness, filled with meanings in the doctrine of the Gospel. We did have a choice, but we did not choose God. Then after centuries, in the final hour, we will know. God’s time, no matter how many billions or thousands of years have passed, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, so these are the days of history and the days of salvation that God grants us.

Let us look at the kings, the presidents, the leaders of the world. We see that no one can compare and no one has a moral doctrine like the Lord Jesus who brought to the world. He is the King to whom God the Father proclaimed as the King of the universe, the King of the world, the King who came down from heaven, who took on human nature, to live with mankind, to teach mankind, to bring the proper doctrine, for mankind to live and follow that doctrine, to understand that only God’s teachings can bring peace, happiness, prosperity, to each country. Today, it is clear to us as we see that God’s doctrine is the only true doctrine. His doctrine will teach us, from the people who have positions of power, to the citizens, a just, righteous, and true doctrine.

Today, we still do not understand this, still do not practice this. Thus there is still war, the world still has all problems, days of politics that are truly terrible, with tricks to achieve goals, killing masses of people unscrupulously, causing pandemics, causing the world sufferings in order to reach goals. Those goals are the greed, the selfishness, the desire to rule the world according to human ways. Those people do not know God, do not accept God, so they dare do this. They offend God, they usurp God’s authority. It is precisely because of those points they will see the consequences of their choices. Today is the time for tragic and unfortunate events in every country. We must remember what we encountered. Let us return to God, because God is the only King worthy of worship, to whom the entire world must submit, surrender, bow, worship, honor, and confess. The doctrine of God is a doctrine of love, a doctrine of peace, a doctrine with abundance and prosperity, and is a doctrine of justice, of truth, and of righteousness, which mankind needs.

Today the time has come for us to understand what is going on for us to rectify. The people who have positions of power, the countries, must look back at their ruling. The citizens must unite, to know that the only King is the Supreme Lord abounding in Divine Mercy, the King who came to this earth to atone for our world, who conquered death, and resurrected in glory. He is God the Father’s only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who came into the world to save us. That doctrine gave us life and hope when we are disappointed and when we live in despair. Today, we lift up to the Almighty God the mistakes of many generations, the mistakes of many people who are proud, who are arrogant, who offend God. It is time. Let us open wide our eyes to see what people can do. Certain people usurped God’s authority, so things they chose became the most evil things, and they are also the agents of the devil that caused the world to be chaotic in death, from a pandemic affecting both soul and body.

It is time. May everyone not continue in the direction of the habitual viewpoint of old, with self-interests from evildoing, but return to a basic virtuous heart, a heart of flesh, a heart that can feel, is moved, is touched, for us to return to the direction that God taught us. God came to save us and bring us out of that darkness of sin for us to learn from the doctrine that only He can give us. Everything that we choose, God grants and He respects us, for us to choose according to our will. Today what we choose, most of us have fallen into the hands of the devil that controlled us, made our world crazy, and harmed us spiritually and physically. But God is the Lord who created us, He loves us with His heart. He taught us, He gave us a heart that can love, a heart that can weep, a heart that imoved, touched, when we see many things happening around us.

Today we see people who are facing a terrible battle. The pandemic has taken countless people in India, which is a terrible number of deaths in the present civilized age. Where is the medicine to save them? What is to save them? Evil caused this country to be devastated. The innocent citizens suffered , the victims suffered. It is also an awakening for all the other countries. How can one recover today? Mankind has only one thing to do, which is to bow down to the ground and return to God, bow down to accept God, bow down to repent, and to ask God fort forgiveness, because He alone is the Healer. He is the Supreme Being who gave us life. He granted us love, He ruled over us with His Divine Mercy and love. It is time for everyone to open their eyes and open their hearts. If we continue to be stubborn, let us remember one thing, there is a prophetic saying that the Vietnamese people often say as a reminder to this world: out of ten, seven will die, out of three, two will die, for the world to have peace (from a Vietnamese poet and sage named Nguyễn Bĩnh Khiêm).

Remember that is true. If we do not truly return to God, we will continue to hold on to what we have. We continue to fight, be oppress, to seek ways for our own country to win, to suppress others, to cause war and suffering. Moreover, with jealousy, envy, injustice, then we will see the world coming to an end. There will not be that many people left in the world: out of ten, seven will die, out of three, two will die, for the world to have peace. So there will only be one tenth left, one percent of the earth. Now is the time for all of us to be awaken and return to God to ask for His forgiveness. The hearts and the people who live in righteousness and truth, God will preserve them and allow them to live in the new world as recorded in the Gospel.

We pray to God to come soon, because when He comes then we will have an additional thousand years when we are the people selected to enter the new world. These days are the ending and are also the days of the final purification. We see everywhere, every country, every nation, falling into a state of crisis and fear from the pandemic. It does not stop here. There will be more things going on between man and man in evildoing. There will be war breaking out. There will be things that people will continue to fight for. People will continue to use all kinds of ways, all kinds of tricks, to get what they want. There are those wicked who risk their lives to cause the whole world injuries, with terrible poisons, with science and technology, through atomic bombs. Indeed, it is something extremely scary and frightening.

O God, one thing we know people must face and deal with all the circumstances in the situations they encounter, from the government, the merchants, the unrighteous, the people who commit crime and hide themselves, the wicked who lived through the ages and continue to uphold the same policies. We only know to pray for God’s holy will to be done in this world. To see all the mourning and suffering of the citizens who are victims is so heartbreaking, but this is also the purification time for mankind to recognize the limit of human knowledge, whether ingenious or clever, yet is still human. There is nothing to be done. God alone is the Supreme Being who can saves us, heals us, grants us life in this world and in the next world. So let us together in unity lift up to the Almighty God with a spirit of penance and gratitude. With a lively voice, as we believe and we lift up, God listens.

Let us daily, in our humble condition, live in sacrifice, in mortification, in charity, to ask God to help us, to help the country in peril. We see their condition as people who are like us, but at this time their situation is so lamentable and distressing. They have fallen into situations with dreadful urgency and there is no better way out. If the high death toll continues in their country, the air will become more polluted, will become days when their country end up dealing with terrible germs that will spread everywhere. Many problems happening into the world with the pandemic and in the days to come, we do not know what the future holds and what our fate will be in the world. It is not certain we will always be safe, and will always be protected. It is not certain we will be able to avoid this pandemic.

We can see the present pandemic, but the pandemic of the soul, the selfishness and the greed of each person, of each position in the ranks of the Church, in society, as well as in the entire world, how can we understand that? If today we are truly determined to ask to be healed from the pandemic of the soul, then let us lessen our evildoing, lessen our offenses to God, lessen our evil intentions towards our fellow brothers and sisters, lessen selfishness and greed, lessen all disputes and political gains. This world will truly have peace when we recognize God. For ages, for centuries, we have been fighting and killing each other, from emperors and kings in ancient times to generals in modern times, then one country after another, the war never end.

Most unfortunate are the victims, the innocent citizens who are the pawns sacrificed for those who have power, who are the leaders of their countries. If those leaders follow God’s law, know God, belong to God, love their countries and citizens, then it is a blessing for those countries and those citizens. But if those leaders are greedy, selfish, has self-interest, corrupt, and are involved in deceitful and cunning matters, then those countries will end up on the brink of collapse, with days of corruption and extortion. In terms of morality, then the days become days of lost justice, lost righteousness, lost morality. People become troubled in countries where there is no longer respect for the truth, no longer reverence for the Supreme Being whom we need to recognize and worship.

Today, I lift up to God all problems we see and ask for God to plan, arrange, and give us the opportunities. Whatever it is, we know that God is the Supreme Being who created the heavens and the earth and all things. God granted us His Divine Mercy, He understood our feelings. We believed that God loved mankind. God always forgives and gives mankind life. Unfortunately, people have thrown themselves, like moths, into their own iniquities, so today they must accept the path they choose. However, God is still the Lord abounding in Divine Mercy, the Lord abounding in love. I lift up to God this situation and beseech God to plan and arrange, because God’s holy will is perfect throughout the ages. God’s holy will is perfect for each situation, each circumstance, each group, each country, each person, each family. I lift up to God this situation and to ask for God to plan and arrange for everyone to know Him, return to Him. God said that He so loved the world, so loved mankind that He sacrificed His only Son, for His Son to come into the world to atone for the sins of mankind, to become the offering to replace sinners, for us to have life. Whoever believes in Him will have life, and will be saved.

God gave us and the entire world an extremely very important doctrine to help us find the map of life, find truth, find true love, and find the Lord who is the King and the Father of mankind, who loves mankind infinitely. God is the Supreme Being abounding in Divine Mercy, who understands and listens. He grants love to mankind. We just need to return, to profess, to recognize God, to do what He teaches, then we will be saved, we will be delivered. God alone can do this. Let us be together, in unity, with a humble, seeking, simple heart, we will recognize in God our Father. Let us pray, give ourselves the opportunity to beseech God, the Supreme Being whom we still do not know, but we will know. God is the Supreme Being we must acknowledge for us to live, continue to exist, and experience the love that the mighty Lord bestowed and given to mankind for generations.

If together, in unity, we believe, then that is the atonement. With a repentant heart, with a belief, we lift up to God, then surely He will clearly understand the situation we are in. He will grant us better things, but let us ask for His holy will and not ask according to our own will. What do we human beings have to deserve to ask what we want? God knows everything. God understands everything. God will grant forgiveness to each person and each soul. Whether we leave this world or we remain in this world, God will have a way. When we return to God, He will grant us a special favor to save us. Let us believe it, for us to practice, to pray for our brothers and sisters, to lift up the earnest words that God grants us in our duty to pray.

We adore God, praise God, glorify God. Through our petitions, presentations, things we report and entrust, may God have mercy on us and to hear our prayers to grant to the world, especially to Vietnam. From days in the past, those of us who are expatriates must thank God and believe in God. May more Vietnamese people believe in God, return to God in a spirit of repentance, for them to be worthy of what God is granting and giving. God also gives them the opportunity to taste the sweetness of His love and Divine Mercy. In particular, India, whose majority are people who do not know God, but in their situation, we also pray to God for them. We trust that God will find a way for those who are victims, the innocent people who died. May God have mercy on them and give them the opportunity, for them to be healed in both soul and body, for them to recognize God through the severe and terrible ordeal of this pandemic.

I lift up to God Almighty, to beseech God to help India to know Him, recognize Him, because from time immemorial they have not known God, they have not recognized God. This is the time they are praying to the idols they believe in, and though these idols have neither power nor authority, but they mistakenly believed in those idols. In the end, they are dying, pitifully and tragically. These are the moments we pray for people not to be mistaken, to not go wrong. Let us return to our God, to our loving Father. Let us return and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. He came, He died, He saved us. He became the offering for us, for us to continue to live, to have the right to believe, to know, to return to the doctrine that He granted, to receive the Divine Mercy that the Lord of the heavens and the earth bestowed upon us.

Let us give ourselves the opportunity to know God in our lives. Through this pandemic, may people return to God, recognize God, believe and acknowledge the Supreme Lord whom they never had the opportunity to know. Today they have the opportunity to know, because God wanted us to pray for our brothers and sisters, to pray for our fellowmen, to pray for all problems. God is the loving Supreme Being, the Supreme Being who forgives. He is abounding in Divine Mercy. He is a merciful and benevolent God, who grants to sinners, to those who return, even belated, to those who acknowledge Him, come back to Him, and believe in Him. We thank God, praise God, and glorify God. Amen.

The Second Kowtow, we reverently offer to Jesus.

O Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your infinitely great merits as the Supreme Lord who came into this world. You ended up on the Cross, You resurrected in glory, with a doctrine that proved to the world of man, to be the light, to be the truth. Today, in the Gospel, we heard Jesus spoke to the Apostles, as if speaking to all generations, to those who are seeking the truth, Jesus said, «I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.» Jesus made it possible for us to know that God the Father is the Supreme Lord rich in Divine Mercy, the Lord who created the heavens and the earth and all things, the Lord who sent the Lord Jesus who obeyed His Father and came into the world to die, to save our world. Thus, we have an extremely rich family in heaven, which God granted in a special way to teach and instruct us on the path He walked, by sacrifice, by His great love, to lead us into love, into the truth, into the light, to overcome all the sins of the world that cause us to always stumble and be ensnared by the devil, from the very beginning.

So the Lord came into the world to change and renew everything, to bring us from the darkness back to the light. Only from our Lord Jesus Christ’s victory, can we have this day. Let us return to God. Even if you are people who still do not believe, give yourselves the opportunity to believe. Even if you are people who still do not know, give yourselves the opportunity to know who Jesus is. Jesus is the Savior. Jesus is the Redeemer. Jesus is full of might. Jesus conquered death, brought glory, light, and life to all people and to the whole world. If anyone believes, then come to proclaim, to believe, to recognize, because God is kind, is merciful, is gentle, is loving, and helps us understand that love will never fade when we come to Him. Regardless of who we are, which country we belong to, let us come, surrender, and submit. God will definitely give us the opportunity to know who He is. He is the Advocate, He is the Supreme Being who loves. He is the Savior. He is the Redeemer who helps us out of the painful and sinful situations we face in our lives. Let us not rely on power, on money, on ambition.

Let us look at the Supreme Lord full of power, the Lord who conquered death. He conquered death to give us life and to give us hope. If we seek to understand then let us clearly seek the Lord for us to believe in, the Lord who saved us by His agonizing death, then we will have a most stable fulcrum. Let us believe in the Lord who came down from heaven to this earth, to die in place of mankind, to teach mankind a doctrine that is proved by His love, by His death, and by His glorious resurrection. Let us not seek the idols that are under His authority. Let us not seek the idols that have neither authority nor anything worth to believe in for us to end up living in days of blindness, far away from God, to believe in religions we were taught that lead us to the most cruel actions. The offerings, things that certain people do, all those things are not in the way of God. He is the Lord who does not force us to do those things, yet this world has certain religious beliefs that are truly terrible, because spiritual blindness causes people to not recognize God and to be ensnared by the devil.

Let us return to God. God does not require anything of us but to love Him above all, to love our neighbor, to live in a doctrine that He granted to save us, protect us, give us a peaceful and happy life. He fills us with abundance in life for us to have just and righteous days, to be blessed through the riches, through the abundance in our daily lives with the materials that we need. All things come from God. Mankind usurped His authority and rejected Him. God grants but we fail to recognize Him so in the end the devil lured us and we became people who are indifferent, with unfeeling hearts. Our thoughts have gone astray, we have lost our way, we only satisfy ourselves. Today, we see how there will be moments when we have money but we also have no way to spend it, when we have everything but we may not have food, food that is safe, food that is not contaminated with toxins – for us to live a healthy and peaceful life like in the first days God created mankind.

Today, people destroy the most beautiful things God bestows. With today’s situation, let us look back to restore what we lost because of our wrong choices. Let us return to the Lord Jesus Christ, let us return to our Savior. Let us return to profess in a spirit of repentance, then we will see the meaning of the infinite Divine Mercy that God the Father and Lord Jesus brought to us, for us to return to a loving Father, full of power, who has the right to bestow and the right to take it away. It is from these points for us to rise up and return, for us to seek and understand who God is. He is the Supreme Being who has the right to give us life and He is also the Supreme Being who has the right to take everything back. He also has the right to let us choose. In the end that wrong choice led us to death in the pandemic of both soul and body, in debauchery, losing all morals like in this age. Let us not fall into the snares of the devil, to lose a very close relationship, because Jesus came for us, granted us, and is still waiting for us.

O Lord Jesus, You are truly sublime, yet we are so blind. We continue with stubborn, obstinate, hardened, foolish days, with a life in which we fully belonged to a world in rational, and in the end our souls must pay the price. Today, the time has come. We must open our eyes truly wide to see, open our ears to hear, open our hearts to feel what is right and wrong, what is true and false, what is good and evil, for us to return at the right time. Let it not be too late and too tardy. God waited for us for too long, that patience has been over 2,000 years. May mankind awaken today to return. Let it not be too late and too tardy. These are the moments that when we return, though too late, but God still grants us special favors, because He is the Supreme Lord who loves, He is the Supreme Lord who has the power to forgive. He is the Lord who wants us to live peaceful and happy days when we practice the doctrine He teaches.

Let us not continue to oppose each other, not seek to find fault with each other, not let the world govern us by theory, not follow the rigors of man-made law to cause the death of our brothers, of graces bestowed. May we rely on a life in hope. Let us come to God in the most simple and ordinary ways yet very marvelous and extraordinary, in compliance with real life. As we beseech God, know God, listen to God, believe in God then He will listen to that simplicity and humility. God will grant in a special way to save us in this life and the next life. We thank Jesus, honor Jesus, and adore Jesus. May many people know, realize what God grants and gives, for us to understand that it is God who taught us: «I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through the Son.» May we recognize the Lord Jesus Christ and call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven. May sinful humanity be immersed in the infinite Divine Mercy of the Father, for us to be reborn, and return with repentance, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Amen.

The Third Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Holy Spirit.

O Holy Spirit, You are the love, the light, the truth. The love of the Father and the Son has become a divine God present in the midst of the world. When we pray, that love will help us grow and understand what is needed in our lives. That doctrine is forever granted to us, because the Holy Spirit is very sweet and gentle. He is love, he is joy, he is smile, he is light, he is truth. He is the water, He is the fire that lights the human heart, for us to recognize what is in the darkness. We must know and must listen to Him. He grants us spirituality when we truly listen for us to walk in holiness, then we truly are practicing what He teaches us. He also grants us wisdom and enlightens us to understand what is ours, enlightens us in all real situations, enlightens us in anything when we beseech Him. Definitely, we must know that the Holy Spirit is love, the Supreme Being who guides, who enlightens, the wise Supreme Being who guides us along the paths as we beseech and listen, for us to practice His teaching.

The sense of right and wrong and morality do not come from mankind. The most important thing is that we are determined to believe and listen, then there will be the Supreme Being who guides – the Holy Spirit. So what is the best and the good deeds, the most perfect and the most beautiful, belong to the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit is the Supreme Being who brings us to God the Father, leads us to believe in Jesus, and helps us learn to clearly understand what belongs to us. We realize it is from the love that comes from the Father and the Son for us to have a God who stays with us to lead us. He continues to enlighten and guide. There is only one thing that He wants, which is for us to respect, believe, and practice. If we are truly obedient, we will not encounter days of dire events. The people in positions of power ought not abuse their authority, disregard justice, righteousness, disobey, not listen, to live in a world with a heart driven by lust and greed.

So the Holy Spirit enlightens for them to know and to do what is needed. Though we stiil do not overcome our weak flesh in iniquity, but the Holy Spirit always supports and helps us. The Holy Spirit is always patiently waiting for our return. At this moment, we have seen the choices we made. The days we do not let the Holy Spirit guide, we do not listen, we reject Him for us to follow our own will, then in the end, today in the world, what is real, where is truth, where is justice, what comes from God? We have truly lost, we lost, and we are losing. Still, the Holy Spirit will not forsake those who beseech Him, those who believe in Him, those who submit to Him, those who seek to come to Him to ask to be enlightened by Him. May the Holy Spirit be patient with us, give us one more opportunity, save the world, save everyone in humanity, save those who repent, save those who believe and beseech, save those who are lifting up all their sufferings. There is nothing they can do so they pray to the Holy Spirit.

With the teaching of the Holy Spirit, we will be wise beyond measure. The Holy Spirit gives us knowledge above all education, for us to confess God, glorify God and do all things in love. With support, forgiveness, patience, unity, let us pray and continue with the days of fasting and mortification, for our lives to return to the doctrine that the Holy Spirit grants. As of today, we have seen that we can do nothing regarding all matters during the pandemic, besides the matters and disagreements with all those who are not in the truth. Morals have been turned upside down, replaced by trouble, freedom in people, cunning, deceit, days of plagues of soul and body. If we do not ask for help from the Holy Spirit, the world will enter darkened nights. If we do not plead to the Holy Spirit, how will the fire be lit in our hearts and become torches to save the world and help the world return to the God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

May everyone with ears then hear, eyes then see, hearts then feel, to return to the Holy Spirit. Today, we have the opportunity to be direct and also have the opportunity to beseech according to the way we are praying as taught by Mother Mary. We beseech and directly lift up to each Person. We lift up all the feelings of our hearts as we yearn and believe. We lift up to Him, then He will surely enlighten and help us. Today, truly seek to return, listen, practice to lift up our weak and sinful condition, repent. May God help us amend our lives, renew us, guide us, renew the face of the earth, transform this world into a new world. We need to live with the heart, with the soul, with the mind, to return to a moral duty, to a life of humility, to a life of obedience, to listen to the truth that God granted through the Gospel. The Gospel is the word of God that we still can hear, with people who consecrate their lives to proclaim the Good News. They are holy, pious people, who guide us on the path, which means we have a shepherd as a flock.

Let us return to God, be close to God, be together in unity, for God to have mercy and look at our harmony, for Him to intervene, teaching us more wisdom to deal with a life in falsehood and deceit, with terrible snares set to entrap those immature in faith, those who live in perversion, those who let a civilized world rule. Today, may the Holy Spirit help us, may the Holy Spirit save us, may the Holy Spirit teach us, so that with wisdom mankind may avoid all things that happen in this last and final period. The wicked people raged, the disobedient and rebellious people sought all kinds of ways to entrap our spirit in an immature and wretched life, so the majority are stumbling and are falling under the snares of evil.

May the Holy Spirit help us for us to return to Him, to feel the love and the presence, the intervention, for our lives to once again have serenity, peace, happiness, which is granted to us by God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May we recognize our position, in each role, for us to boldly witness and profess the role of messenger, the role of royalty, and the role of priest. We need to delve deep to understand our role, not fear with what is restrained in the world with its stricts days or with old rules that crushed all the truths in the grace God bestows. May the Holy Spirit help the people in this world, help the citizens, help the people who witness in life, for them to continue to glorify God through their lives with the graces God grants them, to help the poor, to glorify God, confess God, to heal and ask to be healed, spiritually and physically, in all classes, in all roles.

We glorify the Holy Spirit. We thank the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, please hear our pleas and forgive our sins, for us to return to You with a sacrificial heart, with repentance, with contrition, with conversion, with a determination to improve to be worthy. You granted us in a special way, using us and giving us the opportunity to witness to the truth. You granted in a special way for our brothers and sisters to bear witness and glorify God’s name by the works granted by You. We are so grateful to You. May everyone know, believe, prostrate, surrender, to be worthy of the grace that the Holy Spirit granted so abundantly to this present age. We thank the Holy Spirit. May we belong to the Third Person of God with the Third Kowtow that we offer to Him.

The Fourth Kowtow, we reverently lift up to the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

O Eucharistic Jesus, You are the love, the light, the truth. You are present in a holy and divine way, present in the midst of the world and nourishing us with Your Body and Blood. Today, whether people believe or disbelieve or may feel very strange, very surprised, the truth is that the Eucharistic Jesus came to mankind by His Eucharist, by a pure white host that He instituted from the beginning before He entered His Passion, sitting at the Eucharistic table with the Apostles. It was the first Sacramental Banquet and the Last Supper. That sign continues to spiritedly nourish us, by a spiritual life, by the life of the soul, and allows us encounters, by infinitely great and sublime deeds, through a treasure of graces that God granted in a special way to our world. Today what is seen, what is heard, that evidence will not fade in the world of man, from a living God who is present among mankind, the Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh over 2,000 years ago. Today, He is present by His Eucharist.

He continues to be lively and act to urge faith for humanity, for Christians, for the Church. Today the priests directly bring the Eucharistic Jesus to us when they celebrate Mass. We meet the Eucharistic Jesus by His very presence, by the extraordinary deeds, by the marvelous miracles that He has done in this world, to urge the life of faith. Mankind needs to encounter God and return to Him. Who has power like God? Who can prove anything in the world, even with science and technology? God Himself visits us. God comes to visit us. His light radiates. His presence helps us recognize His protection, His intervention. His love awaits us till this age. Let us mature in faith, believe in deeds that God does in an extraordinary way. God granted in a special way to urge us to recognize those great glories.

Today, from small deeds in silence, let us come to Him, by our hearts. From the moments we were taken over by today’s world, we no longer had time to know God. Today, God wants us to take the time to know Him, to seek Him, to meet Him. That treasure is opened to give us peace and strength, for us to understand that in this life, we need to have God, know God, trust in God, seek God, in the days we grieve and suffer, because God said, «Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened. Come to Me, for My yoke is easy and light. Those of you who are burdened, come to Me, I will give you rest.» All these things were granted and given to us, let us not harden our hearts today when we see and when we know but we do not understand. Most of us in this age have rejected what God grants and gives. But the time has come, we can no longer refuse, because God is present to protect us, to guard us, to remind us, to intervene for us. Let us be together, in surrender, in submission, thank God, praide God, glorify God, believe in God, entrust in God, and accept what we encounter today in life.

