Be Calm and Quiet


IMG_3715February 12, 2013

Blessed Mother:  The things that you have been talking about are the things that I want to say and send to this world. I truly want you to take the position of a normal person, and for all the things that you are receiving, I would like you to report everything as is, because these are the words that the Holy Spirit Who is in you wants to say, and to report all the thoughts and the words that are from God, as well as the words that I want to send to this world, especially in these days and in this time period.

There was a lot of turmoil and there were a lot of horrible things that have happened the way humans wanted, so then today, they have to suffer the consequences of their own choices, but I would like to remind all of you that the Mercy and the Love of God are everlasting, even if you are sinners and have greatly offended God, especially during these times. In everything, God will have a way to give you salvation in these remaining days.

My beloved children, this is not the first time, but throughout the years I have given many revelations to this world for people to know the truth. There are still many things that people will continue to see and there will be strange things that will happen unexpectedly, that will frighten the whole world, in the remaining days.

I have said that everything that was written in the Gospel will happen in this last century. I would like to remind each of you to be steadfast in your faith in God. Whether something is right or wrong, whether it is real or not, it is up to each of you to have your faith renewed, face to face with the Holy Eucharist, face to face with the Mercy of God, face to face with the celebration of Mass, and each of you need to be pure to receive the enlightenment that God is giving in these end times to allow you to recognize the truth and to come back to God.

My beloved children, what has happened in the past days were the sign for humans to clearly see. The changes that have caught everyone by surprise. When you hear these news items, with your human eyes, you probably consider them as normal, but for those living in faith, these changes have been mentioned by God in the Gospel, or by the prophets through the revelations given by God. It depends on each person on how they believe in these things. The things that are good and beneficial for the spiritual life and the things that humans need to have for their own direction and their spiritual lives, if they do believe. Humans should not analyze everything when things happen, but humans tend to question and analyze, they tend to look at things in a negative way, and only a few have a positive outlook on things. For this reason, the understanding and the vision of humans are lacking in regard to the things they have to deal with, especially in their spiritual lives.

All the things that you have reported, all the things that you have received, and have spoken up about the way you feel, give all of them to everyone in the world, if they are truly seeking.

There are certain messages that you need to hold on to, for the moment. When it is time, and I wish for it, then I will let you know and you will do it.

As for the present, give all the messages to the brothers and sisters, for them to know, and to those who are listening, for them to prepare their spiritual lives at this moment.

What I wish for My children who are listening is for them to be calm and quiet, for them to live in intimate prayers with God at this moment.

Spend more time to come to adoration to feel and comfort God in these moments. There are things that are happening and will happen that greatly grieve God, and God suffers with all the events that are currently going on in this world.

There are those children who already believe that God is present in the Holy Eucharist, lively waiting for His children to come to comfort Him, to come to receive what He wants to give to each of you, in this generation, for each of you to see, so that you can pray for the brothers and sisters, pray for the world, pray for the priests, pray for the Church, and pray for what God will send. The justice and the truth will be revealed, in front of God and everyone.

This is what I wish for you to accept, for you to complete your duty in the work that you are doing. You are still shy and fearful, but there are certain important things that you cannot linger on. You definitely need to accomplish the mission for which God has chosen you and that I want you to do. These are the most essential things that I want to say to you at this moment.

Children, be steadfast in your faith at this moment. Do not let yourselves be shaken by anything because I have told you about all these things, so what you need to do now is simply to be quiet. You do not need to discuss anything, be calm in your prayers and come to the Holy Eucharist to spend more time to comfort God, for you to be close, to receive the things that God wishes for each of you.

Continue to serve, continue to glorify God and continue to bring His words to this world. That is the proof that God gives, for those who do not believe, to believe, for those who do not understand, to understand, and for those who do not know, to accept the truth. This is the truth, which never changes, as in the eyes of humans. Whether they believe or not, this is the truth, everlasting and eternal, which will continue in regard to the things that God is doing through the Holy Eucharist, coming to this world, using the people to whom He has revealed, to get close to mankind.

This is the truth that I want to prove and to say to you, to strengthen the faith in each of you, and to give you perseverance with the things you have to deal with. Continue to stand firm and continue to do those things that need to be done so that the things from God will be soon accomplished according to the plan that He has arranged for you.

Today I will end here. L., do those things that I want you to do. May My peace be with you. What was needed this morning: you have to complete all your works. Have the time to come to God and continue to receive the words that God will give to you in the next hours.

I love you very much. Goodbye L.


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