Blessed Mother at the Establishment of the Eucharistic Sacrament


April 9, 2020

The Catholic Faith focuses on Jesus, the Son of God made flesh. That is the most important thing. Mother Mary has a role in the plan of the salvation of humanity and the Church founded by the Lord, especially in the work of establishing the Blessed Sacrament. Let us listen to Mother’s words on Holy Thursday, April 9, 2020, the day commemorating Jesus’ establishment of this Most Holy Sacrament.

Mother said:

[…] I did not sit at the same table with the holy Apostles, with the Lord at the Last Supper, because there was an organized program with signs left to the world, with the establishment of the Church in a spiritual way which God accomplished through the holy Apostles as recorded. But I truly was always by Jesus‘ side. I acknowledged everything Jesus did, starting from the moment He washed the feet of the holy Apostles until the moment He sat at the table to establish the Blessed Sacrament.

Mother united to Jesus more deeply:

 Inside the window, every second, every minute, I continued to observe and to note. With deep prayer, I lifted up to God the Father. I knew all the things that Jesus would do in the coming stages. This is an opportunity for Me to tell you so that you can better understand. Because an age will have many stories that are not yet recorded in history and there are also many stories that may not be official yet.

 Her role is more important when She contemplates Her beloved Son every hour, every minute, everywhere:

“[…] Mother marked the Eucharist into Her Heart before the Lord entered the Garden of Gethsemane […]”

Mother continued:

 Indeed, what is recorded does not have anything wrong, but there are only additional things. […] In that last Supper Jesus had certain emotions, which He said were matters that happened as the Holy Spirit enlightened.

 That is not important the importance was that God saw that all the Apostles were still very weak. The Apostles were timid and simple. They did not understand the world, because when people truly live in sincerity then they do not know the shrewdness, things that people cause in thought, in action, through the deeds they have done […]

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