God is our one and only hope. Believe and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. Do not be afraid. When we encounter events we must always pray and always hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, through the Eucharistic Jesus. That presence remains with us. It is a protection, a faith that we do not lose under any circumstances, because God remains with us, stays with us, lives among us. May we come to Him with a reverent heart, with love, with gratitude, with thanksgiving, with prostration, submission, adoration, to make up for the days we ignore God, indifferent, cold, and receive Him unworthily. He still endures to this day. He is still patiently waiting for us, but let us not continue to let Him enter our hearts with the stench of sin that He must accept. Let us return today with a spirit of penance, of apology, of repentance, to be worthy of the blessing and the love. The treasure is opened to humanity today to urge faith and a return to God.

O Eucharistic Jesus, I honor You, praise You, thank You, for giving us the opportunity to witness for You, the opportunity to speak up. In today’s world, prayers are absent. We absolutely do not understand the need to pray, do not know how to pray, do not want to pray, so we lost the close relationship with heaven that God waits to grant to us. May everyone mature in faith, return to God, because we no longer have the time, and we do not know where to look for the happiness and hope that we so desperately need in today’s world. No one can help us become a new person. No one can heal us from soul to body. No one can comfort us, but it is God who is giving us the greatest source of comfort, which we have through the Eucharistic Jesus.

Let us come to worship, come to honor, come to thank God in a spirit of repentance, to ask God to have mercy and grant us strength in faith. May people in the world return to the treasure for them to take refuge in the days of plague, of suffering, of trouble, of unhappiness, losing all the freedoms that God has specially granted us. Remember, any day God remains with us then that day we always have His intervention. As we continue to beseech, to ask, to pray, God will grant in a special way to us. No one returns empty-handed. Give yourselves the opportunity to return to your God. Return to the holy and loving Master. Return to the big Brother who is still waiting for us. Seek to come to the Lord who has the power to grant and give us everything. May everyone return to the Divine Mercy to be forgiven, be worthy to be blessed, to receive the intervention. May we belong to the Eucharistic Jesus. Amen.

The Fifth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Five Holy Signs of Jesus Christ.

O Five Holy Signs of love, of the Divine Mercy, of the Savior, of hope, of the Risen Lord, of the promise. The Five Holy Signs that were exchanged for the seal of forgiveness. Today, each of us sinners has the opportunity to be restored, to return, to believe, and to confess. Today, what helps us remain by God’s side? The trend of society is that once everything is over, then people return to their home, to spend time with many things in the outside world, while the time to spend with God is very limited. It is because of these points that we must understand how imperfect we are toward God who is the God of love, the God of Divine Mercy, the God of the Five Holy Signs, who sacrificed and died for us to live. Today we must know, even in a simple way, who He is, for whom He died. He has waited for us. He still gives us the opportunity to be immersed in His Divine Mercy.

Today, we lean on the points enlightened by the Holy Spirit. When we pray, we feel very happy and enriched with the depth of faith, with the feeling of the soul. When we pray, we understand what it is to present to God, talk to God, lift up to God, report what we have and know. We also pray to become the humble and simple souls to speak to God, to lift up and ask Him to intervene for us and for the world. May we understand from what is granted through the Five Holy Signs, because we need to know that God is longing and waiting to help and sanctify us, for us to become a new person in life. God allowed, then today everything that comes to us, let us confess, honor, thank, be grateful to the First Holy Sign, which is the infinite love of the Divine Mercy that God the Father gave to mankind for generations. He granted to every sinner. He granted to mankind. No matter how sinful, that love is still waiting for us, transcending space and time, for sinners like us to continue to live, to return, to confess the Divine Mercy that we are offering to Him.

We lift up to the Second Holy Sign, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior. He came into the world and died for mankind, in excruciating suffering. He triumphed and gave us a doctrine in life. We were resurrected in Him. He triumphed to lead us to a promised world in the eternal future, a world full of meaning in this earthly life, but we were completely immature in faith, we truly are very shallow and totally follow a life of iniquity. What we are facing today is the suffering of thesoul and body in the pandemic, but God is still the Lord who waits, because He came to save us. He still waits for us and gives us the opportunity to return to Him, to confess Him, to accept Him. Let us return with repentance, to be restored, to be forgiven, and to deserve to come to His Divine Mercy.

We rejoice because the Third Holy Sign is the Holy Spirit. We honor and thank the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Supreme Being who guides us to teach us what is ours, what is given to us by God the Father, what Jesus did for us. We continue with the intimate love that God grants in a special way when we have faith and belief. What we know help us distinguish between good and evil, between right and wrong, between true and false. All the truths and the best, the Holy Spirit grants and enlightens us. We have the right to choose. We know that in life there is a basic doctrine, which is the map to guide us in the midst of this world, but what is needed most is the determination for us to give up our wills, our sins, everything we are used to, the days that we let the world rule with the devil’s snares, with the daily sins and wicked deeds that we often commit in days of weakness and wretchedness.

The time has come for us to know clearly that it is the Holy Spirit who teaches us and helps us, for us to find the graces that are bestowed through the seven sources of grace, to help us in life and to teach us. In daily life, we know that God seeks and always grants us a favor, to teach us to excel, to deserve to be a human being, a child of God. God taught us a unique doctrine for us to live forever with Him in heaven, to have a life full of meanings in the days of exile on earth. Our earthly lives are disputes with each other, over money, ambition, envy, jealousy, resentment, but God teaches us that love will conquer all. Love will give away everything and love will become the virtue of patience. That love will attract and motivate people to live in holiness and to seek the truth. Indeed, it is truly a wonderful thing. Today, God teaches us to understand more and to truly contemplate the Five Holy Signs that Jesus brought to us.

The Fourth Holy Sign, the Holy Spirit enlightens for us to understand we still have greater riches. We are close to Him when we practice each day with the prayer that Blessed Mother Mary teaches, for us to recognize the daily nourishment, for us to encounter graces. That great treasure nourishes our souls and help us always live in hope. It is the Eucharistic Jesus. Today, what He does, what He gives, He manifests the power of the light. He allows us to meet and urges us to understand what we have, for us to be protected by Him. He always grants us favor and tenderness. He always grants us love, to save us and lead us back, but are we still in days of acknowledging, or not? Do we believe, or not? Or are we still indifferent, with human reasoning that causes us to forget what God teaches is the love, is the return, to the love and the boundless benevolence with which God alone is the Supreme Being who forgives.

May we awaken and return to Him, believe in Him, seek to come to Him in our lives. Let us confess, serve, adore, for us to live a meaningful life when we visit the Supreme Lord who has been waiting for us. He continues to wait for us. He waits for our maturity. He wants us to know the closeness with which He has humbled Himself to become a little host to stay with us, to dwell in us when we receive Him. He is still waiting, everywhere, in all the tabernacles, waiting for the children to come, for Him to strengthen us to continue on the paths with the days of exile on earth. We easily stumble and we easily forget the graces God bestows. He also gives us hope. When we are disappointed and grieve, it is God who heals us spiritually and physically. Let us seek to return to understand the meaning the Eucharistic Jesus is granting and still grants for generations. Let us come to glorify and adore the holy and divine Supreme Lord through the Blessed Sacrament. Today, all the laity, and all those chosen to become the people to represent the Lord, the shepherds, also surrender and submit before the Eucharistic Jesus, because He is the Supreme Lord who humbles Himself and remains with us, to love us, to strengthen us, to nourish our souls.

Let us not harden our hearts. Let us open our hearts to see, to believe. Let up open our hearts to find the truth, we will see that the Five Holy Signs are truly meaningful for the current critical times. We urgently need to surrender and return to God, with a faith that the Holy Spirit guides and enlightens. Moreover, He teaches us to pray for us to receive and encounter Him daily in God’s grace, and to have the opportunity to know that what we do today has a cause. That is Mother Mary, the Fifth Holy Sign. Mother Mary is the Person who taught us, led us to God, because in our lives we do not recognize the seal of forgiveness that Jesus had to exchange by His Five Holy Signs, to testify to the love that God still grants to every sinner, for us to become penitents, to become witnesses, to become saints. Today, we know we are the victims, for us to beseech God. Indeed, Mother is a quiet and gentle Mother, a Mother full of humility, with great depth, who leads us to God, to each Person, and as we confess, we recall the salvation of the Lord Jesus, Her God and Her Son, who suffered to save humanity.

Let us not lose the last chance of our lives in our last breath. Mother reminds us that the seal of forgiveness still exists, still has value. When we awaken, when we pray, when we confess, in a spirit of repentance, then God will definitely save us and forgive us. All of us suffered countless times in our lives because of our sins, because of our wrong choices, because of our erroneous desires, so Mother will be the Being to guide us and remind us. Though dealing with the trials of the world, though we made mistakes, let us remember that our souls were exchanged at the price of the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. That value forever remains in the forgiveness that God granted through Jesus, through the Five Holy Signs. We must understand that value for us to return to God at all costs. Mother personally taught us for us to practice in prayer, exercise in the conviction of what we hear, what we know, through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, for us to not lose the great opportunity as God still loves and waits for us.

We thank You, Mother. You are a Mother who understood all things of our world, with disrespect, disobedience, rebellion, and many other things that challenge God, seriously offend God in this world. We look at the Cross without feeling, with indifference, and that becomes a habit throughout generations. Today, I offer to Mother the Fifth Holy Sign with reverence, with praise, with love. Your teaching truly helps us know what belongs to us is still lively today, and is a value for our souls when we repent and return. We thank You profusely for saving us during this critical time in which many people in this world have passed away unexpectedly. Especially today, in India, it is so unfortunate and pitiful for the citizens who are the people who do not know God, but Mother, please help them have the opportunity, so that through this battle they will realize that the Being they are worshipping must be the one and only Lord God. There is no other god to replace, for their lives to have hope.

God had mercy on them, wanted them to be saved, granted all kinds of ways for us today to pray for them with Mother’s teaching. Mother loves all children in the world, without any distinction regarding the people and the country, but because the majority of people in India did not believe, they did not come close to Mother, so they lost a great opportunity. We ask Mother to give them the opportunity so that after this battle they will repent and recognize God, because only God loves mankind, only God can save mankind. Mother alone is the Being who patiently waits to teach mankind. Today, may all people surrender and submit before the Five Holy Signs of the Lord Jesus Christ, the victorious and glorious Supreme Being, who gives us life and hope when we are in despair, when we are discouraged, and when we are living in hopelessness.

Now, there is only one thing to do, return to God in joy, in smile, in happiness, through His Divine Mercy. He is the Healer, the Supreme Being who grants us abundance, who renews us. He is the Supreme Being who grants us both spiritual and physical healing. Together, we honor, adore, repent before the Five Holy Signs, and confess what God granted to us on behalf of those who do not know, who still do not understand. May God have mercy on them and let them know, for them to be saved and forgiven with the Five Holy Signs as God specifically granted forgiveness to each sinner. We thank God, praise God, and glorify God. May we belong to the Five Holy Signs of Jesus Christ.

The Sixth Kowtow, we reverently offer to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary and for Her triumph

O God the Father, I thank You for everything that we know, that we have. What we continue to have is from You who grant. You saw how in our world no one deserves, no one understands how to live Your holy will, and how to put into practice the graces You specially granted when we truly live in Your way. In the end, in all the world, no one does, but we have Mother. You chose for us a Mother, an exemplary Mother, a Mother who lived a life of complete humility and obedience to Your holy will. A Mother whom You chose to be the Mother of God and the Mother of the human race. Today, what Mother teaches helps us surrender and return to our God, to recognize what are in the sins of the world that we cannot compensate. We thank the Lord Jesus, Mother’s Son. He is our elder Brother Jesus. He is our divine Master. The Lord Jesus leads us to God’s infinite love and Divine Mercy. Today Father, please allow us to offer to Mother the Sixth Kowtow, which the Holy Spirit prompts and teaches us to offer to Mother.

O Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, Mother of the Heart of Love, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of all mankind, Mother of the Church, Mother of all clergy, Mother of the Risen Lord of the Fourth Week of Easter, still present. O Mother, Mother of every sinner, Mother of every prisoner, every saint, every penitent, every victim, every witness, every patient, Mother of every soul in purgatory, Mother of the apostles everywhere in the world, Mother of all mankind, Mother of every person in the world, Mother of every family. Today the number of people who know Mother or believe in Mother is still a limited number, but Mother is always seeking ways to lead Her children back to God. Mother always seeks ways to remind and guide us, to help us come to God, return to God. Mother is the only Mediatrix to bring us back to God in critical times. Her deeds cannot be denied, Her title, Her name must be confessed. We lift up honor, thanksgiving, gratitude, appreciation, and a repentant heart.

Because there are many things Mother taught and gave to the world, but people still do not believe, because of their hardness of heart, because they are still subjected to sin, ensnared by the devil, so they do not understand the value of the gentle and tender way that Mother taught. Most of us are caught in the snares of the devil in this age so we cause the death of our souls and bodies through the pandemic. Mother does not give up, because Mother knows that God loves mankind. Jesus died for mankind so Mother will never give up. Mother continues to be with mankind, replaces mankind to stay with the Eucharistic Jesus. Where the Eucharistic Jesus is, there is Mother Mary. As long as we have Mother Mary, as long as we have Mother’s prayer, Her intercession, then God will not leave us, God will have a way to save us, God will have a way to intervene for us. It is because of these points that Mother wants our world to come to a conclusion, because of the extreme offenses to God in this day and age, offending God by defiance.

People are using all things of a free world, converting all His laws, offending God, challenging God. People are offending the Eucharistic Jesus. Mother’s Heart was completely broken, Her heart grieved. Mother shed tears, blood tears, to remind the world of man. Today, if we do not return, we will enter a battle between good and evil, we will completely fall into the ingenious and sophisticated traps of a civilized age. Today, Mother does not teach us to use weapons of resistance. Mother does not teach us any method other than the method of prayer, other than the method of returning to God, other than the method that we need to meditate on, to return with a contrite heart. The Holy Spirit will help us be reformed, be restored, and what we do will become a victory. We pray to the heavenly family, through God’s permission, for the archangels, the angels, and the saints, to help us.

We are told that we are children of God, not subject to the traps of the world in the ingenuity of a radical age, but we have fallen. From the clergy, from those chosen to be the shepherds to all the leaders of the nations, we have fallen. The world is in a state of chaos, in a state of confusion, in a state of a mix-up between true and false. It is a world that demands a life of reality, in contrast to morality, and violates God’s law. Today, we are free to follow a civilized world to conform to all matters, but are against morality and the sense of right and wrong. Thus, Mother desires that together in unity, we bow down, prostrate, and worship God, with prayers to beseech for ourselves, for the community, for the places of activity, for the world, for the Church, for society. For all the problems in the world, let us pray, the Holy Spirit will enlighten and teach us. With the eyes of faith we will see what we loathe, because we are not aware of the snares as we are captivated, stubborn, and obstinate.

We are truly being ensnared by a sophisticated and ingenious world that caused people to lose the basis of morality, of truth. Today, Mother teaches us to take up arms, the most important weapon for us to use to help ourselves, to recognize what belongs to us clearly and precisely. That is prayer. Prayer must be practiced when we are determined to recognize between right and wrong. Let us be together in unity to make reparation, to apologize, to repent, to be forgiven. Enlightened by the Holy Spirit for us to know which is our position, what we must do, what we need to do to be saved, to be forgiven, and to receive the intervention. Today, we know how to pray, after six years of practice. Ten years of listening, six years of being taught, we feel we made better progress than in the past.

Even though the days are still days of weakness, we know what we are doing, what gives us the strength, the courage, the urge to let our voices resound in this earth, to talk to God, to lift up to God, to fulfill our duty and responsibility in this world, to ask God for forgiveness, to come to God, to become brave and bold witnesses to the Good News. It is most important to remind people to be humble, to become little, to remind people of the urgency to beseech. Let us not be shy or afraid. Let us confess God, practice what God teaches. We must help each other and together in unity, return to God, entreating persistently, asking God to save the world, save the countries that face the danger of the plagues of both soul and body, and even ourselves.

We also pray for God to destroy all the devil’s traps and snares, to help us become brave and strong people who testify to the truth, because only the truth can last, and only with the truth will God be the Supreme Being who protects and guards, for us to become righteous. Today, Mother teaches us the most ordinary yet very extraordinary and marvelous things, and helps us with the most fundamental basis. Each one of us needs to return to God, to confess God, for God to have mercy and forgive us. In a spirit of repentance through the gift of the Six Kowtows, when we pray, when we experience, when we meditate, with our hearts to be heard by God, then God accepts, and God intervenes. That is what we have today.

We thank Mother profusely. Mother, please help us through these frightening and fearful crises, through the events that we created ourselves, through the critical days as we need to prepare ourselves, for us to return to God, to not lose what we already have in God, to end up suffering the torment and the fire in either hell or purgatory. These are the most important things that we need to know, to pray for ourselves, for society, for the world, for all problems. Even though no one may be aware but we know that the angels and the saints hear us, God hears us. Mother teaches us, for us to offer earnest words. In the stillness of the world, there needs to be a voice. It is necessary to have lively words granted by God, through the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Surely, God will have a way to help us and intervene for the world. May everyone know God, recognize God, and return to God. Only the path of return to God, to recognize God, with repentance, can we have the right to live, deserve to live, to continue with a world where God wants us to be in solidarity, to love, to acknowledge God, to practice His law and the teaching in His doctrine, for us to deserve days of prosperity, of happiness, and of peace that He grants. Today, why is there no peace? It is because we are still living in days of jealousy and envy, acting against God’s teachings, with greed, with selfishness. Then ensnared by the devil, we become deceitful, scheming, cunning, so because of this, we lost God’s gift to us through Jesus. Jesus came to save us and to give us a doctrine but we completely did not understand and did not know. Today Mother is heartbroken and suffer. Mother weeps and Her tears are welling up, but She still continues to help us, to seek ways to save us and bring us back to God.

Today, the gift of the Six Kowtows is like an affirmation. The gift of the Six Kowtows is like the strength to help us understand what we still have. Let us not lose this opportunity. Today, we represent all classes, all roles, our brothers, and sinners. We are also among the sinners whom God loves. He allows His Mother to help us. Let us practice what is in daily life, by a life of prayer, by a life determined to eliminate sins committed in weakness, to be worthy of the love with which God loved and granted the Divine Mercy, to save us, to cleanse us, for us to become a new person in life. Mother wants us to understand this, for all of us to be saved, to be forgiven, to return with God, with Mother, for ever and ever, in heaven.

O Mother Mary, I thank You. We lift up countless thanks to You. There are no words to say the words «thank» worthily. Mother, please have mercy on us who are wretched sinners. If without You then we will not have this day, we will not be strong and courageous, we will not know what to do. Today, we have seen all the aspects You granted, for us to learn how to pray, for our brothers and sisters, for the people whom God uses, for the people who are rejected by the world, because people do not believe, accuse others of what they consider to be demonic. People did not believe in extraordinary things and ostracized us with laws according to their habits.

So these are still the years with the scribes and Pharisees who use their power to crush the people whom God uses and whom Mother wants them to bear witness to the truth. Today, the number of fake prophets are many, but there are also many authentic people whom God has chosen to assume the role of prophet, of priest, of royalty, with the silent days in the role chosen by God, through Mother’s teaching, through the Holy Spirit’s training, to become bold witnesses in this day and age. May no one destroys everything that God grants in a special way to us through Mother’s teaching and arrangement, through the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment, for us to continue to bear witness to this truth. No one has the right to prevent the little love that we offer as compensation. Though this love is never proportionate, we only ask to compensate somewhat.

Let us not be hindered by all people today in the reasoning of the world. May we boldly step through the trials and tribulations to bear witness to the truth that Mother wants us to do in this world, for this gift to be brought to all classes, all roles. Everyone must pray, return by heart, prostrate and surrender by a contrite and repentant heart. Pray in daily life, by means of reparation, to be worthy with the days that God grants in a special way and saves us in the midst of urgent days with events, particularly those days with sins that are seriously offending God, by challenging Him.

Today, all classes and roles seem to place the laws of man above the matters of God. May God look at this to intervene at the right time, to not let the devil confuse and dominate the world, to lure away all the people God trained in the ranks of the Church. They must return to the justice, the righteousness, the truth that God granted to the Church. From the beginning to this day, and in the end, it must be the same, to love and to walk in God’s way. Please do not yield to the problems of a world for its satisfaction in a rational age, to remove what is genuine and immutable from God.

O Mother Mary, we are also human beings. Learning and knowledge caused mankind to err from what is in God’s law. This is the most important thing that I ask of You. Mother, please have mercy, for the bishops, the cardinals, especially for the situation in Germany, with more than 500 priests, more than 50 parishes, asking the Catholic Church in Rome to accept the conditions that they offer. What condition is this? It is for the blessing in church for the homosexuals, and for women to be ordained, which to them are very rational conditions. I think these conditions belong to a world in wickedness, not to God. Have people forgotten about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? Was it not due to the majority of sinners who were homosexuals that those cities were destroyed by fire and brimstone? Today in Germany, they demand this, and especially the people in the German Church demand this. I firmly believe that this is a world we must look at very clearly, our Church does not belong wholly to God as it was in the beginning. Our Church has been divided, and certain people are being lured by the devil, for them to make demands according to their own will. Only God’s will is good and perfect, always. Truth, holiness, perfection, cannot be changed.

I ask God to help the Pope be utterly strong, be filled with the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and enlightenment. We pray for God to help the cardinals, the bishops, the clergy in Germany, to awaken at the right time. Do not allow weariness, for the devil to take over. The countries that betray God and act against God’s doctrine will also be burned as in the past, and if not burned then there will be terrible plagues that will kill many, because the people do not believe or act against God’s doctrine. Today we pray. It was Mother Mary who taught us to pray for them. We do not want to lose the Church. We do not want to see the separation and division nor do we want this schism to happen in this society. Today, it is necessary to unite and return to God with a contrite and repentant heart, not to demand according to mankind’s own will and face the trouble of an age.

O Mother Mary, please help us, intercede with God for us. May St. Joseph, the first exemplary saint in the world, especially with the Holy Family, be a model for people to live a religious life, with the virtue of chastity. He is an example in a life with duties and responsibilities, an example of obedience to God. He is the saint who today has a position above all the saints in heaven. His intercession will be answered and granted by God. St. Joseph, please help our Church. Those who want the schism, may they look at what they are saying, what they are asking that is not in God’s way. May they recognize the virtue of chastity. May they remember that God created a man and a woman, and that life cannot be confused. Only the animal kind does not recognize, to live otherwise.

As for God, He is the divine and refulgent Supreme Being, He is the Supreme Being who has taught mankind from the beginning. That will never change, because it is for the good of the world. Please do not fall into the snares like those who have positions of authority, the shepherds that demand things in reality. They fail to acknowledge what God granted them and the good law that God gave to help mankind. Please do not succumb to the days when the devil lured those who have positions to follow him, to live in days with that sin, and then to consider the present schism. That is a painful matter for our Church.

I ask God to help our Church. I ask Mother to protect our Church, for the Pope as well as the cardinals and the clergy to live in righteousness, to be strong and courageous, to stand firm, not to fall, not to err, not allow this to happen. For everything, we simply lift up to the God Almighty. We lift up to Mother the clergy and those who live in righteousness for them to continue to be courageous, strong, entrusting, and trusting. God will have a way and God will act, because the time has come for God to distinguish between His people and the people of a world who chose to rule on their own. This is most obvious, the battle between good and evil will be concluded in the end of the days of purification, the days we are present. We only know that Mother teaches us to pray. We have no right to judge anyone, we simply ask for God to allow us to listen to Mother’s words.

As Mother said to us, let us pray. Pray with the archangels, especially the Archangel Michael who holds the balance of justice, who once defeated satan. Today, we pray to the three archangels and all the archangels in heaven, we pray to the angels and our guardian angels. We also pray to the saints who have gone in the course of history, who are in heaven, to please help us, pray for us, pray for the world to recognize truth, justice, and righteousness, the teaching, and God’s unique doctrine. We pray for them to help destroy the snares of the devil. It is from the prayers of the saints that the Father will act. He will intervene in His supreme way.

We can only pray. Let us be firm in our standpoint walking on the path. Despite challenges, let us never give up, and in each work, praise God, glorify God, until our last breath. May everyone together be in solidarity, to love, to listen to Mother’s teaching, to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, to stand firm and continue with days of silent prayer, with earnest words and offerings, with the current narrative of what is happening, for the last book of recorded history. May the God Almighty have mercy on us, for the world to be saved, to receive His intervention. May the people open the eyes and hearts to recognize the traps of the devil, to not fall into his snares, for us to end up divided and must bear the responsibility according to the righteousness, the truth, and the justice, before the court of God.

We do not want anything granted by God to be lost at the hands of the enemy. We hope the current leaders to definitely have God’s heart. They must return to God. They must realize what they need to do and decide for the citizens who are the poor victims. Because when leaders decide, then the citizens follow, and these are the days when this world is being lured by sin and enticing people in its ingenious and sophisticated traps. Today, we ask the archangels and guardian angels as well as all the saints to support and pray for us, help us, protect us, for us to become humble prayer warriors. It is from these prayers that God will have mercy, hear us, and intercede for the people we pray for.

