I Still Come to Bring You Salvation



November 7, 2013 – 6:17 p.m.

Father: My beloved Lucia,

Today, you wish to be able to receive a message about the things on your mind, and you are also thinking about the people that you are praying for.

My beloved L., today is a message that the Holy Spirit is guiding you clearly about many things in this generation, which so many people have not been able to recognize, My history* over 2,000 years, the teachings that I left to the Church, the events that you are encountering in life, and a life for you to revere and to accept with all of your faith. I just want you to make your choices voluntarily, to make your choices for a spiritual life, to make your choices for worship, and to make the right choices for your own benefit so that you will be able to see the history and the truth, so that you will not deceive yourselves in the things that you are able to see and to compare, in the present.

In this world, there are so many things that you have not been able to recognize as coming from the truth. You tend to look at things in the same way, out of habit, including worship, you do not even try to clearly understand everything that I give to mankind, the ability to reason, to think, to compare, so that you know the situations that you have to face, the things that you need to decide for a spiritual life, for the life of your souls, for the future, for the present, and for the things that you face daily in life.

My beloved L., there are so many things I have sent to the world. Everything that I did 2,000 years ago, the stories are true, for My children in this world to be able to understand and to learn about in catechism. You need to make a lot of decisions about a lot of things, you need to know which path you have to take, and which path you can rely on in your spiritual life, for your faith to enable you to see the miracles in each of your lives.

You do not know Me, but I knew you. I created you. I had given you many opportunities for you to be able to recognize Who God is, a Person** Whose Name you usually say with your lips, Who also knows everything going on in this world. Truly, you have not yet understood and you have not yet chosen the right path where you can recognize that the Most High is a Person Who is very close to you, Who is a tender Father, Who is waiting, Who is always giving you the opportunity to meet Him, the opportunity to come back to the truth, if by your faith you are looking to come back to the truth.

My beloved children, speaking about this, maybe I should talk about all the many sides in the life of a person when that person truly believes and looks for a life of worship, because that person knows that everything written in the Gospel is true. The Church continues to bring you the Good News, to bring you the teachings that I left for mankind. Even the miracles that I always give to each generation are through real events, and not just through books for you to understand and to analyze. In those miracles, there are divine mysteries that cannot be explained, but only with faith will you be able to see, to recognize the grace that God is giving to this world. I give to My children, I give to the people who are truly searching for the truth, who are searching for what they long for and wait for. I never refuse My children, even when they have known or do not yet know, even when they refuse or they do not want to know. I give My Love equally to all of you. I came into the world not just for only one person, or for one community, or for only one race of people. I came for all of you, in every class in society. I came to everyone in this world, who are the children created by God the Father. He had created mankind. The Passion of Jesus Christ, by coming into the world, by the Holy Cross, had saved your souls from sins, brought you into the light, helped the life of each person to have a clear teaching, from one era to the next, for you to have the teachings to guide you in this world. Besides, I had established the Church for you, so that you can have the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, and for you to keep receiving the graces that I give to the whole world.

My beloved children, today you are receiving this message through the Holy Eucharist, which is the revelation that I give to this generation. I have come, to give and to strengthen your faith, to remind you of the Source of Life that you have forgotten in your spiritual lives. Through the years, through the generations, you have spent time looking for the things that do not bring you joy, that do not give you the things that you pray for. I always give to the children who listen, who practice the truth, who perform good deeds in this present life, for they deserve to reap the rewards from their works.

There is one thing I want all of you to accept and to listen to, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity had come into the world, He had come to redeem mankind. Whoever believes in the Second Person of the Holy Trinity believes in the Most High, the tender Father, the One Who has power over all creation. He has power in heaven, He has power on earth, and in all the situations that you currently encounter. With faith, your prayers will be answered with miracles from God, Who gives to each of you in proportion to your faith.

I just want for all of you who are in this era, with the history written in the Gospel, through the evangelization of the priests and the Church, about the miracles, about the truth that I give to you in every era, I just want all of you to recognize this truth, for you to easily obtain the salvation that Jesus Christ had given to you, coming into the world. He had brought you out of the darkness and into the Light. You have to search for the truth for yourselves, the things that are important in life, the things that you encounter, for you to realize that you need prayers, that you need to have a life of absolute trust, with trust in the Most High, with trust in God, with trust in the Most Powerful. Only I can bring joy and peace to the world.

