New Revelations through the Eucharist

Children, Pray Constantly!


December 2, 2011


Children, pray constantly


1:05 p.m., at the Emmaus chapel



Father, today I enter the chapel without seeing anyone apart from the Blessed Sacrament. You are there in the pure white host. In the vast space of a large empty chapel with no visitor, I suddenly remember, why did I come here today?



That is right. It is My will for you to come here and see the truth, the daily loneliness, and the solitude I must endure. Not only here, but also in many other places, locking Me in that small tabernacle, rarely visited by people, leaving Me lonely and alone. Each day, I wait for My children, the children far away who still have not returned, and the children who are living in iniquity.


Children, you never understood, you never knew that I am present here, that I come here to save you and guide you in My protection. It is My blood that washed away your sins.


Children, when will you understand My Heart? Out of love for you, I left everything that belongs to a supreme King that the heavens and the earth must surrender and submit to. I come here, concealed in this small Sacred Host, humbled Myself to dwell in just a little host, enveloped in love, to live with mankind, to stay with mankind, under the sky I create, and witness the worldly life. Every day, many things happen in the world, in societies, in the Church, right in your families, and to every person in this world. There is so much suffering, so much injustice, so much bitterness, so much cruelty, so much misery, so much deceit, so much inhumanity in the way people treat each other. There are so many crimes, so many murders, so many repulsive, terrible, horrific, schemes created by mankind. Those with human faces, with hearts of wild beasts, controlled by demons, have sold their souls to the bloodthirsty creatures that are raging everywhere and all over the world.


You cannot see or know what is happening at this time. In the world now, the place where you live, there are no more serene and peaceful days. The world is increasingly heading down the path of no way out. The world is immersed in turmoil. Each day it is moving deeper on the path of destruction. Spiritually, physically, mankind self-destructs, fights, kills each other. From family to society, everywhere, all places are full of the troubles created by mankind, from people who are the agents for the devil to come into this world to destroy the best that God does and creates for mankind. The war between man and man begins. The war over interest in religion also begins. The war for global hegemony planned by the devil and man will continue and explode one day not too far away. There are also the fights of the respectable and famous elders of all times who are also lured by today’s world. Everywhere, there is too much evil. Mankind does not subdue and does not maintain what is left, the pattern of thousands of years has now completely changed and is the opposite, with the current extravagant life.


O so much misery for mankind. I am sorrowful, saddened, grieved. Children, as I see more of the present transformation, I am heartbroken and feel sorry for you. I used one way or another to appeal and purposely let you clearly see and know all things for you to avoid and understand what needs to be done and how to live with the present life. There are many things happening around you and in the whole world. Carefully look for what is truly right and wrong, right in the family, in the society, in the Church, in the parish, and what belongs to the character, the faculty of reasoning, the relationship between man and man towards each other. Moreover, you must learn to live a holy life, remove your personal traits, the ego that makes unreasonable and unjust demands in your minds. Even a small issue will grow and become a big issue that you do not even know and think about. It has been lying there waiting for the day to have the opportunity to unfold exceedingly beyond measure. In particular, the people who are specially gifted, pray constantly and cling tight to Me. In a loving way, the Holy Spirit protects you everywhere, at all times. You must listen and obey His holy will for you to be perfect and complete according to My plan and intention. Do not leave an opening for your ego to work that will easily lead you out of the plan without your knowledge. Be always alert and identify what is right and wrong according to the human will and reasoning. The graces that God bestows are used to expand the Kingdom and to bear witness to the truth. Strengthen faith in salvation and redemption. All the souls that are still living in iniquity need help. Bring them back to the love and the merciful Heart of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Teacher, the Father, the God, the King of the entire universe. From the heavens to the earth, all must surrender and bow down before the throne of God who is mighty and knows all things, from the mind, to the soul, and even the body, of each one of you.


Lucia: Thank God.


Finished writing at 2:50 pm.




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