At this moment, I also lift up to Mother the country of India, which is in the midst of a serious pandemic, both physically and spiritually. Mother, please have mercy, seek a way to save them at this time and stop the pandemic that has killed such a large number of people. Though they are people who do not know God, this is the time when they must know God, they need to recognize God. May God have mercy, welcome them, give them the opportunity through the words that Mother teaches us to pray. We know that God is a God of love, a God rich in Divine Mercy, a God of justice. Please have mercy on the lost souls that passed away unexpectedly from this man-made pandemic. This is an extremely disastrous event and a challenge for people to recognize the last choice in their lives, because we do not know what tomorrow will bring, anyone may die anytime.

Let us return to God. Let us listen and practice. Let it not be too late and too tardy. Let us practice what Mother teaches and grants us, to return to the God of love, the God Almighty, the eternal and ever-living God, who hears us, who is full of mercy and benevolence, who forgives and allows us to return to His Divine Mercy. Now together in unity, we pray to the angels and the saints to continue to help us, pray for us, and with us lift up thanksgiving to the God of love, to the Divine Mercy of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We also ask for the souls to unite with us, to kneel, to prostrate, to adore, to glorify, and to confess God, in the sentiments of days of repentance. May God have mercy and allow souls in purgatory to soon return to Him in the kingdom of heaven, before the justice of God that these souls must pay in order to return with Him.

God, please have mercy and allow the souls to go to heaven sooner with our small sacrifices. We pray for God to have mercy on them. On the souls’ behalf, we lift up to God these small sacrifices for God to forgive and allow souls to soon return to heaven. Once they are in heaven, they will be an extremely powerful force to help us and pray for us on the path to testify to the truth through the gift of Six Kowtows. We testify to a gift to urge every soul, for every heart to know, to recognize, to return to God. With determination, return and pray with a truly contrite and repentant heart. Pray to honor, to adore, to praise, to confess, to worship God, on behalf of those who still do not know, who still do not believe.

May they know, believe, and return to the God of love and Divine Mercy, the Mighty One, the Supreme Being who has the authority to forgive sins, who has the power to give us life and the power to destroy the whole world. We ask in the name of the Lord, the God of love, now and for ever and ever. I thank the Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother. I thank St. Joseph, the three archangels, and all the angels and saints. May everyone submit and surrender to glorify and adore the merciful Father. He granted in a special way to mankind in this age, to lead us to Jesus, with an affirmed faith, for us to live and exist by the price of Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ who sacrificed for us through His Resurrection, for us to be worthy to receive His guidance and love through the Holy Spirit, for us to continue each day to receive the protection, the support, the intervention of the Eucharistic Jesus, for His voice to be alive, to grant us the opportunity to be trained by the Holy Spirit, to affirm what we have, for us to practice today.

We kneel before His Five Holy Signs by our proclamation, because the Five Holy Signs were exchanged for us to receive the seal of forgiveness, to receive the infinite Divine Mercy. It is from God’s benevolence and kindness towards sinners like us, for us to become penitents, to become witnesses, to become saints in heaven. May we recognize ourselves as penitents and ask to become the instruments for God to use whenever He wants, and for us to receive Mother Mary’s gentle teaching. Mother arranged for us, taught us Her humility through the way of prayer. Today, thanks to Mother, with Mother, and from Mother’s intercession, our world will be saved. In the end Mother’s virgin mantle will envelop those who listen to Her, those who return, and those who practice with the gift of the Six Kowtows that Mother offers to the world in general and in particular to those who perform and return to God.

Mother will be our protector to bring us back to God. Listening to Mother’s words, God will surely intervene and help us return at the right time while time permits. Please do not let it be too late and too tardy. Those who have ears then hear, eyes then see, hearts then feel, to decide for themselves today, and for their souls in the future. We adore God, praise God, and glorify God, in the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. Although in church everyone has left we stay to offer a small daily sacrifice in life. May God accept. May God forgive us. Please grant those who know to recognize and return to God in times of danger, with the days of urgency and the days of trouble that we are facing.

We thank God, praise God, and glorify God. We thank the Holy Spirit. We thank Blessed Mother. We conclude the Six Kowtows tonight and complete our prayers for Vietnam, and for India that is suffering from so many deaths during this pandemic in these critical days. This situation may affect the Southeast Asia area, as there will be changes and will also lead to war with the dispute in the South Seas. Today, all issues seem to arise, all problems are happening. I pray for God to intervene and protect the victims, the innocents, the citizens who endured so many days of suffering because of the leaders who used their unjust power to seize and invade what does not belong to them, to cause war, to cause the present days of plague.

May God have mercy on us, intervene, and help us. Apart from God, no one can help us and grant to us. God alone is the Supreme Being who loves, who rules by love, and who gives us the moments to pray for Him to have mercy, to intervene, to plan according to His supreme way. We lift up in His holy will. May everything be planned and arranged according to His holy will. All things in His holy then will become good. All problems are lifted up, and we pray for God’s holy will to be done, because when in God’s holy will, then all things will become better. There are many more suitable things than what we see. May God’s holy will be done and may we persevere in faith, to be loyal until the very end. Though trials and tribulations, help us overcome them patiently, to have the experiences in a life determined to be faithful until our last moment toward God, with faith belonging to God.

We conclude the Six Kowtows tonight at exactly 9:32 pm, Friday, April 30, 2021, at St Therese church, in front of the sanctuary, the tabernacle, the Cross, the icon of the Divine Mercy, and the holy statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Today, Maria Nhung did not do the Fourteen Stations of the Cross, she united with me to offer the Six Kowtows to pray for Vietnam and India, and for all the crucial problems that are happening between good and evil in today’s battle. I also ask God for me and Maria Nhung to go home now, for us to prepare for tomorrow’s group meeting on the first day of the month, and for our bible study on Sunday. God, please bless us, for us to continue with the missions You assign and the works You give for us to represent the brothers and sisters in the world, to persevere, to be faithful with the role that You grant us. We thank God, thank the Holy Spirit, and thank Blessed Mother. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Te Concedo una Navidad Extraordinaria Thu, 03 Dec 2020 01:05:13 +0000 Te Concedo una Navidad Extraordinaria

2 de Diciembre de 2020


Oh Dios, son las 11:32 del miércoles 2 de Diciembre de 2020.

Gracias a Dios por darnos este momento para escuchar las enseñanzas del Espíritu Santo y también para meditar en la lectura muy significativa de hoy, especialmente el primer día de Diciembre. Estos son los días que esperamos ansiosamente los días de Adviento, como recuerda la Iglesia, en el lado espiritual.

Parece que estamos estrenados ​​con todo en la realidad, y espiritualmente también tenemos un sentimiento que es algo más especial que otros años, pero aún son los días en los que estamos preocupados por todo lo que está pasando en Estados Unidos. Oh Señor, ayúdanos a olvidar lo que es estresante y acudir a Ti. Como dijo una vez el Señor: «Sírveme primero, luego me ocuparé de todos los asuntos».Si tenemos confianza y fe, especialmente a través de la primera lectura y el Evangelio de hoy, vimos la promesa de Dios para nosotros: Él enjugará las lágrimas, restaurará lo que perdimos.

Él nos concederá por completo, nos protegerá y nos ayudará a salir de los días que están fuertemente atados por el enemigo, por los errores, los días en que estamos inmersos en el pecado, y también son los días en que estamos ciegos. Pero cuando volvemos, Dios nunca se niega, como el padre esperando que el hijo pródigo regrese para abrazarlo, besarlo, ponerle un anillo y darle todas las cosas.Es el Padre quien es rico en Divina Misericordia. Dios nos concede de una manera especial aunque caigamos en una situación debido a nuestras elecciones y debemos pagar el precio por esto. Pero Dios siempre nos concede. Es por estos aspectos que sabemos quién es Dios, qué es lo que más necesitamos, qué es lo que solo Dios puede hacer y que solo Dios puede triunfar.

Son muchos aspectos para que veamos la indiferencia de convertirnos en días con más ardor.En cuanto a las personas que aún no saben, lo sabrán, y los que nunca antes oraron, también se volverán hacia Dios para orar por la elección (1) para pertenecernos, en justicia y en verdad. Ahora, todo lo que es enseñado por el Espíritu Santo, lo escuchamos y sabemos lo que nos viene. Las palabras de Dios son verdaderamente una afirmación. Anhelamos y esperamos.Este es un momento muy estresante.

Nos sentimos solos y asustados, con muchas dudas, y también con muchas cosas que hacen que no estemos lo suficientemente tranquilos, incluso con las palabras que Dios nos dio a través de las enseñanzas que son también las palabras para que estemos en paz. Todos los meses tenemos la oportunidad de encontrarnos y recibir las palabras de Dios, por eso hoy invito a Dios a venir, a darnos Sus palabras. Gracias Dios. En los últimos días, Dios nos otorgó favores especiales para que vivamos felices. Nunca tuvimos la alegría que Dios nos concedió en los últimos días de noviembre, el mes de orar por las almas. En el mundo espiritual somos felices porque creemos en la Presencia de Dios, en el permiso de Dios. Las gracias que se derramaron sobre nosotros no se pueden obtener ni comprar en este mundo, ni siquiera con dinero.

Ciertamente nunca. En el gozo tenemos a Dios, pertenecemos a Dios y en la felicidad cuando Su gracia se derrama abundantemente sobre nosotros, para que creamos en la presencia cercana del Señor, Dios Todopoderoso, quien nos dio la oportunidad de encontrarnos con Él y la oportunidad de escucha las enseñanzas de los santos. De hecho, esto es algo extremadamente grande y tremendo. Es imposible para el mundo, pero para Dios es posible, porque la bondad de Dios se nos concede a nosotros y a sus hijos de una manera muy cercana.

Mientras creamos, mientras escuchemos, y mientras entendamos el susurro del Espíritu Santo en la verdad, entonces estaremos viviendo en un mundo celestial en medio del mundo. Hoy no hay forma de resolver la tensión. Del mundo y los problemas, por eso le rogamos a Dios, lo elevemos a Dios, lo presentemos a Dios. No hay nada que Dios no pueda hacer. Lo único es que el momento lo decide Dios. Ahora bien, ¿cómo debemos estar?

Ciertamente nunca. En el gozo tenemos a Dios, pertenecemos a Dios y en la felicidad cuando Su gracia se derrama abundantemente sobre nosotros, para que creamos en la presencia cercana del Señor, Dios Todopoderoso, quien nos dio la oportunidad de encontrarnos con Él y la oportunidad de escucha las enseñanzas de los santos. De hecho, esto es algo extremadamente grande y tremendo. Es imposible para el mundo, pero para Dios es posible, porque la bondad de Dios se nos concede a nosotros y a sus hijos de una manera muy cercana.Mientras creamos, mientras escuchemos, y mientras entendamos el susurro del Espíritu Santo en la verdad, entonces estaremos viviendo en un mundo celestial en medio del mundo. Hoy no hay forma de resolver la tensión.

Del mundo y los problemas, por eso le rogamos a Dios, lo elevemos a Dios, lo presentemos a Dios. No hay nada que Dios no pueda hacer. Lo único es que el momento lo decide Dios. Ahora bien, ¿cómo debemos estar?¿Qué debemos hacer para vivir adecuadamente de la manera que Dios concede a través de la enseñanza de la Madre María, para que tengamos la oportunidad de encontrarnos, recibir, creer, practicar y estar determinados con fe a recibir estos favores y gracias absolutamente inmensos?

En este momento, invitamos a Dios a venir. Dios, acepta nuestra oración con las palabras que levantamos según las enseñanzas del Espíritu Santo. Dios, sálvanos, libéranos y danos Tus palabras, especialmente el significado de los primeros días de Adviento, el día que se prepara para celebrar la Navidad como todos los años. Este año es un año marcado, un año histórico, un año sin precedentes con la tensión que se vive en Estados Unidos, un país libre y civilizado.Es un año diferente a cualquier otro que nos deja lo que estamos eligiendo, encontrando y lo que es el favor, la gracia y a través de la inmensurable Misericordia Divina que Dios concedió de manera especial a la humanidad, por nosotros con corazón voluntario y dispuesto, orar para que Dios intervenga y proteger el país en el que vivimos, proteger la justicia sobre la función del presidente mientras anhelamos y esperamos, y esperamos que Dios intervenga y ayude. Jesús:Mis amados hijos, Mi paz sea con todos ustedes.

Sé que estás estresado y esperando, y tienes muchas inferencias, y permitir que las máquinas y los medios con noticias inexactas te hagan sentir asustado, conmocionado y estresado. Mis amados hijos, hoy la explicación del Espíritu Santo con todo lo que escucharon es como las palabras que quiero decirles. Lo que más importa, quiero volver con ustedes, especialmente en la temporada navideña de este año, que es diferente a la temporada navideña de todos los años.

Es una temporada navideña con el despertar de la humanidad, una temporada navideña con la elección de la humanidad, una temporada navideña con personas que saben en su corazón lo que necesitan y anhelan. Esta temporada navideña no quiero estar solo. No quiero estar solo y tener frío como cada dos años. Quiero reinar entre ustedes, darles paz y traerles gozo.En cada trabajo que planeo y organizo, debes saber que cuando te otorgo, te otorgo por completo. Cuando tiene éxito, entonces es un éxito claro, lleno de significado para que la gente lo reconozca y, a partir de ahí, sepa lo que pertenece a la luz.

Lo que es justo tendrá éxito y lo que pertenece a las tinieblas debe desaparecer. Tengo mi plan. Te lo concedí y te aconsejé durante muchos años. Hoy sucedió esto. Repito una vez más: “Lo que tiene que pasar tiene que pasar”.Hay actos injustos, malas acciones y cosas alimentadas por personas crueles y malvadas, y ustedes que son ingenuos y débiles en la fe, que son codiciosos y egoístas según los caminos del mundo, que carecen de amor y caridad; caíste en las trampas y lazos de los espíritus malignos. También sabías que este es un mundo que el poder subterráneo oculto quiso robar desde el principio. Si sin justicia y sin el momento adecuado, entonces el poder subterráneo oculto ya habría invadido este país.

Pero este país es un país que ofrezco a los que Me conocen, que Me reconocen y que Me pertenecen, aunque lo fueron en los primeros días, pero este mundo entró en la política según el camino de la humanidad, por codicia, tomando ventaja y abuso de la propia autoridad para luego entrar en los días de oscuridad, sin salida.Mis queridos hijos, hubo voluntarios y también hubo personas que fueron coaccionadas, a lo largo de los pasados ​​presidentes.

Hoy ha llegado el momento, porque apareciste, porque aparecieron los últimos apóstoles de la historia. Es por ti, quiero hacer saber a este mundo que lo que pertenece a Mi otorgamiento no se lo quitará a los niños que envío, a los apóstoles que aún no han cumplido sus misiones, que no pueden concluir de una manera sencilla.

Hoy quiero que todas las personas que elijan un camino que consideren el camino del diseño de la humanidad y que rechacen Mi autoridad, que manipulen todo en la política y en una vida civilizada con dinero y fama, que cambien todo para rechazarme y determinar la vida de las personas. , saber que es el cálculo del mundo, pero tengo Mi programa y Mi plan para Mis hijos, para la gente justa, para los creyentes y para Mi Iglesia, para seguir adelante.Mis queridos hijos, hoy la vida se ha convertido en un hábito. Los que tienen funciones ya no respetan la ley ni llevan a cabo la doctrina correctamente. Dejan que un mundo con necesidades y necesidades controle. Desde entonces cayeron en las trampas y trampas del poder subterráneo oculto, de los espíritus malignos, de los injustos. Por tanto, hoy suceden asuntos insignificantes y significativos.

Todo lo que elijan, piensan que se ocultará de acuerdo con los caminos privados de cada persona, pero los asuntos que son injustos, injustos, nunca se pueden ocultar para siempre y deben ser llevados ante la justicia y la ley, que es necesario en este mundo.El mundo puede cambiarlo todo, ya no hay conciencia ni moralidad, pero la equidad, la justicia, la rectitud y la verdad nunca pueden cambiar.Hoy no tengas miedo. Ha llegado el momento de que veas lo que nunca antes sucedió en el mundo. Es la gente que son principalmente los ciudadanos, que son personas sin poder e influencia, pero sus voces son muy fuertes. Su anhelo, su levantamiento y su coraje para defender la verdad serán la voz de la victoria.

Esta es una etapa desafiante para que conozcas Mi amor, Mi poder. Los ojos normales ven el poder subterráneo oculto con limitaciones, con sus funciones; ves la deshonestidad y la inmoralidad, y en asuntos donde la humanidad usó todo tipo de formas de acuerdo con la posición de uno.Pero este es el momento en que quiero exponer todo, desde la deshonestidad, exponer todo en la maldad, exponer todos los asuntos en la oscuridad del poder subterráneo oculto que manipula el mundo durante muchos años.Hoy necesito soldados valientes con absoluta fe. Necesito la fe de la persona a cargo, que es obediente, responsable y leal. Necesito gente que crea y practique, y al final ganarán.¡Niños, no tengáis miedo! ¡Alegrarse! Quiero ver tus caras. Anímate, porque sabías todo de antemano. Estos son los momentos que quedan y los últimos, purificaré el todo. Los que me pertenecen, los que creen en Mí, los que son fieles y perseveran conmigo, y los que se sacrifican por la doctrina y la justicia serán los ganadores.

En cuanto a los malvados que usan todo tipo de trucos para abrumarte, al final serán severamente derrotados, y serán destruidos por su cuenta, auto destruyéndose. Así que hoy no tengas miedo, porque habrá cosas aterradoras y espantosas que comenzarán a manifestarse en este país, que es un país que afecta a todo el mundo, un país que uso para despertar a todas las personas, para vivir en paz, o vive en la guerra, vive en la maldad o vive una vida para recordar la conciencia y la moralidad, en los días del fin.Mis queridos hijos, Ustedes saben que esto es para lo que se prepararon durante los últimos diez años, cosas que no están en el mundo, pero entendieron y sabían claramente las obras que hice. Lo que haces, con sencillez y sencillez, expresa lo más realista.

Así que hoy lo que estás eligiendo es el camino de la oración, un camino con toda tu devoción, en los días que sabías que necesitaba una voz, una voz de gente común y corriente, una voz con absoluta confianza, una voz a través de la guía de el Espíritu Santo, voz de justicia y rectitud.Aunque en el mundo de hoy la gente usa palabras y significados, conocimiento y aprendizaje, pero los asuntos sinceros y veraces se pierden en el mundo actual a través de los eruditos y conocedores.

Quiero igualdad para todos, aunque sean personas sin educación ni conocimientos, pero en el espíritu de la verdad, en el espíritu que deseo con su corazón sincero, quiero esa voz, con esa sencillez y humildad, que deseo representar. El mundo entero. Hoy hay muchas clases, pero la gente aún vive en competencia, con el razonamiento humano. No viven de memoria, de conciencia, de verdad o de justicia.

Ha llegado el momento, debes conocer las obras que planeo y concertar para invitar a la gente a volver. Lo que se le da al mundo como dije una vez: «No se lo revelo a los sabios, sino a los pequeños». Porque utilizo a los pequeños para despertar a los eruditos y entendidos, despertar a los que tienen autoridad, despertar a los que se consideran sabios pero olvidan el deber y la responsabilidad, olvidan una doctrina que hay que practicar con el corazón, con responsabilidad y deber.

Así que hoy no tengas miedo, porque todos los asuntos están sucediendo como dije. Concedo este tiempo para despertar a la humanidad, todas las clases, todos los roles. Espero el regreso de la humanidad, entonces estaré listo para defender y darles un mundo que les pertenece. Lo que otorgo, no lo retiro, pero lo que la humanidad no atesoró, tomó o aceptó, entonces el enemigo lo robará.Viste lo que haces y cómo está la mayoría hoy; eso es algo que vio como una victoria a su alcance. Pero antes de una victoria completa, espere a ver, porque quiero que todos estos asuntos no sean solo algo simple que es superficial, sino algo significativo y único, que tiene influencia sobre las personas con funciones.Entonces sabrás lo que es verdadero, lo que es falso, lo que está bien, lo que está mal, lo que es bueno y lo que es malo.Esperarás los próximos días. Lo que se pretende no es de su deseo.

No será un plan definitivo, pero habrá una innovación. Esto nunca se hizo antes, pero habrá una innovación en la ley de este país. Esta innovación será muy difícil, pero una vez superada esta dificultad, también será una completa victoria. Pero si no ha terminado y aún no ha terminado, entonces es un momento de espera. No es fácil vencer lo que le concedí especialmente a los justos, y no es fácil anotar, recoger todo en la victoria con presión. ¡No!Cree que eres usando las armas más afiladas.

No ves esas armas, pero la presencia divina, los ángeles, los santos, nunca ignorarán a los que te matan, a los que buscan destruir y quitar las cosas de los justos a quienes yo les concedo. Hoy con los ojos de la fe, has visto, ves y verás las grandes e inmensas glorias que Yo daré a esta generación, para que abran sus ojos para verme, acogerme y volver a Mí.

Porque la Divina Misericordia siempre se te concede, pero el tiempo ha llegado a su fin. Estos son los momentos que nunca fueron antes, pero que sucederán en la generación actual. Repito de nuevo: “El que crea, tendrá; quien busca, encontrará; al que llame, se le abrirá la puerta ”. No dejaré que Mis hijos que creen en Mí, se desilusionen y derroten.Tengo mi horario. Tengo mi plan. Con paciencia, espera y verás. En la última hora verás quién es el ganador, y quien crea entonces reconocerá a la defensa, muy claro. Quiero prolongar el tiempo para que Quite todo, y cuando entregue el poder a los justos, entonces debe ser totalmente completo, para que no haya más días de odio, días que traen muerte y dolor, o traigan el existir. Enfermedades.El tiempo ha llegado. No puedo permitir que los niños que no Me pertenecen, que no creen en Mí, se enfurezcan en esta tierra.

Entiendes que con la crianza del mal, el diablo nunca se quedará quieto para ser atado.Antes de estar atado, antes de estar encadenado y fuertemente atado, está luchando, usando trucos para lograr metas y todavía lucha en todas partes. Todo lo que pueda, lo hará.Sin embargo, recuerda que hoy en día hay personas que se sacrifican, cuyas voces reconocen la maldad, para que tú seas más decidido, seas más fuerte y tomes más decisiones; para que la mayoría de las personas elijan lo que les pertenece. No te sientas derrotado, no te desanimes, no temas. Si tienes miedo, no ganarás esta batalla. Solo con confrontación, coraje y fuerza triunfarás. Ten la seguridad de que no dejaré que Mi pueblo caiga en una situación con los días que temes.Porque toda acción debe tener un sacrificio para recordar el bien y el mal con mucha claridad.

Deseo que esté preparado, porque volveré después de 2000 años. Con esta temporada navideña, deseo el corazón de cada persona, el corazón de cada niño. Anhelo, quiero venir a calentar sus almas. Quiero venir a abrazarte. Con los últimos días estresantes, quiero que crean en Mí.Unir; estar juntos en amor y apoyo. Juntos, avancen y sean testigos de la verdad, porque espero sin descanso que todas las almas me pertenezcan y vuelvan a Mí. Porque solo conmigo puede haber paz.

Solo les traigo esperanza y alegría. Solo yo puedo abrazarlos para que no pasen hambre y sufran en medio de esta vida, llena de trampas y lazos, pero aún no se despiertan para ponerse de pie.Doy a los justos y también doy a los pecadores en los últimos momentos, para que ellos también sepan elegir lo que les pertenece y lo que defienden, para que puedan unirse a los justos para seguir con un país que bendigo y otorgo. Tú, para que vivas en verdadera paz.

No es la palabra de paz dicha en los labios, sino la paz del alma, del corazón, para que tengas días para prepararte para el futuro.Dado que todo está registrado como en la ley, el tiempo que otorgue y permito todavía se le dará. Pero recuerda, antes de que termine esta batalla, también habrá una batalla tensa, feroz y dura, pero aguanta, persevera y verás, Mi Mano borrará todo en las tinieblas del pecado, para traer esperanza y luz. De verdad, vendré al mundo con el año 2020, que es una historia rara y nunca volveré a tener una segunda vez en el mundo.Hoy lo que escuchas y entiendes, no tengas miedo. Continúe en el programa, continúe creyendo, continúe confiando, continúe orando y continúe haciendo sacrificios en nombre de todas las personas de este mundo.

Cumple tus deberes, porque eres tú quien puede recibir de cerca la voz del cielo, dando a la humanidad la firmeza y el coraje para seguir adelante. Confía, entonces ganarás esta batalla.Esta también es una oportunidad para que las personas elijan regresar y este es también un momento para que aquellos que son pecadores que caen en las trampas, se pongan de pie y se despierten. Y si el mundo continúa en la ignorancia, continúa con días de rebelión, continúa en días de defensa de la maldad, ellos deben pagar el precio.

Está seguro. Todo lo que planeo, lo arreglo. Cuanto más sabes, más miedo tienes, porque este es el final con los días más estresantes para adentrarte en un mundo que ya no tiene días de miedo o días estresantes. Esta es una batalla que debe ser feroz hasta el final. Solo los perseverantes y fieles, solo los que tienen absoluta confianza, verán la victoria perfecta que se concede a quienes creen y esperan siempre, para vivir una vida plena en el deber y la responsabilidad, con el sacrificio de uno.

