The Six Kowtows – the Last Key in History


July 21, 2015

This is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit through L.

L.: O God, it is 3:54 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, at home. Today, though it was late, we had the opportunity to lift up to God the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, to especially thank the grace of love that God reserves for us – to be able to pray for a person who just passed away today, a person whom our sister, C., was concerned about, knowing him as a person who did not know God. In the final moments of his life, sister C. was able to see the importance and the value of the last remaining moments, so she devoted and dedicated herself to sit by his side and pray for him.  He passed away in the arms of our sister, C., while she was praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary.  Our sister, K., also prayed for the deceased person and informed me of the important things that I must do, to be united with the brothers and sisters to pray for souls who do not know God but in the final moments are able to recognize the love of God, giving them the opportunity for an encounter – through us – for them to receive some consolations.

I am convinced he felt sorrowful for not knowing God his whole life, and in his final moments he saw the people who know God by his side; though he did not have any family members with him, he had people who know God, who love Him, who were concerned for his soul in his final moment; so through those prayers, through our collaboration, God answered our prayers and he passed away peacefully.  This is a grace God gives to the dying and also to let the survivors know that in the way they pray they were able to help a soul, with God’s blessings.  We do not know what might have been, but we know that God loves them and He died for them, including us; because we have been touched by God’s Mercy, we know the significant value of the soul in the moment we encounter God to be the happiest in life. There is nothing else that can describe it, so we have to learn to see with the heart in order to learn and listen to God’s words, to be concerned, to love others, even the ones who live their final moments.

O God, Your great love has conquered all the children (1); even if they spend a lifetime being obstinate, hardened – in the final hours their hearts are also touched and kindled because Your love is so infinite. God so loved mankind, with love for the stubborn, for the souls that are about to end up in a place where they do not recognize God, and God allows those souls to return to the Divine Mercy and the Divine Love of the Supreme Being, who is present and has been present for ages. Please help us recognize our souls’ worth, thanks to the Blood of Jesus; He came into the world, He came in the flesh for us to recognize His teachings, His actions, His deeds, His words, and the sacrifice through death on the Cross, to bear all the burdens, the human sufferings in despair. If without the light of Christ, if without the blood of Christ, if there is no death, how can people have the opportunity to receive these blessings? So all that we had and have with the blessings and the graces are from the love, the Divine Mercy, and that invaluable Blood to replace and transform, giving people a chance in the final moments. 

O God, who else can do that but a Father whom we seem to have forgotten throughout the years in life? We did not recognize that love; we lived a life in the ego and personality, in our own freedom, until we encounter troubles, sufferings, sicknesses, and tribulations, only then do we start to consider giving up that kind of life. God does not condemn our indifference, God does not condemn our coldness, and God does not condemn the offenses committed against Him one way or another – He always welcomes us with open arms, when we are sick, when we are healthy, when we are worn out in life; when abandoned, rejected, we languish in the crushing failures of our emotional life – in a life looking for certain things to please the flesh, for something in the void that humans tend to store up and to gain for themselves. When we encounter failures, sorrows, diseases, many things of the human world, destiny, the ways of the world, facing sorrow, defeat, despair, only then do we seek God. In those moments of frustration and of despair, God was beside us; He was with us even before those moments of frustration and despair. Whether we know Him or not, God still loves us and always waits for us, for us to know Him, for us to recognize Him, for Him to bless us and lead us in His loving embrace and in His protection. When speaking about this, then everyone in the world has the opportunity to recognize and to be immersed in the grace and the love God reserves for humanity, not to mention the death of God, not to mention the price of God’s Blood, not to mention the divine things left in reality – full of the authority, full of the sacredness from His Body and Blood that God handed over to us for the remainder of time so that He is still with us, till the final day of the world. O God, because of this, we still have hope, because of this unique thing we still have the opportunity to recognize the light, the Gospel, God’s eternal love which is still bestowed upon our human race.

