Do You Accept All that I Am Doing for You?


Do You Accept All that I Am Doing for You?

June 23, 2011 – 1:05 a.m.


Lucia: Father, today, may I ask Mother to let me write about Mother? If Mother wants, either I or my sibling can testify at the church during the retreat this weekend. I am asking for Your permission Mother, please allow me to write.


Mother, this weekend, there will be a retreat that will talk about You. Do You want me to write and share the things that You want to say to Your children, Mother?


Blessed Mother: My beloved children,


I am always waiting for you to ask for what you need and I will give them to you and I will help you to become more perfect.


The purpose of this retreat is to have many good presentations, with meaningful and deep explanations. The teachings have depth, which as children of God, you need to know, especially the Christians who are living in this era, who have to deal with their daily lives, with their societies, with their works, with so many things that keep them so busy that they no longer have time for their spiritual lives.


The majority of mankind has forgotten about the things that in a regular life, they should have. There has to be justice and equality in life, in this era, but how many people understand that? There are very few who do.


For this reason, I have to urge the priests, the clergy, the laity and the organizations. If there are priests or laity who understand and are concerned about the Church of Jesus Christ, they will know and they will organize the seminars, the retreats. All of these retreats offer lessons for the spiritual life, for virtues, and they teach the people how to live closer to God.


I am always protecting the Church. As for you children, I am looking for ways to help you, to help the clergy, in particular, and to help mankind, in general, without exception, whether the people are Christians or not. But there is only one thing that makes Me anxious. Do you receive and accept all the things that I am doing for you?


I am, through this form and another form, appearing at this one place and then at another place, shedding so many tears, shedding tears of blood, calling out to you, inviting My children.


I have appeared in this country, and at another country, I have recommended so many things, such as all the recommendations I left at Fatima. Through various forms, I have done all this, throughout all these years, for you, and at this moment I am still by your side.


Children, when you pray to Me for help, I am ready to answer you, whether it is for a small intention or a big intention, and even if it is a mortal sin, I am by your side to pray to God for you, to pray for Him to hold back His hand, to allow you time to come back.


Why are you so stubborn? Up to this moment, you are still obstinate. Not only do you not believe, but you are rebellious in all ways. You even try planning to leave the Church that Jesus Christ has established.


I am very afraid and worried for you, from the clergy to the laity.


The wrath of God is near, and cannot be restrained.


If you do not repent on time and come back to be by God’s side and by My side, you will all be destroyed, the good as well as the wicked, you all have the same fate.


Leave all the things that are selfish, that are for your own ego, and together, hold hands and come back, on your knees, begging for the Mercy of God.


Pray the Rosary daily.


Pray that God will delay the days of tribulations for this world.


My children, I am so anxious, and God is suffering even more.


He does not want to chastise mankind, but mankind has gone too far, mankind has relied on itself, mankind has forgotten its roots, mankind has forgotten its Creator.


Where do humans come from?

If wise, then you should know where you will end.

If foolish, then you will be proud in everything.

Denying everything.

Ignoring all the words of advice.

To you money and fame are your Father.

Losing yourselves in the passions of the world.

Forgetting all your conscience.

Don’t even mention about human conscience.

Thinking little of your spirit.

Resulting with this consequence today.

From the young to the old.

Passionate about television.

Who is the one teaching you now?

Teaching you about your Father in heaven.

Till you grow up, for you to understand Who is God the Father.

One has to take care of the children.

For them to have a foundation in faith.

For the Church to grow.

Faith has to come from within the family.

I have been so anxious about many things.

I hope you will pray with Me to God.

I hope you will pray together to God.

Pray for Him to give you time, for you to come back to Him.

With you I will pray, asking Him.

There is not much time left.

Quickly repent and come back to Him.

Wait for Him to come to purify.

Be steadfast in faith for the day of judgment.

Justice, Righteousness, Truth.

Which is yours, when living in the world?

At your deathbed, you will not have the time.

Now is the moment.

Quickly change to come back to your Father.

Asking for Him to forgive your sins.

Today come back to Him and pray.


Children, this is the message that I desire to see you put into practice in this period of time.


Hurry and share with the brothers and sisters for them to wake up, for them to be in constant prayers, for them to repent.


God can come at any time.


I am always ready for you, for you to come to My protection.


Come to Me children.


I will help you.


I love you very much.


Lucia, if you have the chance, let everyone know about the messages from Father and from Me.


This cannot be delayed much longer.


Some people will accept and change after reading the messages. Some people will disagree and think little of these messages. Do not worry about that, because I have assigned this work to you.


Blessed are those who believe and follow. They will be saved.


As for the ones who oppose you, do not worry, Father will have a way with them.


There is not much time left.


Be dutiful and do not let your spirit be troubled when there are people who do not accept.


Be steadfast in your faith, as Father has told you in the first messages.


I want you to be strong in your mission to testify for Father.


I thank you.


I love you very much.



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