Mis amados hijos, nunca antes en esta generación les habían concedido el privilegio de que sepan que están cerca del cielo. Estos hechos extraordinarios nunca sucederán durante generaciones, pero hoy quiero otorgárselos. Quiero manifestares para que sepan que el mundo celestial todavía está entre ustedes cuando tienen fe. Conoces las necesidades de un mundo necesitado, pero carecen de personas que crean plenamente en esta verdad, carecen de personas que creen absolutamente y carecen de personas sencillas, pequeñas y humildes.

Porque hay demasiados corazones dudosos en este mundo, así que aunque estén llenos de gente, encontrar a alguien que pueda reconocer y entender claramente las obras que hago es realmente muy difícil. Las leyes ayudan a las personas, y guardarlas es bueno para protegerlas, pero es por esas leyes que no profundizan y no pueden ver. Son limitados en todas las épocas y, al final, todavía se aferran a esas cosas de antaño y no podrán ver la rica novedad que les otorgo. Avanzar con lo que se debe hacer y lo que se debe hacer. Recuerde, este es un momento en el que se encontró con la espiritualidad y el cielo lo ayuda en el camino que toma. En el camino mientras afrontas todos los medios, todas las circunstancias, y afrontas todas las obras que estás haciendo, recuerda, estás mirando y apreciando lo mejor que tienes, y mucho menos a Mí, que es el Señor. Los amo a todos ustedes.

Amo a los pecadores, porque no tendrán otro lugar donde confiar, no hay otro lugar para rescatarlos, si no vuelven a Mí. Así que estos son los momentos finales, perseveren en su nombre, a través de la penitencia, escuchen, con oración, con devoción. Continúa escuchando la espiritualidad que está presente y te otorga de manera especial a través de las gracias, para salvar almas, ayudar a las almas y reavivar la fe en el mundo de hoy.Habrá hermanos y hermanas en este mundo, no los consideres extraños, no sospeches de ellos, no dejes que tus pensamientos sean dudosos y sentenciosos.

De lo contrario, no verás que como tienes tu deber en el rol que otorgo, entonces también lo concedo de manera especial a los hermanos y hermanas en todas partes en su rol, para que cada persona tenga ciertas formas de trabajar. También son tus hermanos y hermanas, así que respeta, únete y ora para que el Espíritu Santo los ilumine.Este es también un tiempo entre lo verdadero y lo falso. Este es también un momento en el que derramo abundantes gracias por esas bendiciones para salvarlos y librarlos, porque este es un tiempo en el que el diablo actuó, buscando todo tipo de formas de atacar a la humanidad, de destruir a la humanidad, por medio de la codicia y el egoísmo. La mayoría de aquellos cuya fe era débil, que vivían en la ceguera y alimentaban el pecado, tropezaron.Así que este es un momento en el que me concedo de una manera especial salvarlos.

Pero esté atento a todas las circunstancias, porque todos los espíritus malignos siempre están al acecho para llevarlo a las trampas, para hacer que olvide los asuntos de justicia y confíe en todas las cosas de la realidad. Así que recuerden estar siempre juntos, defenderse, escucharse y recordarse mutuamente.

Reconoce que todo en paz, con alegría y lo que estás enfrentando, es de hecho la verdad.Recuerda, no salgas del grupo, no camines solo, no te dejes separar pues fácilmente te tropezarás. Conquistar a sí mismo, conquistar todos los asuntos en una situación con su ego y personalidades, y conquistar todas las trampas. Este es un momento en el que es más propenso a tropezar. Este es un momento en el que más fácilmente te atacan.Este es también un momento en el que hay muchos asuntos estresantes y el diablo también trata de detenerte.

Recuerda, siempre te concedo la fuerza suficiente para dominar al diablo, la fuerza suficiente para lidiar con el diablo y la fuerza suficiente en el camino para dar testimonio.Mis amados hijos, la hora está cerca. Alegrarse. Preparad vuestras almas para Mí. Prepárese para los hermanos que le rodean y prepárese con la voz a través de su vida de servicio. Prepárate para representar su voz para orar por ellos, prepárate para la voz que el Espíritu Santo guía, para que ayudes a los hermanos y hermanas a regresar y captar la llave que la Madre María ofrece, porque ese es el momento de ayudar. , con las tensiones, con los momentos en curso.Mis queridos hijos, escuché demasiado y también les dije antes: “Cuando sea el momento, entonces actuaré”.

Continúen con sus deberes, no se dejen preocupar demasiado, no se dejen absorber demasiado por ciertos asuntos cuando ya saben que les pertenecen. Hay otros asuntos que son más importantes y aún más atentos es que la temporada navideña de este año será diferente a la temporada navideña de todos los demás años.Seguirán ocurriendo incidentes con las historias de este mundo, historias de un país en disputa. Habrá eventos que sucederán inesperadamente, pero verás, son esos eventos los que ayudan a terminar la batalla entre el bien y el mal.Hoy termino aquí. Espero que entiendas esto.

No tengas miedo. No te confundas. No creas todo a través de los medios. Hoy en día, muchas personas viven en la deshonestidad, son sobornadas y provocan miedo y confusión. Quiero que confíes en lo que digo. Escuche y ore siempre, entonces nunca tendrá miedo. Sea firme, sea valiente, para ayudar a la gente, cuando se encuentre con usted. Mantente firme, porque todo concluirá en una clara victoria, en justicia y equidad.Mi paz sea con todos ustedes.


Lucía:Oh Dios, te doy gracias. Tus palabras, especialmente hoy, nos fortalecieron, tranquilizaron nuestro corazón. Estamos tranquilos por las confusiones de los medios que nos hacen tener miedo, con todo en marcha.Esta es una batalla entre el bien y el mal, y el diablo no perdonará a la gente buena, usará todo tipo de trucos, y vemos el primer sacrificio de una persona vietnamita.

Ciertamente, habrá asuntos más tensos que sucederán a continuación, porque los que quieren encontrar y obtener la evidencia de la justicia son muy pocos.La gente malvada nos rodeó y utilizó todo tipo de formas para cooperar con el poder subterráneo oculto y se convirtió en una multitud tan grande que no podemos evitar temer. Incluso cuando tememos o lo afrontamos, solo sabemos una cosa: suplicamos la ayuda de nuestro padre, le pedimos al padre que proteja al presidente Donald Trump y a las personas rectas de su gabinete.Le pedimos al Padre que nos dé más tiempo para que tengamos los años para este mundo y especialmente para que los Estados Unidos aprecien y regresen al Padre.

Durante años no entendieron ni supieron, por lo que dejaron que el país cayera en manos del enemigo y del poder subterráneo oculto. Hoy hay personas valientes que se levantan con fuerza, que entienden que el Padre entregó este país a los ciudadanos. Tienen derecho a vivir en paz, vivir en libertad y vivir en los días que pertenecen a una Constitución justa, que es necesaria.

Des afortunadamente, el diablo nos ha robado, así que Padre, por favor, ten piedad, porque somos tan tontos. Hoy ha llegado el momento de despertar. Hoy ha llegado el momento de ponerse de pie. Hoy ha llegado el momento de unirnos para defender lo nuestro, que no nos roben los mentirosos que se apoderaron de la autoridad, que nos manipulen y nos expongan a las trampas de naciones extranjeras, e incluso que utilicen el dinero para tomar decisiones sobre la vida de las personas.

Esta es una época civilizada, la gente tenía sus planes, pero todavía tenemos a nuestro Padre. Padre, intervenga por favor, ayude a todos a levantarse y regresar a tiempo, para no permitir el control del diablo sobre los que le pertenecen, controlados por él, que se convierten en sus secuaces. Hoy todavía tenemos a Dios, el Señor del amor, la Madre María, el Espíritu Santo, y no seremos derrotados.Que todos se pongan de pie en este momento, especialmente en 2020, para prepararse para la celebración de la Navidad.Un año intenso, un año en el que anhelamos la gloriosa victoria que Dios concedió a los Estados Unidos y será un regalo para ofrecer con reverencia al Niño Jesús.

Particularmente en 2020, le pedimos al Padre que tenga misericordia, que nos escuche, y que Su santa voluntad se haga como Él quiere en los Estados Unidos de América, sobre nosotros y sobre el mundo entero. Adoramos, alabamos y glorificamos al Padre, en el Santo Nombre del Señor Jesucristo nuestro Dios.Lucía, con todos los hermanos y hermanas, concluye a las 12:07 del jueves 3 de diciembre de 2020, en casa, la reunión de principios de mes. Amén. Amén. Amén.

(1) Las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos de 2020

Nuevas revelaciones a través de la Eucaristía


La mensajera, Lucia Phan, es un inmigrante estadounidense de Vietnam. Ella lleva una intensa vida de oración que se enfoca en asistir a Misa y adorar a nuestro Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento. Recibe los mensajes a través de locuciones y es capaz de capturar imágenes milagrosas de la Eucaristía en la cámara de su teléfono EucharisticJesus.netComparta este mensaje y los sitios web con todos sus conocidos por correo electrónico, imprimiendo el mensaje y de boca en boca.    




Los Cánones de Iglesia sobre las revelaciones privadas Sat, 19 Sep 2020 18:38:17 +0000 LOS CÁNONES DE LA IGLESIA SOBRE LAS REVELACIONES PRIVADAS:

Las siguientes declaraciones deben aclarar la posición de la Iglesia en el tema de revelaciones privadas, visiones, milagros y lugares de apariciones. Esta declaración está registrada en los Cánones de la Iglesia Católica Romana:

NO SE REQUIERE PERMISO ECLESIÁSTICO PARA LA PUBLICACIÓN DE REVELACIONES, VISIONES O MILAGROS, así como tampoco para frecuentar lugares de apariciones no reconocidos.

Un decreto de la “Sagrada Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe” fue publicado en las Actas Oficiales de la Santa Sede” (AAS 58/16), en fecha 29 de diciembre de 1966. Los artículos 1399 y 2318 del Código de Derecho Canónico quedan derogados por este decreto. Este decreto de abrogación fue aprobado el 14 de octubre de 1966 por Su Santidad, el Soberano Pontífice Pablo VI, quien ordenó su publicación al mismo tiempo.

Esta aprobación del Santo Padre tuvo lugar durante una audiencia concedida a Su Eminencia el Cardenal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefecto de la “Sagrada Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe”. El decreto fue dictado en Roma el 15 de noviembre de 1966. Lleva las firmas de:

A. Cardenal Ottaviani, Proprefecto, y
P. Parente, Secretario.
El decreto entró en vigor tres meses después de su publicación, es decir, el 29 de marzo de 1967.

El cánon 1399 prohibía, por derecho de publicación, ciertos libros, como los que tratan de revelaciones, visiones,
profecías y milagros.

Esto significa que en lo que respecta a estas publicaciones, se levanta la prohibición de estar sujetos a la ley eclesiástica y, en adelante, los católicos pueden, sin necesidad del ”Imprimatur”, del ”Nihil Obstat”, o de cualquier otro permiso, publicar relatos de revelaciones, visiones, profecías y milagros.

Por supuesto, estas publicaciones no deben poner en peligro la fe o la moral.

Ésta es la regla general que todo católico debe seguir en todas sus acciones, especialmente los periodistas.



El canon 2318 impuso penas contra quienes violaran las leyes de censura y prohibición.


Además, ”quienes hubieran incurrido en el supuesto sancionado por el canon 2318 serán igualmente absueltos por los mismos hechos de la derogación o revocación de este canon.”

Cardenal Ottaviani.


Papa León X, doctrina del V Concilio de Letrán.

PAPA URBANO VIII: “En casos como éste, es mejor creer que no creer, porque si crees y se prueba la verdad, te alegrarás de haber creído porque Nuestra Santa Madre lo pidió. Si crees y se prueba que es falso, igualmente recibirás todas las bendiciones como si hubiera sido verdad porque creíste que es verdad” (1625).

PAPA JUAN XXIII, 18 de febrero de 1959: “Os exhortamos a escuchar con sencillez de corazón y honestidad de espíritu las saludables advertencias de la Madre de Dios. Los Romanos Pontífices, si han sido constituidos guardianes e intérpretes de la revelación divina contenida en las Escrituras y en la Tradición, tienen también el deber cuando, después de un examen maduro lo estimen necesario para el bien común, llamar la atención de los fieles acerca de esas luces sobrenaturales que agrada a Dios dispensar gratuitamente a algunas almas privilegiadas, no con el propósito de presentar nuevas doctrinas, sino más bien para guiarnos en nuestra conducta”.

SANTO TOMÁS DE AQUINO afirmó que el propósito de las revelaciones privadas no es probar la verdad de la Doctrina Cristiana, ni agregarle nada, sino ofrecer a los hombres de ciertas épocas, y debido a las circunstancias de ese período, dirección para la acción humana.





Decreto sobre los cánones 1399 y 2318, los cuales ya no están en vigor. Tras la publicación de la ”Notificación” del 14 de junio de 1966, relativa a la ”Lista” de libros prohibidos, se ha solicitado a esta Sagrada Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe que se mantenga vigente el canon 1399, que prohíbe determinados libros por ley, así como el canon 2318, que impone penas a los transgresores de la ley en materia de censura y prohibición de libros.
Las preguntas han sido sometidas al Pleno del miércoles 12 de octubre de 1966, durante el cual los Cardenales Padres, habiendo considerado la protección de la fe, respondieron lo siguiente:

1) Negativo con respecto a las dos solicitudes relativas a la validez de las leyes eclesiásticas; aunque hay que recordar, sin embargo, el valor de la ley moral que prohíbe absolutamente poner en peligro la fe y las buenas costumbres.

2) Los que se encuentran bajo las censuras mencionadas en el canon 2318 se consideran absueltos, por el hecho mismo de la abrogación del canon en cuestión.

En el curso de la audiencia concedida el 14 de noviembre de 1966 a Su Eminencia, el Cardenal Proprefecto de esta Sagrada Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, el Sumo Pontífice Pablo VI aprobó el presente decreto y ordenó su publicación.

Dado en Roma desde la sede de la Sagrada Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, el 15 de noviembre de 1966.

+ Cardenal A. Ottaviani Pro- Prefecto
+ P. Parente Secretario

Texto original
El decreto fue dictado en Roma el 15 de noviembre de 1966.


Los Pecados Nublan los Ojos a la Verdad Sun, 13 Sep 2020 20:02:12 +0000 13 de septiembre de 2020 –10:44 pm

Mis amados hijos,

Mi paz sea con todos ustedes.

Hoy deseo hablarles de muchas cosas, por eso permito que el Espíritu Santo te inste a escuchar y comprender lo que está sucediendo. No tengas miedo; testifique con valentía la verdad. Siempre recibe sabiduría del Espíritu Santo, así que no tema decir algo por error.

Recuerde, lo que se necesita para unirse y decidir lo que  está sucediendo, que la voz del  Espíritu Santo sirva para recordárselo con nobleza.  No importa cuán elevadas sean sus funciones, no importa que el mundo esté bajo el poder de las tinieblas, pero la luz de la iluminación prevalecerá sobre la humanidad.

Mis amados hijos,

Actúen en una sola voz y en unidad de acuerdo y con la postura practicada. La  verdad es del cielo y la gente no dejará de reconocerlo.

Este mundo está familiarizado con las leyes de las viejas costumbres. Hay leyes que son realmente beneficiosas para la humanidad para cumplir y continuar. Pero también hubo leyes que fueron modificadas por la ambición del hombre. Hoy sé que la fe está siendo sacudida. Ustedes también  se sienten  perdidos con miedo; sin saber qué es la verdad y qué es la falsedad.

Eso es correcto. Este es un mundo en el que permití la libertad desde el principio, pero debido a que el hombre es tan libre, busca lo que es heredado en sí mismo y alimenta los pecados, y es por esos pecados que sus ojos se nublan a la verdad.

Entonces, aquellos que viven en un estado en el que no pueden abrir los ojos para ver cuáles son sus responsabilidades, continúan equivocados, en los errores, dejan una oportunidad para el frenesí del dinero y el poder en un mundo que prefiere las apariencias. La humanidad nunca ha sido tan mala como hoy debido a todas sus elecciones. Les falta el coraje para adoptar un sentido de propósito único, por lo que están siendo atacados y también están siendo perjudicados por extranjeros y aquellos que viven en contra de la doctrina que concedo.

Mis amados hijos,

En cuanto a las personas con funciones, así como a los laicos, este es el momento que más lloro. Este es el momento en que más lágrimas derramo. Este es el momento en el que quiero abrazar instantáneamente a todos los niños, aunque sean niños que no me conocen, que siguen lo que el mundo prefiere, que por el bien del mundo político entregan lo que les pertenece. Porque hoy son los días en que quiero que el mundo reconozca que te entrego todo. Morí por ti, y lo que queda, te lo sigo otorgando.

Debes conocer claramente las leyes de la justicia y el amor de la Divina Misericordia. Dios Padre se los concedió de manera especial para la eternidad, pero también les concede un lugar. Este lugar es eterno y es absolutamente a los que se arrepienten, a los que aprenden a convertirse en las personas que entran al lugar que preparé para ustedes. A través de la mesa del banquete, todas esas cosas les pertenecen. Pero hoy el mundo es atraído por el pecado y deslumbrado por luces que fascinan a las personas y aparentemente olvidan sus necesidades, creando guerras y sufrimientos. Se someten unos a otros a tanto odio y permiten que las circunstancias del mundo los hagan sufrir a causa de la comida, la ropa, las disputas, el dinero, la lujuria y la codicia.

Entonces, este es el momento en que las personas están siendo controladas por todo el mal al que se han acostumbrado en la vida. Olvidan que lo que necesitan es un mundo pacífico,  armonioso, un hogar familiar con días tranquilos, seguros y felices. Entonces, debido a la ambición de la civilización, han sido llevados a días de crisis y muerte. Hoy deseo que sus elecciones sean suficientes ya que se han entregado con ceguera y radicalismo a la civilización y  sofisticación, siendo  incapaces e inconscientes del verdadero amor para la vida de cada individuo, familia, hecho  significado y rol.

Han visto durante años, tantos hermanos y hermanas viviendo en la pobreza y sin comida,  gente viviendo una vida normal, pero volviéndose locos debido a un mundo injusto. Ya no hay compasión para amarnos, para usar toda la fuerza en los actos de terror más aterradores hacia los demás.

Así que hoy ha llegado el momento. Es hora de acabar con todo lo que no pertenece al cielo y no pertenece a lo que les traigo que  es la  paz. Quiero que mires los sufrimientos extremos en los caminos de la Cruz que soporté por ti, para intercambiar  libertad, seguridad, felicidad y lo mejor. Si realmente quieres recibirlos, entonces sigue el camino.

Sin embargo, el camino que escojas es el que tomé yo primero, sigue una vida  sin celos, sin rechazo, en renovación, una fuerza en la gracia que otorgo con fe. La gente que continúa, en guerras y sufrimientos, los están experimentando, porque no creen en Mi Presencia, y en la salvación, expié sus pecados y por el mundo entero. Hoy el amor de la Divina Misericordia aún espera, pero ha llegado el momento. Es hora de que todo se complete debe haber un final. Así que habrá días para que vean la elección del mundo, eligiendo la riqueza, el dinero, la fama, la codicia, la lujuria y lo radical, para provocar lesiones y enfermedades. La humanidad ya no tiene amor, ni conciencia, justicia ni la verdad.

Así ves los días horribles, porque esos son los incidentes que la humanidad se causa entre sí. Aunque los asuntos están hechos unos a otros, yo sigo siendo el Señor que los apoya y les concede. Este es un tiempo extendido para que veas las cosas que deben formularse, deben testificarse y deben defender la voz de la verdad, como un recordatorio. Porque el mundo de hoy está en un estado de frenesí, confiando en todos los asuntos desde la anticipación humana, pero la gente no piensa en la vida espiritual y el alma. Así que esto es una pandemia, una plaga que acaba de comenzar, pero todavía son días en los que no pueden despertarse por completo, aunque hay unos pocos que ya lo están haciendo y otros que abrieron su corazón para volver a Mí.

Trabaja hoy en la misión que te ha sido asignada en la enseñanza del Espíritu Santo. Vive con las obras de cada persona, para que juntos caminen en unidad para ayudar a los hermanos necesitados. Este camino no es un camino fácil de recorrer. Las cosas que pertenecen al cielo y a la espiritualidad no son fáciles de aceptar en este mundo, debido al hábito a través de innumerables leyes y materias. Aun así, hay personas que sí reconocen.

No tengan miedo. El tiempo ha llegado; la humanidad no puede seguir siendo terca. Ha llegado el momento, deben decidir por sí misma. El tiempo ha llegado; deben darse cuenta de lo que Me pertenece, la paz del alma, lo que proviene de la verdad y lo que proviene del poder milagroso. Este es un tiempo en el que concedo abundantemente para encender el corazón de cada persona. Pero deseo que tomen la vida real para que estén conscientes cada día y crezcan bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo. En el momento adecuado, verán muchas maravillas, primero deben fortalecerse.

Encontraran dificultades seguramente, debe haber muchas cosas que el mundo no acepta con  facilidad. Sin embargo, recuerda que debes perdonar; que todo  sea como una aceptación para que seas testimonio. Se generoso en estos tiempos de problemas y ayuda a la gente para que algún día entiendan y reconozcan. Hoy la pandemia ha desaparecido, pero volverá si la gente está en un estado de tensión y malicia. En este tiempo, busco todo tipo de formas para que la humanidad retroceda. Solo con su vuelta atrás, con personas con coraje y determinación para testificar, y con la voz de la verdad, definitivamente, esto tendrá un impacto.

Sin embargo, hoy en día todavía hay miedo, sigue siendo un problema de las autoridades, en todos los aspectos. Ore, ore para que todas las resoluciones lleguen algún día pronto. Sin embargo, estos son los momentos en los que reconoces lo que quiero que digas, cosas que quiero que practiques en nombre de los demás, todas las clases, todos los roles. Especialmente la oración para que la Iglesia tenga un recordatorio verdaderamente importante, y particularmente este don (1), recientemente dado, es para que se renueve la vida de oración, y muchas más cosas que hay que conquistar.

Hoy no tengas miedo de los primeros pasos queden,  vendrán momentos más difícil. Cuanto más sepa la gente, habrá más dificultades. Sin embargo, recuerde, que en esos momentos sale la verdad a flote. Porque esa dificultad ayudará a muchas personas a retroceder, hagan  sacrificios para ayudar a las personas a despertar pronto, regresar y recibir la intervención. Doy de manera especial a los que son maduros y proclaman con valentía en colaboración con los ángeles y los santos. Su apoyo ayudará al mundo.

Mis amados hijos,

Hoy en repetidas ocasiones les dije  en cuanto al deber de cada persona, recuerden concentrarse en su trabajo mientras el tiempo aún lo permita. Las cosas están establecidas para la planificación de un programa, por lo que cada persona debe continuar con diligencia en su trabajo. No lo descuides, porque habrá ciertos asuntos que debes conocer. Cuando haya oportunidades para aprender, estén juntos en unidad. Lo que no saben, juntos, ayuden a sus hermanos y hermanas a aprender. Apoyarse unos a otros, ayudarse unos a otros. Caminen juntos por el camino, para que todos lo comprendan en su propia misión. Háganlo con amor, con diligencia, con celo y con espíritu dispuesto. Solo de esa manera pueden aclararse las preguntas de su pensamiento e intercambiarse con el conocimiento enseñado por el Espíritu Santo.

Este es un momento en el que concedo mi amor a través del Espíritu Santo, elevándolos, ayudándolos y guiándolos. Aprendan mientras todavía tienen la oportunidad de colaborar entre sí, porque solo ustedes pueden comprender lo que les otorgo de manera especial a través de la ordinariedad y normalidad que enseña la Madre María, pero ayudará a muchas personas en su vida de fe con comprensión en la oración. Porque sólo con la oración puede haber una relación íntima, y ​​esa oración se convertirá en una victoria en los días de desastre y los próximos eventos. Hoy no quiero volver a decir esto, pero sucederán hechos para reestructurar a quienes viven en la indiferencia, para reavivar la fe en todas las clases y restaurar lo que les pertenece pero que se pierde en manos del enemigo.

Así, hoy son todavía días en los que espero el regreso de la humanidad, la defensa de la verdad con la voz de la verdad, con la conciencia, con la justicia esencial. Hoy se ve a la mayoría, sujeta a las dependencias de un mundo libre, de películas, deseos y necesidades de goce, de toda injusticia, pero fueron expuestos ante la justicia y la verdad. Así que no tengan miedo, sigue haciendo lo que tienen que hacer. Cuanto más sepa, más miedo tendrá. En lugar de miedo, que sea natural en la sencillez, continúe viviendo en la guía del Espíritu Santo. Cada acción tiene un significado y también es un registro histórico que se dejará en los días futuros.

