Children, Wake Up!



August 24, 2013 – 8:46 p.m.

Blessed Mother: My beloved L.,

You are looking at the photo of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima that K. e-mailed to you, for Me to look at you and for you to look at Me through My statue, for you to be able to see the Holy Eucharist, along with My children who are there tonight with Me.*

My beloved L., I would like to speak to you, to send this message to the world.

My beloved children,

In one year, I have appeared in many nations and visited many places.

I simply wanted to come to you to bless you, to heal you, and to strengthen your faith. I wanted to share the trials in the daily lives of the people – in the nations, in the poor places and also in the places that are prosperous.

My statues have shed tears on many occasions, for you to see how close I am to mankind, and to the world.

I grieve for the misery of mankind, for the lack of food, and especially for the soul of each person in the world.

There are so many things done against the teachings of God, against His statutes.

I grieve for My children, for the nations that I have visited.

My beloved children, as in any era, I always visit you, watching the trials that you have to endure, caused by the sufferings from wars, from the evil power of the leaders, who are taking advantage of the people under their governance, who end up suffering the most in cases of wars.

My beloved children, there is no justice in the world.

There is fighting, there is competition for power, there is independence in the world.

With the population in today’s world, the number of people who have love in their hearts for others is indeed a small amount from all the nations in the whole world.

This is a sad fact for this generation.

There are few good deeds and few people who live a righteous life in today’s societies.

The majority of people lead a life of doing things to please themselves, in their own free will. They do not recognize the things that come from the truth, which God gave to the world.

There is a large number of people who have left their religion, to follow the demands of their own ego, always allowing their free will to lead them to passions, to wicked intentions, to evildoing, to greed, to selfishness, to money, to fame, to power.

There are so many things that grieve Me when I see My children deep in the abyss of sins and buried in the pleasures of the world, causing their souls to die. They do not care for the life of their souls, which is something that they need to take care of, for the present and for the future.

There are some of My children who come to visit Me who come to ask for the things that they need, but in their daily lives they continue to live in selfishness, in competition, in evildoing towards others.

I am afraid for these people.

I am afraid for their souls.

They are caught in the traps of the lures of the world.

My beloved children, how many times have you heard these words from Me?

I allow you to see this truth, for you to understand that I have come to you, to always protect and help My children, who do not have the strength to resist temptations, who do not have the strength to withstand the disasters, facing the trials that are caused by mankind to each other.

I have seen the suppression in the world, and the offenses to God through the sins committed.

Countless people are killed.

Innocent babies are killed.

The goal of the people who have evil in their hearts is to obtain the power for themselves, for their own ego, causing sufferings to the children, to the brothers, to each other.

They use weapons and other human creations with the evil purpose to eliminate, to kill, through the use of this most horrific invention by mankind, the nuclear weapons.

The destruction by these kinds of weapons is not only death but it will keep causing damages to the land with its radiation, and will result in horrible consequences upon the lives of the people. You have seen the devastating consequences of this weapon in the past, and today the threat of the use of this weapon is imminent.

God has seen the intentions of mankind.

So many times, He wanted to punish the evil people, and the chastisements would have affected both the good people and the bad ones. So many times.

I and Jesus have prayed to God the Father, to appease His anger, and to give Me and Jesus the time to help give His children the opportunity to come back.

Jesus had shed His Blood for the world.

Jesus had accepted the sacrifice.

Jesus had taken upon Himself all the sins of the world, facing God the Father.

For this reason, God the Father had held back His Hand, waiting for His Only Son and for Me to speak to you.

Time has gone by.

What is going to happen next, you have heard, you have known.

There was a beginning, and there will be an end.

In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. God created mankind.

He allowed mankind to be the master of all the creations on the earth.

Throughout the eras, how many people were truly listening to the teachings of God, how many actually practiced the teachings of God, from 2,000 years ago, when Jesus came to the world, and I was there?

In this era, in these end times, there are still people who do not know God, there are still people who deny God, there are people who kill and who do things without conscience.