My beloved children, everything was clearly written in the Gospel. People who are searching with a sincere heart will not end up with empty hands, you will have satisfactory answers, depending on your faith and your longing hearts. I just want to let everyone be free to decide for their own spiritual life, for their own faith. When you act with your hearts, when you act by your own will, everything will turn out to be good, because your desires come from your sincere hearts, and with sincere hearts you will be able to receive the graces that I give to you. No one can, with their faith, to be forced to follow the trend, to be forced to follow the era, you have to follow the way that you need, for your own needs. I just want for all of you, who are My children, who have the benefits that I, through the Passion, had obtained for you, in order to bring you back, for all of you to look deeper to understand the graces that I give to My children on this earth.

You are the precious pearls that I had to exchange with the price of My Blood, for you to be able to come to the eternal place that I had prepared for you. You have to decide for yourselves. You are living in the present, there are problems you have to face, and there are situations you have to endure with patience. You have to look for the truth in everything, for your faith and for your worship to be authentic, so that the truth will enable your lives and your hearts to have the spirit of worship. This will bring you joy, happiness and hope in everything that was and had happened in the world, which were the signs that over 2,000 years ago, I had come to this earth, to endure everything for mankind. If there was no salvation, no one would have been able to be freed from the veil of sin that had covered you since the beginning, through every era, and up to this last generation.

In every era, it is up to each heart and up to each person to choose the life of faith for oneself, so when you make the right choice, and you can recognize the truth, then that means you have chosen from your hearts. With divine grace, you will be able to find happiness in your lives, to live with hope, and to have a place in life to entrust with your faith. This grace will help lighten your yoke, it will help lessen the worries, the trials, it will help you deal with the diseases, it will help you look into things that are righteous, things that are the best for you to do in your lives.

This is the teaching that you already have, through the love that I want to send to everyone in the world, besides the things that you have learned about, and the things that you can recognize in this world, with the brains that I have given to you, for you to be able to search and to learn, for you to find the main purpose in life, in order for you to find the Mighty One to worship. The teachings of this Mighty One will help lead you away from the mistakes, from the lures of the world, from the sins, from the errors, and to help you to recognize righteousness in the world. This is an everlasting truth, over thousands of years, that I want to give to the world, when you truly recognize the life in which you trust in the Most High, in which you trust in the Mighty One Who has power, in the Mighty One Who has a generous heart, Who is tender, Who loves mankind, with the works that He does, with the history testifying of His Love for the world. Through many generations, His Love is still everlasting, still unchangeable, still waiting for people to change, but how long will it take for people to decide, and will they be able to decide while they are still alive? As for Me, I absolutely still wait for you and I absolutely still give you the opportunity, but you are the ones who do not give yourselves the opportunity, you make the wrong decisions on the path that you take, and so you are lost, and you cannot receive the graces that will help strengthen your faith in the Most High.

My beloved children, the people living in this generation have so many beliefs. Some believe in this religion, some believe in that religion, and there are so many in today’s societies. People have erred from the beginning, with the teachings that I had left to the world. This is what I want, for you to recognize with this message, for you to recognize and to go back to your roots, from the moment I created you. I give to you everything in this world, from the sky, to the earth, from all things in nature, to the animals, I give you power over them all. From this, can you recognize Who the Most High is, Who the Mighty One is, having power over heaven and earth, Who the One is Whom you have to worship, Who the One is Whom you have to serve? This is the duty of the children, this is the duty of the people whom I had created. Do not forget this and look for the things that are not valid in life, the ones whom you worship are humans, they do not have any power and they cannot heal you. You only need to see to know the truth. Do not err and do not believe in everything that you only show respect to.

My beloved children, you already have the teachings, and the guidance from the learned people, the knowledge from theology as well as the reasoning that they look for in the truth, they all have explanations. There is only one thing that you cannot explain. Jesus had died for mankind out of love, and that love is everlasting, and to this day, is still alive, to lead the children who have gone astray to come back, even the sinners who are living in debauchery. My Love is still waiting for you and I give you the opportunity to recognize this and to come back. The Light through Divine Mercy and the Heart of Love*** is waiting for you through the Holy Eucharist.