Mañana es un día que espero con ansias y espero que todos ustedes asistan a Misa (2). Especialmente en Houston, juntos en unidad, hermanos y hermanas, asistan a Misa. Quiero que mañana sea un día en el que realmente deseo conocerlos. Cada año espero que llegue este día para que comprendan el significado de este día. Os concedo por completo esa veneración con lo que cumplí plenamente en la Cruz. Morí en el Calvario, y quiero que comprendan que por lo que logré plenamente, esa gloriosa victoria le pertenece. Yo soy el Señor, pero todavía anhelo y espero el amor de la humanidad.

Mi propósito al venir era la  salvación sufrir por completo una amargura extrema para salvarlos. Quiero que entiendan esto para que un día  nadie acabe en el lugar de la perdición , para perder lo que te concedo por el Vía Crucis. Hoy digo esto, espero que lo entiendan. Únanse y escuchen las enseñanzas de la Madre. Te bendigo de una manera especial.

Una hermana vino a visitarte hoy (3). De hecho, si se encontraron  esta mañana, no habría ninguna historia en curso. Continúa escuchando y reúnanse con los hermanos y hermanas que vienen a buscarte, ayúdalos y comparte con ellos. Porque esas son las formas en que quiero unirlos a todos, de todas partes, de todas las personas y de todos los países. Comenzando por las obras al principio, luego también se expandirá.

Por lo tanto, si eres desconocido en tu área pero conocido fuera de tu región, no estés triste porque soy yo quien desea esto. Si eres conocido en tu localidad, no tendrás tiempo libre porque el programa crecerá y se convertirá en un gran documento para los próximos días. Así que acepta esos asuntos ordinarios, porque no hay nada crucial en la vida humana, pero lo más importante es que debes continuar en tu misión. Debes continuar para que seas más maduro para entender cosas mayores, y ese es un momento para pertenecer más a la espiritualidad. […] Conoce al hermano y la hermana, charla entre ellos y comparte las alegrías. Necesitas reunirte, esos son los motivos por los que vienen de visita, pero también quieren saber de este lugar donde ocurrieron cosas.

Así Lucía, no lo dudes en absoluto. Nada es una coincidencia, pero también quiero que aprendas a salir, empieces a aprender a ser más valiente, más audaz, a conocer. Habrá más cosas, diferentes y más grandes. Quiero que empieces ahora. Entonces, junto con los hermanos y hermanas, continúa con lo que se necesita en tu misión y colabora. Esas son las cosas que deseo para dar testimonio y para la formación y difusión de grupos.

Mi paz sea con todos ustedes. Te quiero muchísimo. Adiós niños.


(1) El padre nos recuerda el regalo de Las Seis Revelaciones que la Madre María dio desde 2014 para preparar a la humanidad de las plagas, inundaciones, terremotos, huracanes, sequías, hambrunas y la guerra inminente en el mundo.

(2) La Misa que el Padre recordó es la Fiesta de la Exaltación de la Cruz el 14 de septiembre, como se indica en el calendario litúrgico de la Iglesia.

(3) Padre se refiere a la hermana de habla hispana que vino desde Oklahoma para encontrarse con los hermanos y hermanas en Houston, Texas hoy.


Las Seis Postraciones son Nuevas y Viejas Sat, 12 Sep 2020 02:17:55 +0000 La antigua práctica china de Postrarse se aplicó a los emperadores humanos, ancianos y superiores. Los musulmanes, budistas e hindúes también se postran. ¡Ahora, el único Dios verdadero de los cristianos quiere que se le aplique el genio de la posición de Postración! Como dice en el Éxodo, refiriéndose a los ídolos: “no te inclinarás ante ellos ni les servirás; porque yo, el SEÑOR tu Dios, soy un Dios celoso ”(20: 5). Y, como dice en el Nuevo Testamento: «Al Señor tu Dios adorarás, y a él solo servirás» (Mateo 4:10). Adorarlo solo a Él es el primero de los Diez Mandamientos. De eso se tratan Las Seis Postraciones: adorar a Dios, humillarse ante Él y entregarle a Él la vida y las intenciones. En resumen, si gran parte del mundo se ha postrado históricamente, ¡es hora de que apliquemos esta venerable práctica a Dios Todopoderoso! Y eso es justo lo que tenía en mente al darnos Las Seis Postraciones en 2014.

Sin duda, Las Seis Postraciones son una nueva revelación del cielo. Como tal, los hombres tendrán que familiarizarse con ellas. Pero, como todo, rechazándolos rotundamente porque son nuevos es un error. Como enseñó el Venerable Papa Pío XII, “[…] todos deben además aborrecer ese celo destemplado que imagina que todo lo nuevo debe por eso mismo oponerse o sospecharse” (Encíclica Divino Afflante Spiritu).

Las Seis Postraciones en realidad no son del todo nuevas. Su número, seis, es único, y su tema es nuevo aplicado a las postraciones (Dios el Padre, Dios el Hijo, Dios el Espíritu Santo, el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús, las Cinco Santas Llagas y el Inmaculado Corazón de María y por su triunfo). Pero el origen de Las Seis Postraciones es muy antiguo. La postración ante Dios se remonta a los antiguos judíos; aparece en todo el Antiguo Testamento. Los monjes y monjas cristianos han practicado la postración completa durante muchos siglos. Los católicos ortodoxos y de rito oriental se postran hasta este día en sus liturgias. Las postraciones aparecen todos los años en el servicio católico el Viernes Santo y siempre que se ordena un obispo, sacerdote o diácono.

La postración también ha estado en las órdenes religiosas de la Iglesia. Los monjes y monjas cartujos se postran, y también se reconoce a las monjas clarisas. Asimismo, los santos por individual se han postrado en su oración personal durante los últimos 2000 años. Santo Domingo, que vivió entre 1170 y 1221, sintió que la postura física es muy importante para la oración. Las famosas «Nueve formas de oración» de Santo Domingo destacan nueve formas (incluida la postración) en las que incorporó la postura física en su oración. Recientemente, se sabía que el Papa San Juan Pablo se postraba de manera recurrente ante el Santísimo Sacramento.

Las Seis Postraciones son nuevas, pero, por diseño de Dios, su verdadero origen estaba en Fátima, Portugal. En 1916, el Ángel de Fátima enseñó a los videntes a orar en la posición de Postración (básicamente, estar de rodillas e inclinarse hacia adelante hasta que la frente toque el suelo). El ángel y los niños se inclinaron en adoración a la Eucaristía. En palabras de Lucía de Fátima, «nos quedamos horas enteras con la frente tocando el suelo». Les reveló algunas oraciones eucarísticas y les dijo que “Oren así”, es decir, con las oraciones reveladas y la posición de reverencia. En cuanto a la postración, los niños obedecieron pero los seguidores de Fátima no. Pero Dios quiere que la humanidad se doblegue ante Él, especialmente en estos tiempos finales. La primera solicitud fue ignorada, pero la segunda no. Antes de su visión final en 1929, la hermana Lucía de Fátima se Postraba ante el Santísimo Sacramento mientras rezaba las oraciones del ángel. Incluso los nombres de los dos mensajeros son los mismos. Por lo tanto, existe una conexión directa entre Fatima y Lucia Phan, quien recibe los mensajes relacionados con Las Seis Postraciones (y el Santísimo Sacramento).

Como puede ver, la postración es una práctica antigua que Dios quiere que sus hijos continúen practicando ahora. A medida que las cosas empeoren cada vez más en el mundo y no tengamos el control al cual estamos acostumbrados, los hombres gravitarán naturalmente hacia Las Seis Postraciones, rogando a Dios que los ayude cuando nadie más podrá hacerlo. Dios siempre gana al final. Como dice la Escritura, “quisiste hacer mal contra mí; pero Dios lo encaminó para bien, para que se mantuviera con vida a mucha gente ”(Génesis 50:20). Con Las Seis Postraciones, Dios está actualizando y «bautizando» la antigua práctica de la postración; como dijo Jesús: «Por tanto, todo escriba que ha sido formado para el reino de los cielos es como la cabeza de familia que saca de su tesoro lo nuevo y lo viejo» (Mateo 13:52). En Las Seis Postraciones, lo antiguo y lo nuevo, lo físico y lo espiritual, se combinan maravillosamente, ¡verdaderamente, un matrimonio hecho en el cielo!

¿Cuándo debemos practicar Las Seis Postraciones (The Six Kowtows)? Wed, 02 Sep 2020 01:12:03 +0000 ¿Cuándo debemos practicar Las Seis Postraciones (The Six Kowtows)?

La respuesta es en cualquier momento, dentro de lo razonable.

Una gran cosa sobre Las Seis Postraciones es su adaptabilidad; se pueden practicar en una iglesia, en una capilla, en un santuario, en casa o en cualquier otro lugar adecuado. También se puede practicar Las Seis Postraciones prácticamente en cualquier momento; uno no tiene que estar en la iglesia en un momento particular, o practicarlos en un momento determinado del día. Se pueden practicar solo o en grupo. Son muy flexibles de esa manera y por lo tanto, muy convenientes para las personas.

Sin embargo, hay algunas situaciones en las que no es apropiado practicar Las Seis Postraciones.

Una es durante la Misa. Debido a que la forma ideal de practicarlos es antes de la Eucaristía, uno podría pensar que daría gloria a Dios hacer reverencias durante la Misa, especialmente después de la consagración. Sin embargo, este es un grave error. Desde que la Misa fue modificada por la Iglesia en 1969, ha surgido la idea y la práctica de que todas las rúbricas (las disposiciones litúrgicas) son opcionales y que la Misa es un experimento continuo. Este es un error serio. Siempre es incorrecto interrumpir o desviar la atención de la Misa o del sacerdote (s). Uno puede tener buenas intenciones, pero la Misa es Santa, y la expresión individual que quita lo que está sucediendo en el santuario siempre es erroneo. No lo hagas, debemos ser hijos humildes de la Iglesia. Por lo tanto, es posible que Las Seis Postraciones nunca se practiquen durante la Misa. El cielo nunca ha dado permiso para esto, por supuesto. No hace falta decir que este es el caso. Si esto ocurre, solo podemos decir que de ninguna manera lo apoyemos o alentemos.

¿Es apropiado, entonces, inclinarse – nuevamente, para dar gloria a Cristo en la Eucaristía – durante un servicio de bendición? Durante la parte de adoración, uno puede hacerlo, pero durante la bendición, cuando el sacerdote está ministrando, está mal porque es un servicio litúrgico oficial de la Iglesia. Como tal, nunca es apropiado inclinarse cuando un sacerdote está ministrando en las liturgias. Uno le da a Dios mayor gloria a través de nuestra humildad y obediencia que inclinándose ante Dios en momentos inapropiados. Debemos respetar siempre el papel del sacerdote y tener un gran respeto por la Santa Misa y la bendición.

Hay otras ocasiones en las que uno no debería practicar Las Seis Postraciones. Cuando al practicarlos causa discordia significativa en casa, entonces eso está mal. Practicarlos en casa se puede hacer al aire libre o en privado (como en el dormitorio u otra habitación), pero Dios quiere paz en los hogares y las familias. La rever no debería ser la causa de graves tensiones en las familias. Entre los cónyuges no debería haber ningún problema si el cónyuge que se inclina es razonable.

Razonablemente, de hecho, describe cómo uno debe practicar Las Seis Postraciones. Si uno simplemente usa el sentido común, será bastante obvio cuándo es apropiado o no inclinarse. Si un sacerdote dice que uno no debe inclinarse en su iglesia, entonces debemos obedecer, porque él es el pastor y nosotros las ovejas; tiene la autoridad para hacerlo. Si a otros les molesta inclinarse, por otro lado, entonces pueden ser respetuosamente ignorados ya que no tienen ninguna autoridad especial en la Iglesia. No es socialmente inaceptable ahora hacer reverencias, antes de que las seis reverencias se practiquen ampliamente, pero debemos inclinarnos públicamente incluso cuando es incómodo.

Otro momento en el que uno no debe inclinarse es cuando uno tiene una discapacidad física seria y legítima que hace que hacerlo sea demasiado arduo. En ese raro caso, uno puede inclinar la cabeza, arrodillarse, etc. en su lugar. Dicho esto, hacer Postraciones es intrínsecamente incómodo y antinatural. Es esencialmente una posición penitencial, por lo que podemos esperar experimentar incomodidad cada vez que nos inclinamos. Es una cruz que tenemos que tomar porque Dios y María quieren que nos doblemos. El cielo pretende que Las Seis Postraciones se hagan frente a otros, como en adoración, o antes o después de la misa, para evangelizar públicamente. Incluso la incomodidad de ser mirado debe ofrecerse hasta que Las Seis Postraciones se generalicen.

Actualmente Las Seis Postraciones se practican en las calles de algunos países de América Latina. Practicarlos fuera de la iglesia y del hogar es aceptable, siempre que no interfiera con el orden público. El mundo estará listo pronto para inclinarse, después de que hayan ocurrido eventos significativos del fin de los tiempos. La humanidad pronto será humillada, lamentablemente, y es precisamente por estos tiempos que Dios y María nos traen Las Seis Postraciones. La humanidad eventualmente se pondrá de rodillas y deberá humillarse ante Dios. Muchos ni siquiera saben cómo convertirse y volver a Dios, por eso, en Su infinita misericordia, Dios le da a la humanidad una forma eficaz y poderosa de regresar a Él. Muchos serán salvados por Dios a través de Las Seis Postraciones. Es un gran regalo que la Santísima Madre ha obtenido de Dios para Sus hijos, todas las personas del mundo. Así que practica Las Seis Postraciones y pronto estarás de vuelta en las manos de Dios. Luego, ve a la Iglesia para completar tu conversión. ¡Gracias, a Dios y a María, por darnos este gran regalo!

Las Seis Postraciones : El método correcto y el porqué el cielo los ha revelado ahora Thu, 27 Aug 2020 02:17:12 +0000 Las Seis Postraciones:

El método correcto y el porqué el cielo los ha revelado ahora

Dado que Dios es misericordioso, parecería que no le importaría si uno no practica Las Seis Postraciones de la manera prescrita; que es aceptable practicarlos uno elije. En realidad, esto es cierto si uno tiene limitaciones físicas legítimas que hacen que sea imposible o extremadamente incómodo inclinarse. En tales casos, una persona puede hacer lo que pueda hacer (inclinarse o un gesto similar) y postrar su alma / corazón mientras se procede con los otros elementos de Las Seis Postraciones.

Sin embargo, si uno puede practicar Las Seis Postraciones normalmente, entonces debe hacerlo. No es una parte opcional o flexible de ella, como tampoco la postura en la Misa son opcionales, sin importancia o sujetos a interpretación personal. Dios eligió específicamente esta postura por varias razones. Otro elemento es la pereza. No es una posición natural y es penitencial, por lo que muchas veces no queremos inclinarnos, y esto puede ser una prueba de nuestra fidelidad a lo largo del tiempo. Pero Dios recompensará al que persevera.

El hecho es que el diablo no quiere que nos doblemos ante Dios, por lo que hará todo lo posible para tentarnos a no comenzar o detenernos si estamos practicando. Perderá muchas almas a causa de ellos. Como dice el diablo, «no serviré». Como cantaba Frank Sinatra, «Lo hice a mi manera». El diablo odia a Las Seis Postraciones. Pero Dios los ama y bendice a quienes los practican, especialmente a los que son fieles practicantes. ¡Cuántas conversiones, reversiones y milagros se han producido a raíz de Las Seis Postraciones!

Claramente es hora de que la humanidad se arrepienta y regrese a Dios. La humanidad debe adorar a Dios si quiere sobrevivir y ser salva. Así que la Santísima Madre nos enseñó Las Seis Postraciones, una forma de confiarnos a la misericordia de Dios, en el año 2014. Ella describió cada paso.

Aunque la posición básica de reverencia fue revelada por primera vez en Fátima por el ángel en 1916, Las Seis Postraciones son una nueva práctica de oración. Como tal, existe la necesidad de una regla básica y un orden hasta que se difunda ampliamente, ya que las personas a menudo hacen las cosas incorrectamente a su manera, y esto puede difundirse con un mal ejemplo. Necesitamos hacer esto correctamente ahora mismo para sentar una buena base.

Debemos inclinarnos de la manera correcta. La posición correcta es importante. Sin variantes como la clásica postración de cuerpo entero o simplemente arrodillarse. Hay una forma correcta de inclinarse y una forma incorrecta. Si se hace incorrectamente, es un problema grave; Se seguirá el mal ejemplo, especialmente porque nuestra naturaleza, nuestro orgullo retroceden ante la idea de hacer Las Postraciones. Se requiere disciplina, humildad y mortificación. Si Las Seis Postraciones se difunden incorrectamente, tendremos la culpa.

El siguiente es un resumen de cómo practicar Las Seis Postraciones correctamente con comentarios. Primero, arrodíllate e inclinar la cabeza. Para encontrarnos con Dios a través de Las Seis Postraciones, comenzamos con nuestras manos. Con las manos juntas en el pecho, se mira el Santísimo Sacramento en la custodia o el tabernáculo, o un crucifijo, una imagen de la Divina Misericordia o una imagen del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y del Inmaculado Corazón de María. Uno de estos debe estar a la vista mientras practican. Estiren las manos hacia afuera; el significado de este gesto es que le hablamos a Dios desde el corazón; desde mi corazón quiero volver a Dios. Las manos a lo largo de Las Seis Postraciones representan el fuego del Espíritu Santo (recordando su descenso como lenguas de fuego sobre la Santísima Madre y los Apóstoles en el Cenáculo). Pídale al Espíritu Santo que nos encienda a nosotros y a toda la humanidad y nos dé luz. No se negará. Nos enseña qué decir.

A continuación, levantamos nuestras manos hacia el cielo, lo que significa que adoramos a un Dios y nada más. Diga: «Le rogamos a Dios que nos perdone y nos permita levantar esta reverencia». Luego, inclina la cabeza hasta que tu frente toque el suelo. Manteniendo las manos juntas, apunte los dedos hacia el cielo y colóquelos sobre su cabeza. Ahora estás en la posición de reverencia. Eleva la oración espontánea. Esto se hace seis veces, etc., como se especifica al final de este artículo. Cuando nuestra cabeza está en el suelo y no podemos ver, podemos concentrarnos. El Espíritu Santo nos guiará y nos enseñará qué decir mientras oramos con el corazón. Él está presente para cualquiera que se doblegue. Pídale que esté con nosotros y que nos enseñe mientras nos arrepentimos. Además, presente sus peticiones para pedirle a Dios que salve e intervenga. Dios escuchará las oraciones de los que se inclinan, especialmente las del clero.

La Santísima Madre nos dio Las Seis Postraciones porque nosotros, la humanidad, ya no cooperamos con el Espíritu Santo, estamos luchando entre nosotros, etc. Por lo tanto, no tenemos paz y tenemos la primera pandemia (hay cosas más terribles por venir, incluida la persecución; la humanidad tiene un precio que pagar). Pero ahora tenemos tiempo. La Santísima Madre le ha pedido a Dios más tiempo para nosotros y lo ha recibido. La Santísima Madre nos enseñará a través de Las Seis Postraciones.

El cielo quiere que nos doblemos todos los días. Ora con Dios. El hombre es de condición humilde; necesitamos a Dios. Necesitamos salir del pecado habitual y regresar a Dios de corazón, en alma y cuerpo a través de Las Seis Postraciones. ¡No, más malos hábitos! Debemos arrepentirnos.

Además de estos puntos, señalamos que las personas deben practicar Las Seis Postraciones vistiendo ropa modesta. Las Postraciones son posiciónes algo incómodas, por lo que se requiere la virtud de la modestia, que también es un fruto del Espíritu Santo. Esto es especialmente cierto para las mujeres, que deben usar una envoltura alrededor de la espalda. Un suéter tipo cárdigan también es muy recomendable. El cielo quiere que practiquemos Las Seis Postraciones públicamente en la iglesia y otros lugares apropiados para evangelizar. La visión de alguien inclinándose, tan demostrativa de arrepentimiento, suplicante y entrega y sumisión a Dios, toca una fibra sensible en la gente. No tengas miedo. “El que se humilla será exaltado” (Mt. 23:12, Lc 14:11).

La Santísima Madre nos está ayudando profundamente a través de Su regalo de Las Seis Postraciones, cuando nos sentimos solos y soportamos la pandemia, cuando no tenemos otra forma de regresar a Dios. La mayoría ha tenido que hacer frente a una interacción social insuficiente y muchos ni siquiera han podido recibir los sacramentos. La comunión espiritual es un don, pero en realidad no es un sustituto adecuado. Heaven ha dicho claramente a través de Lucia Phan que cerrar iglesias es ir demasiado lejos. Justo cuando las personas están tan solas, sufren más y quieren volver a Dios, se ven privadas de los sacramentos y la formación. Nadie debe ser juzgado jamás, pero el cielo dijo que las iglesias deberían haber permanecido abiertas. La respuesta general de la Iglesia ha sido un poco exagerada y ha dejado a la gente en un momento sin a dónde acudir. ¿Qué pasará si hay una segunda ola más grave del virus con muchas más muertes, que los expertos han advertido que es una posibilidad muy real? ¿Cómo volverá la gente a Dios si no hay una iglesia que los reciba? ¿Sin confesión, sin Eucaristía, sin últimos ritos?

El cielo ya ha pensado en esto. Esta es una de las grandes razones por las que la Santísima Madre obtuvo Las Seis Postraciones de Dios para nosotros. Como Mediadora de Todas las Gracias, que ya es doctrina católica oficial, la Santísima Virgen ha obtenido con amor para Sus pequeños. Las Seis Postraciones es la respuesta celestial para situaciones de pandemia. ¿Cómo se salvará la gente sin sacramentos? Aquellos que se convierten pueden salvarse sin los sacramentos, sin duda, pero tampoco debemos subestimar la eficacia única de ellos. Los sacramentos salvan almas. Sin ellos, menos son y serán salvados. En realidad, aquellos que más necesitan convertirse son los más propensos a perder la esperanza de la misericordia de Dios y podrían perderse sin alguna medida extraordinaria por parte del cielo. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando están aislados, sin ni siquiera los medios para mantenerse a sí mismos. Por ejemplo, depresión psicológica: las tasas de suicidio durante la primera ola del coronavirus lo confirman, estaban en niveles inauditos. Dios es bueno y misericordioso, y tiene una solución para aquellos en tiempos sin precedentes. Como dice el refrán, los tiempos desesperantes requieren medidas desesperantes.

El diablo no es rival para Dios o la Santísima Madre. Han ideado esta solución para el predicamento venidero de no tener sacramentos cuando más se necesitan. La Iluminación de las conciencias, también conocida como “la Advertencia”, revelada a Santa Faustina, San Edmund Campion, la Beata Anna Maria Taigi, la Sierva de Dios María Esperanza y otros, está cerca. Cuando un número inaudito regresará a Dios, ¿cómo sucederá esto cuando no haya suficientes sacerdotes, si es que están disponibles en una situación de pandemia? Este es un problema real que, como era de esperar, el cielo ya ha resuelto, porque no habrá tiempo en el que ocurran los repentinos y terribles eventos del fin de los tiempos. Incluso los sacerdotes morirán, para agravar aún más el problema. La gran mayoría ni siquiera sabe que pueden bautizar en caso de emergencia. Serán ovejas sin pastores.

Las Seis Postraciones son la respuesta celestial, porque, como enseña la Iglesia, Dios no está limitado ni siquiera por Sus sacramentos. Seamos claros: Las Seis Postraciones no están pensados ​​de ninguna manera como un sustituto ordinario de los santos sacramentos de la Iglesia, pero en el futuro los sacramentos no estarán tan ampliamente disponibles como deberían. Las Seis Postraciones nunca deben considerarse una alternativa a los sacramentos; sólo el diablo inspiraría tales tonterías. Al contrario, ¿qué revelación privada en la historia de la Iglesia ha promovido la Eucaristía más que la dada a Lucía Phan? Los sacramentos lo son todo, pero ¿qué sucede cuando no están disponibles?

No es superstición creer que Las Seis Postraciones pueden facilitar la salvación para aquellos que la desean cuando los medios ordinarios de salvación, los sacramentos, no están ampliamente disponibles, lo que ya ha sucedido. Sucederá de nuevo a mayor escala. Jesús, lamayor Santa Faustina, que hubo eventos [del fin de los tiempos] que se pusieron en marcha entonces – la década de 1930 – que no se podía dar marcha atrás porque ya era demasiado tarde; la mitigación no fue posible. Eso fue hace casi cien años, y los mensajes a través de Lucia Phan dejan en claro que estamos en el fin de los tiempos en este punto.

En conclusión, Enseñemos a la gente a Postrarse … ya hacerlo como prescribe el cielo. No es poca cosa. La gente hoy en día tiene una necesidad desesperada de conversión, y muchos están listos para regresar a Dios pero no saben cómo, y esta situación se ha agravado por la incapacidad de recibir los sacramentos, recibir instrucción o incluso entrar a la iglesia a orar. en muchos casos. Dios nos permite ver más claramente cuando estamos en nuestras últimas horas, pero ¿qué podemos hacer? Esperar no será una opción para muchos. Nuestro espíritu no está enfermo, pero necesitamos un camino alternativo hacia Dios si los sacramentos no están disponibles. Si usamos la solución extraordinaria del cielo, volveremos a Dios fácilmente. Él ha mostrado Su infinita bondad, amor y misericordia al darnos Las Seis Postraciones. “Sabemos que en todo Dios obra para bien con los que le aman, los cuales son llamados conforme a su propósito” (Romanos 8:28).