There are people who kill their brothers, who burn the churches, who fight each other and who follow their own false doctrines, which do not come from God, but come from mankind, for the use of evil actions.

Children, you keep committing sins.

The churches that were burned were the places that the nuns, the priests have consecrated their lives to do charitable works, to help the poor, to help the orphans, and so many other works that need their generosity and their dedication.

In societies where there are sufferings, where the lowest and the poorest people are, there is the love of God, through His children who are serving, who are dedicating their lives to do the works that no one else is willing to do, the kind of work that the majority of people, who live in selfishness, do not think about, for those who are poor, who are diseased, who are sick.

There are so many things that people need to recognize.

If you do not have the eyes of faith, how can you be worthy to be the children that Jesus Christ had redeemed?

My Son had shown you the Way and had done everything to bring you back to the Truth,
to give mankind freedom and hope, for mankind to receive eternal life from the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Who had made it possible by opening the gates of heaven, to help mankind respond to the invitation and to come back to the Truth.

Children, you have been baptized, you are Christians, you are the children of the Church. You have forgotten your duties, your responsibilities to God, your spiritual life, which you should practice daily, to come to the Truth and the Love that God gives to everyone in every era.

For Love, He had died on the Cross. Have you already forgotten this? Do you not testify to this? Are you rejecting His Love? Even I had shed tears of blood for the world. You can see My grief. I hope that you believe, that you find the Way that was given to you, through the death of My Son. My Son had redeemed your souls with His Blood.

He continues to do so.

Until this day, He still worries, He still intervenes, He still appears, He still forgives, and He still blesses.

Recognize the Love that God has for mankind. Could there be any more infinite Love than this, for one Person to sacrifice Himself to save all of you?

How can you be indifferent to this truth?

You refuse to do the works that you could have done for your brothers to believe and come back to God, by putting an end to a life of deceit, of evil, of pursuing the passions and pleasures of the world, and to look toward heavenly things.

Do you think that you are worthy to receive the gift that God has given to you?

My messages are all over the world, reaching out to all of My children.

My messages are for the lost sheep, for the children who have left home, for the children who are deep in sins, for the children who have sold their souls to the devil.

The devil is indeed ruling all over the world, from within the family to society, from within the community to all ranks of people, because evil and sins are increasing while righteousness is decreasing.

Sins bring death to souls, to bodies, to the future, with the degeneration in societies, of which you have been able to see the horrors committed, with things done without love towards each other.

Killings continue with the use of weapons, among nations, competing with each other, with violence towards each other.

I have seen so many things.

I just want to remind you to come back to God.

Come back to Me.

Through the Rosary I will help you. Together, we will triumph over the evil raging in the world, with the killings of the innocent babies, the killings of the religious people, the burnings of churches and places of worship. There is so much evil in the hearts of men. If you do not pray with Me constantly, offering your Rosaries, offering your Divine Mercy Chaplets, if you do not pray fervently, then how many people in the world will be able to receive salvation, how many people will be able to go to the place that God has prepared for you?

My beloved children, there are so many things in this era and today’s society that I am concerned with. From families to communities, to the places where you have the opportunity to get together, you need to learn how to act towards your brothers with your consciences, to treat your brothers with justice, without causing harm or injustice to them.

My beloved children, there is so much grief in the world that you live in. People have been too proud, they are relying solely on themselves, they are offending God with their disobedience, with their arrogance.

This way of living will lead you to a place without a way out, trapped in the net of a world manipulated by evil, failing to see the light of the truth, failing to see the Love that brought salvation to mankind.

There are so many things I can see and want to remind you about.

Stand up, children.

There is only one choice that you can make for this generation, which is for you to come back to God.

Come to meet God.

Remember when you were baptized, when you became the children of God, the children of the Church, the Christians who were chosen in the world.