O God, what can we use to repay, what can we say to offer thanksgiving with all our hearts? In today’s time period, in today’s world, in general, how many people know God, how many people understand this love, how many people live according to the doctrine He taught? That love does not bring us chastisement or misery or suffering; God always gives us hope and gives us the opportunity to return in order to change one’s own life and recognize God’s love. O God – in the past years, in the most recent times, and at this time, His voice resounds through the Holy Eucharist. There are miracles in every century; this was reminded to the world through the miracles God revealed, for mankind to know the inherent mystery still present in the world. These miracles happened in every generation to remind people in every time period of the liveliness of the Holy Eucharist of Christ; the liveliness and the encounter with God give us the opportunity to recognize the truth that God is still with us. Today it is too obvious: because we do not believe; because of shallowness in the life of faith; because of things in the flesh according to the normal and banal, human point of view, with the narrow and weak vision from inexperienced eyes – we do not know what love is, what grace is, and what the great and divine sublimity God left to mankind are.  These are the evidence; let us use the moments when we can be quiet to see that God’s blessings are everywhere, that God’s graces are everywhere. We are still breathing, still smiling, still having the strength to step out into the world; although in life there are still many ups and downs, still many difficult challenges to deal with, still many obstacles to our physical and spiritual life, we do have certainty when we know God and we do have peace when we come to Him. When we believe in God, we have entrustment; we discover the treasure of love, and the treasure God reserves for us in the divinity that is nevertheless tangible when we accept, when we seek, when we believe in God’s grace.

All of this has been vivid in today’s world with God’s teachings, at the places where God gives the vivid words to remind each child, each soul, each role, the communities, the children assigned by Him, who are the beloved pastors He chose as apostles, who are selected in the ranks of the Church to receive God’s blessings, through the divine graces, through the functions in the Church, for them to constantly pray together, to be united to celebrate the important Masses – the Holy Masses – to be united in the same spirit to lift up toward a Supreme Being. The first Person who started was indeed Jesus, the first Person to institute the Holy Eucharist, the first Person with the Apostles, in the moments He entered into the Passion to celebrate that mystery, that was the day, that with the Apostles, He instituted the ritual to hand over His Body and His Blood to humanity. That was reminded through the Holy Mass and the Church continued to proclaim it till this century; there are things people receive that they consider as a habit but in reality these things are also the duties, that at the right time, the children need to recognize – to have recognition in life when we are God’s children, when we are the Christians, the people who are baptized, and we continue to do it over and over, with the teachings from His doctrine, with the graces we receive in the Body and Blood of Christ.  That does not end in the normal ways with the human, narrow thinking but helps our inner lives, our souls, our understanding and our reasoning, for us to choose the right path, to choose holy things, to choose what is spiritually good, with faith – then God will have a way to help us understand the meaning of love, the meaning of the doctrine, the meaning of a human relationship with God, and the meaning of being a human person with one another.  God always brings us happiness by giving us peace in the soul, and gives us so many things, with the desire for us to be able to live in a peaceful world, a loving world, a forgiving and patient world.  As He forgives us, He wants us to forgive our own brothers; we need to keep God’s teachings as the foundation for us to overcome the difficult days, the days of sufferings, the days of ordeals, the days of exile on earth.

O God – because He is God, He clearly sees all things, He understands what will happen to His children, with wrongdoings that will bring extremely serious consequences. So in everything God already knew beforehand; He was ahead of things, to give and establish, for mankind to have the connection; in the divinity, God pours down graces; God silently blesses the children, for them to keep that sanctity and in reality to be touched through the Body and Blood of Christ. Those are the signs of history and thereby the foundation of a Christian, the foundation of a child as a Christian. From there, there still are certain implicit things that we can discover in life, from the doctrine, from the Gospel, from the commandments; we can look back at past things in history, in each stage, with the stories which are the examples given for people to learn good things and to face all aspects when we believe and we come to God.  Today these words do not come from humans; human understanding lies within a limit, but we can hear and we are being reminded, with the Gospel, with the liveliness that Jesus is still among us till this day. Therefore only He has the right, the right to give us a chance, to give the dying person a chance to recognize the life of the soul, for that dying person, whom all his life did not recognize God, to be able to receive the grace at the end, from the brothers’ and sisters’ prayers for him.