* Para su conveniencia, aquí hay una redacción concisa de cómo practicar Las Seis Postraciones correctamente, como el cielo pretende:


  1. Arrodíllate e inclina la cabeza, junta las manos frente al corazón y rezar a Dios Padre (Postura 1, más abajo).









2. Estire los brazos (Postura 2, a continuación).









Eleve sus brazos hacia al cielo en una posición de oración con las manos aún juntas (Postura 3, abajo).









Baja los brazos y apoya los codos en el suelo (Postura 4, a continuación).








Al mismo tiempo, siéntese de pie con las manos juntas en una posición de oración sobre su cabeza. Inclínese hacia abajo hasta que su frente toque el piso (Postura 5, abajo).


Di esta oración antes de cada Postracion:


  1. La primera Postracion la elevo a Dios Padre.
  2. La segunda Postracion la elevo a Dios el Hijo.
  3. La tercera Postracion la elevo a Dios el Espíritu Santo.
  4. La cuarta Postracion la elevo al Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús.
  5. La Quinta Postracion la elevo a las Cinco Santas Llagas de Jesús.
  6. La Sexta Postracion la elevo al Inmaculado Corazón de María y por Su triunfo.


Después de cada Postracion, diga «Totus Tuus». Esto es en latín para «[Yo soy] todo tuyo». Era una frase de San Luis de Montfort y era el lema oficial de San Juan Pablo II.

Después de la Sexta Postracion, levante oraciones más breves y similares a: San José; San Miguel, San Gabriel, San Rafael; los Angeles; los ángeles de la guarda; y los santos.

Una Nota Importante Sobre La Sexta Postración (Kowtow) Mon, 24 Aug 2020 13:19:45 +0000 Una nota importante sobre La Sexta Postración (Kowtow)

La Sexta Postración es el más exclusivo de Las Seis Postraciones. Esto no se debe a que sea el último; es porque está dirigido a la Santísima Madre algo que es para Dios.

Los protestantes se apresuran a decir: “¡Mira, adoran a María! ¡Están en posición de adorar a María! » Mientras que cualquier católico que conozca la verdad se reiría ante la perspectiva de adorar a alguien que no es Dios, incluso alguien tan perfecta como María, el cielo vio esta objeción hace años y la abordó.

No mucho después de que se revelaran Las seis Postraciones en 2014, Dios le dijo a Lucia Phan y a quienes la apoyan que siempre dijeran una breve oración a Dios Padre antes de comenzar la Sexta reverencia. Su redacción no es fija, pero esta es una versión precisa: “Dios Padre, gracias por la Santísima Madre. Concédeme permiso para ofrecerle esta reverencia «.

¿Por qué es esto tan importante? Básicamente hay dos razones.

La primera es para que los protestantes y aquellos de otras religiones o sin fe puedan ver claramente que no estamos adorando o glorificando a una criatura en lugar de al Creador. La simple verdad es que puede resultar confuso cuando los de afuera nos ven practicando La Sexta Postración; es similar a cuando un forastero puede ver a un católico arrodillado ante una estatua de María. Para nosotros no hay confusión, pero para los de fuera podría serlo.

Es cierto que la misma posición, la reverencia, se está utilizando para Dios (las primeras cinco Postraciones) y María (la sexta). Un gesto diferente para María confundiría a la gente, complicaría las cosas y debilitaría enormemente el esfuerzo de Dios por presentar Postraciones al mundo. Cinco Postraciones y un arrodillamiento arruinarían todo el propósito. El fariseísmo siempre puede ser un peligro entre los fieles.

Jesús quería que la posición de reverencia se usara en esta nueva práctica de oración, pero también quería incluir a Su Madre, la Reina del Universo y la Madre de todo ser humano. Estos son Sus tiempos, los últimos tiempos, y la Segunda Eva, la “mujer vestida del sol” en el Libro de Apocalipsis, no podía quedarse fuera. También es cierto que a Jesús le encanta honrar a su Madre. ¡Es su mandamiento después de todo!

Como se mencionó anteriormente, los católicos y cristianos ortodoxos a menudo son criticados por los protestantes por “adorar a María”. La realidad es que a ella le repugnaría tal acción. ¡La verdad es que católicos y ortodoxos también lo estarían! Desafortunadamente, esta idea errónea es promovida y perpetuada (a pesar de la buena y ampliamente difundida apologética católica sobre esto) por unos pocos influyentes en las sectas protestantes por sus propias razones. Algunos también llegan inocentemente a esta conclusión. Incluso en la cultura popular, una variante de la reverencia se emplea de manera burlona para bromear físicamente sobre cómo uno «adora» a un jefe, un artista, etc.

Como católicos, debemos ser sensibles a las percepciones de los demás y, al mismo tiempo, seguir educando a los demás sobre el hecho de que los católicos no adoran a María como una diosa, sino que la veneran como criatura de Dios. Es cierto que católicos y ortodoxos le rinden la mayor veneración posible entre los santos (“hiperdulia”), pero ciertamente no es adorada por ellos. Entendemos esto desde las edades más jóvenes, pero los forasteros pueden confundirse sobre este importante asunto. ¿Es comprensible? Sí lo es, para un forastero. Por ejemplo, nos arrodillamos ante Dios y María. Sin embargo, está muy claro para todos en el interior cuál es la realidad. Nadie adora a María. La Iglesia enseña que es pecado mortal adorar cualquier cosa que no sea Dios …

La segunda razón por la que esta aclaración por parte de Dios es necesaria es para que católicos y ortodoxos comprendan que la posición de reverencia no es normalmente la propia de María. Esto es nuevo.

Aunque el origen chino de la reverencia es la sumisión ante otro ser humano, en el contexto actual de confusión espiritual generalizada por parte del hombre, es útil aclarar esto; Si alguien se confunde en lo más mínimo por los fieles que se inclinan ante María, que se comparta la verdad. Las Seis Postraciones provienen de Dios, por lo que no hay necesidad de temer. Como Jesús nos enseñó, “Si perseveran en mi palabra, verdaderamente son mis discípulos, y conocerán la verdad, y la verdad los hará libres” (Juan 8: 31-32). Entonces, esta es una oportunidad de parte de Dios para educar a Sus hijos, la mayoría de los cuales viven en confusión acerca de la fe verdadera, la doctrina correcta, etc.

En conclusión, el cielo ha revelado muchas veces a través de Lucia Phan que Las Seis Postraciones son un regalo para la humanidad de la Santísima Madre. Los obtuvo de Dios para estos tiempos. En Las Seis Postraciones (The Six Kowtows), la Santísima Madre está donde quiere estar: en la última posición, siempre detrás de Dios. Su humildad es perfecta. Jesús enseña: “Cuando seas invitado por alguien a una fiesta de bodas, no te sientes en un lugar de honor, no sea que un hombre más eminente que tú sea invitado por él; y el que os invitó a ambos vendrá y os dirá: «Dale lugar a este hombre», y entonces comenzarás con vergüenza a ocupar el lugar más bajo. Pero cuando te inviten, ve y siéntate en el lugar más bajo, para que cuando venga tu anfitrión te diga: «Amigo, sube mas alto’; entonces serás honrado en presencia de todos los que se sientan a la mesa contigo. Porque todo el que se enaltece será humillado, y el que se humilla será enaltecido ”(Lucas 14: 8-11; cf. Mateo 23:12). Y 365 veces en la Biblia Dios nos dice que no tengamos miedo. ¿Por qué la gente tiene miedo de Las Seis Postraciones (The Six Kowtows)? ¿Por qué la gente tiene miedo de postrarse ante la Santísima Madre en la Sexta Postracion? Como vemos anteriormente, toda esa preocupación es injustificada. Estar en paz. Dios ha pensado en todo lo relacionado con Las Seis Postraciones (The Six Kowtows).

¿Es católico postrarse para adorar a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Eucaristía? Mon, 17 Aug 2020 19:49:20 +0000 ¿Es católico postrarse para adorar a

Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Eucaristía?



¿Qué es adorar?

Acerca del significado de la palabra adorar podemos señalar que existen tres acepciones que se complementan y que sirven todas al mismo tiempo al propósito del presente ensayo.


a. Acepción etimológica:

El papa Benedicto XVI en su Homilía del viaje apostólico a Colonia, con motivo de la XX Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, pronunciada el 21 de agosto de 2005, hizo breves referencias al significado de la palabra adoración tanto en griego como en latín.

En el idioma griego adoración se dice: proskynesis, y el papa explica que significa el gesto de sumisión, el reconocimiento de Dios como nuestra verdadera medida, cuya norma aceptamos seguir. Significa que la libertad no quiere decir gozar de la vida sino orientarse a la verdad y el bien. En el diccionario griego, este mismo término se entiende como inclinar las rodillas hacia adelante, someterse, humillarse, postrarse. De tal manera que las palabras adorar y postrarse tienen en este idioma la misma raíz etimológica.

En el idioma latín, el término adorar proviene de ad-oratio que significa orar a, hablar con, conversar, pedir, rogar. Por tanto, en virtud de que la adoración se dirige exclusivamente a Dios, adorar consiste en orar a Dios, hablar con Dios, conversar con Dios, pedirle a Dios, rogarle a Dios.

El papa Benedicto XVI en su aludida Homilía afirma que se trata de la misma raíz latina de las palabras españolas “contacto boca a boca, beso, abrazo y por tanto, en resumen, amor. La sumisión se hace union, porque aquel al cual nos sometemos es Amor. Así la sumisión adquiere sentido, porque no nos impone cosas extrañas, sino que nos libera desde lo más íntimo de nuestro ser.” De estas palabras del Santo Padre podemos inferir que cuando adoramos a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Hostia consagrada nos sometemos libremente a Él, como dándole un abrazo y un beso, y nos dejamos orientar por Él, quien es el Amor, para que nos lleve a ser verdaderos y buenos.

b. Acepción común:

En el lenguaje popular de nuestros pueblos hispano parlantes se entiende el término adorar en el sentido de amar en exceso. Es una especie de amor superior, sublime, excelso. Es un amor que está por encima de los demás amores. El primer mandamiento de la Ley de Dios es: “Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con todas tus fuerzas” (cf. Deut. 6,5) Esto es adorar: amar a Dios por encima de todo otro amor. Es el primero y el más alto de todos los mandamientos.

c. Acepción católica:

El número 1378 del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica establece que adorar es “… expresar nuestra fe en la presencia real de Cristo bajo las especies de pan y vino, entre otras maneras, arrodillándonos o inclinándonos profundamente en señal de adoración al Señor.”

Asimismo el número 2096 del Catecismo dispone que “…Adorar a Dios es reconocerle como Dios, como creador y salvador, Señor y Dueño de todo lo que existe, como Amor infinito y misericordioso.” Y el número 2628 también del Catecismo manifiesta que la adoración es “la primera actitud del hombre que se reconoce criatura ante su Creador.”

Adorar es, entonces, orar con Dios, tener plena conciencia de estar frente a Él, hablarle, bendecirle, pedirle, agradecerle, rogarle, postrarnos ante Él, porque es nuestro más grande Amor, a quien debemos amar por encima de todas las cosas y personas, y a quien tenemos el deber de expresarle nuestra fe reconociéndole como lo que es: el único Dios verdadero, dueño y Señor de todo cuanto existe, y nuestro Creador; y nosotros, que somos sus criaturas y, por tanto hijos suyos, debemos agradecerle por habernos dado la existencia y por haber enviado a su Hijo unigénito para la salvación de todas las almas que quieran salvarse.


a. ¿Qué es la Eucaristía?

La Eucaristía es la fuente, el culmen, y el centro vital de la misión de la Iglesia. Es el regalo del amor más grande: el de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, quien nos invita a dar la vida por los amigos (cf. Jn, 15,13) como Él la dio íntegramente, hasta la última gota de su preciosa Sangre, para revelarnos el amor infinito de Dios por cada hombre. Jesús está presente realmente en la hostia consagrada. Incluso podríamos afirmar que Él es la santa Eucaristía, que Él es la Hostia consagrada. En la celebración eucarística, justo en el momento de la consagración, el infinito poder de Dios produce la transubstanciación (cf. Conc. Trento, sesión XIII, cap 8, can 2) al convertir la sustancia del pan en la verdadera carne de Cristo y el vino en la verdadera sangre de Cristo. Aunque persisten las apariencias del pan y del vino, esas especies ya no son más pan y vino: ahora son realmente el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
pues Él dijo: “Tomen y coman todos de él, porque esto es mi Cuerpo, que será entregado por ustedes”. Luego, acabada la cena, pasó el cáliz a sus discípulos diciendo: “Tomen y beban todos de él, porque éste es el cáliz de mi Sangre, Sangre de la alianza nueva y eterna, que será derramada por ustedes y por muchos para el perdón de los pecados. Hagan esto en conmemoración mía”. A estas palabras Él dio un verdadero sentido de permanencia, manifestando la clara intención de su perpetuación en la Eucaristía. De esa manera Jesús cumple su promesa de estar con nosotros todos los días y hasta el final de los tiempos (cf. Mt 28,20).

En la Santa Eucaristía Jesús se hace Pan para la vida eterna y se inmola voluntariamente al Padre como víctima propiciatoria en el más sublime holocausto de amor para la redención de la humanidad, y a toda ella se entrega gratuitamente, sin acepción de personas, como verdadera comida y como verdadera bebida. Él es el Pan para la vida eterna, el Pan que sacia el hambre, el Vino que mitiga la sed, el manjar celestial para el hombre hambriento y sediento de amor, de verdad y de libertad.

b. Jesús en la Eucaristía:

En la Última Cena Jesús realiza un adelanto incruento, esto es, sin derramamiento de sangre, del sacrificio cruento que de Sí mismo hará al día siguiente en el Calvario, con su pasión y muerte dolorosísimas. Cumple así su promesa de convertirse en el Pan de Vida eterna (cf. Jn. 6,16-46).

Con la celebración eucarística el sacerdote ofrece al Padre la renovación incruenta del sacrificio de Jesús, como un revivir eterno en el seno de la Iglesia del cumplimiento de su mandato: “Hagan esto en memoria mía” (cf. Lc 22,19).

Con su presencia real en la Eucaristía, Dios cumple otra de sus promesas: “Yo estaré con ustedes todos los días hasta el fin del mundo” (Mt. 28,16-20). Es la Iglesia quien celebra el memorial de la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, pero es Dios quien se ofrece como víctima ahora incruenta, en la perpetuación de su sacrificio en el Calvario. Por eso la Eucaristía, que en idioma griego significa agradecer, es la acción de gracias que realiza el pueblo de Dios por el sacrificio redentor de Cristo. Jesús se queda en lo que parece pan y vino pero ya no lo es más: ahora es Él quien está realmente presente en Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad en la Hostia consagrada.

c. ¿Qué es la adoración eucarística?

El papa san Pío XII en un pequeño libro publicado en 1908, al cual denominó A la adoración nocturna española, escribió lo siguiente: “Todas  las devociones de la santa Iglesia son bellas, todas son santas, pero la más sublime, la más tierna y la más fructuosa es la adoración eucarística al Santísimo Sacramento.” Esto es la adoración eucarística: la más sublime devoción de la Iglesia Católica mediante la cual el alma humana reconociendo la divina presencia real de su Redentor en la Eucaristía, le profesa su testimonio de amor y de agradecimiento.

La Hostia consagrada es realmente el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Todo el pan, y no parte de él, se transubstancia en su Cuerpo. Todo el vino, y no parte de él, se transubstancia en su Sangre. Es Cristo mismo. Ésta es la razón por la cual, desde los primeros tiempos, los fieles reciben la Eucaristía con una reverencia profunda, comulgando preferiblemente en la boca y de rodillas, y la Santa Reserva se guarda con el mayor decoro en el sagrario desde muy antiguo, devota costumbre de la cual ya deja testimonio el Sínodo de Verdún, desde el siglo VI.

La adoración eucarística es, por tanto, la manifestación litúrgica de la fe de la Iglesia Católica en la presencia real y substancial de Cristo bajo las apariencias del pan y el vino, que, como consecuencia de nuestro reconocimiento a su majestad divina, le rendimos culto de adoración no solo durante la celebración de la Santa Misa sino incluso fuera de ella.

d. La adoración eucarística es continuidad de la celebración eucarística:

La celebración litúrgica de la Santa Misa es tanto la oración como la adoración más grande e importante de la Iglesia Católica. En ella se conmemora el acto más sublime de amor que la tierra haya presenciado jamás. En el admirable misterio eucarístico Dios repite en forma incruenta su entrega absoluta por la salvación de la humanidad. Y en el sacramento eucarístico continúa amándonos con tal exceso que nos regala su Cuerpo y su Sangre hasta la consumación de los tiempos.

Ninguna otra actividad eclesiástica puede superar la hermosura de la liturgia eucarística en cuanto conmemoración del acto de amor más sublime y del más sublime ser: Dios mismo, que se queda con y por sus amados en la Hostia consagrada. La Reserva Eucarística se guarda en el sagrario o tabernáculo con el mayor respeto, “…presentándolas a los fieles para que las veneren con solemnidad…” (cf. CEC n. 1378). De tal manera que, sin sacerdotes no hay Santa Misa, sin Santa Misa no hay Hostia consagrada, y sin Hostia consagrada no hay adoración eucarística. La adoración eucarística es continuación necesaria de la celebración eucarística.

En ciertas épocas de la historia algunos llegaron a pensar que la Eucaristía era solo para comerla y no para adorarla. Incluso alguna Iglesia oriental, como la Ortodoxa, por ejemplo, continúa pensando así. La Iglesia Católica desde sus primeros tiempos, consciente de la presencia real de Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento, da la Hostia consagrada a sus fieles tanto para comerla como para adorarla. En este sentido, san Agustín escribe: “Nadie coma de esta carne sin antes adorarla… pecaríamos si no la adoráramos.” (“nemo autem illam carnem manducat, nisi prius adoraverit… peccemus non adorando”) (cf. citado en: n. 162 MD, y n. 66 SC). Nosotros, los católicos, comulgamos y adoramos a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, presente realmente en la santa Eucaristía. Podemos afirmar que comemos a quien adoramos, y adoramos a quien comemos.

e. ¿A quién adoramos en la Eucaristía?

Adoramos a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Sacramentado, quien está real y substancialmente presente en la Hostia consagrada, en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar, bajo las apariencias de pan y vino. Él es la santa Eucaristía. Él es Dios verdadero y hombre verdadero, dos naturalezas unidas, sin confusión ni separación, en la unión hipostática de una sola Persona divina. Ahora bien, en su divinidad y junto con Él, que es Dios Hijo, adoramos también a Dios Padre y a Dios Espíritu Santo. Dios es trino y uno, uno y trino, y conserva la unidad en sus tres divinas personas. Dios existe trinitariamente desde que Él existe, es decir, desde siempre. Dios Padre es el fundamento de la Unidad divina; Dios Hijo es el Logos, el Verbo, la Sabiduría de Dios; y Dios Espíritu Santo es la emanación del amor del Padre al Hijo y del Hijo al Padre.

En la Eucaristía adoramos, entonces, a Jesús, Dios Hijo, y, en su divinidad y con Él, adoramos a Dios Padre y a Dios Espíritu Santo. Adoramos a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo como Dios Hijo, segunda divina Persona de la Santísima Trinidad; lo adoramos también como Jesús Sacramentado, real y substancialmente presente en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar; y lo adoramos igualmente como Jesús Crucificado y Resucitado, Dios verdadero y Hombre verdadero que en la cruz consuma el supremo divino sacrificio para la redención de la humanidad y la salvación de las almas.

A la santísima Virgen María no la adoramos porque Ella no es Dios, pero sí la veneramos. A Dios debemos adoración con culto de latría; a los ángeles y santos ofrendamos el culto de dulía; y a la santísima Virgen María, la Madre de Dios, Reina y Madre de toda la creación y, por tanto, superior a ángeles y santos, debemos el culto de hiperdulía. Ella es, según san Bernardo de Claraval, la mediadora de todas las gracias (“Maria mediatrix omnium gratiarum”) y, por eso, está siempre presente espiritualmente en la Eucaristía, al lado de Jesús, pues es inseparable de su santísimo Hijo. Al no haber habido intervención de varón alguno en la divina concepción de Jesús, es María quien da su cuerpo y su sangre a su Hijo. Así lo expresa el papa Pablo VI: “La Santísima Virgen María, de la que Cristo Señor tomó aquella carne, que en este Sacramento, bajo las especies del pan y el vino, se contiene, se ofrece, y se come…” (cf.CEMF, n. 8, párr. 12). Su vientre, eternamente virginal, es el primer sagrario de la tierra. Por tanto, podríamos decir que, en un cierto sentido, el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús por Él derramada heroicamente en el calvario y por Él entregada voluntariamente en la Eucaristía para la salvación de las almas, es también el cuerpo y la sangre de María. En la adoración eucarística a Nuestra Santísima Madre no la adoramos pero sí la veneramos con culto de hiperdulía, porque está presente espiritualmente al lado de Jesús en la Eucaristía, así como estuvo a su lado y a sus pies en su crucifixión y muerte en la cruz. Por esto, cuando en la liturgia eucarística nos acercamos al Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús, nos acercamos también a María, quien se adhirió totalmente al sacrificio de su Divino Hijo, y lo ofrendó a la naciente Iglesia.

f. ¿Por qué adoramos a Dios?

1. Porque a Dios le debemos todo, comenzando por nuestra propia existencia.
2. Porque nadie nos ama más que Él.
3. Porque Él nos creó a partir de la nada (ex nihilo) para adorarle.
4. Porque es el primero de todos los mandamientos: “Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con todas tus fuerzas” (Deut. 6,5).
5. Porque a Él, y sólo a Él, debemos adoración: “Adorarás al Señor, tu Dios, y sólo a Él darás culto” (Lc. 4,8 y Deut. 6,13). Durante su ayuno en el desierto Jesús es tentado por Satanás, quien luego de mostrarle las riquezas del mundo, le dice a Jesús: “Todo esto te lo daré si te postras y me adoras (Lc. 4,7) y Jesús le replica: “Adorarás al Señor, tu Dios, y sólo a Él darás culto” (Lc. 4,8). De esta respuesta queda claro que Jesús le está diciendo a Satanás: Yo Soy tu Dios, Yo Soy el único Dios verdadero, y eres tú quien debe postrarse ante Mí. Y más adelante Jesús le replica: “No tentarás al Señor, tu Dios.” Por eso Satanás huye derrotado (cf. Lc. 4,12-13).
6. Porque es el más elemental e importante acto de justicia. Si la justicia la entiende el hombre como el dar a cada uno lo que le corresponde, ¿qué cosa no podrá corresponderle a Aquel que ha creado todas las cosas, y que al hombre le ha dado todo?
7. Porque con la adoración reconocemos a Dios como lo que es: como Dios, creador, salvador, santificador, dueño y Señor de todo cuanto existe.
8. Porque reconocemos nuestra pequeñez ante su Majestad infinita.
9. Porque nos rendimos, nos humillamos, y sometemos con amor nuestra mente y nuestro corazón a quien es más grande que nosotros.
10. Porque adorándolo Él nos orienta a la verdad, al bien y a la libertad.
11. Porque si no adoramos a Dios, terminaremos adorando ídolos: “El que no está conmigo, está contra mí” (Lc. 11,15; y Mt. 12,30).
12. Porque si lo adoramos en espíritu y en verdad, y en Él nos abandonamos, Dios nos transformará haciéndonos semejantes a Él: “Aprended de mí que soy manso y humilde de corazón” (Mt. 11,29).
13. Porque la adoración a Dios libera al hombre del repliegue sobre sí mismo, de la esclavitud del pecado, y de la idolatría del mundo (cf. CEC n. 2097).


Nuestro Señor Jesucristo anticipó en varios pasajes del Evangelio la entrega de su Carne para la vida eterna. Sin embargo, es en la Última Cena cuando la instituye como adelanto incruento de su holocausto de amor, y en su Pasión y Muerte la consuma con su Sacrificio cruento, dolorosísimo, derramando su preciosa Sangre. Desde los primeros tiempos de la Iglesia, especialmente después de Pentecostés, los apóstoles tuvieron clara la presencia real de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Eucaristía. Al terminar cada celebración de la Fracción del pan hacían con sumo respeto y en forma privada la Reserva eucarística, aún no para su adoración sino para llevarla a los enfermos, a los presos, y a los perseguidos por causa de la fe. Célebre es el martirio del adolescente san Tarcisio, en Roma, quien en el año 275 entregó su vida para evitar la profanación del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús en el Pan consagrado.