You have to know what you need to do, what you have to face, what you need to choose for yourselves in order for you to avoid the pitfalls, to avoid the traps that harm your souls, your bodies, or you will end up in those places that do not have joy, that do not have peace, because you do not have God with you, because you do not look for God, because you do not have a life of faith and especially a life of prayer, for you to be able to have God, to have a spiritual life that everyone must have.

This is what I want to say to you, for you to see the importance for the need to have God in your lives.

God is the One Who has power over your lives or your deaths.

He is the One Who has power over the events that are happening in the world, over the tribulations, the threats.

There are so many things I want to say to you.

There are people chosen to be prophets, to bring the messages from God and from Me to the world.

God has allowed these messages to be sent to the world, for this century.

God has allowed you more time for you to change your ways, for you to come and meet Him, for you to recognize the graces that He is giving to you, before the end, so that none of you can complain that you have not recognized the messages, that you have not been warned beforehand, for you to be ready to face God, and for the just who have listened to be rewarded with the graces that God will bestow upon them.

As for the children who have betrayed God, the children who have chosen the ways of evil, of sins, of greed, of lust, of the passions of the world, they will end up in the place of their own choices, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.

Children, you have not seen the sufferings of the souls who are prisoners of the bodies, who lack conscience, who lack reasoning, who cannot refrain from doing evil, who are blind and deaf and hardened in their hearts.

This is what is most fearful, the people who have hardened hearts, indifferent hearts, cold hearts, they will end up at the end of their lives in the place that they have chosen, because they did not recognize the messages from God.

God has given everyone the opportunity to come to Him.

I have also appeared at many places, for you to see, for you to listen to My warnings.

No matter how sinful, no matter how disobedient, once you recognize your mistakes, repent and come to God, to ask for His Divine Mercy, for Him to sanctify you, for Him to transform you, to receive the blessings that He is giving to you, through the Holy Eucharist.

There are many extraordinary things that you cannot understand, that God is working on to bring you closer to Him, for you to find the truth, for you to have salvation, for your spiritual lives.

Each of you needs to come back to God by practicing His commandments.

You have to worship, you have to revere the King of the universe, the Father of mankind, Who is treating His children with Love and Mercy.

Children, you have forgotten about the things that need to be done, you have forgotten to use your thinking to make decisions for the path that you are taking, today, tomorrow, and the things you have to face, so that your decisions are based on your recognition of the Divine Mercy of God and His graces, to help you to overcome your ego, your pride and your passions.

This is the righteousness that God has taught you.

His statutes are for you to live with peace, to live with happiness, to live with love, to live with patience, and other things that come from His teachings that He left to mankind.

He has also come to meet you through the brothers in the world, through His priests, through His religious brothers and sisters, to give you the opportunity to find the truth, to find holiness, to find righteousness, and when you believe and pray to God He will answer each of your prayers.

L.: O God, You have allowed me to meet Mother, for this message from Mother to be heard by all Her children, to remind them of what they have forgotten, for them to learn to have a righteous life.

Blessed Mother: The first thing that you need to find in your lives is to accept God, to understand His teachings, to find the truth that He gave to the world, to listen to the messages that He is giving to the world.

He is inviting His children to receive, to listen, to come back as Christians.

You have to come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to receive His forgiveness, to listen to the advice of the priests, who will help you come closer to God, to the things that you are longing for, to righteousness, and to the truth.

With the things that I wanted to say today, I also want the children who are living in sins to stop their evil ways, to take a look at their past lives, to take a look at their present lives, and to think about the future, to give themselves the opportunity to look for God, to give their souls a breath of fresh air.

Only God has the power to give you the peace that you need to have in your lives, to continue on your journeys in this world, for you to find ways to deal with your trials, to accept and unite with God in His Passion.

You need to turn to God to be unburdened, to find the time to meditate on the blessings that God gives to mankind in every era.

The goal in your lives is how to find God, how to meet God, to receive the eternal life that is waiting for you in heaven, the life that everyone has the right to have.

God had given salvation to His children through His Blood, to sanctify them, to purify them, and by His death, to bring His children back to the truth, with a meek soul, with a righteous soul.