These are the days in which I wish that this generation will recognize the miracles that I give to this world, through the revelations, for you to recognize the truth in this world, for you to no longer err, and that it will not be too late when you recognize this truth. In these days that you are presently living in, you will recognize the endings in certain things, the ending**** in each individual, the ending in each life, the ending for your eyes of faith to recognize Who the Person is Who can bring you a spiritual life in peace, in happiness, Who the Person is Who can heal you from diseases, Who can heal your souls. I still leave you the freedom in this generation.

I just want to send this message to everyone, to all of My children, to all of you who have erred your whole lives. You live a gentle life, you do good things, you have not done anything against the moral principles, but your biggest shortcoming is your failure in recognizing the truth of the salvation that was given to the world, by the Death of Jesus Christ.

Behold, all those who believe in God, who believe in His only Son, you will have salvation in this world, and in the next world as well. All of you who are able to recognize the truth are the children of God, the children of the Church. You who are the people who accept with your own faith in God, you will reap the rewards, the gifts that I bestow on the children in the family. So there are many different ways for you to look into and go deeper. At this time, I just want to send this message to all of you. For those who do not know, it is not too late now for you to know. For those who did not know and now know, then look to come back to your home, to come back to your tender Father, to come back to the salvation that I obtained for the world. Everyone has the salvation that I brought to the world, and to either accept or deny it is up to each individual when they recognize it. My Love still waits and still gives you the opportunity. Everything has its own reason, everything has its own phase, for you to be able to receive the grace that you have from the things that I give to you, although there are certain things that you do not want to receive, that you reject. It is your own decision. Everything has its limit. There will a period, a time, for you to be able to come back in time, for you to be able to recognize the truth, for you to be able to recognize the salvation from God, so that you will not err with your present faith.

My beloved children, your lives go through phases, and there are opportunities for you to encounter, for you to recognize, and for you to see the things that are righteous, the things that are from the truth. You need to have a clear truth for you not to err, you need to have your lives in order, so that you can worship, so that you can venerate in a worthy manner, and for you to recognize from your hearts.

My beloved children, there are times in your lives when you might have rejected the truth, rejected everything that you heard and knew. You only live in the familiar way of your families, in the familiar way of your ancestors, and continue to live in such a way that it has become a habit. You do not look for the truth, but the truth is everlasting, it gives you the opportunity for you to choose your belief, for you to choose the worship that is befitting for you, because the soul is something very important, which you need in this life, as well as in the next. That is the most noble decision you can have in your spiritual lives, that you need to have, for your faith to be strengthened, and for you to know the things that come from God, the things that come from humans, the things that come from the saints, and the things that come from the people whom you need to respect.

God the Father: There is only one truth, the truth from heaven, given to you through Jesus Christ. It was the sacrifice of My only Son, Who made it possible for mankind, from sin, to come into the light, the light that I give to the world through the salvation from Jesus Christ. This is clearly a definite truth, so that there is no mistake in your faith or your worship. In life, you recognize the situations where there are sufferings, difficulties, diseases, tribulations, so do the humans or the religion that you believe in have the power to change all that? How about the power to help the dead to be resurrected, the lame to be able to walk, and the sick to be cured? 2,000 years ago, the Person Whom you worship in every era, this Person had truly came to this world, He had cured those who were sick, He had resurrected those who were dead, and He had worked miracles.

Father [Jesus]: In this world today, could those miracles that I had done, could they be explained by your science, by your medicine, or by your technology? These are the things that you need to look at for you to know whether you have made the right choice in your worship, in your faith, in your trust. There is only one Father in this world for you to worship, there is only one Person who had created the universe, and all creations, including mankind. Do not err, because when you err you cannot receive the graces, you cannot make the decisions, and you cannot find the truth that you have the right to.