So in life when people know God, it is not from facing God individually but they rely on loved ones, from those who love God, who know God, from the prayers, for God to have mercy on their souls, for them to die peacefully, for them to reach a harbor that is not a place of punishment because of their own sins. God is a merciful Supreme Being, God always gives us the opportunity. For this reason, the wick of the flame is still flickering because God does not want to extinguish it. With a broken reed that is no longer standing, that is tottering, God still gives it a chance, a support for it to stand, in order to save its soul – let alone the children in this world. The children who, many times, have betrayed, have stumbled, immature in faith, with many things done without having a foundation in truth: they become people who oppose, who do not believe, who are stubborn, who are hardened and indifferent to God’s love, indifferent to the death of Jesus through the Cross, indifferent to the Divine Mercy, indifferent to the invitation – in one way or another – that Jesus brings to humanity today.  There are also the children of God who are listening, who know, who are able to hear but their hearts are still dry and cold, their hearts are still hardened; they are causing troubles to those around them from their inferences, their thinking and their selfishness; it is that selfishness that brings doubts, inferences, and much suffering to the people who are in their ministries – due to misunderstandings, due to errors.  It is because of the narrow-minded ways that people must have a compassionate heart, a charitable heart, a sacrificial heart, and a benevolent heart toward one another.

O God, humans always bring sufferings to one another, unintentionally or deliberately, they continue to torment one another; instead of a little love, a little sacrifice, to bring peace and happiness to the family.  The stubbornness,  the deliberate acts, the things done in a dictatorial way, cause the wounds in the heart of the wife or the husband to end up with more hurt feelings, from the lack of understanding for one another, from the attacks toward one another, from the selfishness, from the dictatorship, from the arrogance and the haughtiness, thus causing the family life to be more stressed, to be sadder, to be increasingly submerged by the thinking and the inferences. Starting from there, the devil will creep in and it will seek to destroy at all cost, to destroy everything; instead of love that brings good things, it will bring words of criticism, it will bring words that are not right, it will sow in those weak in faith, it will sow in those who tend to always infer and judge others, causing troubles to the families that are really happy but do not know how to keep that happiness; so people cause sufferings to their families, they cause things done unintentionally or deliberately to become worse; they are not happy and their opponents are even more miserable.  O God, there are many families like that: husbands who do not fulfill their duties, fathers who do not know how to educate children, mothers who refuse their responsibilities; from there families end up broken, end up in divorces, to satisfy lust, to satisfy the flesh.  Then the husband ends up with another person, the wife as well, and the children are now scattered all over, therefore they grow up with violence because they do not receive a father’s care or a mother’s love, and with the families broken up, they grow up in the nations where they reside and they commit crimes. Society today has enticed and caused the youth to live frenetic lives, they only live to please the flesh, for what they desire, for things from the ego, while the souls lack instructions, the souls do not listen and have shut their doors – for the devil to take over. So what happens to the families happens to the communities, affecting and spreading to the entire world. 

In today’s society, people accept to bear all situations that they feel awkward with and their consciences also feel uncomfortable when faced with certain situations that today are accepted – the freedom of same-sex relations; the freedom to kill, the freedom to kill the sacred, human lives – the babies in the womb who should be loved, should be pampered in a special way, yet are killed due to human immorality, human promiscuity, the lack of moral foundation from people who commit mistakes, who then out of fear for duty and responsibility, choose to eliminate these babies in the way of human wickedness.  From there, the devil crept in and was able to triumph because the souls were foolish and continued in that way. Gradually, in societies, there are increasingly more bloodthirsty crimes, yet people look at them with indifference, as if those crimes are part of the civilization of the times, thus eliminating and extinguishing all the duties they must bear responsibility for. Evil grows and continues to expand each day – thereby people accept the issue that has become a fearsome threat because people are burning their own souls, their own consciences, and the most beautiful things God gives to humans on earth.  We can see that this is against morality and also contrary to the creations of a God who gave us wonders from the beginning, but this world’s foundation is without morality; it is self-destructive, with numerous threats to our lives and to our children, yet people still proudly accept the civilized societies. From a nation that welcomed so many of God’s graces, that used the Ten Commandments as the main point in life, today, the situation is reversed because mankind followed civilization, seduced by today’s modern era with its cloak of comfort, they have forgotten God and they have forsaken God; they face their duties and responsibilities with sloth, in a life without faith. All these things are threats that we can only see exteriorly; there is still evil, in our daily lives, just like the person who can kill six, seven people without any hesitation; just like the person who holds a knife to kill, to cut the throats of others; nations that oppress people with guns; innocent women and children beheaded, with force, with rape, with the use of even more terrifying, disgusting acts than the devils, in ways that people should not use to treat one another.