People need to have their souls as their foundations, and their faith will help heal the wounds inflicted upon themselves by their sins.

There are many other things that will be revealed to you, when you spend the time with God.

With faith and with recognition, you will be able to come closer to God, to come closer to Me.

You need the support to know the Divine Will of God, for you to know the arrangement that works out best for you, in this world.

Every person needs to sacrifice, every person needs to pray constantly for the Church, for the brothers, for the people who have denied God, for the people who are on their way back to God, so that you end up with faith from the revelations through the Holy Eucharist, from the prophet that God has chosen to bring His messages to the world.

During this time, there are unexpected events that might happen, to the souls and the bodies, with the evil one trying to lead you into a place of darkness, where you do not want to go, so your decisions while you are still alive are very important, for the sake of your souls, for you to accept, in order for you to trust.

The people who have God with them can see things clearly.

It is His teachings that you need to learn, to clearly understand, and to practice, instead of competing with each other, instead of hating each other.

People can easily see the things that come from God and the things that come from humans.

You have to go through experiences to differentiate the things that are right, the things that are wrong, the things that need to be done, the things that are evil, and the things that are good.

This is also to remind you to be prepared for the tribulations, for disasters, for wars, for famine.

There are many events happening to the world, so you need to make decisions for your spiritual lives, to ask for forgiveness through the Divine Mercy of God, to ask for sanctification for you to be worthy.

There are so many sufferings, so many sins, and so much evil in your present lives. These evil ways have offended God, and you will have to abide by the decision that God has predestined.**

No one can refuse and avoid what was predestined, so the decision has to be made, for you to choose the happiness, the eternal life, things that are valuable for you, for your souls, for this life and for the next life.

My beloved children, this message, through the statue of Fatima, is for the world, for My children who are living in sins, for My children who are lost, for My children who have forgotten the life that they received through the Sacrament of Baptism.

You are the children of God, the children of the Church, Christians in this world.

You are responsible to live a righteous life, in the truth, and especially with love and peace, the life that God is inviting you to live.

I also want all My children to recognize and to accept the truth, to obtain forgiveness and to have peace in each of their souls.

God bless all the good deeds that you do, and you need to pay attention to the invitation from God, to come to His Divine Mercy.

With My message, I want you to come to God, to come to the Holy Eucharist, where He is present, for you to wake up, for you to stay away from all the things that do not come from God.

You need to be prepared to be able to face the tribulations, the disasters, the frightening events that will happen in these end times.

The people who are listening, who are prepared, they will be able to receive the graces from God, they will be saved because they believe, because they are prepared, and because they are lifted up toward God, with trust in Him, believing in the messages, believing in the prophets of the good news, believing in the prophets that are bringing the messages to the world.

This is My message to L. this evening, who has come to visit Me, who is staying with the Holy Eucharist, who is receiving this message from the statue of Fatima. L. is directly receiving this message from Me, for the world, for the brothers that L. meets in life, to strengthen their faith, to bring them peace, when they listen.

Even with the people who have not received God, in His Love, He also wants them to know His signs, which are love, peace, joy.

This is the basis for you to recognize the things that come from God, to recognize His teachings, to recognize the truth that He left to the world. God also wants His children to stay away from sins, which cause them to suffer, lose peace, lose faith, lose joy, bring harm to themselves, bring harm to their loved ones, bring harm to their friends, and bring harm to others they meet.

This is a most fearful thing for this generation.

You need to listen to Me.

I am waiting for your Rosary prayers, for your prayers in unity with Me, to pray to God the Father, to ask for His intervention in the events that are happening in the world, with the evil from people who are looking for ways to kill each other through the horrible weapons created, which will result in atrocious consequences to many generations, creating diseases, in this evil that is led by the devil, who is raging, pulling souls, leading souls astray.

Come back to God.