My beloved children, every individual has to go through these phases in life: to be born, to grow old, and to die, but there is something more noble, more beautiful, more divine, and that is the soul, the trust, and that is when you truly believe in the graces that I had given to the world. Especially for this generation, I have done so many things that cannot be described by words. Just know that if you believe in a divine world, then I am present but invisible. This is not a fairy tale, or a story that people can make up and can look for. You know that I had done so many things in a divine way, I had done so many things for My children. I had healed My children. Only with trust will you receive, but because of your faith, you are still hesitant, you still have to think. Because of your ego, because of your stubbornness, because of your obstinacy, you cannot find the truth that you worship, and this has caused you to lose many opportunities, this has caused you to lose many occasions for you to live in peace, in faith, and in trust.

In this life, there are sufferings, there are crosses. The cross is for each person to either accept or refuse, and you will end up with this cross even if you refuse it, even if you fear it, even if you hide from it. When you recognize the truth that teaches you to accept, accepting does not mean that you will have to bear the sufferings alone, the difficulties, the diseases, but accepting means that you have faith, and from this faith, you will receive the grace, the grace that I give to you, from My miraculous power. The road where you have to face your crosses, the road where you have to face your difficulties, the road where you have to face the reality of your diseases, you will have a different perspective, and you will be able to bear it all, when you have faith in your lives, because your faith enables you to entrust yourselves to the power of the miracles that I give to My children in the world.

I want for everyone to be able to recognize everything that is hidden from today’s societies, that has not been found yet. You continue to look in books, in the Gospel, in history, but there are certain real events through the power of the miracles that you are able to hear, and these events, combined with everything that is being reminded to you, are the opportunities for you to choose your life of faith, for you to no longer err, for you to have a beginning, starting with the moment when you are able to hear, to know, to come back to the truth, for you to receive the graces with your faith in the Mighty One.*****

I always love, I always forgive, and I always give to My children. I am the One Who has power over everything. I want mankind to have happiness, I want mankind to have peace, I want mankind to have hope, but you have made your own decisions, you have distanced yourselves from Me, you have rejected the salvation that I give to you, you have rejected the divine, the power of the One Who loves you, you have rejected the One Who had created and given you life and death. This happiness, this acceptance, whether in an optimistic or pessimistic way, or in an extreme way, is up to each person. In the moments of sickness, of sufferings, of challenges that you cannot resolve yourselves, you will need to have divine intervention or help from the miracles, for Me to save My children in this world, for you to recognize that life is not as complicated as you think, not as complicated for you to always worry about, for you to always disagree with the truth.

I alone bring Love to all, I alone bring Love to humanity, I alone give you this present life, the life of your souls, the next life. So everything that was true in the world still goes on today, and My Love is still waiting, helping you to hear, to see, and to recognize. You all have the opportunity to come back, you all have the opportunity to recognize, you all have the opportunity to receive the miracles that I give to all of you. Your faith is the start for you to see the miracles in this world, the miracles that I give to all of My children, and because they had believed, they will have, and they will receive the answer to their prayers. I will definitely give, and always will give to My children what is the best for them in this present life, to help their souls, to help their minds, and to help with their decisions in their lives on this earth. In the sufferings, in the resignations, in the trials, if you have faith to accept, to trust, then your lives will have meaning, according to the teachings and the truth that I give to the world.

My beloved children, this message is My reminder to all of you. It is not too late, because I come to bring the sinners back, I come for the people who do not know, for them to know, and I come to bring you Life, which you most need in this present life, which is the faith for you to have peace in your souls, for you to have hope, for you to have joy in this present life and in the next life. Through My revelations, everything was known through history, but it could be that you have never recognized My Love, that you have never known Me, just as you have never believed in Me, you have never worshipped Me. You are the children whom I had created in this world. Even if you have erred, even if you have not accepted Me, even if you have sinned, no matter for how long, I still come to bring you salvation, I still come to bring you My Love, to forgive all of you. I only wish that in the moments of tribulations, you will give yourselves the opportunity to receive the things that I had sent and that I had given to this world. I had given you the opportunity to meet Me through Divine Mercy, no matter whether you believe in Me or not. I still give this generation the graces in these remaining days, for you to come back to My Divine Mercy, the Divine Mercy that I give to mankind in this remaining century. The things that I do for you to have the opportunity to recognize the last graces, even when you are facing your last moments on this earth. Recognize and come back to My Divine Mercy for you to believe in this truth, for you to be healed in your souls, in your bodies, in your minds, with faith in your hearts, and with your own decisions. Come back, and reject all the mistakes in your lives, then you will definitely receive the miracles that I give in a divine way to My children in this world.