Let us look at what happened and is happening as a preview of things we learned through the Book of Revelation, through the Gospel, with the visions from the saints in times past. Everything will have happened in the remaining days; God sees and hears, and He has the power to prevent this, but because we choose freedom, because we choose the path to take, because we decide to go down that path, God leaves us the freedom to choose. Everything given by God completely belongs to us; if we listen we can follow a doctrine to save our lives right now in this world and the life of the soul later; if we do not listen and decide to follow our own paths, then God is very grieved to see us living a debauched life, a life in crimes, a life in disobedience, a life in sins. He is painfully sad because He created us; He wanted us to live in peace, in happiness, with everything that He provided and gave, for us to have sovereignty in life on earth. We have sovereignty over all animals, we have sovereignty with all the creations in the world, but we fail to see what we receive from God. We do not offer any word of thanksgiving for His graces; we betray and reject His graces; we reject everything in plain view of our sight to follow the demands of the flesh; we prefer things that cannot bring us any benefits; we satisfy the desires for lust; we look for something new, something unusual in life; we fail to uphold our own responsibilities; and we continue to live with those sins. There is a price to pay for those children who do not recognize the Gospel, who do not follow the laws of God, who are resolutely stubborn and headstrong with the thinking and the inference in their limitations and in the arrogance of their knowledge – the normal and ordinary human knowledge. 

For this reason, there are many disasters that plague today’s world in general and the families and individuals in particular; everything happens for a reason, for God to be able to see the extent of humanity’s acts in the remaining days; but God cannot hold back for the days He can continue to give to humanity because God had waited too long for us. Over the centuries, what He said continues to be reminded through the Church, to repeat the rituals which give life to our souls, which give us hope for the sufferings we create.  Many times in life, we have unintentionally or deliberately offended, yet God’s love wants to take us back to the source; it is time – God never hated us but He hates sin immensely because sins distance us from Him, sins cause us to be far away from God, and sins will make us lose the faculty of reasoning, the conscience, and even the soul. We cannot see its seriousness but God sees it, so He ponders because He wants to come to save us, to light up the flames that are totally blown out when we disobey Him. Because of what we do not know, we naively go on, so God came on our behalf, to be subjected to the death penalty, with the scourging, with the marks of the nails, with the stripes that we should have endured because we are the perpetrators rather than the Second Person of God.

For the large human population that was still engulfed in the darkness, unable to see the light, God brought the truth, He brought Himself, and He brought a lesson to go down in history, with a body to be shown as a proof to the world, so that when we look at it, we cannot deny it. We must look at that history – a history of love, a history of redeeming people from the darkness back to the light, a history in which the heavenly world is opening its doors to welcome us. We must experience the joys and the sorrows of life, we must overcome the challenges, we must overcome the crosses we already choose for our paths. God always gives us happiness and hope but inasmuch as a human life already lies in sin and death, this is something we must accept, we must endure while we are still in the world though we do not endure alone because Jesus walks with us.  He consents to be in our lives, He consents to meet us and He gives us the opportunity to meet; so although there are ordeals, if we call upon Him, if we call upon His Name, we will be able to meet Him, more or less, in our lifetime.

Let us look at our bodies – as long as we still breathe, we have already received God’s grace; for us to still exist till this day, throughout many events in life, if today we still exist, we can still speak, we can still go to work, we can still do what we want – that comes from the blessings and the graces. We have not once said thanks, we have not once done a penance, and yet we already act out of our extravagant and conceited nature, judging, blaming, and offending God. O God – He already gave us too many opportunities, but we destroyed ourselves and we committed wrongful acts; yet God does not condemn because He is a Person with power, with might, a Person who can do everything. If He does not allow, then there would be no appearances; if He allows then despite what humans do, the appearances will happen; He is God so no one can describe His strength and His power. We already saw His power and strength, as in the story of Moses who led people through the Red Sea.  While his people crossed the sea safely, the Pharaoh and his people drowned in the heart of the Red Sea. That was what we saw, in history; God is the Mighty One, He may chastise or punish us, as in the time of Noah, with the deluge; we saw His authority and all of His deeds when He also punished Sodom and many sinful towns.