To receive His graces, to receive My message, you need to pray constantly, with your brothers, to continue in the works that you have been assigned, to pray the Rosary, to unite with the angels in heaven, to reach out to God the Father. I am praying with you to God the Father, for you to bring back the brothers that are in darkness. The failures of the world will become triumphs when the souls come back to God through your prayers. Through constant prayers to The Divine Mercy***, you will definitely obtain the intervention from God, you will definitely obtain the wondrous things He gives to you. With longing hearts and with your acceptances to collaborate with Me, with the angels, with the saints in heaven, you need to pray for help from God. God will intervene for the just people to come back, to receive forgiveness, and to see the sins of the generation, the sins that were done by mankind.

If you do not come back to God, then you know the place of suffering and wailing that the souls that are deep in sins end up.

The price to pay is the choice of the people who do not want to listen, who do not want to come back, who do not want to say no to evil.

It is your decision.

I have done what I needed to do. I have said what I needed to say. I have come to you, for you to see and believe.

What you need to do now is for you to change your evil ways, for you to come to The Divine Mercy, for you to pray the Rosary to ask God to give you time to come back, for you to live through the tribulations and for the conclusion that God is preparing for a new earth.

The people that will survive, that will remain are the people who have the protection from God.

This is My message to you, for you to listen to and for you to decide for yourselves, in every situation, in every rank, in every nation, and in the life that you have.

I hope that this message will touch the souls of My children, will wake you up, for you to be strengthened in your faith, for you to come back to God, for you to pray to The Divine Mercy, for you to pray the Rosary, constantly, so that together we can offer these prayers to God the Father, for mankind to recognize the truth, to receive salvation and forgiveness.

Through His Divine Mercy, God had given graces and time for people to recognize and come back in time, before the day of judgment, when God will say enough to the sins, to the evil that people do, which cause the children of God to suffer by this evil, by the sins committed against each other.

God does not ignore the sufferings inflicted upon His children, the evil done to the things He gives to mankind.

Children, wake up!

This is My invitation in these remaining days.

Your decision will allow you to know and to face the horrors, the battle between good and evil, for the Second Coming of God, for God to establish the new earth, which He has foretold to the world.

God always has Love for mankind, but everyone will have to face His Justice.

The living and the dead will have to go through this path, so that when people are still alive, they should make the decisions for their souls. In these times, and with the turmoil in the world, and the changes that you have heard about, if you do not prepare for your spiritual lives, to come to the Divine Mercy of God, then where are you heading?

You know the place that you are going to end up in, with the evil things that you do, your souls will be prisoners in the place of evil and sinful ways.

This is My message to all My children.

The Justice of God, the power of God will triumph over the things that do not come from the truth. You need to know this, especially in these times, and in this generation.

I have said what I wanted to say.

I hope that you will decide to collaborate with Me, to come back to God with your hearts, for you to be able to receive the inheritance of the eternal place that God has prepared for all those who are worthy to receive this great gift.

May My peace be with you.

I love you.

Goodbye children.

Completed receiving the message at 10:05 p.m.
* K., a helper of L.’s, is in one state in the U.S. with a group of people adoring Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament with a statue of Our Lady of Fatima to one side of the altar. (L. is in another state.) In this way, Blessed Mother is speaking as Our Lady of Fatima to L., which is confirmed later in this message.

** The “decision that God has predestined” refers to the reparation which must be made for every sin (the just punishment predestined by God, Who is both infinitely just and infinitely merciful, meted out to us here on earth, in purgatory, or in hell if one dies in the state of mortal sin). The meaning of this sentence may also be more general; that the good end up in heaven and the evil end up in hell. If this is the case, it must be noted that the Catholic Church teaches that predestination by God, while a mystery, does not deny man’s free will; thus predestination takes into account that we play an important and integral role in choosing our ultimate destiny in heaven or hell (as the preceding and following sentences in the message confirm).

*** “The Divine Mercy” is a title of Jesus going back at least as far as Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and is well-known from Jesus’ revelations to St. Faustina.

New Revelations through the Eucharist

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