L., the prayers that you have for the brothers and the sisters, for loved ones, for acquaintances, offer them all up to Me. Continue to pray constantly on their behalf, for them to know the things that you know, for them to hear the things that you hear, on their behalf, for them to do the things that you do, to come to The Divine Mercy, to pray.

The acceptance of My children, when they recognize My Love through Divine Mercy, will heal them. You will be healed in your souls, from your diseases, with your faith. Everything happens for a reason, for I see the past, the present, and the future. You live in the limitations of your vision, but the future is something that I had seen for each of you. So I just want you to come to My Divine Mercy that I had promised to all of you, with your faith, to come with a repentant heart to My Divine Mercy. My Divine Mercy will help you to recognize the things that you need in your lives, for you to receive the graces, for you to be transformed, for you to be sanctified. I also allow you to recognize the moments of quietness in your souls, for you to recognize My Love, through the Holy Eucharist, to meet you, to meet your hearts, to meet you in the moments when you look for the way back, when you meditate upon the truth, in the history that I had left to mankind.

The message that I send to you today has caused some concerns, for you and the other brothers to pray for the people who are in need of the graces for them to receive the healings for their souls or for their bodies. I want to send this message to the whole world, for the people who are in the situation in which they have not been able to recognize, for them to know that this is the opportunity for them to recognize, which is a strength that I give, through the power of the Holy Eucharist, for all My children in this world, to have the opportunity to receive the graces that I give to all of you.

Come back and believe in My Divine Mercy. My Divine Mercy will help you to stand up and to recognize yourselves, for you to make the decisions voluntarily, for you to receive the things that you believe in, for you to find the things that you trust in the Mighty One to give to each of you. You have to accept the situations in the present. You are not traveling alone. When you have faith, then you have to trust, and your trust will help you to overcome the challenges and will help you to be strong in your lives. No matter what situations, no matter what challenges or sicknesses, every person has their own lot. You will definitely have to overcome everything with perseverance, with acceptance, then you will have your answers by receiving peace in your souls, by receiving hope and trust, so that your yoke will be light, and for your to have hope and joy in the peace that I bring to everyone.

I just want to bring peace to all of My children. No one comes to Me without receiving the peace and the Love that I have for each of you. With your faith, you will receive that happiness, that you most need in this generation, that you most need in every situation, that you most need in every class of society, for faith, for trust, for love, and for peace to lead you through the most difficult phases of your lives. You will have hope, in this day, tomorrow, in this present life, and in the next life.

This is My message for you today. I hope that this message will help those who are worried in their faith life, who are hesitant in their choices, who are looking for a way back, to help you to be able to come back to Me. Come back with a longing heart, come back with a righteous heart, come back to a love that you have been searching for, for love to meet Love, then you will be able to live in peace, you will be able to live in happiness. I hope for the days when you are able to receive the truth, the truth that I give to mankind.

May My peace be with you.

I love you very much.

Goodbye children.


Completed receiving 7:10 p.m.
* “History” referred to in this message refers to the facts surrounding Jesus’ life on earth recorded in the four Gospels.

** The one God as a “Person,” not confused with the three Persons of the Trinity, in the same, simple way we refer to “God” as “He,” for example; that is, as a person.

*** That is, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is literally the same as the Holy Eucharist (as revealed in the Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy). From Jesus’ Heart emanate the rays of Divine Mercy as revealed to St. Faustina. Jesus is saying in this sentence that if one wants to receive the Light of Divine Mercy coming from His Heart, then one is to go to adoration and, if one is a practicing Catholic in the state of grace, to receive Him in Holy Communion.

**** These endings are opportunities for each to be reborn. See John 3:3-8, Ephesians 4:22-24 and Colossians 3:9-10.

***** In this paragraph, Jesus is emphasizing that heaven’s new, miraculous interventions, including private revelations, have not been recognized as the spiritual powerhouses that they are. In our era, as in past eras, God uses miracles to open hearts to what He has to say. As St. Paul says, “Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophesying […]” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20).

New Revelations through the Eucharist


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