Desde las Constituciones apostólicas, alrededor del año 380, se previó el cuidado de la Reserva Eucarística en un lugar considerado sagrado -como en efecto lo es por la presencia divina- y, por eso lo denominaron sacrarium. Y ya, en el siglo VI, durante el Sínodo de Verdún, la Iglesia ordenó guardar la Eucaristía en un lugar especial, “eminente y
honesto, y, si los recursos lo permiten, debe tener una lámpara permanentemente encendida”, como indicación de que Jesús Sacramentado está presente en ese lugar. Nacieron así los sagrarios o tabernáculos. En los primeros templos cristianos el Santísimo se mantenía en forma velada, es decir, oculto a la vista de los fieles, pero siglos más tarde, surge en el seno de la Iglesia la santa costumbre de Exponer al Santísimo a través de un cristal, (“in cristallo” o “pixides cristallum”), y así se configuran las sagradas Custodias para el culto de adoración eucarística. Desde estos tiempos existen signos claros de adoración prescritos en las antiguas liturgias como, por ejemplo, antes de la comunión Sancta santis (lo santo para los santos), los fieles realizaban inclinaciones y postraciones.

Por varios siglos dentro de numerosos Monasterios en la antigüedad y en la Edad media se conservó la adoración al Santísimo, y por la fe inquebrantable de estos monjes y por innumerables testimonios de la presencia real de Jesús en la Eucaristía, se conservó la piadosa práctica del culto de adoración, en apologética respuesta de fe y devoción contra la incredulidad general y contra diversas herejías propias del siglo.

En el año de 1246 el obispo de Lieja, Bélgica, Roberto de Thourotte, instituye la fiesta del Corpus Christi, merced a los testimonios que ante él rindió santa Juliana de Lieja, abadesa del Monasterio de Mont-Cornillon, a quien en repetidas oportunidades desde 1208 se le apareció Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, instándole a auspiciar en el seno de la Iglesia una fiesta litúrgica en honor al Santísimo Sacramento del altar. Luego, el cardenal legado para Alemania, Hugo de Saint-Cher, extiende la fiesta a todo el territorio de su legación. Esto llama la atención del papa Urbano IV, quien por la alta estima en que tenía a santa Juliana de Lieja, extiende esta solemnidad litúrgica a toda la Iglesia latina a través de la bula Transiturus de hoc Mundu, el 11 de agosto de 1264. Para esta solemnidad el Santo Padre promovió un concurso para instaurar el Himno oficial de la Iglesia, el cual fue ganado por santo Tomás de Aquino, quien venció, entre otros, a san Buenaventura, con su inmortal Pange, lingua, de cuyo canto la más célebre estrofa es la última, denominada Tantum ergo, muy cantada en la actualidad, especialmente en las Exposiciones del Santísimo. Hubo fuerte oposición a la institución de esta fiesta sagrada. Sin embargo, y a pesar de ella, el Concilio de Vienne, en 1314, ratifica esta bula papal, y para el año 1324 la fiesta del Corpus Christi se celebra en todo la Iglesia. Como consecuencia de la institución de tan sacra fiesta litúrgica también se oficializó la celebración en ella de una Exposición ambulante del Santísimo, a la cual se le denominó procesión, y que inspiró a la formalización de otras procesiones eclesiásticas.

En el famoso Concilio de Trento, celebrado entre los años de 1545 y 1563 la Iglesia estableció que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo está “verdadera, real y substancialmente presente en el pan y el vino consagrados” (cf. n.3.f EM). En la celebración eucarística ocurre justo en el momento de la consagración la conversión de todo el pan y de todo el vino en el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesús, y este sublime misterio divino, según el Concilio de Trento, se llama apropiadamente transubstanciación (cf. Conc Trento sesión XXIII, cap 8, can 2).


4.1. Carta Encíclica Mediator Dei:

Fue escrita por el papa Pío XII el 20 de noviembre de 1947. De su texto cabe resaltar el número 18 que establece que es deber fundamental del hombre orientar hacia Dios su persona y su propia vida. Por su parte, el número 161 afirma que el manjar eucarístico contiene verdadera, real y sustancialmente, el cuerpo, la sangre, junto con el alma y la divinidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y, por ello la Iglesia desde sus principios lo ha adorado bajo la especie del pan, mandando a los ministros sagrados a que de rodillas, o con reverencias profundas, adoren al Santísimo Sacramento. El número 163 enseña que de la conservación de las sagradas especies para enfermos y los que estuviesen en peligro de muerte nació la laudable costumbre de adorar este celestial alimento reservado en los templos. Finalmente, el número 170, cuando habla de la bendición eucarística que debe dar el sacerdote al finalizar la adoración, anhela que los fieles seamos cada vez más numerosos y que llamados a los pies de Nuestro Salvador, escuchemos su dulcísima invitación:

“Venid a mí todos los que andáis agobiados con trabajos y cargas, que yo os aliviaré.” (cf. Mt. 11,28).

4.2 Constitución Conciliar Sacrosantum Concilium:

Es uno de los principales documentos que la Iglesia produjo en el año 1963, durante el Concilio Vaticano II. En honor a la verdad, poca importancia dan los miembros conciliares al culto de adoración eucarística pues centran más sus esfuerzos en el rito litúrgico de la celebración eucarística. En esta célebre Constitución los obispos exhortan a los fieles para que, con suma piedad, participen más activamente en la celebración del sacrosanto misterio eucarístico. Resaltan de él, a nuestros efectos, los números 2 y 7, en los cuales la Iglesia hace hincapié en la presencia real de Cristo en la liturgia eucarística. El número 9 invita a intensificar la celebración de la fe en la liturgia, y de modo particular en la Eucaristía, que es la cumbre a la que tiende la acción de la Iglesia y también la fuente de donde mana toda su fuerza. El papa Benedicto XVI, en su última audiencia al clero de Roma habló de esta Constitución sobre la Sagrada Liturgia, en cuya redacción él participó, dice estas palabras: “Creo que fue muy acertado comenzar por la liturgia. Así se manifiesta la primacía de Dios, la primacía de la adoración… su primer y sustancial acto fue hablar de Dios y abrir a todos, al pueblo santo por entero, a la adoración de Dios en la celebración común de la liturgia del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo.

4.3. Carta Encíclica Mysterium Fidei:

Corresponde al papado de san Pablo VI, quien lo escribió el 3 de septiembre de 1965. Su número 1 establece que el misterio de fe, el inefable don de la Eucaristía, lo recibió la Iglesia de Cristo, su Esposo, como prenda de su inmenso amor, y que ella lo ha guardado religiosamente como el tesoro más precioso. Añade más adelante este mismo número que el Misterio Eucarístico es el corazón y el centro de la Sagrada Liturgia. Su número 3 recoge que la Eucaristía es el misterio de fe, y que en ella, citando al papa León XIII, se contienen con singular riqueza y variedad de milagros todas las realidades sobrenaturales. Por su parte, el número 7 ratifica que la Iglesia rinde culto latréutico al sacramento eucarístico no solo durante la Santa Misa sino también fuera de su celebración. El número 8 hace una exhortación a la feligresía a promover el culto de adoración eucarística, el Enmanuel, el Dios con nosotros, habita con nosotros lleno de gracia y de verdad; ordena las costumbres, alimenta las virtudes, consuela a los afligidos, fortalece a los débiles; y que la visita al Santísimo es señal de gratitud, signo de amor y deber de adoración.

4.4. Instrucción Eucharisticum Mysterium:

Escrita también por el papa san Pablo VI el 25 de mayo de 1967. En su número 3.e establece que la celebración eucarística en el sacrificio de la misa es realmente el origen y el fin del culto que se le tributa fuera de la misa. En el número 3.f afirma que los cristianos tributan a este santísimo sacramento el culto de latría que se debe al Dios verdadero, porque no debe dejar de ser adorado por el hecho de haber sido instituido por Cristo, el Señor, para ser comido, y que también en la reserva eucarística debe ser adorado. En su número 49 manifiesta que la laudable costumbre de adorar este manjar del cielo conservado en las iglesias tiene un sólido y firme fundamento: la fe en la presencia real del Señor que conduce naturalmente a la manifestación externa y púbica de dicha fe. El número 50 de esta Instrucción expresa que en la oración ante el Santísimo Sacramento los fieles debemos recordar que esta presencia deriva del sacrificio y tiende a la comunión sacramental y espiritual a la vez, que debemos agradecer el don de Dios, disfrutar de su trato íntimo, abrir el corazón, pedir, entre otras cosas, por la salvación del mundo, y aplicarnos con ardor a la veneración del Señor, según las condiciones del propio estado de vida. A los pastores les exhorta a preceder a los fieles con el ejemplo y a animarlos con las palabras. Asimismo previene a los pastores, en el número 51, que cuiden de mantener abiertos las iglesias y oratorios públicos durante bastantes horas de la mañana y de la tarde para que los fieles puedan fácilmente orar ante el Santísimo Sacramento.

4.5. Ritual de la sagrada comunión y del culto a la Eucaristía fuera de la Misa:

También pertenece al papado de san Pablo VI quien lo escribió en el año 1974. De este ritual cabe resaltar estas disposiciones: El número 80 se recuerda que la presencia de Cristo en el Sacramento proviene del Sacrificio y tiende a la comunión sacramental y espiritual. En la adoración a la santa Eucaristía se participa más plenamente en el misterio pascual y se responde con agradecimiento, disfrutando del trato intimo con Cristo, abriéndole el corazón y rogando por la paz y por la salvación del mundo.

Con ello se aumenta la fe, la esperanza y la caridad. Invita a los fieles a venerar a Cristo e incita a los pastores a ir adelante con su ejemplo y a exhortarlos con sus palabras. En el número 90 se recomienda organizar la piadosa costumbre de la adoración perpetua o prolongada, y que ésta se realice con participación de toda la comunidad, con sagradas lecturas, cánticos, sagrado silencio, para fomentar la vida espiritual, practicando el culto al Sacramento de forma más noble. El número 95 anima a que se organicen preces, cantos y lecturas durante la exposición del Santísimo, así como a guardar silencio sagrado en momentos oportunos, todo para alcanzar una mayor estima del misterio eucarístico.

Especial importancia reviste para el tema que aquí proponemos la traducción al idioma español que del Tantum ergo, última estrofa del famoso himno litúrgico compuesto por santo Tomás de Aquino, el Panem, lingua, hace este Ritual en la página 81 de su publicación en la página web En esta página se evidencia que la frase en latín con que inicia esta última estrofa: “Tantum ergo Sacramentum veneremur cernui…” es traducida al español por la Iglesia con estas palabras: “Adorad postrados este Sacramento…”

4.6. Exhortación Apostólica Dominicae Cenae:

El papa san Juan Pablo II escribe el 24 de febrero de 1980 una preciosa Carta sobre el misterio y el culto de la Eucaristía, a la cual denomina Dominicae Cenae, (La Cena del Señor), dirigida a todos los Obispos de la Iglesia. Comienza diciendo en el número 2 que la institución de la Eucaristía es la principal y central razón de ser del Sacramento del sacerdocio, nacido efectivamente en el momento de la institución de la Eucaristía y a la vez que ella.

Afirma que los sacerdotes son los responsables de la Eucaristía pues a ellos está encomendado el gran “Sacramento de nuestra fe”, para que den un particular testimonio de veneración. (Y nosotros nos preguntamos: ¿cuántos sacerdotes han olvidado dar este testimonio?) En el número 3 el Santo Padre expresa su deseo de que la adoración al Santísimo, enraizado ante todo en la celebración de la liturgia eucarística, debe llenar nuestros templos aún fuera del horario de la misa. Hace un llamado a la animación y el robustecimiento del culto eucarístico como una prueba de la auténtica renovación que se propuso el Concilio. La Iglesia y el mundo tienen una gran necesidad del culto eucarístico. Jesús nos espera en el Sacramento del amor. No puede escatimarse el tiempo para ir a adorarlo.

Debemos contemplarlo llenos de fe y abiertos a reparar los graves delitos del mundo. Y ruega que no cese nunca nuestra adoración. En el número 4 este preclaro papa afirma que así como “la Iglesia hace la Eucaristía”, así también “la Eucaristía construye la Iglesia”. Y en el número 13 concluye que la Eucaristía que es sacramento de piedad, signo de unidad y vínculo de amor no puede constituir punto de división ni fuente de disconformidad. Implora la unidad de la Iglesia y llama a evitar entristecer al Espíritu Santo. Finalmente pide que los obispos y sacerdotes hagan el máximo esfuerzo para lograr la unidad universal de la Iglesia de Cristo sobre la tierra, y expresa su ferviente deseo de que la Eucaristía se convierta cada vez más en fuente de vida y luz para la conciencia de todos nuestros hermanos, en todas las comunidades.

4.7. Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica:

Esta magistral obra recopiladora de la doctrina general y moral de la Iglesia, cuya iniciativa correspondió al papa san Juan Pablo II, recoge desde el número 1322 al 1419 normas relativas a la devoción y al culto eucarístico. De estas disposiciones consideramos relevantes para este ensayo cuatro números en particular, a saber: 1378, 1418, 2096, 2097 y 2628. Por esta consideración los transcribimos a continuación: 1378: “El culto de la Eucaristía: En la liturgia de la misa expresamos nuestra fe en la presencia real de Cristo bajo las especies de pan y vino, entre otras maneras, arrodillándonos o inclinándonos profundamente, en señal de adoración al Señor. La Iglesia Católica ha dado y continúa dando este culto de adoración que se debe al Sacramento de la Eucaristía, no solamente durante la misa, sino también fuera de su celebración, conservando con el mayor cuidado las hostias consagradas, presentándolas a los fieles para que las veneren con solemnidad, llevándolas en procesión en medio de la alegría del pueblo.”

1418: “Puesto que Cristo mismo está presente en el Sacramento del altar es preciso honrarlo con culto de adoración. La visita al Santísimo Sacramento es una prueba de gratitud, un signo de amor, y un deber de adoración.”

2096: “La adoración es el primer acto de la virtud de la religión. Adorar a Dios es reconocerle como Dios, como creador y salvador, Señor y Dueño de todo lo que existe, como Amor infinito y misericordioso. “Adorarás al Señor, tu Dios, y sólo a Él darás culto” dice Jesús en Lucas 4,8, citando al Deuteronomio en 6,13.”

2097: “Adorar a Dios es reconocer con respeto y sumisión absolutos la “nada” de la criatura que sólo existe por Dios. Adorar a Dios es alabarlo, exaltarle y humillarse a sí mismo como hace María en el Magnificat, confesando con gratitud que Él ha hecho grandes cosas y que su nombre es santo (Lc. 1, 46-49). La adoración al Dios único libera al hombre del repliegue sobre sí mismo, de la esclavitud del pecado, y de la idolatría del mundo.”

2628: “La adoración es la primera actitud del hombre que se reconoce criatura ante su Creador. Exalta la grandeza del Señor que nos ha hecho (cf Sal 95,1-6) y la omnipotencia del Salvador que nos libera del mal. Es la acción de humillar el espíritu ante el “Rey de la gloria” (Sal 14,9-10) y el silencio respetuoso en presencia de Dios “siempre (…) mayor” (San Agustín, Enarratio in Psalmum 62,16). La adoración de Dios tres veces santo y soberanamente amable nos llena de humildad y da seguridad a nuestras súplicas”.

Como corolario de estas cinco disposiciones catequéticas podemos concluir lo siguiente: La Santa Iglesia Católica reconoce la presencia real de Cristo en la Eucaristía, invita a los fieles a expresarla de rodillas o con una inclinación profunda, y exhorta a la adoración eucarística durante y uera de la Misa (n. 1378). La presencia real de Cristo en el Sacramento se honra con culto de adoración visitando al Santísimo que es, al mismo tiempo, prueba de gratitud, signo de amor y deber de adoración (n. 1418).

La adoración como primer acto de la virtud de la religión es reconocer a Dios como El Todo, Amor infinito y misericordioso, a quien debemos adorar y rendir culto exclusivo de adoración (n. 2096). Cuando adoramos a Dios reconocemos con sumisión absoluta que somos la “nada”, como lo señala expresamente el Catecismo en su número 2097, y a Dios, que es el “Todo”, lo alabamos, lo exaltamos, y nos humillamos con gratitud como lo hizo María. Adorándolo, Dios libera al hombre de la soberbia, del pecado y de las idolatrías (n. 2097) Al adorar a Dios nosotros, que somos sus criaturas, lo reconocemos con humildad como nuestro Creador, ante Él humillamos el espíritu, y Él da seguridad a nuestras súplicas (n. 2628).

4.8. Exhortación Apostólica Sacramentum Caritatis:

El actual papa emérito Benedicto XVI escribió el 22 de febrero de 2007 una preciosa exhortación apostólica a la cual denominó, en clarísima alusión a la Eucaristía, Sacramentum Caritatis, el Sacramento del Amor. De ella es resaltable, en primer lugar, su número 1, en el cual el Santo Padre reconoce que la Santísima Eucaristía es el don que Jesucristo hace de sí mismo, revelándonos el amor infinito de Dios por cada hombre, pues en ella manifiesta el amor más grande, aquel que impulsa a dar la vida por los amigos. En el número 35 plasma admirablemente la belleza de la liturgia eucarística, en la cual resplandece el Misterio pascual de Cristo quien nos atrae hacia sí y nos llama a la comunión en el amor, signo de la belleza y la armonía del cosmos por Él creado.

La belleza, por tanto, no es un elemento decorativo de la acción litúrgica, sino un elemento constitutivo de ella como atributo de Dios mismo y de su revelación. En el número 65 el Papa se refiere al crecimiento entre los fieles del sentido del misterio de Dios presente entre nosotros, que se comprueba con manifestaciones específicas de veneración de la Eucaristía, y le da importancia a los gestos y a la postura, como arrodillarse, durante los momentos principales de la plegaria eucarística, como expresión consciente de encontrarse en toda celebración ante la majestad infinita de Dios, que llega a nosotros de manera humilde en los signos sacramentales. El número 66 resalta la adoración eucarística como continuación obvia de la celebración eucarística, la cual es en sí misma el acto más grande de adoración de la Iglesia.

Recibir la Eucaristía significa adorar al que recibimos, nos hacemos una sola cosa con Él, y gustamos anticipadamente la belleza de la liturgia celestial. La adoración fuera de la santa Misa prolonga e intensifica lo acontecido en la misma celebración litúrgica. El encuentro personal con El Señor debe hacer madurar la misión social contenida en la Eucaristía, que quiere romper las barreras entre Él y nosotros, y las barreras que nos separan a los unos de los otros. En el número 67 el Santo Padre recomienda ardientemente la práctica de la adoración eucarística, tanto personal como comunitaria. Invita a una catequesis adecuada sobre este acto de culto, especialmente a los niños que se preparan para la Primera Comunión, para la toma de conciencia sobre la belleza de estar con Jesús y el asombro por su presencia en la Eucaristía. Y, en el número 68, proclama que la relación personal con Jesús conlleva al sentido de pertenencia al Cuerpo de Cristo. Invita a los fieles que encuentren tiempo para estar en oración ante el Sacramento del altar, y pide a las parroquias y a otros grupos eclesiales que promuevan momentos de adoración comunitaria. Establece que conservan todo su valor las formas de devoción eucarística ya existentes, y piensa en prácticas tradicionales, permitiendo otras iniciativas análogas que, debidamente actualizadas y adaptadas a las diversas circunstancias, merecen ser cultivadas también hoy. Cuando leemos estas palabras del papa Benedicto XVI no podemos pensar en otra cosa que en la devoción de la adoración eucarística de las seis postraciones, como otra iniciativa análoga que merece ser cultivada hoy, y cuya práctica generalizada estamos rogando sea aprobada oficialmente por las competentes autoridades eclesiásticas.

4.9. Discurso del papa Benedicto XVI en Colonia, en la vigilia con los jóvenes, el día 20 de agosto de 2005:

Mención especial, aunque no se trate de un documento, merece este célebre discurso papal pronunciado con motivo de la XX Jornada Mundial de la Juventud. En él, y en varios de sus pasajes, con fundamento en la cita bíblica de Mateo 2,11, el papa Benedicto XVI reconoce que los Reyes Magos llegaron hasta Belén para adorar postrados al Niño Jesús. Veamos algunos pasajes de este discurso: “Se habían puesto en camino para encontrar a este Rey; en lo más hondo de su ser buscaban el derecho, la justicia que debía venir de Dios, y querían servir a ese Rey, postrarse a sus pies, y así servir también ellos a la renovación del mundo…”; más adelante leemos: “No obstante ahora se postran ante una criatura de gente pobre, y pronto se enterarán de que Herodes, -el rey al que habían acudido-, le acechaba con su poder…”; asimismo encontramos en este discurso: “El nuevo Rey ante el que se postraron en adoración era muy diferente de lo que se esperaban…”; “Aquí comenzó su camino interior. Comenzó en el mismo momento en que se postraron ante este Niño y lo reconocieron como el Rey prometido…”;

“Por tanto, es importante descubrir el verdadero rostro de Dios. Los Magos de Oriente lo encontraron cuando se postraron ante el niño de Belén. ‘Quien me ha visto a mí ha visto al Padre’, dijo Jesús a Felipe (Jn. 14,9)…”; y continúa Benedicto XVI en su célebre discurso: “Esto significa que no nos construimos un Dios privado, un Jesús privado, sino que creemos y nos postramos ante el Jesús que nos muestran las Sagradas Escrituras…”; “… ‘Entraron en la casa, vieron al niño con María, y cayendo de rodillas lo adoraron’ (Mt. 2,11). Queridos amigos, esto no es una historia lejana, de hace mucho tiempo. Es una presencia. Aquí, en la Hostia consagrada, Él está ante nosotros y entre nosotros… Está presente como en Belén. Y nos invita a la peregrinación interior que se llama adoración. Pongámonos ahora en camino para esta peregrinación…”


Consideramos que para adorar a Dios es válida toda postura corporal que el adorador desee libremente adoptar, siempre y cuando guarde el decoro, el respeto, el amor, la piedad y, fundamentalmente, el agradecimiento que debemos sentir hacia Aquel que es el Todo, el que nos ha dado todo, y el que nos ama hasta el extremo de dar su vida por nosotros. Por tanto, estimamos que estar de pie o sentados, ponerse de rodillas, hacer la genuflexión, con las palmas de las manos unidas, con los brazos levantados al Cielo o extendidos hacia adelante, postrados rostro en tierra, o postrados acostados boca abajo, son todas posiciones corporales idóneas para adorar a Dios, siempre que se practiquen con el honor necesario hacia el autor de la vida. Asimismo pensamos que más que la posición física, a Dios le agrada la disposición espiritual del hombre en el momento de adorarlo. A Dios tenemos que adorarlo en espíritu y en verdad, con un corazón humillado, arrepentido por los pecados cometidos, pues un corazón contrito y humillado, Él no lo desprecia (cf. Sal 51,19). Es el respeto y la sumisión absolutos a los cuales se refiere el número 2097 del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Sin embargo, nosotros practicamos, y recomendamos, la postura corporal de la postración rostro en tierra porque testimoniamos que motiva la humilde toma de conciencia en el hombre de su necesidad profunda e íntima de adorar al Dios único y verdadero.

Muchos sacerdotes dan idéntico testimonio e, incluso, algunos aseguran haber aumentado su fe eucarística después de haber adorado postrados rostro en tierra o postrados acostados a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Hostia consagrada. Nuestra sencilla opinión es que a Dios le adoramos con todo nuestro ser, con las palabras, con el silencio, con cánticos, y también con gestos corporales que pudieran manifestar, -si son auténticos-, deseos de comunión íntima con Dios. Dentro de las posiciones corporales creemos que la postración es la expresión por excelencia de adoración como gesto de humildad ante el Misterio eucarístico. Sería deseable, mas no es imperativa, la unidad de los fieles en cuanto a darle preeminencia a esta postura corporal de postración en la adoración eucarística pública y comunitaria, como evidencia de reconocimiento valiente de la fe católica en la presencia real de Jesucristo en la Hostia consagrada. En la Audiencia General del 11 de mayo de 2011 el papa Benedicto XVI afirma que “la dinámica de orar de rodillas significa postrarse declarando nuestro límite y manifestando nuestra necesidad de Dios en el cual alcanzamos la verdadera felicidad.” (cf. Aud Gen 11-V-11).


Numerosos son los pasajes bíblicos que se refieren a postrarse, poner el rostro en tierra, caer de rodillas, arrodillarse, humillarse, reverenciar, hacer una reverencia profunda, una inclinación profunda, una inclinación reverente, u otras frases similares, como expresión lingüística de la posición corporal que denota el reconocimiento humilde de la pequeñez del hombre ante la majestad infinita de Dios. En este ensayo hemos recopilado una lista de 174 citas de las Sagradas Escrituras sobre las postraciones, la cual presentamos como testimonio bíblico irrefutable del claro reconocimiento que hace la Palabra de Dios por este gesto público corporal de adoración al único Dios verdadero.