Today, it is the same, with no difference; there is still time, the breath that we breathe here is the blessing, the grace given from God, for us to identify the path to return, for us to welcome a new day when we awake in the present life to return to God’s love, to return with the prostration, to return with a grateful heart, with a thankful heart, asking God to forgive us for the things done unintentionally and deliberately in life, in which every person has had falls in the earthly world. Not only that, when we recognize the things that we hear, that we know, when we are touched by His love, we also have the duty to help our brothers, we also have the duty to proclaim, to testify, to live as taught in the Gospel, to bring God to the other brothers because they do not know, because they act deliberately, because they are our loved ones – husbands, sons, brothers and sisters. These relatives of ours are still in a state of stubbornness – hardened, relying on earthly things – in money, in fame and fortune, in pleasures, while they let the soul withers. They no longer feel anything from the spiritual life and they do not even know who God is; they go to Mass every day or every week, yet their hearts are hardened, and they completely act contrarily to all the teachings from God. Let us look back to see that they are no strangers but they are people who are close to us – our loved ones; so we must be responsible to voice the truth, to bear witness to Christ, with the graces that He gave, is giving, and that are present in the world today, to help our brothers before the day on which everyone must face the fairness and the justice before God.

All of these things are daily reminders the Holy Spirit wants to give us in the last days of the world, the days we must face, with the moments we must go through with the purification. God said – as with all things – that when people are still breathing, when the world still has sunny days, these are things we have from the blessings bestowed by God, but we must know how to use them, we must know how to take advantage of them, to strengthen the life of faith, to strengthen the life of the soul, which so far we have neglected in our coldness and dryness. These are the words God gives to the human world today; these are the words He gives for us to vividly encounter again the same Gospel that 2,000 years ago the Apostles wrote down. Today, He comes directly to bestow upon humanity with a sign He left for us to forever remember; in the Last Supper, Jesus gave us His Body and Blood, and He promised, “I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

We already know about that miracle happening in each generation, we are able to admire and contemplate it; today is also the day God allows the miracle to happen, intimately, for us to hear God’s voice, in the messages He gives in the remaining days, for the warning before the day of purification, for us to prepare for the day when we inevitably must face the hurricanes, the storms, the earthquakes, the natural disasters, the epidemic diseases, the wars and the things people cause and for which they must bear responsibility in the remaining days.  So everything had been foretold for today’s generation. In terms of graces, God allows us to know so much more in order for us to take a shortcut to meet Him and ask for His forgiveness, when we are lonely, when we are alone, or when we encounter certain circumstances in which we no longer have the chance to meet with the Church, to meet the people around to help us. Here are the Six Kowtows – the last key in history; the Six Kowtows bring us closer to a God whom we never before recognized, for whom we never opened our mouths to say thanks and never practiced what He taught. The Six Kowtows address the six meanings that we cannot forget in life; we cannot erase the days we live in the flesh, with a soul; we certainly must study and recognize the importance of the last key that God gives to humanity today. 

Speaking of this last key, Mother Mary is the Person selected in humanity; Mother always walks closely with our human world; She is also the Person God the Father chooses among humans to become the Queen of Heaven, and She became a mother on the day Jesus came into the world in the flesh. Mother bore all the responsibilities in order for all of us to have this day, for us to be closer to God in our lives. In terms of virtues, in terms of perseverance and patience, in all aspects, our beloved Mother Mary is perfect before God the Father. We no longer have the time to refuse according to way of humans; we cannot refuse to speak to Mother and we cannot refuse to know Her; we need to understand the meaning because Mother is responsible for helping us in the remaining days of the end of the century.  Let us listen, in the first day when Eve ate the forbidden fruit, what did God the Father say when He knew it was the serpent that enticed our Eve? God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, on your belly shall you crawl and dirt shall you eat … a descendant will strike at your head while you strike at that woman’s heel. (2). That woman has not appeared in the earthly world, that woman is a Person acting silently in the past months and years, over many centuries. That woman walked in the program, that woman bore God; He is the Second Person of God whom we already know about; with the price of His Blood, He completed the mission, and as planned in the program, returned to the heavenly kingdom. 

What is left is the sacred, holy bread, which is His Body through the bread, and the wine left is His Blood, to save us and to remind us of the day God accepted, in the divine nature, to give us the mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ, which will be everlasting and will never change in the divinity God bestowed. As for what God the Father promised, this has not yet appeared in the human world.  These are moments for us to look further into history in order to clearly understand why in this time period God gives so many messages, why God reminds us of so many things, to teach each role, to teach each class, to teach a remaining era.  What has never happened before is happening in today’s world – the profound words of love, the words of God leading us from the darkness back to the light, the words repeated through the Gospel, the words repeated in the commandments that we definitely cannot cast aside. We are standing on the sidelines; we are totally defeated by the evil spirits that caused us to be swayed because we do not let our souls realize what God gives us. We allow our bodies to be weak; we allow sloth, lust, selfishness, the ego to be in us; as for our souls, our hearts that lie deep in holy things, in the marrow and in the bottom of our hearts, we do not look for, we do not allow those graces, the words that resound – by the truths, by holy things – to grow through our deeds and our actions. We have been covered up by today’s world with all the pleasures for the flesh; we yield and we become lazy according to the human point of view; we only know to serve money, fame; we lose so much time and face so many ordeals to seek and to fight to win over a part in the human world, over wealth that will become null and void. Everything that comes from nothingness will return to nothingness; money will become null in the earthly world, but what is earned for the soul, what is left for the soul are the offerings we need to have, which are the deeds, the actions, charity, faith, the practices from the bottom of the heart, with heart, with the truth that human beings can do, can practice, with the history and a doctrine given to humanity from God.

Regarding all those things, why is it that in recent days there have been many articles reminding us?  It’s because in today’s world, we have witnessed the control of evil over a powerful nation that left us troubled, with the beginning of legislations that are contrary to morality, with the laws regarding same-sex marriages.  There are many things that will start from there and will bring diseases that are extremely disastrous and that will spread to the beautiful, good things God created for us. And interiorly, there are even more things steeped in crimes, in fearsome violence and in disgusting acts, from humans who today are the evil spirits in disguise, that are in control all over.

Only God can know that, only He can help us with that, only He can continue to be patient with loving words and His mercy, to save us from the surrounding of the darkness and sin in today’s world, with the most intimate words, with the most audible words, with the normal and ordinary things for us to be able to understand, with sentiments, with heart, with advices, with the Heart that shed blood for humanity.  He continues to give us the closeness, for us to hold out our hands for Him to grasp.  His Divine Mercy spreads all over humanity as a reminder that even though we have fallen into the snares or we unintentionally have committed offenses, we still have hope in Jesus through Divine Mercy.  This is something that existed and still exists at this moment; God healed countless souls that returned to Him, He healed many incurable diseases, He healed when we believed and we sought. That was done and is being done so we do not have any reason to disbelieve or to reject what had been and continues to be poured down upon us through the blessings and the graces. These are the truths; God continues to invite us and to give us the opportunity in this period of blessings and graces before the purification of all things; so the words given today, the words we are reporting in this moment are from the Holy Spirit’s inspiration for our human world. There are so many reasons for us to return, there are so many things for us to choose for the life of our souls, for us to rise up from the darkness in order to return to the light. God forgives and is ready to forgive His children.  You who have not yet heard, allow yourself the opportunity to hear; who does not yet know, seek to find the things you need – for your souls, for the soul of today’s world, for God to remind us, directly or indirectly.  Let us not be quick to judge, to deny, to refuse in our limited point of view and lose the opportunity for our souls, because we have many things that cannot be kept forever in the earthly world; someday we must return to dust, we must leave this world and our souls will return to a place, a worthy place God has given us. 