GÉNESIS: 13,3; 17,17; 18,2; 19,1; 22,5; 24,26; 24,52; 24,6; 24,48;
24,86; 48,13.
ÉXODO: 4,31; 24,1; 33,10; 34,8.
NÚMEROS: 14,5; 16,22; 16,4; 17,10; 20,6; 22,31, 24,4; 24,16.
DEUTERONOMIO: 9,18; 9,25; 26,10; 33,3.
JOSUÉ: 5,14; 7,6; 7,10.
JUECES: 7,15; 13,20.
1 SAMUEL: 1,3; 1,19; 1,28; 2,17; 5,4; 15,25; 15,31; 20,41; 24,8;
25,23; 28,14.
2 SAMUEL: 12,16; 12,20; 15,32.
1 REYES: 18,42

2 REYES: 1,36; 17,36; 18,39.
1 CRÓNICAS: 16,29; 21,16; 29,20.
2 CRÓNICAS: 7,3; 16,29; 20,18; 29,29, 33,33.
ESDRAS: 10,1.
NEHEMÍAS: 8,6; 9,3; 9,6.
JUDITH: 6,18.
2 MACABEOS: 3,12; 10,26.
JOB: 1,20; 16,15.
SALMOS: 4,55; 5,7; 5,9; 22,27; 22,29; 29,2; 66,4; 72,11; 86,9; 95,6;
96,9; 97,7; 116,6; 132,7; 138,2.
ECLESIÁSTICO: 50,17; 50,21.
ISAÍAS: 27,13; 36,7; 45,23; 49,7; 60,14; 66,23.
JEREMÍAS: 7,2; 26,2.
EZEQUIEL: 1,28; 9,8; 46,2; 46,3.
DANIEL: 8,17.
SOFONÍAS: 1,5; 2,11; 3,10.
ZACARÍAS: 14,6; 14,17

MATEO: 2,2; 2,8; 2,11; 4,10; 8,2; 9,18; 13,12; 14,33; 15,22; 17,6;
18,26; 20,20; 26,39; 28,9; 28,17.
MARCOS: 1,40; 5,6; 5,22; 5,33; 7,25; 10,17; 14,35.
LUCAS: 4,8; 5,8; 5,12; 7,28; 8,32; 8,41; 8,47; 17,16; 18,13; 22,41;
24,5; 24,52.
JUAN: 4,10; 4,20; 4,24; 9,24; 9,38; 11,3.
HECHOS: 8,7; 9,4; 9,27; 16,14; 17,23.
ROMANOS: 12,1; 14,11.
1 CORINTIOS: 1,45; 14,25; 29,20.
EFESIOS: 3,14.
HEBREOS: 1,6; 9,9; 11,21.
1 PEDRO: 5,6.
APOCALIPSIS: 1,17; 3,9; 4,10; 5,8; 5,14; 7,11; 11,16; 14,7; 15,4;
19,4; 19,10; 19,14, 22,8.


Esta devoción en cuanto a la forma de la posición corporal de postrarse rostro en tierra, que no es obligatoria pero sí recomendable, para practicar la adoración eucarística procede de una revelación privada. Su origen inmediato se encuentra en una revelación privada que la Santísima Virgen María hizo en febrero de 2014 a una inmigrante vietnamita en los Estados Unidos de América, cuyo nombre es Lucia Phan, mujer humilde, pobre, de profunda oración, y de una vida totalmente entregada a la Santa Iglesia Católica. Y un abogado venezolano, pecador, en el nada fácil camino a la conversión, quien hoy escribe estas lineas, recibió de la Virgen María el día 5 de julio de 2017, en la ciudad de Houston, Texas, Estados Unidos, a través de la misma Lucia Phan, el encargo de dar a conocer esta forma de adoración eucarística, primero en Venezuela, y después en otros países, para la liberación espiritual de nuestros pueblos.

Conforme a lo establecido en el número 67 del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica algunas revelaciones privadas han sido reconocidas por la autoridad de la Iglesia, aún cuando no pertenecen al depósito de la fe. Para que una revelación privada sea reconocida como tal debe partir del principio de que no puede mejorar ni completar la única Revelación pública y definitiva, que es la de Cristo, y fuera de la cual no habrá otra.

La revelación privada de la adoración eucarística de las seis postraciones (The Six Kowtows, en inglés) solo persigue ayudar a vivir más plenamente la Revelación definitiva y pública de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en esta época de la historia tan convulsionada, de tanta confusión espiritual, y en la cual a la humanidad le cuesta tanto reconocer su presencia real, viva, amorosa y substancial en la santa Eucaristía. No es una revelación privada que desee venir a imponer elementos nuevos en la fe católica, ni tiene la pretensión de cambiar una sola letra de la Revelación de Cristo que es perfecta, santa, completa e inmejorable. Se trata de un regalo de la Madre de Dios apoyado en la antiquísima práctica propia de la tradición judeocristiana de postrarse ante la presencia real de Dios. Esta devoción cuenta, como hemos apuntado anteriormente, con vasto fundamento bíblico, y tiene como propósito el crecimiento de la fe en el clero y la feligresía, la liberación espiritual de todos los pueblos, la paz del mundo, la invitación a la conversión de los pecadores, y la salvación de muchas almas.



Un ejemplo de revelación privada oficialmente aprobada por la Iglesia lo constituye el caso de las apariciones de la Santísima Virgen María en Fátima, Portugal. En los archivos del Vaticano reposa el testimonio de la hermana Lucia Dos Santos, una de los tres pastorcitos a los cuales se les apareció seis veces la Santísima Madre de Dios, en el año de 1917. Ella relata que antes de los encuentros con la Virgen, un ángel se les apareció tres veces. En la primera aparición del ángel, ellos vieron una figura “con la apariencia de un joven de catorce o quince años, más blanco que la nieve, que con el sol se volvió transparente como si fuera de cristal y de gran belleza… él dijo: ¡No temas! Soy el ángel de la paz. Reza conmigo. Y arrodillado en la tierra, inclinó la frente hacia el suelo. Impulsados por un movimiento sobrenatural lo imitamos y repetimos las palabras que le oímos pronunciar: “Dios mío, yo creo en ti, te adoro, te espero y te amo. Te pido perdón por todos aquellos que no creen en ti, no te adoran, no te esperan y no te aman.” Habiendo repetido esa oración tres veces, se levantó nuevamente y nos dijo:

“Oren de esta manera. Los corazones de Jesús y María están atentos a la voz de sus súplicas.” Y desapareció…”

Sobre la tercera aparición del ángel, la hermana Lucia Dos Santos testimonia lo siguiente: “…volvimos a ver al Ángel que tenía en su mano izquierda un cáliz sobre el que estaba suspendida una Hostia, de la que cayeron unas gotas de sangre en el cáliz. Dejando el cáliz y la Hostia suspendidos en el aire, se postró a la tierra, cerca de los niños…mientras le daba la preciosa sangre del cáliz a Francisco y Jacinta, dijo: ‘Come y bebe del Cuerpo y la Sangre de  Jesucristo, horriblemente indignado por hombres desagradecidos. Repara sus crímenes y consuela a tu Dios. Luego, postrándose en el suelo, repitió con los niños la misma oración…”


Esta devoción consiste solo en una forma diferente de adorar a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Santa Eucaristía, pero no nueva, pues, como lo hemos señalado en otro lugar, la postura corporal de postrarse es antiquísima ya que proviene de la milenaria tradición judeocristiana, y tiene vasto fundamento bíblico tanto en el Antiguo como en el Nuevo Testamento.

Se comienza con una postura corporal de mucho respeto y decoro ante el Santísimo Sacramento del altar, para acompañar a Jesús, a quien hemos abandonado en casi todos los sagrarios del mundo. Nosotros practicamos y recomendamos la posición de postración rostro en tierra, pero no es obligatoria. Los adoradores pueden adoptar otra postura física con humildad y verdadero amor, pero siempre será necesaria la postración espiritual, pues un corazón contrito y humillado Dios no lo desprecia (cf. Sal 51,19). Hacemos la señal de la santa cruz e invocamos al Espíritu Santo, rezando también alguna oración católica como el Credo, el Padrenuestro, el Avemaría, u otra semejante y, de ser posible, entonamos algún cántico de adoración eucarística. En este momento ponemos a los pies de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo nuestras intenciones personales, familiares, eclesiásticas y espirituales, a las cuales debemos sumar la necesaria bendición, el agradecimiento, la ofrenda de reparación y desagravio, la alabanza, el amor y la adoración a Dios. También incluimos la petición por la Santa Iglesia Católica, especialmente por el papa, los obispos, y los sacerdotes, hijos amados de Dios. La Santísima Virgen también ha recomendado dos intenciones especiales:

1. La paz del mundo y que, para alcanzarla, Dios toque los corazones de los gobernantes de todos los países; y

2. La liberación espiritual, la conversión de los pecadores, la reconciliación de sus hijos, y la salvación de todas las almas. Este acto de adoración consta de seis oraciones principales, en este orden: 1. Dios Padre; 2. Dios Hijo; 3. Dios Espíritu Santo; 4. Santísimo Sacramento del altar; 5. Cinco santas llagas de Jesús; y 6. Inmaculado corazón de María y su triunfo. Las cinco primeras oraciones son de adoración y la última es de veneración. Por tratarse de una adoración preferentemente comunitaria, en cada postración las personas presentes van turnándose para rezar en voz alta, de forma libre y espontánea, sus oraciones en adoración a Dios, o en veneración a la Virgen, en forma de diálogo confidente, humilde, respetuoso y amoroso, tratando en lo posible de encontrar apoyo bíblico o teológico, pero en palabras muy sencillas.

También en algunas ocasiones practicamos la adoración en silencio e individual. Solo durante las oraciones de cada postración recomendamos colocar nuestro rostro en tierra. Se aconseja que cada una de estas oraciones sea de un máximo de cinco minutos y que, al finalizar cada una, se repitan las palabras del Ángel de la paz a los pastorcitos de Fátima: “Dios mío yo creo, te adoro, te espero y te amo. Te pido perdón por aquellos que no creen, no te adoran, no te esperan, y no te aman.” Inmediatamente pedimos a Dios por las vocaciones religiosas con estas palabras: “Y te ruego por el papa y los obispos, y por el aumento, la perseverancia, y la santificación del papa, los obispos, los sacerdotes, las religiosas, los religiosos, y los seminaristas.” Finalizamos la oración de cada postración con la frase de san Luis Grignon de Monfort, de la cual hizo su lema pontificio el papa san Juan Pablo II: “Totus tuus” o, simplemente: “Todo tuyo.”


Algunas personas han puesto objeciones a la adoración eucarística de las seis postraciones porque la posición corporal de rostro en tierra que adoptamos y recomendamos es similar a la postración practicada por devotos de otras religiones, especialmente la musulmana. Otros inquieren si somos cristianos no católicos, o de la Nueva Era, o de alguna secta extraña. Y, por ello, de buena fe nos han preguntado: ¿es católica esta adoración eucarística?, ¿es católica la postración rostro en tierra? Ante tal incertidumbre, hacemos las siguientes observaciones:

a. La postración rostro en tierra pertenece a la tradición judeocristiana, en cuyo seno se practica desde tiempos inmemoriales. Así lo testimonian las Sagradas Escrituras. Por ejemplo, en el capítulo 17 del Libro del Génesis consta que Abraham se postró rostro en tierra al percatarse de la presencia de Dios. Los historiadores estiman que Abraham vivió alrededor de unos 4.000 años atrás.

b. En la Santa Biblia existen unos 174 pasajes que hacen referencias directas a la postración rostro en tierra ante la presencia de Dios. Y existen otros pasajes más en ella, pero por tratarse de postraciones ante hombres, no las hemos tomado en cuenta para los fines de este ensayo.

c. Los musulmanes tomaron la postración rostro en tierra de la tradición judeocristiana, y empezaron a practicarla desde la fundación del Islamismo por Mahoma, acaecida en el año 630 después de la venida de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo a la tierra. Esto significa que comenzaron a practicarla varios siglos después de los judíos y los cristianos. Una radical nota de la postración musulmana es que ellos la practican a determinadas horas del día, en cualquier lugar donde se encuentren y orientándose en dirección a La Meca; mientras que los católicos nos postramos en nuestras iglesias o capillas de adoración, en las procesiones, en las minervas, en las Exposiciones del Santísimo, y siempre solo a los pies de Jesús Sacramentado. Esto lo hacemos así porque el único Dios verdadero está presente físicamente; real, vivo, amoroso, en la santa Eucaristía por la celebración litúrgica católica. Los musulmanes no lo saben. Otras religiones y sectas no lo saben. El mundo no lo sabe. Nosotros sí. Por tanto, es nuestro deber ineludible e impostergable proclamárselos e invitarlos a venir a la santa Iglesia Católica, única religión de la tierra instituida por Dios mismo. Así nos lo recuerda el Concilio Vaticano II al afirmar en el número 16 de la Constitución dogmática Lumen gentium que: “…el designio de salvación abarca también a los que reconocen al Creador, entre los cuales están en primer lugar los musulmanes, que, confesando adherirse a la fe de Abraham, adoran con nosotros a un Dios único, misericordioso, que juzgará a los hombres en el día postrero.”

d. En la adoración eucarística de las seis postraciones adoramos a Jesús Sacramentado, cuya presencia real y substancial ha sido reconocida por la Santa Iglesia Católica desde sus primeros tiempos. Adoramos solo a Dios. Lo adoramos en su presencia eucarística. En Jesús, Dios Hijo, con Él, en Él, y en su divinidad trinitaria, adoramos a Dios Padre y a Dios Espíritu Santo. Adoramos postrados a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar. Adoramos a Jesús crucificado, porque en la cruz consumó el supremo sacrificio cruento para la salvación de nuestras almas. Adoramos a Jesús resucitado para la salvación nuestra y de las almas. Y veneramos, con culto de hiperdulía, al Inmaculado Corazón de nuestra Santísima Madre, la Virgen María, quien está espiritual e inseparablemente unida a Jesús en la Eucaristía, así como lo estuvo en su crucifixión y muerte.

e. Por lo sencillo del lenguaje piadoso y por la humildad de la adoración, algunas personas han dicho que esta forma de adoración eucarística es una simple devoción pietista con escaso o nulo fundamento teológico. Sin embargo, el fundamento primero del culto eucarístico es la divina presencia real de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Hostia consagrada. En ella está Jesús, Dios y hombre verdadero, quien merece nuestra adoración y la suscita por medio del Espíritu Santo. ¿Hace falta otro fundamento teológico? Entonces, no está fundamentada en un puro sentimiento ni en un sentimentalismo piadoso, sino en la fe. La adoración eucarística se fundamenta exclusivamente en la fe, en el Mysterium fidei que complementa el defecto de los sentidos (“praestet fides supplementum sensuum defectui…” Santo Tomás de Aquino en: Pange, lingua)

f. Como adoramos a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar, vamos al lugar donde Él está: a la iglesia católica para postrarnos ante su real presencia en los sagrarios o en las custodias, cuando Nuestro Señor Jesucristo está sacramentalmente expuesto, o camina jubiloso con su pueblo en procesión.

g. Solo en caso de imposibilidad de asistir a la Iglesia católica para realizar la adoración, como ocurre con la actual pandemia del coronavirus, recomendamos que se haga en nuestros hogares. En estos casos aconsejamos que se haga frente a una imagen católica, bendecida por un sacerdote, y que los adoradores necesariamente recordemos que no adoramos imágenes, sino que solo adoramos a Dios, que en ese momento está tan solo representado por esa imagen.

h. En todo caso de promoción e invitación en una parroquia para la realización de la adoración nos dirigimos a las autoridades parroquiales competentes y, en caso de ser posible, también visitamos al Ordinario del lugar, a objeto de pedir el necesario permiso, y sometiéndonos siempre a su decisión. En los lugares donde el señor Obispo o el cura párroco no autorizan, no realizamos esta forma de adoración comunitaria. Cuando lo permiten, estamos sujetos a sus instrucciones y procuramos, en la medida de lo posible, hacer coincidir las postraciones con los jueves eucarísticos, la hora santa, las procesiones, las minervas, las vigilias eucarísticas u otras actividades de adoración a
Jesús Sacramentado. Generalmente solicitamos al párroco que nos permita una hora a la semana para realizar esta adoración, incluso si la parroquia tiene capilla de adoración perpetua.

i. Comenzamos siempre haciéndonos la señal de la santa cruz, rezamos las oraciones católicas, cantamos las canciones católicas, observamos el mayor decoro por respeto y amor a Nuestro Señor, evangelizamos acerca de la presencia real de Jesús en el Sacramento, invitamos a la Confesión, a la Santa Misa, a la Comunión y a la frecuencia de los sacramentos. En fin, invitamos a todos los que quieren escucharnos a convertirse, a arrepentirse, a volver a los brazos del Padre y pedirle perdón. En cada parroquia nos ofrecemos para colaborar en la manera que más lo necesite la autoridad parroquial.

j. Damos mayor importancia a la celebración eucarística que a la adoración, porque ésta es continuidad necesaria de aquella.

k. Entonamos cánticos católicos apropiados para la adoración eucarística, por recomendación contenida en los números 90 y 95 del Ritual de la sagrada comunión y del culto a la Eucaristía fuera de la misa. En efecto, estos números del Ritual exhortan a acompañar con cantos sagrados, para practicar el culto al Sacramento de forma más noble, y para fomentar la vida espiritual.

l. La postración en tierra es la postura corporal que manda la Santa Iglesia en algunos momentos de los ritos litúrgicos de la Ordenación sacramental de los diáconos, sacerdotes y obispos (cf. n. 127 del Rito de la ordenación de Presbíteros) m. La postración en tierra está recomendada para todos los sacerdotes celebrantes en el mundo entero al inicio de la liturgia del Viernes Santo.

n. Tenemos muchos ejemplos de santos, tanto antiguos como modernos, que nos legaron testimonio de hacer oración postrados en el suelo. Son famosos los episodios de la vida de santo Tomás de Aquino quien, en su comunidad dominica, era “el primero en levantarse por la noche, e iba a postrarse ante el Santísimo Sacramento… su devoción predilecta.” Otros famosos santos que se postraban en la oración y en la adoración lo fueron san Ignacio de Loyola, santa Teresa de Jesús, santa Margarita María de Alacoque, san Pablo de la Cruz, el santo Cura de Ars, san Antonio María Claret, san Pascual Bailón, santa Margarita de Hungría, san Juan de Dios, san Josemaría Escrivá, san Juan Pablo II, y santa Teresa de Calcuta, por solo poner algunos ejemplos. Cabe recordar aquí la oración que hizo recientemente el papa Francisco postrado ante el Santísimo Sacramento del altar, la cual fue transmitida en vivo al mundo entero.

o. Del mismo modo, son innumerables las instituciones de nuestra Santa Iglesia Católica donde se practican postraciones, tanto en algunos momentos diarios como un medio ordinario de hacer oración, así como también en otros momentos solemnes de las vidas de dichas Instituciones. De los primeros, podemos citar como ejemplo a los fieles de la Prelatura católica llamada Opus Dei, quienes se postran a besar el suelo al menos en dos momentos del día; y, de los segundos, podemos señalar que las normas de muchas Órdenes y Congregaciones religiosas establecen que sus miembros deben postrarse con el rostro en tierra para la imposición del hábito religioso, para la profesión de votos, para recibir algunas bendiciones solemnes de sus Superiores, y también como una forma extraordinaria de penitencia.

p. Y, finalmente, dejamos plasmada la imagen de que la postración rostro en tierra fue la posición corporal adoptada por Nuestro Señor Jesucristo durante su oración en el Huerto de los Olivos o Huerto de Getsemaní, la noche en que allí fue apresado después de la Última Cena. De esto hay evidente prueba en dos citas bíblicas: 1. “…y adelantándoseles un poco cayó rostro en tierra suplicando que, si era posible, no tuviera que pasar por aquella hora…” (Mc. 14,35); y 2. “Fue un poco más adelante y, postrándose hasta tocar la tierra con su cara, oró así: “Padre, si es posible, que esta copa se aleje de mí. Pero no se haga lo que yo quiero, sino lo que quieres tú” (Mt. 26,39). Entonces, nos preguntamos: ¿cómo puede ser no católica la posición que el mismo Dios Hijo adopta para dirigirse a Dios Padre? Como corolario de este punto podemos concluir que la adoración eucarística de las postraciones en nada contradice la doctrina de la fe católica, como lo han afirmado algunos Obispos y sacerdotes. Algunas personas me han preguntado: “¿Por qué te postras?” Y mi respuesta siempre es: “En la Eucaristía está realmente presente Jesucristo, mi Dios y Señor. ¿Por qué no me puedo postrar para adorarlo?”. Acaso, en palabras de San Agustín, “¿Ama algo el alma con más ardor que la verdad?” (n. 2 SC).

a. Frutos personales: La Santa Iglesia reconoce en líneas generales que la adoración eucarística produce en los adoradores del Santísimo cinco grandes frutos espirituales:

1. Santificación: como efecto de pasar buen tiempo a los pies de Jesús Sacramentado, el alma siente tal necesidad de amarlo que una de sus más grandes experiencias es la aspiración a la santidad.
2. Reparación y desagravio: en la medida que el adorador goza de la intimidad espiritual con su Salvador, desea purgar por los pecados propios, reparar por los ajenos, y desagraviarlo por tanto pecado, profanación, sacrilegio, desamor, burla e indiferencia con los cuales se le ofende en la Santa Eucaristía.
3. Transformación: el adorador debe permitir que la presencia real de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Eucaristía transforme su corazón y cambie radicalmente su vida en mansedumbre y humildad. Jesús nos va transfigurando en Él: “Aprended de mí que soy manso y humilde de corazón” (Mt. 11,29)
4. Salvación: otra sublime misión de la adoración al Sacramento del Amor consiste en que no solo debe ayudar en la salvación del alma del adorador, sino que la oración dirigida al Dios único y verdadero debe servir también como instrumento de intercesión para la conversión y salvación de otras almas.
5. Restauración: adorar a Jesús es conocer el infinito amor que siente por cada uno de nosotros. Ello nos debe servir para sanar nuestras heridas, liberarnos de la esclavitud del pecado y de las idolatrías del mundo, cambiarnos interiormente, y restaurar la dignidad caída por el egoísmo.

b. Frutos parroquiales: Algunos de los sacerdotes que han permitido que en sus parroquias se realice periódicamente la adoración eucarística de las postraciones dan testimonio, al igual que muchos de sus feligreses, que, además de conservar la doctrina tradicional de la santa Iglesia, también obtienen frutos externos impresionantes, que han servido para recuperar la identidad católica, a través de su práctica periódica. Dentro de estos frutos espirituales podemos citar los siguientes:

1. Catequesis de evangelización acerca de la presencia real de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Santa Eucaristía.
2. El aumento significativo de las confesiones, especialmente en personas que tenían varios años alejadas de la Iglesia.
3. Manifestación de algunos jóvenes de sus deseos de hacerse sacerdotes.
4. Interés del clero y de los laicos de formarse mejor acerca de la Eucaristía y del culto de adoración a este Santísimo Sacramento.
5. Aumento del fervor de la feligresía.
6. Incremento en la asistencia y en la frecuencia de los sacramentos.
7. Aumento en la oración destinada a que las demás religiones reconozcan que solo en la Iglesia Católica puede darse un verdadero ecumenismo, dada la presencia real del Dios único, Creador de todas las cosas, en la santa Eucaristía. Solo así sería posible el anhelo del hombre de tener un solo rebaño con un solo pastor (cf. Jn 10,16)
8. Aumento de la oración por la salvación de todas las almas (“salus animarum”), único fin de la Iglesia fundada por Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, quien desea ardorosamente arrancarlas de las garras de Satanás, especialmente en esta época de tanta confusión en el mundo.


Somos uno más de los grupos eclesiales que, junto a las parroquias, queremos promocionar la adoración eucarística, preferentemente comunitaria. En efecto, quienes practicamos y damos a conocer esta devoción sólo cumplimos la ardiente recomendación (n. 67) del papa Benedicto XVI quien, en su Carta Encíclica Sacramentum Caritatis (n. 68) invita a los fieles a encontrar personalmente tiempo para estar en oración ante el Santísimo Sacramento del altar, y pide a las parroquias y a otros grupos eclesiales que promuevan momentos de adoración comunitaria.

Nuestra propuesta en la actividad pastoral parroquial es despertar y acrecentar en los creyentes la fe eucarística, promover la adoración eucarística comunitaria, conservar la dignidad de los actos de culto latréutico a Jesús Sacramentado, animar a una solidaridad efectiva que, partiendo primero de la celebración eucarística, y pasando luego por la adoración eucarística, llegue a los más pobres.

Finalmente, queremos poner en los corazones las palabras del escritor sagrado quien, en diversos pasajes bíblicos, expresó su anhelo profético de que el único Dios verdadero sea adorado por sus hijos postrados en todos los rincones de la tierra (cf. Sal. 72,11; Sal. 89,6; Ap. 14,5). En consecuencia, dejamos plasmado nuestro más profundo deseo de que la devoción de la adoración eucarística de las seis postraciones llegue a todos los rincones de la tierra para que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo sea amado, alabado y adorado en su presencia viva, real y amorosa en la Santa Eucaristía, para la mayor gloria de Dios, para la conversión de los pecadores, y para la salvación de las almas.