So at this moment we still have the opportunity to practice what we want, to practice in holiness to earn the rewards for our souls, by the life in which we need to practice, by the life to which God invites us.  God loves us, so He also wants us to feel that love and to practice with the love we receive from Him, for us to know; then when we believe in God, we love Him and we become righteous – we become perfect. That is something certain so let us not miss the opportunity to receive the love and the grace in the remaining days with the direct and indirect words which we have the opportunity to listen to again, in the liveliness of the Gospel, in the time of Jesus through the Holy Eucharist in today’s world. The Divine Mercy and the Living Water are always ready, waiting to be given to humanity in the final moments of the end of the century, for us to be sanctified and transformed in God’s grace.  Please help each of us to open our ears to listen; to open our eyes to see; to open our souls to feel; to open our hearts to love, to be loved, to recognize the right things and to differentiate between evil and darkness so that we may avoid and practice for ourselves, for us to face and trust in God in all circumstances. 

If we hope to still be able to survive with the new world, then we would need the opportunity to receive the blessings, the help of the angels and of the saints, through the Six Kowtows, through the prostration with heart, for us to still have a chance. If we cannot survive then at the time we must leave this world, let us be steadfast in our faith in God, to firmly believe in our hearts that God loves us.  In the days in which we hear and know, if we repent and return, then we also have a part in the heavenly kingdom that God promised to those who persevere, who are steadfast, who are faithful.  In a day that is very near in today’s world, everyone and every knee must prostrate before our God and must return with heart, with soul – from the body, the soul, and the heart. God, please have mercy and forgive us, for us to return to You, to a place You have given us the opportunity – through death – a place prepared for us. For us to be worthy to come into that place, to have a chance in that life, we need to renounce right now all immoral things, to be ready for the day on which we cannot avoid the fairness and the justice before the court of God, in the last remaining days of the century.  Today is the day God continues to remind mankind of the importance, the key, of the meanings of the Six Kowtows, to lead us and to give us the opportunity to repent in the days announced in this time period. The love and the real liveliness through the Holy Eucharist has revealed to us so many things that enabled us to see the heavenly kingdom; God came and arranged for us a great program; so let us welcome, let us unite to proclaim, and let us return in the prostration to prepare for the day when none of us can avoid the fairness and the justice before our God.

In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our God, on this afternoon, L. narrated all the words inspired by the Holy Spirit, received from lifting up the Divine Mercy Chaplet asking for these words.  L. and K. are bowing for the words received, inspired by the Holy Spirit, completed at exactly 4:57 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21, 2015.  One more time, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I thank the grace of God, praise God, glorify God on behalf of all the brothers and sisters who are ready to hear, to listen, and to practice. Thanksgivings and praises to our God, now until the last moments of our lives; let us practice, persevere, especially for those who are called to a life of service; to also invite in a special way those who do not know, for them to have a chance to recognize and to know, in order to practice with the signs that God teaches us.

I thank God, God the Holy Spirit, and Mother. Let us continue through the intercession of Mother; through the revelations; we know that this is the opportunity for all of us who serve to be more active, to try proclaiming more, to try harder to testify, in order to help the brothers and sisters in life when they recognize the significance of the return by the prostration with the Six Kowtows. People must return by the heart, by the soul, by a repentant heart, and they absolutely must be prepared to face all aspects in the earthly world. Please help us to persevere, to be firm, to rely on God’s grace through the Six Kowtows; through that prostration, we receive the assistance and the protection in the divine grace God gives, and we are forgiven in the months and the years in which we still have the days to choose to practice good things, to renounce to the sins we always commit. One more time, I thank God, God the Holy Spirit, and Mother Mary. Amen. Amen. Amen. L. completes this message at exactly 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, at home, with L. and K. Amen. Amen. Amen.



The anonymous messenger, L., is an American immigrant from Vietnam. L. leads an intense prayer life that focuses on attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and adoration of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. L. receives the messages by way of interior locutions and is able to capture miraculous images of the Eucharist on her cell phone’s camera. When Jesus gives L. messages, it is as a loving Father to His children (for more on this please see the homepage of 


  1. This sentence is clarified several sentences later, where it says, “giving people a chance in the final moments.” Jesus’ mercy does not save all souls. Each soul chooses, but great mercy is extended to souls before their judgment.
  2. This sentence is not to be taken as a direct Scripture quote. In the first part of the next sentence, it means not in the flesh after Her earthly life ended.


New Revelations Through the Eucharist

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